Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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33 lines
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  1. @echo off
  2. setlocal enableextensions
  3. e:
  4. cd \BuildTools
  5. set PATH=%PATH%;E:\BuildTools
  6. set WISECMD=C:\Program Files\Wise InstallMaster\wise32
  7. set ROOTDIR=E:\EaBuild.DMA
  8. set VERSION=%1
  9. if '%VERSION%' EQU '' goto Usage
  10. if not exist %ROOTDIR%\Bin\IntelRelease md %ROOTDIR%\Bin\IntelRelease
  11. echo Compiling %ROOTDIR%\Bin\IntelRelease\DMA.msi
  12. attrib -r %ROOTDIR%\Dev\DMA\Setup\Wise\DMA.wsi
  13. rem CScript.exe CompileWsi.vbs %ROOTDIR%\Dev\DMA\Setup\Wise\DMA.wsi /P ROOTDIR=%ROOTDIR%\ /O %ROOTDIR%\Bin\IntelRelease\DMA.msi
  14. "C:\Program Files\Wise for Windows Installer\WfWi.exe" %ROOTDIR%\Dev\DMA\Setup\Wise\DMA.wsi /c /P ROOTDIR=%ROOTDIR%\
  15. if exist %ROOTDIR%\Bin\IntelRelease\DMA.msi del /f %ROOTDIR%\Bin\IntelRelease\DMA.msi
  16. if exist %ROOTDIR%\Dev\DMA\Setup\Wise\DMA.msi copy %ROOTDIR%\Dev\DMA\Setup\Wise\DMA.msi %ROOTDIR%\Bin\IntelRelease\DMA.msi
  17. echo Compiling OUPopSetup.exe
  18. if exist "%ROOTDIR%\Dev\DMA\Setup\Wise\OUPopSetup.wse.bak" del /f "%ROOTDIR%\Dev\DMA\Setup\Wise\OUPopSetup.wse.bak"
  19. "-v:_date_=get_date()" -f:%ROOTDIR%\Dev\DMA\Setup\Wise\OUPopSetup.wse
  20. "%WISECMD%" /c %ROOTDIR%\Dev\DMA\Setup\Wise\OUPopSetup
  21. goto End
  22. :Usage
  23. echo Usage: DmaCreateInstall.cmd Version
  24. :End
  25. endlocal