// fpnw.cpp : FPNW shares, sessions and open resources
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cmponent.h"
#include "safetemp.h"
#include "FileSvc.h"
#include "DynamLnk.h" // DynamicDLL
#include "fpnw.h"
#include "ShrProp.h" // Share Properties Pages
#include "permpage.h" // CSecurityInformation
#include "compdata.h"
#include "shlobjp.h" // LPITEMIDLIST
#include "wraps.h" // Wrap_ILCreateFromPath
extern "C" { #include <ntseapi.h> // PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
// CODEWORK We should be more sophisticated about
// determining whether FPNW is installed.
// This API should appear in fpnwapi:
// BOOL IsNetWareInstalled( VOID );
#include "macros.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
class CFPNWSecurityInformation : public CShareSecurityInformation { STDMETHOD(GetSecurity) (SECURITY_INFORMATION RequestedInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppSecurityDescriptor, BOOL fDefault ); STDMETHOD(SetSecurity) (SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor ); public: FPNWVOLUMEINFO_2* m_pvolumeinfo; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR m_pDefaultDescriptor; CFPNWSecurityInformation(); ~CFPNWSecurityInformation(); };
// not subject to localization
static LPCSTR g_apchFunctionNames[] = { "FpnwVolumeEnum", "FpnwConnectionEnum", "FpnwFileEnum", "FpnwApiBufferFree", "FpnwVolumeDel", "FpnwConnectionDel", "FpnwFileClose", "FpnwVolumeGetInfo", "FpnwVolumeSetInfo", NULL };
// not subject to localization
DynamicDLL g_FpnwDLL( _T("FPNWCLNT.DLL"), g_apchFunctionNames );
VOID FPNWFreeData(PVOID* ppv) { if (*ppv != NULL) { ASSERT( NULL != g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_API_BUFFER_FREE] ); (void) ((APIBUFFERFREEPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_API_BUFFER_FREE])( *ppv ); *ppv = NULL; } }
FpnwFileServiceProvider::FpnwFileServiceProvider( CFileMgmtComponentData* pFileMgmtData ) : FileServiceProvider( pFileMgmtData ) { VERIFY( m_strTransportFPNW.LoadString( IDS_TRANSPORT_FPNW ) ); }
DWORD FpnwVolumeEnum( IN LPWSTR pServerName OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwLevel, OUT LPBYTE *ppVolumeInfo, OUT PDWORD pEntriesRead, IN OUT PDWORD resumeHandle OPTIONAL ); */
HRESULT FpnwFileServiceProvider::PopulateShares( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pcookie) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pcookie);
if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
FPNWVOLUMEINFO* pvolumeinfo = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD hEnumHandle = 0; NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success; do { retval = ((VOLUMEENUMPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_VOLUME_ENUM])( const_cast<LPTSTR>(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()), 1, (PBYTE*)&pvolumeinfo, &dwEntriesRead, &hEnumHandle ); if (NERR_Success == retval) { AddFPNWShareItems( pResultData, pcookie, pvolumeinfo, dwEntriesRead ); pvolumeinfo = NULL; break; } else if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == retval) { ASSERT( NULL != hEnumHandle ); AddFPNWShareItems( pResultData, pcookie, pvolumeinfo, dwEntriesRead ); pvolumeinfo = NULL; continue; } else if (RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE == retval && 0 == hEnumHandle) { // FPNW just isn't installed, don't worry about it
retval = NERR_Success; break; } else { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, retval, IDS_POPUP_FPNW_SHARES, pcookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName() ); break; } } while (TRUE);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(retval); }
typedef struct _FPNWVolumeInfo { LPWSTR lpVolumeName; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwMaxUses;
DWORD dwCurrentUses; LPWSTR lpPath;
HRESULT FpnwFileServiceProvider::AddFPNWShareItems( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pParentCookie, PVOID pinfo, DWORD nItems) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pParentCookie); TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pinfo);
if (0 >= nItems) return S_OK;
RESULTDATAITEM tRDItem; ::ZeroMemory( &tRDItem, sizeof(tRDItem) ); tRDItem.nCol = COLNUM_SHARES_SHARED_FOLDER; // CODEWORK should use MMC_ICON_CALLBACK here
tRDItem.nImage = iIconFPNWShare; tRDItem.mask = RDI_STR | RDI_IMAGE | RDI_PARAM; tRDItem.str = MMC_CALLBACK;
DWORD nItemsToAdd = 0; for (DWORD i = 0; i < nItems; i++ ) { if (!IsInvalidSharename(pvolumeinfo[i].lpVolumeName)) nItemsToAdd++; }
CFpnwShareCookie* pcookiearray = new CFpnwShareCookie[nItemsToAdd]; CFpnwCookieBlock* pCookieBlock = new CFpnwCookieBlock( pcookiearray,nItemsToAdd,pParentCookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName(),pinfo ); pParentCookie->m_listResultCookieBlocks.AddHead( pCookieBlock );
for ( ; nItems > 0; nItems--, pvolumeinfo++, pcookiearray++ ) { if (IsInvalidSharename(pvolumeinfo->lpVolumeName)) continue;
pcookiearray->m_pobject = pvolumeinfo; // WARNING cookie cast
tRDItem.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>((CCookie*)pcookiearray); HRESULT hr = pResultData->InsertItem(&tRDItem); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
return S_OK; }
// if pResultData is not NULL, add sessions/resources to the listbox
// if pResultData is NULL, delete all sessions/resources
// if pResultData is NULL, return SUCCEEDED(hr) to continue or
// FAILED(hr) to abort
HRESULT FpnwFileServiceProvider::EnumerateSessions( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pcookie, bool bAddToResultPane) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pcookie);
if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
FPNWCONNECTIONINFO* pconninfo = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD hEnumHandle = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success; do { retval = ((CONNECTIONENUMPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_CONNECTION_ENUM])( const_cast<LPTSTR>(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()), 1, (PBYTE*)&pconninfo, &dwEntriesRead, &hEnumHandle ); if (NERR_Success == retval) { hr = HandleFPNWSessionItems( pResultData, pcookie, pconninfo, dwEntriesRead, bAddToResultPane); pconninfo = NULL; break; } else if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == retval) { ASSERT( NULL != hEnumHandle ); hr = HandleFPNWSessionItems( pResultData, pcookie, pconninfo, dwEntriesRead, bAddToResultPane); pconninfo = NULL; continue; } else if (RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE == retval && 0 == hEnumHandle) { // FPNW just isn't installed, don't worry about it
retval = NERR_Success; break; } else { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, retval, IDS_POPUP_FPNW_SESSIONS, pcookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName() ); break; } } while (S_OK == hr);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(retval); }
typedef struct _FPNWConnectionInfo { DWORD dwConnectionId; FPNWSERVERADDR WkstaAddress;
DWORD dwAddressType; LPWSTR lpUserName;
DWORD dwOpens; DWORD dwLogonTime; BOOL fLoggedOn; DWORD dwForcedLogoffTime; BOOL fAdministrator; } FPNWCONNECTIONINFO; */
CString g_strFpnwNotLoggedIn; BOOL g_fFpnwStringsLoaded = FALSE;
// returns S_FALSE if enumeration should stop
HRESULT FpnwFileServiceProvider::HandleFPNWSessionItems( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pParentCookie, PVOID pinfo, DWORD nItems, BOOL bAddToResultPane) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pParentCookie); TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pinfo);
if (0 >= nItems) return S_OK;
BOOL fDeleteAllItems = (NULL == pResultData);
RESULTDATAITEM tRDItem; ::ZeroMemory( &tRDItem, sizeof(tRDItem) ); tRDItem.nCol = COLNUM_SESSIONS_USERNAME; tRDItem.mask = RDI_STR | RDI_IMAGE | RDI_PARAM; tRDItem.str = MMC_CALLBACK; tRDItem.nImage = iIconFPNWSession; // CODEWORK should use MMC_ICON_CALLBACK here
#ifndef UNICODE
CFpnwSessionCookie* pcookiearray = new CFpnwSessionCookie[nItems]; CFpnwCookieBlock* pCookieBlock = new CFpnwCookieBlock( pcookiearray,nItems,pParentCookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName(),pinfo ); bool bAdded = false; if ( !fDeleteAllItems || !bAddToResultPane ) { pParentCookie->m_listResultCookieBlocks.AddHead( pCookieBlock ); bAdded = true; }
for ( ; nItems > 0; nItems--, pconninfo++, pcookiearray++ ) { pcookiearray->m_pobject = pconninfo;
if ( bAddToResultPane ) { if (fDeleteAllItems) { DWORD dwApiResult = CloseSession( pcookiearray ); if (0L != dwApiResult) { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, dwApiResult, IDS_POPUP_FPNW_DISCONNECTALLSESSION_ERROR); //return S_FALSE;
} continue; }
// WARNING cookie cast
tRDItem.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>((CCookie*)pcookiearray); HRESULT hr = pResultData->InsertItem(&tRDItem); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } }
if ( !bAdded ) // they were not added to the parent cookie's list
delete pCookieBlock;
return S_OK; }
DWORD FpnwFileEnum( IN LPWSTR pServerName OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPWSTR pPathName OPTIONAL, OUT LPBYTE *ppFileInfo, OUT PDWORD pEntriesRead, IN OUT PDWORD resumeHandle OPTIONAL ); */
// if pResultData is not NULL, add sessions/resources to the listbox
// if pResultData is NULL, delete all sessions/resources
// if pResultData is NULL, return SUCCEEDED(hr) to continue or
// FAILED(hr) to abort
HRESULT FpnwFileServiceProvider::EnumerateResources( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pcookie) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pcookie);
if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
FPNWFILEINFO* pfileinfo = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD hEnumHandle = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success; do { retval = ((FILEENUMPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_FILE_ENUM])( const_cast<LPTSTR>(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()), 1, NULL, // basepath
(PBYTE*)&pfileinfo, &dwEntriesRead, &hEnumHandle ); if (NERR_Success == retval) { hr = HandleFPNWResourceItems( pResultData, pcookie, pfileinfo, dwEntriesRead ); pfileinfo = NULL; break; } else if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == retval) { ASSERT( NULL != hEnumHandle ); hr = HandleFPNWResourceItems( pResultData, pcookie, pfileinfo, dwEntriesRead ); pfileinfo = NULL; continue; } else if (RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE == retval && 0 == hEnumHandle) { // FPNW just isn't installed, don't worry about it
retval = NERR_Success; break; } else { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, retval, IDS_POPUP_FPNW_RESOURCES, pcookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName() ); break; } } while (S_OK == hr);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(retval); }
typedef enum _COLNUM_RESOURCES { COLNUM_RESOURCES_FILENAME = 0, COLNUM_RESOURCES_USERNAME, COLNUM_RESOURCES_NUM_LOCKS, // we don't try to display sharename for now, since
// only FPNW has this information
typedef struct _FPNWFileInfo { DWORD dwFileId; LPWSTR lpPathName; LPWSTR lpVolumeName; DWORD dwPermissions;
DWORD dwLocks; LPWSTR lpUserName;
FPNWSERVERADDR WkstaAddress; DWORD dwAddressType;
HRESULT FpnwFileServiceProvider::HandleFPNWResourceItems( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pParentCookie, PVOID pinfo, DWORD nItems) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pParentCookie); TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pinfo);
if (0 >= nItems) return S_OK;
BOOL fDeleteAllItems = (NULL == pResultData);
RESULTDATAITEM tRDItem; ::ZeroMemory( &tRDItem, sizeof(tRDItem) ); tRDItem.nCol = COLNUM_RESOURCES_FILENAME; tRDItem.mask = RDI_STR | RDI_IMAGE | RDI_PARAM; tRDItem.str = MMC_CALLBACK; tRDItem.nImage = iIconFPNWResource; // CODEWORK should use MMC_ICON_CALLBACK here
CFpnwResourceCookie* pcookiearray = new CFpnwResourceCookie[nItems]; CFpnwCookieBlock* pCookieBlock = new CFpnwCookieBlock( pcookiearray,nItems,pParentCookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName(),pinfo ); if (!fDeleteAllItems) { pParentCookie->m_listResultCookieBlocks.AddHead( pCookieBlock ); }
CString str; for ( ; nItems > 0; nItems--, pfileinfo++, pcookiearray++ ) { pcookiearray->m_pobject = pfileinfo;
if (fDeleteAllItems) { DWORD dwApiResult = CloseResource( pcookiearray ); if (0L != dwApiResult) { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, dwApiResult, IDS_POPUP_FPNW_DISCONNECTALLRESOURCE_ERROR, pfileinfo->lpPathName ); return S_FALSE; } continue; }
// WARNING cookie cast
tRDItem.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>((CCookie*)pcookiearray); HRESULT hr = pResultData->InsertItem(&tRDItem); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
if (fDeleteAllItems) // they were not added to the parent cookie's list
delete pCookieBlock;
return S_OK; }
DWORD FpnwVolumeDel( IN LPWSTR pServerName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR pVolumeName ); */
NET_API_STATUS FpnwFileServiceProvider::DeleteShare( LPCTSTR lpcszServerName, LPCTSTR lpcszShareName ) { if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
NET_API_STATUS dwRet = ((VOLUMEDELPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_VOLUME_DEL])( const_cast<LPTSTR>(lpcszServerName), const_cast<LPTSTR>(lpcszShareName) );
return (NERR_NetNameNotFound == dwRet ? NERR_Success : dwRet); }
DWORD FpnwConnectionDel( IN LPWSTR pServerName OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwConnectionId ); */
DWORD FpnwFileServiceProvider::CloseSession(CFileMgmtResultCookie* pcookie) { if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
ASSERT( FILEMGMT_SESSION == pcookie->QueryObjectType() ); FPNWCONNECTIONINFO* pconninfo = (FPNWCONNECTIONINFO*)pcookie->m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pconninfo );
DWORD dwRet = ((CONNECTIONDELPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_CONNECTION_DEL])( const_cast<LPWSTR>(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()), pconninfo->dwConnectionId );
return (NERR_ClientNameNotFound == dwRet ? NERR_Success : dwRet); }
DWORD FpnwFileClose( IN LPWSTR pServerName OPTIONAL, IN DWORD nFileId ); */
DWORD FpnwFileServiceProvider::CloseResource(CFileMgmtResultCookie* pcookie) { if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
ASSERT( FILEMGMT_RESOURCE == pcookie->QueryObjectType() ); FPNWFILEINFO* pfileinfo = (FPNWFILEINFO*)pcookie->m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pfileinfo );
DWORD dwRet = ((FILECLOSEPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_FILE_CLOSE])( const_cast<LPWSTR>(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()), pfileinfo->dwFileId );
return (NERR_FileIdNotFound == dwRet ? NERR_Success : dwRet); }
DWORD FpnwVolumeGetInfo( IN LPWSTR pServerName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR pVolumeName, IN DWORD dwLevel, OUT LPBYTE *ppVolumeInfo );
// The following fields are modified by a call to FpnwVolumeSetInfo :
// DWORD dwMaxUses; // Maximum number of connections that are
// PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR FileSecurityDescriptor;
// All other fields in FPNWVOLUMEINFO structure are ignored. You may send
// in a pointer to an FPNWVOLUMEINFO_2 structure instead of FPNWVOLUMEINFO.
DWORD FpnwVolumeSetInfo( IN LPWSTR pServerName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR pVolumeName, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE pVolumeInfo );
typedef struct _FPNWVolumeInfo { LPWSTR lpVolumeName; // Name of the volume
DWORD dwType; // Specifics of the volume. FPNWVOL_TYPE_???
DWORD dwMaxUses; // Maximum number of connections that are
// allowed to the volume
DWORD dwCurrentUses; // Current number of connections to the volume
LPWSTR lpPath; // Path of the volume
VOID FpnwFileServiceProvider::DisplayShareProperties( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK pCallBack, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LONG_PTR handle) { CSharePageGeneral * pPage = new CSharePageGeneral(); if ( !pPage->Load( m_pFileMgmtData, pDataObject ) ) return;
// This mechanism deletes the CFileMgmtGeneral when the property sheet is finished
pPage->m_pfnOriginalPropSheetPageProc = pPage->m_psp.pfnCallback; pPage->m_psp.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pPage); pPage->m_psp.pfnCallback = &CSharePageGeneral::PropSheetPageProc; pPage->m_handle = handle;
MMCPropPageCallback(INOUT &pPage->m_psp); HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage=MyCreatePropertySheetPage(&pPage->m_psp); pCallBack->AddPage(hPage);
CComObject<CFPNWSecurityInformation>* psecinfo = NULL; HRESULT hRes = CComObject<CFPNWSecurityInformation>::CreateInstance(&psecinfo); if ( SUCCEEDED(hRes) ) MyCreateShareSecurityPage( pCallBack, psecinfo, pPage->m_strMachineName, pPage->m_strShareName );
CreateFolderSecurityPropPage(pCallBack, pDataObject);
DWORD FpnwFileServiceProvider::ReadShareProperties( LPCTSTR ptchServerName, LPCTSTR ptchShareName, OUT PVOID* ppvPropertyBlock, OUT CString& /*strDescription*/, OUT CString& strPath, OUT BOOL* pfEditDescription, OUT BOOL* pfEditPath, OUT DWORD* pdwShareType) { if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) { ASSERT(FALSE); return S_OK; }
if (ppvPropertyBlock) *ppvPropertyBlock = NULL; if (pdwShareType) *pdwShareType = 0; if (pfEditDescription) *pfEditDescription = FALSE; if (pfEditPath) *pfEditPath = FALSE;
USES_CONVERSION; // CODEWORK should store in native WCHAR
FPNWVOLUMEINFO* pvolumeinfo = NULL; NET_API_STATUS retval = ((VOLUMEGETINFOPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_VOLUME_GET_INFO])( T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>(ptchServerName)), T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>(ptchShareName)), 1, (LPBYTE*)&pvolumeinfo); if (NERR_Success == retval) { strPath = pvolumeinfo->lpPath; if (ppvPropertyBlock) { *ppvPropertyBlock = pvolumeinfo; // will be freed by the caller
} else { FreeData((LPVOID)pvolumeinfo); } }
return retval; }
DWORD FpnwFileServiceProvider::WriteShareProperties(LPCTSTR ptchServerName, LPCTSTR ptchShareName, PVOID pvPropertyBlock, LPCTSTR /*ptchDescription*/, LPCTSTR ptchPath) { ASSERT( NULL != pvPropertyBlock ); if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
FPNWVOLUMEINFO* pvolumeinfo = (FPNWVOLUMEINFO*)pvPropertyBlock; pvolumeinfo->lpPath = const_cast<LPTSTR>(ptchPath); DWORD retval = ((VOLUMESETINFOPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_VOLUME_SET_INFO])( const_cast<LPTSTR>(ptchServerName), const_cast<LPTSTR>(ptchShareName), 1, (LPBYTE)pvolumeinfo); pvolumeinfo->lpPath = NULL; return retval; }
VOID FpnwFileServiceProvider::FreeShareProperties(PVOID pvPropertyBlock) { FreeData( pvPropertyBlock ); }
DWORD FpnwFileServiceProvider::QueryMaxUsers(PVOID pvPropertyBlock) { FPNWVOLUMEINFO* pvolumeinfo = (FPNWVOLUMEINFO*)pvPropertyBlock; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); return pvolumeinfo->dwMaxUses; }
VOID FpnwFileServiceProvider::SetMaxUsers(PVOID pvPropertyBlock, DWORD dwMaxUsers) { FPNWVOLUMEINFO* pvolumeinfo = (FPNWVOLUMEINFO*)pvPropertyBlock; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); pvolumeinfo->dwMaxUses = dwMaxUsers; } VOID FpnwFileServiceProvider::FreeData(PVOID pv) { FPNWFreeData( &pv ); }
CFpnwCookieBlock::~CFpnwCookieBlock() { FPNWFreeData( &m_pvCookieData ); }
void CFpnwCookie::AddRefCookie() { m_pCookieBlock->AddRef(); } void CFpnwCookie::ReleaseCookie() { m_pCookieBlock->Release(); }
LPCTSTR FpnwFileServiceProvider::QueryTransportString() { return m_strTransportFPNW; }
HRESULT CFpnwCookie::GetTransport( FILEMGMT_TRANSPORT* pTransport ) { *pTransport = FILEMGMT_FPNW; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFpnwShareCookie::GetShareName( CString& strShareName ) { FPNWVOLUMEINFO* pvolumeinfo = (FPNWVOLUMEINFO*)m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); USES_CONVERSION; strShareName = OLE2T(pvolumeinfo->lpVolumeName); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFpnwShareCookie::GetSharePIDList( OUT LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl ) { ASSERT(ppidl); ASSERT(NULL == *ppidl); // prevent memory leak
*ppidl = NULL;
FPNWVOLUMEINFO* pvolumeinfo = (FPNWVOLUMEINFO*)m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); ASSERT( _tcslen(pvolumeinfo->lpPath) >= 3 && _T(':') == *(pvolumeinfo->lpPath + 1) ); USES_CONVERSION;
PCTSTR pszTargetServer = m_pCookieBlock->QueryTargetServer(); CString csPath;
if (pszTargetServer) { //
// since MS Windows user cannot see shares created for MAC or Netware users,
// we have to use $ share to retrieve the pidl here.
CString csTemp = OLE2T(pvolumeinfo->lpPath); csTemp.SetAt(1, _T('$')); if ( _tcslen(pszTargetServer) >= 2 && _T('\\') == *pszTargetServer && _T('\\') == *(pszTargetServer + 1) ) { csPath = pszTargetServer; } else { csPath = _T("\\\\"); csPath += pszTargetServer; } csPath += _T("\\"); csPath += csTemp; } else { csPath = OLE2T(pvolumeinfo->lpPath); }
if (FALSE == csPath.IsEmpty()) *ppidl = ILCreateFromPath(csPath);
return ((*ppidl) ? S_OK : E_FAIL); }
HRESULT CFpnwSessionCookie::GetSessionID( DWORD* pdwSessionID ) { FPNWCONNECTIONINFO* pconninfo = (FPNWCONNECTIONINFO*)m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pdwSessionID && NULL != pconninfo ); *pdwSessionID = pconninfo->dwConnectionId; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFpnwResourceCookie::GetFileID( DWORD* pdwFileID ) { FPNWFILEINFO* pfileinfo = (FPNWFILEINFO*)m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pdwFileID && NULL != pfileinfo ); *pdwFileID = pfileinfo->dwFileId; return S_OK; }
BSTR CFpnwShareCookie::GetColumnText( int nCol ) { switch (nCol) { case COLNUM_SHARES_SHARED_FOLDER: return GetShareInfo()->lpVolumeName; case COLNUM_SHARES_SHARED_PATH: return GetShareInfo()->lpPath; case COLNUM_SHARES_TRANSPORT: return const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR)g_strTransportFPNW); case COLNUM_SHARES_COMMENT: break; // not known for FPNW
default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return L""; }
BSTR CFpnwShareCookie::QueryResultColumnText( int nCol, CFileMgmtComponentData& /*refcdata*/ ) { if (COLNUM_SHARES_NUM_SESSIONS == nCol) return MakeDwordResult( GetNumOfCurrentUses() );
return GetColumnText(nCol); }
BSTR CFpnwSessionCookie::GetColumnText( int nCol ) { switch (nCol) { case COLNUM_SESSIONS_USERNAME: return GetSessionInfo()->lpUserName; case COLNUM_SESSIONS_COMPUTERNAME: break; // not known for FPNW
case COLNUM_SESSIONS_TRANSPORT: return const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR)g_strTransportFPNW); case COLNUM_SESSIONS_IS_GUEST: break; // not known for FPNW
default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return L""; }
BSTR CFpnwSessionCookie::QueryResultColumnText( int nCol, CFileMgmtComponentData& /*refcdata*/ ) { switch (nCol) { case COLNUM_SESSIONS_NUM_FILES: return MakeDwordResult( GetNumOfOpenFiles() ); case COLNUM_SESSIONS_CONNECTED_TIME: return MakeElapsedTimeResult( GetConnectedTime() ); case COLNUM_SESSIONS_IDLE_TIME: return L""; // not known for FPNW
default: break; } return GetColumnText(nCol); }
BSTR CFpnwResourceCookie::GetColumnText( int nCol ) { switch (nCol) { case COLNUM_RESOURCES_FILENAME: return GetFileInfo()->lpPathName; case COLNUM_RESOURCES_USERNAME: return GetFileInfo()->lpUserName; case COLNUM_RESOURCES_TRANSPORT: return const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR)g_strTransportFPNW); case COLNUM_RESOURCES_OPEN_MODE: return MakePermissionsResult(GetFileInfo()->dwPermissions); default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return L""; }
BSTR CFpnwResourceCookie::QueryResultColumnText( int nCol, CFileMgmtComponentData& /*refcdata*/ ) { if (COLNUM_RESOURCES_NUM_LOCKS == nCol) return MakeDwordResult( GetNumOfLocks() );
return GetColumnText(nCol); }
CFPNWSecurityInformation::CFPNWSecurityInformation() : m_pvolumeinfo( NULL ), m_pDefaultDescriptor( NULL ) { }
CFPNWSecurityInformation::~CFPNWSecurityInformation() { if (NULL != m_pDefaultDescriptor) { delete m_pDefaultDescriptor; m_pvolumeinfo->FileSecurityDescriptor = NULL; } FPNWFreeData( (PVOID*)&m_pvolumeinfo ); }
STDMETHODIMP CFPNWSecurityInformation::GetSecurity ( SECURITY_INFORMATION RequestedInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppSecurityDescriptor, BOOL fDefault ) { MFC_TRY;
if (0 == RequestedInformation || NULL == ppSecurityDescriptor) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (fDefault) return E_NOTIMPL;
*ppSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
FPNWFreeData( (PVOID*)&m_pvolumeinfo ); NET_API_STATUS dwErr = ((VOLUMEGETINFOPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_VOLUME_GET_INFO])( QueryMachineName(), QueryShareName(), 2, (LPBYTE*)&m_pvolumeinfo ); if (NERR_Success != dwErr) { // AndyHe confirms errors are in WIN32 error namespace
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); } ASSERT( NULL != m_pvolumeinfo ); if (NULL == m_pvolumeinfo->FileSecurityDescriptor) { if (NULL == m_pDefaultDescriptor) { HRESULT hr = NewDefaultDescriptor( &m_pDefaultDescriptor, RequestedInformation ); if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) return hr; } m_pvolumeinfo->FileSecurityDescriptor = m_pDefaultDescriptor; } ASSERT( NULL != m_pvolumeinfo->FileSecurityDescriptor );
// We have to pass back a LocalAlloc'ed copy of the SD
return MakeSelfRelativeCopy( m_pvolumeinfo->FileSecurityDescriptor, ppSecurityDescriptor );
STDMETHODIMP CFPNWSecurityInformation::SetSecurity ( SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor ) { MFC_TRY;
if ( !g_FpnwDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
// First get the current settings
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR dummy; HRESULT hr = GetSecurity( SecurityInformation, &dummy, FALSE ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
// Now set the new values
m_pvolumeinfo->FileSecurityDescriptor = pSecurityDescriptor; NET_API_STATUS dwErr = ((VOLUMESETINFOPROC)g_FpnwDLL[FPNW_VOLUME_SET_INFO])( QueryMachineName(), QueryShareName(), 2, (LPBYTE)m_pvolumeinfo ); if (NERR_Success != dwErr) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); }
return S_OK;