// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
// File: DSCookie.cpp
// Contents: TBD
// History: 02-Oct-96 WayneSc Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "uinode.h"
#include "dscmn.h" // CrackName()
#include "ContextMenu.h"
#include "dsfilter.h"
#include "xmlutil.h"
#include <notify.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CUIFolderInfo
const UINT CUIFolderInfo::nSerialNomberNotTouched = 0x7fffffff;
CUIFolderInfo::CUIFolderInfo(CUINode* pUINode) { ASSERT(pUINode != NULL); m_pUINode = pUINode; m_hScopeItem = NULL; m_bExpandedOnce = FALSE; m_cObjectsContained = 0; m_SerialNumber = SERIALNUM_NOT_TOUCHED; m_pColumnSet = NULL; m_bTooMuchData = FALSE; m_nApproximateTotalContained = 0; m_bSortOnNextSelect = FALSE; }
CUIFolderInfo::CUIFolderInfo(const CUIFolderInfo&) { //
// The node is probably still being created so don't copy it
m_pUINode = NULL;
// Don't copy the scope item
m_hScopeItem = 0;
// Don't mark as expanded
m_bExpandedOnce = FALSE;
// Shouldn't contain any object either
m_cObjectsContained = 0; m_SerialNumber = SERIALNUM_NOT_TOUCHED; m_pColumnSet = NULL;
m_bTooMuchData = FALSE; m_nApproximateTotalContained = 0; m_bSortOnNextSelect = FALSE; }
CDSColumnSet* CUIFolderInfo::GetColumnSet(PCWSTR pszClass, CDSComponentData* pCD) { if (m_pColumnSet == NULL) { ASSERT(pCD != NULL); if (_wcsicmp(m_pUINode->GetName(), L"ForeignSecurityPrincipals") == 0) { m_pColumnSet = pCD->FindColumnSet(L"ForeignSecurityPrincipals"); } else { m_pColumnSet = pCD->FindColumnSet(pszClass); } ASSERT(m_pColumnSet != NULL); } return m_pColumnSet; }
void CUIFolderInfo::UpdateSerialNumber(CDSComponentData * pCD) { m_SerialNumber = pCD->GetSerialNumber(); // TRACE(_T("cookie (%s)serial number updated: %d.\n"),
// m_strName, m_SerialNumber);
CUINode* pParentNode = GetParentNode(); if (pParentNode != NULL) pParentNode->GetFolderInfo()->UpdateSerialNumber(pCD); }
void CUIFolderInfo::AddToCount(UINT increment) { m_cObjectsContained += increment; // TRACE(_T("cookie (%s) count increased to: %d.\n"),
// m_strName, m_cObjectsContained);
CUINode* pParentNode = GetParentNode(); if (pParentNode != NULL) pParentNode->GetFolderInfo()->AddToCount(increment); }
void CUIFolderInfo::SubtractFromCount(UINT decrement) { if (m_cObjectsContained == 0) return; m_cObjectsContained -= decrement; // TRACE(_T("cookie (%s) count decreased to: %d.\n"),
// m_strName, m_cObjectsContained);
CUINode* pParentNode = GetParentNode(); if (pParentNode != NULL) pParentNode->GetFolderInfo()->SubtractFromCount(decrement); }
CUINode* CUIFolderInfo::GetParentNode() { ASSERT(m_pUINode != NULL); return m_pUINode->GetParent(); }
void CUIFolderInfo::DeleteAllLeafNodes(void) { SubtractFromCount ((UINT)m_LeafNodes.GetCount()); while (!m_LeafNodes.IsEmpty()) delete m_LeafNodes.RemoveTail(); }
void CUIFolderInfo::DeleteAllContainerNodes(void) { SubtractFromCount ((UINT)m_ContainerNodes.GetCount()); while (!m_ContainerNodes.IsEmpty()) delete m_ContainerNodes.RemoveTail(); }
HRESULT CUIFolderInfo::AddNode(CUINode* pUINode) { if (pUINode==NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (pUINode->IsContainer()) m_ContainerNodes.AddTail(pUINode); else m_LeafNodes.AddTail(pUINode); AddToCount(1); pUINode->SetParent(m_pUINode); return S_OK;
HRESULT CUIFolderInfo::AddListofNodes(CUINodeList* pNodeList) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (pNodeList == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG; }
POSITION pos = pNodeList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CUINode* pUINode = pNodeList->GetNext(pos); if (pUINode != NULL) { AddNode(pUINode); } else { hr = E_POINTER; } } return hr; }
HRESULT CUIFolderInfo::DeleteNode(CUINode* pUINode) { if (pUINode==NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG; } HRESULT hr = RemoveNode(pUINode); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { delete pUINode; } return hr; }
HRESULT CUIFolderInfo::RemoveNode(CUINode* pUINode) { if (pUINode==NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG; } HRESULT hr=E_FAIL; POSITION pos; CUINodeList* pList=NULL; if (pUINode->IsContainer()) { pList=&m_ContainerNodes; } else { pList=&m_LeafNodes; } pos = pList->Find(pUINode); if (pos != NULL) { pList->RemoveAt(pos); hr = S_OK; } SubtractFromCount(1); return hr; } void CUIFolderInfo::SetTooMuchData(BOOL bSet, UINT nApproximateTotal) { m_bTooMuchData = bSet; if (!bSet) { m_nApproximateTotalContained = 0; } else { m_nApproximateTotalContained = nApproximateTotal; } }
// CUINode
CUINode::CUINode(CUINode* pParentNode) { m_pParentNode = pParentNode; m_pNodeData = NULL; m_pFolderInfo = NULL; m_nSheetLockCount = 0; m_extension_op = 0; m_pMenuVerbs = NULL; }
CUINode::CUINode(const CUINode& copyNode) { m_pParentNode = copyNode.m_pParentNode;
if (copyNode.m_pNodeData != NULL) { m_pNodeData = new CNodeData(*(copyNode.m_pNodeData)); } else { m_pNodeData = NULL; }
if (copyNode.m_pFolderInfo != NULL) { m_pFolderInfo = new CUIFolderInfo(*(copyNode.m_pFolderInfo)); m_pFolderInfo->SetNode(this); } else { m_pFolderInfo = NULL; }
m_nSheetLockCount = copyNode.m_nSheetLockCount; m_extension_op = copyNode.m_extension_op; m_pMenuVerbs = NULL; }
CUINode::~CUINode() { ASSERT(m_nSheetLockCount == 0); if (m_pNodeData != NULL) { delete m_pNodeData; }
if (m_pFolderInfo != NULL) { delete m_pFolderInfo; }
if (m_pMenuVerbs != NULL) { delete m_pMenuVerbs; } }
BOOL CUINode::IsRelative(CUINode* pUINode) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (pUINode == this) { bRet = TRUE; } else { if (!IsSnapinRoot()) { bRet = GetParent()->IsRelative(pUINode); } } return bRet; }
void CUINode::IncrementSheetLockCount() { ++m_nSheetLockCount; if (m_pParentNode != NULL) m_pParentNode->IncrementSheetLockCount(); }
void CUINode::DecrementSheetLockCount() { ASSERT(m_nSheetLockCount > 0); --m_nSheetLockCount; if (m_pParentNode != NULL) m_pParentNode->DecrementSheetLockCount(); }
BOOL CUINode::IsDeleteAllowed(CDSComponentData*, BOOL* pbHide) { *pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL CUINode::IsRenameAllowed(CDSComponentData*, BOOL* pbHide) { *pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL CUINode::IsRefreshAllowed(CDSComponentData*, BOOL* pbHide) { *pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL CUINode::ArePropertiesAllowed(CDSComponentData*, BOOL* pbHide) { *pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL CUINode::IsCutAllowed(CDSComponentData*, BOOL* pbHide) { *pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL CUINode::IsCopyAllowed(CDSComponentData*, BOOL* pbHide) { *pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL CUINode::IsPasteAllowed(CDSComponentData*, BOOL* pbHide) { *pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL CUINode::IsPrintAllowed(CDSComponentData*, BOOL* pbHide) { *pbHide = TRUE; return FALSE; }
CDSColumnSet* CUINode::GetColumnSet(CDSComponentData* pComponentData) { CDSColumnSet* pColumnSet = NULL; if (IsContainer()) { pColumnSet = m_pFolderInfo->GetColumnSet(DEFAULT_COLUMN_SET, pComponentData); } return pColumnSet; }
CContextMenuVerbs* CUINode::GetContextMenuVerbsObject(CDSComponentData* pComponentData) { if (m_pMenuVerbs == NULL) { if (pComponentData->QuerySnapinType() == SNAPINTYPE_SITE) { m_pMenuVerbs = new CSARContextMenuVerbs(pComponentData); } else { m_pMenuVerbs = new CDSAdminContextMenuVerbs(pComponentData); } } return m_pMenuVerbs; }
HRESULT CUINode::Delete(CDSComponentData* pComponentData) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (IsContainer()) { hr = pComponentData->RemoveContainerFromUI(this); delete this; } else { CUINode* pParentNode = GetParent(); ASSERT(pParentNode->IsContainer());
pParentNode->GetFolderInfo()->RemoveNode(this); //
// The CDSEvent::_DeleteSingleSel() handles removing the node from the UI
} return hr; }
HRESULT CUINode::DeleteMultiselect(CDSComponentData* pComponentData, CInternalFormatCracker* pObjCracker) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Multiselection should always delegate to the container
ASSERT(IsContainer()); if (IsContainer()) { for (UINT nIdx = 0; nIdx < pObjCracker->GetCookieCount(); nIdx++) { CUINode* pUINode = pObjCracker->GetCookie(nIdx); if (pUINode != NULL) { if (pUINode->IsContainer()) { hr = pComponentData->RemoveContainerFromUI(pUINode); delete pUINode; } else { GetFolderInfo()->RemoveNode(pUINode); } } } } else { hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; }
HRESULT CUINode::Rename(LPCWSTR lpszNewName, CDSComponentData* pComponentData) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
SetName(lpszNewName); hr = pComponentData->UpdateItem(this); return hr; }
// CUINodeTableBase
#define NUMBER_OF_COOKIE_TABLE_ENTRIES 4 // default count, expandable at run time
CUINodeTableBase::CUINodeTableBase() { m_nEntries = NUMBER_OF_COOKIE_TABLE_ENTRIES; m_pCookieArr =(CUINode**)malloc(m_nEntries*sizeof(CUINode*)); if (m_pCookieArr != NULL) { ZeroMemory(m_pCookieArr, m_nEntries*sizeof(CUINode*)); } }
CUINodeTableBase::~CUINodeTableBase() { free(m_pCookieArr); }
void CUINodeTableBase::Add(CUINode* pNode) { ASSERT(!IsPresent(pNode)); for (UINT k=0; k<m_nEntries; k++) { if (m_pCookieArr[k] == NULL) { m_pCookieArr[k] = pNode; return; } } // not space left, need to allocate
int nAlloc = m_nEntries*2; m_pCookieArr = (CUINode**)realloc(m_pCookieArr, sizeof(CUINode*)*nAlloc); ::ZeroMemory(&m_pCookieArr[m_nEntries], sizeof(CDSCookie*)*m_nEntries); m_pCookieArr[m_nEntries] = pNode; m_nEntries = nAlloc; }
BOOL CUINodeTableBase::Remove(CUINode* pNode) { for (UINT k=0; k<m_nEntries; k++) { if (m_pCookieArr[k] == pNode) { m_pCookieArr[k] = NULL; return TRUE; // found
} } return FALSE; // not found
BOOL CUINodeTableBase::IsPresent(CUINode* pNode) { for (UINT k=0; k<m_nEntries; k++) { if (m_pCookieArr[k] == pNode) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void CUINodeTableBase::Reset() { for (UINT k=0; k<m_nEntries; k++) { m_pCookieArr[k] = NULL; } }
UINT CUINodeTableBase::GetCount() { UINT nCount = 0; for (UINT k=0; k<m_nEntries; k++) { if (m_pCookieArr[k] != NULL) nCount++; } return nCount; }
// CUINodeQueryTable
void CUINodeQueryTable::RemoveDescendants(CUINode* pNode) { // cannot do this while the cookie has a pending operation
ASSERT(!IsPresent(pNode)); // remove all the cookies that have the given cookie as parent
// or ancestor,
for (UINT k=0; k<m_nEntries; k++) { if (m_pCookieArr[k] != NULL) { CUINode* pAncestorNode = m_pCookieArr[k]->GetParent(); while (pAncestorNode != NULL) { if (pAncestorNode == pNode) { m_pCookieArr[k] = NULL; } pAncestorNode = pAncestorNode->GetParent(); } } } }
BOOL CUINodeQueryTable::IsLocked(CUINode* pNode) { for (UINT k=0; k<m_nEntries; k++) { if (m_pCookieArr[k] != NULL) { // found the cookie itself?
if (pNode == m_pCookieArr[k]) return TRUE; // look if the cookie is an ancestor of the current cookie
CUINode* pAncestorNode = m_pCookieArr[k]->GetParent(); while (pAncestorNode != NULL) { if (pAncestorNode == pNode) return TRUE; pAncestorNode = pAncestorNode->GetParent(); } } } return FALSE; }
// CUINodeSheetTable
void CUINodeSheetTable::BringToForeground(CUINode* pNode, CDSComponentData* pCD, BOOL bActivate) { ASSERT(pCD != NULL); ASSERT(pNode != NULL);
// look for the cookie itself and for all the cookies that have the
// given cookie as parent or ancestor
for (UINT k=0; k<m_nEntries; k++) { if (m_pCookieArr[k] != NULL) { CUINode* pAncestorNode = m_pCookieArr[k]; while (pAncestorNode != NULL) { if (pAncestorNode == pNode) { CString szADSIPath;
if (IS_CLASS(*pNode, CDSUINode)) { CDSCookie* pCookie = GetDSCookieFromUINode(pNode); if (pCookie != NULL) { pCD->GetBasePathsInfo()->ComposeADsIPath(szADSIPath, pCookie->GetPath());
// the first one will be also activated
TRACE(L"BringSheetToForeground(%s, %d)\n", (LPCWSTR)szADSIPath, bActivate); VERIFY(BringSheetToForeground((LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)szADSIPath, bActivate)); if (bActivate) { bActivate = FALSE; } } } } pAncestorNode = pAncestorNode->GetParent(); } } // if
} // for
// CGenericUINode
CGenericUINode::CGenericUINode(CUINode* pParentNode) : CUINode(pParentNode) { m_nImage = 0; }
CGenericUINode::CGenericUINode(const CGenericUINode& copyNode) : CUINode(copyNode) { m_nImage = copyNode.m_nImage; m_strName = copyNode.m_strName; m_strDesc = copyNode.m_strDesc; }
LPCWSTR CGenericUINode::g_szNameXMLTag = L"NAME"; LPCWSTR CGenericUINode::g_szDecriptionXMLTag = L"DESCRIPTION";
HRESULT CGenericUINode::XMLSaveBase(IXMLDOMDocument* pXMLDoc, IXMLDOMNode* pXMLDOMNode) { HRESULT hr = XML_AppendTextDataNode(pXMLDoc, pXMLDOMNode, CGenericUINode::g_szNameXMLTag, GetName()); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = XML_AppendTextDataNode(pXMLDoc, pXMLDOMNode, CGenericUINode::g_szDecriptionXMLTag, GetDesc()); return hr; }
// CRootNode
BOOL CRootNode::IsRefreshAllowed(CDSComponentData*, BOOL* pbHide) { *pbHide = FALSE; return TRUE; }
CContextMenuVerbs* CRootNode::GetContextMenuVerbsObject(CDSComponentData* pComponentData) { if (m_pMenuVerbs == NULL) { m_pMenuVerbs = new CSnapinRootMenuVerbs(pComponentData); } return m_pMenuVerbs; }
HRESULT CRootNode::OnCommand(long lCommandID, CDSComponentData* pComponentData) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (lCommandID) { case IDM_GEN_TASK_SELECT_DOMAIN: case IDM_GEN_TASK_SELECT_FOREST: if (pComponentData->CanRefreshAll()) { pComponentData->GetDomain(); } break; case IDM_GEN_TASK_SELECT_DC: if (pComponentData->CanRefreshAll()) { pComponentData->GetDC(); } break; case IDM_VIEW_SERVICES_NODE: { if (pComponentData->CanRefreshAll()) { ASSERT( SNAPINTYPE_SITE == pComponentData->QuerySnapinType() ); pComponentData->GetQueryFilter()->ToggleViewServicesNode(); pComponentData->SetDirty(); if (pComponentData->GetRootNode()->GetFolderInfo()->IsExpanded()) { pComponentData->Refresh(pComponentData->GetRootNode(), FALSE /*bFlushCache*/ ); } } } break; case IDM_GEN_TASK_EDIT_FSMO: { pComponentData->EditFSMO(); } break;
case IDM_GEN_TASK_RAISE_VERSION: pComponentData->RaiseVersion(); break;
case IDM_VIEW_ADVANCED: { if (pComponentData->CanRefreshAll()) { ASSERT( SNAPINTYPE_SITE != pComponentData->QuerySnapinType() ); pComponentData->GetQueryFilter()->ToggleAdvancedView(); pComponentData->SetDirty(); if (pComponentData->GetRootNode()->GetFolderInfo()->IsExpanded()) { pComponentData->Refresh(pComponentData->GetRootNode(), TRUE /*bFlushCache*/ ); } } } break; case IDM_VIEW_COMPUTER_HACK: if (pComponentData->CanRefreshAll()) { pComponentData->Lock(); pComponentData->GetQueryFilter()->ToggleExpandComputers(); pComponentData->Unlock(); BOOL fDoRefresh = pComponentData->GetClassCache()->ToggleExpandSpecialClasses(pComponentData->GetQueryFilter()->ExpandComputers()); pComponentData->SetDirty();
if (fDoRefresh) { if (pComponentData->GetRootNode()->GetFolderInfo()->IsExpanded()) { pComponentData->Refresh(pComponentData->GetRootNode(), TRUE /*bFlushCache*/ ); } } } break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return hr; }