Copyright (c) 2000 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
Main code file for handling jobs and files.
Author :
Revision History :
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <numeric>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sddl.h>
#if !defined(BITS_V12_ON_NT4)
#include "cjob.tmh"
// infinite retry wait time
// This is the number of seconds to keep trying to cancel an upload session in progress.
#define UPLOAD_CANCEL_TIMEOUT (24 * 60 * 60)
#define DEFAULT_JOB_TIMEOUT_TIME (90 * 24 * 60 * 60)
#define PROGRESS_SERIALIZE_INTERVAL (30 * NanoSec100PerSec)
// largest reply blob that can be returned via GetReplyData
#define MAX_EASY_REPLY_DATA (1024 * 1024)
void CJob::OnNetworkDisconnect() { if (m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED || m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR) { QMErrInfo err;
FileTransientError( &err ); } }
void CJob::OnNetworkConnect() { if (m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR) { SetState( BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED ); ScheduleModificationCallback(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJob::CJob() : m_ExternalInterface( new CJobExternal), m_state( BG_JOB_STATE_SUSPENDED ), m_NotifyPointer( NULL ), m_sd( NULL ), m_CurrentFile( 0 ), m_OldExternalJobInterface( NULL ), m_OldExternalGroupInterface( NULL ) { //
// constructor has succeeded; allow CJobExternal to manage our lifetime.
GetExternalInterface()->SetInterfaceClass(this); }
CJob::CJob( LPCWSTR DisplayName, BG_JOB_TYPE Type, REFGUID JobId, SidHandle NotifySid ) : m_ExternalInterface( new CJobExternal), m_id( JobId ), m_name( DisplayName ), m_type( Type ), m_priority( BG_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL ), m_state( BG_JOB_STATE_SUSPENDED ), m_retries( 0 ), m_NotifySid( NotifySid ), m_NotifyPointer( NULL ), m_sd( NULL ), m_CurrentFile( 0 ), m_MinimumRetryDelay( g_GlobalInfo->m_DefaultMinimumRetryDelay ), m_NoProgressTimeout( g_GlobalInfo->m_DefaultNoProgressTimeout ), m_OldExternalJobInterface( NULL ), m_OldExternalGroupInterface( NULL ), m_TransferCompletionTime( UINT64ToFILETIME( 0 )), m_SerializeTime( UINT64ToFILETIME( 0 )), m_NotifyFlags( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED | BG_NOTIFY_JOB_ERROR ), m_fGroupNotifySid( FALSE ) { LogInfo( "new job %p : ID is %!guid!, external %p", this, &m_id, m_ExternalInterface );
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &m_CreationTime );
m_ModificationTime = m_CreationTime; m_LastAccessTime = m_CreationTime;
// we don't support group SIDs yet.
// THROW_HRESULT( IsGroupSid( m_NotifySid, &m_fGroupNotifySid ))
m_sd = new CJobSecurityDescriptor( NotifySid );
// constructor has succeeded; allow CJobExternal to manage our lifetime.
GetExternalInterface()->SetInterfaceClass(this); }
CJob::~CJob() { //
// This should be redundant, but let's be safe.
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( static_cast<CJobModificationItem *> (this) );
delete m_sd;
for (CFileList::iterator iter = m_files.begin(); iter != m_files.end(); ++iter) { delete (*iter); }
if (g_LastServiceControl != SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN) { SafeRelease( m_NotifyPointer ); } }
void CJob::UnlinkFromExternalInterfaces() { //
// These objects np longer control the CJob's lifetime...
if (m_ExternalInterface) { m_ExternalInterface->SetInterfaceClass( NULL ); }
if (m_OldExternalJobInterface) { m_OldExternalJobInterface->SetInterfaceClass( NULL ); }
if (m_OldExternalGroupInterface) { m_OldExternalGroupInterface->SetInterfaceClass( NULL ); }
// ...and the CJob no longer holds a reference to them.
SafeRelease( m_ExternalInterface ); SafeRelease( m_OldExternalJobInterface ); SafeRelease( m_OldExternalGroupInterface ); }
void CJob::HandleAddFile() {
m_TransferCompletionTime = UINT64ToFILETIME( 0 );
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( (CJobRetryItem *) this ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( (CJobCallbackItem *) this ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( (CJobNoProgressItem *) this ); }
// restart the downloader if its running.
g_Manager->RetaskJob( this ); }
// Returns E_INVALIDARG if one of the filesets has
// - local name is blank
// - local name contains invalid characters
// - remote name is blank
// - remote name has invalid format
// Returns CO_E_NOT_SUPPORTED if
// - remote URL contains unsupported protocol
HRESULT CJob::AddFileSet( IN ULONG cFileCount, IN BG_FILE_INFO *pFileSet ) { ULONG FirstNewIndex = m_files.size();
try { ULONG i;
g_Manager->ExtendMetadata( ( METADATA_FOR_FILE * cFileCount ) + METADATA_PADDING );
for (i=0; i < cFileCount; ++i) { THROW_HRESULT( AddFile( pFileSet[i].RemoteName, pFileSet[i].LocalName, false )); }
return S_OK; } catch ( ComError exception ) { // remove all the files that were successful
// This assumes that new files are added at the back of the sequence.
m_files.Delete( m_files.begin() + FirstNewIndex, m_files.end() ); g_Manager->ShrinkMetadata();
return exception.Error(); } }
HRESULT CJob::AddFile( IN LPCWSTR RemoteName, IN LPCWSTR LocalName, IN bool SingleAdd ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CFile * file = NULL;
// This check must be completed outside the try..except; otherwise
// the attempt to add a 2nd file would delete the generated reply file
// for the 1st file.
if (m_type != BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD && m_files.size() > 0) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
try { if ( !RemoteName || !LocalName ) THROW_HRESULT( E_INVALIDARG );
LogInfo("job %p addfile( %S, %S )", this, RemoteName, LocalName );
if ( ( _GetState() == BG_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED ) || ( _GetState() == BG_JOB_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED ) ) throw ComError( BG_E_INVALID_STATE );
if ( SingleAdd ) g_Manager->ExtendMetadata( METADATA_FOR_FILE + METADATA_PADDING );
// Impersonate the user while checking file access.
CNestedImpersonation imp;
file = new CFile( this, m_type, RemoteName, LocalName );
// WARNING: if you change this, also update the cleanup logic in AddFileSet.
m_files.push_back( file );
// Try to create the default reply file. Ignore error, because the app
// may be planning to set the reply file somewhere else.
if (m_type == BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY) { ((CUploadJob *) this)->GenerateReplyFile( false ); } } catch ( ComError exception ) { delete file; file = NULL;
if (m_type == BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY) { ((CUploadJob *) this)->DeleteGeneratedReplyFile(); ((CUploadJob *) this)->ClearOwnFileNameBit(); }
if ( SingleAdd ) g_Manager->ShrinkMetadata();
hr = exception.Error(); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && SingleAdd ) { HandleAddFile(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CJob::SetDisplayName( LPCWSTR Val ) { return SetLimitedString( m_name, Val, MAX_DISPLAYNAME ); }
HRESULT CJob::GetDisplayName( LPWSTR * pVal ) const { *pVal = MidlCopyString( m_name );
return (*pVal) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT CJob::SetDescription( LPCWSTR Val ) { return SetLimitedString( m_description, Val, MAX_DESCRIPTION ); }
HRESULT CJob::GetDescription( LPWSTR *pVal ) const { *pVal = MidlCopyString( m_description );
return (*pVal) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT CJob::SetNotifyCmdLine( LPCWSTR Val ) { return SetLimitedString( m_NotifyCmdLine, Val, MAX_NOTIFY_CMD_LINE ); }
HRESULT CJob::GetNotifyCmdLine( LPWSTR *pVal ) const { *pVal = MidlCopyString( m_NotifyCmdLine );
return (*pVal) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT CJob::SetProxySettings( BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE ProxyUsage, LPCWSTR ProxyList, LPCWSTR ProxyBypassList ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( NULL != ProxyList || NULL != ProxyBypassList ) return E_INVALIDARG;
} else { // BG_PROXY_USAGE_OVERRIDE == ProxyUsage
if ( NULL == ProxyList ) return E_INVALIDARG; }
try { //
// Allocate space for the new proxy settings.
CAutoString ProxyListTemp(NULL); CAutoString ProxyBypassListTemp(NULL);
if ( ProxyList ) { if ( wcslen( ProxyList ) > MAX_PROXYLIST ) throw ComError( BG_E_PROXY_LIST_TOO_LARGE );
ProxyListTemp = CAutoString( CopyString( ProxyList )); }
if ( ProxyBypassList ) { if ( wcslen( ProxyBypassList ) > MAX_PROXYBYPASSLIST ) throw ComError( BG_E_PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_TOO_LARGE );
ProxyBypassListTemp = CAutoString( CopyString( ProxyBypassList )); }
// Swap the old proxy settings for the new ones.
delete[] m_ProxySettings.ProxyList; delete[] m_ProxySettings.ProxyBypassList;
m_ProxySettings.ProxyUsage = ProxyUsage; m_ProxySettings.ProxyList = ProxyListTemp.release(); m_ProxySettings.ProxyBypassList = ProxyBypassListTemp.release();
// Interrupt the download so that the settings are in force immediately.
g_Manager->RetaskJob( this );
UpdateModificationTime(); return S_OK; } catch( ComError error ) { g_Manager->ShrinkMetadata(); return error.Error(); } }
HRESULT CJob::GetProxySettings( BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE *pProxyUsage, LPWSTR *pProxyList, LPWSTR *pProxyBypassList ) const { HRESULT Hr = S_OK;
*pProxyUsage = m_ProxySettings.ProxyUsage; *pProxyList = NULL; *pProxyBypassList = NULL;
try { if ( m_ProxySettings.ProxyList ) { *pProxyList = MidlCopyString( m_ProxySettings.ProxyList ); if (!*pProxyList) throw ComError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
if ( m_ProxySettings.ProxyBypassList ) { *pProxyBypassList = MidlCopyString( m_ProxySettings.ProxyBypassList ); if (!*pProxyBypassList) throw ComError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); } } catch( ComError exception ) { Hr = exception.Error(); CoTaskMemFree( *pProxyList ); CoTaskMemFree( *pProxyBypassList );
*pProxyList = *pProxyBypassList = NULL; }
return Hr; }
void CJob::GetTimes( BG_JOB_TIMES * s ) const { s->CreationTime = m_CreationTime; s->ModificationTime = m_ModificationTime; s->TransferCompletionTime = m_TransferCompletionTime; }
void CJob::GetProgress( BG_JOB_PROGRESS * s ) const {
s->BytesTransferred = 0; s->BytesTotal = 0;
CFileList::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = m_files.begin(); iter != m_files.end(); ++iter) { BG_FILE_PROGRESS s2;
(*iter)->GetProgress( &s2 );
s->BytesTransferred += s2.BytesTransferred;
if (s2.BytesTotal != BG_SIZE_UNKNOWN && s->BytesTotal != BG_SIZE_UNKNOWN ) { s->BytesTotal += s2.BytesTotal; } else { s->BytesTotal = BG_SIZE_UNKNOWN; } }
s->FilesTransferred = m_CurrentFile; s->FilesTotal = m_files.size(); }
HRESULT CJob::GetOwner( LPWSTR * pVal ) const { wchar_t * buf; wchar_t * str;
if (!ConvertSidToStringSid( m_NotifySid.get(), &str)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError()); }
*pVal = MidlCopyString( str );
LocalFree( str );
return (*pVal) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (Val == m_priority) { return S_OK; }
m_priority = Val;
g_Manager->RetaskJob( this );
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CJob::SetNotifyFlags( ULONG Val ) {
// Note, this flag will have no affect on a callback already in progress.
m_NotifyFlags = Val;
UpdateModificationTime(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CJob::SetNotifyInterface( IUnknown * Val ) {
// Note, this flag may not have any affect on a callback already in progress.
IBackgroundCopyCallback *pICB = NULL;
if ( Val ) { try {
#if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
CNestedImpersonation imp;
THROW_HRESULT( SetStaticCloaking( Val ) ); #endif
THROW_HRESULT( Val->QueryInterface( __uuidof(IBackgroundCopyCallback), (void **) &pICB ) ); #if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
// All callbacks should happen in the context of the
// person who set the interface pointer.
HRESULT Hr = SetStaticCloaking( pICB );
if ( FAILED( Hr ) ) { SafeRelease( pICB ); throw ComError( Hr ); } #endif
} catch( ComError Error ) { return Error.Error(); } }
// Release the old pointer if it exists
SafeRelease( m_NotifyPointer ); m_NotifyPointer = pICB;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CJob::GetNotifyInterface( IUnknown ** ppVal ) const { try { CNestedImpersonation imp;
if (m_NotifyPointer) { m_NotifyPointer->AddRef(); }
*ppVal = m_NotifyPointer;
return S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { *ppVal = NULL; return err.Error(); } }
// CJob::TestNotifyInterface()
// See if a notification interface is provide, if so, test it to see if it is
// valid. If so, then return TRUE, else return FALSE.
BOOL CJob::TestNotifyInterface() { BOOL fValidNotifyInterface = TRUE;
try { CNestedImpersonation imp; IUnknown *pPrevIntf = NULL;
// Ok, see if there was a previously registered interface, and if
// there is, see if it's still valid.
if (m_NotifyPointer) { m_NotifyPointer->AddRef(); if ( (FAILED(m_NotifyPointer->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown,(void**)&pPrevIntf))) ||(pPrevIntf == NULL) ) { fValidNotifyInterface = FALSE; } else { fValidNotifyInterface = TRUE; pPrevIntf->Release(); } m_NotifyPointer->Release(); } else { fValidNotifyInterface = FALSE; } } catch( ComError err ) { fValidNotifyInterface = FALSE; }
return fValidNotifyInterface; }
HRESULT CJob::GetMinimumRetryDelay( ULONG * pVal ) const { *pVal = m_MinimumRetryDelay; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CJob::SetMinimumRetryDelay( ULONG Val ) { m_MinimumRetryDelay = Val;
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.RescheduleDelayedTask( (CJobRetryItem *)this, (UINT64)m_MinimumRetryDelay * (UINT64) NanoSec100PerSec);
UpdateModificationTime(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CJob::GetNoProgressTimeout( ULONG * pVal ) const { *pVal = m_NoProgressTimeout; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CJob::SetNoProgressTimeout( ULONG Val ) { m_NoProgressTimeout = Val;
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.RescheduleDelayedTask( (CJobNoProgressItem *)this, (UINT64)m_NoProgressTimeout * (UINT64) NanoSec100PerSec);
UpdateModificationTime(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CJob::GetErrorCount( ULONG * pVal ) const { *pVal = m_retries; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CJob::IsVisible() { HRESULT hr;
hr = CheckClientAccess( BG_JOB_READ );
if (hr == S_OK) { return S_OK; }
if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) { return S_FALSE; }
return hr; }
bool CJob::IsOwner( SidHandle sid ) { return (sid == m_NotifySid); }
void CJob::SetState( BG_JOB_STATE state ) { if (m_state == state) { return; }
LogInfo("job %p state %d -> %d", this, m_state, state); m_state = state;
bool ShouldClearError = false;
switch( state ) { case BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED: case BG_JOB_STATE_CONNECTING: ShouldClearError = false; break;
case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING: case BG_JOB_STATE_SUSPENDED: ShouldClearError = true; break;
case BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR: case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR: ShouldClearError = false; break;
default: ASSERT(0); break; }
if (ShouldClearError) m_error.ClearError();
if (state != BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( (CJobRetryItem *) this ); }
UpdateModificationTime( false ); }
HRESULT CJob::CheckClientAccess( IN DWORD RequestedAccess ) const /*
Checks the current thread's access to this group. The token must allow impersonation.
RequestedAccess lists the standard access bits that the client needs.
*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; DWORD AllowedAccess = 0; HANDLE hToken = 0;
// Convert generic bits into specific bits.
MapGenericMask( &RequestedAccess, &s_AccessMapping );
try {
if ( ( RequestedAccess & ~BG_JOB_READ ) && ( ( m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED ) || ( m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED ) ) ) { LogError("Denying non-read access since job/file is cancelled or acknowledged"); throw ComError(BG_E_INVALID_STATE); }
CNestedImpersonation imp;
hr = IsRemoteUser();
if (FAILED(hr) ) throw ComError( hr );
if ( S_OK == hr ) throw ComError( BG_E_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORTED );
THROW_HRESULT( m_sd->CheckTokenAccess( imp.QueryToken(), RequestedAccess, &AllowedAccess, &fSuccess ));
if (!fSuccess || AllowedAccess != RequestedAccess) { LogWarning( "denied access %s 0x%x", fSuccess ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", AllowedAccess );
throw ComError( E_ACCESSDENIED ); }
hr = S_OK; } catch (ComError exception) { hr = exception.Error(); }
if (hToken) { CloseHandle( hToken ); }
return hr; }
bool CJob::IsCallbackEnabled( DWORD bit ) { //
// Only one bit, please.
ASSERT( 0 == (bit & (bit-1)) );
if ((m_NotifyFlags & bit) == 0 || (m_NotifyFlags & BG_NOTIFY_DISABLE)) { return false; }
if (m_OldExternalGroupInterface) { IBackgroundCopyCallback1 * pif = m_OldExternalGroupInterface->GetNotificationPointer();
if (pif == NULL) { return false; }
pif->Release(); } else { if (m_NotifyPointer == NULL && m_NotifyCmdLine.Size() == 0) { return false; } }
return true; }
void CJob::ScheduleCompletionCallback( DWORD Seconds ) { //
// See whether any notification regime has been established.
// The callback procedure will check this again, in case something has changed
// between queuing the workitem and dispatching it.
if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED )) { LogInfo("completion callback is not enabled"); return; }
if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.IsWorkItemInScheduler( static_cast<CJobCallbackItem *>(this) )) { LogInfo("callback is already scheduled"); return; }
g_Manager->ScheduleDelayedTask( (CJobCallbackItem *) this, Seconds ); }
void CJob::ScheduleErrorCallback( DWORD Seconds ) { //
// See whether any notification regime has been established.
// The callback procedure will check this again, in case something has changed
// between queuing the workitem and dispatching it.
if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_ERROR )) { LogInfo("error callback is not enabled"); return; }
if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.IsWorkItemInScheduler( static_cast<CJobCallbackItem *>(this) )) { LogInfo("callback is already scheduled"); return; }
g_Manager->ScheduleDelayedTask( (CJobCallbackItem *) this, Seconds ); }
HRESULT CJob::DeleteTemporaryFiles() { return S_OK; }
void CJob::JobTransferred() { // the file list is done
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( static_cast<CJobNoProgressItem *>( this ));
ScheduleCompletionCallback(); }
void CJob::Transfer() { HRESULT hr; auto_HANDLE<NULL> AutoToken;
#if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
if( LogLevelEnabled( LogFlagInfo ) ) { LogDl( "current job: %!guid!", &m_id ); } #endif
// Get a copy of the user's token.
HANDLE hToken = NULL; hr = g_Manager->CloneUserToken( GetOwnerSid(), ANY_SESSION, &hToken );
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_ON )) { LogDl( "job owner is not logged on");
// move the group off the main list.
g_Manager->MoveJobOffline( this );
MoveToInactiveState(); ScheduleModificationCallback(); } else { QMErrInfo ErrInfo;
ErrInfo.Set( SOURCE_QMGR_QUEUE, ERROR_STYLE_HRESULT, hr, "CloneUserToken" );
LogError( "download : unable to get token %!winerr!", hr);
FileTransientError( &ErrInfo ); }
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CompleteWorkItem(); return; }
AutoToken = hToken;
// Download the current file.
QMErrInfo ErrInfo; long tries = 0;
bool bThrottle = ShouldThrottle();
LogDl( "Throttling %s", bThrottle ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
if (bThrottle) { // ignore errors
(void) SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE ); }
if (m_state != BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING) { SetState( BG_JOB_STATE_CONNECTING ); ScheduleModificationCallback(); }
if (!VerifyFileSizes( hToken )) { goto restore_thread; }
ASSERT( GetCurrentFile() ); // if no more files, it shouldn't be the current job
retry: ErrInfo.Clear();
if (!GetCurrentFile()->Transfer( hToken, m_priority, m_ProxySettings, &m_Credentials, ErrInfo )) { goto restore_thread; }
// Interpret the download result.
switch (ErrInfo.result) { case QM_FILE_TRANSIENT_ERROR: FileTransientError( &ErrInfo ); break; case QM_FILE_DONE: FileComplete(); break; case QM_FILE_FATAL_ERROR: FileFatalError( &ErrInfo ); break; case QM_FILE_ABORTED: break; default: ASSERT( 0 && "unhandled download result" ); break;
case QM_SERVER_FILE_CHANGED: { FileChangedOnServer();
if (++tries < 3) { goto retry; }
g_Manager->AppendOnline( this ); break; } }
if (bThrottle) { while (!SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL )) { Sleep(100); } } }
void CJob::FileComplete() { if ( GetOldExternalJobInterface() ) { // Need to rename the files as they are completed for Mars.
HRESULT Hr = GetCurrentFile()->MoveTempFile(); if (FAILED(Hr)) { QMErrInfo ErrorInfo; ErrorInfo.Set( SOURCE_QMGR_FILE, ERROR_STYLE_HRESULT, Hr, "Unable to rename file" ); FileFatalError( &ErrorInfo ); return; } }
if (m_CurrentFile == m_files.size()) { JobTransferred(); g_Manager->Serialize(); } else { // more files to download
UpdateModificationTime(); } }
bool CJob::VerifyFileSizes( HANDLE hToken ) { if ( AreRemoteSizesKnown() ) { return true; }
try { // retrieve file infomation on the file list.
// Ignore any errors.
LogDl("Need to retrieve file sizes before download can start");
auto_ptr<CUnknownFileSizeList> pFileSizeList = auto_ptr<CUnknownFileSizeList>( GetUnknownFileSizeList() );
QMErrInfo ErrInfo;
// Release the global lock while the download is in progress.
LogDl( "UpdateRemoteSizes starting..." );
g_Manager->UpdateRemoteSizes( pFileSizeList.get(), hToken, &ErrInfo, &m_ProxySettings, &m_Credentials );
LogDl( "UpdateRemoteSizes complete." );
ASSERT( ErrInfo.result != QM_IN_PROGRESS );
bool fSuccessful = (ErrInfo.result != QM_FILE_ABORTED);
// Take the writer lock, since the caller expects it to be taken
// upon return.
while (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); fSuccessful = false; }
return fSuccessful; } catch (ComError err) { LogWarning("caught exception %u", err.Error() ); return false; } }
bool CJob::IsRunning() { if (m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING || m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_CONNECTING) { return true; }
return false; }
bool CJob::IsRunnable() { if (m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING || m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_CONNECTING || m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED ) { return true; }
return false; }
void CJob::FileTransientError( QMErrInfo * ErrInfo ) { LogWarning( "job %p transient failure, interrupt count = %d", this, m_retries );
if (_GetState() == BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING) { ++m_retries; }
SetState( BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR ); RecordError( ErrInfo );
#if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
if (g_Manager->m_NetworkMonitor.GetAddressCount() > 0) { #endif
g_Manager->ScheduleDelayedTask( (CJobRetryItem *) this, m_MinimumRetryDelay ); #if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
} #endif
if ( m_NoProgressTimeout != INFINITE && !g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.IsWorkItemInScheduler((CJobNoProgressItem *) this)) { g_Manager->ScheduleDelayedTask( (CJobNoProgressItem *) this, m_NoProgressTimeout ); }
UpdateModificationTime(); }
bool CJob::RecordError( QMErrInfo * ErrInfo ) { m_error.Set( this, m_CurrentFile, ErrInfo ); return true; }
void CJob::FileFatalError( QMErrInfo * ErrInfo ) { // If ErrInfo is NULL, use the current error.
if ( BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING == m_state ) { ++m_retries; }
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( static_cast<CJobNoProgressItem *>(this) ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( static_cast<CJobCallbackItem *>(this) );
if ( ErrInfo ) { RecordError( ErrInfo ); }
ScheduleErrorCallback(); g_Manager->Serialize(); }
void CJob::OnRetryJob() { if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); return; }
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.UnlockWriter(); }
void CJob::RetryNow() { MoveToInactiveState(); UpdateModificationTime( false );
// Normally UpdateModificationTime() would do these things for us,
// but we chose not to serialize.
if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.IsWorkItemInScheduler( (CJobInactivityTimeout *) this)) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( (CJobInactivityTimeout *) this ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.InsertDelayedWorkItem( (CJobInactivityTimeout *) this, g_GlobalInfo->m_JobInactivityTimeout ); }
ScheduleModificationCallback(); }
void CJob::OnNoProgress() { LogInfo("job %p no-progress timeout", this);
if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); return; }
// Make sure the downloader thread isn't using the job.
// Otherwise MoveActiveJobToListEnd may get confused.
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING: { // The job is making progress, after all.
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.UnlockWriter(); return; }
case BG_JOB_STATE_CONNECTING: { g_Manager->InterruptDownload(); break; } }
FileFatalError( NULL );
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.UnlockWriter(); }
void CJob::UpdateProgress( UINT64 BytesTransferred, UINT64 BytesTotal ) { SetState( BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING );
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( (CJobNoProgressItem *) this );
// To avoid hammering the disk,
// don't serialize every interim progress notification.
FILETIME time; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &time );
if (FILETIMEToUINT64(time) - FILETIMEToUINT64(m_SerializeTime) > PROGRESS_SERIALIZE_INTERVAL ) { UpdateModificationTime(); } }
void CJob::OnInactivityTimeout() { if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); return; }
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.UnlockWriter(); }
BOOL IsInterfacePointerDead( IUnknown * punk, HRESULT hr ) { if (hr == MAKE_HRESULT( SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32, RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE )) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
void CJob::OnMakeCallback() /*++
Used to notify the client app of job completion or a non-recoverable error. Impersonates the user, CoCreates a notification object, and calls the method. If the call fails, the fn posts a delayed task to retry.
At entry:
m_method: the method to call m_notifysid: the user to impersonate m_error: (if m_method is CM_ERROR) the error that halted the job (if m_method is CM_COMPLETE) zero m_RetryTime: sleep time before retrying after a failed notification attempt
At exit:
{ //
// check for cancel, and take a reference so the job cannot be deleted
// while this precedure is using it.
if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockReader()) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); return; }
bool OldInterface = (m_OldExternalGroupInterface != NULL);
// Need to have this item out of the queue before the call,
// otherwise an incoming CompleteJob() call may block trying to remove it
// from the task scheduler queue.
// Also prevents CancelWorkItem calls from interfering with our mutex access.
if (OldInterface) { if (FAILED(OldInterfaceCallback())) { RescheduleCallback(); } } else { if (FAILED(InterfaceCallback()) && FAILED(CmdLineCallback())) { RescheduleCallback(); } }
GetExternalInterface()->Release(); }
HRESULT CJob::RescheduleCallback() { if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { LogInfo( "callback was cancelled" ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); return S_FALSE; }
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED: { ScheduleCompletionCallback( m_MinimumRetryDelay ); break; }
case BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR: { ScheduleErrorCallback( m_MinimumRetryDelay ); break; }
default: { LogInfo("callback failed; job state is %d so no retry is planned", m_state ); } }
return S_OK; }
void CJob::OnModificationCallback() { if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { LogInfo( "Modification call cancelled, ack cancel" ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); return; }
if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_MODIFICATION )) { LogInfo( "Modification call cancelled via flag/interface change" ); m_ModificationsPending = 0; g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.GetCurrentWorkItem()); GetExternalInterface()->Release();
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.UnlockWriter(); return; }
IBackgroundCopyCallback *pICB = m_NotifyPointer; pICB->AddRef();
HRESULT Hr = pICB->JobModification( GetExternalInterface(), 0 );
LogInfo( "JobModification call complete, result %!winerr!", Hr );
SafeRelease( pICB );
if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { LogInfo( "Modification work item canceled before lock reaquire" ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); return; }
if ( FAILED(Hr) && IsInterfacePointerDead( m_NotifyPointer, Hr ) ) { LogInfo( "Modification interface pointer is dead, no more modifications" ); m_ModificationsPending = 0; }
if ( m_ModificationsPending ) { LogInfo( "%u more modification callbacks pending, reinsert work item", m_ModificationsPending ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.InsertWorkItem( static_cast<CJobModificationItem*>(this) ); } else { LogInfo( "no more modification callbacks pending, release interface ref" ); GetExternalInterface()->Release(); }
void CJob::ScheduleModificationCallback() {
// Requires writer lock
// The old interface doesn't support this.
if (m_OldExternalGroupInterface) { return; }
if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_MODIFICATION )) { return; }
if ( !m_ModificationsPending ) { LogInfo( "New modification callback, adding work item for job %p", this ); GetExternalInterface()->AddRef(); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.InsertWorkItem( static_cast<CJobModificationItem*>(this) ); }
m_ModificationsPending++; min( m_ModificationsPending, 0x7FFFFFFE ); LogInfo( "Added modification callback, new count of %u for job %p", m_ModificationsPending, this ); }
HRESULT CJob::InterfaceCallback() { bool bLocked = true; HRESULT hr; IBackgroundCopyCallback * pICB = 0; IBackgroundCopyError * pJobErrorExternal = 0;
try { CallbackMethod method; IBackgroundCopyJob * pJobExternal = 0;
{ HoldReaderLock lock ( g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler );
pJobExternal = GetExternalInterface();
// It is possible that the job state changed after the callback was queued.
// Make the callback based on the current job state.
if (!m_NotifyPointer) { LogInfo( "Notification pointer for job %p is NULL, skipping callback", this ); return E_FAIL; }
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED: { if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED )) { LogInfo("error callback is not enabled"); return S_OK; }
method = CM_COMPLETE; break; }
case BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR: { ASSERT( m_error.IsErrorSet() );
if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_ERROR )) { LogInfo("error callback is not enabled"); return S_OK; }
method = CM_ERROR; pJobErrorExternal = new CJobErrorExternal( &m_error ); break; }
default: { LogInfo("callback has become irrelevant, job state is %d", m_state ); return S_OK; } }
pICB = m_NotifyPointer; pICB->AddRef(); }
// Free from the mutex, make the call.
switch (method) { case CM_COMPLETE: LogInfo( "callback : job %p completion", this ); hr = pICB->JobTransferred( pJobExternal ); break;
case CM_ERROR: LogInfo( "callback : job %p error", this ); hr = pICB->JobError( pJobExternal, pJobErrorExternal );
default: LogError( "job %p: invalid callback type 0x%x", this, method ); hr = S_OK; break; }
LogInfo("callback completed with 0x%x", hr);
// Clear the notification pointer if it is unusable.
if (FAILED(hr)) { HoldWriterLock lock ( g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler );
if (m_NotifyPointer && IsInterfacePointerDead( m_NotifyPointer, hr )) { m_NotifyPointer->Release(); m_NotifyPointer = NULL; }
throw ComError( hr ); }
hr = S_OK; } catch ( ComError exception ) { LogWarning( "exception %x while dispatching callback", exception.Error() ); hr = exception.Error(); }
SafeRelease( pJobErrorExternal ); SafeRelease( pICB );
return hr; }
HRESULT CJob::CmdLineCallback() { ASSERT( GetOldExternalGroupInterface() == 0 );
HRESULT hr; CUser * user = 0;
try { StringHandle CmdLine;
{ HoldReaderLock lock ( g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler );
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED: { if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED )) { LogInfo("error callback is not enabled"); return S_OK; }
break; }
case BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR: { ASSERT( m_error.IsErrorSet() );
if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_ERROR )) { LogInfo("error callback is not enabled"); return S_OK; }
break; }
default: { LogInfo("callback has become irrelevant, job state is %d", m_state ); return S_OK; } }
CmdLine = m_NotifyCmdLine; }
// Free from the mutex, launch the application.
user = g_Manager->m_Users.FindUser( GetOwnerSid(), ANY_SESSION ); if (!user) { throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_ON )); }
THROW_HRESULT( user->LaunchProcess( CmdLine ) );
hr = S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { LogWarning( "exception %x while launching callback process", err.Error() ); hr = err.Error(); }
if (user) { user->DecrementRefCount(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CJob::OldInterfaceCallback() {
HRESULT Hr = S_OK; IBackgroundCopyCallback1 *pICB = NULL; IBackgroundCopyGroup *pGroup = NULL; IBackgroundCopyJob1 *pJob = NULL;
try { CallbackMethod method; DWORD dwCurrentFile = 0; DWORD dwRetries = 0; DWORD dwWin32Result = 0; DWORD dwTransportResult = 0;
{ CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(this);
pGroup = GetOldExternalGroupInterface(); ASSERT( pGroup ); pGroup->AddRef();
// It is possible that the job state changed after the callback was queued.
// Make the callback based on the current job state.
pICB = GetOldExternalGroupInterface()->GetNotificationPointer(); if (!pICB) { return S_FALSE; }
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED: { if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED )) { LogInfo("error callback is not enabled"); return S_OK; }
method = CM_COMPLETE; break; }
case BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR: { ASSERT( m_error.IsErrorSet() );
if (!IsCallbackEnabled( BG_NOTIFY_JOB_ERROR )) { LogInfo("error callback is not enabled"); return S_OK; }
method = CM_ERROR;
pJob = GetOldExternalJobInterface(); pJob->AddRef();
dwCurrentFile = m_error.GetFileIndex(); m_error.GetOldInterfaceErrors( &dwWin32Result, &dwTransportResult ); THROW_HRESULT( GetErrorCount(&dwRetries) ); break; }
default: { LogInfo("callback has become irrelevant, job state is %d", m_state ); return S_OK; } } }
// Outside of lock, do the callback
switch( method ) { case CM_ERROR: THROW_HRESULT( pICB->OnStatus(pGroup, pJob, dwCurrentFile, QM_STATUS_GROUP_ERROR | QM_STATUS_GROUP_SUSPENDED, dwRetries, dwWin32Result, dwTransportResult) ); break; case CM_COMPLETE: THROW_HRESULT( pICB->OnStatus(pGroup, NULL, -1, QM_STATUS_GROUP_COMPLETE, 0, 0, 0));
GetOldExternalGroupInterface()->SetNotificationPointer( __uuidof(IBackgroundCopyCallback1), NULL );
break; default: ASSERT(0); throw ComError( E_FAIL ); }
Hr = S_OK; }
catch ( ComError exception ) { LogWarning( "exception %x while dispatching callback", exception.Error() ); Hr = exception.Error(); }
SafeRelease( pICB ); SafeRelease( pGroup ); SafeRelease( pJob );
return Hr; } //
// Pause all activity on the job. The service will take no action until one of
// Resume(), Cancel(), Complete() is called.
// if already suspended, just returns S_OK.
HRESULT CJob::Suspend() { return g_Manager->SuspendJob( this ); }
// Enable downloading for this job.
// if already running, just returns S_OK.
HRESULT CJob::Resume() { if (IsEmpty()) { return BG_E_EMPTY; }
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_SUSPENDED: { CFile * file = GetCurrentFile(); if (!file) { // job was already transferred when it was suspended
JobTransferred(); return S_OK; } }
// fall through here
if (IsRunnable()) { g_Manager->AppendOnline( this ); }
g_Manager->ScheduleAnotherGroup(); UpdateModificationTime();
return S_OK;
{ return S_OK; }
default: { ASSERT( 0 ); return S_OK; } }
ASSERT( 0 ); return S_OK; }
// Permanently stop the job. The service will delete the job metadata and downloaded files.
HRESULT CJob::Cancel() { HRESULT Hr = S_OK;
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_CONNECTING: case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING: { g_Manager->InterruptDownload(); // OK to fall through here
RETURN_HRESULT( Hr = RemoveTemporaryFiles() );
return Hr; }
default: { ASSERT( 0 ); return Hr; } }
ASSERT( 0 ); return Hr; }
// Acknowledges receipt of the job-complete notification. The service will delete
// the job metadata and leave the downloaded files.
HRESULT CJob::Complete( ) { HRESULT hr;
Suspend(); // OK to fall through here
hr = S_OK;
// move downloaded files to final destination(skip for Mars)
if ( !GetOldExternalJobInterface() ) { RETURN_HRESULT( hr = CommitTemporaryFiles() ); }
// hr may be S_OK, or BG_S_PARTIAL_COMPLETE.
return hr;
default: { ASSERT( 0 ); return BG_E_INVALID_STATE; } }
HRESULT CJob::CommitTemporaryFiles() { HRESULT Hr = S_OK;
try { bool fPartial = false; CNestedImpersonation imp( GetOwnerSid() );
CFileList::iterator iter;
LogInfo("commit job %p", this );
// First loop, rename completed temp files.
SIZE_T FilesMoved = 0; for (iter = m_files.begin(); iter != m_files.end(); ++iter, FilesMoved++) { if (false == (*iter)->IsCompleted()) { if ((*iter)->ReceivedAllData()) { //
// Retain the first error encountered.
HRESULT LastResult = (*iter)->MoveTempFile();
if (FAILED(LastResult)) { LogError( "commit: failed 0x%x", LastResult ); if (Hr == S_OK) { Hr = LastResult; } } } else { fPartial = true; LogInfo("commit: skipping partial file '%S'", (const WCHAR*)(*iter)->GetLocalName()); } } else { LogInfo("commit: skipping previously completed file '%S'", (const WCHAR*)(*iter)->GetLocalName()); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) {
bool fErrorOnDelete = false;
// Second loop, delete incomplete temp files
for( iter = m_files.begin(); iter != m_files.end(); ++iter ) { if (false == (*iter)->IsCompleted()) { HRESULT HrDelete = (*iter)->DeleteTempFile(); if (FAILED(HrDelete)) fErrorOnDelete = true; } }
if ( fErrorOnDelete ) Hr = BG_S_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILES;
// Return S_OK if all files are returned, otherwise BG_S_PARTIAL_COMPLETE.
if (fPartial) { Hr = BG_S_PARTIAL_COMPLETE; }
} } catch ( ComError exception ) { Hr = exception.Error(); LogError( "commit: exception 0x%x", Hr ); }
// If commitment failed, the job will not be deleted.
// Update its modification time, and schedule the modification callback.
if (FAILED(Hr)) { UpdateModificationTime(); }
return Hr; }
HRESULT CJob::RemoveTemporaryFilesPart2() {
bool bErrorOnDelete = false;
CFileList::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_files.begin(); iter != m_files.end(); ++iter) { HRESULT Hr = (*iter)->DeleteTempFile(); if ( FAILED( Hr ) ) bErrorOnDelete = true; }
return bErrorOnDelete ? BG_S_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILES : S_OK;
HRESULT CJob::RemoveTemporaryFiles() {
// Since the temporary files may be on a network drive
// we need to impersonate the user before deleteing the file.
// Unfortunatly, this itsn't always possible since the user
// may also be be logged on and we still want to allow
// adminstrators to cancel the job.
try { CNestedImpersonation imp( GetOwnerSid() ); return RemoveTemporaryFilesPart2(); } catch( ComError Error ) { return RemoveTemporaryFilesPart2(); }
void CJob::SetCompletionTime( const FILETIME *pftCompletionTime ) { FILETIME ftCurrentTime; if ( !pftCompletionTime ) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftCurrentTime ); pftCompletionTime = &ftCurrentTime; }
m_TransferCompletionTime = *pftCompletionTime;
SetModificationTime( pftCompletionTime ); }
void CJob::SetModificationTime( const FILETIME *pftModificationTime ) { FILETIME ftCurrentTime; if ( !pftModificationTime ) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftCurrentTime ); pftModificationTime = &ftCurrentTime; }
m_ModificationTime = *pftModificationTime; }
void CJob::SetLastAccessTime( const FILETIME *pftModificationTime ) { FILETIME ftCurrentTime; if ( !pftModificationTime ) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftCurrentTime ); pftModificationTime = &ftCurrentTime; }
m_LastAccessTime = *pftModificationTime; }
void CJob::OnDiskChange( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume, DWORD VolumeSerialNumber ) { switch(m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED: case BG_JOB_STATE_CONNECTING: case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING: break;
default: ASSERTMSG("Invalid job state", 0); }
for (CFileList::iterator iter = m_files.begin(); iter != m_files.end(); ++iter) { if (!(*iter)->OnDiskChange( CanonicalVolume, VolumeSerialNumber )) { // If one file fails, the whole job fails.
return; } } }
void CJob::OnDismount( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume ) { switch(m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED: case BG_JOB_STATE_CONNECTING: case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING: break;
default: ASSERTMSG("Invalid job state", 0); }
for (CFileList::iterator iter = m_files.begin(); iter != m_files.end(); ++iter) { if (!(*iter)->OnDismount( CanonicalVolume )) { // If one file fails, the whole job fails.
return; } } }
bool CJob::OnDeviceLock( const WCHAR * CanonicalVolume ) { if ( IsRunnable() ) { if ( IsTransferringToDrive( CanonicalVolume ) ) { if (IsRunning() ) { g_Manager->InterruptDownload(); }
QMErrInfo ErrorInfo; ErrorInfo.Set( SOURCE_QMGR_FILE, ERROR_STYLE_HRESULT , BG_E_DESTINATION_LOCKED, "Destination is locked"); FileTransientError( &ErrorInfo );
return true; } }
return false; }
bool CJob::OnDeviceUnlock( const WCHAR * CanonicalVolume ) { if ( BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR == m_state ) { const CJobError *Error = GetError();
ASSERT( Error );
if ( ( Error->GetCode() == BG_E_DESTINATION_LOCKED ) && ( Error->GetStyle() == ERROR_STYLE_HRESULT ) ) { if ( IsTransferringToDrive( CanonicalVolume ) ) { RetryNow(); return true; } } }
return false; }
HRESULT CJob::AssignOwnership( SidHandle sid ) { // If we are being called by the current
// owner, then we have nothing to do.
if ( sid == m_NotifySid ) return S_OK;
if ( IsRunning() ) { g_Manager->InterruptDownload(); }
// revalidate access to all the local files
for (CFileList::iterator iter = m_files.begin(); iter != m_files.end(); ++iter) { Hr = (*iter)->ValidateAccessForUser( sid, (m_type == BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD) ? true : false );
if (FAILED(Hr)) { g_Manager->ScheduleAnotherGroup(); return Hr; } }
// actually reassign ownership
CJobSecurityDescriptor *newsd = NULL;
try { g_Manager->ExtendMetadata();
newsd = new CJobSecurityDescriptor( sid );
// replace the old notify sid and SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
delete m_sd;
m_sd = newsd; m_NotifySid = sid;
// Move the job to the online list if necessary.
g_Manager->ResetOnlineStatus( this, sid );
// Serialize and notify the client app of changes.
g_Manager->ScheduleAnotherGroup(); return Hr; } catch( ComError Error ) { Hr = Error.Error(); delete newsd; g_Manager->ScheduleAnotherGroup(); g_Manager->ShrinkMetadata(); return Hr; } }
void CJob::MoveToInactiveState() {
#if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
if (g_Manager->m_NetworkMonitor.GetAddressCount() > 0) { #endif
SetState( BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED ); #if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
} else { QMErrInfo err;
if (_GetState() == BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING) { ++m_retries; }
SetState( BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR ); RecordError( &err );
if ( m_NoProgressTimeout != INFINITE && !g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.IsWorkItemInScheduler((CJobNoProgressItem *) this)) { g_Manager->ScheduleDelayedTask( (CJobNoProgressItem *) this, m_NoProgressTimeout ); } }
CUnknownFileSizeList* CJob::GetUnknownFileSizeList() { auto_ptr<CUnknownFileSizeList> pList( new CUnknownFileSizeList );
if (m_type == BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD) { for(CFileList::iterator iter = m_files.begin(); iter != m_files.end(); iter++ ) { if ( (*iter)->_GetBytesTotal() == -1 ) { if (!pList->Add( (*iter), (*iter)->GetRemoteName() ) ) { throw ComError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); } } } }
return pList.release(); }
void CJob::UpdateModificationTime( bool fNotify ) { FILETIME ftCurrentTime;
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftCurrentTime );
SetModificationTime( &ftCurrentTime );
UpdateLastAccessTime( );
if (fNotify) { if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.IsWorkItemInScheduler( (CJobInactivityTimeout *) this)) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( (CJobInactivityTimeout *) this ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.InsertDelayedWorkItem( (CJobInactivityTimeout *) this, g_GlobalInfo->m_JobInactivityTimeout ); }
ScheduleModificationCallback(); g_Manager->Serialize(); } }
void CJob::UpdateLastAccessTime( ) { FILETIME ftCurrentTime;
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftCurrentTime );
SetLastAccessTime( &ftCurrentTime ); }
void CJob::CancelWorkitems() { ASSERT( g_Manager );
// While the job-modification item is pending, it keeps a separate ref to the job.
// The other work items share a single ref.
// g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( static_cast<CJobModificationItem *> (this) );
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( static_cast<CJobInactivityTimeout *> (this) ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( static_cast<CJobNoProgressItem *> (this) ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( static_cast<CJobCallbackItem *> (this) ); g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( static_cast<CJobRetryItem *> (this) ); }
void CJob::RemoveFromManager() { //
// The job is dead, except perhaps for a few references held by app threads.
// Ensure that no more action is taken on this job.
// If the job is not already removed from the job list, remove it
// and remove the refcount for the job's membership in the list.
if (g_Manager->RemoveJob( this )) { g_Manager->ScheduleAnotherGroup(); g_Manager->Serialize(); NotifyInternalDelete(); } }
HRESULT CJob::SetLimitedString( StringHandle & destination, const LPCWSTR Val, SIZE_T limit ) { try { StringHandle name = Val;
name.Truncate( limit );
UpdateString( destination, name );
return S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { return err.Error(); } }
HRESULT CJob::UpdateString( StringHandle & destination, const StringHandle & Val ) { try { if ( destination.Size() < Val.Size() ) g_Manager->ExtendMetadata( sizeof(wchar_t) * (Val.Size() - destination.Size()) );
destination = Val;
return S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { g_Manager->ShrinkMetadata();
return err.Error(); } }
// Change the GUID when an incompatible Serialize change is made.
GUID JobGuid_v1_5 = { /* 85e5c459-ef86-4fcd-8ea0-5b4f00d27e35 */ 0x85e5c459, 0xef86, 0x4fcd, {0x8e, 0xa0, 0x5b, 0x4f, 0x00, 0xd2, 0x7e, 0x35} };
GUID JobGuid_v1_0 = { /* 5770fca4-cf9f-4513-8737-972b4ea1265d */ 0x5770fca4, 0xcf9f, 0x4513, {0x87, 0x37, 0x97, 0x2b, 0x4e, 0xa1, 0x26, 0x5d} };
GUID UploadJobGuid_v1_5 = { /* ebc54f55-23b0-4b1a-aa3f-936c0b0fd5b3 */ 0xebc54f55, 0x23b0, 0x4b1a, {0xaa, 0x3f, 0x93, 0x6c, 0x0b, 0x0f, 0xd5, 0xb3} };
/* static */ CJob * CJob::UnserializeJob( HANDLE hFile ) { #define JOB_DOWNLOAD_V1_5 0
#define JOB_UPLOAD_V1_5 1
#define JOB_DOWNLOAD_V1 2
const GUID * JobGuids[] = { &JobGuid_v1_5, &UploadJobGuid_v1_5, &JobGuid_v1_0, NULL };
CJob * job = NULL;
try { int Type = SafeReadGuidChoice( hFile, JobGuids ); switch (Type) { case JOB_DOWNLOAD_V1: job = new CJob; break; case JOB_DOWNLOAD_V1_5: job = new CJob; break; case JOB_UPLOAD_V1_5: job = new CUploadJob; break;
default: THROW_HRESULT( E_FAIL ); }
// rewind to the front of the GUID
SetFilePointer( hFile, -1 * LONG(sizeof(GUID)), NULL, FILE_CURRENT );
job->Unserialize( hFile, Type ); } catch( ComError err ) { if (job) { job->UnlinkFromExternalInterfaces(); delete job; }
throw; }
return job; }
HRESULT CJob::Serialize( HANDLE hFile ) { //
// If this function changes, be sure that the metadata extension
// constants are adequate.
SafeWriteBlockBegin( hFile, JobGuid_v1_5 );
long Was_m_refs = 0; SafeWriteFile( hFile, Was_m_refs );
SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_priority ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, IsRunning() ? BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED : m_state ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_type ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_id );
SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, m_name ); SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, m_description ); SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, m_NotifyCmdLine );
SafeWriteSid( hFile, m_NotifySid );
SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_NotifyFlags ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_fGroupNotifySid ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_CurrentFile );
m_sd->Serialize( hFile ); m_files.Serialize( hFile );
m_error.Serialize( hFile );
SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_retries ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_MinimumRetryDelay ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_NoProgressTimeout );
SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_CreationTime ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_LastAccessTime ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_ModificationTime ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_TransferCompletionTime );
if ( GetOldExternalGroupInterface() ) { SafeWriteFile( hFile, (bool)true ); GetOldExternalGroupInterface()->Serialize( hFile ); } else { SafeWriteFile( hFile, (bool)false ); }
SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_method );
((CJobInactivityTimeout *) this)->Serialize( hFile ); ((CJobNoProgressItem *) this)->Serialize( hFile ); ((CJobCallbackItem *) this)->Serialize( hFile ); ((CJobRetryItem *) this)->Serialize( hFile );
SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_ProxySettings.ProxyUsage ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_ProxySettings.ProxyList ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_ProxySettings.ProxyBypassList );
m_Credentials.Serialize( hFile );
SafeWriteBlockEnd( hFile, JobGuid_v1_5 );
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &m_SerializeTime ); return S_OK; }
void CJob::Unserialize( HANDLE hFile, int Type ) { try { LogInfo("job : unserializing %p", this);
SafeReadBlockBegin( hFile, (Type != JOB_DOWNLOAD_V1) ? JobGuid_v1_5 : JobGuid_v1_0 );
long Was_m_refs = 0; SafeReadFile( hFile, &Was_m_refs );
SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_priority ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_state ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_type ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_id );
m_name = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile ); m_description = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile );
if (Type != JOB_DOWNLOAD_V1) { m_NotifyCmdLine = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile ); }
SafeReadSid( hFile, m_NotifySid );
SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_NotifyFlags ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_fGroupNotifySid ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_CurrentFile );
m_sd = CJobSecurityDescriptor::Unserialize( hFile ); m_files.Unserialize( hFile, this );
m_error.Unserialize( hFile, this );
SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_retries ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_MinimumRetryDelay ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_NoProgressTimeout );
SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_CreationTime ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_LastAccessTime ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_ModificationTime ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_TransferCompletionTime );
bool bHasOldExternalGroupInterface = false; SafeReadFile( hFile, &bHasOldExternalGroupInterface );
if (bHasOldExternalGroupInterface) { COldGroupInterface *OldGroup = COldGroupInterface::UnSerialize( hFile, this ); SetOldExternalGroupInterface( OldGroup ); }
SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_method );
((CJobInactivityTimeout *) this)->Unserialize( hFile ); ((CJobNoProgressItem *) this)->Unserialize( hFile ); ((CJobCallbackItem *) this)->Unserialize( hFile ); ((CJobRetryItem *) this)->Unserialize( hFile );
SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_ProxySettings.ProxyUsage ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_ProxySettings.ProxyList ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_ProxySettings.ProxyBypassList );
if (Type != JOB_DOWNLOAD_V1) { m_Credentials.Unserialize( hFile ); }
SafeReadBlockEnd( hFile, (Type != JOB_DOWNLOAD_V1) ? JobGuid_v1_5 : JobGuid_v1_0 ); } catch( ComError Error ) { LogError("invalid job data"); throw; } }
CUploadJob::CUploadJob( LPCWSTR DisplayName, BG_JOB_TYPE Type, REFGUID JobId, SidHandle NotifySid ) : CJob( DisplayName, Type, JobId, NotifySid ), m_ReplyFile( 0 ) { }
CUploadJob::~CUploadJob() { delete m_ReplyFile; }
HRESULT CUploadJob::Serialize( HANDLE hFile ) { LogInfo("serializing upload job %p", this);
SafeWriteBlockBegin( hFile, UploadJobGuid_v1_5 );
CJob::Serialize( hFile );
// additional data not in a download job
m_UploadData.Serialize( hFile );
SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_fOwnReplyFileName ); SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, m_ReplyFileName );
if (m_ReplyFile) { SafeWriteFile( hFile, true ); m_ReplyFile->Serialize( hFile ); } else { SafeWriteFile( hFile, false ); }
SafeWriteBlockEnd( hFile, UploadJobGuid_v1_5 );
return S_OK; }
void CUploadJob::Unserialize( HANDLE hFile, int Type ) { ASSERT( Type == JOB_UPLOAD_V1_5 );
LogInfo("unserializing upload job %p", this);
SafeReadBlockBegin( hFile, UploadJobGuid_v1_5 );
CJob::Unserialize( hFile, Type );
// additional data not in a download job
m_UploadData.Unserialize( hFile );
SafeReadFile( hFile, &m_fOwnReplyFileName ); m_ReplyFileName = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile );
bool fReplyFile; SafeReadFile( hFile, &fReplyFile );
if (fReplyFile) { m_ReplyFile = CFile::Unserialize( hFile, this ); }
SafeReadBlockEnd( hFile, UploadJobGuid_v1_5 );
if (m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED || m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED) { if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.IsWorkItemInScheduler(static_cast<CJobRetryItem *>(this))) { m_UploadData.fSchedulable = false; } } }
memset( &SessionId, 0, sizeof( GUID )); memset( &Protocol, 0, sizeof( GUID ));
HostId = NULL; HostIdFallbackTimeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
memset( &HostIdNoProgressStartTime, 0, sizeof(HostIdNoProgressStartTime) ); }
void UPLOAD_DATA::SetUploadState( UPLOAD_STATE NewState ) { if (State != NewState) { LogInfo( "upload state: %d -> %d", State, NewState ); State = NewState; } }
void UPLOAD_DATA::Serialize( HANDLE hFile ) { SafeWriteFile( hFile, State ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, SessionId ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, Protocol );
SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, ReplyUrl ); SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, HostId ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, HostIdFallbackTimeout ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, HostIdNoProgressStartTime );
void UPLOAD_DATA::Unserialize( HANDLE hFile ) {
SafeReadFile( hFile, &State ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &SessionId ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &Protocol );
ReplyUrl = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile ); HostId = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &HostIdFallbackTimeout ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &HostIdNoProgressStartTime );
fSchedulable = true;
void CUploadJob::Transfer() { }
HRESULT CUploadJob::Complete() { HRESULT hr;
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED:
hr = S_OK;
RETURN_HRESULT( hr = CommitReplyFile() );
// hr may be S_OK, or BG_S_PARTIAL_COMPLETE.
return hr;
default: { return BG_E_INVALID_STATE; } }
HRESULT CUploadJob::Cancel() { HRESULT Hr = S_OK;
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_CONNECTING: case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRING: { g_Manager->InterruptDownload(); // OK to fall through here
// If the close-session exchange has not happened yet,
// begin a cancel-session exchange.
if (SessionInProgress()) { LogInfo("job %p: upload session in state %d, cancelling", this, m_UploadData.State );
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.CancelWorkItem( (CJobCallbackItem *) this );
SetNoProgressTimeout( UPLOAD_CANCEL_TIMEOUT );
m_UploadData.SetUploadState( UPLOAD_STATE_CANCEL_SESSION );
g_Manager->ScheduleAnotherGroup(); g_Manager->Serialize(); } else { RemoveFromManager(); }
return Hr; }
default: { ASSERT( 0 ); return Hr; } }
ASSERT( 0 ); return Hr; }
void CUploadJob::FileComplete() { //
// The downloader successfully completed one of three things:
// 1. job type is UPLOAD. The file was uploaded and the session closed.
// 2. job type is UPLOAD_REPLY. The file was uploaded, reply downloaded, and session closed.
// 3. either job type; an early Cancel required the job to cancel the session.
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED: case BG_JOB_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED: { ASSERT (m_UploadData.State == UPLOAD_STATE_CLOSED || m_UploadData.State == UPLOAD_STATE_CANCELLED);
RemoveFromManager(); break; }
default: { ++m_CurrentFile;
JobTransferred(); g_Manager->Serialize(); } } }
void CUploadJob::UpdateProgress( UINT64 BytesTransferred, UINT64 BytesTotal ) {
memset( &GetUploadData().HostIdNoProgressStartTime, 0, sizeof( GetUploadData().HostIdNoProgressStartTime ) );
CJob::UpdateProgress( BytesTransferred, BytesTotal );
bool CUploadJob::CheckHostIdFallbackTimeout() {
if ( GetUploadData().HostIdFallbackTimeout != 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
UINT64 HostIdNoProgressStartTime = FILETIMEToUINT64( GetUploadData().HostIdNoProgressStartTime );
if ( HostIdNoProgressStartTime ) {
UINT64 TimeoutTime = HostIdNoProgressStartTime + GetUploadData().HostIdFallbackTimeout * NanoSec100PerSec;
if ( TimeoutTime < HostIdNoProgressStartTime ) return true; //wraparound
FILETIME CurrentTimeAsFileTime; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &CurrentTimeAsFileTime );
UINT64 CurrentTime = FILETIMEToUINT64( CurrentTimeAsFileTime );
if ( CurrentTime > TimeoutTime ) return true;
return false;
void CUploadJob::FileFatalError( QMErrInfo * ErrInfo ) { switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED: case BG_JOB_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED: { ASSERT (m_UploadData.State == UPLOAD_STATE_CLOSE_SESSION || m_UploadData.State == UPLOAD_STATE_CANCEL_SESSION);
RemoveFromManager(); break; }
default: {
if ( CheckHostIdFallbackTimeout() ) { LogError( "Reverting back to main URL since the timeout has expired" ); FileTransientError( ErrInfo ); return; }
CJob::FileFatalError( ErrInfo ); } } }
void CUploadJob::FileTransientError( QMErrInfo * ErrInfo ) {
bool ShouldRevertToOriginalURL = CheckHostIdFallbackTimeout();
if ( ShouldRevertToOriginalURL ) {
LogError( "Reverting back to main URL since the timeout has expired" );
GetUploadData().HostId = StringHandle(); GetUploadData().HostIdFallbackTimeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED: case BG_JOB_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED: { LogWarning( "job %p transient failure in state %d", this, m_state );
#if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
if (g_Manager->m_NetworkMonitor.GetAddressCount() > 0) { #endif
g_Manager->ScheduleDelayedTask( (CJobRetryItem *) this, m_MinimumRetryDelay ); #if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
} #endif
m_UploadData.fSchedulable = false; break; }
default: { CJob::FileTransientError( ErrInfo ); } }
if ( ShouldRevertToOriginalURL ) { if ( g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.IsWorkItemInScheduler((CJobNoProgressItem *) this)) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.RescheduleDelayedTask( (CJobNoProgressItem *) this, 0 ); } } else if ( GetUploadData().HostIdFallbackTimeout != 0xFFFFFFFF && !FILETIMEToUINT64( GetUploadData().HostIdNoProgressStartTime ) ) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &GetUploadData().HostIdNoProgressStartTime ); } }
void CUploadJob::OnRetryJob() { if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); return; }
UpdateModificationTime(); } else if (m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED || m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED) { m_UploadData.fSchedulable = true; g_Manager->AppendOnline( this ); }
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.UnlockWriter(); }
void CUploadJob::OnInactivityTimeout() { if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); return; }
g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.UnlockWriter(); }
void CUploadJob::OnNetworkDisconnect() { switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED: case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR: { QMErrInfo err;
FileTransientError( &err ); break; }
case BG_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED: case BG_JOB_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED: { m_UploadData.fSchedulable = false; break; } } }
void CUploadJob::OnNetworkConnect() { if (m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR) { SetState( BG_JOB_STATE_QUEUED ); ScheduleModificationCallback(); } else if (m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED || m_state == BG_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED) { m_UploadData.fSchedulable = true; } }
bool CUploadJob::IsRunnable() { switch (m_state) { case BG_JOB_STATE_SUSPENDED: case BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR: case BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR:
return false;
if (m_UploadData.fSchedulable && m_UploadData.State != UPLOAD_STATE_CLOSED && m_UploadData.State != UPLOAD_STATE_CANCELLED ) { return true; }
return false; } }
HRESULT CUploadJob::RemoveReplyFile() { //
// Since the temporary files may be on a network drive
// we need to impersonate the user before deleting the file.
// Unfortunately, this isn't always possible since the user
// may also be be logged on and we still want to allow
// administrators to cancel the job.
CSaveThreadToken save; auto_HANDLE<NULL> token;
if (S_OK == g_Manager->CloneUserToken( GetOwnerSid(), ANY_SESSION, token.GetWritePointer() )) { ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( token.get() ); }
// Delete the reply file, if it was created by BITS.
// Delete the temporary reply file
if (FAILED( DeleteGeneratedReplyFile() )) { FinalHr = BG_S_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILES; }
m_fOwnReplyFileName = false;
if (m_ReplyFile) { Hr = m_ReplyFile->DeleteTempFile();
return FinalHr; }
HRESULT CUploadJob::CommitReplyFile() { // Since the temporary files may be on a network drive
// we need to impersonate the user before deleting the file.
// Unfortunately, this isn't always possible since the user
// may also be be logged on and we still want to allow
// administrators to complete the job.
CSaveThreadToken save; auto_HANDLE<NULL> token;
if (S_OK == g_Manager->CloneUserToken( GetOwnerSid(), ANY_SESSION, token.GetWritePointer() )) { ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( token.get() ); }
// Commit the reply file if it is complete.
// Otherwise, clean it up.
if (m_ReplyFile && m_ReplyFile->ReceivedAllData()) { RETURN_HRESULT( m_ReplyFile->MoveTempFile() ); } else { LogInfo("commit reply: skipping partial file '%S'", m_ReplyFile ? (const WCHAR*) m_ReplyFile->GetLocalName() : L"(null)");
return S_OK; }
GUID FileListStorageGuid = { /* 7756da36-516f-435a-acac-44a248fff34d */ 0x7756da36, 0x516f, 0x435a, {0xac, 0xac, 0x44, 0xa2, 0x48, 0xff, 0xf3, 0x4d} };
HRESULT CJob::CFileList::Serialize( HANDLE hFile ) {
// If this function changes, be sure that the metadata extension
// constants are adequate.
iterator iter;
SafeWriteBlockBegin( hFile, FileListStorageGuid );
DWORD count = size();
SafeWriteFile( hFile, count );
for (iter=begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->Serialize( hFile ); }
SafeWriteBlockEnd( hFile, FileListStorageGuid );
return S_OK; }
void CJob::CFileList::Unserialize( HANDLE hFile, CJob* Job ) { DWORD i, count;
SafeReadBlockBegin( hFile, FileListStorageGuid );
SafeReadFile( hFile, &count );
for (i=0; i < count; ++i) { CFile * file = CFile::Unserialize( hFile, Job );
push_back( file ); }
SafeReadBlockEnd( hFile, FileListStorageGuid );
void CJob::CFileList::Delete( CFileList::iterator Initial, CFileList::iterator Terminal ) { //
// delete the CFile objects
iterator iter = Initial;
while (iter != Terminal) { CFile * file = (*iter);
delete file; }
// erase them from the dictionary
erase( Initial, Terminal ); }
HRESULT CLockedJobWritePointer::ValidateAccess() { HRESULT hr = CLockedWritePointer<CJob, BG_JOB_WRITE>::ValidateAccess();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_Pointer->UpdateLastAccessTime(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CLockedJobReadPointer::ValidateAccess() { HRESULT hr = CLockedReadPointer<CJob, BG_JOB_READ>::ValidateAccess();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ((CJob *) m_Pointer)->UpdateLastAccessTime(); }
return hr; }
CJobExternal::CJobExternal() : m_ServiceInstance( g_ServiceInstance ), pJob( NULL ), m_refs(1) { }
CJobExternal::~CJobExternal() { //
// Delete the underlying job object, unless it was already deleted when the service stopped.
if (g_ServiceInstance != m_ServiceInstance || g_ServiceState != MANAGER_ACTIVE) { return; }
delete pJob; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, void** ppvObject ) { BEGIN_EXTERNAL_FUNC
HRESULT Hr = S_OK; *ppvObject = NULL;
if (iid == __uuidof(IUnknown) || iid == __uuidof(IBackgroundCopyJob) #if !defined( BITS_V12 )
|| iid == __uuidof(IBackgroundCopyJob2) #endif
) { *ppvObject = (IBackgroundCopyJob2 *) this; ((IUnknown *)(*ppvObject))->AddRef(); } else { Hr = E_NOINTERFACE; }
LogRef( "job %p, iid %!guid!, Hr %x", pJob, &iid, Hr ); return Hr;
ULONG newrefs = InterlockedIncrement(&m_refs);
LogRef( "job %p, refs = %d", pJob, newrefs );
return newrefs;
ULONG newrefs = InterlockedDecrement(&m_refs);
LogRef( "job %p, refs = %d", pJob, newrefs );
if (newrefs == 0) { delete this; }
return newrefs;
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::AddFileSetInternal( /* [in] */ ULONG cFileCount, /* [size_is][in] */ BG_FILE_INFO *pFileSet ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "cFileCount %u, pFileSet %p", cFileCount, pFileSet ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->AddFileSet( cFileCount, pFileSet ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( "cFileCount %u, pFileSet %p", cFileCount, pFileSet ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::AddFileInternal( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR RemoteUrl, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR LocalName ) {
CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "RemoteUrl %S, LocalName %S", RemoteUrl, LocalName ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->AddFile( RemoteUrl, LocalName, true ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "RemoteUrl %S, LocalName %S", RemoteUrl, LocalName ); return Hr;
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::EnumFilesInternal( /* [out] */ IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles **ppEnum ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "ppEnum %p", ppEnum ); HRESULT Hr = S_OK;
CEnumFiles *pEnum = NULL; try {
*ppEnum = NULL;
THROW_HRESULT( LockedJob.ValidateAccess());
pEnum = new CEnumFiles;
for (CJob::CFileList::const_iterator iter = LockedJob->m_files.begin(); iter != LockedJob->m_files.end(); ++iter) { CFileExternal * file = (*iter)->CreateExternalInterface();
pEnum->Add( file );
file->Release(); }
*ppEnum = pEnum;
Hr = S_OK; }
catch ( ComError exception ) { Hr = exception.Error(); SafeRelease( pEnum ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( "ppEnum %p(%p)", ppEnum, *ppEnum ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::SuspendInternal( void ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( " " ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->Suspend(); } LogPublicApiEnd( " " ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::ResumeInternal( void ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( " " ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->Resume(); } LogPublicApiEnd( " " ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::CancelInternal( void ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( " " ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->Cancel(); } LogPublicApiEnd( " " ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::CompleteInternal( void ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( " " ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->Complete(); } LogPublicApiEnd( " " ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetIdInternal( /* [out] */ GUID *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "GetId pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { *pVal = LockedJob->GetId(); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p(%!guid!)", pVal, pVal ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetTypeInternal( /* [out] */ BG_JOB_TYPE *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { *pVal = LockedJob->GetType(); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p(%u)", pVal, *pVal ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetProgressInternal( /* [out] */ BG_JOB_PROGRESS *pVal ) {
CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { LockedJob->GetProgress( pVal ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p", pVal ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetTimesInternal( /* [out] */ BG_JOB_TIMES *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { LockedJob->GetTimes( pVal ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p", pVal ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetStateInternal( /* [out] */ BG_JOB_STATE *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { *pVal = LockedJob->_GetState(); } LogPublicApiEnd( "state %d", *pVal ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetErrorInternal( /* [out] */ IBackgroundCopyError **ppError ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "ppError %p", ppError );
*ppError = NULL;
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { const CJobError *Error = LockedJob->GetError();
if ( !Error ) { Hr = BG_E_ERROR_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE; } else { try { *ppError = new CJobErrorExternal( Error ); Hr = S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { Hr = err.Error(); } } } LogPublicApiEnd( "pError %p", *ppError ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::SetDisplayNameInternal( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR Val ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "Val %S", Val ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetDisplayName( Val ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "Val %S", Val ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetDisplayNameInternal( /* [out] */ LPWSTR *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetDisplayName( pVal ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p(%S)", pVal, SUCCEEDED(Hr) ? *pVal : L"?" ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::SetDescriptionInternal( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR Val ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "Val %S", Val ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetDescription( Val ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "Val %S", Val ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetDescriptionInternal( /* [out] */ LPWSTR *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin("pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetDescription( pVal ); } LogPublicApiEnd("pVal %p(%S)", pVal, SUCCEEDED(Hr) ? *pVal : L"?" ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::SetPriorityInternal( /* [in] */ BG_JOB_PRIORITY Val ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin("Val %u", Val); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetPriority( Val ); } LogPublicApiEnd("Val %u", Val ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetPriorityInternal( /* [out] */ BG_JOB_PRIORITY *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { *pVal = LockedJob->_GetPriority(); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p(%u)", pVal, *pVal ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetOwnerInternal( /* [out] */ LPWSTR *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetOwner( pVal ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p(%S)", pVal, SUCCEEDED(Hr) ? *pVal : L"?" ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::SetNotifyFlagsInternal( /* [in] */ ULONG Val ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "Val %u", Val ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetNotifyFlags( Val ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "Val %u", Val ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetNotifyFlagsInternal( /* [out] */ ULONG *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { *pVal = LockedJob->GetNotifyFlags(); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p(%u)", pVal, *pVal ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::SetNotifyInterfaceInternal( /* [in] */ IUnknown * Val ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "Val %p", Val ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { BOOL fValidNotifyInterface = pJob->TestNotifyInterface();
Hr = pJob->SetNotifyInterface( Val );
// If there was no previous notification interface (or it's
// no longer valid) and the job is already in the Transferred
// state or fatal error state then go ahead and do the callback:
if ((SUCCEEDED(Hr))&&(Val)&&(!fValidNotifyInterface)) { if (pJob->_GetState() == BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED) { pJob->ScheduleCompletionCallback(); } else if (pJob->_GetState() == BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR) { pJob->ScheduleErrorCallback(); } } }
LogPublicApiEnd( "Val %p", Val ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetNotifyInterfaceInternal( /* [out] */ IUnknown ** pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetNotifyInterface( pVal ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p", pVal ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::SetMinimumRetryDelayInternal( /* [in] */ ULONG Seconds ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "Seconds %u", Seconds ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetMinimumRetryDelay( Seconds ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "Seconds %u", Seconds ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetMinimumRetryDelayInternal( /* [out] */ ULONG *Seconds ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "Seconds %p", Seconds ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetMinimumRetryDelay( Seconds ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "Seconds %p(%u)", Seconds, *Seconds ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::SetNoProgressTimeoutInternal( /* [in] */ ULONG Seconds ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "Seconds %u", Seconds ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetNoProgressTimeout( Seconds ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "Seconds %u", Seconds ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetNoProgressTimeoutInternal( /* [out] */ ULONG *Seconds ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "Seconds %p", Seconds ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetNoProgressTimeout( Seconds ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "Seconds %p(%u)", Seconds, *Seconds ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetErrorCountInternal( /* [out] */ ULONG * Retries ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "retries %p", Retries ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetErrorCount( Retries ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "retries %p(%u)", Retries, *Retries ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::SetProxySettingsInternal( BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE ProxyUsage, LPCWSTR ProxyList, LPCWSTR ProxyBypassList ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "ProxyUsage %u, ProxyList %S, ProxyBypassList %S", ProxyUsage, ProxyList ? ProxyList : L"NULL", ProxyBypassList ? ProxyBypassList : L"NULL" );
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetProxySettings( ProxyUsage, ProxyList, ProxyBypassList ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( "ProxyUsage %u, ProxyList %S, ProxyBypassList %S", ProxyUsage, ProxyList ? ProxyList : L"NULL", ProxyBypassList ? ProxyBypassList : L"NULL" ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::GetProxySettingsInternal( BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE *pProxyUsage, LPWSTR *pProxyList, LPWSTR *pProxyBypassList ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "pProxyUsage %p, pProxyList %p, pProxyBypassList %p", pProxyUsage, pProxyList, pProxyBypassList );
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetProxySettings( pProxyUsage, pProxyList, pProxyBypassList ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( "pProxyUsage %p, pProxyList %p, pProxyBypassList %p", pProxyUsage, pProxyList, pProxyBypassList );
return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CJobExternal::TakeOwnershipInternal() { LogPublicApiBegin( " " );
CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob);
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->AssignOwnership( GetThreadClientSid() ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( " " );
return Hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CJobExternal::SetNotifyCmdLineInternal( LPCWSTR Val ) { CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin( "Val %S", Val ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetNotifyCmdLine( Val ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "Val %S", Val ); return Hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CJobExternal::GetNotifyCmdLineInternal( LPWSTR *pVal ) { CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob); LogPublicApiBegin("pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetNotifyCmdLine( pVal ); } LogPublicApiEnd("pVal %p(%S)", pVal, SUCCEEDED(Hr) ? *pVal : L"?" ); return Hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CJobExternal::GetReplyProgressInternal( BG_JOB_REPLY_PROGRESS *pProgress ) { LogPublicApiBegin( " " );
CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob);
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetReplyProgress( pProgress ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( "%I64d of %I64d transferred", pProgress->BytesTransferred, pProgress->BytesTotal ); return Hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CJobExternal::GetReplyDataInternal( byte **ppBuffer, ULONG *pLength ) { LogPublicApiBegin( " " );
CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob);
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetReplyData( ppBuffer, pLength ); }
return Hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CJobExternal::SetReplyFileNameInternal( LPCWSTR Val ) { LogPublicApiBegin( "file '%S'", Val ? Val : L"(null)");
CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob);
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetReplyFileName( Val ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( " " );
return Hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CJobExternal::GetReplyFileNameInternal( LPWSTR *pReplyFileName ) { LogPublicApiBegin( " " );
// This can modify the job, if the reply file name is not yet created.
CLockedJobReadPointer LockedJob(pJob);
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->GetReplyFileName( pReplyFileName ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( "file '%S'", *pReplyFileName ? *pReplyFileName : L"(null)" ); return Hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CJobExternal::SetCredentialsInternal( BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS * Credentials ) { LogPublicApiBegin( "cred %p, target %d, scheme %d", Credentials, Credentials->Target, Credentials->Scheme );
CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob);
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->SetCredentials( Credentials ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( " " );
return Hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CJobExternal::RemoveCredentialsInternal( BG_AUTH_TARGET Target, BG_AUTH_SCHEME Scheme ) { LogPublicApiBegin( "target %d, scheme %d", Target, Scheme );
CLockedJobWritePointer LockedJob(pJob);
HRESULT Hr = LockedJob.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedJob->RemoveCredentials( Target, Scheme ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( " " );
return Hr; }
HRESULT CJob::SetReplyFileName( LPCWSTR Val ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CUploadJob::SetReplyFileName( LPCWSTR Val ) { if (m_type != BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (m_ReplyFile) { return BG_E_INVALID_STATE; }
if (Val) { RETURN_HRESULT( CFile::VerifyLocalFileName( Val, BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD )); }
try { StringHandle name = Val;
// Impersonate the user while checking file access.
CNestedImpersonation imp;
// Four cases:
// 1. new name NULL, old name NULL:
// no change
// 2. new name NULL, old name non-NULL:
// overwrite the file name, set ownership correctly. No need to
// delete the old file because it wasn't created yet.
// 3. new name non-NULL, old name NULL:
// overwrite the file name, set ownership correctly. Delete the
// temporary old file name.
// 4. new name non-NULL, old name non-NULL:
// overwrite the file name. no file to delete.
if (name.Size() > 0) { THROW_HRESULT( BITSCheckFileWritability( name ));
THROW_HRESULT( UpdateString( m_ReplyFileName, name));
m_fOwnReplyFileName = false; } else { THROW_HRESULT( UpdateString( m_ReplyFileName, name));
(void) GenerateReplyFile( false ); }
return S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { return err.Error(); } }
HRESULT CJob::GetReplyFileName( LPWSTR * pVal ) const { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CUploadJob::GetReplyFileName( LPWSTR * pVal ) const { if (m_ReplyFileName.Size() == 0) { *pVal = NULL; return S_OK; }
*pVal = MidlCopyString( m_ReplyFileName );
return (*pVal) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT CJob::GetReplyProgress( BG_JOB_REPLY_PROGRESS *pProgress ) const { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CUploadJob::GetReplyProgress( BG_JOB_REPLY_PROGRESS *pProgress ) const { if (m_type != BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (m_ReplyFile) { pProgress->BytesTotal = m_ReplyFile->_GetBytesTotal(); pProgress->BytesTransferred = m_ReplyFile->_GetBytesTransferred(); } else { pProgress->BytesTotal = BG_SIZE_UNKNOWN; pProgress->BytesTransferred = 0; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CUploadJob::Resume() { if (m_type == BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY) { RETURN_HRESULT( GenerateReplyFile(true ) ); }
return CJob::Resume(); }
HRESULT CUploadJob::GenerateReplyFile( bool fSerialize ) { if (0 != wcscmp( m_ReplyFileName, L"" )) { return S_OK; }
// Gotta create a reply file name.
try { if (IsEmpty()) { return BG_E_EMPTY; }
// Impersonate the user while checking file access.
CNestedImpersonation imp;
StringHandle Ignore; StringHandle Directory = BITSCrackFileName( GetUploadFile()->GetLocalName(), Ignore );
m_ReplyFileName = BITSCreateTempFile( Directory );
m_fOwnReplyFileName = true;
if (fSerialize) { g_Manager->Serialize(); }
return S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { g_Manager->ShrinkMetadata(); return err.Error(); } }
HRESULT CUploadJob::DeleteGeneratedReplyFile() { if (m_fOwnReplyFileName) { if (!DeleteFile( m_ReplyFileName )) { DWORD s = GetLastError();
LogWarning("unable to delete generated reply file '%S', %!winerr!", LPCWSTR(m_ReplyFileName), s);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( s ); } }
return S_OK; }
void CUploadJob::SetReplyFile( CFile * file ) { try { g_Manager->ExtendMetadata( file->GetSizeEstimate() );
m_ReplyFile = file;
g_Manager->Serialize(); } catch ( ComError err ) { g_Manager->ShrinkMetadata(); throw; } }
HRESULT CJob::GetReplyData( byte **ppBuffer, ULONG *pLength ) const { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CUploadJob::GetReplyData( byte **ppBuffer, ULONG *pLength ) const { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CJob::SetCredentials( BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS * Credentials ) { try { CNestedImpersonation imp;
g_Manager->ExtendMetadata( m_Credentials.GetSizeEstimate( Credentials ));
THROW_HRESULT( m_Credentials.Update( Credentials ));
g_Manager->Serialize(); return S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { g_Manager->ShrinkMetadata(); return err.Error(); } }
HRESULT CJob::RemoveCredentials( BG_AUTH_TARGET Target, BG_AUTH_SCHEME Scheme ) { try { CNestedImpersonation imp;
HRESULT hr = m_Credentials.Remove( Target, Scheme );
return hr; // may be S_FALSE if the credential was never in the collection
} catch ( ComError err ) { return err.Error(); }