Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the files property page.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "smlogs.h"
#include "smcfgmsg.h"
#include "smlogqry.h"
#include "FileLogs.h"
#include "sqlprop.h"
#include "fileprop.h"
#include "globals.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CFilesProperty property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CFilesProperty, CSmPropertyPage)
CFilesProperty::CFilesProperty(MMC_COOKIE mmcCookie, LONG_PTR hConsole) : CSmPropertyPage ( CFilesProperty::IDD, hConsole ) { // ::OutputDebugStringA("\nCFilesProperty::CFilesProperty");
// save pointers from arg list
m_pLogQuery = reinterpret_cast <CSmLogQuery *>(mmcCookie); m_dwSuffixValue = 0; m_dwLogFileTypeValue = 0; m_dwAppendMode = 0; m_dwMaxSizeInternal = 0; m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = 0; // EnableAutomation();
m_iLogFileType = -1; m_dwSuffix = -1; m_dwSerialNumber = 1; m_bAutoNameSuffix = FALSE; m_bOverWriteFile = FALSE; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
CFilesProperty::CFilesProperty() : CSmPropertyPage ( CFilesProperty::IDD ) { ASSERT (FALSE); // only the constructor with args above should be used
EnableAutomation(); m_dwSuffixValue = 0; m_dwAppendMode = 0; m_dwMaxSizeInternal = 0; m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = 0; // //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CFilesProperty)
m_iLogFileType = -1; m_dwSuffix = -1; m_dwSerialNumber = 1; m_bAutoNameSuffix = FALSE; m_bOverWriteFile = FALSE; // //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
// CString variables are empty on construction.
CFilesProperty::~CFilesProperty() { // ::OutputDebugStringA("\nCFilesProperty::~CFilesProperty");
void CFilesProperty::OnFinalRelease() { // When the last reference for an automation object is released
// OnFinalRelease is called. The base class will automatically
// deletes the object. Add additional cleanup required for your
// object before calling the base class.
CPropertyPage::OnFinalRelease(); }
void CFilesProperty::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CString strTemp;
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CFilesProperty)
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_FILES_COMMENT_EDIT, m_strCommentText); DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_strCommentText, MAX_PATH); DDX_CBIndex(pDX, IDC_FILES_LOG_TYPE_COMBO, m_iLogFileType); DDX_CBIndex(pDX, IDC_FILES_SUFFIX_COMBO, m_dwSuffix); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_FILES_AUTO_SUFFIX_CHK, m_bAutoNameSuffix); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_FILES_OVERWRITE_CHK, m_bOverWriteFile); ValidateTextEdit(pDX, IDC_FILES_FIRST_SERIAL_EDIT, 6, (DWORD *) & m_dwSerialNumber, eMinFirstSerial, eMaxFirstSerial); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
if ( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate ) { m_dwLogFileTypeValue = (DWORD)((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_LOG_TYPE_COMBO))->GetItemData(m_iLogFileType); if ( m_bAutoNameSuffix ) { m_dwSuffixValue = (DWORD)((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_SUFFIX_COMBO))->GetItemData(m_dwSuffix); } } }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFilesProperty, CSmPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CFilesProperty)
BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CFilesProperty, CSmPropertyPage) //{{AFX_DISPATCH_MAP(CFilesProperty)
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// Note: we add support for IID_IFilesProperty to support typesafe binding
// from VBA. This IID must match the GUID that is attached to the
// dispinterface in the .ODL file.
// {65154EAB-BDBE-11D1-BF99-00C04F94A83A}
static const IID IID_IFilesProperty = { 0x65154eab, 0xbdbe, 0x11d1, { 0xbf, 0x99, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x94, 0xa8, 0x3a } };
BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP(CFilesProperty, CSmPropertyPage) INTERFACE_PART(CFilesProperty, IID_IFilesProperty, Dispatch) END_INTERFACE_MAP()
void CFilesProperty::EnableSerialNumber( void ) { BOOL bEnable = ( SLF_NAME_NNNNNN == m_dwSuffixValue ); if ( bEnable ) bEnable = m_bAutoNameSuffix;
GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_FIRST_SERIAL_CAPTION)->EnableWindow( bEnable ); GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_FIRST_SERIAL_EDIT)->EnableWindow( bEnable );
BOOL CFilesProperty::UpdateSampleFileName( void ) { CString strCompositeName; BOOL bIsValid = TRUE; DWORD dwLocalSuffixValue = SLF_NAME_NONE;
ResourceStateManager rsm; if (m_bAutoNameSuffix) { dwLocalSuffixValue = m_dwSuffixValue; }
CreateSampleFileName ( m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), m_pLogQuery->GetLogService()->GetMachineName(), m_strFolderName, m_strFileBaseName, m_strSqlName, dwLocalSuffixValue, m_dwLogFileTypeValue, m_dwSerialNumber, strCompositeName ); m_strSampleFileName = strCompositeName;
// Or call UpdateData ( FALSE );
SetDlgItemText (IDC_FILES_SAMPLE_DISPLAY, strCompositeName);
// Clear the selection
((CEdit*)GetDlgItem( IDC_FILES_SAMPLE_DISPLAY ))->SetSel ( -1, FALSE );
if ( MAX_PATH <= m_strSampleFileName.GetLength() ) { bIsValid = FALSE; }
return bIsValid; }
void CFilesProperty::HandleLogTypeChange() { int nSel; nSel = ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_LOG_TYPE_COMBO))->GetCurSel();
// nSel != m_iLogFileType determines data change.
if ((nSel != LB_ERR) && (nSel != m_iLogFileType)) {
UpdateData( TRUE );
if ( SLF_BIN_FILE != m_dwLogFileTypeValue && SLF_SEQ_TRACE_FILE != m_dwLogFileTypeValue ) { GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_OVERWRITE_CHK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_OVERWRITE_CHK)->EnableWindow( TRUE ); } OnOverWriteChk();
EnableSerialNumber(); UpdateSampleFileName(); SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
BOOL CFilesProperty::IsValidLocalData() { BOOL bIsValid = TRUE; CString strTest; eValueRange eMaxFileSize;
ResourceStateManager rsm;
// assumes UpdateData has been called
if ( !UpdateSampleFileName() ) { CString strMessage; strMessage.LoadString ( IDS_FILE_ERR_NAMETOOLONG ); MessageBox ( strMessage, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); bIsValid = FALSE; m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = IDC_FILES_FILENAME_EDIT; OnCfgBtn(); }
if ( bIsValid ) { if ( m_strFolderName.IsEmpty() && (SLF_SQL_LOG != m_dwLogFileTypeValue)) { CString strMessage; strMessage.LoadString ( IDS_FILE_ERR_NOFOLDERNAME ); MessageBox ( strMessage, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); bIsValid = FALSE; m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = IDC_FILES_FOLDER_EDIT; OnCfgBtn(); } }
if ( bIsValid ) { if ( SLF_SQL_LOG != m_dwLogFileTypeValue ) { if ( m_strFileBaseName.IsEmpty() && !m_bAutoNameSuffix ) { CString strMessage; strMessage.LoadString ( IDS_FILE_ERR_NOFILENAME ); MessageBox ( strMessage, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); bIsValid = FALSE; m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = IDC_FILES_FILENAME_EDIT; OnCfgBtn(); }
if ( bIsValid ) { if ( !FileNameIsValid ( &m_strFileBaseName ) ) { CString strMessage; strMessage.LoadString (IDS_ERRMSG_INVALIDCHAR); MessageBox( strMessage, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK| MB_ICONERROR ); bIsValid = FALSE; m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = IDC_FILES_FILENAME_EDIT; OnCfgBtn(); } } } else {
ExtractDSN ( strTest ); if ( strTest.IsEmpty() ) { CString strMessage; strMessage.LoadString ( IDS_SQL_ERR_NODSN ); MessageBox ( strMessage, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); bIsValid = FALSE; m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = IDC_SQL_DSN_COMBO; OnCfgBtn(); }
if ( bIsValid ) {
ExtractLogSetName ( strTest ); if ( strTest.IsEmpty() && !m_bAutoNameSuffix ) { CString strMessage; strMessage.LoadString ( IDS_SQL_ERR_NOLOGSETNAME ); MessageBox ( strMessage, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); bIsValid = FALSE; m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = IDC_SQL_LOG_SET_EDIT; OnCfgBtn(); } else if ( !FileNameIsValid ( &strTest ) ){ CString strMessage; strMessage.LoadString (IDS_ERRMSG_INVALIDCHAR); MessageBox( strMessage, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK| MB_ICONERROR ); bIsValid = FALSE; m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = IDC_SQL_LOG_SET_EDIT; OnCfgBtn(); } } } }
// Validate max log file size based on log file type
if (bIsValid) { if ( SLQ_DISK_MAX_SIZE != m_dwMaxSizeInternal ) { if ( SLF_BIN_FILE == m_dwLogFileTypeValue ) { eMaxFileSize = eMaxCtrSeqBinFileLimit; } else if ( SLF_SEQ_TRACE_FILE == m_dwLogFileTypeValue ) { eMaxFileSize = eMaxTrcSeqBinFileLimit; } else if ( SLF_SQL_LOG == m_dwLogFileTypeValue ) { eMaxFileSize = eMaxSqlRecordsLimit; } else { eMaxFileSize = eMaxFileLimit; }
bIsValid = ValidateDWordInterval(IDC_CFG_BTN, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), (long) m_dwMaxSizeInternal, eMinFileLimit, eMaxFileSize); if ( !bIsValid ) { if ( SLF_SQL_LOG == m_dwLogFileTypeValue ) { m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = IDC_SQL_SIZE_LIMIT_EDIT; } else { m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = IDC_FILES_SIZE_LIMIT_EDIT; } OnCfgBtn(); }
} }
if (bIsValid) { bIsValid = ValidateDWordInterval(IDC_FILES_FIRST_SERIAL_EDIT, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), (long) m_dwSerialNumber, eMinFirstSerial, eMaxFirstSerial); }
return bIsValid; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CFilesProperty message handlers
void CFilesProperty::OnCancel() { m_pLogQuery->SyncPropPageSharedData(); // Clear the memory shared between property pages.
BOOL CFilesProperty::OnApply() { BOOL bContinue = TRUE; ResourceStateManager rsm; // load data from dialog
bContinue = UpdateData (TRUE);
if ( bContinue ) { bContinue = IsValidData(m_pLogQuery, VALIDATE_APPLY ); }
if ( bContinue ) { bContinue = SampleTimeIsLessThanSessionTime ( m_pLogQuery ); }
// pass data to the query object
if ( bContinue ) { bContinue = UpdateSharedData( TRUE ); }
if ( bContinue ) { m_pLogQuery->SetLogComment(m_strCommentText); m_pLogQuery->SetFileNameParts(m_strFolderName, m_strFileBaseName); m_pLogQuery->SetSqlName(m_strSqlName); if ( TRUE == m_bAutoNameSuffix ) { m_pLogQuery->SetFileNameAutoFormat(m_dwSuffixValue); } else { m_pLogQuery->SetFileNameAutoFormat(SLF_NAME_NONE); }
m_pLogQuery->SetFileSerialNumber( m_dwSerialNumber ); m_pLogQuery->SetMaxSize(m_dwMaxSizeInternal);
// Save property page shared data.
if ( LOWORD(m_dwLogFileTypeValue) == SLF_BIN_FILE || SLF_SEQ_TRACE_FILE == LOWORD(m_dwLogFileTypeValue) ) { if ( m_bOverWriteFile ) { m_pLogQuery->SetDataStoreAppendMode( SLF_DATA_STORE_OVERWRITE ); } else { m_pLogQuery->SetDataStoreAppendMode( SLF_DATA_STORE_APPEND ); } } else { if ( SLF_SQL_LOG == LOWORD(m_dwLogFileTypeValue) ) { m_pLogQuery->SetDataStoreAppendMode ( SLF_DATA_STORE_APPEND ); } else { m_pLogQuery->SetDataStoreAppendMode ( SLF_DATA_STORE_OVERWRITE ); } }
m_pLogQuery->SetLogFileType ( m_dwLogFileTypeValue );
if ( bContinue ) { bContinue = Apply(m_pLogQuery); }
bContinue = CPropertyPage::OnApply(); // Sync the service with changes.
if ( bContinue ) { bContinue = UpdateService( m_pLogQuery, FALSE );
if ( bContinue ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CWaitCursor WaitCursor; // Service might have changed the serial number, so sync it.
// Don't sync data that is modified by other pages.
m_pLogQuery->SyncSerialNumberWithRegistry(); m_dwSerialNumber = m_pLogQuery->GetFileSerialNumber(); } } }
return bContinue; }
BOOL CFilesProperty::OnInitDialog() { UINT nIndex; CString strComboBoxString; CComboBox *pCombo; UINT nResult; DWORD dwEntries; PCOMBO_BOX_DATA_MAP pCbData;
ResourceStateManager rsm;
m_strLogName = m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(); m_pLogQuery->GetLogComment ( m_strCommentText );
// Why get max size internal when it is in the shared data?
// This should not be a problem, because only this page
// modifies the value, and GetMaxSize is only called in OnInitDialog.
m_dwMaxSizeInternal = m_pLogQuery->GetMaxSize(); // load log file type combo box
m_pLogQuery->GetLogFileType ( m_dwLogFileTypeValue ); m_pLogQuery->GetDataStoreAppendMode ( dwEntries );
m_bOverWriteFile = ( SLF_DATA_STORE_OVERWRITE == dwEntries ); if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == m_pLogQuery->GetLogType() ) { dwEntries = dwTraceFileTypeComboEntries; pCbData = (PCOMBO_BOX_DATA_MAP)&TraceFileTypeCombo[0]; } else { dwEntries = dwFileTypeComboEntries; pCbData = (PCOMBO_BOX_DATA_MAP)&FileTypeCombo[0]; } pCombo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_LOG_TYPE_COMBO); pCombo->ResetContent(); for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < dwEntries; nIndex++) { strComboBoxString.LoadString( pCbData[nIndex].nResId ); nResult = pCombo->InsertString (nIndex, (LPCWSTR)strComboBoxString); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); nResult = pCombo->SetItemData (nIndex, (DWORD)pCbData[nIndex].nData); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); // set log type in combo box here
if (m_dwLogFileTypeValue == (int)(pCbData[nIndex].nData)) { m_iLogFileType = nIndex; nResult = pCombo->SetCurSel(nIndex); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); if ( SLF_BIN_FILE != m_dwLogFileTypeValue && SLF_SEQ_TRACE_FILE != m_dwLogFileTypeValue ) { GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_OVERWRITE_CHK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_OVERWRITE_CHK)->EnableWindow( TRUE ); } } }
m_pLogQuery->GetFileNameParts ( m_strFolderName, m_strFileBaseName ); m_pLogQuery->GetSqlName ( m_strSqlName );
m_dwSerialNumber = m_pLogQuery->GetFileSerialNumber(); // load the filename suffix combo box here
m_dwSuffixValue = m_pLogQuery->GetFileNameAutoFormat();
pCombo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_SUFFIX_COMBO); pCombo->ResetContent(); for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < dwFileNameSuffixComboEntries; nIndex++) { strComboBoxString.LoadString ( FileNameSuffixCombo[nIndex].nResId ); nResult = pCombo->InsertString (nIndex, (LPCWSTR)strComboBoxString); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); pCombo->SetItemData (nIndex, (DWORD)FileNameSuffixCombo[nIndex].nData); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); // set the correct entry in the combo box here
if (m_dwSuffixValue == (int)(FileNameSuffixCombo[nIndex].nData)) { m_dwSuffix = nIndex; nResult = pCombo->SetCurSel(nIndex); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); } if ( SLF_NAME_NNNNNN == (int)(FileNameSuffixCombo[nIndex].nData ) ) { m_dwSuffixIndexNNNNNN = nIndex; } }
if ( SLF_NAME_NONE == m_dwSuffixValue ) { // then the combo box will not have been selected so:
pCombo->SetCurSel(m_dwSuffixIndexNNNNNN); // disable
pCombo->EnableWindow(FALSE); // and clear the check box
m_bAutoNameSuffix = FALSE; } else { m_bAutoNameSuffix = TRUE; }
// set the check box in UpdateData ( FALSE );
// update the dialog box
CSmPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); SetHelpIds ( (DWORD*)&s_aulHelpIds );
EnableSerialNumber(); UpdateSampleFileName();
SetModifiedPage( FALSE );
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CFilesProperty::OnAutoSuffixChk() { UpdateData( TRUE );
// enable the suffix combo window based on the state of the button
GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_SUFFIX_COMBO)->EnableWindow (m_bAutoNameSuffix);
if (m_bAutoNameSuffix) { if ( SLF_NAME_NONE == m_dwSuffixValue ) { // then initialize a new default
// select the default serial numbering
((CComboBox *)(GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_SUFFIX_COMBO)))->SetCurSel( m_dwSuffixIndexNNNNNN ); m_dwSuffixValue = SLF_NAME_NNNNNN; } }
EnableSerialNumber(); UpdateSampleFileName(); // This method is only called when the checkbox value has changed.
SetModifiedPage(TRUE); }
void CFilesProperty::OnOverWriteChk() { BOOL bOldValue; bOldValue = m_bOverWriteFile; UpdateData(TRUE); if (bOldValue != m_bOverWriteFile) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
void CFilesProperty::OnChangeFilesFirstSerialEdit() { DWORD dwOldValue; dwOldValue = m_dwSerialNumber; UpdateData( TRUE );
UpdateSampleFileName(); if (dwOldValue != m_dwSerialNumber) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
void CFilesProperty::OnChangeFilesCommentEdit() { CString strOldText; strOldText = m_strCommentText; UpdateData ( TRUE ); if ( 0 != strOldText.Compare ( m_strCommentText ) ) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
void CFilesProperty::OnSelendokFilesSuffixCombo() { int nSel; nSel = ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_SUFFIX_COMBO))->GetCurSel();
// Check of m_dwSuffix ensures that the value has changed.
if ( LB_ERR != nSel && m_dwSuffix != nSel ) {
UpdateData ( TRUE ); EnableSerialNumber(); /*
if (m_dwLogFileTypeValue == SLF_BIN_FILE) { GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_OVERWRITE_CHK)->EnableWindow( m_dwSuffixValue == SLF_NAME_NNNNNN ? FALSE : TRUE); }
else { GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_OVERWRITE_CHK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } */ UpdateSampleFileName();
SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
void CFilesProperty::OnSelendokFilesLogFileTypeCombo() { HandleLogTypeChange(); return; }
void CFilesProperty::OnKillfocusFilesCommentEdit() { CString strOldText; strOldText = m_strCommentText; UpdateData ( TRUE ); if ( 0 != strOldText.Compare ( m_strCommentText ) ) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
void CFilesProperty::OnKillfocusFirstSerialEdit() { DWORD dwOldValue; dwOldValue = m_dwSerialNumber; UpdateData ( TRUE ); if (dwOldValue != m_dwSerialNumber) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
void CFilesProperty::OnKillfocusFilesSuffixCombo() { int nSel; nSel = ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_SUFFIX_COMBO))->GetCurSel(); if ((nSel != LB_ERR) && (nSel != m_dwSuffix)) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
void CFilesProperty::OnKillfocusFilesLogFileTypeCombo() { int nSel; nSel = ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILES_LOG_TYPE_COMBO))->GetCurSel(); if ((nSel != LB_ERR) && (nSel != m_iLogFileType)) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
void CFilesProperty::PostNcDestroy() { // delete this;
CPropertyPage::PostNcDestroy(); }
BOOL CFilesProperty::UpdateSharedData( BOOL bUpdateModel ) { BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_SIZE == m_SharedData.stiStopTime.dwAutoMode ) { CString strMsg;
if ( SLF_BIN_CIRC_FILE == m_dwLogFileTypeValue || SLQ_DISK_MAX_SIZE == m_dwMaxSizeInternal ) { if ( SLF_BIN_CIRC_FILE == m_dwLogFileTypeValue ) { strMsg.LoadString ( IDS_FILE_CIRC_SET_MANUAL_STOP ); } else { ASSERT( SLQ_DISK_MAX_SIZE == m_dwMaxSizeInternal ); strMsg.LoadString ( IDS_FILE_MAX_SET_MANUAL_STOP ); }
MessageBox( strMsg, m_pLogQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
m_SharedData.stiStopTime.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE;
if ( bUpdateModel ) { SLQ_TIME_INFO slqTime; memset (&slqTime, 0, sizeof(slqTime)); slqTime.wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_STOP; slqTime.wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; slqTime.dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE;
bContinue = m_pLogQuery->SetLogTime ( &slqTime, (DWORD)slqTime.wTimeType ); } } }
m_SharedData.strFileBaseName = m_strFileBaseName; m_SharedData.strFolderName = m_strFolderName; m_SharedData.strSqlName = m_strSqlName; m_SharedData.dwLogFileType = m_dwLogFileTypeValue; if ( TRUE == m_bAutoNameSuffix ) { m_SharedData.dwSuffix = m_dwSuffixValue; } else { m_SharedData.dwSuffix = SLF_NAME_NONE; } m_SharedData.dwSerialNumber = m_dwSerialNumber; m_SharedData.dwMaxFileSize = m_dwMaxSizeInternal;
m_pLogQuery->SetPropPageSharedData ( &m_SharedData );
return bContinue; }
BOOL CFilesProperty::OnKillActive() { BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
ResourceStateManager rsm;
bContinue = CPropertyPage::OnKillActive(); if ( bContinue ) { bContinue = IsValidData(m_pLogQuery, VALIDATE_FOCUS ); }
if ( bContinue ) { m_SharedData.dwLogFileType = m_dwLogFileTypeValue;
bContinue = UpdateSharedData( FALSE ); } if ( bContinue ) { SetIsActive ( FALSE ); }
return bContinue; }
BOOL CFilesProperty::OnSetActive() { BOOL bReturn;
bReturn = CSmPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); if ( bReturn ) {
m_pLogQuery->GetPropPageSharedData ( &m_SharedData );
UpdateData( FALSE ); } return bReturn; }
DWORD CFilesProperty::ExtractDSN ( CString& rstrDSN ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; INT iTotalLength; INT iRightLength;
// Format string: "SQL:%s!%s"
MFC_TRY iTotalLength = m_strSqlName.GetLength(); iRightLength = iTotalLength - m_strSqlName.Find(L"!");
rstrDSN = m_strSqlName.Mid ( 4, iTotalLength - iRightLength - 4 ); MFC_CATCH_DWSTATUS;
return dwStatus; }
DWORD CFilesProperty::ExtractLogSetName ( CString& rstrLogSetName ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Format string: "SQL:%s!%s"
MFC_TRY rstrLogSetName = m_strSqlName.Right(m_strSqlName.GetLength() - m_strSqlName.Find(L"!") - 1); MFC_CATCH_DWSTATUS; return dwStatus; }
void CFilesProperty::OnCfgBtn() { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; CFileLogs FilelogsDlg; CSqlProp SqlLogDlg; CString strTempBaseName; CString strTempFolderName; CString strTempSqlName; DWORD dwTempMaxSize; if ( SLF_SQL_LOG == m_dwLogFileTypeValue ){ SqlLogDlg.m_pLogQuery = m_pLogQuery; SqlLogDlg.m_dwLogFileTypeValue = m_dwLogFileTypeValue; SqlLogDlg.m_bAutoNameSuffix = m_bAutoNameSuffix;
//Extract the DSN and logset name from the formatted Sql Log name
dwStatus = ExtractDSN ( SqlLogDlg.m_strDSN ); dwStatus = ExtractLogSetName ( SqlLogDlg.m_strLogSetName ); // Default the log set name to the base file name.
if (SqlLogDlg.m_strLogSetName.IsEmpty() ) { SqlLogDlg.m_strLogSetName = m_strFileBaseName; } // Todo: Handle bad status
SqlLogDlg.m_dwFocusControl = m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl; SqlLogDlg.m_dwMaxSizeInternal = m_dwMaxSizeInternal; SqlLogDlg.SetContextHelpFilePath(GetContextHelpFilePath()); if ( IDOK == SqlLogDlg.DoModal() ) {
strTempSqlName = m_strSqlName; dwTempMaxSize = m_dwMaxSizeInternal;
m_strSqlName = SqlLogDlg.m_SqlFormattedLogName; m_dwMaxSizeInternal = SqlLogDlg.m_dwMaxSizeInternal;
if ( 0 != strTempSqlName.CompareNoCase ( m_strSqlName ) || m_dwMaxSizeInternal != dwTempMaxSize ) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } } }else{ FilelogsDlg.m_pLogQuery = m_pLogQuery; FilelogsDlg.m_dwLogFileTypeValue = m_dwLogFileTypeValue; FilelogsDlg.m_strFolderName = m_strFolderName; FilelogsDlg.m_strFileBaseName = m_strFileBaseName; FilelogsDlg.m_dwMaxSizeInternal = m_dwMaxSizeInternal; FilelogsDlg.m_bAutoNameSuffix = m_bAutoNameSuffix; FilelogsDlg.SetContextHelpFilePath(GetContextHelpFilePath()); FilelogsDlg.m_dwFocusControl = m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl;
if ( IDOK == FilelogsDlg.DoModal() ) {
strTempFolderName = m_strFolderName; strTempBaseName = m_strFileBaseName; dwTempMaxSize = m_dwMaxSizeInternal;
m_strFolderName = FilelogsDlg.m_strFolderName ; m_strFileBaseName = FilelogsDlg.m_strFileBaseName; m_dwMaxSizeInternal = FilelogsDlg.m_dwMaxSizeInternal;
if ( 0 != strTempFolderName.CompareNoCase ( m_strFolderName ) || 0 != strTempBaseName.CompareNoCase ( m_strFileBaseName ) || m_dwMaxSizeInternal != dwTempMaxSize ) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } } } m_dwSubDlgFocusCtrl = 0; UpdateSampleFileName(); }