* @doc INTERNAL * * @module RANGE.C - Implement the CTxtRange Class | * * This module implements the internal CTxtRange methods. * See tomrange.cpp for the ITextRange methods. * * Authors: <nl> * Original RichEdit code: David R. Fulmer <nl> * Christian Fortini <nl> * Murray Sargent <nl> * * Revisions: <nl> * AlexGo: update to runptr text ptr; floating ranges, multilevel undo * * Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#include "_common.h"
#include "_range.h"
#include "_edit.h"
#include "_text.h"
#include "_rtext.h"
#include "_m_undo.h"
#include "_antievt.h"
#include "_disp.h"
#include "_uspi.h"
#include "_rtfconv.h"
#include "_txtbrk.h"
#include "_font.h"
#include "_ols.h"
WCHAR szEmbedding[] = {WCH_EMBEDDING, 0};
// =========================== Invariant stuff ======================================================
#include "_invar.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
BOOL CTxtRange::Invariant( void ) const { LONG cpMin, cpMost; GetRange(cpMin, cpMost);
Assert ( cpMin >= 0 ); Assert ( cpMin <= cpMost ); Assert ( cpMost <= GetTextLength() ); Assert ( cpMin != cpMost || cpMost <= GetAdjustedTextLength());
static LONG numTests = 0; numTests++; // how many times we've been called.
// make sure the selections are in range.
return CRchTxtPtr::Invariant(); }
BOOL CTxtRange::IsOneEndUnHidden() const { CCFRunPtr rp(*this); rp.AdjustBackward(); if(!rp.IsHidden()) return TRUE; rp.AdjustForward(); if(!rp.IsHidden()) return TRUE; if(!_cch) return FALSE; rp.Move(-_cch); if(!rp.IsHidden()) return TRUE; rp.AdjustBackward(); if(!rp.IsHidden()) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
void CTxtRange::RangeValidateCp(LONG cp, LONG cch) { LONG cchText = GetAdjustedTextLength(); LONG cpOther = cp - cch; // Calculate cpOther with entry cp
_wFlags = FALSE; // This range isn't a selection
_iFormat = -1; // Set up the default format, which
// doesn't get AddRefFormat'd
ValidateCp(cpOther); // Validate requested other end
cp = GetCp(); // Validated cp
if(cp == cpOther && cp > cchText) // IP cannot follow undeletable
cp = cpOther = SetCp(cchText, FALSE);// EOP at end of story
_cch = cp - cpOther; // Store valid length
CTxtRange::CTxtRange(CTxtEdit *ped, LONG cp, LONG cch) : CRchTxtPtr(ped, cp) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::CTxtRange");
RangeValidateCp(cp, cch); Update_iFormat(-1); // Choose _iFormat
CNotifyMgr *pnm = ped->GetNotifyMgr();
if(pnm) pnm->Add( (ITxNotify *)this ); }
CTxtRange::CTxtRange(CRchTxtPtr& rtp, LONG cch) : CRchTxtPtr(rtp) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::CTxtRange");
RangeValidateCp(GetCp(), cch); Update_iFormat(-1); // Choose _iFormat
CNotifyMgr *pnm = GetPed()->GetNotifyMgr();
if(pnm) pnm->Add( (ITxNotify *)this ); }
CTxtRange::CTxtRange(const CTxtRange &rg) : CRchTxtPtr((CRchTxtPtr)rg) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::CTxtRange");
_cch = rg._cch; _wFlags = FALSE; // This range isn't a selection
_iFormat = -1; // Set up the default format, which
// doesn't get AddRefFormat'd
CNotifyMgr *pnm = GetPed()->GetNotifyMgr();
if(pnm) pnm->Add((ITxNotify *)this); }
if(!IsZombie()) { CNotifyMgr *pnm = GetPed()->GetNotifyMgr(); if(pnm ) pnm->Remove((ITxNotify *)this); } ReleaseFormats(_iFormat, -1); }
CRchTxtPtr& CTxtRange::operator =(const CRchTxtPtr &rtp) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::operator =");
LONG cpSave = GetCp(); // Save entry _cp for CheckChange()
CRchTxtPtr::operator =(rtp); Assert(FALSE); CheckChange(cpSave, FALSE); return *this; }
CTxtRange& CTxtRange::operator =(const CTxtRange &rg) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::operator =");
LONG cchSave = _cch; // Save entry _cp, _cch for change check
LONG cpSave = GetCp();
CRchTxtPtr::operator =(rg); _cch = rg._cch;
Update_iFormat(-1); _TEST_INVARIANT_
if( _fSel && (cpSave != GetCp() || cchSave != _cch) ) GetPed()->GetCallMgr()->SetSelectionChanged();
return *this; }
* CTxtRange::OnPreReplaceRange (cp, cchDel, cchNew, cpFormatMin, * cpFormatMax, pNotifyData) * * @mfunc * called when the backing store changes * * @devnote * 1) if this range is before the changes, do nothing * * 2) if the changes are before this range, simply * add the delta change to GetCp() * * 3) if the changes overlap one end of the range, collapse * that end to the edge of the modifications * * 4) if the changes are completely internal to the range, * adjust _cch and/or GetCp() to reflect the new size. Note * that two overlapping insertion points will be viewed as * a 'completely internal' change. * * 5) if the changes overlap *both* ends of the range, collapse * the range to cp * * Note that there is an ambiguous cp case; namely the changes * occur *exactly* at a boundary. In this case, the type of * range matters. If a range is normal, then the changes * are assumed to fall within the range. If the range is * is protected (either in reality or via DragDrop), then * the changes are assumed to be *outside* of the range. */ void CTxtRange::OnPreReplaceRange ( LONG cp, //@parm cp where ReplaceRange starts ("cpMin")
LONG cchDel, //@parm Count of chars after cp that are deleted
LONG cchNew, //@parm Count of chars inserted after cp
LONG cpFormatMin, //@parm cpMin for a formatting change
LONG cpFormatMax, //@parm cpMost for a formatting change
NOTIFY_DATA *pNotifyData) //@parm special data to indicate changes
if(CONVERT_TO_PLAIN == cp) { // We need to dump our formatting because it is gone
_rpCF.SetToNull(); _rpPF.SetToNull();
if(_fSel) GetPed()->_fUpdateSelection = TRUE;
Update_iFormat(-1); return; } }
* CTxtRange::OnPostReplaceRange (cp, cchDel, cchNew, cpFormatMin, * cpFormatMax, pNotifyData) * * @mfunc * called when the backing store changes * * @devnote * 1) if this range is before the changes, do nothing * * 2) if the changes are before this range, simply * add the delta change to GetCp() * * 3) if the changes overlap one end of the range, collapse * that end to the edge of the modifications * * 4) if the changes are completely internal to the range, * adjust _cch and/or GetCp() to reflect the new size. Note * that two overlapping insertion points will be viewed as * a 'completely internal' change. * * 5) if the changes overlap *both* ends of the range, collapse * the range to cp * * Note that there is an ambiguous cp case; namely the changes * occur *exactly* at a boundary. In this case, the type of * range matters. If a range is normal, then the changes * are assumed to fall within the range. If the range is * is protected (either in reality or via DragDrop), then * the changes are assumed to be *outside* of the range. */ void CTxtRange::OnPostReplaceRange ( LONG cp, //@parm cp where ReplaceRange starts ("cpMin")
LONG cchDel, //@parm Count of chars after cp that are deleted
LONG cchNew, //@parm Count of chars inserted after cp
LONG cpFormatMin, //@parm cpMin for a formatting change
LONG cpFormatMax, //@parm cpMost for a formatting change
NOTIFY_DATA *pNotifyData) //@parm special data to indicate changes
// NB!! We can't do invariant testing here, because we could
// be severely out of date!
LONG cchtemp; LONG cpMin, cpMost; LONG cchAdjTextLen; LONG delta = cchNew - cchDel;
Assert (CONVERT_TO_PLAIN != cp); GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); // This range is before the changes. Note: an insertion pt at cp
// shouldn't be changed
if( cp >= cpMost ) { if (pNotifyData) { if (pNotifyData->id == NOTIFY_DATA_TEXT_ID && (pNotifyData->dwFlags & TN_TX_CELL_SHRINK)) // Rebind TX cp if cell number decrease.
_rpTX.BindToCp(GetCp()); // or else we may be using the wrong cell.
// Double check to see if we need to fix up our format
// run pointers. If so, all we need to do is rebind
// our inherited rich text pointer
if(cpFormatMin <= cpMost || cpFormatMin == CP_INFINITE) InitRunPtrs();
else { // It's possible that the format runs changed anyway,
// e.g., they became allocated, deallocated, or otherwise
// changed. Normally, BindToCp takes care of this
// situation, but we don't want to pay that cost all
// the time.
// Note that starting up the rich text subsystem will
// generate a notification with cpFormatMin == CP_INFINITE
// So here, call CheckFormatRuns. This makes sure that
// the runs are in sync with what CTxtStory has
// (doing an InitRunPtrs() _only_ if absolutely necessary).
CheckFormatRuns(); } return; }
// Anywhere in the following that we want to increment the current cp by a
// delta, we are counting on the following invariant.
Assert(GetCp() >= 0);
// Changes are entirely before this range. Specifically,
// that's determined by looking at the incoming cp *plus* the number
// of characters deleted
if(cp + cchDel < cpMin || _fDragProtection && cp + cchDel <= cpMin) { cchtemp = _cch; BindToCp(GetCp() + delta); _cch = cchtemp; } // The changes are internal to the range or start within the
// range and go beyond.
else if( cp >= cpMin && cp <= cpMost ) { // Nobody should be modifying a drag-protected range. Unfortunately,
// Ren re-enters us with a SetText call during drag drop, so we need
// to handle this case 'gracefully'.
if( _fDragProtection ) { TRACEWARNSZ("REENTERED during a DRAG DROP!! Trying to recover!"); }
if( cp + cchDel <= cpMost ) { // Changes are purely internal, so
// be sure to preserve the active end. Basically, if
// GetCp() *is* cpMin, then we only need to update _cch.
// Otherwise, GetCp() needs to be moved as well
if( _cch >= 0 ) { Assert(GetCp() == cpMost); cchtemp = _cch; BindToCp(GetCp() + delta); _cch = cchtemp + delta; } else { BindToCp(GetCp()); _cch -= delta; }
// Special case: the range is left with only the final EOP
// selected. This means all the characters in the range were
// deleted so we want to move the range back to an insertion
// point at the end of the text.
cchAdjTextLen = GetAdjustedTextLength();
if(GetCpMin() >= cchAdjTextLen && !GetPed()->IsStreaming()) { // Reduce the range to an insertion point
_cch = 0;
// Set the cp to the end of the document.
SetCp(cchAdjTextLen, FALSE); } } else { // Changes extended beyond cpMost. In this case,
// we want to truncate cpMost to the *beginning* of
// the changes (i.e. cp)
if( _cch > 0 ) { BindToCp(cp); _cch = cp - cpMin; } else { BindToCp(cpMin); _cch = cpMin - cp; } } } else if( cp + cchDel >= cpMost ) { // Nobody should be modifying a drag-protected range. Unfortunately,
// Ren re-enters us with a SetText call during drag drop, so we need
// to handle this case 'gracefully'.
if( _fDragProtection ) { TRACEWARNSZ("REENTERED during a DRAG DROP!! Trying to recover!"); }
// Entire range was deleted, so collapse to an insertion point at cp
BindToCp(cp); _cch = 0; } else { // Nobody should be modifying a drag-protected range. Unfortunately,
// Ren re-enters us with a SetText call during drag drop, so we need
// to handle this case 'gracefully'.
if( _fDragProtection ) { TRACEWARNSZ("REENTERED during a DRAG DROP!! Trying to recover!"); }
// The change crossed over just cpMin. In this case move cpMin
// forward to the unchanged part
LONG cchdiff = (cp + cchDel) - cpMin;
Assert( cp + cchDel < cpMost ); Assert( cp + cchDel >= cpMin ); Assert( cp < cpMin );
cchtemp = _cch; if( _cch > 0 ) { BindToCp(GetCp() + delta); _cch = cchtemp - cchdiff; } else { BindToCp(cp + cchNew); _cch = cchtemp + cchdiff; } }
if( _fSel ) { GetPed()->_fUpdateSelection = TRUE; GetPed()->GetCallMgr()->SetSelectionChanged(); }
Update_iFormat(-1); // Make sure _iFormat is up to date
* CTxtRange::Zombie () * * @mfunc * Turn this range into a zombie (_cp = _cch = 0, NULL ped, ptrs to * backing store arrays. CTxtRange methods like GetRange(), * GetCpMost(), GetCpMin(), and GetTextLength() all work in zombie mode, * returning zero values. */ void CTxtRange::Zombie() { CRchTxtPtr::Zombie(); _cch = 0; }
* CTxtRange::CheckChange(cpSave, fExtend) * * @mfunc * Set _cch according to fExtend and set selection-changed flag if * this range is a CTxtSelection and the new _cp or _cch differ from * cp and cch, respectively. * * @devnote * We can count on GetCp() and cpSave both being <= GetTextLength(), * but we can't leave GetCp() equal to GetTextLength() unless _cch ends * up > 0. */ LONG CTxtRange::CheckChange( LONG cpSave, //@parm Original _cp for this range
BOOL fExtend) //@parm Extend range iff TRUE
{ LONG cchAdj = GetAdjustedTextLength(); LONG cchSave = _cch;
if(fExtend) // Wants to be nondegenerate
{ // and maybe it is
LONG cp = GetCp();
_cch = cp - (cpSave - cchSave); CheckIfSelHasEOP(cpSave, cchSave); } else { _cch = 0; // Insertion point
_fSelHasEOP = FALSE; // Selection doesn't contain
_fSelExpandCell = FALSE; // any char, let alone a CR
_nSelExpandLevel = 0; // or table cell or row
if(!_cch && GetCp() > cchAdj) // If still IP and active end
CRchTxtPtr::SetCp(cchAdj); // follows nondeletable EOP,
// backspace over that EOP
LONG cch = GetCp() - cpSave; _fMoveBack = cch < 0;
if(cch || cchSave != _cch) { Update_iFormat(-1); if(_fSel) GetPed()->GetCallMgr()->SetSelectionChanged();
return cch; }
* CTxtRange::CheckIfSelHasEOP(cpSave, cchSave, fDoRange) * * @mfunc * Maintains _fSelHasEOP = TRUE iff selection contains one or more EOPs. * When cpSave = -1, calculates _fSelHasEOP unconditionally and cchSave * is ignored (it's only used for conditional execution). Else _fSelHasEOP * is only calculated for cases that may change it, i.e., it's assumed * be up to date before the change. * * @rdesc * TRUE iff (_fSel or fDoRange) and _cch * * @devnote * Call after updating range _cch */ BOOL CTxtRange::CheckIfSelHasEOP( LONG cpSave, //@parm Previous active end cp or -1
LONG cchSave, //@parm Previous signed length if cpSave != -1
BOOL fDoRange) //@parm Do function even if !_fSel
{ // _fSelHasEOP only maintained for the selection
if(!_fSel && !fDoRange) return FALSE;
_fSelExpandCell = FALSE; // Default no need to expand
_nSelExpandLevel = 0; // to table row/cell
if(!_cch) { _fSelHasEOP = FALSE; // Selection doesn't contain
return FALSE; // CR, CELL or table row delims
LONG cpMin, cpMost; LONG cpMinPrev = cpSave; LONG cpMostPrev = cpSave; LONG FEOP_Results;
GetRange(cpMin, cpMost);
if(cpSave != -1) // Selection may have changed
{ if(cchSave > 0) // Calculate previous cpMin
cpMinPrev -= cchSave; // and cpMost
else cpMostPrev -= cchSave;
if(!_fSelHasEOP && cpMin >= cpMinPrev && cpMost <= cpMostPrev) return TRUE; // _fSelHasEOP can't change
} // nor can _fSelHasCell/Row
CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); if (!_fSelHasEOP || cpSave == -1 || // If any of these conditions, scan
cpMin > cpMinPrev || // range for an EOP. Could be
cpMost < cpMostPrev) // CELL or CR. Table row delims have
{ // CRs, so catch them too
tp.SetCp(cpMin); tp.FindEOP(cpMost - cpMin, &FEOP_Results); _fSelHasEOP = (FEOP_Results & FEOP_EOP) != 0; }
if(_fSelHasEOP && _rpPF.IsValid()) // Might have CELL or unmatched table
CalcTableExpandParms(); // row delim at range table level
return TRUE; }
* CTxtRange::CalcTableExpandParms() * * @mfunc * Calculate _fSelExpandCell and _nSelExpandLevel for ensuring that * range selects a valid table piece (fraction of single cell, * multiple, but not all, cells in a table row, one or more table * rows. */ void CTxtRange::CalcTableExpandParms() { LONG cpMin, cpMost; LONG cch = GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); CPFRunPtr rp(*this);
if(_cch > 0) rp.Move(-_cch); // Start at cpMin
_fSelExpandCell = FALSE; // Default no need to expand
_nSelExpandLevel = 0; // to table row/cell
LONG cchRun; LONG LevelCpMin = rp.GetTableLevel(); LONG LevelCpMost = LevelCpMin; LONG LevelMin = LevelCpMin; LONG LevelTRDMin = tomForward;
while(cch > 0) // Walk range fast using PF runs
{ // gathering table level info
LevelCpMost = rp.GetTableLevel(); LevelMin = min(LevelMin, LevelCpMost); if(rp.IsTableRowDelimiter()) LevelTRDMin = min(LevelTRDMin, LevelCpMost); cchRun = rp.GetCchLeft(); cch -= cchRun; rp.Move(cchRun); } if(!(LevelCpMin | LevelCpMost)) // If beginning & end are 0, we're done
if(LevelCpMin >= LevelTRDMin || // Crossed a table-row delimiter
LevelCpMost >= LevelTRDMin) // of minimum level
{ Assert(LevelTRDMin < 16); // Only nibble is allocated
_nSelExpandLevel = LevelTRDMin; if(LevelTRDMin == LevelMin) return; // Expand to LevelTRDMin
// At least one end has a table level < minimum table row delim level.
// May need to expand to row, but check if a CELL is included
// at the minimum level, in which case, need to expand to Cell.
if(cch < 0) rp.Move(cch); // rp is at cpMost
LONG cp = cpMost; CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX);
for(cch = cpMost - cpMin; cch > 0; ) { rp.AdjustBackward(); Assert(rp.GetIch() || rp._iRun); if(rp.GetTableLevel() == LevelMin) { // Only look for CELLs at min level
LONG cchFind; cchRun = rp.GetIch(); cchRun = min(cchRun, cch); tp.SetCp(cp); while(cchRun > 0) { if(tp.GetPrevChar() == CELL) { _fSelExpandCell = TRUE; _nSelExpandLevel = 0; return; // Found a CELL at min level, so need
} // to expand to Cell at that level
cchFind = tp.FindEOP(-cchRun, NULL); if(!cchFind) break; cchRun += cchFind; } } cch -= rp.GetIch(); // Go back to previous PF run
cp -= rp.GetIch(); // Cheaper to move cp than tp
rp.SetIch(0); // (might be at/before cpMin)
} }
* CTxtRange::CheckTableSelection(fUpdate, fEnableExpandCell, pfTRDsInvolved, dwFlags) * * @mfunc * Select only the first cell if one or more CELLs are selected, but * not the whole row, at the minimum table level. * * @rdesc * TRUE iff selected only contents of first cell in range without the * CELL mark */ BOOL CTxtRange::CheckTableSelection ( BOOL fUpdate, //@parm Call Update() if change occurs
BOOL fEnableExpandCell,//@parm If TRUE select only 1st cell of multiple
BOOL *pfTRDsInvolved, //@parm Out parm to say if TRDs at range ends
DWORD dwFlags) //@parm Flags for ReplaceRange()
{ LONG cpMin, cpMost; BOOL fRet = FALSE; BOOL fTRDsInvolved = FALSE;
AdjustCRLF(1); if(!_cch) { while(_rpTX.IsAtTRD(0)) AdvanceCRLF(CSC_NORMAL, FALSE); goto checkLP; }
if(!_fSel && _rpPF.IsValid()) // It's a range; find out if
{ // tables are involved
CPFRunPtr rp(*this); LONG cch = _cch;
if(_cch > 0) // Active end at cpMost: will
rp.AdjustBackward(); // scan backward
while(!rp.InTable()) { if(_cch > 0) { cch -= rp.GetIch(); if(!rp.PrevRun()) goto checkLP; // Done, since not in table
cch -= rp.GetCchLeft(); if(cch <= 0) goto checkLP; // Ditto
} else { cch += rp.GetCchLeft(); if(cch >= 0 || !rp.NextRun()) goto checkLP; // Not in table
} } // Range fiddling with tables: calc whether to expand to cell or row
// NB: expand to cell/row includes contained nested tables.
CalcTableExpandParms(); if(!_fSelExpandCell && _nSelExpandLevel) { // Expand to row (but not to cell)
FindRow(&cpMin, &cpMost, _nSelExpandLevel); Set(cpMost, cpMost - cpMin); _nSelExpandLevel = 0; fTRDsInvolved = TRUE; goto checkLP; } } if(_fSelExpandCell && fEnableExpandCell)// Partial row selected
{ // Reduce selection to contents
Collapser(TRUE); // of first cell
while(_rpTX.IsAtTRD(STARTFIELD)) AdvanceCRLF(CSC_NORMAL, FALSE); FindCell(&cpMin, &cpMost); Assert(cpMost > cpMin || _rpTX.GetChar() == CELL && _rpTX.IsAtStartOfCell()); cpMost--; Set(cpMost, cpMost - cpMin); Assert(!_fSelExpandCell); if(fUpdate) Update(TRUE); fRet = TRUE; } if(pfTRDsInvolved) // Caller wants to know if table-
{ // row-delimiters are involved
CPFRunPtr rp(*this); rp.AdjustForward(); fTRDsInvolved = TRUE; // Default TRUE
if(!rp.IsTableRowDelimiter()) // Check both sides of one end
{ rp.AdjustBackward(); if(!rp.IsTableRowDelimiter()) { rp.Move(-_cch); // Check both sides of other end
if(!rp.IsTableRowDelimiter()) { rp.AdjustBackward(); if(!rp.IsTableRowDelimiter()) fTRDsInvolved = FALSE;// Neither end has TRD
} } } }
checkLP: LONG iFormat = _iFormat; if(CheckLinkProtection(dwFlags, iFormat)) Set_iCF(iFormat);
if(pfTRDsInvolved) *pfTRDsInvolved = fTRDsInvolved; return fRet; }
* CTxtRange::CheckLinkProtection(&dwFlags, &iFormat) * * @mfunc * If friendly part of link is selected, select hidden part too. * * @rdesc * TRUE iff change made */ BOOL CTxtRange::CheckLinkProtection( DWORD & dwFlags, LONG & iFormat) { if(dwFlags & RR_NO_LP_CHECK) return FALSE;
LONG cpMin, cpMost; LONG cch = GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); CCFRunPtr rp(*this);
if(_cch > 0) // Ensure rp is positioned at
rp.Move(-_cch); // cpMin
rp.AdjustBackward(); DWORD dw = rp.GetEffects(); if((dw & (CFE_LINKPROTECTED | CFE_HIDDEN)) == (CFE_LINKPROTECTED | CFE_HIDDEN)) { if(_cch) { if(!cpMin) // Already at start of inst field
return FALSE; // If deleting rest of friendly
while(cch >= 0) // hyperlink name, need to
{ // delete instruction field too
if(!rp.IsLinkProtected()) { FindAttributes(&cpMin, NULL, CFE_LINKPROTECTED | 0x80000000); Set(cpMin, cpMin - cpMost); return TRUE; } cch -= rp.GetCchLeft(); rp.NextRun(); } } else { // Inserting new text between hidden and friendly part of hyperlink:
// back up over hidden part
FindAttributes(&cpMin, NULL, CFE_LINKPROTECTED | 0x80000000); SetCp(cpMin, FALSE); dwFlags |= RR_UNHIDE; _rpCF.AdjustBackward(); iFormat = _rpCF.GetFormat(); return TRUE; } } else if(!(dw & CFE_LINK) && GetPed()->GetCharFormat(iFormat)->_dwEffects & CFE_LINK) { iFormat = rp.GetFormat(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
* CTxtRange::GetRange(&cpMin, &cpMost) * * @mfunc * set cpMin = this range cpMin * set cpMost = this range cpMost * return cpMost - cpMin, i.e. abs(_cch) * * @rdesc * abs(_cch) */ LONG CTxtRange::GetRange ( LONG& cpMin, //@parm Pass-by-ref cpMin
LONG& cpMost) const //@parm Pass-by-ref cpMost
LONG cch = _cch;
if(cch >= 0) { cpMost = GetCp(); cpMin = cpMost - cch; } else { cch = -cch; cpMin = GetCp(); cpMost = cpMin + cch; } return cch; }
* CTxtRange::GetCpMin() * * @mfunc * return this range's cpMin * * @rdesc * cpMin * * @devnote * If you need cpMost and/or cpMost - cpMin, GetRange() is faster */ LONG CTxtRange::GetCpMin() const { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::GetCpMin");
LONG cp = GetCp(); return _cch <= 0 ? cp : cp - _cch; }
* CTxtRange::GetCpMost() * * @mfunc * return this range's cpMost * * @rdesc * cpMost * * @devnote * If you need cpMin and/or cpMost - cpMin, GetRange() is faster */ LONG CTxtRange::GetCpMost() const { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::GetCpMost");
LONG cp = GetCp(); return _cch >= 0 ? cp : cp - _cch; }
* CTxtRange::Update(fScrollIntoView) * * @mfunc * Virtual stub routine overruled by CTxtSelection::Update() when this * text range is a text selection. The purpose is to update the screen * display of the caret or selection to correspond to changed cp's. * * @rdesc * TRUE */ BOOL CTxtRange::Update ( BOOL fScrollIntoView) //@parm TRUE if should scroll caret into view
return TRUE; // Simple range has no selection colors or
} // caret, so just return TRUE
* CTxtRange::SetCp(cp, fExtend) * * @mfunc * Set active end of this range to cp. Leave other end where it is or * collapse range depending on fExtend (see CheckChange()). * * @rdesc * cp at new active end (may differ from cp, since cp may be invalid). */ LONG CTxtRange::SetCp( LONG cp, //@parm new cp for active end of this range
BOOL fExtend) //@parm Extend range iff TRUE
LONG cpSave = GetCp();
CRchTxtPtr::SetCp(cp); CheckChange(cpSave, fExtend); // NB: this changes _cp if after
return GetCp(); // final CR and _cch = 0
* CTxtRange::Set (cp, cch) * * @mfunc * Set this range's active-end cp and signed cch * * @rdesc * TRUE if range cp or cch changed. */ BOOL CTxtRange::Set ( LONG cp, //@parm Desired active end cp
LONG cch) //@parm Desired signed count of chars
BOOL bRet = FALSE; LONG cchSave = _cch; // Save entry _cp, _cch for change check
LONG cchText = GetAdjustedTextLength(); LONG cpSave = GetCp(); LONG cpOther = cp - cch; // Desired "other" end
ValidateCp(cp); // Be absolutely sure to validate
ValidateCp(cpOther); // both ends
if(cp == cpOther && cp > cchText) // IP cannot follow undeletable
cp = cpOther = cchText; // EOP at end of story
CRchTxtPtr::Move(cp - GetCp()); AssertSz(cp == GetCp(), "CTxtRange::Set: inconsistent cp");
if(GetPed()->fUseCRLF()) { cch = _rpTX.AdjustCRLF(); if(cch) { _rpCF.Move(cch); // Keep all 3 runptrs in sync
_rpPF.Move(cch); cp = GetCp(); } if(cpOther != cp) { CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); tp.Move(cpOther - cp); cpOther += tp.AdjustCRLF(); } }
_cch = cp - cpOther; // Validated _cch value
CheckIfSelHasEOP(cpSave, cchSave); // Maintain _fSelHasEOP in
// outline mode
_fMoveBack = GetCp() < cpSave;
if(cpSave != GetCp() || cchSave != _cch) { if(_fSel) GetPed()->GetCallMgr()->SetSelectionChanged();
Update_iFormat(-1); bRet = TRUE; } _TEST_INVARIANT_ return bRet; }
* CTxtRange::Move(cch, fExtend) * * @mfunc * Advance active end of range by cch. * Other end stays put iff fExtend * * @rdesc * cch active end actually moved */ LONG CTxtRange::Move ( LONG cch, //@parm Signed char count to move active end
BOOL fExtend) //@parm Extend range iff TRUE
LONG cpSave = GetCp(); // Save entry _cp for CheckChange()
CRchTxtPtr::Move(cch); return CheckChange(cpSave, fExtend); }
* CTxtRange::AdvanceCRLF(csc, fExtend) * * @mfunc * Advance active end of range one char, treating CRLF as a single char. * Other end stays put iff fExtend is nonzero. * * @rdesc * cch active end actually moved */ LONG CTxtRange::AdvanceCRLF( CSCONTROL csc, //@parm Complex Script Control
BOOL fExtend) //@parm Extend range iff TRUE
LONG cpSave = GetCp(); // Save entry _cp for CheckChange()
CRchTxtPtr::AdvanceCRLF(); #ifndef NOCOMPLEXSCRIPTS
if(csc == CSC_SNAPTOCLUSTER) SnapToCluster(1); // Snap to cluster forward
return CheckChange(cpSave, fExtend); }
* CTxtRange::BackupCRLF(csc, fExtend) * * @mfunc * Backup active end of range one char, treating CRLF as a single char. * Other end stays put iff fExtend * * @rdesc * cch actually moved */ LONG CTxtRange::BackupCRLF( CSCONTROL csc, //@parm Complex Script Control
BOOL fExtend) //@parm Extend range iff TRUE
LONG cpSave = GetCp(); // Save entry _cp for CheckChange()
if(csc == CSC_SNAPTOCLUSTER) SnapToCluster(-1); // Snap to cluster backward
return CheckChange(cpSave, fExtend); }
* CTxtRange::AdjustCRLF(iDir) * * @mfunc * Adjust the position of this range's ends to the beginning of a CRLF * or CRCRLF combination, if it is in the middle of such a combination. * Move range end to the end of a Unicode surrogate pair or a STARTFIELD/ * ENDFIELD pair if it is in the middle of such a pair. Similarly move * the range start to the beginning of such a pair. * * @rdesc * TRUE iff change occurred */ BOOL CTxtRange::AdjustCRLF( LONG iDir) //@parm Move forward/backward for iDir = 1/-1, respectively
{ LONG cch; if(!_cch) // Insertion point
{ cch = _rpTX.AdjustCRLF(iDir); if(cch) { _rpCF.Move(cch); _rpPF.Move(cch); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); // Nondegenerate range
cch = _cch + tp.AdjustCRLF(_cch); // Adjust active end
LONG cp = tp.GetCp(); // Possibly new active end
tp.Move(-cch); // Go to other end
cch -= tp.AdjustCRLF(-cch); // Calc its adjustment
if(cch != _cch || cp != GetCp()) // If adjustment occurred,
{ // set new values
Set(cp, cch); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
* CTxtRange::FindWordBreak(action, fExtend) * * @mfunc * Move active end as determined by plain-text FindWordBreak(). * Other end stays put iff fExtend * * @rdesc * cch active end actually moved */ LONG CTxtRange::FindWordBreak ( INT action, //@parm action defined by CTxtPtr::FindWordBreak()
BOOL fExtend) //@parm Extend range iff TRUE
LONG cpSave = GetCp(); // Save entry _cp for CheckChange()
CRchTxtPtr::FindWordBreak(action); return CheckChange(cpSave, fExtend); }
* CTxtRange::FlipRange() * * @mfunc * Flip active and non active ends */ void CTxtRange::FlipRange() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::FlipRange");
CRchTxtPtr::Move(-_cch); _cch = -_cch; }
* CTxtRange::HexToUnicode(publdr) * * @mfunc * Convert hex number ending at this range's cpMost to a Unicode * character and replace the hex number by that character. Take into * account Unicode surrogates for hex values from 0x10000 up to 0x10FFFF. * * @rdesc * HRESULT S_OK if conversion successful and hex number is replaced by * the corresponding Unicode character */ HRESULT CTxtRange::HexToUnicode ( IUndoBuilder *publdr) //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
{ LONG ch; // Handy char value
LONG cpMin, cpMost; // This range's cpMin and cpMost
LONG cch = GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); // Count of chars in range
LONG i; // = cpMost - cpMin
LONG lch = 0; // Collects hex into binary value
LONG cchSave = _cch; // Save this range's cch
LONG cpSave = GetCp(); // and cp so we can restore in case of error
if(cch) // Range has cch chars selected
{ // so only convert these chars
if(cpMost > GetAdjustedTextLength() || cch > 6) return S_FALSE; Collapser(tomEnd); // Collapse range to IP at cpMost
} else // Range is insertion point so
cch = 6; // check up to 6 prev chars
// Convert preceding span of up to cch hexadigits to binary number (lch)
for(i = 0; cch--; i += 4) // i is shift count for hex
{ ch = GetPrevChar(); // ch = previous char
if(ch == '+') // Check for U+xxxx notation
{ // If it's there, set up to
Move(-1, TRUE); // delete the U+ (or u+)
Move((GetPrevChar() | 0x20) == 'u' ? -1 : 1, TRUE); break; // Else leave the +
} if(ch > 'f' || !IsXDigit(ch)) // Break on nonhex chars
break; Move(-1, TRUE); // Move back one char
ch |= 0x20; // Convert hex to lower case if
ch -= (ch >= 'a') ? 'a' - 10 : '0'; // upper case; then to binary
lch += (ch << i); // Shift left & add in binary hex
if(!lch) // No number: convert preceding
return UnicodeToHex(publdr); // char back to hex
if (lch > 0x10FFFF || // Don't insert numbers beyond Unicode's 17 planes
IN_RANGE(0xD800, lch, 0xDFFF) || // nor Unicode surrogate lead/trail word,
IN_RANGE(STARTFIELD, lch,NOTACHAR)||// nor internal use chars
lch == CELL || IsEOP(GetPrevChar()) && IN_RANGE(0x300, lch, 0x36F)) { // Note: CleanseAndReplaceRange suppresses others
Set(cpSave, cchSave); // Restore previous selection
return S_FALSE; }
WCHAR str[2] = {(WCHAR)lch}; cch = 1; // Default one 16-bit code
if(lch > 0xFFFF) // Beyond BMP: so use
{ // Unicode surrogate pair
lch -= 0x10000; str[0] = 0xD800 + (lch >> 10); str[1] = 0xDC00 + (lch & 0x3FF); cch = 2; } if(publdr) // If undo enabled, stop
publdr->StopGroupTyping(); // collecting typing string
_rpCF.AdjustBackward(); // Use format of run preceding
Set_iCF(_rpCF.GetFormat()); // hex number
_fUseiFormat = TRUE; _rpCF.AdjustForward();
// Replace hexadigits with corresponding Unicode character choosing an
// appropriate font if font preceding hex can't support character
CleanseAndReplaceRange(cch, str, FALSE, publdr, NULL); return S_OK; }
* CTxtRange::UnicodeToHex(publdr) * * @mfunc * Convert Unicode character(s) preceeding cpMin to a hex number and * select it. Translate Unicode surrogates into corresponding for hex * values from 0x10000 up to 0x10FFFF. * * @rdesc * HRESULT S_OK if conversion successful and Unicode character(s) is * replaced by corresponding hex number. */ HRESULT CTxtRange::UnicodeToHex ( IUndoBuilder *publdr) //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
{ if(_cch) // If there's a selection,
{ // convert 1st char in sel
Collapser(tomStart); AdvanceCRLF(CSC_NORMAL, FALSE); } LONG cp = GetCp(); if(!cp || _rpTX.IsAfterTRD(0)) return S_FALSE; // No character to convert
_cch = 1; // Select previous char
LONG n = GetPrevChar(); // Get it
if(n == CELL || IN_RANGE(STARTFIELD, n, NOTACHAR)) return S_FALSE; // Don't convert CELL marks
if(publdr) publdr->StopGroupTyping();
if(IN_RANGE(0xDC00, n, 0xDFFF)) // Unicode surrogate trail word
{ if(cp <= 1) // No lead word
return S_FALSE; Move(-2, TRUE); LONG ch = CRchTxtPtr::GetChar(); Assert(IN_RANGE(0xD800, ch, 0xDBFF)); n = (n & 0x3FF) + ((ch & 0x3FF) << 10) + 0x10000; _cch = -2; }
// Convert ch to str
LONG cch = 0; LONG quot, rem; // ldiv results
WCHAR str[6]; WCHAR * pch = &str[0];
for(LONG d = 1; d < n; d <<= 4) // d = smallest power of 16 > n
; if(n && d > n) d >>= 4;
while(d) { quot = n / d; // Avoid an ldiv
rem = n % d; n = quot + '0'; if(n > '9') n += 'A' - '9' - 1; *pch++ = (WCHAR)n; // Store digit
cch++; n = rem; // Setup remainder
d >>= 4; }
CleanseAndReplaceRange(cch, str, FALSE, publdr, NULL); _cch = cch; // Select number
if(_fSel) Update(FALSE);
return S_OK; }
* CTxtRange::IsInputSequenceValid(pch, cchIns, fOverType, pfBaseChar) * * @mfunc * Verify the sequence of incoming text. Return FALSE if invalid * combination is found. The criteria is to allow any combinations * that are displayable on screen (the simplest approach used by system * edit control). * * @rdesc * Return FALSE if invalid combination is found; else TRUE. * * FUTURE: We may consider to support bad sequence filter or text streaming. * The code below can be extended easily enough to do so. */ BOOL CTxtRange::IsInputSequenceValid( WCHAR* pch, // Inserting string
LONG cchIns, // Character count
BOOL fOverType, // Insert or Overwrite mode
BOOL* pfBaseChar) // Is pwch[0] a cluster start (base char)?
CTxtEdit* ped = GetPed(); CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); HKL hkl = GetKeyboardLayout(0); BOOL fr = TRUE;
if (ped->fUsePassword() || ped->_fNoInputSequenceChk) return TRUE; // no check when editing password
if (PRIMARYLANGID(hkl) == LANG_VIETNAMESE) { // No concern about overtyping or cluster since we look backward only
// 1 char and dont care characters following the insertion point.
if(_cch > 0) tp.Move(-_cch); fr = IsVietCdmSequenceValid(tp.GetPrevChar(), *pch); } else if (PRIMARYLANGID(hkl) == LANG_THAI || W32->IsIndicLcid(LOWORD(hkl))) { // Do complex things for Thai and Indic
WCHAR rgchText[32]; WCHAR* pchText = rgchText; CUniscribe* pusp = ped->Getusp(); CTxtBreaker* pbrk = ped->_pbrk; LONG found = 0; LONG cp, cpSave, cpLimMin, cpLimMax; LONG cchDel = 0, cchText, ich; LONG cpEnd = ped->GetAdjustedTextLength(); if (_cch > 0) tp.Move(-_cch); cp = cpSave = cpLimMin = cpLimMax = tp.GetCp();
if (_cch) { cchDel = abs(_cch); } else if (fOverType && !tp.IsAtEOP() && cp != cpEnd) { // Delete up to the next cluster in overtype mode
cchDel++; if (pbrk) while (cp + cchDel < cpEnd && !pbrk->CanBreakCp(BRK_CLUSTER, cp + cchDel)) cchDel++; } cpLimMax += cchDel; // Figure the min/max boundaries
if (pbrk) { // Min boundary
cpLimMin += tp.FindEOP(tomBackward, &found); if (!(found & FEOP_EOP)) cpLimMin = 0; while (--cp > cpLimMin && !pbrk->CanBreakCp(BRK_CLUSTER, cp)); cpLimMin = max(cp, cpLimMin); // more precise boundary
// Max boundary
cp = cpLimMax; tp.SetCp(cpLimMax); cpLimMax += tp.FindEOP(tomForward, &found); if (!(found & FEOP_EOP)) cpLimMax = ped->GetTextLength(); while (cp < cpLimMax && !pbrk->CanBreakCp(BRK_CLUSTER, cp++)); cpLimMax = min(cp, cpLimMax); // more precise boundary
} else { // No cluster info we statically bound to -1/+1 from selection range
cpLimMin--; cpLimMin = max(0, cpLimMin); cpLimMax += cchDel + 1; cpLimMax = min(cpLimMax, ped->GetTextLength()); } cp = cpSave + cchDel; cchText = cpSave - cpLimMin + cchIns + cpLimMax - cp; tp.SetCp(cpLimMin); if (cchText > 32) pchText = new WCHAR[cchText]; if (pchText) { // prepare text
cchText = tp.GetText (cpSave - cpLimMin, pchText); tp.Move (cchText + cchDel); ich = cchText; wcsncpy (&pchText[cchText], pch, cchIns); cchText += cchIns; cchText += tp.GetText (cpLimMax - cpSave - cchDel, &pchText[cchText]); Assert (cchText == cpLimMax - cpLimMin - cchDel + cchIns);
if (pusp) { SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa; HRESULT hr; BOOL fDecided = FALSE; hr = ScriptStringAnalyse(NULL, pchText, cchText, GLYPH_COUNT(cchText), -1, SSA_BREAK, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ssa); if (S_OK == hr) { if (fOverType) { const SCRIPT_LOGATTR* psla = ScriptString_pLogAttr(ssa); BOOL fBaseChar = !psla || psla[ich].fCharStop;
if (!fBaseChar) { // In overtype mode, if the inserted char is not a cluster start.
// We act like insert mode. Recursive call with fOvertype = FALSE.
fr = IsInputSequenceValid(pch, cchIns, 0, NULL); fDecided = TRUE; }
if (pfBaseChar) *pfBaseChar = fBaseChar; } if (!fDecided && S_FALSE == ScriptStringValidate(ssa)) fr = FALSE; ScriptStringFree(&ssa); } } if (pchText != rgchText) delete[] pchText; } } return fr; #else
* CTxtRange::CleanseAndReplaceRange(cch, *pch, fTestLimit, publdr, * pchD, pcchMove, dwFlags) * @mfunc * Cleanse the string pch (replace CRLFs by CRs, etc.) and substitute * the resulting string for the text in this range using the CCharFormat * _iFormat and updating other text runs as needed. For single-line * controls, truncate on the first EOP and substitute the truncated * string. Also truncate if string would overflow the max text length. * * @rdesc * Count of new characters added */ LONG CTxtRange::CleanseAndReplaceRange ( LONG cchS, //@parm Length of replacement (Source) text
const WCHAR * pchS, //@parm Replacement (Source) text
BOOL fTestLimit, //@parm Whether to do limit test
IUndoBuilder * publdr, //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
WCHAR * pchD, //@parm Destination string (multiline only)
LONG* pcchMove, //@parm Count of chars moved in 1st replace
DWORD dwFlags) //@parm ReplaceRange's flags
CTxtEdit * ped = GetPed(); BYTE iCharRepDefault; LONG cchM = 0; LONG cchMove = 0; LONG cchNew = 0; // Collects total cch inserted
LONG cch; // Collects cch for cur charset
DWORD ch, ch1; WCHAR chPassword = ped->TxGetPasswordChar(); LONG cpFirst = GetCpMin(); QWORD qw = 0; QWORD qwCharFlags = 0; QWORD qwCharMask = GetCharRepMask(); DWORD dwCurrentFontUsed = 0; BOOL f10Mode = ped->Get10Mode(); BOOL fCallerDestination = pchD != 0; // Save if pchD enters as 0
BOOL fDefFontHasASCII = FALSE; CFreezeDisplay fd(ped->_pdp); BOOL fDefFontSymbol = qwCharMask == FSYMBOL; BOOL fFEBaseFont; BOOL fMultiLine = ped->_pdp->IsMultiLine(); BOOL fSurrogate; bool fUIFont = fUseUIFont(); BOOL fUseCRLF = ped->fUseCRLF();
const WCHAR * pch = pchS; CTempWcharBuf twcb; // Buffer needed for multiline if pchD = 0
CCharFormat CFCurrent; // Current CF used during IME composition
const DWORD fALPHA = 0x01; BOOL fDeleteChar = !ped->_fIMEInProgress && !ped->IsRich() && _cch;
DWORD dwFlagsSave = dwFlags; LONG iFormatCurrent = GetiFormat();
dwFlags = (dwFlags & ~7) | RR_ITMZ_NONE; if (ped->_fIMEInProgress) { // Initialize data to handle alpha/ASCII dual font mode
// during IME composition
dwCurrentFontUsed = FFE; CFCurrent = *ped->GetCharFormat(iFormatCurrent);
UINT iCharRepKB = GetKeyboardCharRep(0); if (iCharRepKB != CFCurrent._iCharRep && IsFECharRep(iCharRepKB)) { CCFRunPtr rp(_rpCF, ped); int iFormatFound = iFormatCurrent; CCharFormat CFTemp;
// Search the range for font that support this keyboard
if(rp.GetPreferredFontInfo(iCharRepKB, CFTemp._iCharRep, CFTemp._iFont, CFTemp._yHeight, CFTemp._bPitchAndFamily, -1, MATCH_CURRENT_CHARSET, &iFormatFound) && iFormatFound != iFormatCurrent) { CFCurrent = *ped->GetCharFormat(iFormatFound); } } }
// Check if default font supports full ASCII and Symbol
if (fUIFont) { QWORD qwMaskDefFont = GetCharRepMask(TRUE); fDefFontHasASCII = (qwMaskDefFont & FASCII) == FASCII; fDefFontSymbol = qwMaskDefFont == FSYMBOL; iCharRepDefault = ped->GetCharFormat(-1)->_iCharRep; } else iCharRepDefault = ped->GetCharFormat(iFormatCurrent)->_iCharRep;
fFEBaseFont = IsFECharRep(iCharRepDefault); if(!pchS) cchS = 0; else if(fMultiLine) { if(cchS < 0) // Calculate length for
cchS = wcslen(pchS); // target buffer
if(cchS && !pchD) { pchD = twcb.GetBuf(cchS); if(!pchD) // Couldn't allocate buffer:
return 0; // give up with no update
} pch = pchD; } else if(cchS < 0) // Calculate string length
cchS = tomForward; // while looking for EOP
WORD fDontUpdateFmt = _fDontUpdateFmt; _fDontUpdateFmt = TRUE; for(cch = 0; cchS; cchS--) { ch = *pchS; if(!ch && (!fMultiLine || !fCallerDestination)) break;
if(IN_RANGE(CELL, ch, CR)) // Handle CR and LF combos
{ if(!fMultiLine && !IN_RANGE(8, ch, 9))// Truncate at 1st EOP to
break; // be compatible with user.exe SLE
// and for consistent behavior
if(ch == CR && !f10Mode) { if(cchS > 1) { ch1 = *(pchS + 1); if(cchS > 2 && ch1 == CR && *(pchS+2) == LF) { if(fUseCRLF) { *pchD++ = ch; *pchD++ = ch1; ch = LF; cch += 2; } else { // Translate CRCRLF to CR or to ' '
ch = ped->fXltCRCRLFtoCR() ? CR : ' '; } pchS += 2; // Bypass two chars
cchS -= 2; } else if(ch1 == LF) { if(fUseCRLF) // Copy over whole CRLF
{ *pchD++ = ch; // Here we copy CR
ch = ch1; // Setup to copy LF
cch++; } pchS++; cchS--; } } } else if(!fUseCRLF && ch == LF) // Treat lone LFs as EOPs, i.e.,
ch = CR; // be nice to Unix text files
else if(ch == CELL) ch = ' '; } else if((ch | 1) == PS) // Translate Unicode para/line
{ // separators into CR/VT
if(!fMultiLine) break; ch = (ch == PS) ? CR : VT; } else if(IN_RANGE(STARTFIELD, ch, NOTACHAR)) ch = ' '; qw = FSYMBOL; fSurrogate = FALSE; if(!fDefFontSymbol) { qw = GetCharFlags(pchS, cchS, iCharRepDefault);// Check for complex scripts
if(qw & FSURROGATE && cchS > 1) { fSurrogate = TRUE; pchS++; cchS--; if (pchD) *pchD++ = ch; // Copy lead surrogate
ch = *pchS; // Setup to copy trail surrogate
} } if(chPassword) qw = GetCharFlags(&chPassword, 1, iCharRepDefault); qwCharFlags |= qw; // FE, and charset changes
qw &= ~0x2F; // Exclude non-fontbind flags
if(fMultiLine) // In multiline controls, collect
{ // possibly translated chars
if(qw & FSYMBOL) // Convert 0xF000 thru 0xF0FF to
ch &= 0xFF; // SYMBOL_CHARSET with 0x00 thru
*pchD++ = ch; // 0xFF. FUTURE: make work for
} // single line too...
pchS++; // pchS points at next char
if(ped->IsAutoFont() && !fDefFontSymbol) { BOOL fReplacedText = FALSE;
if (fDeleteChar) { fDeleteChar = FALSE; ReplaceRange(0, NULL, publdr, SELRR_REMEMBERRANGE, NULL, dwFlags); Set_iCF(-1); qwCharMask = GetCharRepMask(TRUE); }
if (!ped->_fIMEInProgress) { // Simp. Chinese uses some of the Latin2 symbols
if (fUIFont && (qw == FLATIN2 || IN_RANGE(0x0250, ch, 0x02FF) || IN_RANGE(0xFE50, ch, 0xFE6F))) { if (iCharRepDefault == BIG5_INDEX || iCharRepDefault == GB2312_INDEX || GetACP() == CP_CHINESE_SIM || GetACP() == CP_CHINESE_TRAD) { if (VerifyFEString(CP_CHINESE_SIM, (const WCHAR *)&ch, 1, TRUE) == CP_CHINESE_SIM || VerifyFEString(CP_CHINESE_TRAD, (const WCHAR *)&ch, 1, TRUE) == CP_CHINESE_TRAD) qw = FCHINESE; } } if (fUIFont && qw == FHILATIN1 && fFEBaseFont && (iCharRepDefault == SHIFTJIS_INDEX || iCharRepDefault == HANGUL_INDEX || ch >= 0x100)) // Special characters that are classiied as HiAnsi
{ // Use Ansi font for HiAnsi
if (dwCurrentFontUsed != FHILATIN1) { fReplacedText = TRUE; cchNew += CheckLimitReplaceRange(cch, pch, fTestLimit, publdr, qw, &cchM, cpFirst, IGNORE_CURRENT_FONT, dwFlags); // Replace text up to previous char
} dwCurrentFontUsed = FHILATIN1; } else if (fUIFont && fDefFontHasASCII && _rpCF.IsValid() && (qw & FASCII || IN_RANGE(0x2018, ch, 0x201D))) { if (dwCurrentFontUsed != FASCII) { fReplacedText = TRUE; cchNew += CheckLimitReplaceRange(cch, pch, fTestLimit, publdr, 0, &cchM, cpFirst, IGNORE_CURRENT_FONT, dwFlags); // Replace text up to previous char
// Use the -1 font charset/face/size so the current font effect
// will still be used.
CCharFormat CFDefault = *ped->GetCharFormat(-1); SetCharFormat(&CFDefault, 0, publdr, CFM_CHARSET | CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE, CFM2_CHARFORMAT | CFM2_NOCHARSETCHECK); dwCurrentFontUsed = FASCII; } } else if (!fUIFont && qwCharMask & FLATIN1 && ((IN_RANGE(0x2018, ch, 0x201D) || ch == 0x2026)) || (qw & (FCHINESE | FBIG5) && qwCharMask & (FCHINESE | FKANA | FBIG5 | FHANGUL))) { // Stay with current font
; // and do Nothing
} else if (qw && (qw & qwCharMask) != qw // No match: need charset change
|| dwCurrentFontUsed) // or change in classification
{ fReplacedText = TRUE; dwCurrentFontUsed = 0; if(qw & (FCHINESE | FBIG5 | FFE2)) // If Han char, check next few
{ // chars for a Hangul or Kana
Assert(cchS); const WCHAR *pchT = pchS; QWORD qw0; LONG i = min(10, cchS - 1);
for (int j=0; j < 2; j++) { if (j) { // Check current text
pchT = pch; i = min(6, cch); }
for(; i > 0 && *pchT; i--) { qw0 = GetCharFlags(pchT++, i, iCharRepDefault); qw |= qw0 & ~FSURROGATE; if(qw0 & FSURROGATE && i > 1) { pchT++; i--; } } }
i = CalcTextLenNotInRange(); if(cchS < 6 && i) // Get flags around range
{ CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); i = min(i, 6); if(!_cch) // For insertion point, backup
tp.Move(-i/2); // half way
else if(_cch < 0) // Active end at cpMin, backup
tp.Move(-i); // whole way
qw |= tp.GetCharFlagsInRange(i, iCharRepDefault); }
qw &= FFE | FFE2 | FSURROGATE; } else if(qw & (FHILATIN1 | FLATIN2) && qwCharMask & FLATIN) { LONG i = qwCharMask & FLATIN; qw = W32->GetCharFlags125x(ch) & FLATIN; if(!(qw & i)) for(i = 0x100; i < 0x20000 && !(qw & i); i <<= 1) ; qw &= i; } else if(qw & FMATH) { // Bind math fonts here (combos of ital, bold, script,
// fraktur, open, sans, mono)
} cchNew += CheckLimitReplaceRange(cch, pch, fTestLimit, publdr, qw, &cchM, cpFirst, MATCH_FONT_SIG, dwFlags); // Replace text up to previous char
} } else { // IME in progress, only need to check ASCII cases
BOOL fHandled = FALSE; if (ch <= 0x7F) { if (fUIFont) { // Use default font
if (dwCurrentFontUsed != FASCII) { cchNew += CheckLimitReplaceRange(cch, pch, fTestLimit, publdr, 0, &cchM, cpFirst, IGNORE_CURRENT_FONT, dwFlags); // Replace text up to previous char
// Use the -1 font charset/face/size so the current font effect
// will still be used.
CCharFormat CFDefault = *ped->GetCharFormat(-1); SetCharFormat(&CFDefault, 0, publdr, CFM_CHARSET | CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE, CFM2_CHARFORMAT | CFM2_NOCHARSETCHECK); fReplacedText = TRUE; dwCurrentFontUsed = FASCII; } fHandled = TRUE; } else if (ped->_fDualFont && IsASCIIAlpha(ch)) { // Use English Font
if (dwCurrentFontUsed != fALPHA) { cchNew += CheckLimitReplaceRange(cch, pch, fTestLimit, publdr, qw, &cchM, cpFirst, IGNORE_CURRENT_FONT, dwFlags); // Replace text up to previous char
fReplacedText = TRUE; dwCurrentFontUsed = fALPHA; } fHandled = TRUE; } } else if (qw & FSURROGATE || (qw & FOTHER && (IN_RANGE(0x03400, ch, 0x04DFF) || IN_RANGE(0xE000, ch, 0x0F8FF)))) { // Try font binding for Surrogate, Extension-A, and Private Usage Area
cchNew += CheckLimitReplaceRange(cch, pch, fTestLimit, publdr, qw, &cchM, cpFirst, IGNORE_CURRENT_FONT, dwFlags); // Replace text up to previous char
fReplacedText = TRUE; dwCurrentFontUsed = FSURROGATE; fHandled = TRUE; }
// Use current FE font
if(!fHandled && dwCurrentFontUsed != FFE) { cchNew += CheckLimitReplaceRange(cch, pch, fTestLimit, publdr, 0, &cchM, cpFirst, IGNORE_CURRENT_FONT, dwFlags); // Replace text up to previous char
SetCharFormat(&CFCurrent, 0, publdr, CFM_CHARSET | CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE, CFM2_CHARFORMAT | CFM2_NOCHARSETCHECK); fReplacedText = TRUE; dwCurrentFontUsed = FFE; } }
if (fReplacedText) { qwCharMask = (qw & FSYMBOL) ? FSYMBOL : GetCharRepMask(); if(cchM) cchMove = cchM; // Can only happen on 1st replace
pch = fMultiLine ? pchD : pchS; pch--; if(fSurrogate) pch--; cch = 0; } } cch++; if(fSurrogate) cch++; } ped->OrCharFlags(qwCharFlags, publdr);
cchNew += CheckLimitReplaceRange(cch, pch, fTestLimit, publdr, (qw & (FOTHER | FSURROGATE)), &cchM, cpFirst, IGNORE_CURRENT_FONT, dwFlags); if(cchM) cchMove = cchM; // Can only happen on 1st replace
if (pcchMove) *pcchMove = cchMove;
if (ped->IsComplexScript()) { if (dwFlagsSave & RR_ITMZ_NONE || ped->IsStreaming()) ped->_fItemizePending = TRUE; else ItemizeReplaceRange(cchNew, cchMove, publdr, dwFlagsSave & RR_ITMZ_UNICODEBIDI); } _fDontUpdateFmt = fDontUpdateFmt; Update_iFormat(-1); // Choose _iFormat
return cchNew; }
* CTxtRange::CheckLimitReplaceRange(cchNew, *pch, fTestLimit, publdr, * qwCharFlags, pcchMove, prp, iMatchCurrent, &dwFlags) * @mfunc * Replace the text in this range by pch using CCharFormat _iFormat * and updating other text runs as needed. * * @rdesc * Count of new characters added * * @devnote * moves this text pointer to end of replaced text and * may move text block and formatting arrays */ LONG CTxtRange::CheckLimitReplaceRange ( LONG cch, //@parm Length of replacement text
WCHAR const * pch, //@parm Replacement text
BOOL fTestLimit, //@parm Whether to do limit test
IUndoBuilder * publdr, //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
QWORD qwCharFlags, //@parm CharFlags following pch
LONG * pcchMove, //@parm Count of chars moved in 1st replace
LONG cpFirst, //@parm Starting cp for font binding
int iMatchCurrent, //@parm Font matching method
DWORD & dwFlags) //@parm ReplaceRange's flags
{ CTxtEdit *ped = GetPed();
if(cch || _cch) { if(fTestLimit) { LONG cchLen = CalcTextLenNotInRange(); DWORD cchMax = ped->TxGetMaxLength(); if((DWORD)(cch + cchLen) > cchMax) // New plus old count exceeds
{ // max allowed, so truncate
cch = cchMax - cchLen; // down to what fits
cch = max(cch, 0); // Keep it positive
ped->GetCallMgr()->SetMaxText(); // Report exceeded
} } if (cch && ped->IsAutoFont() && !ped->_fIMEInProgress) { LONG iFormatTemp; if (fUseUIFont() && GetAdjustedTextLength() != _cch) { // Delete the old string first so _iFormat is defined
ReplaceRange(0, NULL, publdr, SELRR_REMEMBERRANGE, pcchMove, dwFlags); iFormatTemp = _iFormat; } else iFormatTemp = GetiFormat();
BYTE iCharRepCurrent = ped->GetCharFormat(iFormatTemp)->_iCharRep; if (IsFECharRep(iCharRepCurrent) && !(qwCharFlags & (FOTHER | FSURROGATE))) { // Check if current font can handle this string.
INT cpgCurrent = CodePageFromCharRep(iCharRepCurrent); INT cpgNew = VerifyFEString(cpgCurrent, pch, cch, FALSE);
if (cpgCurrent != cpgNew) { // Setup the new CodePage to handle this string
CCharFormat CF; BYTE iCharRep = CharRepFromCodePage(cpgNew); CCFRunPtr rp(_rpCF, ped); rp.Move(cpFirst - GetCp());
CF._iCharRep = iCharRep; if(rp.GetPreferredFontInfo(iCharRep, CF._iCharRep, CF._iFont, CF._yHeight, CF._bPitchAndFamily, _iFormat, iMatchCurrent)) { SetCharFormat(&CF, 0, publdr, CFM_CHARSET | CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE, CFM2_CHARFORMAT | CFM2_NOCHARSETCHECK); } } } } cch = ReplaceRange(cch, pch, publdr, SELRR_REMEMBERRANGE, pcchMove, dwFlags); dwFlags |= RR_NO_LP_CHECK; }
// If following string contains Hangul or Kana, use Korean or Japanese
// font signatures, respectively. Else use incoming qwCharFlags
if(!qwCharFlags) return cch;
qwCharFlags &= ~0x2F; if(qwCharFlags & (FFE | FFE2)) { BOOL fFE2 = (qwCharFlags & FSURROGATE) != 0; if(qwCharFlags & FHANGUL) qwCharFlags = fFE2 ? (FKOR2 | FSURROGATE) : FHANGUL;
else if(qwCharFlags & FKANA) qwCharFlags = fFE2 ? (FJPN2 | FSURROGATE) : FKANA;
else if(qwCharFlags & FBIG5) qwCharFlags = fFE2 ? (FCHT2 | FSURROGATE) : FBIG5;
else if(fFE2) qwCharFlags = FCHS2 | FSURROGATE; }
CCharFormat CF; bool fCFDefined = FALSE; bool fCFDefDefined = FALSE; bool fUIFont = ped->fUseUIFont();
CF._iCharRep = W32->CharRepFromFontSig(qwCharFlags); CF._iFont = 0;
if (W32->IsExternalFontCheckActive() && (qwCharFlags & (FOTHER | FSURROGATE) || !(fCFDefDefined = W32->IsDefaultFontDefined(CF._iCharRep, fUIFont, CF._iFont)))) { // REMARK: Currently pch[cch] is the current char and others might
// follow as well. We could get some text from _rpTX to provide more
// context.
fCFDefined = W32->GetExternalPreferredFontInfo(pch, (qwCharFlags & FSURROGATE) ? cch + 2 : cch + 1, CF._iCharRep, CF._iFont, CF._bPitchAndFamily, fUIFont || ped->Get10Mode()); } if(fCFDefined || fCFDefDefined || qwCharFlags != FOTHER) { SHORT iFontDummy = CF._iFont; CCFRunPtr rp(_rpCF, ped); rp.Move(cpFirst - GetCp()); fCFDefined = rp.GetPreferredFontInfo(CF._iCharRep, CF._iCharRep, fCFDefined ? iFontDummy : CF._iFont, CF._yHeight, CF._bPitchAndFamily, (_cch ? -1 : _iFormat), fCFDefined ? GET_HEIGHT_ONLY : iMatchCurrent); } if(fCFDefined) { SetCharFormat(&CF, 0, publdr, CFM_CHARSET | CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE, CFM2_CHARFORMAT | CFM2_NOCHARSETCHECK); } return cch; }
* CTxtRange::ReplaceRange(cchNew, *pch, publdr. selaemode, pcchMove) * * @mfunc * Replace the text in this range by pch using CCharFormat _iFormat * and updating other text runs as needed. * * @rdesc * Count of new characters added * * @devnote * moves this text pointer to end of replaced text and * may move text block and formatting arrays */ LONG CTxtRange::ReplaceRange ( LONG cchNew, //@parm Length of replacement text
WCHAR const * pch, //@parm Replacement text
IUndoBuilder * publdr, //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
SELRR selaemode, //@parm Controls how selection antievents are to be generated.
LONG * pcchMove, //@parm Number of chars moved after replace
DWORD dwFlags) //@parm Special flags
LONG lRet; LONG iFormat = _iFormat; BOOL fReleaseFormat = FALSE; ICharFormatCache * pcf = GetCharFormatCache();
if(!(cchNew | _cch)) // Nothing to add or delete,
{ // so we're done
if(pcchMove) *pcchMove = 0; return 0; }
if(publdr && selaemode != SELRR_IGNORE) { Assert(selaemode == SELRR_REMEMBERRANGE); HandleSelectionAEInfo(GetPed(), publdr, GetCp(), _cch, GetCpMin() + cchNew, 0, SELAE_MERGE); } CFreezeDisplay fd(GetPed()->_pdp); if(_cch > 0) FlipRange();
CheckLinkProtection(dwFlags, iFormat);
// If we are replacing a non-degenerate selection, then the Word95
// UI specifies that we should use the rightmost formatting at cpMin.
if(_cch < 0 && _rpCF.IsValid() && !_fDualFontMode && !_fUseiFormat) { _rpCF.AdjustForward(); iFormat = _rpCF.GetFormat();
// This is a bit icky, but the idea is to stabilize the
// reference count on iFormat. When we get it above, it's
// not addref'ed, so if we happen to delete the text in the
// range and the range is the only one with that format,
// then the format will go away.
pcf->AddRef(iFormat); fReleaseFormat = TRUE; } const CCharFormat *pCF = GetPed()->GetCharFormat(iFormat); BOOL fTmpDispAttr = pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx != -1;
if((fTmpDispAttr || dwFlags & (RR_UNHIDE | RR_UNLINK)) && cchNew) // Don't hide or protect or apply temp.
{ // display attributes to inserted text
BOOL fUnhide = dwFlags & RR_UNHIDE && pCF->_dwEffects & (CFE_HIDDEN | CFE_PROTECTED); BOOL fUnlink = dwFlags & RR_UNLINK && pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_LINK; if(fTmpDispAttr | fUnhide | fUnlink) // Switch to unhidden/unlinked iFormat or
{ // turn of temp. display attribute
CCharFormat CF = *pCF; if(fReleaseFormat) // Need to release iFormat ref'd
pcf->Release(iFormat); // above, since no longer need it
if(fUnhide) { CF._dwEffects &= ~(CFE_HIDDEN | CFE_PROTECTED); if (CF._dwEffects & CFE_LINKPROTECTED) CF._dwEffects &= ~(CFE_LINKPROTECTED | CFE_LINK); } if(fUnlink) CF._dwEffects &= ~CFE_LINK; if(fTmpDispAttr) CF._sTmpDisplayAttrIdx = -1; pcf->Cache(&CF, &iFormat); fReleaseFormat = TRUE; // Be sure to release new one
} } _fUseiFormat = FALSE; LONG cchForReplace = -_cch; _cch = 0; lRet = CRchTxtPtr::ReplaceRange(cchForReplace, cchNew, pch, publdr, iFormat, pcchMove, dwFlags); if(cchForReplace) CheckMergedCells(publdr);
if(lRet) _fMoveBack = FALSE;
Update_iFormat(fReleaseFormat ? iFormat : -1);
if(fReleaseFormat) { Assert(pcf); pcf->Release(iFormat); } return lRet; }
* CTxtRange::DeleteWithTRDCheck(publdr. selaemode, pcchMove, dwFlags) * * @mfunc * Delete text in this range, inserting an EOP in place of the text * if the range ends at a table-row start delimiter * * @rdesc * Count of new characters added * * @devnote * moves this text pointer to end of replaced text and * may move text block and formatting arrays */ LONG CTxtRange::DeleteWithTRDCheck ( IUndoBuilder * publdr, //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
SELRR selaemode, //@parm Controls how selection antievents are to be generated.
LONG * pcchMove, //@parm Count of chars moved after replace
DWORD dwFlags) //@parm ReplaceRange flags
LONG cchEOP = 0; WCHAR szEOP[] = {CR, LF, 0};
if(IsRich()) { CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); // If inserting before a table
if(GetCch() < 0) // row, ReplaceRange with EOP,
tp.Move(-GetCch()); // which we delete after read
if(tp.IsAtTRD(STARTFIELD)) // if read ends with an EOP
cchEOP = GetPed()->fUseCRLF() ? 2 : 1; }
if(!(_cch | cchEOP)) return 0; // Nothing to do
ReplaceRange(cchEOP, szEOP, publdr, selaemode, pcchMove, dwFlags);
if(GetCch()) { // Text deletion failed because range didn't collapse. Our work
// here is done.
return 0; } if(cchEOP) { _rpPF.AdjustBackward(); const CParaFormat *pPF = GetPF(); _rpPF.AdjustForward(); if(pPF->_wEffects & PFE_TABLE) { CParaFormat PF = *GetPed()->GetParaFormat(-1); PF._bTableLevel = pPF->_bTableLevel - 1; Assert(PF._bTableLevel >= 0); _cch = cchEOP; // Select EOP just inserted
PF._wEffects &= ~PFE_TABLE; // Default not in table
if(PF._bTableLevel) PF._wEffects |= PFE_TABLE; // It's in a table
SetParaFormat(&PF, publdr, PFM_ALL2, PFM2_ALLOWTRDCHANGE); SetCp(GetCp() - cchEOP, FALSE); // Collapse before EOP
} } return cchEOP; }
* CTxtRange::Delete(publdr. selaemode) * * @mfunc * Delete text in this range. */ void CTxtRange::Delete ( IUndoBuilder * publdr, //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
SELRR selaemode) //@parm Controls generation of selection antievents
if(!_cch) return; // Nothing to delete
if(!GetPed()->IsBiDi()) { ReplaceRange(0, NULL, publdr, selaemode, NULL); return; }
CFreezeDisplay fd(GetPed()->_pdp);
ReplaceRange(0, NULL, publdr, selaemode); }
* CTxtRange::BypassHiddenText(iDir, fExtend) * * @mfunc * Bypass hidden text forward/backward for iDir positive/negative * * @rdesc * TRUE if succeeded or no hidden text. FALSE if at document limit * (end/start for Direction positive/negative) or if hidden text between * cp and that limit. */ BOOL CTxtRange::BypassHiddenText( LONG iDir, BOOL fExtend) { if (!_rpCF.IsValid()) return TRUE; // No format run, not hidden
if(iDir > 0) _rpCF.AdjustForward(); else _rpCF.AdjustBackward();
if(!(GetPed()->GetCharFormat(_rpCF.GetFormat())->_dwEffects & CFE_HIDDEN)) return TRUE;
CCFRunPtr rp(*this); LONG cch = (iDir > 0) ? rp.FindUnhiddenForward() : rp.FindUnhiddenBackward();
BOOL bRet = !rp.IsHidden(); // Note whether still hidden
if(bRet) // It isn't:
Move(cch, fExtend); // bypass hidden text
return bRet; }
* CTxtRange::CheckMergedCells(publdr) * * @mfunc * If range is at a table-row start delimiter, ensure that cells * that are vertically merged with cells above have a top cell. * * If the text before this range is a row that contains top cells * these cells have to be converted to nonmerged cells unless the * text starting at this range contains corresponding low cells. * * If the text starting at this range is a table row with low cells, * they may have to be converted to top or nonmerged cells. */ void CTxtRange::CheckMergedCells ( IUndoBuilder *publdr) //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
{ Assert(!_cch); // Assumes this range is an IP
unsigned ch = _rpTX.GetChar();
if(ch != CR && ch != STARTFIELD) // Early out
if(ch == CR) // CRchTxtPtr::ReplaceRange() may
{ // leave a CR at end before a table
CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); // row start delimiter, so check for
LONG cch = tp.AdvanceCRLF(FALSE);// that case
if(!tp.IsAtTRD(STARTFIELD)) return; Move(cch, FALSE); // Check that row
} else if(!_rpTX.IsAtTRD(STARTFIELD)) // Allow top cells to remain w/o row
return; // below so that complex tables can
// be inserted
const CParaFormat *pPF0 = NULL; // Default no row to compare to
if(_rpTX.IsAfterTRD(ENDFIELD)) // Range is at table row, so do top
{ // cell check on previous row
CheckTopCells(publdr); _rpPF.AdjustBackward(); pPF0 = GetPF(); // Compare to preceding row
_rpPF.AdjustForward(); }
const CParaFormat * pPF1 = GetPF(); // Point at current row PF
if(CheckCells(&rgCellParms[0], pPF1, pPF0, fLowCell, fLowCell | fTopCell)) { // One or more cells need changes
CTxtRange rg(*this); rg._rpPF.AdjustForward(); rg.SetCellParms(&rgCellParms[0], pPF1->_bTabCount, TRUE, publdr); rg.CheckTopCells(publdr); // Do top cell check on entry row
} if(ch == CR) BackupCRLF(CSC_NORMAL, FALSE); // Restore this range
* CTxtRange::CheckTopCells(publdr) * * @mfunc * If this range follows a table-row end delimiter, normalize any top * cells in the previous row that don't have corresponding low cells * in the current row. */ void CTxtRange::CheckTopCells ( IUndoBuilder *publdr) //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
{ Assert(_rpTX.IsAfterTRD(ENDFIELD));
_rpPF.AdjustBackward(); const CParaFormat * pPF0 = GetPF(); _rpPF.AdjustForward(); const CParaFormat * pPF1 = _rpTX.IsAtTRD(STARTFIELD) ? GetPF() : NULL; CELLPARMS rgCellParms[MAX_TABLE_CELLS];
if(CheckCells(&rgCellParms[0], pPF0, pPF1, fTopCell, fLowCell)) { LONG cpMin; CTxtRange rg(*this);
rg.Move(-2, FALSE); // Back up before table row end delimiter
rg.FindRow(&cpMin, NULL, rg.GetPF()->_bTableLevel); rg.Set(cpMin, 0); rg.SetCellParms(&rgCellParms[0], pPF0->_bTabCount, FALSE, publdr); } }
* CTxtRange::CheckCells(prgCellParms, pPF1, pPF0, dwMaskCell, dwMaskCellAssoc) * * @mfunc * Check cells with type dwMaskCell in row for pPF1 to see if their * associated cells in row for pPF0 are compatible and make appropriate * changes in prgCellParms if a discrepancy is found. * * @rdesc * TRUE if prgCellParms contains changes from the cells in pPF1. */ BOOL CTxtRange::CheckCells ( CELLPARMS * prgCellParms, //@parm CellParms to update
const CParaFormat * pPF1, //@parm PF for row to check cells on
const CParaFormat * pPF0, //@parm PF for row to compare cells to
DWORD dwMaskCell, //@parm Mask for cell type to check
DWORD dwMaskCellAssoc) //@parm Mask for desired associated type
{ LONG cCell1 = pPF1->_bTabCount; BOOL fCellsChanged = FALSE; const CELLPARMS *prgCellParms1 = pPF1->GetCellParms();
for(LONG iCell1 = 0, dul1 = 0; iCell1 < cCell1; iCell1++) { LONG uCell1 = prgCellParms1[iCell1].uCell; prgCellParms[iCell1] = prgCellParms1[iCell1];// Copy current cell parms
dul1 += GetCellWidth(uCell1); if(uCell1 & dwMaskCell) // Need to check cell: see if
{ // associated cell is compatible
BOOL fChangeCellParm = TRUE; // Default that it isn't
if(pPF0) // Compare to associated row
{ LONG cCell0 = pPF0->_bTabCount; const CELLPARMS *prgCellParms0 = pPF0->GetCellParms();
fChangeCellParm = FALSE; // Maybe no change needed
for(LONG iCell0 = 0, dul0 = 0; iCell0 < cCell0; iCell0++) { // Find cell above
LONG uCell0 = prgCellParms0[iCell0].uCell; dul0 += GetCellWidth(uCell0); if(dul0 == dul1) // Found cell above
{ // Should check both ends of cell to be sure it
// matches the present one
if(!(uCell0 & dwMaskCellAssoc)) fChangeCellParm = TRUE; // Need cell parm change
break; } } } if(fChangeCellParm) { uCell1 &= ~dwMaskCell; if(dwMaskCell == fLowCell) { // REMARK: it would be possible to get the pPF for the para
// following this row and check to see if the current cell
// should be a top cell. For now we assume it is and fix it
// up by an additional pass in CheckMergeCells()
uCell1 |= fTopCell; } prgCellParms[iCell1].uCell = uCell1; fCellsChanged = TRUE; } } } return fCellsChanged; }
* CTxtRange::SetCellParms(prgCellParms, cCell, fConvertLowCells, publdr) * * @mfunc * Set cell parms for row pointed to by this range equal to *prgCellParms. * Return with this range pointing just after the row end delimiter. */ void CTxtRange::SetCellParms ( CELLPARMS * prgCellParms, //@parm New cell parms to use
LONG cCell, //@parm # cells
BOOL fConvertLowCells, //@parm TRUE if low cells are being converted
IUndoBuilder *publdr) //@parm UndoBuilder to receive antievents
{ LONG cpMost; LONG Level = GetPF()->_bTableLevel; CParaFormat PF;
Assert(_rpTX.IsAtTRD(STARTFIELD) && Level > 0);
PF._bTabCount = cCell; PF._iTabs = GetTabsCache()->Cache((LONG *)prgCellParms, cCell*(CELL_EXTRA+1)); Move(2, TRUE); // Select table-row-start delimiter
SetParaFormat(&PF, publdr, PFM_TABSTOPS, PFM2_ALLOWTRDCHANGE); _cch = 0; FindRow(NULL, &cpMost, Level); if(fConvertLowCells) { while(GetCp() < cpMost - 2) // Delete NOTACHARs
{ if(_rpTX.GetChar() == NOTACHAR && Level == GetPF()->_bTableLevel) { _cch = -1; ReplaceRange(0, NULL, publdr, SELRR_REMEMBERRANGE, NULL); cpMost--; } Move(1, FALSE); } } Set(cpMost, 2); // Select table-row end delimiter
Assert(_rpTX.IsAfterTRD(ENDFIELD)); SetParaFormat(&PF, publdr, PFM_TABSTOPS, PFM2_ALLOWTRDCHANGE); GetTabsCache()->Release(PF._iTabs); _cch = 0; }
* CTxtRange::GetCharFormat(pCF, flags) * * @mfunc * Set *pCF = CCharFormat for this range. If cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT) * only transfer CHARFORMAT data. * * @rdesc * Mask of unchanged properties over range (for CHARFORMAT::dwMask) * * @devnote * NINCH means No Input No CHange (a Microsoft Word term). Here used for * properties that change during the range of cch characters. NINCHed * properties in a Word-Font dialog have grayed boxes. They are indicated * by zero values in their respective dwMask bit positions. Note that * a blank at the end of the range does not participate in the NINCH * test, i.e., it can have a different CCharFormat without zeroing the * corresponding dwMask bits. This is done to be compatible with Word * (see also CTxtSelection::SetCharFormat when _fWordSelMode is TRUE). */ DWORD CTxtRange::GetCharFormat ( CCharFormat *pCF, //@parm CCharFormat to fill with results
DWORD flags) const //@parm flags
{ TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::GetCharFormat"); _TEST_INVARIANT_ CTxtEdit * const ped = GetPed();
if(!_cch || !_rpCF.IsValid()) // IP or invalid CF
{ // run ptr: use CF at
*pCF = *ped->GetCharFormat(_iFormat); // this text ptr
return CFM_ALL2; }
LONG cpMin, cpMost; // Nondegenerate range:
LONG cch = GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); // need to scan
LONG cchChunk; // cch in CF run
DWORD dwMask = CFM_ALL2; // Initially all prop def'd
LONG iDirection; // Direction of scan
CFormatRunPtr rp(_rpCF); // Nondegenerate range
* The code below reads character formatting the way Word does it, * that is, by not including the formatting of the last character in the * range if that character is a blank. * * See also the corresponding code in CTxtSelection::SetCharFormat(). */
if(cch > 1 && _fSel && (flags & SCF_USEUIRULES))// If more than one char,
{ // don't include trailing
CTxtPtr tp(ped, cpMost - 1); // blank in NINCH test
if(tp.GetChar() == ' ') { // Have trailing blank:
cch--; // one less char to check
if(_cch > 0) // Will scan backward, so
rp.Move(-1); // backup before blank
} }
if(_cch < 0) // Setup direction and
{ // initial cchChunk
iDirection = 1; // Scan forward
rp.AdjustForward(); cchChunk = rp.GetCchLeft(); // Chunk size for _rpCF
} else { iDirection = -1; // Scan backward
rp.AdjustBackward(); // If at BOR, go to
cchChunk = rp.GetIch(); // previous EOR
*pCF = *ped->GetCharFormat(rp.GetFormat()); // Initialize *pCF to
// starting format
while(cchChunk < cch) // NINCH properties that
{ // change over the range
cch -= cchChunk; // given by cch
if(!rp.ChgRun(iDirection)) // No more runs
break; // (cch too big)
cchChunk = rp.GetRun(0)->_cch;
const CCharFormat *pCFTemp = ped->GetCharFormat(rp.GetFormat());
dwMask &= ~pCFTemp->Delta(pCF, // NINCH properties that
flags & CFM2_CHARFORMAT); // changed, i.e., reset
} // corresponding bits
return dwMask; }
* CTxtRange::SetCharFormat(pCF, flags, publdr, dwMask, dwMask2) * * @mfunc * apply CCharFormat *pCF to this range. If range is an insertion point, * and (flags & SCF_WORD) != 0, then apply CCharFormat to word surrounding * this insertion point * * @rdesc * HRESULT = (successfully set whole range) ? NOERROR : S_FALSE * * @devnote * SetParaFormat() is similar, but simpler, since it doesn't have to * special case insertion-point ranges or worry about bullet character * formatting, which is given by EOP formatting. */ HRESULT CTxtRange::SetCharFormat ( const CCharFormat *pCF, //@parm CCharFormat to fill with results
IUndoBuilder *publdr, //@parm Undo builder to use
DWORD dwMask, //@parm CHARFORMAT2 mask
DWORD dwMask2) //@parm Second mask
LONG cch = -_cch; // Defaults for _cch <= 0
LONG cchBack = 0; // cch to back up for formatting
LONG cchFormat; // cch for formatting
CCharFormat CF; // Temporary CF
LONG cp; LONG cpMin, cpMost; LONG cpStart = 0; LONG cpWordMin, cpWordMost; BOOL fApplyToEOP = FALSE; BOOL fProtected = FALSE; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LONG iCF; CTxtEdit * const ped = GetPed(); // defined and not style
ICharFormatCache * pf = GetCharFormatCache(); CFreezeDisplay fd(ped->_pdp);
if(!Check_rpCF()) // Not rich
return NOERROR;
if(_cch > 0) // Active end at range end
{ cchBack = -_cch; // Setup to back up to
cch = _cch; // start of format area
} else if(_cch < 0) _rpCF.AdjustForward();
else if(!cch && (flags & (SCF_WORD | SCF_USEUIRULES))) { BOOL fCheckEOP = TRUE; if(flags & SCF_WORD) { FindWord(&cpWordMin, &cpWordMost, FW_EXACT);
// If nearest word is within this range, calculate cchback and cch
// so that we can apply the given format to the word
if(cpWordMin < GetCp() && GetCp() < cpWordMost) { // RichEdit 1.0 made 1 final check: ensure word's format
// is constant w.r.t. the format passed in
CTxtRange rg(*this);
rg.Set(cpWordMin, cpWordMin - cpWordMost); fProtected = rg.WriteAccessDenied(); if(!fProtected && (rg.GetCharFormat(&CF) & dwMask) == dwMask) { cchBack = cpWordMin - GetCp(); cch = cpWordMost - cpWordMin; } fCheckEOP = FALSE; } } if(fCheckEOP && _rpTX.IsAtEOP() && !GetPF()->_wNumbering) { CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); cch = tp.AdvanceCRLF(FALSE); _rpCF.AdjustForward(); // Go onto format EOP
fApplyToEOP = TRUE;
// Apply the characterset and face to EOP because EOP can be in any charset
dwMask2 |= CFM2_NOCHARSETCHECK; } } cchFormat = cch;
BOOL fApplyStyle = pCF->fSetStyle(dwMask, dwMask2);
if(!cch) // Set degenerate-range (IP)
{ // CF
LApplytoIP: DWORD dwMsk = dwMask; dwMask2 |= CFM2_NOCHARSETCHECK; CF = *ped->GetCharFormat(_iFormat); // Copy current CF at IP to CF
if ((CF._dwEffects & CFE_LINK) && // Don't allow our URL
ped->GetDetectURL() && !ped->IsStreaming()) // formatting to be changed
{ dwMsk &= ~CFM_LINK; } if(fApplyStyle) CF.ApplyDefaultStyle(pCF->_sStyle); hr = CF.Apply(pCF, dwMsk, dwMask2); // Apply *pCF
if(hr != NOERROR) // Cache result if new
return hr; hr = pf->Cache(&CF, &iCF); // In any case, get iCF
if(hr != NOERROR) // (which AddRef's it)
return hr;
if (g_pols) g_pols->DestroyLine(NULL); #endif
pf->Release(_iFormat); _iFormat = iCF; if(fProtected) // Signal to beep if UI
hr = S_FALSE; } else // Set nondegenerate-range CF
{ // Get start of affected area
CNotifyMgr *pnm = NULL;
if (!(flags & SCF_IGNORENOTIFY)) { pnm = ped->GetNotifyMgr(); // Get the notification mgr
if(pnm) { cpStart = GetCp() + cchBack; // Bulletting may move
// affected area back if
if(GetPF()->_wNumbering) // formatting hits EOP that
{ // affects bullet at BOP
FindParagraph(&cpMin, &cpMost); if(cpMost <= GetCpMost()) cpStart = cpMin; } pnm->NotifyPreReplaceRange(this,// Notify interested parties of
CP_INFINITE, 0, 0, cpStart, // the impending update
cpStart + cchFormat); } }
// Move _rpCF in front of the changes to allow easy rebinding
_rpCF.Move(cchBack); // Back up to formatting start
CFormatRunPtr rp(_rpCF); // Clone _rpCF to walk range
cp = GetCp() + cchBack; if(publdr) { LONG cchBackup = 0, cchAdvance = 0; if (ped->IsBiDi()) { CRchTxtPtr rtp(*this); if(cchBack) { rtp._rpPF.Move(cchBack); // Move _rpPF and _rpTX back
rtp._rpTX.Move(cchBack); // (_rpCF moved back above)
} cchBackup = rtp.ExpandRangeFormatting(cch, 0, cchAdvance); Assert(cchBackup <= 0); } rp.Move(cchBackup); // Move rp back
IAntiEvent *pae = gAEDispenser.CreateReplaceFormattingAE(ped, cp + cchBackup, rp, cch - cchBackup + cchAdvance, pf, CharFormat);
rp.Move(-cchBackup); // Restore rp
if(pae) publdr->AddAntiEvent(pae); } // Following Word, we translate runs for 8-bit charsets to/from
LONG cchLeft; LONG cchRun; LONG cchSkip = 0; LONG cchSkipHidden = 0; LONG cchTrans; QWORD qwFontSig = 0; DWORD dwMaskSave = dwMask; DWORD dwMask2Save = dwMask2; BOOL fBiDiCharRep = IsBiDiCharRep(pCF->_iCharRep); BOOL fFECharRep = IsFECharRep(pCF->_iCharRep); BOOL fFontCheck = (dwMask2 & CFM2_MATCHFONT); BOOL fHidden = dwMask & CFM_HIDDEN & pCF->_dwEffects; BOOL fInRange; BOOL fSymbolCharRep = IsSymbolOrOEMCharRep(pCF->_iCharRep); UINT iCharRep = 0; CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX);
if(fFontCheck && !fSymbolCharRep) { GetFontSignatureFromFace(pCF->_iFont, &qwFontSig); if(!qwFontSig) qwFontSig = FontSigFromCharRep(pCF->_iCharRep); }
if (ped->_fIMEInProgress && !(dwMask2 & CFM2_SCRIPT)) dwMask2 |= CFM2_NOCHARSETCHECK; // Don't check charset or it will display garbage
while(cch > 0 && rp.IsValid()) { CF = *ped->GetCharFormat(rp.GetFormat());// Copy rp CF to temp CF
if(fApplyStyle) CF.ApplyDefaultStyle(pCF->_sStyle); cchRun = cch;
// Don't apply CFE_HIDDEN to table row delimiters or CELL
if(fHidden) { // For better perf, this could be done as a CTxtPtr function
// that has a prototype like CTxtPtr::TranslateRange().
// REMARK: similar run breaking should be incorporated into
// CTxtRange::ReplaceRange in case table structure elements
// are inserted into a hidden run.
if(cchSkipHidden) { cchRun = cchSkipHidden; // Bypass table structure chars
cchSkipHidden = 0; // found on preceding pass
dwMask &= ~CFM_HIDDEN; } else // Check for table structure
{ // characters
WCHAR ch; tp.SetCp(cp); cchLeft = rp.GetCchLeft(); for(LONG i = 0; i < cchLeft;) { ch = tp.GetChar(); if(ch == CELL) { cchSkipHidden = 1; cchRun = i; break; } if(IN_RANGE(STARTFIELD, ch, ENDFIELD) && tp.IsAtTRD(0)) { cchSkipHidden = 2; cchRun = i; break; } LONG cch = tp.AdvanceCRLF(TRUE); if(IsASCIIEOP(ch)) // Don't hide EOP if
{ // followed by a TRD start
if(tp.IsAtTRD(STARTFIELD)) { cchSkipHidden = cch + 2; cchRun = i; break; } } i += cch; } if(!cchRun) { AssertSz(cchSkipHidden, "CTxtRange::SetCharFormat: cchRun = 0"); continue; } } } if (CF._dwEffects & CFE_RUNISDBCS) { // Don't allow charset/face name change for DBCS run
// causing these are garbage characters
dwMask &= ~(CFM_CHARSET | CFM_FACE); } else if(fFontCheck) // Only apply font if it
{ // supports run's charset
cchLeft = rp.GetCchLeft(); cchRun = min(cchRun, cchLeft); // Translate up to end of
cchRun = min(cch, cchRun); // current CF run
dwMask &= ~CFM_CHARSET; // Default no charset change
if(cchSkip) { // Skip cchSkip chars (were
cchRun = cchSkip; // not translatable with
cchSkip = 0; // CodePage)
} else if(fSymbolCharRep ^ IsSymbolOrOEMCharRep(CF._iCharRep)) { // SYMBOL to/from nonSYMBOL
iCharRep = fSymbolCharRep ? CF._iCharRep : pCF->_iCharRep; if(!Is8BitCharRep(iCharRep)) goto DoASCII;
dwMask |= CFM_CHARSET; // Need to change charset
if(fSymbolCharRep) CF._iCharRepSave = iCharRep;
else if(Is8BitCharRep(CF._iCharRepSave)) { iCharRep = CF._iCharRep = CF._iCharRepSave; dwMask &= ~CFM_CHARSET; // Already changed
tp.SetCp(cp); // Point tp at start of run
cchTrans = tp.TranslateRange(cchRun, CodePageFromCharRep(iCharRep), fSymbolCharRep, publdr /*, cchSkip */); if(cchTrans < cchRun) // Ran into char not in
{ // CodePage, so set up to
cchSkip = 1; // skip the char
cchRun = cchTrans; // FUTURE: use cchSkip out
if(!cchRun) // parm from TranslateRange
continue; // instead of skipping 1 char
} // at a time
} else if(!fSymbolCharRep) { DoASCII: tp.SetCp(cp); // Point tp at start of run
fInRange = tp.GetChar() < 0x80;
if (!fBiDiCharRep && !IsBiDiCharRep(CF._iCharRep) && fInRange && ((qwFontSig & FASCII) == FASCII || fFECharRep || fSymbolCharRep)) { // ASCII text and new font supports ASCII
// We exclude BiDi here. We cannot allow applying BiDi
// charset to non-BiDi run or vice versa. This because
// we use charset for BiDi reordering. In the future,
// we should use something more elegant than charset.
if (!(FontSigFromCharRep(CF._iCharRep) & ~FASCII & qwFontSig)) // New font doesn't support underlying charset,
// apply new charset to ASCII
dwMask |= CFM_CHARSET; } else if (!(FontSigFromCharRep(CF._iCharRep) & ~FASCII & qwFontSig) && CF._iCharRep != DEFAULT_INDEX && !IN_RANGE(JPN2_INDEX, CF._iCharRep, CHT2_INDEX)) // New font doesn't support underlying charset: suppress
// both new charset and facename except for default
// index and surrogate pairs, for which we still know
// too little to be sure
dwMask &= ~CFM_FACE;
cchRun -= tp.MoveWhile(cchRun, 0, 0x7F, fInRange); } } hr = CF.Apply(pCF, dwMask, dwMask2);// Apply *pCF
if(hr != NOERROR) return hr; dwMask = dwMaskSave; // Restore mask in case
dwMask2 = dwMask2Save; // changed above
hr = pf->Cache(&CF, &iCF); // Cache result if new, In any
if(hr != NOERROR) // cause, use format index iCF
if (g_pols) g_pols->DestroyLine(NULL); #endif
// Set format for this run. Proper levels will be generated
// later by BiDi FSM.
cchLeft = rp.SetFormat(iCF, cchRun, pf); if(cchLeft < cchRun) // Didn't format all of cchRun:
cchSkip = cchSkipHidden = 0; // Turn off cchSkip, since need
cchRun = cchLeft; // to format rest of cchRun 1st
pf->Release(iCF); // Release count from Cache above
// rp.SetFormat AddRef's as needed
if(cchRun == CP_INFINITE) { ped->GetCallMgr()->SetOutOfMemory(); break; } cp += cchRun; cch -= cchRun; } _rpCF.AdjustBackward(); // Expand scope for merging
rp.AdjustForward(); // runs
rp.MergeRuns(_rpCF._iRun, pf); // Merge adjacent runs that
// have the same format
if(cchBack) // Move _rpCF back to where it
_rpCF.Move(-cchBack); // was
else // Active end at range start:
_rpCF.AdjustForward(); // don't leave at EOR
if(pnm) { pnm->NotifyPostReplaceRange(this, // Notify interested parties
CP_INFINITE, 0, 0, cpStart, // of the change.
cpStart + cchFormat - cch); }
if(publdr && !(flags & SCF_IGNORESELAE)) { HandleSelectionAEInfo(ped, publdr, GetCp(), _cch, GetCp(), _cch, SELAE_FORCEREPLACE); }
if(!_cch) // In case IP with ApplyToWord
{ if(fApplyToEOP) // Formatting EOP only
goto LApplytoIP;
Update_iFormat(-1); } if (ped->IsRich()) ped->GetCallMgr()->SetChangeEvent(CN_GENERIC); } if(_fSel && ped->IsRich() && !ped->_f10Mode /*bug fix #5211*/) ped->GetCallMgr()->SetSelectionChanged();
AssertSz(GetCp() == (cp = _rpCF.CalculateCp()), "RTR::SetCharFormat(): incorrect format-run ptr");
if (!(dwMask2 & (CFM2_SCRIPT | CFM2_HOLDITEMIZE)) && cchFormat && hr == NOERROR && !cch) { // A non-degenerate range not coming from ItemizeRuns
// It's faster to make a copy pointer since we dont need to worry about fExtend.
CRchTxtPtr rtp(*this);
rtp.Move(cchBack + cchFormat); rtp.ItemizeReplaceRange(cchFormat, 0, publdr);
return hr; } return (hr == NOERROR && cch) ? S_FALSE : hr; }
* CTxtRange::GetParaFormat(pPF) * * @mfunc * return CParaFormat for this text range. If no PF runs are allocated, * then return default CParaFormat * * @rdesc * Mask of defined properties: 1 bit means corresponding property is * defined and constant throughout range. 0 bit means it isn't constant * throughout range. Note that PARAFORMAT has fewer relevant bits * (PFM_ALL vs PFM_ALL2) */ DWORD CTxtRange::GetParaFormat ( CParaFormat *pPF, //@parm ptr to CParaFormat to be filled
DWORD dwMask2) const //@parm Mask specifying PFM2_PARAFORMAT
CTxtEdit * const ped = GetPed();
DWORD dwMask = dwMask2 & PFM2_PARAFORMAT // Default presence of
? PFM_ALL : PFM_ALL2; // all properties
CFormatRunPtr rp(_rpPF); LONG cch = -_cch;
if(cch < 0) // At end of range:
{ // go to start of range
rp.Move(cch); cch = -cch; // Count with cch > 0
*pPF = *ped->GetParaFormat(rp.GetFormat()); // Initialize *pPF to
// starting paraformat
if(!cch || !rp.IsValid()) // No cch or invalid PF
return dwMask; // run ptr: use PF at
// this text ptr
LONG cchChunk = rp.GetCchLeft(); // Chunk size for rp
while(cchChunk < cch) // NINCH properties that
{ // change over the range
cch -= cchChunk; // given by cch
if(!rp.NextRun()) // Go to next run // No more runs
break; // (cch too big)
cchChunk = rp.GetCchLeft(); dwMask &= ~ped->GetParaFormat(rp.GetFormat())// NINCH properties that
->Delta(pPF, dwMask2 & PFM2_PARAFORMAT);// changed, i.e., reset
} // corresponding bits
return dwMask; }
* CTxtRange::SetParaFormat(pPF, publdr, dwMask, dwMask2) * * @mfunc * apply CParaFormat *pPF to this range. * * @rdesc * if successfully set whole range, return NOERROR, otherwise * return error code or S_FALSE. */ HRESULT CTxtRange::SetParaFormat ( const CParaFormat* pPF, //@parm CParaFormat to apply to this range
IUndoBuilder *publdr, //@parm Undo context for this operation
DWORD dwMask, //@parm Mask to use
DWORD dwMask2) //@parm Second mask
LONG cch; // Length of text to format
LONG cchBack; // cch to back up for formatting
LONG cp; LONG cpMin, cpMost; // Limits of text to format
LONG delta; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LONG iPF = 0; // Index to a CParaFormat
CTxtEdit * const ped = GetPed(); CParaFormat PF; // Temporary CParaFormat
IParaFormatCache * pf = GetParaFormatCache();// Format cache ptr for Cache,
// AddRefFormat, ReleaseFormat
CBiDiLevel* pLevel; CBiDiLevel lvRTL = {1, 0}; CBiDiLevel lvLTR = {0, 0}; CFreezeDisplay fd(ped->_pdp);
if(!Check_rpPF()) return E_FAIL;
FindParagraph(&cpMin, &cpMost); // Get limits of text to
cch = cpMost - cpMin; // format, namely closest
CNotifyMgr *pnm = ped->GetNotifyMgr(); if(pnm) { pnm->NotifyPreReplaceRange(this, // Notify interested parties of
CP_INFINITE, 0, 0, cpMin, cpMost); // the impending update
cchBack = cpMin - GetCp();
// Move _rpPF in front of the changes to allow easy rebinding
_rpPF.Move(cchBack); // Back up to formatting start
CFormatRunPtr rp(_rpPF); // Clone _rpPF to walk range
if(publdr) { IAntiEvent *pae = gAEDispenser.CreateReplaceFormattingAE(ped, cpMin, rp, cch, pf, ParaFormat); if(pae) publdr->AddAntiEvent(pae); } BOOL fLevelChanged = FALSE; const CParaFormat *pPFRun = ped->GetParaFormat(rp.GetFormat()); LONG TableLevel = pPFRun->_bTableLevel;
if(pPFRun->IsTableRowDelimiter()) TableLevel--;
CParaFormat PFStyle; if(ped->HandleStyle(&PFStyle, pPF, dwMask, dwMask2) == NOERROR) { pPF = &PFStyle; dwMask = PFM_ALL2 ^ PFM_TABLE; }
DWORD dwMaskSave = dwMask; do { dwMask = dwMaskSave; pPFRun = ped->GetParaFormat(rp.GetFormat());// Get current PF
LONG TableLevelRun = pPFRun->_bTableLevel; WORD wEffectsRun = pPFRun->_wEffects; // Save effects to avoid using
// pPFRun, which may be invalid
if(pPFRun->IsTableRowDelimiter()) // after PF.Apply()
{ TableLevelRun--; if(!(dwMask2 & PFM2_ALLOWTRDCHANGE)) { dwMask &= PFM_STARTINDENT | PFM_ALIGNMENT | PFM_OFFSETINDENT | PFM_RIGHTINDENT | PFM_RTLPARA; } } if(TableLevelRun > TableLevel) { cch -= rp.GetCchLeft(); // Skip run
rp.NextRun(); continue; } PF = *pPFRun; hr = PF.Apply(pPF, dwMask, dwMask2); // Apply *pPF
if(hr != NOERROR) // (Probably E_INVALIDARG)
break; // Cache result if new; in any
hr = pf->Cache(&PF, &iPF); // case, get format index iPF
if(hr != NOERROR) // Can't necessarily return
break; // error, since may need
if(!fLevelChanged) fLevelChanged = (wEffectsRun ^ PF._wEffects) & PFE_RTLPARA;
pLevel = PF.IsRtl() ? &lvRTL : &lvLTR;
delta = rp.SetFormat(iPF, cch, pf, pLevel); // Set format for this run
pf->Release(iPF); // rp.SetFormat AddRefs as needed
if(delta == CP_INFINITE) { ped->GetCallMgr()->SetOutOfMemory(); break; } cch -= delta; } while (cch > 0) ;
_rpPF.AdjustBackward(); // If at BOR, go to prev EOR
rp.MergeRuns(_rpPF._iRun, pf); // Merge any adjacent runs
// that have the same format
if(cchBack) // Move _rpPF back to where it
_rpPF.Move(-cchBack); // was
else // Active end at range start:
_rpPF.AdjustForward(); // don't leave at EOR
if(pnm) { pnm->NotifyPostReplaceRange(this, // Notify interested parties of
CP_INFINITE, 0, 0, cpMin, cpMost); // the update
if(publdr) { // Paraformatting works a bit differently, it just remembers the
// current selection. Cast selection to range to avoid including
// _select.h; we only need range methods.
CTxtRange *psel = (CTxtRange *)GetPed()->GetSel(); if(psel) { cp = psel->GetCp(); HandleSelectionAEInfo(ped, publdr, cp, psel->GetCch(), cp, psel->GetCch(), SELAE_FORCEREPLACE); } }
AssertSz(GetCp() == (cp = _rpPF.CalculateCp()), "RTR::SetParaFormat(): incorrect format-run ptr");
if (fLevelChanged && cpMost > cpMin) { ped->OrCharFlags(FRTL, publdr);
// make sure the CF is valid
CTxtRange rg(*this);
if (publdr) { // Create anti-events to keep BiDi level of paragraphs in need
ICharFormatCache* pcfc = GetCharFormatCache(); CFormatRunPtr rp(_rpCF);
rp.Move(cpMin - _rpTX.GetCp());
IAntiEvent *pae = gAEDispenser.CreateReplaceFormattingAE (ped, cpMin, rp, cpMost - cpMin, pcfc, CharFormat); if (pae) publdr->AddAntiEvent(pae); } rg.Set(cpMost, cpMost - cpMin); rg.ItemizeRuns (publdr); }
return (hr == NOERROR && cch) ? S_FALSE : hr; }
* CTxtRange::SetParaStyle(pPF, publdr, dwMask) * * @mfunc * apply CParaFormat *pPF using the style pPF->sStyle to this range. * * @rdesc * if successfully set whole range, return NOERROR, otherwise * return error code or S_FALSE. * * @comm * If pPF->dwMask & PFM_STYLE is nonzero, this range is expanded to * complete paragraphs. If it's zero, this call just passes control * to CTxtRange::SetParaStyle(). */ HRESULT CTxtRange::SetParaStyle ( const CParaFormat* pPF, //@parm CParaFormat to apply to this range
IUndoBuilder *publdr, //@parm Undo context for this operation
DWORD dwMask) //@parm Mask to use
{ LONG cchSave = _cch; // Save range cp and cch in case
LONG cpSave = GetCp(); // para expand needed
HRESULT hr; if(publdr) publdr->StopGroupTyping();
if(pPF->fSetStyle(dwMask, 0)) { CCharFormat CF; // Need to apply associated CF
LONG cpMin, cpMost; DWORD dwMaskCF = CFM_STYLE;
Expander(tomParagraph, TRUE, NULL, &cpMin, &cpMost);
CF._sStyle = pPF->_sStyle; if(CF._sStyle == STYLE_NORMAL) { CF = *GetPed()->GetCharFormat(-1); dwMaskCF = CFM_ALL2; } hr = SetCharFormat(&CF, 0, publdr, dwMaskCF, 0); if(hr != NOERROR) return hr; } hr = SetParaFormat(pPF, publdr, dwMask, 0); Set(cpSave, cchSave); // Restore this range in case expanded
return hr; }
* CTxtRange::Update_iFormat(iFmtDefault) * * @mfunc * update _iFormat to CCharFormat at current active end * * @devnote * _iFormat is only used when the range is degenerate * * The Word 95 UI specifies that the *previous* format should * be used if we're in at an ambiguous cp (i.e. where a formatting * change occurs) _unless_ the previous character is an EOP * marker _or_ if the previous character is protected. */ void CTxtRange::Update_iFormat ( LONG iFmtDefault) //@parm Format index to use if _rpCF isn't valid
DWORD dwEffects; LONG ifmt, iFormatForward; const CCharFormat *pCF, *pCFForward;
if(_cch) return;
_fSelHasEOP = FALSE; // Empty ranges don't contain
_fSelExpandCell = FALSE; // anything, incl EOPs/cells
_nSelExpandLevel = 0;
if(_fDontUpdateFmt) // _iFormat is only used
return; // for degenerate ranges
if(_rpCF.IsValid() && iFmtDefault == -1) { // Get forward info before possibly adjusting backward
_rpCF.AdjustForward(); ifmt = iFormatForward = _rpCF.GetFormat(); pCF = pCFForward = GetPed()->GetCharFormat(ifmt); if(!_rpTX.IsAfterEOP()) { _rpCF.AdjustBackward(); // Adjust backward
ifmt = _rpCF.GetFormat(); pCF = GetPed()->GetCharFormat(ifmt); } dwEffects = pCF->_dwEffects;
if (!(GetPed()->_fIMEInProgress)) // Dont change format during IME
{ if(!_rpTX.GetCp() && (dwEffects & CFE_RUNISDBCS)) { // If at beginning of document, and text is protected, just use
// default format.
ifmt = iFmtDefault; } else if(dwEffects & (CFE_PROTECTED | CFE_LINK | CFE_HIDDEN | CFE_RUNISDBCS)) { // If range is protected, hidden, or a friendly hyperlink,
// pick forward format
ifmt = iFormatForward; } else if(ifmt != iFormatForward && _fMoveBack && IsRTLCharRep(pCF->_iCharRep) != IsRTLCharRep(pCFForward->_iCharRep)) { ifmt = iFormatForward; } } iFmtDefault = ifmt; }
// Don't allow _iFormat to include CFE_HIDDEN attributes
// unless they're the default
if(iFmtDefault != -1) { pCF = GetPed()->GetCharFormat(iFmtDefault); if(pCF->_dwEffects & (CFE_HIDDEN | CFE_LINKPROTECTED)) { if(!(pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_LINKPROTECTED)) { CCharFormat CF = *pCF; CF._dwEffects &= ~CFE_HIDDEN;
Assert(_cch == 0); // Must be an insertion point
SetCharFormat(&CF, FALSE, NULL, CFM_ALL2, 0); return; } if(!(pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_HIDDEN) && !(GetCF()->_dwEffects & CFE_LINK)) iFmtDefault = _rpCF.GetFormat();// Don't extend friendly link names
} } Set_iCF(iFmtDefault); }
* CTxtRange::GetCharRepMask(fUseDocFormat) * * @mfunc * Get this range's char repertoire mask corresponding to _iFormat. * If fUseDocFormat is TRUE, then use -1 instead of _iFormat. * * @rdesc * char repertoire mask for range or default document */ QWORD CTxtRange::GetCharRepMask( BOOL fUseDocFormat) { LONG iFormat = fUseDocFormat ? -1 : GetiFormat(); QWORD qwMask = FontSigFromCharRep((GetPed()->GetCharFormat(iFormat))->_iCharRep);
qwMask &= ~FOTHER;
if(qwMask & FSYMBOL) return qwMask;
// For now, Indic fonts match only ASCII digits
qwMask |= FBELOWX40; if(!(qwMask & FINDIC)) qwMask |= FASCII; // FASCIIUPR+FBELOWX40
if(qwMask & FLATIN) qwMask |= FCOMBINING;
return qwMask; }
* CTxtRange::GetiFormat() * * @mfunc * Return (!_cch || _fUseiFormat) ? _iFormat : iFormat at cpMin * * @rdesc * iFormat at cpMin if nondegenerate and !_fUseiFormat; else _iFormat * * @devnote * This routine doesn't AddRef iFormat, so it shouldn't be used if * it needs to be valid after character formatting has changed, e.g., * by ReplaceRange or SetCharFormat or SetParaStyle */ LONG CTxtRange::GetiFormat() const { if(!_cch || _fUseiFormat) return _iFormat;
if(_cch > 0) { CFormatRunPtr rp(_rpCF); rp.Move(-_cch); return rp.GetFormat(); } return _rpCF.GetFormat(); }
* CTxtRange::Get_iCF() * * @mfunc * Get this range's _iFormat (AddRef'ing, of course) * * @devnote * Get_iCF() is used by the RTF reader */ LONG CTxtRange::Get_iCF () { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::Get_iCF");
GetCharFormatCache()->AddRef(_iFormat); return _iFormat; }
* CTxtRange::Set_iCF(iFormat) * * @mfunc * Set range's _iFormat to iFormat, AddRefing and Releasing as required. * * @rdesc * TRUE if _iFormat changed */ BOOL CTxtRange::Set_iCF ( LONG iFormat) //@parm Index of char format to use
if(iFormat == _iFormat) return FALSE;
ICharFormatCache *pCFC = GetCharFormatCache();
pCFC->AddRef(iFormat); pCFC->Release(_iFormat); // Note: _iFormat = -1 doesn't
_iFormat = iFormat; // get AddRef'd or Release'd
AssertSz(GetCF(), "CTxtRange::Set_iCF: illegal format"); return TRUE; }
* CTxtRange::IsHidden() * * @mfunc * Return TRUE iff range end is hidden. If nondegenerate, check * char at appropriate range end * * @rdesc * TRUE if range active end is hidden */ BOOL CTxtRange::IsHidden() { if(_cch > 0) _rpCF.AdjustBackward();
BOOL fHidden = CRchTxtPtr::IsHidden();
if(_cch > 0) _rpCF.AdjustForward();
return fHidden; }
* CTxtRange::BiDiLevelFromFSM(pFSM) * * @mfunc * Run BiDi FSM to generate proper embedding level for runs * * @rdesc * HRESULT */ HRESULT CTxtRange::BiDiLevelFromFSM ( const CBiDiFSM* pFSM) // in: ptr to FSM
{ AssertSz(pFSM && _rpCF.IsValid(), "Not enough information to run BiDi FSM"); LONG cpMin, cpMost, cp, cchLeft; LONG ich, cRunsStart, cRuns = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
GetRange(cpMin, cpMost);
AssertSz (cpMost - cpMin > 0, "FSM: Invalid range");
CRchTxtPtr rtp(*this);
rtp.Move(cpMin - rtp.GetCp()); // initiate position to cpMin
CFormatRunPtr rpPF(rtp._rpPF); // pointer to current paragraph
cchLeft = cpMost - cpMin; cp = cpMin;
while (cchLeft > 0 && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // accumulate runs within the same paragraph level
cRuns = GetRunsPF(&rtp, &rpPF, cchLeft); cRunsStart = 0; // assume no start run
ich = rtp.Move(-rtp.GetIchRunCF()); // locate preceding run
rtp._rpCF.AdjustBackward(); // adjusting format backward
rtp._rpPF.AdjustBackward(); // adjusting format backward
if(rtp._rpPF.SameLevel(&rpPF)) { // start at the beginning of preceding run
if (rtp.Move(-rtp.GetCchRunCF())) cRunsStart++; } else { // preceding run is not at the same paragraph level, resume position
rtp.Move(-ich); }
rtp._rpCF.AdjustForward(); // make sure we have forward run pointers
// Run FSM for the number of runs in multiple paragraphs with the same level
hr = pFSM->RunFSM(&rtp, cRuns, cRunsStart, rtp.IsParaRTL() ? 1 : 0);
cp = cpMost - cchLeft; rtp.Move(cp - rtp.GetCp()); // Advance to next paragraph(s)
rpPF = rtp._rpPF; // paragraph format at cp
AssertSz (cp == cpMost , "Running BiDi FSM partially done!");
_rpCF = rtp._rpCF; // We may have splitted CF runs
return hr; } #endif // NOCOMPLEXSCRIPTS
* CTxtRange::GetRunsPF(prtp, prpPF, cchLeft) * * @mfunc * Get the number of CF runs within the same paragraph's base level. * Its scope could cover multiple paragraphs. As long as they are in the * same level, we can run them through the FSM in one go. * */ LONG CTxtRange::GetRunsPF( CRchTxtPtr* prtp, // in: RichText ptr to the first run in range
CFormatRunPtr* prpPF, // in: Pointer to current paragraph run
LONG& cchLeft) // in/out: number of char left
{ Assert (prtp && prtp->_rpPF.SameLevel(prpPF) && cchLeft > 0);
LONG cRuns = 0; LONG cchRun, cchText = cchLeft; ICharFormatCache* pf = GetCharFormatCache();
// check if the first CF run is PF bound
if (prtp->GetIchRunCF() > 0 && !prtp->_rpPF.SameLevel(prpPF)) prtp->_rpCF.SplitFormat(pf); // PF breaks inside a CF run, split the run
prtp->_rpPF.AdjustForward(); // make sure we are all forward.
while (cchText > 0) { cchRun = min(prtp->GetCchLeftRunPF(), prtp->GetCchLeftRunCF()); cchRun = min(cchText, cchRun); // find out the nearest hop
cchText -= cchRun;
prtp->Move(cchRun); // to the next hop
if (!prtp->_rpPF.SameLevel(prpPF)) { // this is a para with different level
prtp->_rpCF.SplitFormat(pf); // split that CF run
cRuns++; // count the splitted
break; // and we're done
if (!cchText || // this is the last hop -or-
!prtp->GetIchRunCF() || // we're at the start or the end of a CF run
!prtp->GetCchLeftRunCF()) { cRuns++; // count this hop
} }
prtp->Move(cchText - cchLeft); // resume position
cchLeft = cchText; // update number of char left
return cRuns; }
* CTxtRange::SpanSubstring (pusp, prp, pwchString, cchString, &uSubStrLevel, * dwInFlags, &dwOutFlags, &wBiDiLangId) * @mfunc * Span the run of text bound by or contains only block separators * and share the same charset directionality. * * @rdesc * number of span'ed text characters */ LONG CTxtRange::SpanSubstring( CUniscribe * pusp, //@parm in: Uniscribe interface
CFormatRunPtr * prp, //@parm in: Format run pointer
WCHAR * pwchString, //@parm in: Input string
LONG cchString, //@parm in: String character count
WORD & uSubStrLevel, //@parm in/out: BiDi substring initial level
DWORD dwInFlags, //@parm in: Input flags
CCharFlags* pCharflags, // out:Output charflags
WORD & wBiDiLangId) //@parm out:Primary language of a BiDi run
{ Assert (pusp && cchString > 0 && prp && prp->IsValid());
LONG cch, cchLeft;
cch = cchLeft = cchString;
wBiDiLangId = LANG_NEUTRAL; // assume unknown
if (dwInFlags & SUBSTR_INSPANCHARSET) { // span runs with same charset's direction
CTxtEdit* ped = GetPed(); CFormatRunPtr rp(*prp); const CCharFormat* pCF; BOOL fNext; BYTE iCharRep1, iCharRep2;
rp.AdjustForward(); pCF = ped->GetCharFormat(rp.GetFormat()); iCharRep1 = iCharRep2 = pCF->_iCharRep; while (!(iCharRep1 ^ iCharRep2)) { cch = min(rp.GetCchLeft(), cchLeft); cchLeft -= cch; if (!(fNext = rp.NextRun()) || !cchLeft) break; iCharRep1 = iCharRep2; pCF = ped->GetCharFormat(rp.GetFormat()); iCharRep2 = pCF->_iCharRep; } uSubStrLevel = IsBiDiCharRep(iCharRep1) ? 1 : 0;
if (uSubStrLevel & 1) wBiDiLangId = iCharRep1 == ARABIC_INDEX ? LANG_ARABIC : LANG_HEBREW;
cchString -= cchLeft; cch = cchString;
if (dwInFlags & SUBSTR_INSPANBLOCK) { // scan the whole substring to collect information about it
DWORD dwBS = IsEOP(*pwchString) ? 1 : 0; BYTE bCharMask;
cch = 0;
if (pCharflags) pCharflags->_bFirstStrong = pCharflags->_bContaining = 0;
while (cch < cchString && !((IsEOP(pwchString[cch]) ? 1 : 0) ^ dwBS)) { if (!dwBS && pCharflags) { bCharMask = 0; switch (MECharClass(pwchString[cch])) { case CC_ARABIC: case CC_HEBREW: case CC_RTL: bCharMask = SUBSTR_OUTCCRTL; break; case CC_LTR: bCharMask = SUBSTR_OUTCCLTR; default: break; } if (bCharMask) { if (!pCharflags->_bFirstStrong) pCharflags->_bFirstStrong |= bCharMask; pCharflags->_bContaining |= bCharMask; } } cch++; } } return cch; }
* CTxtRange::ItemizeRuns(publdr, fUnicodeBidi, fUseCtxLevel) * * @mfunc * Break text range into smaller run(s) containing * * 1. Script ID for complex script shaping * 2. Charset for run internal direction * 3. BiDi embedding level * * @rdesc * TRUE iff one or more items found. * The range's active end will be at cpMost upon return. * * @devnote * This routine could handle mixed paragraph runs */ BOOL CTxtRange::ItemizeRuns( IUndoBuilder *publdr, //@parm Undo context for this operation
BOOL fUnicodeBiDi, //@parm TRUE: Caller needs Bidi algorithm
BOOL fUseCtxLevel) //@parm Itemize using context based level (only valid if fUnicodeBiDi is true)
CTxtEdit* ped = GetPed(); LONG cch, cchString; CCharFormat CF; CCharFlags charflags = {0}; int cItems = 0; LONG cpMin, cpMost; BOOL fBiDi = ped->IsBiDi(); CFreezeDisplay fd(ped->_pdp); // Freeze display
BOOL fChangeCharSet = FALSE; BOOL fRunUnicodeBiDi; BOOL fStreaming = ped->IsStreaming(); BYTE iCharRepDefault = ped->GetCharFormat(-1)->_iCharRep; BYTE pbBufIn[MAX_CLIENT_BUF]; SCRIPT_ITEM * psi; CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); WORD uParaLevel; // Paragraph initial level
WORD uSubStrLevel; // Substring initial level
WORD wBiDiLangId; #ifdef DEBUG
LONG cchText = GetTextLength(); #endif
// Get range and setup text ptr to the start
cch = cchString = GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); if (!cch) return FALSE;
// Prepare Uniscribe
CUniscribe *pusp = ped->Getusp(); if (!pusp) return FALSE;
// Allocate temp buffer for itemization
PUSP_CLIENT pc = NULL; pusp->CreateClientStruc(pbBufIn, MAX_CLIENT_BUF, &pc, cchString, cli_Itemize); if(!pc) return FALSE;
CNotifyMgr *pnm = ped->GetNotifyMgr(); if(pnm) pnm->NotifyPreReplaceRange(this, CP_INFINITE, 0, 0, cpMin, cpMost);
LONG cp = cpMin; // Set cp starting point at cpMin
Set(cp, 0); // equals to Collapser(tomStart)
Check_rpCF(); // Make sure _rpCF is valid
// Always run UnicodeBidi for plain text control
// (2.1 backward compatible)
if(!ped->IsRich()) { fUnicodeBiDi = TRUE; fUseCtxLevel = FALSE; } if(!fBiDi) fUnicodeBiDi = FALSE;
uSubStrLevel = uParaLevel = IsParaRTL() ? 1 : 0; // initialize substring level
WCHAR *pwchString = pc->si->pwchString; tp.GetTextForUsp(cchString, pwchString, ped->_fNeutralOverride);
while ( cchString > 0 && ((cch = SpanSubstring(pusp, &_rpCF, pwchString, cchString, uSubStrLevel, fUnicodeBiDi ? SUBSTR_INSPANBLOCK : SUBSTR_INSPANCHARSET, (fStreaming || fUseCtxLevel) ? &charflags : NULL, wBiDiLangId)) > 0) ) { LONG cchSave = cch; BOOL fWhiteChunk = FALSE; // Chunk contains only whitespaces
if (uSubStrLevel ^ uParaLevel) { // Handle Bidi spaces when substring level counters paragraph base direction.
// Span leading spaces
cch = 0; while (cch < cchSave && pwchString[cch] == 0x20) cch++;
if (cch) fWhiteChunk = TRUE; else { // Trim out trailing whitespaces (including CR)
cch = cchSave; while (cch > 0 && IsWhiteSpace(pwchString[cch-1])) cch--; if (!cch) cch = cchSave; } Assert(cch > 0); }
// Itemize with Unicode Bidi algorithm when
// a. Plain text mode
// b. Caller wants (fUnicodeBidi != 0)
// c. Substring is RTL.
fRunUnicodeBiDi = fUnicodeBiDi || uSubStrLevel; fChangeCharSet = fUnicodeBiDi;
if (!fUnicodeBiDi && uSubStrLevel == 1 && fStreaming) { // During RTF streaming if the RTL run contains strong LTR,
// we resolve them using the paragraph base level
if (charflags._bContaining & SUBSTR_OUTCCLTR) uSubStrLevel = uParaLevel;
fChangeCharSet = TRUE; }
// Caller wants context based level.
// We want to itemize incoming plain text (into richtext doc) with the base level
// of the first strong character found in each substrings (wchao - 7/15/99)
if (fUnicodeBiDi && fUseCtxLevel && charflags._bFirstStrong) uSubStrLevel = (WORD)(charflags._bFirstStrong & SUBSTR_OUTCCRTL ? 1 : 0);
if (fWhiteChunk || pusp->ItemizeString (pc, uSubStrLevel, &cItems, pwchString, cch, fRunUnicodeBiDi, wBiDiLangId) > 0) { const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES *psp; DWORD dwMask1; psi = pc->si->psi; if (fWhiteChunk) { cItems = 1; psi[0].a.eScript = SCRIPT_WHITE; psi[0].iCharPos = 0; psi[1].iCharPos = cch; }
Assert(cItems > 0); // Process items
for(LONG i = 0; i < cItems; i++) { cp += psi[i+1].iCharPos - psi[i].iCharPos; AssertNr (cp <= cchText); SetCp(min(cp, cpMost), TRUE); dwMask1 = 0;
// Associate the script properties
psp = pusp->GeteProp(psi[i].a.eScript); Assert (psp);
if (!psp->fComplex && !psp->fNumeric && !psi[i].a.fRTL && psi[i].a.eScript < SCRIPT_MAX_COUNT) { // Note: Value 0 here is a valid script ID (SCRIPT_UNDEFINED),
// guaranteed by Uniscribe to be available all the time
// so we're safe using it as our simplified script ID.
psi[i].a.eScript = 0; psp = pusp->GeteProp(0); } CF._wScript = psi[i].a.eScript; // Stamp appropriate charset
if (pusp->GetComplexCharRep(psp, iCharRepDefault, CF._iCharRep)) { // Complex script that has distinctive charset
dwMask1 |= CFM_CHARSET; } else if (fChangeCharSet) { // We run UnicodeBidi to analyse the whole thing so
// we need to figure out the proper charset to use as well.
// Note that we don't want to apply charset in general, say things
// like East Asia or GREEK_CHARSET should remain unchanged by
// this effect. But doing charset check is tough since we deal
// with text in range basis, so we simply call to update it here
// and let CCharFormat::Apply do the charset test in down level.
CF._iCharRep = CharRepFromCharSet(psp->bCharSet); // Assume what Uniscribe has given us
if (psi[i].a.fRTL || psi[i].a.fLayoutRTL) { // Those of strong RTL and RTL digits need RTL char repertoire
CF._iCharRep = pusp->GetRtlCharRep(ped, this); } Assert(CF._iCharRep != DEFAULT_INDEX); dwMask1 |= CFM_CHARSET; }
// No publdr for this call so no antievent for itemized CF
SetCharFormat(&CF, SCF_IGNORENOTIFY, NULL, dwMask1, CFM2_SCRIPT); Set(cp, 0); #ifdef DEBUG
if(IN_RANGE(0xDC00, GetPrevChar(), 0xDFFF)) { _rpCF.AdjustBackward(); if(_rpCF.GetIch() == 1) // Solo trail surrogate in run
{ CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); // If lead surrogate preceeds it,
tp.Move(-1); // Assert
AssertSz(!IN_RANGE(0xD800, tp.GetPrevChar(), 0xDBFF), "CTxtRange::ItemizeRuns: nonuniform CF for surrogate pair"); } _rpCF.AdjustForward(); } #endif
} } else { // Itemization fails.
cp += cch; SetCp(min(cp, cpMost), TRUE);
// Reset script id to 0
CF._wScript = 0; SetCharFormat(&CF, SCF_IGNORENOTIFY, NULL, 0, CFM2_SCRIPT); Set(cp, 0); } pwchString = &pc->si->pwchString[cp - cpMin]; // Point at next substring
cchString -= cch; uParaLevel = IsParaRTL() ? 1 : 0; // Paragraph level might have changed
} Assert (cpMost == cp);
Set(cpMost, cpMost - cpMin); // Restore original range (may change active end)
if(fBiDi) { // Retrieve ptr to Bidi FSM
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; const CBiDiFSM* pFSM = pusp->GetFSM(); Check_rpPF(); // Be sure PF runs are instantiated
if (pFSM) hr = BiDiLevelFromFSM (pFSM);
AssertSz(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Unable to run or running BiDi FSM fails! We are in deep trouble,"); } if (pc && pbBufIn != (BYTE *)pc) FreePv(pc);
ped->_fItemizePending = FALSE; // Update flag
// Notify backing store change to all notification sinks
if(pnm) pnm->NotifyPostReplaceRange(this, CP_INFINITE, 0, 0, cpMin, cpMost);
return cItems > 0; #else
* CTxtRange::IsProtected(iDirection) * * @mfunc * Return TRUE if any part of this range is protected (HACK: or * if any part of the range contains DBCS text stored in our Unicode * backing store). If degenerate, * use CCharFormat from run specified by iDirection, that is, use run * valid up to, at, or starting at this GetCp() for iDirection less, =, * or greater than 0, respectively. * * @rdesc * TRUE iff any part of this range is protected (HACK: or if any part * of the range contains DBCS text stored in our Unicode backing store * For this to work correctly, GetCharFormat() needs to return dwMask2 * as well). */ PROTECT CTxtRange::IsProtected ( CHECKPROTECT chkprot) //@parm Controls which run to check if range is IP
CCharFormat CF; BOOL fTOM = FALSE; LONG iFormat = -1; // Default default CF
if(chkprot == CHKPROT_TOM) { fTOM = TRUE; chkprot = CHKPROT_EITHER; } if(_rpCF.IsValid()) // Active rich-text runs
{ if(_cch) // Range is nondegenerate
{ DWORD dwMask = GetCharFormat(&CF); if(CF._dwEffects & CFE_RUNISDBCS) return PROTECTED_YES;
if (!(dwMask & CFM_PROTECTED) || (CF._dwEffects & CFE_PROTECTED)) { return PROTECTED_ASK; } return PROTECTED_NO; } iFormat = _iFormat; // Degenerate range: default
if(chkprot != CHKPROT_EITHER) // this range's iFormat
{ // Specific run direction
CFormatRunPtr rpCF(_rpCF);
if(chkprot == CHKPROT_BACKWARD) // If at run ambiguous pos,
rpCF.AdjustBackward(); // use previous run
else rpCF.AdjustForward();
iFormat = rpCF.GetFormat(); // Get run format
} } const CCharFormat *pCF = GetPed()->GetCharFormat(iFormat);
if(pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_RUNISDBCS) return PROTECTED_YES;
if(!fTOM && !(pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_PROTECTED)) return PROTECTED_NO;
if(!_cch && chkprot == CHKPROT_EITHER) // If insertion point and
{ // no directionality, return
CFormatRunPtr rpCF(_rpCF); // PROTECTED_NO if either
rpCF.AdjustBackward(); // forward or previous run is
pCF = GetPed()->GetCharFormat(rpCF.GetFormat());// unprotected
if(!(pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_PROTECTED)) return PROTECTED_NO; rpCF.AdjustForward(); pCF = GetPed()->GetCharFormat(rpCF.GetFormat()); } return (pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_PROTECTED) ? PROTECTED_ASK : PROTECTED_NO; }
* CTxtRange::AdjustEndEOP (NewChars) * * @mfunc * If this range is a selection and ends with an EOP and consists of * more than just this EOP and fAdd is TRUE, or this EOP is the final * EOP (at the story end), or this selection doesn't begin at the start * of a paragraph, then move cpMost just before the end EOP. This * function is used by UI methods that delete the selected text, such * as PutChar(), Delete(), cut/paste, drag/drop. * * @rdesc * TRUE iff range end has been adjusted * * @devnote * This method leaves the active end at the selection cpMin. It is a * CTxtRange method to handle the selection when it mascarades as a * range for Cut/Paste. */ BOOL CTxtRange::AdjustEndEOP ( EOPADJUST NewChars) //@parm NEWCHARS if chars will be added
LONG cpMin, cpMost; LONG cch = GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); LONG cchSave = _cch; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if(cch && (cch < GetTextLength() || NewChars == NEWCHARS)) { CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); if(_cch > 0) // Ensure active end is cpMin
FlipRange(); // (ReplaceRange() needs to
else // do this anyhow)
tp.Move(-_cch); // Ensure tp is at cpMost
LONG cchEOP = -tp.BackupCRLF(); if (IsASCIIEOP(tp.GetChar()) && // Don't delete EOP at sel
!tp.IsAtTRD(ENDFIELD) && // end if EOP isn't end of
(NewChars == NEWCHARS || // table row and if there're
cpMin && !_rpTX.IsAfterEOP() && // chars to add, or cpMin
cch > cchEOP)) // isn't at BOD and more than
{ // EOP is selected
_cch += cchEOP; // Shorten range before EOP
Update_iFormat(-1); // negative _cch to make
fRet = TRUE; // it less negative
} if((_cch ^ cchSave) < 0 && _fSel) // Keep active end the same
FlipRange(); // for selection undo
} return fRet; }
* CTxtRange::DeleteTerminatingEOP (publdr) * * @mfunc * If this range is an insertion point that follows an EOP, select * and delete that EOP */ void CTxtRange::DeleteTerminatingEOP( IUndoBuilder *publdr) { Assert(!_cch); if(_rpTX.IsAfterEOP()) { BackupCRLF(CSC_NORMAL, TRUE); if(IN_RANGE(STARTFIELD, CRchTxtPtr::GetChar(), ENDFIELD)) AdvanceCRLF(CSC_NORMAL, TRUE); // Leave range the way it was
else ReplaceRange(0, NULL, publdr, SELRR_REMEMBERRANGE, NULL, RR_NO_LP_CHECK); } }
* CTxtRange::CheckTextLength(cch) * * @mfunc * Check to see if can add cch characters. If not, notify parent * * @rdesc * TRUE if OK to add cch chars */ BOOL CTxtRange::CheckTextLength ( LONG cch, LONG *pcch) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::CheckTextLength");
_TEST_INVARIANT_ DWORD cchNew = (DWORD)(CalcTextLenNotInRange() + cch);
if(cchNew > GetPed()->TxGetMaxLength()) { if (pcch) *pcch = cchNew - GetPed()->TxGetMaxLength(); else GetPed()->GetCallMgr()->SetMaxText();
return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
* CTxtRange::InsertTableRow(pPF, publdr) * * @mfunc * Insert empty table row with parameters given by pPF * * @rdesc * Count of CELL and NOTACHAR chars inserted if successful; else 0 */ LONG CTxtRange::InsertTableRow( const CParaFormat *pPF, //@parm CParaFormat to use for delimiters
IUndoBuilder *publdr) //@parm If non-NULL, where to put anti-events
{ AssertSz(pPF->_bTabCount && pPF->IsTableRowDelimiter(), "CTxtRange::InsertTableRow: illegal pPF"); AssertSz(!_cch, "CTxtRange::InsertTableRow: nondegenerate range");
if(GetPed()->TxGetPasswordChar()) // Tsk, tsk, no inserting tables
return 0; // into password controls
LONG cCell = pPF->_bTabCount; LONG cchCells = cCell; LONG dul = 0; BOOL fIsAtTRED = _rpTX.IsAtTRD(ENDFIELD); WCHAR szBlankRow[2*MAX_TABLE_CELLS + 6] = {CR, STARTFIELD, CR}; WCHAR * pch = szBlankRow + 3; CFreezeDisplay fd(GetPed()->_pdp); CParaFormat PF1 = *pPF; // Save *pPF, since may move
const CELLPARMS *prgCellParms = PF1.GetCellParms(); // due to
// Get cell info on preceding row
const CELLPARMS *prgCellParmsPrev = NULL; LONG cCellPrev;
if(fIsAtTRED) { prgCellParmsPrev = prgCellParms;// Same CParaFormat
cCellPrev = pPF->_bTabCount; } else { _rpPF.AdjustBackward(); const CParaFormat *pPFPrev = GetPF(); cCellPrev = pPFPrev->_bTabCount; _rpPF.AdjustForward(); if (GetCp() && pPFPrev->IsTableRowDelimiter() && pPFPrev->_bTableLevel == pPF->_bTableLevel) { prgCellParmsPrev = pPFPrev->GetCellParms(); } }
// Define plain text for row (CELLs, NOTACHARs, TRDs)
for(LONG i = 0; i < cCell; i++) { LONG uCell = prgCellParms[i].uCell; dul += GetCellWidth(uCell); if(IsLowCell(uCell)) { if(!prgCellParmsPrev) // No previous row, so cell can't
return 0; // be merged with one above
LONG iCell = prgCellParmsPrev->ICellFromUCell(dul, cCellPrev); if(iCell < 0 || !IsVertMergedCell(prgCellParmsPrev[iCell].uCell)) return 0;
*pch++ = NOTACHAR; cchCells++; // Add in extra char
} *pch++ = CELL; } *pch++ = ENDFIELD; *pch++ = CR;
LONG cch = cchCells + 5; // cch to insert
pch = szBlankRow; if(!GetCp() || _rpTX.IsAfterEOP()) // New row follows CR, so don't
{ // need to insert a leading CR
pch++; cch--; if(GetCp()) // Still need to unhide CR if it's
{ // hidden
_rpCF.AdjustBackward(); const CCharFormat *pCF = GetCF(); _rpCF.AdjustForward(); if(pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_HIDDEN) { CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); CCharFormat CF = *pCF; CF._dwEffects = 0; // Turn off hidden
_cch = -tp.BackupCRLF(FALSE); SetCharFormat(&CF, 0, publdr, CFM_HIDDEN, 0); _cch = 0; } } } if(_cch || !CheckTextLength(cch)) // If nondegen or empty row can't
return 0; // fit, fail call
if(publdr) publdr->StopGroupTyping();
if(fIsAtTRED) // Don't insert new table between
AdvanceCRLF(CSC_NORMAL, FALSE); // final CELL and table-row end
// delimiter
if(_rpTX.IsAfterTRD(ENDFIELD)) { _rpCF.AdjustBackward(); // Use CF of TR end delimiter
Set_iCF(_rpCF.GetFormat()); }
ReplaceRange(cch, pch, publdr, SELRR_REMEMBERRANGE, NULL, RR_UNHIDE); _cch = 2; // Select row end marker
SetParaFormat(&PF1, publdr, PFM_ALL2, PFM2_ALLOWTRDCHANGE);
CParaFormat PF; // Create PF for cell markers
PF = *(GetPed()->GetParaFormat(-1));// and possible lead CR
PF._wEffects |= PFE_TABLE; PF._bTableLevel = pPF->_bTableLevel; AssertSz(PF._bTableLevel > 0, "CTxtRange::InsertTableRow: invalid table level");
Set(GetCp() - 2, cchCells); // Select cell markers
SetParaFormat(&PF, publdr, PFM_ALL2, PFM2_ALLOWTRDCHANGE);
Set(GetCp() - cchCells, 2); // Select row start marker
SetParaFormat(&PF1, publdr, PFM_ALL2, PFM2_ALLOWTRDCHANGE);
if(pch == szBlankRow) { Set(GetCp() - 2, 1); // Select lead CR
PF._bTableLevel--; if(!PF._bTableLevel) PF._wEffects &= ~PFE_TABLE; AssertSz(PF._bTableLevel >= 0, "CTxtRange::InsertTableRow: invalid table level"); SetParaFormat(&PF, publdr, PFM_ALL2, PFM2_ALLOWTRDCHANGE); Move(2, FALSE); } Collapser(FALSE); // Leave in first cell of new row
_fMoveBack = FALSE; Update(TRUE); return cchCells; }
* CTxtRange::FindObject(pcpMin, pcpMost) * * @mfunc * Set *pcpMin = closest embedded object cpMin <lt>= range cpMin * Set *pcpMost = closest embedded object cpMost <gt>= range cpMost * * @rdesc * TRUE iff object found * * @comm * An embedded object cpMin points at the first character of an embedded * object. For RichEdit, this is the WCH_EMBEDDING character. An * embedded object cpMost follows the last character of an embedded * object. For RichEdit, this immediately follows the WCH_EMBEDDING * character. */ BOOL CTxtRange::FindObject( LONG *pcpMin, //@parm Out parm to receive object's cpMin; NULL OK
LONG *pcpMost) const//@parm Out parm to receive object's cpMost; NULL OK
if(!GetObjectCount()) // No objects: can't move, so
return FALSE; // return FALSE
BOOL bRet = FALSE; // Default no object
LONG cpMin, cpMost; CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX);
GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); if(pcpMin) { tp.SetCp(cpMin); if(tp.GetChar() != WCH_EMBEDDING) { cpMin = tp.FindExact(tomBackward, szEmbedding); if(cpMin >= 0) { bRet = TRUE; *pcpMin = cpMin; } } } if(pcpMost) { tp.SetCp(cpMost); if (tp.PrevChar() != WCH_EMBEDDING && tp.FindExact(tomForward, szEmbedding) >= 0) { bRet = TRUE; *pcpMost = tp.GetCp(); } } return bRet; }
* CTxtRange::FindCell(pcpMin, pcpMost) * * @mfunc * Set *pcpMin = closest cell cpMin <lt>= range cpMin (see comment) * Set *pcpMost = closest cell cpMost <gt>= range cpMost * * @comment * This function returns range cpMin and cpMost if the range isn't * completely in a table or if the range already selects one or more * cells at the same table level. */ void CTxtRange::FindCell ( LONG *pcpMin, //@parm Out parm for bounding-cell cpMin
LONG *pcpMost) const //@parm Out parm for bounding-cell cpMost
LONG cch; LONG cpMin, cpMost; LONG Results; CPFRunPtr rp(*this); LONG Level = rp.GetMinTableLevel(_cch); CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX);
GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); LONG cp = cpMin;
if(Level) { tp.SetCp(cpMin); if(tp.IsAtTRD(STARTFIELD) && rp.GetTableLevel() == Level) Level--; }
if(pcpMin) { if(Level && rp.InTable()) { rp.AdjustBackward(); while(rp.GetTableLevel() >= Level && tp.GetCp()) { if(tp.IsAtStartOfCell() && rp.GetTableLevel() <= Level) break; while(1) // Ensure at correct table level
{ rp.AdjustBackward(); if(rp.GetTableLevel() <= Level) break; tp.Move(-rp.GetIch()); // Bypass paraformat runs back
rp.SetIch(0); // to desired level
} if(tp.IsAfterTRD(STARTFIELD)) break; cch = tp.FindEOP(tomBackward, &Results); if(!cch) break; rp.Move(cch); // Keep rp in sync with tp
} cp = tp.GetCp(); } *pcpMin = cp; }
if(pcpMost) { rp.Move(cpMost - cp); tp.SetCp(cpMost); if(Level && rp.InTable()) { if(pcpMin && !_cch && *pcpMin == cpMost) rp.Move(tp.FindEOP(tomForward, &Results));
while(rp.GetTableLevel() >= Level) { if(tp.GetPrevChar() == CELL) { rp.AdjustBackward(); if(rp.GetTableLevel() == Level) break; } do // Ensure at correct table level
{ if(rp.GetTableLevel() <= Level) break; tp.Move(rp.GetCchLeft()); // Bypass paraformats up to
} while(rp.NextRun()); // desired level
cch = tp.FindEOP(tomForward, &Results); if(!cch) break; rp.Move(cch); // Keep rp in sync with tp
} } *pcpMost = tp.GetCp(); } }
* CTxtRange::FindRow(pcpMin, pcpMost, Level) * * @mfunc * Set *pcpMin = closest row cpMin <lt>= range cpMin. * Set *pcpMost = closest row cpMost <gt>= range cpMost. * In both cases the row(s) chosen correspond to the * table level of range. */ void CTxtRange::FindRow ( LONG *pcpMin, //@parm Out parm for bounding-row cpMin
LONG *pcpMost, //@parm Out parm for bounding-row cpMost
LONG Level) const //@parm Table row level to expand to
LONG cchAdjText = GetAdjustedTextLength(); WCHAR ch; LONG cpMin, cpMost; CPFRunPtr rp(*this); CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); const CParaFormat *pPF; if(Level < 0) // Get range min Level
Level = rp.GetMinTableLevel(_cch); // and move rp to cpMin
else if(_cch > 0) rp.Move(-_cch);
GetRange(cpMin, cpMost);
LONG cp = cpMin;
if(pcpMin) { while(1) { pPF = rp.GetPF(); if(pPF->_bTableLevel < Level || !pPF->_bTableLevel) break; cp -= rp.GetIch(); // Go to start of PF run
rp.SetIch(0); if(pPF->IsTableRowDelimiter()) { LONG cchMove = 0; if(rp.GetCchLeft() == 4 && cp <= cpMin - 2) cchMove = 2; // For end-start pair, setup to
// advance to start
tp.SetCp(cp); // Update tp to get char
ch = tp.GetChar(); if(ch == STARTFIELD || cchMove) { AssertSz(!cchMove || ch == ENDFIELD, "CTxtRange::FindRow: illegal table row");
if(Level == pPF->_bTableLevel) { if(cchMove) { cp += cchMove; rp.Move(cchMove); } break; } } } if(!rp.PrevRun()) // Go to previous run if there is one
{ AssertSz(!cp && !Level, "CTxtRange::FindRow: badly formed table"); break; } cp -= rp.GetCchLeft(); } *pcpMin = cp; } if(pcpMost) { rp.Move(cpMost - cp); // Advance to cpMost of range
Assert(!rp.IsValid() || (cp = rp.CalculateCp()) == cpMost); cp = cpMost; rp.AdjustBackward(); // If cpMost directly follows
if(rp.IsTableRowDelimiter()) // row-end delimiter, backup over
{ // it to catch case when range
tp.SetCp(cp); // already selects a row
if(tp.GetChar() == CR) // In middle of TR delimiter
{ // so move to its start
cp--; rp.Move(-1); } else if(abs(_cch) > 2 && tp.IsAfterTRD(ENDFIELD)) { cp -= 2; rp.Move(-2); } } rp.AdjustForward(); while(cp < cchAdjText) { pPF = rp.GetPF(); if(pPF->_bTableLevel < Level || !pPF->_bTableLevel) break; if(pPF->IsTableRowDelimiter()) { tp.SetCp(cp); ch = tp.GetChar(); if(ch == ENDFIELD && Level == pPF->_bTableLevel) { cp += tp.AdvanceCRLF(FALSE);// Bypass row end delimiter
break; } } cp += rp.GetCchLeft(); if(!rp.NextRun()) break; } *pcpMost = cp; } }
* CTxtRange::FindParagraph(pcpMin, pcpMost) * * @mfunc * Set *pcpMin = closest paragraph cpMin <lt>= range cpMin (see comment) * Set *pcpMost = closest paragraph cpMost <gt>= range cpMost * * @devnote * If this range's cpMost follows an EOP, use it for bounding-paragraph * cpMost unless 1) the range is an insertion point, and 2) pcpMin and * pcpMost are both nonzero, in which case use the next EOP. Both out * parameters are nonzero if FindParagraph() is used to expand to full * paragraphs (else StartOf or EndOf is all that's requested). This * behavior is consistent with the selection/IP UI. Note that FindEOP * treats the beginning/end of document (BOD/EOD) as a BOP/EOP, * respectively, but IsAfterEOP() does not. */ void CTxtRange::FindParagraph ( LONG *pcpMin, //@parm Out parm for bounding-paragraph cpMin
LONG *pcpMost) const //@parm Out parm for bounding-paragraph cpMost
LONG cpMin, cpMost; CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX);
GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); if(pcpMin) { tp.SetCp(cpMin); // tp points at this range's cpMin
if(!tp.IsAfterEOP()) // Unless tp directly follows an
tp.FindEOP(tomBackward); // EOP, search backward for EOP
*pcpMin = cpMin = tp.GetCp(); }
if(pcpMost) { tp.SetCp(cpMost); // If range cpMost doesn't follow
if (!tp.IsAfterEOP() || // an EOP or else if expanding
(!cpMost || pcpMin) && cpMin == cpMost) // IP at paragraph beginning,
{ tp.FindEOP(tomForward); // search for next EOP
} *pcpMost = tp.GetCp(); } }
* CTxtRange::FindSentence(pcpMin, pcpMost) * * @mfunc * Set *pcpMin = closest sentence cpMin <lt>= range cpMin * Set *pcpMost = closest sentence cpMost <gt>= range cpMost * * @devnote * If this range's cpMost follows a sentence end, use it for bounding- * sentence cpMost unless the range is an insertion point, in which case * use the next sentence end. The routine takes care of aligning on * sentence beginnings in the case of range ends that fall on whitespace * in between sentences. */ void CTxtRange::FindSentence ( LONG *pcpMin, //@parm Out parm for bounding-sentence cpMin
LONG *pcpMost) const //@parm Out parm for bounding-sentence cpMost
LONG cpMin, cpMost; CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX);
GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); if(pcpMin) // Find sentence beginning
{ tp.SetCp(cpMin); // tp points at this range's cpMin
if(!tp.IsAtBOSentence()) // If not at beginning of sentence
tp.FindBOSentence(tomBackward); // search backward for one
*pcpMin = cpMin = tp.GetCp(); }
if(pcpMost) // Find sentence end
{ // Point tp at this range's cpLim
tp.SetCp(cpMost); // If cpMost isn't at sentence
if (!tp.IsAtBOSentence() || // beginning or if at story
(!cpMost || pcpMin) && // beginning or expanding
cpMin == cpMost) // IP at sentence beginning,
{ // find next sentence beginning
if(!tp.FindBOSentence(tomForward)) tp.SetCp(GetTextLength()); // End of story counts as
} // sentence end too
*pcpMost = tp.GetCp(); } }
* CTxtRange::FindVisibleRange(pcpMin, pcpMost) * * @mfunc * Set *pcpMin = _pdp->_cpFirstVisible * Set *pcpMost = _pdp->_cpLastVisible * * @rdesc * TRUE iff calculated cp's differ from this range's cp's * * @devnote * CDisplay::GetFirstVisible() and GetCliVisible() return the first cp * on the first visible line and the last cp on the last visible line. * These won't be visible if they are scrolled off the screen. * FUTURE: A more general algorithm would CpFromPoint (0,0) and * (right, bottom). */ BOOL CTxtRange::FindVisibleRange ( LONG *pcpMin, //@parm Out parm for cpFirstVisible
LONG *pcpMost) const //@parm Out parm for cpLastVisible
CDisplay * pdp = GetPed()->_pdp;
if(!pdp) return FALSE;
if(pcpMin) *pcpMin = pdp->GetFirstVisibleCp();
return TRUE; }
* CTxtRange::FindWord(pcpMin, pcpMost, type) * * @mfunc * Set *pcpMin = closest word cpMin <lt>= range cpMin * Set *pcpMost = closest word cpMost <gt>= range cpMost * * @comm * There are two interesting cases for finding a word. The first, * (FW_EXACT) finds the exact word, with no extraneous characters. * This is useful for situations like applying formatting to a * word. The second case, FW_INCLUDE_TRAILING_WHITESPACE does the * obvious thing, namely includes the whitespace up to the next word. * This is useful for the selection double-click semantics and TOM. */ void CTxtRange::FindWord( LONG *pcpMin, //@parm Out parm to receive word's cpMin; NULL OK
LONG *pcpMost, //@parm Out parm to receive word's cpMost; NULL OK
FINDWORD_TYPE type) const //@parm Type of word to find
LONG cch, cch1; LONG cpMin, cpMost; CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX);
GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); if(pcpMin) { tp.SetCp(cpMin); if(!tp.IsAtBOWord()) // cpMin not at BOW:
cpMin += tp.FindWordBreak(WB_MOVEWORDLEFT); // go there
*pcpMin = cpMin;
Assert(cpMin >= 0 && cpMin <= GetTextLength()); }
if(pcpMost) { tp.SetCp(cpMost); if (!tp.IsAtBOWord() || // If not at word strt
(!cpMost || pcpMin) && cpMin == cpMost) // or there but need
{ // to expand IP,
cch = tp.FindWordBreak(WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT); // move to next word
if(cch && type == FW_EXACT) // If moved and want
{ // word proper, move
cch1 = tp.FindWordBreak(WB_LEFTBREAK); // back to end of
if(cch + cch1 > 0) // preceding word
cch += cch1; // Only do so if were
} // not already at end
cpMost += cch; } *pcpMost = cpMost;
Assert(cpMost >= 0 && cpMost <= GetTextLength()); Assert(cpMin <= cpMost); } }
* CTxtRange::FindAttributes(pcpMin, pcpMost, dwMask) * * @mfunc * Set *pcpMin = closest attribute-combo cpMin <lt>= range cpMin * Set *pcpMost = closest attribute-combo cpMost <gt>= range cpMost * The attribute combo is given by Unit and is any OR combination of * TOM attributes, e.g., tomBold, tomItalic, or things like * tomBold | tomItalic. The combo is found if any of the attributes * is present. * * @devnote * Plan to add other logical combinations: tomAND, tomExact */ void CTxtRange::FindAttributes ( LONG *pcpMin, //@parm Out parm for bounding-sentence cpMin
LONG *pcpMost, //@parm Out parm for bounding-sentence cpMost
LONG Unit) const //@parm TOM attribute mask
{ TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRANG, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtRange::FindAttributes"); LONG cch; LONG cpMin, cpMost; DWORD dwMask = Unit & ~0x80000000; // Kill sign bit
CCFRunPtr rp(*this);
Assert(Unit < 0); GetRange(cpMin, cpMost);
if(!rp.IsValid()) // No CF runs instantiated
{ if(rp.IsMask(dwMask)) // Applies to default CF
{ if(pcpMin) *pcpMin = 0; if(pcpMost) *pcpMost = GetTextLength(); } return; }
// Start at cpMin
if(_cch > 0) rp.Move(-_cch);
// Go backward until we don't match dwMask
if(pcpMin) { rp.AdjustBackward(); while(rp.IsMask(dwMask) && rp.GetIch()) { cpMin -= rp.GetIch(); rp.Move(-rp.GetIch()); rp.AdjustBackward(); } *pcpMin = cpMin; }
// Now go forward from cpMost until we don't match dwMask
if(pcpMost) { rp.Move(cpMost - cpMin); rp.AdjustForward(); // In case cpMin = cpMost
cch = rp.GetCchLeft(); while(rp.IsMask(dwMask) && cch) { cpMost += cch; rp.Move(cch); cch = rp.GetCchLeft(); } *pcpMost = cpMost; } }
* CTxtRange::CountCells(cCell, cchMax) * * @mfunc * Count characters up to <p cRun> cells away or <p cchMax> chars, * whichever comes first. Helper function for CRchTxtPtr::UnitCounter(). * * @rdesc * Return the signed cch counted and set <p cRun> equal to count of cells * actually counted. */ LONG CTxtRange::CountCells ( LONG & cCell, //@parm Count of cells to get cch for
LONG cchMax) //@parm Maximum char count
LONG cch = 0; LONG cpSave = GetCp(); LONG cp; LONG j = cCell;
while(j && cch < cchMax && InTable()) { if(cCell > 0) // Move forward
{ if(GetPrevChar() == CELL) Move(1, FALSE); FindCell(NULL, &cp); // Find cp at end of cell
j--; cch = cp - cpSave; } else // Move backward
{ if(_rpTX.IsAtStartOfCell()) { if(GetPrevChar() == CELL) Move(-1, FALSE); // Backup in front of CELL
else { Move(-2, FALSE); // Backup in front of TRD
if(!_rpTX.IsAfterTRD(ENDFIELD)) { Move(2, FALSE); // At start of table: restore
break; // position and quit
} Move(-3, FALSE); // Backup before CELL TRD
} } FindCell(&cp, NULL); // Find cp at start of cell
j++; cch = cpSave - cp; } SetCp(cp, FALSE); // Move to cell start/end
} cCell -= j; // Subtract any cells not bypassed
return GetCp() - cpSave; }
* CTxtRange::CalcTextLenNotInRange() * * @mfunc * Helper function that calculates the total length of text * excluding the current range. * * @comm * Used for limit testing. The problem being solved is that * the range can contain the final EOP which is not included * in the adjusted text length. */ LONG CTxtRange::CalcTextLenNotInRange() { LONG cchAdjLen = GetPed()->GetAdjustedTextLength(); LONG cchLen = cchAdjLen - abs(_cch); LONG cpMost = GetCpMost();
if (cpMost > cchAdjLen) { // Selection extends beyond adjusted length. Put amount back in the
// selection as it has become too small by the difference.
cchLen += cpMost - cchAdjLen; } return cchLen; }
////////////////////////// Outline Support //////////////////////////////////
* CTxtRange::Promote(lparam, publdr) * * @mfunc * Promote selected text according to: * * LOWORD(lparam) == 0 ==> promote to body-text * LOWORD(lparam) != 0 ==> promote/demote current selection by * LOWORD(lparam) levels * @rdesc * TRUE iff promotion occurred * * @devnote * Changes this range */ HRESULT CTxtRange::Promote ( LPARAM lparam, //@parm 0 to body, < 0 demote, > 0 promote
IUndoBuilder *publdr) //@parm undo builder to receive antievents
if(abs(lparam) >= NHSTYLES) return E_INVALIDARG;
if(publdr) publdr->StopGroupTyping();
if(_cch > 0) // Point at cpMin
LONG cchText = GetTextLength(); LONG cpEnd = GetCpMost(); LONG cpMin, cpMost; BOOL fHeading = TRUE; // Default heading in range
HRESULT hr; LONG Level; LONG nHeading = NHSTYLES; // Setup to find any heading
CParaFormat PF; const CParaFormat *pPF; CPFRunPtr rp(*this); LONG cch = rp.FindHeading(abs(_cch), nHeading); WORD wEffects;
if(!lparam) // Demote to subtext
{ if(cch) // Already in subtext so don't
return S_FALSE; // need to demote
CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX);
if(!tp.IsAfterEOP()) cch = tp.FindEOP(tomBackward); nHeading = 1; if(tp.GetCp()) // Get previous level and convert
{ // to heading to set up
rp.Move(cch); // following Level code
rp.AdjustBackward(); nHeading = rp.GetOutlineLevel()/2 + 1; } } else if(cch == tomBackward) // No heading in range
{ // Set up to promote to
nHeading = rp.GetOutlineLevel()/2 // heading
+ (lparam > 0 ? 2 : 1); fHeading = FALSE; // Signal no heading in range
} else if(cch) // Range starts in subtext
Move(cch, TRUE); // Bypass initial nonheading
Level = 2*(nHeading - 1); // Heading level
PF._bOutlineLevel = (BYTE)(Level | 1); // Corresponding subtext level
if (!Level && lparam > 0 || // Can't promote Heading 1
nHeading == NHSTYLES && lparam < 0) // or demote Heading 9
{ return S_FALSE; } do { _cch = 0; Level -= long(2*lparam); // Promote Level
pPF = GetPF(); wEffects = pPF->_wEffects; if(pPF->_bOutlineLevel & 1) // Handle contiguous text in
{ // one fell swoop
cch = fHeading ? _rpPF.GetCchLeft() : cpEnd - GetCp(); if(cch > 0) Move(cch, TRUE); } Expander(tomParagraph, TRUE, NULL, &cpMin, &cpMost);
if((unsigned)Level < 2*NHSTYLES) { // Promoted Level is valid
DWORD dwMask = PFM_OUTLINELEVEL;// Default setting subtext level
if(!(Level & 1) && lparam) // Promoting or demoting heading
{ // Preserve collapse status
PF._wEffects = Level ? wEffects : 0; // H1 is aways expanded
PF._sStyle = (SHORT)(-Level/2 + STYLE_HEADING_1); PF._bOutlineLevel = (BYTE)(Level | 1);// Set up subtext
dwMask = PFM_STYLE + PFM_COLLAPSED; } else if(!lparam) // Changing heading to subtext
{ // or uncollapsing subtext
PF._wEffects = 0; // Turn off collapsed
PF._sStyle = STYLE_NORMAL; dwMask = PFM_STYLE + PFM_OUTLINELEVEL + PFM_COLLAPSED; } hr = SetParaStyle(&PF, publdr, dwMask); if(hr != NOERROR) return hr; } if(GetCp() >= cchText) // Have handled last PF run
break; Assert(_cch > 0); // Para/run should be selected
pPF = GetPF(); // Points at next para
Level = pPF->_bOutlineLevel; } // Iterate until past range &
while((Level & 1) || fHeading && // any subtext that follows
(GetCp() < cpEnd || pPF->_wEffects & PFE_COLLAPSED));
return NOERROR; }
* CTxtRange::ExpandOutline(Level, fWholeDocument) * * @mfunc * Expand outline according to Level and fWholeDocument. Wraps * OutlineExpander() helper function and updates selection/view * * @rdesc * NOERROR if success */ HRESULT CTxtRange::ExpandOutline( LONG Level, //@parm If < 0, collapse; else expand, etc.
BOOL fWholeDocument) //@parm If TRUE, whole document
{ if (!IsInOutlineView()) return NOERROR;
HRESULT hres = OutlineExpander(Level, fWholeDocument); if(hres != NOERROR) return hres;
GetPed()->TxNotify(EN_PARAGRAPHEXPANDED, NULL); return GetPed()->UpdateOutline(); }
* CTxtRange::OutlineExpander(Level, fWholeDocument) * * @mfunc * Expand/collapse outline for this range according to Level * and fWholeDocument. If fWholeDocument is TRUE, then * 1 <= Level <= NHSTYLES collapses all headings with numbers * greater than Level and collapses all nonheadings. Level = -1 * expands all. * * fWholeDocument = FALSE expands/collapses (Level > 0 or < 0) * paragraphs depending on whether an EOP and heading are included * in the range. If Level = 0, toggle heading's collapsed status. * * @rdesc * (change made) ? NOERROR : S_FALSE */ HRESULT CTxtRange::OutlineExpander( LONG Level, //@parm If < 0, collapse; else expand, etc.
BOOL fWholeDocument) //@parm If TRUE, whole document
{ CParaFormat PF;
if(fWholeDocument) // Apply to whole document
{ if (IN_RANGE(1, Level, NHSTYLES) || // Collapse to heading
Level == -1) // -1 means all
{ Set(0, tomBackward); // Select whole document
PF._sStyle = (SHORT)(STYLE_COMMAND + (BYTE)Level); SetParaFormat(&PF, NULL, PFM_STYLE, 0);// No undo
return NOERROR; } return S_FALSE; // Nothing happened (illegal
} // arg)
// Expand/Collapse for Level positive/negative, respectively
LONG cpMin, cpMost; // Get range cp's
LONG cchMax = GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); if(_cch > 0) // Ensure cpMin is active
FlipRange(); // for upcoming rp and tp
LONG nHeading = NHSTYLES; // Setup to find any heading
LONG nHeading1; CTxtEdit *ped = GetPed(); CPFRunPtr rp(*this); LONG cch = rp.FindHeading(cchMax, nHeading);
if(cch == tomBackward) // No heading found within range
return S_FALSE; // Do nothing
Assert(cch <= cchMax && (Level || !cch)); // cch is count up to heading
CTxtPtr tp(_rpTX); cpMin += cch; // Bypass any nonheading text
tp.Move(cch); // at start of range
// If toggle collapse or if range contains an EOP,
// collapse/expand all subordinates
cch = tp.FindEOP(tomForward); // Find next para
if(!cch) return NOERROR;
if(!Level || cch < -_cch) // Level = 0 or EOP in range
{ if(!Level) // Toggle collapse status
{ LONG cchLeft = rp.GetCchLeft(); if (cch < cchLeft || !rp.NextRun() || nHeading == STYLE_HEADING_1 - rp.GetStyle() + 1) { return NOERROR; // Next para has same heading
} Assert(cch == cchLeft); Level = rp.IsCollapsed(); rp.Move(-cchLeft); } PF._wEffects = Level > 0 ? 0 : PFE_COLLAPSED; while(cpMin < cpMost) { // We're at a heading
tp.SetCp(cpMin); cch = tp.FindEOP(-_cch); cpMin += cch; // Bypass it
if(!rp.Move(cch)) // Point at next para
break; // No more, we're done
nHeading1 = nHeading; // Setup to find heading <= nHeading
cch = rp.FindHeading(tomForward, nHeading1); if(cch == tomBackward) // No more higher headings
cch = GetTextLength() - cpMin; // Format to end of text
Set(cpMin, -cch); // Collapse/expand up to here
SetParaFormat(&PF, NULL, PFM_COLLAPSED, 0); cpMin += cch; // Move past formatted area
nHeading = nHeading1; // Update nHeading to possibly
} // lower heading #
return NOERROR; }
// Range contains no EOP: expand/collapse deepest level.
// If collapsing, collapse all nonheading text too. Expand
// nonheading text only if all subordinate levels are expanded.
BOOL fCollapsed; LONG nHeadStart, nHeadDeepNC, nHeadDeep; LONG nNonHead = -1; // No nonHeading found yet
const CParaFormat *pPF;
cpMin = tp.GetCp(); // Point at start of
cpMost = cpMin; // next para
pPF = ped->GetParaFormat(_rpPF.GetFormat()); nHeading = pPF->_bOutlineLevel;
Assert(!(nHeading & 1) && // Must start with a heading
!(pPF->_wEffects & PFE_COLLAPSED)); // that isn't collapsed
nHeadStart = nHeading/2 + 1; // Convert outline level to
nHeadDeep = nHeadDeepNC = nHeadStart; // heading number
while(cch) // Determine deepest heading
{ // and deepest collapsed
rp.Move(cch); // heading
pPF = ped->GetParaFormat(rp.GetFormat()); fCollapsed = pPF->_wEffects & PFE_COLLAPSED; nHeading = pPF->_bOutlineLevel; if(nHeading & 1) // Text found
{ // Set nNonHead > 0 if
nNonHead = fCollapsed; // collapsed; else 0
cch = rp.GetCchLeft(); // Zip to end of contiguous
tp.Move(cch); // text paras
} else // It's a heading
{ nHeading = nHeading/2 + 1; // Convert to heading number
if(nHeading <= nHeadStart) // If same or shallower as
break; // start heading we're done
// Update deepest and deepest nonCollapsed heading #'s
nHeadDeep = max(nHeadDeep, nHeading); if(!fCollapsed) nHeadDeepNC = max(nHeadDeepNC, nHeading); cch = tp.FindEOP(tomForward); // Go to next paragraph
} cpMost = tp.GetCp(); // Include up to it
PF._sStyle = (SHORT)(STYLE_COMMAND + nHeadDeepNC); if(Level > 0) // Expand
{ if(nHeadDeepNC < nHeadDeep) // At least one collapsed
PF._sStyle++; // heading: expand shallowest
else // All heads expanded: do others
PF._sStyle = (unsigned short) (STYLE_COMMAND + 0xFF); } // In any case, expand nonheading
else if(nNonHead) // Collapse. If text collapsed
{ // or missing, do headings
if(nHeadDeepNC == nHeadStart) return S_FALSE; // Everything already collapsed
PF._sStyle--; // Collapse to next shallower
} // heading
Set(cpMin, cpMin - cpMost); // Select range to change
SetParaFormat(&PF, NULL, PFM_STYLE, 0); // No undo
return NOERROR; }
* CTxtRange::CheckOutlineLevel(publdr) * * @mfunc * If the paragraph style at this range isn't a heading, make * sure its outline level is compatible with the preceeding one */ void CTxtRange::CheckOutlineLevel( IUndoBuilder *publdr) //@parm Undo context for this operation
{ LONG LevelBackward, LevelForward; CPFRunPtr rp(*this);
rp.AdjustBackward(); LevelBackward = rp.GetOutlineLevel() | 1; // Nonheading level corresponding
// to previous PF run
rp.AdjustForward(); LevelForward = rp.GetOutlineLevel();
if (!(LevelForward & 1) || // Any heading can follow
LevelForward == LevelBackward) // any style. Also if
{ // forward level is correct,
return; // return
LONG cch; // One or more nonheadings
LONG lHeading = NHSTYLES; // with incorrect outline
CParaFormat PF; // levels follow
PF._bOutlineLevel = (BYTE)LevelBackward; // level
cch = rp.FindHeading(tomForward, lHeading); // Find next heading
if(cch == tomBackward) cch = tomForward;
Set(GetCp(), -cch); // Select all nonheading text
SetParaFormat(&PF, publdr, PFM_OUTLINELEVEL, 0);// Change its outline level
Set(GetCp(), 0); // Restore range to IP
#if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(NOFULLDEBUG)
* CTxtRange::::DebugFont (void) * * @mfunc * Dump out the character and Font info for current selection. */ void CTxtRange::DebugFont (void) { LONG ch; LONG cpMin, cpMost; LONG cch = GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); LONG i; char szTempBuf[64]; CTxtEdit *ped = GetPed(); const WCHAR *wszFontname; const CCharFormat *CF; // Temporary CF
const WCHAR *GetFontName(LONG iFont);
char szTempPath[MAX_PATH] = "\0"; DWORD cchLength; HANDLE hfileDump; DWORD cbWritten;
LONG cchSave = _cch; // Save this range's cch
LONG cpSave = GetCp(); // and cp so we can restore in case of error
SideAssert(cchLength = GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, szTempPath));
// append trailing backslash if neccessary
if(szTempPath[cchLength - 1] != '\\') { szTempPath[cchLength] = '\\'; szTempPath[cchLength + 1] = 0; }
strcat(szTempPath, "DumpFontInfo.txt"); SideAssert(hfileDump = CreateFileA(szTempPath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL));
if(_cch > 0) // start from cpMin
CFormatRunPtr rp(_rpCF);
for (i=0; i <= cch; i++) { LONG iFormat;
if (GetChar(&ch) != NOERROR) break;
if (ch <= 0x07f) sprintf(szTempBuf, "Char= '%c'\r\n", (char)ch); else sprintf(szTempBuf, "Char= 0x%x\r\n", ch); OutputDebugStringA(szTempBuf); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, szTempBuf, strlen(szTempBuf), &cbWritten, NULL); iFormat = rp.GetFormat(); CF = ped->GetCharFormat(iFormat); Assert(CF);
sprintf(szTempBuf, "Font iFormat= %d, CharRep = %d, Size= %d\r\nName= ", iFormat, CF->_iCharRep, CF->_yHeight); OutputDebugStringA(szTempBuf); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, szTempBuf, strlen(szTempBuf), &cbWritten, NULL); wszFontname = GetFontName(CF->_iFont); if (wszFontname) { if (*wszFontname <= 0x07f) { szTempBuf[0] = '\''; WCTMB(CP_ACP, 0, wszFontname, -1, &szTempBuf[1], sizeof(szTempBuf)-1, NULL, NULL, NULL); strcat(szTempBuf,"\'"); OutputDebugStringA(szTempBuf); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, szTempBuf, strlen(szTempBuf), &cbWritten, NULL); } else { for (; *wszFontname; wszFontname++) { sprintf(szTempBuf, "0x%x,", *wszFontname); OutputDebugStringA(szTempBuf); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, szTempBuf, strlen(szTempBuf), &cbWritten, NULL); } } }
OutputDebugStringA("\r\n"); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, "\r\n", 2, &cbWritten, NULL);
Move(1, FALSE);
rp.Move(1); }
// Now dump the doc font info
CF = ped->GetCharFormat(-1); Assert(CF);
sprintf(szTempBuf, "Default Font iFormat= -1, CharRep= %d, Size= %d\r\nName= ", CF->_iCharRep, CF->_yHeight); OutputDebugStringA(szTempBuf); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, szTempBuf, strlen(szTempBuf), &cbWritten, NULL); wszFontname = GetFontName(CF->_iFont); if (wszFontname) { if (*wszFontname <= 0x07f) { szTempBuf[0] = '\''; WCTMB(CP_ACP, 0, wszFontname, -1, &szTempBuf[1], sizeof(szTempBuf), NULL, NULL, NULL); strcat(szTempBuf,"\'"); OutputDebugStringA(szTempBuf); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, szTempBuf, strlen(szTempBuf), &cbWritten, NULL); } else { for (; *wszFontname; wszFontname++) { sprintf(szTempBuf, "0x%x,", *wszFontname); OutputDebugStringA(szTempBuf); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, szTempBuf, strlen(szTempBuf), &cbWritten, NULL); } } }
OutputDebugStringA("\r\n"); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, "\r\n", 2, &cbWritten, NULL);
if (ped->IsRich()) { if (ped->fUseUIFont()) sprintf(szTempBuf, "Rich Text with UI Font"); else sprintf(szTempBuf, "Rich Text Control"); } else sprintf(szTempBuf, "Plain Text Control");
OutputDebugStringA(szTempBuf); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, szTempBuf, strlen(szTempBuf), &cbWritten, NULL);
OutputDebugStringA("\r\n"); if (hfileDump) WriteFile(hfileDump, "\r\n", 2, &cbWritten, NULL);
if (hfileDump) CloseHandle(hfileDump);
Set(cpSave, cchSave); // Restore previous selection
} #endif