// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2000.
// File: loadsys
// Contents: Load system settings.
#include "loadhead.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <common.hxx>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <objerror.h>
#include <loadstate.hxx>
#include <bothchar.hxx>
#include <winnetwk.h>
#include <lmshare.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <winuserp.h> // in \nt\private\inc
#include <wingdip.h> // in \nt\private\inc
#include <ntlsa.h> // for domain/workgroup membership
#include <ntexapi.h> // for NtSetDefaultLocale
#include <devguid.h> // for modem device class
#include <ras.h>
#include <raserror.h>
#include <loadras.hxx> // State Migration private RAS Phonebook APIs
const TCHAR NETSHARES_SECTION[] = TEXT("NetShares"); const TCHAR PRINTERS_SECTION[] = TEXT("Printers"); const TCHAR PRINTER_DRIVER_MAP[] = TEXT("Printer Driver Mapping"); const TCHAR RAS_SECTION[] = TEXT("RAS"); const TCHAR ACCESS_SECTION[] = TEXT("Accessibility"); const TCHAR DESKTOP_SECTION[] = TEXT("Desktop"); const TCHAR KEYBOARDLAYOUT_MAP[] = TEXT("Keyboard.Layout.Mappings"); const TCHAR REGKEY_PRELOAD[] = TEXT("Keyboard Layout\\Preload"); const TCHAR REGKEY_SUBSTITUTES[] = TEXT("Keyboard Layout\\Substitutes"); const TCHAR REGKEY_INTL[] = TEXT("Control Panel\\International"); const TCHAR SCHED_PARAMS[] = TEXT(" /s /p");
const DWORD INTL_NT4 = 0x200; // platform ID from intl.inf
const DWORD INTL_95 = 0x001; // platform ID from intl.inf
const DWORD INTL_98 = 0x002; // platform ID from intl.inf
const int SIZE_128 = 128; // for user locale strings
// Types and defines
#define IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT(hkl) ((HIWORD((ULONG_PTR)(hkl)) & 0xf000) == 0xe000)
#define ChkErr(s) if ((dwErr = (s)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Err;
#define ChkBoolErr(s) if ((success = (s)) == FALSE) { \
dwErr = GetLastError(); \ goto Err;\ }
#define PRIVATE_RAS // Define this to use our private
// RasSetEntryProperties implementation.
// private structure needed by ConvertRecentDocsMRU
typedef struct { // Link structure
WORD wSize; //ITEMIDLIST idl; // variable-length struct
// String, plus three bytes appended to struct
// Win95 uses a mix of LOGFONTA and a weird 16-bit LOGFONT
// structure that uses SHORTs instead of LONGs.
typedef struct { SHORT lfHeight; SHORT lfWidth; SHORT lfEscapement; SHORT lfOrientation; SHORT lfWeight; BYTE lfItalic; BYTE lfUnderline; BYTE lfStrikeOut; BYTE lfCharSet; BYTE lfOutPrecision; BYTE lfClipPrecision; BYTE lfQuality; BYTE lfPitchAndFamily; char lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE]; } SHORT_LOGFONT, *PSHORT_LOGFONT;
#define COLOR_MAX_V1 25
#define COLOR_MAX_V3 25
#define COLOR_MAX_V4 29
#define COLOR_MAX_NT 29 // this is a modified version 2 format, similar to 4
// NT uses only UNICODE structures, and pads the members
// to 32-bit boundaries.
typedef struct { SHORT version; // 2 for NT UNICODE
WORD wDummy; // for alignment
// Win95 uses NONCLIENTMETRICSA which has LOGFONTA members,
// but it uses a 16-bit LOGFONT as well.
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct { SHORT version; // 1 for Win95 ANSI
typedef struct { SHORT version; // 1 for Win95 ANSI
typedef struct { SHORT version; // 3 for Win98 ANSI, 4 for portable format
typedef struct { SHORT version; // 4 for Win32 format (whatever that means)
#pragma pack(pop)
// RAS api functions
typedef DWORD (*MRasSetEntryDialParams)( IN LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook, IN LPRASDIALPARAMS lprasdialparams, IN BOOL fRemovePassword);
typedef DWORD (*MRasGetEntryProperties)( IN LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook, IN LPCTSTR lpszEntry, OUT LPRASENTRYW lpRasEntry, OUT LPDWORD lpdwEntryInfoSize, OUT LPBYTE lpbDeviceInfo, OUT LPDWORD lpdwDeviceInfoSize);
typedef DWORD (*MWinState_RasSetEntryProperties)( IN LPCWSTR lpszPhonebook, IN LPCWSTR lpszEntry, IN LPRASENTRYW lpRasEntry, IN DWORD dwcbRasEntry, IN LPBYTE lpbDeviceConfig, IN DWORD dwcbDeviceConfig); #else
typedef DWORD (*MRasSetEntryProperties)( IN LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook, IN LPCTSTR lpszEntry, IN LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry, IN DWORD dwEntryInfoSize, IN LPBYTE lpbDeviceInfo, IN DWORD dwDeviceInfoSize); #endif
// Statics
static MWinState_RasSetEntryProperties GWinState_RasSetEntryProperties = NULL; #else
static MRasSetEntryProperties GRasSetEntryProperties = NULL; #endif
static MRasSetEntryDialParams GRasSetEntryDialParams = NULL; static MRasGetEntryProperties GRasGetEntryProperties = NULL;
// Function: InitializeRasApi
// Synopsis: Loads rasapi32.dll, if it exists
// Arguments: none
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 24-Feb-00 Jay Thaler Created
DWORD InitializeRasApi() { DWORD result = ERROR_SUCCESS; HINSTANCE rasdll; HINSTANCE loadrasdll; // State Mig. RAS Wrapper
// Load rasapi32.dll
// If this fails, RAS isn't installed and we won't migrate RAS conectoids
rasdll = LoadLibraryA( "rasapi32.dll" ); if (rasdll == NULL) { result = GetLastError(); if (Verbose && DebugOutput) { Win32Printf(STDERR, "Warning: rasapi32.dll not loaded: %d\r\n", result); } goto cleanup; }
GRasSetEntryDialParams = (MRasSetEntryDialParams)GetProcAddress(rasdll, "RasSetEntryDialParamsW"); if (GRasSetEntryDialParams == NULL) { result = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
GRasSetEntryProperties = (MRasSetEntryProperties)GetProcAddress(rasdll, "RasSetEntryPropertiesW"); if (GRasSetEntryProperties == NULL) { result = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } #else
// Load the private wrapper for RAS APIs
loadrasdll = LoadLibraryA( "loadras.dll" ); if (loadrasdll == NULL) { result = GetLastError(); if (Verbose && DebugOutput) { Win32Printf(STDERR, "Warning: loadras.dll not loaded: %d\r\n", result); } goto cleanup; }
GWinState_RasSetEntryProperties = (MWinState_RasSetEntryProperties)GetProcAddress(loadrasdll, "WinState_RasSetEntryPropertiesW"); if (GWinState_RasSetEntryProperties == NULL) { result = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } #endif
cleanup: if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { #ifdef PRIVATE_RAS
GWinState_RasSetEntryProperties = NULL; #else
GRasSetEntryProperties = NULL; #endif
GRasSetEntryDialParams = NULL; } return result; }
// Function: GetInfField
// Synopsis: returns an allocated string for current line field #N
// Arguments: [ppBuffer] -- output buffer
// [pContext] -- INF file context
// [nArg] -- argument field number
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD GetInfField (TCHAR **ppBuffer, INFCONTEXT *pContext, DWORD nArg) { ULONG len = 0; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR *buffer;
*ppBuffer = NULL; if (!SetupGetStringField ( pContext, nArg, NULL, 0, &len )) return ERROR_BAD_FORMAT;
// Allocate a buffer. Some callers need an extra char for processing
buffer = (TCHAR *) malloc( (len+1)*sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (buffer == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { if (!SetupGetStringField( pContext, nArg, buffer, len, &len )) { free( buffer ); dwErr = ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; } else *ppBuffer = buffer; }
return dwErr; }
// Function: LogFormatError
// Synopsis: logs error message in current locale
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD LogFormatError (DWORD dwErr) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR *pcs = NULL;
if (0 != FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, NULL, dwErr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (TCHAR*) &pcs, 0, NULL)) { dwRet = Win32Printf (LogFile, "%ws\r\n", pcs); LocalFree (pcs); } else dwRet = GetLastError();
return dwRet; }
// Function: IsDefaultShare
// Synopsis: check if share name is a known system default share
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
BOOL IsDefaultShare (TCHAR *buffer) { ULONG ul = lstrlen(buffer); if (buffer[ul - 1] == '$') { if (lstrcmp (buffer, TEXT("IPC$")) == 0) return TRUE; if (lstrcmp (buffer, TEXT("ADMIN$")) == 0) return TRUE; if (ul == 2 && IsCharAlpha (buffer[0])) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Function: LoadNetShares
// Synopsis: loads network share settings
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
// NOTES: This code could be updated to do the following:
// 1. Get the correct disk type from the field instead of
// 2. Store (and retrieve) the correct max user count
// 3. Handle custom access permissions
DWORD LoadNetShares () { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; INFCONTEXT context; NETRESOURCE nr; BOOL success; TCHAR * buffer = NULL; TCHAR * buffer2 = NULL;
success = SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, NETSHARES_SECTION, NULL, &context); if (!success) return ERROR_SUCCESS; // line not found
do { BOOL fPersist = FALSE; BOOL bIgnore = FALSE;
ZeroMemory (&nr, sizeof(nr)); // loop through all the network shares and connect to them
dwErr = GetInfField (&buffer, &context, 1); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Win32Printf (LogFile, "Missing share name in [%ws]\r\n", NETSHARES_SECTION); break; } nr.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; nr.lpLocalName = buffer;
dwErr = GetInfField (&buffer2, &context, 2); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Win32Printf (LogFile, "Missing remote name in [%ws]\r\n", NETSHARES_SECTION); free (buffer); break; } nr.lpRemoteName = buffer2;
if (buffer2[0] != L'\0' && buffer2[0] == L'\\' && buffer2[1] == L'\\') { TCHAR *buffer3 = NULL; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetInfField (&buffer3, &context, 3)) { if (lstrcmp (buffer3, TEXT("persist")) == 0) fPersist = TRUE; free (buffer3); } dwErr = WNetAddConnection2 (&nr, NULL, NULL, fPersist ? CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE : 0); } else { TCHAR *buffer3 = NULL; TCHAR *buffer4 = NULL; SHARE_INFO_2 si2; DWORD dwPerm = ACCESS_READ; // default access
if (!IsDefaultShare(buffer)) // ignore system shares
dwErr = GetInfField (&buffer3, &context, 3); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwPerm = _wtoi (buffer3); // share permission bits
dwErr = GetInfField (&buffer4, &context, 4); ZeroMemory (&si2, sizeof(si2)); si2.shi2_netname = buffer; si2.shi2_type = STYPE_DISKTREE; // should get type from field
si2.shi2_remark = buffer4; si2.shi2_permissions = dwPerm;
if (lstrlen(buffer2) == 2 && buffer2[1] == ':') lstrcat ((TCHAR*)buffer2, TEXT("\\"));
si2.shi2_path = buffer2; si2.shi2_max_uses = SHI_USES_UNLIMITED; // should get number
// should handle custom access permissions here
dwErr = NetShareAdd (NULL, 2, (BYTE *) &si2, NULL);
if (buffer3 != NULL) free (buffer3); if (buffer4 != NULL) free (buffer4); } else bIgnore = TRUE; }
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LogFormatError (dwErr); // log error and keep on going
dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else // log that the share was successfully added
{ Win32Printf (LogFile, "NetShare %ws %ws %ws\r\n", buffer, buffer2, bIgnore ? TEXT("not processed") : TEXT("added")); }
free (buffer); free (buffer2);
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) break;
// Advance to the next line.
success = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); } while (success);
return dwErr; }
// Function: TranslatePrinterDriver
// Synopsis: converts Win9x printer driver names to NT driver names
// Arguments: [pcs9x] -- Win9x printer driver name
// [pcsNT] -- NT printer driver name
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD TranslatePrinterDriver (WCHAR *pcs9x, WCHAR **ppcsNT) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HINF hInf; INFCONTEXT InfContext;
*ppcsNT = NULL;
// See in prtupg9x.inf to see if the driver has a different name on NT
if ( SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, PRINTER_DRIVER_MAP, pcs9x, &InfContext) ) { dwErr = GetInfField (ppcsNT, &InfContext, 1); }
return dwErr; }
// Function: LoadPrinters
// Synopsis: loads printers settings
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD LoadPrinters () { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
INFCONTEXT context; BOOL success; TCHAR * buffer = NULL; DWORD dwReturnUp = ERROR_SUCCESS;
success = SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, PRINTERS_SECTION, NULL, &context); if (!success) return ERROR_SUCCESS; // line not found
do { dwErr = GetInfField (&buffer, &context, 1); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Win32PrintfResource (LogFile, IDS_PRINTER_MISSINGNAME, PRINTERS_SECTION); break; }
if (!AddPrinterConnection (buffer)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); LogFormatError (dwErr); // log error and keep on going
dwReturnUp = dwErr; dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Win32PrintfResource (LogFile, IDS_PRINTER_MIGRATED, buffer, buffer); }
free (buffer); buffer = NULL;
// Advance to the next line.
success = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); } while (success);
if (buffer) free (buffer);
return dwReturnUp; }
// Function: GetOSMajorID
// Synopsis: translate GetVersion IDs to INTL IDs
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD GetOSMajorID () { if (SourceVersion & 0x80000000) { if ((SourceVersion & 0xFFFF) == 0x004) return INTL_NT4; } else if ((SourceVersion & 0xFFFF) == 0xA04) return INTL_98; else if ((SourceVersion & 0xFFFF) == 0x004) return INTL_95;
return 0; }
// Function: IsInExcludeList
// Synopsis: check if langid is in the exclude list to block migration
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
BOOL IsInExcludeList( HINF Inf, LANGID LangID) { TCHAR LangIDStr[9]; TCHAR *Field; INFCONTEXT InfContext; int iOSID; int iLangID;
wsprintf(LangIDStr,TEXT("0000%04X"),LangID); if (SetupFindFirstLine( Inf, TEXT("ExcludeSourceLocale"), LangIDStr, &InfContext )) { do { //
// if in excluded field, this is not what we want
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SetupGetIntField (&InfContext, 0, &iLangID) && (iLangID == LangID)) {
// if it is in major version list, we also got what we want
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SetupGetIntField (&InfContext, 1, &iOSID)) { if (iOSID & GetOSMajorID()) { return TRUE; } } } } while ( SetupFindNextLine(&InfContext, &InfContext)); } return FALSE; }
// Function: CheckLanguageVersion
// Synopsis: verifies that source and target languages allow migration
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
BOOL CheckLanguageVersion (HINF Inf, LANGID SourceLangID, LANGID TargetLangID) { TCHAR SourceLangIDStr[9]; LANGID SrcLANGID; TCHAR * Field; INFCONTEXT InfContext; int iOSID; int iLangID;
if (SourceLangID == 0 || TargetLangID == 0) { return TRUE; } if (SourceLangID == TargetLangID) { //
// special case, for Middle East version,
// NT5 is localized build but NT4 is not
// they don't allow NT5 localized build to upgrade NT4,
// although they are same language
// so we need to exclude these
return ((IsInExcludeList(Inf, SourceLangID) == FALSE)); } //
// if Src != Dst, then we need to look up inf file to see
// if we can open a backdoor for Target language
// find alternative SourceLangID
if (SetupFindFirstLine( Inf, TEXT("AlternativeSourceLocale"), SourceLangIDStr, &InfContext )) { do { //
// Check if we found alternative locale
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SetupGetIntField (&InfContext, 0, &iLangID) && (iLangID == SourceLangID)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetInfField (&Field, &InfContext, 1)) { LANGID AltTargetLangID = LANGIDFROMLCID( _tcstoul(Field,NULL,16)); free (Field); if (TargetLangID != AltTargetLangID) { continue; }
// We are here if we found alternative target lang,
// now check the version criteria
// if it is in major version list, we also got what we want
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SetupGetIntField (&InfContext, 2, &iOSID)) { if (iOSID & GetOSMajorID()) { return TRUE; } } } } while ( SetupFindNextLine(&InfContext,&InfContext)); } return FALSE; }
// Function: LoadVerifyOSLang
// Synopsis: verifies that source and target languages allow migration
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD LoadVerifyOSLang () { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; INFCONTEXT InfContext; LANGID langidLoad = 0; LANGID langidScan = 0; UINT errorline; TCHAR tcsInf [MAX_PATH+1];
if (0 == GetWindowsDirectory ((TCHAR*)tcsInf, MAX_PATH)) return GetLastError();
// This inf file must exist for all Windows 2000 localized versions
_tcsncat (tcsInf, TEXT("\\inf\\intl.inf"), MAX_PATH-_tcslen(tcsInf));
HINF Inf = SetupOpenInfFile(tcsInf, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &errorline );
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == Inf) { dwErr = GetLastError(); Win32Printf (LogFile, "%systemroot%\\system\\inf\\intl.inf" "could not be opened Error=%d\r\n", dwErr); } else { if (SetupFindFirstLine( Inf, TEXT("DefaultValues"), TEXT("Locale"), &InfContext )) { TCHAR *pLoadLang = NULL; dwErr = GetInfField (&pLoadLang, &InfContext, 1); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { langidLoad = (LANGID)_tcstoul(pLoadLang,NULL,16); free (pLoadLang);
if ( SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, SOURCE_SECTION, LOCALE, &InfContext) ) { TCHAR *pScanLang = NULL; dwErr = GetInfField (&pScanLang, &InfContext, 1); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { langidScan = (LANGID)_tcstoul(pScanLang,NULL,16); free (pScanLang);
if (FALSE == CheckLanguageVersion(Inf, langidScan,langidLoad)) { dwErr = ERROR_INSTALL_LANGUAGE_UNSUPPORTED; LogFormatError (dwErr); } } else { Win32Printf (LogFile, "locale missing in [%ws]\r\n", SOURCE_SECTION); LogFormatError (dwErr); } } } } else { dwErr = GetLastError(); Win32Printf (LogFile, "intl.inf: default locale missing\r\n"); LogFormatError (dwErr); } SetupCloseInfFile (Inf); }
return dwErr; }
// Function: MigrateKeyboardSubstitutes
// Synopsis: changes the user keyboard layouts
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD MigrateKeyboardSubstitutes (TCHAR *tcsName) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG ulOrig = _tcstoul(tcsName, NULL, 16); ULONG ulLang = LOWORD(ulOrig); HKEY hKey = NULL; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
if (IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT(ulOrig) || ulLang == ulOrig) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
while (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD cbIndex = sizeof (tcsIndex); DWORD cbValue = sizeof(tcsValue); dwErr = RegEnumValue (hKey, dwIndex, tcsIndex, &cbIndex, NULL, NULL, (BYTE*) tcsValue, &cbValue);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { ulIndex = _tcstoul(tcsIndex, NULL, 16); ulValue = _tcstoul(tcsValue, NULL, 16); if (ulIndex == ulLang && ulValue == ulOrig) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } dwIndex++; } if (dwErr == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (!fFound) // add a new value
{ wsprintf (tcsIndex, TEXT("%08x"), ulLang); dwErr = RegSetValueEx (hKey, tcsIndex, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)tcsName, (_tcslen(tcsName)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); }
RegCloseKey (hKey); } return dwErr; }
// Function: MigrateKeyboardPreloads
// Synopsis: changes the user keyboard layouts
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD MigrateKeyboardPreloads (TCHAR *tcsName) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG ul = _tcstoul(tcsName, NULL, 16); HKEY hKey = NULL; BOOL fFound = FALSE; // look for a preload with this locale
if (!IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT(ul)) ul = LOWORD(ul);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx ( CurrentUser ? CurrentUser : HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGKEY_PRELOAD, NULL, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey)) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; ULONG ulIndexMax = 0; ULONG ulIndex; ULONG ulValue; TCHAR tcsIndex[KL_NAMELENGTH]; TCHAR tcsValue[KL_NAMELENGTH];
while (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD cbIndex = sizeof (tcsIndex); DWORD cbValue = sizeof(tcsValue); dwErr = RegEnumValue (hKey, dwIndex, tcsIndex, &cbIndex, NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)tcsValue, &cbValue);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { ulIndex = _tcstoul(tcsIndex, NULL, 10); if (ulIndex > ulIndexMax) ulIndexMax = ulIndex; ulValue = _tcstoul(tcsValue, NULL, 16); if (ulValue == ul) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } dwIndex++; } if (dwErr == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (!fFound) // add a new value
{ wsprintf (tcsIndex, TEXT("%d"), ulIndexMax+1); wsprintf (tcsValue, TEXT("%08x"), ul); dwErr = RegSetValueEx (hKey, tcsIndex, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)tcsValue, (_tcslen(tcsValue)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); } RegCloseKey (hKey); } return dwErr; }
// Function: LoadKeyboardLayouts
// Synopsis: changes the user keyboard layouts
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD LoadKeyboardLayouts () { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; INFCONTEXT InfContext; BOOL fFound;
// translate input locales if source is Win9x
if (!(SourceVersion & 0x80000000)) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, SOURCE_SECTION, INPUTLOCALE, &InfContext)) { TCHAR *pLayout = NULL; UINT iLayouts = SetupGetFieldCount(&InfContext); for (UINT i = 1; i <= iLayouts; i++) { dwErr = GetInfField (&pLayout, &InfContext, i); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { INFCONTEXT InfContext2; //
// See in usermig.inf to see if different ID exists
if ( SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, KEYBOARDLAYOUT_MAP, pLayout, &InfContext2) ) { TCHAR *pMap = NULL; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetInfField (&pMap, &InfContext2, 1)) { free (pLayout); pLayout = pMap; } }
dwErr = MigrateKeyboardPreloads (pLayout); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) dwErr = MigrateKeyboardSubstitutes (pLayout);
if (CurrentUser == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) { TCHAR kbname[KL_NAMELENGTH]; GetKeyboardLayoutName (kbname); if (i == 1 && lstrcmp(kbname, pLayout) != 0) // load default
{ ULONG ulLayout = _tcstoul(pLayout, NULL, 16); HKL hklCurrent = GetKeyboardLayout(0); if (Verbose) printf ("Loading keyboard layout %ws \n", pLayout);
HKL hkl = LoadKeyboardLayoutEx (hklCurrent, pLayout, KLF_REORDER | KLF_ACTIVATE | KLF_SETFORPROCESS | KLF_SUBSTITUTE_OK); if (hkl != NULL) { SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETDEFAULTINPUTLANG, 0, (VOID *) &hkl, 0); if (Verbose) { #ifdef _WIN64
printf ("Activated keyboard layout %08I64x\n",hkl); #else
printf ("Activated keyboard layout %08x\n",hkl); #endif
} } } else if (i > 1) // load the alternates
{ LoadKeyboardLayout (pLayout, KLF_SUBSTITUTE_OK); } } free (pLayout);
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } else { Win32Printf (LogFile,"Could not read keyboard layout %d\r\n",i); } } }
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) Win32Printf (LogFile, "Could not load all keyboard layouts\r\n"); return dwErr; }
// Function: EnumerateModems
// Synopsis: enumerates the modem devices on the system
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD EnumerateModems (TCHAR *ptsPort, ULONG ulLen) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; UINT i = 0; BOOL fDetected = FALSE; SP_DEVINFO_DATA sdd;
if (hdi != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ZeroMemory (&sdd, sizeof(sdd)); sdd.cbSize = sizeof(sdd); sdd.ClassGuid = GUID_DEVCLASS_MODEM;
while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo (hdi, i++, &sdd)) { HKEY hKey = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey (hdi, &sdd, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, KEY_READ); if (hKey != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ULONG ulLenQuery = ulLen; dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("AttachedTo"), NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)ptsPort, &ulLenQuery); RegCloseKey (hKey);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) // found a modem
{ fDetected = TRUE; break; } } else dwErr = GetLastError(); } if (!fDetected) dwErr = ERROR_NO_MORE_DEVICES; // no modem detected
} else dwErr = GetLastError(); return dwErr; }
// Function: RasGetPhoneBookFile
// Synopsis: determines location of RAS settings in phonebook file
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD RasGetPhoneBookFile(TCHAR *strPhoneBook) { const TCHAR RASPHONE_SUBPATH[] = TEXT("\\ras\\rasphone.pbk");
if (0 == GetSystemDirectory ((TCHAR*)strPhoneBook, MAX_PATH)) return GetLastError();
_tcsncat(strPhoneBook, (TCHAR *) RASPHONE_SUBPATH, MAX_PATH-_tcslen(strPhoneBook));
// Function: LoadRas
// Synopsis: create the phonebook file for RAS settings
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
success = SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, RAS_SECTION, NULL, &context); if (!success) return ERROR_SUCCESS; // line not found
do { ZeroMemory( &RasEntry, sizeof(RASENTRY) ); ZeroMemory( &RasDialParams, sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS) );
RasDialParams.dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS); RasEntry.dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY);
ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, RasDialParams.szEntryName, RAS_MaxEntryName + 1, NULL) ); // load RasEntry structure
ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 2, (int*)&RasEntry.dwfOptions) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 3, (int*)&RasEntry.dwCountryID) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 4, (int*)&RasEntry.dwCountryCode) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 5, RasEntry.szAreaCode, RAS_MaxAreaCode + 1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 6, RasEntry.szLocalPhoneNumber, RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 7, (int*)&RasEntry.dwAlternateOffset) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 8, (int*)&RasEntry.ipaddr) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 9, (int*)&RasEntry.ipaddrDns) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 10, (int*)&RasEntry.ipaddrDnsAlt) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 11, (int*)&RasEntry.ipaddrWins) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 12, (int*)&RasEntry.ipaddrWinsAlt) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 13, (int*)&RasEntry.dwFrameSize) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 14, (int*)&RasEntry.dwfNetProtocols) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 15, (int*)&RasEntry.dwFramingProtocol) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 16, RasEntry.szScript, MAX_PATH, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 17, RasEntry.szAutodialDll, MAX_PATH, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 18, RasEntry.szAutodialFunc, MAX_PATH, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 19, RasEntry.szDeviceType, RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 20, RasEntry.szDeviceName, RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 21, RasEntry.szX25PadType, RAS_MaxPadType + 1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 22, RasEntry.szX25Address, RAS_MaxX25Address + 1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 23, RasEntry.szX25Facilities, RAS_MaxFacilities + 1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 24, RasEntry.szX25UserData, RAS_MaxUserData + 1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetIntField( &context, 25, (int*)&RasEntry.dwChannels) ); // load RasDialParams structure
ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 26, RasDialParams.szPhoneNumber, RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 27, RasDialParams.szCallbackNumber, RAS_MaxCallbackNumber+1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 28, RasDialParams.szUserName, UNLEN+1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 29, RasDialParams.szPassword, PWLEN+1, NULL) ); ChkBoolErr( SetupGetStringField( &context, 30, RasDialParams.szDomain, DNLEN+1, NULL) ); // Set default options that do not exist on pre-Win2000 OS, but are
// set by default when you create a connection via the Win2000 GUI.
RasEntry.dwfOptions |= RASEO_PreviewUserPw; RasEntry.dwfOptions |= RASEO_ShowDialingProgress; RasEntry.dwfOptions |= RASEO_ModemLights;
// New Win2k encryption field
if( RasEntry.dwfOptions & RASEO_RequireDataEncryption ) { RasEntry.dwEncryptionType = ET_Require; } else { RasEntry.dwEncryptionType = ET_Optional; }
dwErr = GWinState_RasSetEntryProperties(NULL, // Current user default phonebook
RasDialParams.szEntryName, &RasEntry, sizeof(RASENTRY), NULL, NULL); #else
dwErr = GRasSetEntryProperties(NULL, // Current user default phonebook
RasDialParams.szEntryName, &RasEntry, sizeof(RASENTRY), NULL, NULL); #endif
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Win32PrintfResource (LogFile, IDS_RAS_ENTRY_NOT_MIGRATED, RasDialParams.szEntryName); if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "RasSetEntryProperties failed: Error %d\r\n", dwErr); }
dwErr = GRasSetEntryDialParams(NULL, &RasDialParams, TRUE); // Never put password in
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Win32PrintfResource (LogFile, IDS_RAS_ENTRY_NOT_MIGRATED, RasDialParams.szEntryName); if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "RasSetEntryDialParams failed: Error %d\r\n", dwErr); }
// Advance to the next line.
success = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); } while (success); Err: return dwErr; }
// Function: ConvertLFShort
// Synopsis: convert Win9x 16-bit LOGFONTs to NT formats
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD ConvertLFShort (LOGFONTW *plfDest, const SHORT_LOGFONT *plfSrc) { plfDest->lfHeight = plfSrc->lfHeight; plfDest->lfWidth = plfSrc->lfWidth; plfDest->lfEscapement = plfSrc->lfEscapement; plfDest->lfOrientation = plfSrc->lfOrientation; plfDest->lfWeight = plfSrc->lfWeight; plfDest->lfItalic = plfSrc->lfItalic; plfDest->lfUnderline = plfSrc->lfUnderline; plfDest->lfStrikeOut = plfSrc->lfStrikeOut; plfDest->lfCharSet = plfSrc->lfCharSet; plfDest->lfOutPrecision = plfSrc->lfOutPrecision; plfDest->lfClipPrecision = plfSrc->lfClipPrecision; plfDest->lfQuality = plfSrc->lfQuality; plfDest->lfPitchAndFamily = plfSrc->lfPitchAndFamily; ZeroMemory (plfDest->lfFaceName, sizeof(plfDest->lfFaceName));
if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar (GetACP(), 0, plfSrc->lfFaceName, -1, plfDest->lfFaceName, sizeof (plfDest->lfFaceName) / sizeof (WCHAR))) return GetLastError();
// Function: ConvertLF
// Synopsis: convert Win9x LOGFONTs to NT formats
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD ConvertLF (LOGFONTW *plfDest, const LOGFONTA *plfSrc) { plfDest->lfHeight = plfSrc->lfHeight; plfDest->lfWidth = plfSrc->lfWidth; plfDest->lfEscapement = plfSrc->lfEscapement; plfDest->lfOrientation = plfSrc->lfOrientation; plfDest->lfWeight = plfSrc->lfWeight; plfDest->lfItalic = plfSrc->lfItalic; plfDest->lfUnderline = plfSrc->lfUnderline; plfDest->lfStrikeOut = plfSrc->lfStrikeOut; plfDest->lfCharSet = plfSrc->lfCharSet; plfDest->lfOutPrecision = plfSrc->lfOutPrecision; plfDest->lfClipPrecision = plfSrc->lfClipPrecision; plfDest->lfQuality = plfSrc->lfQuality; plfDest->lfPitchAndFamily = plfSrc->lfPitchAndFamily; ZeroMemory (plfDest->lfFaceName, sizeof(plfDest->lfFaceName));
if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar (GetACP(), 0, plfSrc->lfFaceName, -1, plfDest->lfFaceName, sizeof (plfDest->lfFaceName) / sizeof (WCHAR))) return GetLastError();
// Function: ConvertNonClientMetrics
// Synopsis: convert Win9x client metrics to NT formats
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
void ConvertNonClientMetrics (NONCLIENTMETRICSW *Dest, NONCLIENTMETRICSA *Src) { Dest->cbSize = sizeof (NONCLIENTMETRICSW); Dest->iBorderWidth = Src->iBorderWidth; Dest->iScrollWidth = Src->iScrollWidth; Dest->iScrollHeight = Src->iScrollHeight; Dest->iCaptionWidth = Src->iCaptionWidth; Dest->iCaptionHeight = Src->iCaptionHeight; Dest->iSmCaptionWidth = Src->iSmCaptionWidth; Dest->iSmCaptionHeight = Src->iSmCaptionHeight; Dest->iMenuWidth = Src->iMenuWidth; Dest->iMenuHeight = Src->iMenuHeight;
ConvertLF (&Dest->lfCaptionFont, &Src->lfCaptionFont); ConvertLF (&Dest->lfSmCaptionFont, &Src->lfSmCaptionFont); ConvertLF (&Dest->lfMenuFont, &Src->lfMenuFont); ConvertLF (&Dest->lfStatusFont, &Src->lfStatusFont); ConvertLF (&Dest->lfMessageFont, &Src->lfMessageFont); }
// Function: ConvertAppearanceScheme
// Synopsis: convert Win9x schemes to NT formats
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD ConvertAppearanceScheme (DWORD *ptype, BYTE **pdata, DWORD *pdata_len) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwSize = *pdata_len;
if (*ptype == REG_BINARY && (dwSize == sizeof(SCHEMEDATA_V1) || dwSize == sizeof(SCHEMEDATA_V3) || dwSize == sizeof(SCHEMEDATA_V4) || dwSize == sizeof(SCHEMEDATA_V1A))) { SCHEMEDATA_NT sd_nt; SCHEMEDATA_V1 * psd_v1; SCHEMEDATA_V3 * psd_v3; SCHEMEDATA_V4 * psd_v4; SCHEMEDATA_V1A * psd_v1a; BOOL Copy3dValues = FALSE; BOOL shouldChange = TRUE;
psd_v1 = (SCHEMEDATA_V1 *) *pdata; if (psd_v1->version == 1) { sd_nt.version = 2; ConvertNonClientMetrics (&sd_nt.ncm, &psd_v1->ncm); ConvertLFShort (&sd_nt.lfIconTitle, &psd_v1->lfIconTitle);
ZeroMemory (sd_nt.rgb, sizeof (sd_nt.rgb)); CopyMemory ( &sd_nt.rgb, &psd_v1->rgb, min (sizeof (psd_v1->rgb), sizeof (sd_nt.rgb)));
Copy3dValues = TRUE; } else if (psd_v1->version == 3 && dwSize==sizeof(SCHEMEDATA_V1A)) { psd_v1a = (PSCHEMEDATA_V1A) psd_v1; sd_nt.version = 2; ConvertNonClientMetrics (&sd_nt.ncm, &psd_v1a->ncm); ConvertLFShort (&sd_nt.lfIconTitle, &psd_v1a->lfIconTitle);
ZeroMemory (sd_nt.rgb, sizeof (sd_nt.rgb)); CopyMemory ( &sd_nt.rgb, &psd_v1a->rgb, min (sizeof (psd_v1a->rgb), sizeof (sd_nt.rgb)) );
Copy3dValues = TRUE; } else if (psd_v1->version == 3 && dwSize==sizeof(SCHEMEDATA_V3)) { psd_v3 = (PSCHEMEDATA_V3) psd_v1;
sd_nt.version = 2; ConvertNonClientMetrics (&sd_nt.ncm, &psd_v3->ncm); ConvertLF (&sd_nt.lfIconTitle, &psd_v3->lfIconTitle);
ZeroMemory (sd_nt.rgb, sizeof (sd_nt.rgb)); CopyMemory ( &sd_nt.rgb, &psd_v3->rgb, min (sizeof (psd_v3->rgb), sizeof (sd_nt.rgb)) );
Copy3dValues = TRUE;
} else if (psd_v1->version == 4) { psd_v4 = (PSCHEMEDATA_V4) psd_v1;
sd_nt.version = 2; ConvertNonClientMetrics (&sd_nt.ncm, &psd_v4->ncm); ConvertLF (&sd_nt.lfIconTitle, &psd_v4->lfIconTitle);
ZeroMemory (sd_nt.rgb, sizeof (sd_nt.rgb)); CopyMemory ( &sd_nt.rgb, &psd_v4->rgb, min (sizeof (psd_v4->rgb), sizeof (sd_nt.rgb)) ); } else shouldChange = FALSE;
if (Copy3dValues) { //
// Make sure the NT structure has values for 3D colors
sd_nt.rgb[COLOR_HOTLIGHT] = sd_nt.rgb[COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION]; sd_nt.rgb[COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION] = sd_nt.rgb[COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION]; sd_nt.rgb[COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION] = sd_nt.rgb[COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION]; } if (shouldChange) { BYTE *pnew_data; if (NULL == (pnew_data = (BYTE *)malloc (sizeof(sd_nt)))) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
CopyMemory (pnew_data, &sd_nt, sizeof(sd_nt));
free (*pdata); *pdata = pnew_data; *pdata_len = sizeof(sd_nt); } } else if (Verbose) printf ("ConvertAppearanceScheme type=%d, size=%d\n",*ptype,*pdata_len); return dwErr; }
// Function: ConvertRecentDocsMRU
// Synopsis: convert Win9x "Start Menu" "Documents" settings
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD ConvertRecentDocsMRU (DWORD *ptype, BYTE **pdata, DWORD *pdata_len) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (*ptype == REG_BINARY) { LINKSTRUCT *pls95, *plsNT; CHAR *str, *strEnd; WCHAR *wstr, *wstrEnd; DWORD dwLinkSize, dwNewSize; DWORD dwRenewSize;
str = (CHAR *) *pdata; dwNewSize = strlen(str); strEnd = str + dwNewSize;
pls95 = (LINKSTRUCT *) strEnd; dwLinkSize = dwNewSize + 1 + pls95->wSize + sizeof (WORD);
if (dwLinkSize != *pdata_len) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; // length mismatch, do not transform
dwNewSize = MultiByteToWideChar (GetACP(),0,str,-1, NULL, 0); if (dwNewSize == 0) return GetLastError();
if (NULL == (wstr = (WCHAR *) malloc ( (dwNewSize + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + dwLinkSize))) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar (GetACP(),0,str,-1,wstr,dwNewSize)) dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { wstrEnd = wstr + wcslen(wstr);
plsNT = (PLINKSTRUCT) ((LPBYTE) wstr + ((DWORD)(wstrEnd-wstr))); CopyMemory (plsNT, pls95, dwLinkSize);
free (*pdata); *pdata = (BYTE *) wstr; *pdata_len = dwNewSize; } else free (wstr); } return dwErr; }
// Function: ConvertLogFont
// Synopsis: convert Win9x font binary data
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD ConvertLogFont (DWORD *ptype, BYTE **pdata, DWORD *pdata_len) { if (*ptype == REG_BINARY && *pdata_len == sizeof(SHORT_LOGFONT)) { BYTE *pnew_data; LOGFONTW lfNT; ConvertLFShort (&lfNT, (SHORT_LOGFONT *) *pdata);
if (NULL == (pnew_data = (BYTE *)malloc (sizeof(lfNT)))) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
CopyMemory (pnew_data, &lfNT, sizeof(lfNT));
free (*pdata); *pdata = pnew_data; *pdata_len = sizeof(lfNT); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Function: ConvertToDword
// Synopsis: convert string data to DWORD
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD ConvertToDword (DWORD *ptype, BYTE **pdata, DWORD *pdata_len) { if (*ptype == REG_SZ || *ptype == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { BYTE *pnew_data; DWORD dwValue = _tcstoul ((PCTSTR) *pdata, NULL, 10); if (NULL == (pnew_data = (BYTE *)malloc (sizeof(dwValue)))) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
CopyMemory (pnew_data, &dwValue, sizeof(dwValue));
free (*pdata); *pdata = pnew_data; *pdata_len = sizeof(dwValue); *ptype = REG_DWORD; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Function: ConvertToString
// Synopsis: convert DWORD to a string
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD ConvertToString (DWORD *ptype, BYTE **pdata, DWORD *pdata_len) { if (*ptype == REG_DWORD) { BYTE *pnew_data; DWORD dwSize; TCHAR tcsValue[16]; wsprintf (tcsValue, TEXT("%lu"), * ((DWORD *) *pdata));
dwSize = (_tcslen (tcsValue) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (NULL == (pnew_data = (BYTE *)malloc (dwSize))) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
CopyMemory (pnew_data, tcsValue, dwSize);
free (*pdata); *pdata = pnew_data; *pdata_len = dwSize; *ptype = REG_SZ; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Function: AntiAlias
// Synopsis: convert FontSmoothing from "1" to "2"
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD AntiAlias (DWORD *ptype, BYTE **pdata, DWORD *pdata_len) { if (*ptype == REG_SZ) { DWORD dwValue = _tcstoul ((TCHAR *) *pdata, NULL, 10); if (dwValue > 0) wsprintf ((TCHAR *) *pdata, TEXT("%d"), FE_AA_ON); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Function: FixActiveDesktop
// Synopsis: convert active desktop blob
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD FixActiveDesktop (DWORD *ptype, BYTE **pdata, DWORD *pdata_len) { const USHORT BadBufferSize = 16; const USHORT GoodBufferSize = 28;
BYTE BadBuffer[BadBufferSize] = {0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
BYTE GoodBuffer[GoodBufferSize] = {0x1C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
if (*ptype == REG_BINARY && *pdata_len == BadBufferSize) { BOOL shouldChange = TRUE; for (USHORT i = 0; i < BadBufferSize; i++) { if ((*pdata)[i] != BadBuffer[i]) { shouldChange = FALSE; break; } } if (shouldChange) { BYTE *pnew_data; if (NULL == (pnew_data = (BYTE *)malloc (sizeof(GoodBuffer)))) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
CopyMemory (pnew_data, GoodBuffer, sizeof(GoodBuffer));
free (*pdata); *pdata = pnew_data; *pdata_len = sizeof(GoodBuffer); } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Function: LoadTimeZone
// Synopsis: set the current timezone
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD LoadTimeZone () { const int TZNAME_SIZE = 32; const TCHAR REGKEY_TIMEZONES[] = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones");
const TCHAR REGVAL_TZI[] = _T("TZI"); const TCHAR REGVAL_DLT[] = _T("Dlt");
if (TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID == GetTimeZoneInformation (&tzi)) { Win32Printf (LogFile, "Could not get time zone information\r\n"); ChkErr (GetLastError()); }
if (SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, SOURCE_SECTION, TIMEZONE, &InfContext)) { TCHAR *buffer = NULL; TCHAR *buffer2 = NULL;
ChkErr (GetInfField (&buffer, &InfContext, 1));
if (lstrcmp (tzi.StandardName, buffer) != 0) {
_tcsncpy (tcsTimeZone, (TCHAR*) REGKEY_TIMEZONES, LINEBUFSIZE); _tcsncat (tcsTimeZone, TEXT("\\"), LINEBUFSIZE - _tcslen(tcsTimeZone) - 1); _tcsncat (tcsTimeZone, buffer, LINEBUFSIZE - _tcslen(tcsTimeZone) - 1);
if (RegOpenKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, tcsTimeZone, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ULONG ulLen = sizeof(atzi); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_TZI, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)&atzi, &ulLen)) { tzi.Bias = atzi.Bias; tzi.StandardBias = atzi.StandardBias; tzi.DaylightBias = atzi.DaylightBias; tzi.StandardDate = atzi.StandardDate; tzi.DaylightDate = atzi.DaylightDate; _tcsncpy (tzi.StandardName, buffer, TZNAME_SIZE);
ULONG ulLen = TZNAME_SIZE; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_DLT, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE) &tzi.DaylightName, &ulLen)) _tcscpy (tzi.DaylightName, TEXT(""));
// SetTimeZoneInformation will update local time
// since the UTC time has not changed
if (FALSE == SetTimeZoneInformation (&tzi)) dwErr = GetLastError();
if (Verbose) printf ("TimeZone = %ws\n", tzi.StandardName); } } } free (buffer); }
Err: if (hKey != NULL) RegCloseKey (hKey); return dwErr; }
// Function: SaveLocaleInfo
// Synopsis: formats a locale setting for registry update
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD SaveLocaleInfo(HKEY hKey, LCID lcid, LCTYPE LCType, TCHAR *pIniString) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR ptcsBuffer[SIZE_128];
if (GetLocaleInfo( lcid, LCType | LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, ptcsBuffer, SIZE_128 )) { dwErr = RegSetValueEx( hKey, pIniString, 0L, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)ptcsBuffer, (lstrlen(ptcsBuffer)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } return dwErr; }
// Function: LoadInstallUserLocale
// Synopsis: sets the current user locale
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD LoadInstallUserLocale () { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; LCID lcid = 0; TCHAR *ptcsUserLocale = NULL; TCHAR ptcsOldLocale[25]; INFCONTEXT infcontext; ULONG ulLen = 0;
if (SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, SOURCE_SECTION, USERLOCALE, &infcontext)) { dwErr = GetInfField (&ptcsUserLocale, &infcontext, 1); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { lcid = (LCID)_tcstoul(ptcsUserLocale,NULL,16); } } //
// Revert to current user locale if missing from INF
if (lcid == 0) { free (ptcsUserLocale); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Make sure the locale is valid.
// Set the locale value in the user's control panel international
// section of the registry.
ChkErr(RegOpenKeyEx(CurrentUser ? CurrentUser : HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGKEY_INTL, 0L, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey ));
// Update user locale only if it's different
ulLen = sizeof (ptcsOldLocale); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("Locale"), NULL,NULL, (BYTE*)ptcsOldLocale, &ulLen) && lstrcmp (ptcsUserLocale, ptcsOldLocale) == 0) { free (ptcsUserLocale); RegCloseKey (hKey); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
ChkErr (RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Locale"), 0L, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)ptcsUserLocale, (lstrlen(ptcsUserLocale)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)));
// When the locale changes, update ALL registry information.
ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, TEXT("iCalendarType"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_ICOUNTRY, TEXT("iCountry"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS, TEXT("iCurrDigits"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_ICURRENCY, TEXT("iCurrency"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_IDATE, TEXT("iDate"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_IDIGITS, TEXT("iDigits"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK, TEXT("iFirstDayOfWeek" ))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR, TEXT("iFirstWeekOfYear"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_ILZERO, TEXT("iLzero"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_IMEASURE, TEXT("iMeasure"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_INEGCURR, TEXT("iNegCurr"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, TEXT("iNegNumber"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_ITIME, TEXT("iTime"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN, TEXT("iTimePrefix"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_ITLZERO, TEXT("iTLZero"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION,TEXT("NumShape"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_S1159, TEXT("s1159"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_S2359, TEXT("s2359"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SCOUNTRY, TEXT("sCountry"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SCURRENCY, TEXT("sCurrency"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SDATE, TEXT("sDate"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, TEXT("sDecimal"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SGROUPING, TEXT("sGrouping"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, TEXT("sLanguage"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SLIST, TEXT("sList"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SLONGDATE, TEXT("sLongDate"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP, TEXT("sMonDecimalSep"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SMONGROUPING, TEXT("sMonGrouping"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP, TEXT("sMonThousandSep"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS, TEXT("sNativeDigits"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN, TEXT("sNegativeSign"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN, TEXT("sPositiveSign"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, TEXT("sShortDate"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, TEXT("sThousand"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_STIME, TEXT("sTime"))); ChkErr(SaveLocaleInfo(hKey, lcid, LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, TEXT("sTimeFormat")));
// Set the user's default locale in the system so that any new
// process will use the new locale.
if (CurrentUser == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) NtSetDefaultLocale(TRUE, lcid);
Err: //
// Flush the International key.
if (hKey != NULL) { RegFlushKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (ptcsUserLocale != NULL) free (ptcsUserLocale);
// Return success.
return (dwErr); }
#if 0
// Function: ReadVersionKey
// Synopsis: helper function that reads a value in CurrentVersion key
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD ReadVersionKey (TCHAR *pValueName, TCHAR *pValue, ULONG ulLen) { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; static const TCHAR REGKEY_VERSION[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion");
ChkErr (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_VERSION, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey)); ChkErr (RegQueryValueEx(hKey,pValueName,NULL,NULL,(BYTE*)pValue, &ulLen)); Err: if (hKey != NULL) RegCloseKey (hKey); return dwErr; } #endif
#if 0
// Function: GetDomainMembershipInfo
// Synopsis: return domain or workgroup name
// Arguments: [szname] -- output string for sysprep
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
loa.Length = sizeof(LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES); loa.RootDirectory = NULL; loa.ObjectName = NULL; loa.Attributes = 0; loa.SecurityDescriptor = NULL; loa.SecurityQualityOfService = NULL;
ntstatus = LsaOpenPolicy(NULL, &loa, POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &hLsa); if (LSA_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { ntstatus = LsaQueryInformationPolicy( hLsa, PolicyPrimaryDomainInformation, (VOID **) &ppdi ); if( LSA_SUCCESS( ntstatus ) ) { lstrcpy (szName, (ppdi->Sid > 0 ) ? TEXT("JoinDomain=") : TEXT("JoinWorkgroup=")); lstrcat( szName, ppdi->Name.Buffer ); } LsaClose (hLsa); } return (ntstatus); } #endif
#if 0
// Function: SysprepFile
// Synopsis: generates the sysprep unattended file
// Arguments: [dwLangGroup] -- language group to install
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD SysprepFile (DWORD dwLangGroup) { HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwTimeZone = 0; INFCONTEXT InfContext; TCHAR * pFullName = NULL; TCHAR * pOrgName = NULL; const int MAX_WORKGROUP_LENGTH = 15; const int NAME_LENGTH = 128; const TCHAR REGVAL_FULLNAME[] = TEXT("RegisteredOwner"); const TCHAR REGVAL_ORGNAME[] = TEXT("RegisteredOrganization"); const TCHAR REGVAL_INSTALLPATH[] = TEXT("SourcePath"); TCHAR szFullName[NAME_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR szOrgName[NAME_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR szInstall[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTargetPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szComputerName[NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR *pTargetPath; CHAR *pFile = NULL; ULONG ulLen; TCHAR szJoin [MAX_WORKGROUP_LENGTH + 1 + NAME_LENGTH];
CHAR szSysprep[] = "[Unattended]\r\n" "OemSkipEula=Yes\r\n" "InstallFilesPath=%ws\r\n" "TargetPath=%ws\r\n" "\r\n" "[GuiUnattended]\r\n" "AdminPassword=*\r\n" "OEMSkipRegional=1\r\n" "TimeZone=%x\r\n" "OemSkipWelcome=1\r\n" "\r\n" "[UserData]\r\n" "FullName=\"%ws\"\r\n" "OrgName=\"%ws\"\r\n" "ComputerName=%ws\r\n" "\r\n" "[Identification]\r\n" "%ws\r\n" "\r\n" "[RegionalSettings]\r\n" "LanguageGroup=%d\r\n" "\r\n" "[Networking]\r\n" "InstallDefaultComponents=Yes\r\n";
if (FALSE == GetWindowsDirectory ((TCHAR*) szTargetPath, MAX_PATH)) ChkErr (GetLastError());
if (szTargetPath[1] == ':' && szTargetPath[2] == '\\') pTargetPath = &szTargetPath[2]; else pTargetPath = &szTargetPath[0];
ulLen = NAME_LENGTH; if (FALSE == GetComputerName ((TCHAR*) szComputerName, &ulLen)) ChkErr (GetLastError());
if (SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, SOURCE_SECTION, FULLNAME, &InfContext)) { ChkErr (GetInfField (&pFullName, &InfContext, 1)); } else // use the current fullname
{ ChkErr(ReadVersionKey((TCHAR*)REGVAL_FULLNAME, szFullName, sizeof(szFullName))); pFullName = szFullName; }
if (SetupFindFirstLine(InputInf, SOURCE_SECTION, ORGNAME, &InfContext)) { ChkErr (GetInfField (&pOrgName, &InfContext, 1)); } else // use the current org name
{ ChkErr(ReadVersionKey((TCHAR*)REGVAL_ORGNAME, szFullName, sizeof(szFullName))); pFullName = szOrgName; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ReadVersionKey((TCHAR*)REGVAL_INSTALLPATH, szInstall, sizeof(szInstall))) { lstrcpy ((TCHAR *)szInstall, TEXT("")); // prompt for media?
if(!LSA_SUCCESS(GetDomainMembershipInfo(szJoin))) lstrcpy (szJoin, TEXT(""));
if ((pFile = (CHAR *) malloc (4096)) == NULL) ChkErr (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
wsprintfA (pFile, szSysprep, szInstall, pTargetPath, dwTimeZone, pFullName, pOrgName, szComputerName, szJoin, dwLangGroup);
hFile = CreateFile ( TEXT("sysprep.inf"), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // No sharing.
NULL, // No inheritance
); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) ChkErr (GetLastError());
if (FALSE == WriteFile (hFile, pFile, lstrlenA(pFile), &ulLen, NULL)) ChkErr (GetLastError());
Err: if (pFullName != NULL) free (pFullName); if (pOrgName != NULL) free (pOrgName); if (pFile != NULL) free (pFile); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hFile); return dwErr; } #endif
// Function: LoadSystem
// Synopsis: load system settings
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 20-Sep-99 HenryLee Created
DWORD LoadSystem(int argc, char *argv[]) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD ccLen; WCHAR *pBuf = NULL; HKEY hKey; WCHAR *pwMigrationPath = NULL; int i; DWORD dwInfCount = 0;
if ((dwErr = LoadVerifyOSLang()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwErr;
// If the schedule flag is set, write a run once to schedule
// applying the system settings.
if (SchedSystem) { WCHAR wcsModule[MAX_PATH]; DWORD ccModule = MAX_PATH;
if (0 == GetModuleFileName (NULL, wcsModule, ccModule)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// Convert the migration path to unicode.
dwErr = MakeUnicode( MigrationPath, &pwMigrationPath );
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Build a command line containing:
// /p parameter, to indicate running the user portion
// /s parameter, to indicate migrating system settings
// path to migration.inf
ccLen = wcslen(wcsModule) + wcslen(SCHED_PARAMS) + 1; pBuf = (WCHAR *) malloc( ccLen * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (pBuf == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } wcscpy( pBuf, wcsModule ); wcscat( pBuf, SCHED_PARAMS); // Open the run once key.
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(CurrentUser ? CurrentUser : HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce", 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Write the command to the registry.
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("loadstate"), 0, REG_SZ, (UCHAR *) pBuf, ccLen*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; RegCloseKey( hKey );
dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx(CurrentUser ? CurrentUser : HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Loadstate", 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, NULL ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Write LogFile path to registry
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Logfile"), 0, REG_SZ, (UCHAR *)szLogFile, (_tcslen(szLogFile) * sizeof(TCHAR)) ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Write Migration path to registry
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Store"), 0, REG_SZ, (UCHAR *)pwMigrationPath, (_tcslen(pwMigrationPath) * sizeof(TCHAR)) ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
TCHAR szInfFile[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR szFullInfFile[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR szKeyName[6]; TCHAR *ptsFileNamePart;
// Prevent KeyName buffer overflow
if ( argc > 99) { if (Verbose) { Win32Printf(LogFile, "ERROR: Too many command line arguments [%d]\r\n", argc); } dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanup; } // Write InfFile paths to registry
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if ((argv[i][0] == '/' || argv[i][0] == '-') && (tolower(argv[i][1]) == 'i')) { i++; _stprintf(szKeyName, TEXT("Inf%d"), ++dwInfCount);
if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar (GetACP(), 0, argv[i], -1, szInfFile, MAX_PATH)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } dwErr = GetFullPathName( szInfFile, MAX_PATH, szFullInfFile, &ptsFileNamePart); if (0 == dwErr) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } dwErr = RegSetValueEx( hKey, szKeyName, 0, REG_SZ, (UCHAR *)szFullInfFile, (_tcslen(szFullInfFile) * sizeof(TCHAR)) ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; } } RegCloseKey( hKey );
cleanup: if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) LogFormatError (dwErr);
free( pBuf ); free( pwMigrationPath ); } else { if (!CopySystem) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
ChkErr (LoadNetShares()); ChkErr (LoadPrinters());
dwErr = InitializeRasApi(); if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ChkErr (LoadRas()); } else { // No problem, just skip Ras processing
if (CopyUser == FALSE) { if (CurrentUser == NULL) CurrentUser = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
ChkErr(InitializeHash()); }
ChkErr(CopyInf (ACCESS_SECTION)); ChkErr(CopyInf (DESKTOP_SECTION)); ChkErr(LoadKeyboardLayouts()); ChkErr (LoadTimeZone()); ChkErr (LoadInstallUserLocale()); }
Err: return dwErr; }