// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1996.
// File: atsign.cxx
// Contents: Functions to read commands from a script file.
// History: 04-20-95 davidmun Created
#include <headers.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "jt.hxx"
// Forward references
ULONG FindEol(CHAR *pstr, ULONG cchRemaining); CHAR FindNextNonSpace(CHAR *pstr, ULONG cchRemaining);
// Function: DoAtSign
// Synopsis: Get filename from commandline and process it.
// Arguments: [ppwsz] - command line
// Returns: S_OK - file processed without error
// E_* - error logged
// Modifies: *[ppwsz]
// History: 04-20-95 davidmun Created
// 01-03-96 DavidMun Support multi-line commands
// Notes: This routine may be indirectly recursive.
HRESULT DoAtSign(WCHAR **ppwsz) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ShHANDLE shFile; ShHANDLE shFileMapping; VOID *pvBase = NULL; BOOL fOk; ULONG cchFile; TCHAR tszFilename[MAX_PATH + 1] = TEXT("None");
g_Log.Write(LOG_DEBUG, "DoAtSign"); do { hr = GetFilename(ppwsz, L"command file name"); BREAK_ON_FAILURE(hr);
#ifdef UNICODE
wcscpy(tszFilename, g_wszLastStringToken); #else
wcstombs(tszFilename, g_wszLastStringToken, wcslen(g_wszLastStringToken)+1); #endif
// Open the command file, then hand one line at a time to
// ProcessCommandLine (which is our caller, so we're recursing).
shFile = CreateFile( tszFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, // default security
if (shFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = E_FAIL; g_Log.Write(LOG_ERROR, "Can't open file %S", tszFilename); break; }
shFileMapping = CreateFileMapping( shFile, NULL, // default security
PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, // max size is size of file
NULL); // unnamed object
if (shFileMapping == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; g_Log.Write(LOG_ERROR, "CreateFileMapping (%u)", GetLastError()); break; }
pvBase = MapViewOfFile( shFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, // start mapping at beginning of file
0); // map entire file
if (!pvBase) { hr = E_FAIL; g_Log.Write(LOG_ERROR, "MapViewOfFile (%u)", GetLastError()); break; }
// pvBase points to start of mapped file. Get the file length.
fOk = GetFileInformationByHandle(shFile, &bhfi);
if (!fOk) { hr = E_FAIL; g_Log.Write(LOG_ERROR, "GetFileInformationByHandle (%u)", GetLastError()); break; }
cchFile = bhfi.nFileSizeLow;
if (bhfi.nFileSizeHigh) { hr = E_FAIL; g_Log.Write(LOG_ERROR, "File too large"); break; } } while (0);
// Finally ready to process file.
ULONG cchProcessed = 0; ULONG ulCurLine = 1; CHAR *pstrFile = (CHAR *) pvBase;
while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cchProcessed < cchFile) { CHAR szLine[MAX_TOKEN_LEN + 1] = ""; ULONG cchLine = 0; WCHAR wszLine[MAX_TOKEN_LEN + 1]; WCHAR wszExpandedLine[MAX_TOKEN_LEN + 1]; BOOL fInQuote = FALSE; BOOL fFoundNextCommand = FALSE;
// Copy all chars of the next command from pstrfile into wszline,
// condensing whitespace into single blanks and skipping comment
// lines.
for (; cchProcessed < cchFile && !fFoundNextCommand && cchLine < MAX_TOKEN_LEN; cchProcessed++) { //
// If we're in a quoted string, copy everything verbatim until
// closing quote
if (fInQuote) { if (pstrFile[cchProcessed] == '"') { fInQuote = FALSE; }
// Check for error case of newline in string
if (pstrFile[cchProcessed] == '\n') { hr = E_FAIL; g_Log.Write(LOG_FAIL, "Newline in string constant"); break; }
szLine[cchLine++] = pstrFile[cchProcessed]; continue; }
// Not already in a quoted string. See if we're entering one.
if (pstrFile[cchProcessed] == '"') { fInQuote = TRUE; szLine[cchLine++] = pstrFile[cchProcessed]; continue; }
// Not in or starting a quoted string, so we're free to condense
// whitespace (including newlines) and ignore comment lines
if (isspace(pstrFile[cchProcessed])) { //
// Only copy this space char if none has been copied yet.
// Bump the line count if the whitespace char we're skipping
// is a newline.
if (cchLine && szLine[cchLine - 1] != ' ') { szLine[cchLine++] = ' '; }
if (pstrFile[cchProcessed] == '\n') { ulCurLine++; } continue; }
if (pstrFile[cchProcessed] == ';') { //
// Skip to end of line
cchProcessed += FindEol( &pstrFile[cchProcessed], cchFile - cchProcessed);
// subtract 1 because for loop is going to add one
cchProcessed--; continue; }
// Next char is not quote, semicolon (start of comment), or
// whitespace. If we haven't copied anything yet, copy that char
// as the first of the line.
if (!cchLine) { szLine[cchLine++] = pstrFile[cchProcessed]; continue; }
// Since we've already started copying stuff, we want to quit when
// we get to the start of the next command, i.e., when we see a
// switch char '/' or '-'.
// Unfortunately these two characters also delimit the parts of a
// date, and we don't want to stop copying the line because of a
// date.
// Therefore we'll only stop copying if the next non whitespace
// character is not a number. This imposes the constraints that
// no commands can be a number (i.e. /10 cannot be a valid
// command) and that dates must use only digits (i.e. 10-Feb is
// not valid because we'll think -Feb is a command and only copy
// the 10).
// Note it isn't safe to check that the *previous* character was a
// digit and assume we're in a date, since a command with a
// numeric argument could be mistaken for a date.
// /foo bar=10 /baz
if (pstrFile[cchProcessed] == '/' || pstrFile[cchProcessed] == '-') { CHAR ch;
ch = FindNextNonSpace( &pstrFile[cchProcessed + 1], cchFile - (cchProcessed + 1));
if (isdigit(ch)) { szLine[cchLine++] = pstrFile[cchProcessed]; } else { fFoundNextCommand = TRUE; cchProcessed--; // because for loop will increment it
} } else { szLine[cchLine++] = pstrFile[cchProcessed]; } } BREAK_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// If we stopped copying not because we found the next command or hit
// the end of the file, then it's because we ran out of room in
// szLine, which is an error.
if (!fFoundNextCommand && cchProcessed < cchFile) { hr = E_FAIL; g_Log.Write( LOG_ERROR, "Line %u is longer than %u chars", ulCurLine, MAX_TOKEN_LEN); break; }
#ifdef UNICODE
// Convert line to wchar and null terminate it.
mbstowcs(wszLine, szLine, cchLine); wszLine[cchLine] = L'\0';
// Expand environment variables
ULONG cchRequired;
cchRequired = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( wszLine, wszExpandedLine, MAX_TOKEN_LEN+1); #else
CHAR szExpandedLine[MAX_TOKEN_LEN + 1];
ULONG cchRequired;
szLine[cchLine] = '\0';
cchRequired = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( szLine, szExpandedLine, MAX_TOKEN_LEN+1);
mbstowcs(wszExpandedLine, szExpandedLine, MAX_TOKEN_LEN + 1); #endif
if (!cchRequired || cchRequired > MAX_TOKEN_LEN + 1) { hr = E_FAIL; g_Log.Write(LOG_FAIL, "ExpandEnvironmentStrings failed"); break; }
// Perform the command in wszExpandedLine, then loop around and
// read the next command.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { g_Log.Write(LOG_DEBUG, "DoAtSign: processing '%S'", wszExpandedLine); hr = ProcessCommandLine(wszExpandedLine); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { g_Log.Write(LOG_ERROR, "File: %S Line: %u", tszFilename, ulCurLine); }
if (pvBase) { fOk = UnmapViewOfFile(pvBase);
if (!fOk) { hr = E_FAIL; g_Log.Write(LOG_ERROR, "UnmapViewOfFile (%u)", GetLastError()); } } return hr; }
// Function: FindEol
// Synopsis: Return the number of characters between [pstr] and the end
// of the line.
// Arguments: [pstr] - non-terminated string
// [cchRemaining] - characters till eof
// Returns: Character count
// History: 04-20-95 davidmun Created
ULONG FindEol(CHAR *pstr, ULONG cchRemaining) { CHAR *pstrCur; ULONG cchCur;
for (pstrCur = pstr, cchCur = 0; cchCur < cchRemaining; cchCur++, pstrCur++) { if (*pstrCur == '\r' || *pstrCur == '\n') { return cchCur; } } return cchCur; }
// Function: FindNextNonSpace
// Synopsis: Return the next non-whitespace character in [pstr], or space
// if there are no non-whitespace characters in the next
// [cchRemaining] characters.
// Arguments: [pstr] - non-terminated string
// [cchRemaining] - number of characters in string
// Returns: Character as described.
// History: 01-10-96 DavidMun Created
CHAR FindNextNonSpace(CHAR *pstr, ULONG cchRemaining) { CHAR *pstrCur; ULONG cchCur;
for (pstrCur = pstr, cchCur = 0; cchCur < cchRemaining; cchCur++, pstrCur++) { if (!isspace(*pstrCur)) { return *pstrCur; } } return ' '; }