#include "pch.h"
#include "loader.h"
#define MIGWIZSUBDIR TEXT("usmt\\")
#define MINIMUM_DISK_SPACE 3000000
// Globals
static PTSTR g_lpszDestPath = NULL; static PTSTR g_lpszModulePath = NULL;
PTSTR GetModulePath( VOID ) { if (g_lpszModulePath == NULL) { TCHAR lpszPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD dwResult;
// Build the path where this exe resides
dwResult = GetModuleFileName( NULL, lpszPath, MAX_PATH ); if (dwResult > 0 && dwResult < MAX_PATH) { LPTSTR ptr; TCHAR *lastWack = NULL;
ptr = lpszPath;
while (*ptr) { if (*ptr == TEXT('\\')) { lastWack = ptr; } ptr = CharNext( ptr ); }
if (lastWack) { *(lastWack + 1) = 0; g_lpszModulePath = (PTSTR)ALLOC( (lstrlen(lpszPath) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (g_lpszModulePath) { lstrcpy( g_lpszModulePath, lpszPath ); } } } }
return g_lpszModulePath; }
DWORD pConvertDriveToBit ( PCTSTR driveString ) { DWORD bit = 0; TCHAR driveLetter;
if (driveString && *driveString) { driveLetter = (TCHAR)_totlower (*driveString); if (driveLetter >= TEXT('a') && driveLetter <= TEXT('z')) { bit = 0x1 << (driveLetter - TEXT('a')); } } return bit; }
BOOL pCreateMigwizDir( PCTSTR lpszPath ) { BOOL fResult = FALSE;
if (g_lpszDestPath != NULL) { FREE( g_lpszDestPath ); }
g_lpszDestPath = (PTSTR)ALLOC( (lstrlen(lpszPath) + lstrlen(MIGWIZSUBDIR) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (g_lpszDestPath) { lstrcpy( g_lpszDestPath, lpszPath ); lstrcat( g_lpszDestPath, MIGWIZSUBDIR );
if (!CreateDirectory( g_lpszDestPath, NULL )) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { FREE( g_lpszDestPath ); g_lpszDestPath = NULL; return FALSE; } } fResult = TRUE; }
return fResult; }
PTSTR GetDestPath( VOID ) { DWORD sectPerClust; DWORD bytesPerSect; DWORD freeClusters; DWORD totalClusters; ULONGLONG maxFreeDiskSpace = 0; ULONGLONG freeDiskSpace = 0; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; PTSTR lpDriveList = NULL; PCTSTR lpDrive; DWORD dwListLen;
if (g_lpszDestPath == NULL) { // If %TEMP% has enough space, use it
if (GetTempPath( MAX_PATH, szPath )) { TCHAR szTmpPath[4] = TEXT("?:\\");
szTmpPath[0] = szPath[0]; if (GetDiskFreeSpace( szTmpPath, §PerClust, &bytesPerSect, &freeClusters, &totalClusters )) { freeDiskSpace = Int32x32To64( (sectPerClust * bytesPerSect), freeClusters ); if (freeDiskSpace > MINIMUM_DISK_SPACE) { if (pCreateMigwizDir(szPath)) { return g_lpszDestPath; } } } }
// Otherwise use the first drive with the enough space
dwListLen = GetLogicalDriveStrings( 0, NULL ) + 1; lpDriveList = (PTSTR)ALLOC( dwListLen ); GetLogicalDriveStrings( dwListLen, lpDriveList ); lpDrive = lpDriveList;
while (*lpDrive) { if (GetDriveType( lpDrive ) == DRIVE_FIXED) { if (GetDiskFreeSpace( lpDrive, §PerClust, &bytesPerSect, &freeClusters, &totalClusters )) { freeDiskSpace = Int32x32To64( (sectPerClust * bytesPerSect), freeClusters ); if (freeDiskSpace > MINIMUM_DISK_SPACE) { if (pCreateMigwizDir( lpDrive )) { // We have a winner! Let's bail.
break; } } } } // Advance to the next drive in the drive list
lpDrive = _tcschr( lpDrive, 0 ) + 1; } FREE(lpDriveList); }
return g_lpszDestPath; }
PTSTR JoinText( PTSTR lpStr1, PTSTR lpStr2, TCHAR chSeparator ) { PTSTR lpResult; DWORD dwSize1; DWORD dwSize2; DWORD dwSize; BOOL fAddSep = TRUE;
dwSize1 = lstrlen(lpStr1); if (lpStr1[dwSize1 - 1] == chSeparator) { fAddSep = FALSE; }
dwSize2 = lstrlen(lpStr2); if (lpStr2[0] == chSeparator) { fAddSep = FALSE; }
dwSize = dwSize1 + dwSize2 + (fAddSep ? 1 : 0);
lpResult = (PTSTR)ALLOC((dwSize+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (lpResult) { lstrcpy( lpResult, lpStr1 ); if (fAddSep) { lpResult[dwSize1] = chSeparator; dwSize1 += 1; } lstrcpy( lpResult+dwSize1, lpStr2 ); }
return lpResult; }
PTSTR GetResourceString( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwResID ) { TCHAR szTmpString[MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH]; DWORD dwStringLength; PTSTR lpszResultString = NULL;
dwStringLength = LoadString( hInstance, dwResID, szTmpString, MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH ); if (dwStringLength > 0) { lpszResultString = (PTSTR)ALLOC( (dwStringLength+1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (lpszResultString) { lstrcpy( lpszResultString, szTmpString ); } }
return lpszResultString; }
PSTR GetResourceStringA( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwResID ) { CHAR szTmpString[MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH]; DWORD dwStringLength; PSTR lpszResultString = NULL;
dwStringLength = LoadStringA( hInstance, dwResID, szTmpString, MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH ); if (dwStringLength > 0) { lpszResultString = (PSTR)ALLOC( (dwStringLength+1) * sizeof(CHAR) ); if (lpszResultString) { lstrcpyA( lpszResultString, szTmpString ); } }
return lpszResultString; }
PWSTR GetResourceStringW( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwResID ) { WCHAR szTmpString[MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH]; DWORD dwStringLength; PWSTR lpszResultString = NULL;
dwStringLength = LoadStringW( hInstance, dwResID, szTmpString, MAX_RESOURCE_LENGTH ); if (dwStringLength > 0) { lpszResultString = (PWSTR)ALLOC( (dwStringLength+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (lpszResultString) { lstrcpyW( lpszResultString, szTmpString ); } }
return lpszResultString; }
VOID UtilFree( VOID ) { if (g_lpszDestPath) { FREE( g_lpszDestPath ); g_lpszDestPath = NULL; } }