#include "stdafx.h"
LPCWSTR g_CredentialBlobDescription = L"BITS job credentials";
CEncryptedBlob::CEncryptedBlob( void * Buffer, size_t Length, LPCWSTR Description ) : m_Length( Length ) { m_Blob.pbData = 0; m_Blob.cbData = 0;
DATA_BLOB blobIn; blobIn.pbData = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>( Buffer ); blobIn.cbData = Length;
// Encrypt the data.
if (!CryptProtectData( &blobIn, Description, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &m_Blob)) { ThrowLastError(); } }
CEncryptedBlob::CEncryptedBlob() { m_Length = 0; m_Blob.cbData = 0; m_Blob.pbData = 0; }
CEncryptedBlob::~CEncryptedBlob() { if (m_Blob.pbData) { LocalFree( m_Blob.pbData ); } }
void CEncryptedBlob::Decrypt( void * Buffer, size_t Length ) { if (Length < m_Length) { THROW_HRESULT( E_INVALIDARG ); }
DATA_BLOB blobOut;
// Decrypt the data.
if (!CryptUnprotectData( &m_Blob, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &blobOut)) { ThrowLastError(); }
ASSERT( blobOut.cbData == Length );
memcpy( Buffer, blobOut.pbData, Length );
LocalFree( blobOut.pbData ); }
void CEncryptedBlob::Serialize( HANDLE hFile ) { SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_Length ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_Blob.cbData ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_Blob.pbData, m_Blob.cbData ); }
void CEncryptedBlob::Unserialize( HANDLE hFile ) { SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_Length ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_Blob.cbData );
m_Blob.pbData = static_cast<BYTE *> (LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, m_Blob.cbData )); if (m_Blob.pbData == NULL) { throw ComError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
SafeReadFile( hFile, m_Blob.pbData, m_Blob.cbData ); }
CEncryptedCredentials::CEncryptedCredentials( const BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS & cred ) { size_t Length = CAuthCredentialsMarshaller::Size( &cred );
auto_ptr<char> Buffer( new char[ Length ] );
CMarshalCursor Cursor( Buffer.get(), Length );
CAuthCredentialsMarshaller m1( Cursor, &cred );
m_Blob = new CEncryptedBlob( Buffer.get(), Length, g_CredentialBlobDescription ); }
CEncryptedCredentials::~CEncryptedCredentials() { delete m_Blob; }
BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS * CEncryptedCredentials::Decrypt() { BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS * cred = 0;
size_t Length = m_Blob->GetLength(); auto_ptr<char> Buffer( new char[ Length ] );
m_Blob->Decrypt( Buffer.get(), Length );
CMarshalCursor Cursor( Buffer.get(), Length );
CAuthCredentialsUnmarshaller m1( Cursor, &cred );
return cred; }
CCredentialsContainer::CCredentialsContainer() { }
CCredentialsContainer::~CCredentialsContainer() { Clear(); }
void CCredentialsContainer::Clear() { Dictionary::iterator iter;
// Keep deleting the first element until the map is empty.
while (iter = m_Dictionary.begin(), (iter != m_Dictionary.end())) { CEncryptedCredentials * cred = iter->second;
m_Dictionary.erase( iter );
delete cred; } }
HRESULT CCredentialsContainer::Update( const BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS * Credentials ) { try { KEY Key = MakeKey( Credentials->Target, Credentials->Scheme );
CEncryptedCredentials * OldCredentials = m_Dictionary[ Key ]; auto_ptr<CEncryptedCredentials> NewCredentials(new CEncryptedCredentials( *Credentials ));
m_Dictionary[ Key ] = NewCredentials.get();
NewCredentials.release(); delete OldCredentials;
return S_OK; } catch( ComError err ) { return err.Error(); } }
HRESULT CCredentialsContainer::Remove( BG_AUTH_TARGET Target, BG_AUTH_SCHEME Scheme ) { try { KEY Key = MakeKey( Target, Scheme );
CEncryptedCredentials * OldCredentials = m_Dictionary[ Key ];
m_Dictionary[ Key ] = 0;
delete OldCredentials;
if (OldCredentials == NULL) { return S_FALSE; }
return S_OK; } catch( ComError err ) { return err.Error(); } }
size_t CCredentialsContainer::GetSizeEstimate( const BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS * Credentials ) const { const Overhead = 1000;
// accurate sizing is expensive, so do something cheap and conservative.
size_t Size = Overhead;
Size += CUnicodeStringMarshaller::Size( Credentials->Credentials.Basic.UserName ); Size += CUnicodeStringMarshaller::Size( Credentials->Credentials.Basic.Password );
return Size; }
HRESULT CCredentialsContainer::Find( BG_AUTH_TARGET Target, BG_AUTH_SCHEME Scheme, BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS ** pCredentials ) const { *pCredentials = 0;
KEY Key = MakeKey( Target, Scheme );
try { // This is what we want, except that it doesn't work on a const container:
// CEncryptedCredentials * cred = m_Dictionary[ Key ];
CEncryptedCredentials * cred = 0;
Dictionary::iterator iter = m_Dictionary.find( Key );
if (iter != m_Dictionary.end()) { cred = iter->second; }
if (!cred) { return S_FALSE; }
*pCredentials = cred->Decrypt(); return S_OK; } catch( ComError err ) { return err.Error(); } }
BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS * CCredentialsContainer::FindFirst( Cookie & cookie ) const { cookie = m_Dictionary.begin(); return FindNext( cookie ); }
BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS * CCredentialsContainer::FindNext( Cookie & cookie ) const { while (cookie != m_Dictionary.end() && cookie->second == NULL) { ++cookie; }
if (cookie == m_Dictionary.end()) { return NULL; }
CEncryptedCredentials * EncryptedCredentials = cookie->second;
BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS * Credentials = EncryptedCredentials->Decrypt();
++cookie; return Credentials; }
void CCredentialsContainer::Serialize( HANDLE hFile ) { Dictionary::iterator iter;
long count = 0;
for ( iter = m_Dictionary.begin(); iter != m_Dictionary.end(); ++iter) { KEY Key = iter->first; CEncryptedCredentials * cred = iter->second;
if (cred) { count++; } }
SafeWriteFile( hFile, count );
for ( iter = m_Dictionary.begin(); iter != m_Dictionary.end(); ++iter) { KEY Key = iter->first; CEncryptedCredentials * cred = iter->second;
if (!cred) { continue; }
SafeWriteFile( hFile, Key ); cred->Serialize( hFile ); } }
void CCredentialsContainer::Unserialize( HANDLE hFile ) { long count;
SafeReadFile( hFile, &count );
while (count-- > 0) { KEY Key; auto_ptr<CEncryptedCredentials> cred( new CEncryptedCredentials );
SafeReadFile( hFile, &Key ); cred->Unserialize( hFile );
m_Dictionary[ Key ] = cred.get();
cred.release(); } }