// SvcProp.cpp
// Data object used to display service properties.
// 10-Oct-96 t-danmo Creation.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DynamLnk.h" // DynamicDLL
#include "cmponent.h" // FILEMGMTPROPERTYCHANGE
extern "C" { #define NTSTATUS LONG
#define NT_SUCCESS(Status) ((NTSTATUS)(Status) >= 0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
Create an instance of this class to expand your token privileges to the maximum possible. Your privileges will return to normal when this object is destroyed. I don't think that you can have more than one of these at a time. There is no error handling, this class fails silently. jonn */ class Impersonator { public: Impersonator(); ~Impersonator(); void ClaimPrivilege(DWORD dwPrivilege); void ReleasePrivilege(); private: BOOL m_fImpersonating; };
// ReportCfgMgrError()
// Display a message box reporting the error encountered
// by the Configuration Manager.
// The error strings are included from \nt\private\windows\pnp\msg\cmapi.rc
// and IDS_CFGMGR32_BASE may be defined to any number not conflicting with
// the resources.
void ReportCfgMgrError(CONFIGRET cr) { if (cr > NUM_CR_RESULTS) { TRACE2("INFO: ReportCfgMgrError() - Error code 0x%X (%u) out of range.\n", cr, cr); // ASSERT(FALSE && "ReportCfgMgrError() - Error code out of range");
cr = CR_FAILURE; } UINT ids = IDS_CFGMGR32_BASE + cr; DWORD dwErr = 0;
if (cr == CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) { ids = 0; dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } DoServicesErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, dwErr, ids); }
typedef enum _AdvApiIndex { QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG_2 = 0, CHANGE_SERVICE_CONFIG_2 };
// not subject to localization
static LPCSTR g_apchFunctionNames[] = { "QueryServiceConfig2W", "ChangeServiceConfig2W", NULL };
// not subject to localization
DynamicDLL g_AdvApi32DLL( _T("ADVAPI32.DLL"), g_apchFunctionNames );
// Constructor for CServicePropertyData object
CServicePropertyData::CServicePropertyData() { // m_spDataObject is a smartpointer
m_hMachine = NULL; m_hScManager = NULL; m_paQSC = NULL; m_paSFA = NULL; m_paHardwareProfileEntryList = NULL; m_fAllSfaTakeNoAction = FALSE;
m_fQueryServiceConfig2 = g_AdvApi32DLL.LoadFunctionPointers();
::ZeroMemory(&m_rgSA, sizeof(m_rgSA));
m_pPageGeneral = new CServicePageGeneral; m_pPageGeneral->m_pData = this; m_pPageHwProfile = new CServicePageHwProfile; m_pPageHwProfile->m_pData = this; m_pPageRecovery = new CServicePageRecovery; m_pPageRecovery->m_pData = this; m_pPageRecovery2 = new CServicePageRecovery2; // JonN 4/20/01 348163
m_pPageRecovery2->m_pData = this; // JonN 4/20/01 348163
} // CServicePropertyData::CServicePropertyData()
CServicePropertyData::~CServicePropertyData() { // m_spDataObject is a smartpointer
// Close the machine handle opened by CM_Connect_Machine()
if (m_hMachine != NULL) { (void)::CM_Disconnect_Machine(m_hMachine); } // Close the service control manager database
if (m_hScManager != NULL) { (void)::CloseServiceHandle(m_hScManager); }
// Free the allocated pointers
delete m_paQSC; delete m_paSFA; FlushHardwareProfileEntries();
delete m_pPageGeneral; delete m_pPageHwProfile; // 77831: deletion now in place
delete m_pPageRecovery; delete m_pPageRecovery2; // JonN 4/20/01 348163
// Decrement the reference count of the parent object
MMCFreeNotifyHandle(m_lNotifyHandle); } // CServicePropertyData::~CServicePropertyData()
// FInit()
// Initialize the object by connecting to the target machine and
// openning its service control manager database.
// Return TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
// - Unable to open service control manager.
// - Unable to connect to remote machine.
// - Unable to open service.
// - Unable to query service data.
BOOL CServicePropertyData::FInit( LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, CONST TCHAR pszMachineName[], // IN: Machine name
CONST TCHAR pszServiceName[], // IN: Service name
CONST TCHAR pszServiceDisplayName[], // IN: Service display name (for UI purpose)
LONG_PTR lNotifyHandle) // IN: Handle to notify parent
{ Assert(lpDataObject != NULL); Endorse(pszMachineName == NULL); // NULL => Local Machine
Assert(pszServiceName != NULL); Assert(pszServiceDisplayName != NULL);
m_spDataObject = lpDataObject; // m_pDataObject is a smartpointer
m_strMachineName = pszMachineName; // Make a copy of the computer name
m_strServiceName = pszServiceName; // Make a copy of the service name
m_pszServiceName = m_strServiceName; // Cast a pointer to the service name
m_strServiceDisplayName = pszServiceDisplayName; m_lNotifyHandle = lNotifyHandle; m_strUiMachineName = m_strMachineName.IsEmpty() ? g_strLocalMachine : m_strMachineName;
Assert(m_hScManager == NULL); Assert(m_hMachine == NULL); return FQueryServiceInfo(); } // CServicePropertyData::FInit()
// FOpenScManager()
// Open the service control manager database (if not already opened).
// The idea for such a function is to recover from a broken connection.
// Return TRUE if the service control database was opened successfully,
// othersise false.
BOOL CServicePropertyData::FOpenScManager() { if (m_hScManager == NULL) { m_hScManager = ::OpenSCManager( m_strMachineName, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); } if (m_hScManager == NULL) { DoServicesErrMsgBox( ::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, ::GetLastError(), IDS_MSG_s_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_SERVICE_DATABASE, (LPCTSTR)m_strUiMachineName); return FALSE; } // JonN 2/14/01 315244
// CM_Connect_Machine depends on Remote Registry Service which is
// not present on Personal. NULL is OK for local focus, so skip this for
// local focus.
if (m_hMachine == NULL && !m_strMachineName.IsEmpty()) { //
// JonN 02/08/99: CM_Connect_Machine insists on whackwhack in machine names
// per 288294.
CString strConnect; if ( m_strMachineName[0] != L'\\' && m_strMachineName[1] != L'\\' ) { strConnect = L"\\\\"; } strConnect += m_strMachineName;
CONFIGRET cr; cr = ::CM_Connect_Machine((LPCTSTR)strConnect, OUT &m_hMachine); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { Assert(m_hMachine == NULL); // This might happen e.g. if PNP is stopped
ReportCfgMgrError(cr); } } return TRUE; } // CServicePropertyData::FOpenScManager()
// Create property pages of the service
BOOL CServicePropertyData::CreatePropertyPages( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK pCallback) // OUT: Object to append property pages
MMCPropPageCallback(INOUT &m_pPageGeneral->m_psp); hPage = MyCreatePropertySheetPage(IN &m_pPageGeneral->m_psp); Report(hPage != NULL); if (hPage != NULL) pCallback->AddPage(hPage); MMCPropPageCallback(INOUT &m_pPageHwProfile->m_psp); hPage = MyCreatePropertySheetPage(IN &m_pPageHwProfile->m_psp); Report(hPage != NULL); if (hPage != NULL) pCallback->AddPage(hPage);
if (m_uFlags & mskfValidSFA) { // Add the last page only if we were able to successfully
// load the service failure action data structures.
Assert(m_fQueryServiceConfig2); if (!(m_uFlags & mskfSystemProcess)) // JonN 4/20/01 348163
{ MMCPropPageCallback(INOUT &m_pPageRecovery->m_psp); hPage = MyCreatePropertySheetPage(IN &m_pPageRecovery->m_psp); } else { MMCPropPageCallback(INOUT &m_pPageRecovery2->m_psp); hPage = MyCreatePropertySheetPage(IN &m_pPageRecovery2->m_psp); } Report(hPage != NULL); if (hPage != NULL) pCallback->AddPage(hPage); }
return TRUE; } // CServicePropertyData::CreatePropertyPages()
// Query the service for its latest information.
// Return TRUE if ALL the service info could be successfully read.
// Otherwise return FALSE if any error occured (such as not able to
// or not able to query a specific key).
BOOL CServicePropertyData::FQueryServiceInfo() { SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; DWORD cbBytesNeeded = 0; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; BOOL f; DWORD dwErr = 0;
m_uFlags = mskzValidNone; if (!FOpenScManager()) { // Unable to open service control database
return FALSE; }
TRACE1("INFO: Collecting data for service %s...\n", (LPCTSTR)m_strServiceDisplayName);
** Open service with querying access-control */ hService = ::OpenService( m_hScManager, m_pszServiceName, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG); if (hService == NULL) { DoServicesErrMsgBox( ::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, ::GetLastError(), IDS_MSG_ss_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_READ_SERVICE, (LPCTSTR)m_strServiceDisplayName, (LPCTSTR)m_strUiMachineName); return FALSE; } /*
** Query the service status ** JonN 4/20/01 348163 ** Try to determine whether this service runs in the system process */ TRACE1("# QueryServiceStatusEx(%s)...\n", m_pszServiceName); f = ::QueryServiceStatusEx( hService, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, (LPBYTE)&m_SS, sizeof(m_SS), &cbBytesNeeded); if (f) { if (m_SS.dwServiceFlags & SERVICE_RUNS_IN_SYSTEM_PROCESS) m_uFlags |= mskfSystemProcess; } else // QueryServiceStatusEx failed
{ TRACE1("# QueryServiceStatus(%s)...\n", m_pszServiceName); f = ::QueryServiceStatus( hService, (LPSERVICE_STATUS)&m_SS); } if (f) { m_uFlags |= mskfValidSS; } else { DoErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, ::GetLastError()); fSuccess = FALSE; }
** Query the service config */ TRACE1("# QueryServiceConfig(%s)...\n", m_pszServiceName); f = ::QueryServiceConfig( hService, NULL, 0, OUT &cbBytesNeeded); // Compute how many bytes we need to allocate
Report((f == FALSE) && "Query should fail on first attempt"); Report(cbBytesNeeded > 0); cbBytesNeeded += 100; // Add extra bytes (just in case)
delete m_paQSC; // Free previously allocated memory (if any)
m_paQSC = (QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG *) new BYTE[cbBytesNeeded]; f = ::QueryServiceConfig( hService, OUT m_paQSC, cbBytesNeeded, OUT IGNORED &cbBytesNeeded); if (f) { m_uFlags |= mskfValidQSC; m_strServiceDisplayName = m_paQSC->lpDisplayName; m_strLogOnAccountName = m_paQSC->lpServiceStartName; } else { DoServicesErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, ::GetLastError()); fSuccess = FALSE; }
** Query service description */ if (m_fQueryServiceConfig2) { TRACE1("# QueryServiceConfig2(%s, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION)...\n", m_pszServiceName); union { // Service description
SERVICE_DESCRIPTION sd; BYTE rgbBufferSd[SERVICE_cchDescriptionMax * sizeof(TCHAR) + 16]; }; f = ((QUERYSERVICECONFIG2PROC)g_AdvApi32DLL[QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG_2])( hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, OUT rgbBufferSd, // Description of service
sizeof(rgbBufferSd), OUT IGNORED &cbBytesNeeded); if (f) { m_uFlags |= mskfValidDescr; Assert(cbBytesNeeded <= sizeof(rgbBufferSd)); m_strDescription = sd.lpDescription; } else { Assert(m_strDescription.IsEmpty()); m_fQueryServiceConfig2 = FALSE; } } // if
** Query service failure actions */ Assert((m_uFlags & mskfValidSFA) == 0); if (m_fQueryServiceConfig2) { TRACE1("# QueryServiceConfig2(%s, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS)...\n", m_pszServiceName);
cbBytesNeeded = sizeof(SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS); delete m_paSFA; // Free previously allocated memory (if any)
m_paSFA = (SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS *) new BYTE[cbBytesNeeded]; f = ((QUERYSERVICECONFIG2PROC)g_AdvApi32DLL[QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG_2])( hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, OUT (BYTE *)m_paSFA, cbBytesNeeded, OUT &cbBytesNeeded); // Compute how many bytes we need to allocate
if (!f) { // API failed, probably because buffer was too small
dwErr = ::GetLastError(); if (dwErr == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { Assert(cbBytesNeeded > sizeof(SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS)); cbBytesNeeded += 100; // Add extra bytes (just in case)
delete m_paSFA; // Free previously allocated memory
m_paSFA = (SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS *) new BYTE[cbBytesNeeded];
// Call the API again
TRACE2("# QueryServiceConfig2(%s, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS) [cbBytesNeeded=%u]...\n", m_pszServiceName, cbBytesNeeded); f = ((QUERYSERVICECONFIG2PROC)g_AdvApi32DLL[QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG_2])( hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, OUT (BYTE *)m_paSFA, // Get the actual failure/action data
cbBytesNeeded, OUT IGNORED &cbBytesNeeded); if (!f) { dwErr = ::GetLastError(); DoServicesErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, dwErr); } } } // if
if (f) { m_uFlags |= mskfValidSFA; // Make a copy of the data
memcpy(OUT &m_SFA, m_paSFA, sizeof(m_SFA)); } else { Assert(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS); TRACE2("Unable to get SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS (err=%u).\n ->Therefore Service Failure Actoin property page won't be added.\n", dwErr, m_pszServiceName); if (dwErr != 0) { DoServicesErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, dwErr); } ::ZeroMemory(OUT &m_SFA, sizeof(m_SFA)); }
// Extra processing to avoid nasty bugs
if (m_SFA.lpsaActions == NULL || m_SFA.cActions < cActionsMax) { if (m_SFA.cActions >= 1 && m_SFA.lpsaActions != NULL) { // 384647: We need to fill in something for the latter actions
// make them the same as the last real action
memcpy(OUT &(m_rgSA[0]), m_SFA.lpsaActions, m_SFA.cActions*sizeof(SC_ACTION)); for (int i = m_SFA.cActions; i < cActionsMax; i++) { memcpy(OUT &(m_rgSA[i]), &(m_SFA.lpsaActions[m_SFA.cActions-1]), sizeof(SC_ACTION) ); } } m_SFA.lpsaActions = m_rgSA; // Use an alternative failure/action array
m_SFA.cActions = cActionsMax; } m_strRunFileCommand = m_SFA.lpCommand; m_strRebootMessage = m_SFA.lpRebootMsg;
// Convert time units for the UI
m_secOriginalAbendCount = m_SFA.dwResetPeriod; m_daysOriginalAbendCount = CvtSecondsIntoDays(m_secOriginalAbendCount); m_daysDisplayAbendCount = m_daysOriginalAbendCount;
m_msecOriginalRestartService = GetDelayForActionType(SC_ACTION_RESTART, OUT &f); if (!f) // 1 minute default
m_msecOriginalRestartService = CvtMinutesIntoMilliseconds(1); m_minOriginalRestartService = CvtMillisecondsIntoMinutes(m_msecOriginalRestartService); m_minDisplayRestartService = m_minOriginalRestartService;
m_msecOriginalRebootComputer = GetDelayForActionType(SC_ACTION_REBOOT, OUT &f); if (!f) // 1 minute default
m_msecOriginalRebootComputer = CvtMinutesIntoMilliseconds(1); m_minOriginalRebootComputer = CvtMillisecondsIntoMinutes(m_msecOriginalRebootComputer); m_minDisplayRebootComputer = m_minOriginalRebootComputer;
// Check wherever all action type are "None"
m_fAllSfaTakeNoAction = FAllSfaTakeNoAction(); } // if (m_fQueryServiceConfig2)
VERIFY(::CloseServiceHandle(hService)); return fSuccess; } // CServicePropertyData::FQueryServiceInfo()
// FUpdateServiceInfo()
// Return TRUE if ALL the modified data were successfully written.
// Return FALSE if any error occured.
BOOL CServicePropertyData::FUpdateServiceInfo() { SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; BOOL f; BOOL fSkipPrivEnable = FALSE;
TRACE1("INFO: Updating data for service %s...\n", (LPCTSTR)m_strServiceDisplayName); // Re-open service control manager (in case it was closed)
if (!FOpenScManager()) { return FALSE; }
BOOL fRebootAction = FALSE; BOOL fRestartAction = FALSE; BOOL fChangedLogonAccountMessage = FALSE; if (m_uFlags & mskfValidSFA) { fRebootAction = !!QueryUsesActionType(SC_ACTION_REBOOT); fRestartAction = !!QueryUsesActionType(SC_ACTION_RESTART); } /*
** Open service with write access ** ** CODEWORK Could provide a more specific error message ** if SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG is available but not SERVICE_START */ hService = ::OpenService( m_hScManager, m_pszServiceName, SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | ((fRestartAction)?SERVICE_START:0) ); if (hService == NULL) { DoServicesErrMsgBox( ::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, ::GetLastError(), IDS_MSG_ss_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_WRITE_SERVICE, (LPCTSTR)m_strServiceName, (LPCTSTR)m_strUiMachineName); return FALSE; }
if (m_uFlags & ( #ifdef EDIT_DISPLAY_NAME_373025
mskfDirtyDisplayName | #endif // EDIT_DISPLAY_NAME_373025
mskfDirtyStartupType | mskfDirtyAccountName | mskfDirtyPassword | mskfDirtySvcType)) { TRACE1("# ChangeServiceConfig(%s)...\n", m_pszServiceName); Assert(m_paQSC != NULL); f = ::ChangeServiceConfig( hService, // Handle to service
(m_uFlags & mskfDirtySvcType) ? m_paQSC->dwServiceType : SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // Type of service
(m_uFlags & mskfDirtyStartupType) ? m_paQSC->dwStartType : SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // When/How to start service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // dwErrorControl - severity if service fails to start
NULL, // Pointer to service binary file name
NULL, // lpLoadOrderGroup - pointer to load ordering group name
NULL, // lpdwTagId - pointer to variable to get tag identifier
NULL, // lpDependencies - pointer to array of dependency names
(m_uFlags & mskfDirtyAccountName) ? (LPCTSTR)m_strLogOnAccountName : NULL, // Pointer to account name of service
(m_uFlags & mskfDirtyPassword) ? (LPCTSTR)m_strPassword : NULL, // Pointer to password for service account
m_strServiceDisplayName); if (!f) { DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError(); Assert(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS); TRACE2("ERR: ChangeServiceConfig(%s) failed. err=%u.\n", m_pszServiceName, dwErr);
if ( ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_ACCOUNT == dwErr && (m_paQSC->dwServiceType & SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS)) { DoServicesErrMsgBox( ::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, dwErr, IDS_MSG_s_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_WRITE_ACCT_INFO_DOWNLEVEL, (LPCTSTR)m_strServiceName, (LPCTSTR)m_strLogOnAccountName, (LPCTSTR)m_strUiMachineName); } else DoServicesErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, dwErr); fSkipPrivEnable = TRUE; fSuccess = FALSE; } else if (m_uFlags & mskfDirtyAccountName) { fChangedLogonAccountMessage = TRUE; } } // if
#ifdef EDIT_DISPLAY_NAME_373025
if ( (m_uFlags & mskfDirtyDescription) && m_fQueryServiceConfig2) // // JonN 03/07/00: PREFIX 56276
{ /*
** Write the service description */ TRACE1("# ChangeServiceConfig2(%s, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION)...\n", m_pszServiceName); SERVICE_DESCRIPTION sd; sd.lpDescription = const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCTSTR)m_strDescription); f = ((CHANGESERVICECONFIG2PROC)g_AdvApi32DLL[CHANGE_SERVICE_CONFIG_2])( hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, IN &sd); if (!f) { DoServicesErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, ::GetLastError()); fSuccess = FALSE; } // if
} // if
#endif // EDIT_DISPLAY_NAME_373025
if (m_uFlags & mskfDirtyActionType) { // The idea here is to find out if any of the action type has
// been modified by the user. For instance, the user may
// change the action type to a specific action and then set
// it back to where it was originally.
if (m_fAllSfaTakeNoAction && FAllSfaTakeNoAction()) { TRACE0("# No changes detected in Recovery Action Type"); // Turn off the mskfDirtyActionType flag
m_uFlags &= ~mskfDirtyActionType; } } // if
if ((m_uFlags & (mskfDirtySFA | mskfDirtyRunFile | mskfDirtyRebootMessage | mskfDirtyActionType)) && m_fQueryServiceConfig2) // JonN 03/07/00: PREFIX 56276
{ /*
** Write the service failure actions */
AnirudhS 1/24/97 Sure, [zero is] a reasonable default delay time to display [for SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND]. Or, you could make it something like 5 seconds or whatever. The point of the delay time is to reduce the CPU impact of a service that continuously crashes and gets restarted. This makes the most sense for SC_ACTION_RESTART. For SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND the admin could have the command itself introduce its own delay. */ TRACE1("# ChangeServiceConfig2(%s, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS)...\n", m_pszServiceName);
Assert(m_fQueryServiceConfig2); Assert(m_uFlags & mskfValidSFA);
UINT secNewAbendCount = m_secOriginalAbendCount; if (m_daysDisplayAbendCount != m_daysOriginalAbendCount) secNewAbendCount = CvtDaysIntoSeconds(m_daysDisplayAbendCount); UINT msecNewRestartService = m_msecOriginalRestartService; if (m_minDisplayRestartService != m_minOriginalRestartService) msecNewRestartService = CvtMinutesIntoMilliseconds(m_minDisplayRestartService); UINT msecNewRebootComputer = m_msecOriginalRebootComputer; if (m_minDisplayRebootComputer != m_minOriginalRebootComputer) msecNewRebootComputer = CvtMinutesIntoMilliseconds(m_minDisplayRebootComputer);
m_SFA.dwResetPeriod = secNewAbendCount; SetDelayForActionType(SC_ACTION_RESTART, msecNewRestartService); SetDelayForActionType(SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND, 0); SetDelayForActionType(SC_ACTION_REBOOT, msecNewRebootComputer); m_SFA.lpCommand = (m_uFlags & mskfDirtyRunFile) ? (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_strRunFileCommand : NULL; m_SFA.lpRebootMsg = (m_uFlags & mskfDirtyRebootMessage) ? (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_strRebootMessage : NULL;
// The Service Controller will not permit us to set any
// service failure action to Reboot unless our process token
Impersonator priv; if (fRebootAction) priv.ClaimPrivilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE);
f = ((CHANGESERVICECONFIG2PROC)g_AdvApi32DLL[CHANGE_SERVICE_CONFIG_2])( hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, IN (void *)&m_SFA); if (!f) { DoServicesErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, ::GetLastError()); fSuccess = FALSE; } // if
else { // We have successfully written the data, so refresh flag m_fAllSfaTakeNoAction
m_secOriginalAbendCount = secNewAbendCount; m_daysOriginalAbendCount = m_daysDisplayAbendCount; m_msecOriginalRestartService = msecNewRestartService; m_minOriginalRestartService = m_minDisplayRestartService; m_msecOriginalRebootComputer = msecNewRebootComputer; m_minOriginalRebootComputer = m_minDisplayRebootComputer; m_fAllSfaTakeNoAction = FAllSfaTakeNoAction(); } } // if
if (!fSkipPrivEnable && (m_uFlags & mskfDirtyAccountName) && (0 != lstrcmpi(m_strLogOnAccountName,_T("LocalSystem"))) ) // CODEWORK 317039
{ /*
** Make sure there is an LSA account with POLICY_MODE_SERVICE privilege ** This function reports its own errors, failure is only advisory */ FCheckLSAAccount(); } // if
if (fChangedLogonAccountMessage && hService) { // check whether the service is running
SERVICE_STATUS ss; if (!::QueryServiceStatus(hService, OUT &ss)) { TRACE3("QueryServiceStatus(%s [hService=%p]) failed. err=%u.\n", m_pszServiceName, hService, GetLastError()); } else if (SERVICE_STOPPED == ss.dwCurrentState) { // the service is stopped so there is no need for this message
// when in doubt (SERVICE_anythingelse), go ahead and display the message
fChangedLogonAccountMessage = FALSE; } } VERIFY(::CloseServiceHandle(hService)); NotifySnapInParent(); if (fChangedLogonAccountMessage) { DoServicesErrMsgBox( ::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, 0, IDS_CHANGED_LOGON_NAME); } return fSuccess; } // FUpdateServiceInfo()
// FOnApply()
// Return FALSE if some data could not be written.
// Otherwise return TRUE.
BOOL CServicePropertyData::FOnApply() { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; if (!FChangeHardwareProfileEntries()) { // Error writing the modified hardware profile(s)
fSuccess = FALSE; } if ((m_uFlags & mskmDirtyAll) == 0) { // Nothing has been modified, so we are done
return fSuccess; } if (!FUpdateServiceInfo()) { fSuccess = FALSE; } if (fSuccess) { (void)FQueryServiceInfo(); } return fSuccess; } // FOnApply()
// NotifySnapInParent()
// This function is used to notify the parent the properties has
// been modified. The parent will then refresh the list.
// This notifcation is asynchronous. The recipient of this
// notification required to release the data object.
void CServicePropertyData::NotifySnapInParent() { /*
FILEMGMTPROPERTYCHANGE propchange; ::ZeroMemory( &propchange, sizeof(propchange) ); propchange.fServiceChange = TRUE; propchange.lpcszMachineName = (LPCTSTR)m_strMachineName;
// Tell all views to clear contents
propchange.fClear = TRUE; MMCPropertyChangeNotify( m_lNotifyHandle, reinterpret_cast<long>(&propchange) );
// Tell all views to reload contents
propchange.fClear = FALSE; MMCPropertyChangeNotify( m_lNotifyHandle, reinterpret_cast<long>(&propchange) ); */ Assert(m_spDataObject != NULL); (void) m_spDataObject->AddRef(); MMCPropertyChangeNotify( m_lNotifyHandle, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>((LPDATAOBJECT)m_spDataObject) ); }
void CServicePropertyData::FlushHardwareProfileEntries() { delete m_paHardwareProfileEntryList; // Recursively delete hardware profile entries
m_paHardwareProfileEntryList = NULL; }
// FQueryHardwareProfileEntries()
// Read the available hardware profiles and device instances
// used to fill in the listbox.
// Return FALSE if an error occured, otherwise TRUE.
// If no hardware profiles are available return TRUE.
BOOL CServicePropertyData::FQueryHardwareProfileEntries() { Endorse(m_hMachine == NULL); // This might happen e.g. if PNP is stopped
FlushHardwareProfileEntries(); Assert(m_paHardwareProfileEntryList == NULL); if (m_hMachine == NULL && !m_strMachineName.IsEmpty()) // JonN 2/14/01 315244
{ // Cannot enumerate hw profiles
return FALSE; }
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; CONFIGRET cr; ULONG cchDeviceList = 0; // Number of characters required to store a list of all device identifiers
TCHAR * pagrszDeviceNameList = NULL; // Pointer to allocated group of strings
LPTSTR * pargzpszDeviceName = NULL; // Pointer to allocated array of strings
CString * pargstrDeviceNameFriendly = NULL; // Pointer to allocated array of CString
DEVNODE hDevNodeInst; // Handle to a device node instance
INT iDevNodeInst; // Index of the device node instance
INT cDevNodeInst = 0; // Number of device node instances
INT iHwProfile; // Get the size, in characters, of a list of device identifiers
// necessary for a call to CM_Get_Device_ID_List()
cr = ::CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size_Ex( OUT &cchDeviceList, IN m_pszServiceName, IN CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_SERVICE, IN m_hMachine); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { if (cr == CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE) { // This service cannot be disabled for hardware profiles
Assert(m_paHardwareProfileEntryList == NULL); // No hardware profiles in the list
return TRUE; } else { ReportCfgMgrError(cr); } return FALSE; } // if
// Allocate memory for the device list
cchDeviceList += 100; // Just in case
// "pagrsz" == "p" + "a" + "gr" + "sz" == pointer to allocated group of string zero terminated
pagrszDeviceNameList = new TCHAR[cchDeviceList];
// Get the list of devices in its grsz format
cr = ::CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Ex( IN m_pszServiceName, OUT pagrszDeviceNameList, IN cchDeviceList, CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_SERVICE, m_hMachine); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { ReportCfgMgrError(cr); goto DoCleanup; }
// Parse the group of strings int an array of strings
pargzpszDeviceName = PargzpszFromPgrsz(pagrszDeviceNameList, OUT &cDevNodeInst); Assert(cDevNodeInst > 0); // Now allocate an array of CStrings for the friendly names
pargstrDeviceNameFriendly = new CString[cDevNodeInst]; // We only show the hw profile instance if there are more than one node instance
m_fShowHwProfileInstances = (cDevNodeInst > 1); // m_fShowHwProfileInstances = TRUE;
m_iSubItemHwProfileStatus = 1 + m_fShowHwProfileInstances; for (iDevNodeInst = 0; iDevNodeInst < cDevNodeInst; iDevNodeInst++) { Assert(pargzpszDeviceName[iDevNodeInst] != NULL); // Little consistency check
TCHAR szFriendlyNameT[2048]; // Temporary buffer to hold friendly name
ULONG cbBufferLen = sizeof(szFriendlyNameT);
// Get the handle of the device instance that corresponds
// to the specified device identifier.
cr = ::CM_Locate_DevNode_Ex( OUT &hDevNodeInst, IN pargzpszDeviceName[iDevNodeInst], CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_PHANTOM, m_hMachine); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { ReportCfgMgrError(cr); goto DoCleanup; }
szFriendlyNameT[0] = '\0'; // Get the friendly name of the device node
cr = ::CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_Ex( hDevNodeInst, CM_DRP_FRIENDLYNAME, NULL, OUT szFriendlyNameT, INOUT &cbBufferLen, 0, m_hMachine); Report(cr != CR_BUFFER_SMALL); if (cr == CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE || cr == CR_INVALID_PROPERTY) { // No friendly name for device node, so try to get the description instead
cbBufferLen = sizeof(szFriendlyNameT); cr = ::CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_Ex( hDevNodeInst, CM_DRP_DEVICEDESC, NULL, OUT szFriendlyNameT, INOUT &cbBufferLen, 0, m_hMachine); Report(cr != CR_BUFFER_SMALL); Report(!(cr == CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE || cr == CR_INVALID_PROPERTY) && "Device node should have a description"); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { ReportCfgMgrError(cr); goto DoCleanup; } } // if
if (szFriendlyNameT[0] == '\0') { Report(FALSE && "Device node should have a friendly name"); // Make a 'friendly' name ourselves
lstrcpy(OUT szFriendlyNameT, pargzpszDeviceName[iDevNodeInst]); } // Make a copy of the friendly name
pargstrDeviceNameFriendly[iDevNodeInst] = szFriendlyNameT; } // for
#define MAX_HW_PROFILES 10000000 // Just in case of an infinite loop
for (iHwProfile = 0; iHwProfile < MAX_HW_PROFILES; iHwProfile++) { HWPROFILEINFO hpi;
cr = ::CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info_Ex( iHwProfile, OUT &hpi, 0, m_hMachine); if (cr == CR_NO_MORE_HW_PROFILES) break; if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { if (cr == 0xBAADF00D) { TRACE0("INFO: CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info_Ex() returned error 0xBAADF00D.\n"); // This is a workaround for bug #69142: CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info_Ex() returns error 0xBAADF00D.
Assert((m_uFlags & mskfErrorBAADF00D) == 0); m_uFlags |= mskfErrorBAADF00D; } else { ReportCfgMgrError(cr); } goto DoCleanup; } for (iDevNodeInst = 0; iDevNodeInst < cDevNodeInst; iDevNodeInst++) { Assert(pargzpszDeviceName[iDevNodeInst] != NULL); // Little consistency check
ULONG uHwFlags = 0; // Get the hardware profile flags for the given device instance
cr = ::CM_Get_HW_Prof_Flags_Ex( IN pargzpszDeviceName[iDevNodeInst], IN hpi.HWPI_ulHWProfile, OUT &uHwFlags, 0, m_hMachine); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { ReportCfgMgrError(cr); goto DoCleanup; } // If this profile/devinst is marked as 'removed'
// then don't display it into the UI.
if (uHwFlags & CSCONFIGFLAG_DO_NOT_CREATE) continue;
CHardwareProfileEntry * pHPE = new CHardwareProfileEntry( &hpi, uHwFlags, pargzpszDeviceName[iDevNodeInst], &pargstrDeviceNameFriendly[iDevNodeInst]); pHPE->m_pNext = m_paHardwareProfileEntryList; m_paHardwareProfileEntryList = pHPE;
} // for (each device instance)
} // for (each hardware profile
Assert(fSuccess == FALSE); fSuccess = TRUE; DoCleanup: // Free memory allocated by routine
delete pagrszDeviceNameList; delete pargzpszDeviceName; delete []pargstrDeviceNameFriendly; return fSuccess; } // FQueryHardwareProfileEntries()
// Write the modified hardware profile(s) back into
// the registry.
BOOL CServicePropertyData::FChangeHardwareProfileEntries() { CHardwareProfileEntry * pHPE; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
for (pHPE = m_paHardwareProfileEntryList; pHPE != NULL; pHPE = pHPE->m_pNext) { if (!pHPE->FWriteHardwareProfile(m_hMachine)) { // Unable to write the given hw profile
fSuccess = FALSE; } } // for
return fSuccess; } // FChangeHardwareProfileEntries()
// Find the delay (in milliseconds) unit for a given action type
// Return the delay of the first matching actiontype,
// Otherwise return 0 and set content of pfFound to FALSE.
UINT CServicePropertyData::GetDelayForActionType( SC_ACTION_TYPE actionType, BOOL * pfDelayFound) // OUT: OPTIONAL: TRUE => If delay was found in one actiontype
{ for (UINT iAction = 0; iAction < m_SFA.cActions; iAction++) { Assert(m_SFA.lpsaActions != NULL); if (m_SFA.lpsaActions[iAction].Type == actionType) { if (pfDelayFound != NULL) *pfDelayFound = TRUE; return m_SFA.lpsaActions[iAction].Delay; } } // for
// Delay not found
if (pfDelayFound != NULL) *pfDelayFound = FALSE; return 0; } // CServicePropertyData::GetDelayForActionType()
// Set the delay for every matching actiontype.
void CServicePropertyData::SetDelayForActionType(SC_ACTION_TYPE actionType, UINT uDelay) { for (UINT iAction = 0; iAction < m_SFA.cActions; iAction++) { Assert(m_SFA.lpsaActions != NULL); if (m_SFA.lpsaActions[iAction].Type == actionType) m_SFA.lpsaActions[iAction].Delay = uDelay; } // for
} // CServicePropertyData::SetDelayForActionType()
// Count the number of actiontype used in the SFA structure.
// Return zero if the actiontype is not in use.
UINT CServicePropertyData::QueryUsesActionType(SC_ACTION_TYPE actionType) { UINT cActionType = 0; // Number
for (UINT iAction = 0; iAction < m_SFA.cActions; iAction++) { Assert(m_SFA.lpsaActions != NULL); if (m_SFA.lpsaActions[iAction].Type == actionType) cActionType++; } // for
return cActionType; } // CServicePropertyData::QueryUsesActionType()
// FAllSfaTakeNoAction()
// Return TRUE if all the Service Faillure Actions are SC_ACTION_NONE.
// If any of the SFA is other than SC_ACTION_NONE, return TRUE.
BOOL CServicePropertyData::FAllSfaTakeNoAction() { Report(QueryUsesActionType(SC_ACTION_NONE) <= cActionsMax && "UNSUAL: Unsupported number of action types"); return QueryUsesActionType(SC_ACTION_NONE) == cActionsMax; } // CServicePropertyData::FAllSfaTakeNoAction()
// Update the caption of the property sheet to reflect changes
// in the service display name.
void CServicePropertyData::UpdateCaption() { Assert(IsWindow(m_hwndPropertySheet)); ::SetWindowTextPrintf( m_hwndPropertySheet, IDS_ss_PROPERTIES_ON, (LPCTSTR)m_strServiceDisplayName, (LPCTSTR)m_strUiMachineName); }
CHardwareProfileEntry::CHardwareProfileEntry( IN CONST HWPROFILEINFO * phpi, IN ULONG uHwFlags, TCHAR * pszDeviceName, CString * pstrDeviceNameFriendly) { Assert(phpi != NULL); Assert(pszDeviceName != NULL); Assert(pstrDeviceNameFriendly != NULL);
memcpy(OUT &m_hpi, phpi, sizeof(m_hpi)); m_uHwFlags = uHwFlags; m_strDeviceName = pszDeviceName; m_strDeviceNameFriendly = *pstrDeviceNameFriendly; Assert(!m_strDeviceName.IsEmpty()); m_fReadOnly = FALSE; m_fEnabled = !(uHwFlags & CSCONFIGFLAG_DISABLED); } // CHardwareProfileEntry()
CHardwareProfileEntry::~CHardwareProfileEntry() { // Recursively delete the siblings
delete m_pNext; }
// FWriteHardwareProfile()
// Write the current hardware profile back into the
// registry.
// Return FALSE if an error occured, otherwise TRUE
BOOL CHardwareProfileEntry::FWriteHardwareProfile(HMACHINE hMachine) { Endorse(hMachine == NULL); // JonN 2/14/01 315244
CONFIGRET cr; ULONG uHwFlags; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
uHwFlags = m_uHwFlags | CSCONFIGFLAG_DISABLED; if (m_fEnabled) uHwFlags &= ~CSCONFIGFLAG_DISABLED; if (m_uHwFlags == uHwFlags) { // Flags have not been modified, nothing to do
return TRUE; } m_uHwFlags = uHwFlags;
// Write the hardware profile flag
cr = ::CM_Set_HW_Prof_Flags_Ex( IN const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCTSTR)m_strDeviceName), IN m_hpi.HWPI_ulHWProfile, IN uHwFlags, IN 0, IN hMachine); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS && cr != CR_NEED_RESTART) { ReportCfgMgrError(cr); fSuccess = FALSE; } // Read it back (just in case of an error
cr = ::CM_Get_HW_Prof_Flags_Ex( IN const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCTSTR)m_strDeviceName), IN m_hpi.HWPI_ulHWProfile, OUT &uHwFlags, IN 0, IN hMachine); if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { ReportCfgMgrError(cr); fSuccess = FALSE; }
if (uHwFlags != m_uHwFlags) { Report(FALSE && "Inconsistent hardware profile flags from registry"); } m_fEnabled = !(uHwFlags & CSCONFIGFLAG_DISABLED); return fSuccess; } // FWriteHardwareProfile()
BOOL MyChangeServiceConfig2( BOOL* pfDllPresentLocally, // will set to FALSE if new ADVAPI32 not present
SC_HANDLE hService, // handle to service
DWORD dwInfoLevel, // which configuration information to change
LPVOID lpInfo // pointer to configuration information
) { *pfDllPresentLocally = g_AdvApi32DLL.LoadFunctionPointers(); if ( *pfDllPresentLocally ) { return ((CHANGESERVICECONFIG2PROC)g_AdvApi32DLL[CHANGE_SERVICE_CONFIG_2])( hService, dwInfoLevel, lpInfo ); } return FALSE; } BOOL MyQueryServiceConfig2( BOOL* pfDllPresentLocally, // will set to FALSE if new ADVAPI32 not present
SC_HANDLE hService, // handle of service
DWORD dwInfoLevel, // which configuration data is requested
LPBYTE lpBuffer, // pointer to service configuration buffer
DWORD cbBufSize, // size of service configuration buffer
LPDWORD pcbBytesNeeded // address of variable for bytes needed
) { *pfDllPresentLocally = g_AdvApi32DLL.LoadFunctionPointers(); if ( *pfDllPresentLocally ) { return ((QUERYSERVICECONFIG2PROC)g_AdvApi32DLL[QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG_2])( hService, dwInfoLevel, lpBuffer, cbBufSize, pcbBytesNeeded ); } return FALSE; }
// core code taken from \nt\private\windows\base\advapi\logon32.c
// not subject to localization
static LPCSTR g_apchNtRtlFunctionNames[] = { "RtlImpersonateSelf", "RtlAdjustPrivilege", NULL };
// not subject to localization
DynamicDLL g_NtRtlDLL( _T("NTDLL.DLL"), g_apchNtRtlFunctionNames );
Impersonator::Impersonator() : m_fImpersonating( FALSE ) { }
void Impersonator::ClaimPrivilege(DWORD dwPrivilege) { if ( !g_NtRtlDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) { ASSERT(FALSE); // NTDLL not present?
return; } NTSTATUS Status = S_OK; if (!m_fImpersonating) { Status = ((RTLIMPERSONATESELFPROC)g_NtRtlDLL[RTL_IMPERSONATE_SELF])( SecurityImpersonation ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { ASSERT(FALSE); // probably stacked impersonations
return; } m_fImpersonating = TRUE; } BOOLEAN fWasEnabled = FALSE; Status = ((RTLADJUSTPRIVILEGEPROC)g_NtRtlDLL[RTL_ADJUST_PRIVILEGE])( dwPrivilege,TRUE,TRUE,&fWasEnabled ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { // don't assert
} }
void Impersonator::ReleasePrivilege() { if (m_fImpersonating) { VERIFY( ::RevertToSelf() ); m_fImpersonating = FALSE; } }
Impersonator::~Impersonator() { ReleasePrivilege(); }