// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: fsmoui.cpp
// File: fsmoui.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dsutil.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "uiutil.h"
#include "fsmoui.h"
#include "helpids.h"
#include "dsgetdc.h" //DsEnumerateDomainTrusts
#include "lm.h" //NetApiBufferFree
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CFsmoPropertyPage
CFsmoPropertyPage::CFsmoPropertyPage(CFsmoPropertySheet* pSheet, FSMO_TYPE fsmoType) { m_pSheet = pSheet; m_fsmoType = fsmoType;
// load the caption (tab control text) depending on the FSMO type
UINT nIDCaption = 0; switch (m_fsmoType) { case RID_POOL_FSMO: nIDCaption = IDS_RID_POOL_FSMO; break; case PDC_FSMO: nIDCaption = IDS_PDC_FSMO; break; case INFRASTUCTURE_FSMO: nIDCaption = IDS_INFRASTRUCTURE_FSMO; break; }; Construct(IDD_FSMO_PAGE, nIDCaption); }
BOOL CFsmoPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
// We just want a close button since we are not applying any changes
// directly from this page
::SendMessage(GetParent()->GetSafeHwnd(), PSM_CANCELTOCLOSE, 0, 0);
// init the status (online/offline) control)
m_fsmoServerState.Init(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_STATIC_FSMO_STATUS));
// set the server we are focused on
SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_CURRENT_DC, m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo()->GetServerName());
// set the FSMO description
CString szDesc; switch (m_fsmoType) { case RID_POOL_FSMO: VERIFY(szDesc.LoadString(IDS_RID_POOL_FSMO_DESC)); break; case PDC_FSMO: VERIFY(szDesc.LoadString(IDS_PDC_FSMO_DESC)); break; case INFRASTUCTURE_FSMO: VERIFY(szDesc.LoadString(IDS_INFRASTRUCTURE_FSMO_DESC)); break; }; SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_FSMO_DESC, szDesc);
{ // scope for the wait cursor object
CWaitCursor wait; // retrieve the FSMO owner
MyBasePathsInfo fsmoOwnerInfo; PWSTR pszFsmoOwner = 0; HRESULT hr = FindFsmoOwner(m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo(), m_fsmoType, &fsmoOwnerInfo, &pszFsmoOwner); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pszFsmoOwner) { m_szFsmoOwnerServerName = pszFsmoOwner; delete[] pszFsmoOwner; pszFsmoOwner = 0; }
_SetFsmoServerStatus(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
return TRUE; }
#ifdef DBG
UINT GetInfoFromIniFileIfDBG(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszKey, INT nDefault = 0) { static LPCWSTR lpszFile = L"\\system32\\dsadmin.ini";
WCHAR szFilePath[2*MAX_PATH]; UINT nLen = ::GetSystemWindowsDirectory(szFilePath, 2*MAX_PATH); if (nLen == 0) return nDefault;
wcscat(szFilePath, lpszFile); return ::GetPrivateProfileInt(lpszSection, lpszKey, nDefault, szFilePath); } #endif
void CFsmoPropertyPage::OnChange() { // Test stuff
{ HRESULT hrTest = E_OUTOFMEMORY; BOOL bTest = AllowForcedTransfer(hrTest); return; } */
// verify we have different servers
if (m_szFsmoOwnerServerName.CompareNoCase(m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo()->GetServerName()) == 0) { ReportErrorEx(m_hWnd,IDS_WARNING_FSMO_CHANGE_FOCUS,S_OK, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR, NULL, 0); return; }
bool bConfirm = false; //ask for confirmation only once
if( m_fsmoType == INFRASTUCTURE_FSMO ) { //check if target DC is GC
//Try to bind to GC port, fails if not GC
IADs *pObject; HRESULT hr1; CString strServer = L"GC://"; strServer += m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo()->GetServerName(); hr1 = DSAdminOpenObject(strServer, IID_IADs, (void**) &pObject, TRUE /*bServer*/);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr1)) { //Release Interface, we don't need it
pObject->Release(); //Check if domain has any trusted domains
DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS *Domains; DWORD result; ULONG DomainCount=0; result = DsEnumerateDomainTrusts ( (LPWSTR)m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo()->GetServerName(), DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_OUTBOUND| DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_INBOUND, &Domains, &DomainCount );
if( HRESULT_CODE(result) == NO_ERROR ) { if( DomainCount > 0 ) {
//If all the trusted domains are downlevel, it doesn't matter
bool bAllDownLevel = true; for( ULONG i = 0; i < DomainCount; ++i ) { if( Domains[i].DnsDomainName != NULL ) { bAllDownLevel = false; break; } } NetApiBufferFree( Domains ); if( false == bAllDownLevel ) { LPTSTR ptzFormat = NULL; LPTSTR ptzMessage = NULL; int cch = 0; INT_PTR retval; // load message format
if (!LoadStringToTchar(IDS_IFSMO_TARGET_DC_IS_GC, &ptzFormat)) { ASSERT(FALSE); } PVOID apv[2] = { NULL, (LPWSTR)m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo()->GetServerName() };
// generate actual message
CMoreInfoMessageBox dlg(m_hWnd, m_pSheet->GetIDisplayHelp(), TRUE ); dlg.SetMessage(ptzMessage); dlg.SetURL(DSADMIN_MOREINFO_FSMO_TARGET_DC_IS_GC); retval = dlg.DoModal(); bConfirm = true; //clean up
if( NULL != ptzFormat ) delete ptzFormat; if( NULL != ptzMessage ) LocalFree(ptzMessage);
if( retval == IDCANCEL ) return; } }
} }
// make sure the user wants to do it
if (!bConfirm && ReportErrorEx(m_hWnd,IDS_CHANGE_FSMO_CONFIRMATION,S_OK, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING, NULL, 0) != IDYES) return;
// try a graceful transfer
HRESULT hr; { // scope for the wait cursor object
CWaitCursor wait;
if ( m_fsmoType == PDC_FSMO ) { hr = CheckpointFsmoOwnerTransfer(m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo());
TRACE(_T("back from Checkpoint API, hr is %lx\n"), hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// See if we are in native mode or mixed mode
BOOL bMixedMode = TRUE; CString szDomainRoot; m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo()->GetDefaultRootPath(szDomainRoot); if (!szDomainRoot.IsEmpty()) { //
// bind to the domain object
CComPtr<IADs> spDomainObj; hr = DSAdminOpenObject(szDomainRoot, IID_IADs, (void **) &spDomainObj, TRUE /*bServer*/); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// retrieve the mixed node attribute
CComVariant Mixed; CComBSTR bsMixed(L"nTMixedDomain"); spDomainObj->Get(bsMixed, &Mixed); bMixedMode = (BOOL)Mixed.bVal; } }
if (bMixedMode) { if (ReportErrorEx(m_hWnd, IDS_CHANGE_FSMO_CHECKPOINT_FAILED, S_OK, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING, NULL, 0) != IDOK) { return; } } else { if (ReportErrorEx(m_hWnd, IDS_CHANGE_FSMO_CHECKPOINT_FAILED_NATIVEMODE, S_OK, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING, NULL, 0) != IDOK) { return; } } } } hr = GracefulFsmoOwnerTransfer(m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo(), m_fsmoType); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (!AllowForcedTransfer(hr)) return;
// try the forced transfer
CWaitCursor wait; hr = ForcedFsmoOwnerTransfer(m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo(), m_fsmoType); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_szFsmoOwnerServerName = m_pSheet->GetBasePathsInfo()->GetServerName(); _SetFsmoServerStatus(TRUE); ReportErrorEx(m_hWnd,IDS_CHANGE_FSMO_SUCCESS,S_OK, MB_OK, NULL, 0); } else { ReportErrorEx(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_CHANGE_FSMO_OWNER, hr, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR, NULL, 0); }
void CFsmoPropertyPage::_SetFsmoServerStatus(BOOL bOnLine) { // set the FSMO owner server name
if (m_szFsmoOwnerServerName.IsEmpty()) { CString szError; szError.LoadString(IDS_FSMO_SERVER_ERROR); SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_CURRENT_FSMO_DC, szError); } else { SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_CURRENT_FSMO_DC, m_szFsmoOwnerServerName); } // set the status of the FSMO owner server
m_fsmoServerState.SetToggleState(bOnLine); }
void CFsmoPropertyPage::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO * pHelpInfo ) { TRACE(_T("OnHelpInfo: CtrlId = %d, ContextId = 0x%x\n"), pHelpInfo->iCtrlId, pHelpInfo->dwContextId); if (pHelpInfo->iCtrlId < 1) { return; }
DWORD_PTR HelpArray = 0;
switch (m_fsmoType) { case RID_POOL_FSMO: HelpArray = (DWORD_PTR)g_aHelpIDs_IDD_RID_FSMO_PAGE; break; case PDC_FSMO: HelpArray = (DWORD_PTR)g_aHelpIDs_IDD_PDC_FSMO_PAGE; break; case INFRASTUCTURE_FSMO: HelpArray = (DWORD_PTR)g_aHelpIDs_IDD_INFRA_FSMO_PAGE; break; }; ::WinHelp((HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle, DSADMIN_CONTEXT_HELP_FILE, HELP_WM_HELP, HelpArray); }
void ChangeFormatParamOnString(CString& szFmt) { int nPos = szFmt.Find(L"%1"); if (nPos == -1) return; szFmt.SetAt(nPos+1, L's'); }
BOOL CFsmoPropertyPage::AllowForcedTransfer(HRESULT hr) { BOOL bAllow = FALSE; PWSTR pszError = 0; StringErrorFromHr(hr, &pszError);
// retrieve the DWORD error code
DWORD dwErr = (hr & 0x0000FFFF);
if ( (dwErr != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) && ((m_fsmoType == PDC_FSMO) || (m_fsmoType == INFRASTUCTURE_FSMO))) { // allow forced, so ask
CString szFmt, szMsg; szFmt.LoadString(IDS_CHANGE_FSMO_CONFIRMATION_FORCED); szMsg.Format(szFmt, pszError);
CMoreInfoMessageBox dlg(m_hWnd, m_pSheet->GetIDisplayHelp(), TRUE); dlg.SetMessage(szMsg); dlg.SetURL((m_fsmoType == PDC_FSMO) ? DSADMIN_MOREINFO_PDC_FSMO_TOPIC : DSADMIN_MOREINFO_INFRASTUCTURE_FSMO_TOPIC); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) bAllow = TRUE; } else { // warn only, no forced transfer option
CString szFmt, szMsg; szFmt.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_CHANGE_FSMO_OWNER);
// this format string has the replaceable parameter marked as %1
// we need it changed into %s
szMsg.Format(szFmt, pszError);
CMoreInfoMessageBox dlg(m_hWnd, m_pSheet->GetIDisplayHelp(), FALSE); dlg.SetMessage(szMsg); dlg.SetURL(DSADMIN_MOREINFO_RID_POOL_FSMO_TOPIC); dlg.DoModal(); }
if (pszError) { delete[] pszError; pszError = 0; }
return bAllow; }
// CFsmoPropertySheet
int CALLBACK CFsmoPropertySheet::PropSheetCallBack(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, LPARAM) {
switch (uMsg) { case PSCB_INITIALIZED: DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong (hwndDlg, GWL_EXSTYLE); dwStyle |= WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP; SetWindowLong (hwndDlg, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwStyle); break; } return 0; }
CFsmoPropertySheet::CFsmoPropertySheet(MyBasePathsInfo* pInfo, HWND HWndParent, IDisplayHelp* pIDisplayHelp, LPCWSTR) : m_spIDisplayHelp(pIDisplayHelp), m_pInfo(pInfo), m_page1(this, RID_POOL_FSMO), m_page2(this, PDC_FSMO), m_page3(this, INFRASTUCTURE_FSMO) { // build the sheet title
CString szTitle; szTitle.LoadString(IDS_FSMO_SHEET_TITLE);
// delayed construction
Construct(szTitle, CWnd::FromHandle(HWndParent)); m_psh.dwFlags |= PSH_NOAPPLYNOW | PSH_USECALLBACK; m_psh.pfnCallback = PropSheetCallBack;
AddPage(&m_page1); AddPage(&m_page2); AddPage(&m_page3); }