* miniport.cpp - SB16 wave miniport implementation ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#include "minwave.h"
#define STR_MODULENAME "sb16wave: "
#pragma code_seg("PAGE")
* CreateMiniportWaveCyclicSB16() ***************************************************************************** * Creates a cyclic wave miniport object for the SB16 adapter. This uses a * macro from STDUNK.H to do all the work. */ NTSTATUS CreateMiniportWaveCyclicSB16 ( OUT PUNKNOWN * Unknown, IN REFCLSID, IN PUNKNOWN UnknownOuter OPTIONAL, IN POOL_TYPE PoolType ) { PAGED_CODE();
STD_CREATE_BODY_(CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16,Unknown,UnknownOuter,PoolType,PMINIPORTWAVECYCLIC); }
* MapUsingTable() ***************************************************************************** * Performs a table-based mapping, returning the table index of the indicated * value. -1 is returned if the value is not found. */ int MapUsingTable ( IN ULONG Value, IN PULONG Map, IN ULONG MapSize ) { PAGED_CODE();
for (int result = 0; result < int(MapSize); result++) { if (*Map++ == Value) { return result; } }
return -1; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::ConfigureDevice() ***************************************************************************** * Configures the hardware to use the indicated interrupt and DMA channels. * Returns FALSE iff the configuration is invalid. */ BOOLEAN CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16:: ConfigureDevice ( IN ULONG Interrupt, IN ULONG Dma8Bit, IN ULONG Dma16Bit ) { PAGED_CODE();
// Tables mapping DMA and IRQ values to register bit offsets.
static ULONG validDma[] = { 0, 1, ULONG(-1), 3, ULONG(-1), 5, 6, 7 } ; static ULONG validIrq[] = { 9, 5, 7, 10 } ;
// Make sure we are using the right DMA channels.
if (Dma8Bit > 3) { return FALSE; } if (Dma16Bit < 5) { return FALSE; }
// Generate the register value for interrupts.
int bit = MapUsingTable(Interrupt,validIrq,SIZEOF_ARRAY(validIrq)); if (bit == -1) { return FALSE; }
BYTE irqConfig = BYTE(1 << bit);
// Generate the register value for DMA.
bit = MapUsingTable(Dma8Bit,validDma,SIZEOF_ARRAY(validDma)); if (bit == -1) { return FALSE; }
BYTE dmaConfig = BYTE(1 << bit);
if (Dma16Bit != ULONG(-1)) { bit = MapUsingTable(Dma16Bit,validDma,SIZEOF_ARRAY(validDma)); if (bit == -1) { return FALSE; }
dmaConfig |= BYTE(1 << bit); }
// Inform the hardware.
AdapterCommon->MixerRegWrite(DSP_MIX_IRQCONFIG,irqConfig); AdapterCommon->MixerRegWrite(DSP_MIX_DMACONFIG,dmaConfig);
return TRUE; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::ProcessResources() ***************************************************************************** * Processes the resource list, setting up helper objects accordingly. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16:: ProcessResources ( IN PRESOURCELIST ResourceList ) { PAGED_CODE();
ULONG intNumber = ULONG(-1); ULONG dma8Bit = ULONG(-1); ULONG dma16Bit = ULONG(-1);
// Get counts for the types of resources.
ULONG countIO = ResourceList->NumberOfPorts(); ULONG countIRQ = ResourceList->NumberOfInterrupts(); ULONG countDMA = ResourceList->NumberOfDmas();
#if (DBG)
_DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Starting SB16 wave on IRQ 0x%X", ResourceList->FindUntranslatedInterrupt(0)->u.Interrupt.Level) );
_DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Starting SB16 wave on Port 0x%X", ResourceList->FindTranslatedPort(0)->u.Port.Start.LowPart) );
for (ULONG i = 0; i < countDMA; i++) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Starting SB16 wave on DMA 0x%X", ResourceList->FindUntranslatedDma(i)->u.Dma.Channel) ); } #endif
// Make sure we have the expected number of resources.
if ( (countIO != 1) || (countIRQ < 1) || (countDMA < 1) ) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE,("unknown configuraton; check your code!")); ntStatus = STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { //
// Instantiate a DMA channel for 8-bit transfers.
ntStatus = Port->NewSlaveDmaChannel ( &DmaChannel8, NULL, ResourceList, 0, MAXLEN_DMA_BUFFER, FALSE, // DemandMode
Compatible );
// Allocate the buffer for 8-bit transfers.
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { ULONG lDMABufferLength = MAXLEN_DMA_BUFFER; do { ntStatus = DmaChannel8->AllocateBuffer(lDMABufferLength,NULL); lDMABufferLength >>= 1; } while (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) && (lDMABufferLength > (PAGE_SIZE / 2))); }
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { dma8Bit = ResourceList->FindUntranslatedDma(0)->u.Dma.Channel;
if (countDMA > 1) { //
// Instantiate a DMA channel for 16-bit transfers.
ntStatus = Port->NewSlaveDmaChannel ( &DmaChannel16, NULL, ResourceList, 1, MAXLEN_DMA_BUFFER, FALSE, Compatible );
// Allocate the buffer for 16-bit transfers.
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { ULONG lDMABufferLength = MAXLEN_DMA_BUFFER; do { ntStatus = DmaChannel16->AllocateBuffer(lDMABufferLength,NULL); lDMABufferLength >>= 1; } while (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) && (lDMABufferLength > (PAGE_SIZE / 2))); }
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { dma16Bit = ResourceList->FindUntranslatedDma(1)->u.Dma.Channel; } }
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { //
// Get the interrupt number and configure the device.
intNumber = ResourceList-> FindUntranslatedInterrupt(0)->u.Interrupt.Level;
if (! ConfigureDevice(intNumber,dma8Bit,dma16Bit)) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE,("ConfigureDevice Failure")); ntStatus = STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; } } else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE,("NewSlaveDmaChannel 2 Failure %X", ntStatus )); } } else { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_TERSE,("NewSlaveDmaChannel 1 Failure %X", ntStatus )); } }
// In case of failure object gets destroyed and cleans up.
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::ValidateFormat() ***************************************************************************** * Validates a wave format. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16:: ValidateFormat ( IN PKSDATAFORMAT Format ) { PAGED_CODE();
NTSTATUS ntStatus;
// A WAVEFORMATEX structure should appear after the generic KSDATAFORMAT
// if the GUIDs turn out as we expect.
// KSDATAFORMAT contains three GUIDs to support extensible format. The
// first two GUIDs identify the type of data. The third indicates the
// type of specifier used to indicate format specifics. We are only
// supporting PCM audio formats that use WAVEFORMATEX.
if ( (Format->FormatSize >= sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX)) && IsEqualGUIDAligned(Format->MajorFormat,KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_AUDIO) && IsEqualGUIDAligned(Format->SubFormat,KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM) && IsEqualGUIDAligned(Format->Specifier,KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_WAVEFORMATEX) && (waveFormat->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) && ((waveFormat->wBitsPerSample == 8) || (waveFormat->wBitsPerSample == 16)) && ((waveFormat->nChannels == 1) || (waveFormat->nChannels == 2)) && ((waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec >= 5000) && (waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec <= 44100)) ) { ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::NonDelegatingQueryInterface() ***************************************************************************** * Obtains an interface. This function works just like a COM QueryInterface * call and is used if the object is not being aggregated. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16:: NonDelegatingQueryInterface ( IN REFIID Interface, OUT PVOID * Object ) { PAGED_CODE();
if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface,IID_IUnknown)) { *Object = PVOID(PUNKNOWN(PMINIPORTWAVECYCLIC(this))); } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface,IID_IMiniport)) { *Object = PVOID(PMINIPORT(this)); } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface,IID_IMiniportWaveCyclic)) { *Object = PVOID(PMINIPORTWAVECYCLIC(this)); } else { *Object = NULL; }
if (*Object) { //
// We reference the interface for the caller.
PUNKNOWN(*Object)->AddRef(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::~CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16() ***************************************************************************** * Destructor. */ CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16:: ~CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16 ( void ) { PAGED_CODE();
if (AdapterCommon) { AdapterCommon->SetWaveMiniport (NULL); AdapterCommon->Release(); AdapterCommon = NULL; } if (Port) { Port->Release(); Port = NULL; } if (DmaChannel8) { DmaChannel8->Release(); DmaChannel8 = NULL; } if (DmaChannel16) { DmaChannel16->Release(); DmaChannel16 = NULL; } if (ServiceGroup) { ServiceGroup->Release(); ServiceGroup = NULL; } }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::Init() ***************************************************************************** * Initializes a the miniport. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16:: Init ( IN PUNKNOWN UnknownAdapter, IN PRESOURCELIST ResourceList, IN PPORTWAVECYCLIC Port_ ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(UnknownAdapter); ASSERT(ResourceList); ASSERT(Port_);
// AddRef() is required because we are keeping this pointer.
Port = Port_; Port->AddRef(); //
// Initialize the member variables.
ServiceGroup = NULL; DmaChannel8 = NULL; DmaChannel16 = NULL;
// We want the IAdapterCommon interface on the adapter common object,
// which is given to us as a IUnknown. The QueryInterface call gives us
// an AddRefed pointer to the interface we want.
NTSTATUS ntStatus = UnknownAdapter->QueryInterface ( IID_IAdapterCommon, (PVOID *) &AdapterCommon );
// We need a service group for notifications. We will bind all the
// streams that are created to this single service group. All interrupt
// notifications ask for service on this group, so all streams will get
// serviced. The PcNewServiceGroup() call returns an AddRefed pointer.
// The adapter needs a copy of the service group since it is doing the
// ISR.
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { KeInitializeMutex(&SampleRateSync,1); ntStatus = PcNewServiceGroup(&ServiceGroup,NULL); }
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { AdapterCommon->SetWaveMiniport ((PWAVEMINIPORTSB16)this); ntStatus = ProcessResources(ResourceList); }
// In case of failure object gets destroyed and destructor cleans up.
return ntStatus; }
* PinDataRangesStream ***************************************************************************** * Structures indicating range of valid format values for streaming pins. */ static KSDATARANGE_AUDIO PinDataRangesStream[] = { { { sizeof(KSDATARANGE_AUDIO), 0, 0, 0, STATICGUIDOF(KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_AUDIO), STATICGUIDOF(KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM), STATICGUIDOF(KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_WAVEFORMATEX) }, 2, // Max number of channels.
8, // Minimum number of bits per sample.
16, // Maximum number of bits per channel.
5000, // Minimum rate.
44100 // Maximum rate.
} };
* PinDataRangePointersStream ***************************************************************************** * List of pointers to structures indicating range of valid format values * for streaming pins. */ static PKSDATARANGE PinDataRangePointersStream[] = { PKSDATARANGE(&PinDataRangesStream[0]) };
* PinDataRangesBridge ***************************************************************************** * Structures indicating range of valid format values for bridge pins. */ static KSDATARANGE PinDataRangesBridge[] = { { sizeof(KSDATARANGE), 0, 0, 0, STATICGUIDOF(KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_AUDIO), STATICGUIDOF(KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_ANALOG), STATICGUIDOF(KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_NONE) } };
* PinDataRangePointersBridge ***************************************************************************** * List of pointers to structures indicating range of valid format values * for bridge pins. */ static PKSDATARANGE PinDataRangePointersBridge[] = { &PinDataRangesBridge[0] };
* MiniportPins ***************************************************************************** * List of pins. */ static PCPIN_DESCRIPTOR MiniportPins[] = { // Wave In Streaming Pin (Capture)
{ 1,1,0, NULL, { 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SIZEOF_ARRAY(PinDataRangePointersStream), PinDataRangePointersStream, KSPIN_DATAFLOW_OUT, KSPIN_COMMUNICATION_SINK, (GUID *) &PINNAME_CAPTURE, &KSAUDFNAME_RECORDING_CONTROL, // this name shows up as the recording panel name in SoundVol.
0 } }, // Wave In Bridge Pin (Capture - From Topology)
{ 0,0,0, NULL, { 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SIZEOF_ARRAY(PinDataRangePointersBridge), PinDataRangePointersBridge, KSPIN_DATAFLOW_IN, KSPIN_COMMUNICATION_NONE, (GUID *) &KSCATEGORY_AUDIO, NULL, 0 } }, // Wave Out Streaming Pin (Renderer)
{ 1,1,0, NULL, { 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SIZEOF_ARRAY(PinDataRangePointersStream), PinDataRangePointersStream, KSPIN_DATAFLOW_IN, KSPIN_COMMUNICATION_SINK, (GUID *) &KSCATEGORY_AUDIO, NULL, 0 } }, // Wave Out Bridge Pin (Renderer)
{ 0,0,0, NULL, { 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SIZEOF_ARRAY(PinDataRangePointersBridge), PinDataRangePointersBridge, KSPIN_DATAFLOW_OUT, KSPIN_COMMUNICATION_NONE, (GUID *) &KSCATEGORY_AUDIO, NULL, 0 } } };
* TopologyNodes ***************************************************************************** * List of nodes. */ static PCNODE_DESCRIPTOR MiniportNodes[] = { { 0, // Flags
NULL, // AutomationTable
NULL // Name
}, { 0, // Flags
NULL, // AutomationTable
NULL // Name
} };
* MiniportConnections ***************************************************************************** * List of connections. */ static PCCONNECTION_DESCRIPTOR MiniportConnections[] = { { PCFILTER_NODE, 1, 0, 1 }, // Bridge in to ADC.
{ 0, 0, PCFILTER_NODE, 0 }, // ADC to stream pin (capture).
{ PCFILTER_NODE, 2, 1, 1 }, // Stream in to DAC.
{ 1, 0, PCFILTER_NODE, 3 } // DAC to Bridge.
* MiniportFilterDescriptor ***************************************************************************** * Complete miniport description. */ static PCFILTER_DESCRIPTOR MiniportFilterDescriptor = { 0, // Version
&AutomationFilter, // AutomationTable
sizeof(PCPIN_DESCRIPTOR), // PinSize
SIZEOF_ARRAY(MiniportPins), // PinCount
MiniportPins, // Pins
sizeof(PCNODE_DESCRIPTOR), // NodeSize
SIZEOF_ARRAY(MiniportNodes), // NodeCount
MiniportNodes, // Nodes
SIZEOF_ARRAY(MiniportConnections), // ConnectionCount
MiniportConnections, // Connections
0, // CategoryCount
NULL // Categories - use the default categories (audio, render, capture)
* CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::GetDescription() ***************************************************************************** * Gets the topology. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16:: GetDescription ( OUT PPCFILTER_DESCRIPTOR * OutFilterDescriptor ) { PAGED_CODE();
*OutFilterDescriptor = &MiniportFilterDescriptor;
* CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::DataRangeIntersection() ***************************************************************************** * Tests a data range intersection. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16:: DataRangeIntersection ( IN ULONG PinId, IN PKSDATARANGE ClientDataRange, IN PKSDATARANGE MyDataRange, IN ULONG OutputBufferLength, OUT PVOID ResultantFormat, OUT PULONG ResultantFormatLength ) { PAGED_CODE();
BOOLEAN DigitalAudio; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG RequiredSize; ULONG SampleFrequency; USHORT BitsPerSample; //
// Let's do the complete work here.
if (!IsEqualGUIDAligned(ClientDataRange->Specifier,KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_NONE)) { //
// The miniport did not resolve this format. If the dataformat
// is not PCM audio and requires a specifier, bail out.
if ( !IsEqualGUIDAligned(ClientDataRange->MajorFormat, KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_AUDIO ) || !IsEqualGUIDAligned(ClientDataRange->SubFormat, KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM )) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } DigitalAudio = TRUE; //
// weird enough, the specifier here does not define the format of ClientDataRange
// but the format that is expected to be returned in ResultantFormat.
if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(ClientDataRange->Specifier,KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_DSOUND)) { RequiredSize = sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_DSOUND); } else { RequiredSize = sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX); } } else { DigitalAudio = FALSE; RequiredSize = sizeof(KSDATAFORMAT); } //
// Validate return buffer size, if the request is only for the
// size of the resultant structure, return it now.
if (!OutputBufferLength) { *ResultantFormatLength = RequiredSize; return STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } else if (OutputBufferLength < RequiredSize) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // There was a specifier ...
if (DigitalAudio) { PKSDATARANGE_AUDIO AudioRange; PWAVEFORMATEX WaveFormatEx; AudioRange = (PKSDATARANGE_AUDIO) MyDataRange; // Fill the structure
if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(ClientDataRange->Specifier,KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_DSOUND)) { PKSDATAFORMAT_DSOUND DSoundFormat; DSoundFormat = (PKSDATAFORMAT_DSOUND) ResultantFormat; _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("returning KSDATAFORMAT_DSOUND format intersection")); DSoundFormat->BufferDesc.Flags = 0 ; DSoundFormat->BufferDesc.Control = 0 ; DSoundFormat->DataFormat = *ClientDataRange; DSoundFormat->DataFormat.Specifier = KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_DSOUND; DSoundFormat->DataFormat.FormatSize = RequiredSize; WaveFormatEx = &DSoundFormat->BufferDesc.WaveFormatEx; *ResultantFormatLength = RequiredSize; } else { PKSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX WaveFormat; WaveFormat = (PKSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX) ResultantFormat; _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("returning KSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX format intersection") ); WaveFormat->DataFormat = *ClientDataRange; WaveFormat->DataFormat.Specifier = KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_WAVEFORMATEX; WaveFormat->DataFormat.FormatSize = RequiredSize; WaveFormatEx = &WaveFormat->WaveFormatEx; *ResultantFormatLength = RequiredSize; } //
// Return a format that intersects the given audio range,
// using our maximum support as the "best" format.
WaveFormatEx->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; WaveFormatEx->nChannels = (USHORT) min( AudioRange->MaximumChannels, ((PKSDATARANGE_AUDIO) ClientDataRange)->MaximumChannels ); //
// Check if the pin is still free
if (!PinId) { if (AllocatedCapture) { return STATUS_NO_MATCH; } } else { if (AllocatedRender) { return STATUS_NO_MATCH; } }
// Check if one pin is in use -> use same sample frequency.
if (AllocatedCapture || AllocatedRender) { SampleFrequency = SamplingFrequency; if ( (SampleFrequency > ((PKSDATARANGE_AUDIO) ClientDataRange)->MaximumSampleFrequency) || (SampleFrequency < ((PKSDATARANGE_AUDIO) ClientDataRange)->MinimumSampleFrequency)) { return STATUS_NO_MATCH; } } else { SampleFrequency = min( AudioRange->MaximumSampleFrequency, ((PKSDATARANGE_AUDIO) ClientDataRange)->MaximumSampleFrequency );
WaveFormatEx->nSamplesPerSec = SampleFrequency;
// Check if one pin is in use -> use other bits per sample.
if (AllocatedCapture || AllocatedRender) { if (Allocated8Bit) { BitsPerSample = 16; } else { BitsPerSample = 8; }
if ((BitsPerSample > ((PKSDATARANGE_AUDIO) ClientDataRange)->MaximumBitsPerSample) || (BitsPerSample < ((PKSDATARANGE_AUDIO) ClientDataRange)->MinimumBitsPerSample)) { return STATUS_NO_MATCH; } } else { BitsPerSample = (USHORT) min( AudioRange->MaximumBitsPerSample, ((PKSDATARANGE_AUDIO) ClientDataRange)->MaximumBitsPerSample ); }
WaveFormatEx->wBitsPerSample = BitsPerSample; WaveFormatEx->nBlockAlign = (WaveFormatEx->wBitsPerSample * WaveFormatEx->nChannels) / 8; WaveFormatEx->nAvgBytesPerSec = (WaveFormatEx->nSamplesPerSec * WaveFormatEx->nBlockAlign); WaveFormatEx->cbSize = 0; ((PKSDATAFORMAT) ResultantFormat)->SampleSize = WaveFormatEx->nBlockAlign; _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Channels = %d", WaveFormatEx->nChannels) ); _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Samples/sec = %d", WaveFormatEx->nSamplesPerSec) ); _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("Bits/sample = %d", WaveFormatEx->wBitsPerSample) ); } else { // There was no specifier. Return only the KSDATAFORMAT structure.
// Copy the data format structure.
_DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("returning default format intersection") ); RtlCopyMemory(ResultantFormat, ClientDataRange, sizeof( KSDATAFORMAT ) ); *ResultantFormatLength = sizeof( KSDATAFORMAT ); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::NewStream() ***************************************************************************** * Creates a new stream. This function is called when a streaming pin is * created. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16:: NewStream ( OUT PMINIPORTWAVECYCLICSTREAM * OutStream, IN PUNKNOWN OuterUnknown, IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN ULONG Channel, IN BOOLEAN Capture, IN PKSDATAFORMAT DataFormat, OUT PDMACHANNEL * OutDmaChannel, OUT PSERVICEGROUP * OutServiceGroup ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(OutStream); ASSERT(DataFormat); ASSERT(OutDmaChannel); ASSERT(OutServiceGroup);
// Make sure the hardware is not already in use.
if (Capture) { if (AllocatedCapture) { ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; } } else { if (AllocatedRender) { ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; } }
// Determine if the format is valid.
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { ntStatus = ValidateFormat(DataFormat); }
if(NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { // if we're trying to start a full-duplex stream.
if(AllocatedCapture || AllocatedRender) { // make sure the requested sampling rate is the
// same as the currently running one...
PWAVEFORMATEX waveFormat = PWAVEFORMATEX(DataFormat + 1); if( SamplingFrequency != waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec ) { // Bad format....
// Get the required DMA channel if it's not already in use.
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { if (waveFormat->wBitsPerSample == 8) { if (! Allocated8Bit) { dmaChannel = DmaChannel8; } } else { if (! Allocated16Bit) { dmaChannel = DmaChannel16; } } }
if (! dmaChannel) { ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; } else { //
// Instantiate a stream.
CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16 *stream = new(PoolType) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16(OuterUnknown);
if (stream) { stream->AddRef();
ntStatus = stream->Init ( this, Channel, Capture, DataFormat, dmaChannel );
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { if (Capture) { AllocatedCapture = TRUE; } else { AllocatedRender = TRUE; }
if (waveFormat->wBitsPerSample == 8) { Allocated8Bit = TRUE; } else { Allocated16Bit = TRUE; }
*OutStream = PMINIPORTWAVECYCLICSTREAM(stream); stream->AddRef();
*OutDmaChannel = PDMACHANNEL(stream); stream->AddRef(); #else // OVERRIDE_DMA_CHANNEL
*OutDmaChannel = dmaChannel; dmaChannel->AddRef(); #endif // OVERRIDE_DMA_CHANNEL
*OutServiceGroup = ServiceGroup; ServiceGroup->AddRef();
// The stream, the DMA channel, and the service group have
// references now for the caller. The caller expects these
// references to be there.
// This is our private reference to the stream. The caller has
// its own, so we can release in any case.
stream->Release(); } else { ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclic::RestoreSampleRate() ***************************************************************************** * Restores the sample rate. */ STDMETHODIMP_(void) CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::RestoreSampleRate (void) { if (AllocatedCapture) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE, ("Restoring Capture Sample Rate")); AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_SETADCRATE); AdapterCommon->WriteController((BYTE)(SamplingFrequency >> 8)); AdapterCommon->WriteController((BYTE) SamplingFrequency); } if (AllocatedRender) { _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE, ("Restoring Render Sample Rate")); AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_SETDACRATE); AdapterCommon->WriteController((BYTE)(SamplingFrequency >> 8)); AdapterCommon->WriteController((BYTE) SamplingFrequency); } }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::NonDelegatingQueryInterface() ***************************************************************************** * Obtains an interface. This function works just like a COM QueryInterface * call and is used if the object is not being aggregated. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16:: NonDelegatingQueryInterface ( IN REFIID Interface, OUT PVOID * Object ) { PAGED_CODE();
if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface,IID_IUnknown)) { *Object = PVOID(PUNKNOWN(PMINIPORTWAVECYCLICSTREAM(this))); } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface,IID_IMiniportWaveCyclicStream)) { *Object = PVOID(PMINIPORTWAVECYCLICSTREAM(this)); } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned (Interface, IID_IDrmAudioStream)) { *Object = (PVOID)(PDRMAUDIOSTREAM(this)); } #if OVERRIDE_DMA_CHANNEL
else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned (Interface, IID_IDmaChannel)) { *Object = (PVOID)(PDMACHANNEL(this)); } #endif // OVERRIDE_DMA_CHANNEL
else { *Object = NULL; }
if (*Object) { PUNKNOWN(*Object)->AddRef(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::~CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16() ***************************************************************************** * Destructor. */ CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16:: ~CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16 ( void ) { PAGED_CODE();
if (DmaChannel) { DmaChannel->Release(); }
if (Miniport) { //
// Clear allocation flags in the miniport.
if (Capture) { Miniport->AllocatedCapture = FALSE; } else { Miniport->AllocatedRender = FALSE; }
if (Format16Bit) { Miniport->Allocated16Bit = FALSE; } else { Miniport->Allocated8Bit = FALSE; }
Miniport->AdapterCommon->SaveMixerSettingsToRegistry(); Miniport->Release(); } }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::Init() ***************************************************************************** * Initializes a stream. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16:: Init ( IN CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16 * Miniport_, IN ULONG Channel_, IN BOOLEAN Capture_, IN PKSDATAFORMAT DataFormat, IN PDMACHANNELSLAVE DmaChannel_ ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(Miniport_); ASSERT(DataFormat); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Miniport_->ValidateFormat(DataFormat))); ASSERT(DmaChannel_);
// We must add references because the caller will not do it for us.
Miniport = Miniport_; Miniport->AddRef();
DmaChannel = DmaChannel_; DmaChannel->AddRef();
Channel = Channel_; Capture = Capture_; FormatStereo = (waveFormat->nChannels == 2); Format16Bit = (waveFormat->wBitsPerSample == 16); State = KSSTATE_STOP;
RestoreInputMixer = FALSE;
KeWaitForSingleObject ( &Miniport->SampleRateSync, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL ); Miniport->SamplingFrequency = waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec; KeReleaseMutex(&Miniport->SampleRateSync,FALSE); return SetFormat( DataFormat ); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SetNotificationFreq() ***************************************************************************** * Sets the notification frequency. */ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16:: SetNotificationFreq ( IN ULONG Interval, OUT PULONG FramingSize ) { PAGED_CODE();
Miniport->NotificationInterval = Interval; //
// This value needs to be sample block aligned for DMA to work correctly.
*FramingSize = (1 << (FormatStereo + Format16Bit)) * (Miniport->SamplingFrequency * Interval / 1000);
return Miniport->NotificationInterval; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SetFormat() ***************************************************************************** * Sets the wave format. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16:: SetFormat ( IN PKSDATAFORMAT Format ) { PAGED_CODE();
if(State != KSSTATE_RUN) { ntStatus = Miniport->ValidateFormat(Format); PWAVEFORMATEX waveFormat = PWAVEFORMATEX(Format + 1);
KeWaitForSingleObject ( &Miniport->SampleRateSync, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL ); // check for full-duplex stuff
if( NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) && Miniport->AllocatedCapture && Miniport->AllocatedRender ) { // no new formats.... bad...
if( Miniport->SamplingFrequency != waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec ) { // Bad format....
ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // TODO: Validate sample size.
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { Miniport->SamplingFrequency = waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec; BYTE command = ( Capture ? DSP_CMD_SETADCRATE : DSP_CMD_SETDACRATE ); Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController ( command ); Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController ( (BYTE)(waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec >> 8) ); Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController ( (BYTE) waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec );
_DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,(" SampleRate: %d",waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec)); }
KeReleaseMutex(&Miniport->SampleRateSync,FALSE); }
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SetState() ***************************************************************************** * Sets the state of the channel. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16:: SetState ( IN KSSTATE NewState ) { PAGED_CODE();
_DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE,("[CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SetState %x]", NewState));
// The acquire state is not distinguishable from the pause state for our
// purposes.
if (NewState == KSSTATE_ACQUIRE) { NewState = KSSTATE_PAUSE; }
if (State != NewState) { switch (NewState) { case KSSTATE_PAUSE: if (State == KSSTATE_RUN) { if (Capture) { // restore if previously setup for mono recording
// (this should really be done via the topology miniport)
if(RestoreInputMixer) { Miniport->AdapterCommon->MixerRegWrite( DSP_MIX_ADCMIXIDX_L, InputMixerLeft ); RestoreInputMixer = FALSE; } } // TODO: Wait for DMA to complete
if (Format16Bit) { Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_HALTAUTODMA16); // TODO: wait...
Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_PAUSEDMA16); } else { Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_HALTAUTODMA); // TODO: wait...
Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_PAUSEDMA); }
DmaChannel->Stop(); } break;
case KSSTATE_RUN: { BYTE mode;
if (Capture) { // setup for mono recording
// (this should really be done via the topology miniport)
if(! FormatStereo) { InputMixerLeft = Miniport->AdapterCommon->MixerRegRead( DSP_MIX_ADCMIXIDX_L ); UCHAR InputMixerRight = Miniport->AdapterCommon->MixerRegRead( DSP_MIX_ADCMIXIDX_R ); UCHAR TempMixerValue = InputMixerLeft | (InputMixerRight & 0x2A);
Miniport->AdapterCommon->MixerRegWrite( DSP_MIX_ADCMIXIDX_L, TempMixerValue ); RestoreInputMixer = TRUE; }
// Turn on capture.
if (Format16Bit) { Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_STARTADC16); mode = 0x10; } else { Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_STARTADC8); mode = 0x00; } } else { Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_SPKRON);
if (Format16Bit) { Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_STARTDAC16); mode = 0x10; } else { Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(DSP_CMD_STARTDAC8); mode = 0x00; } }
if (FormatStereo) { mode |= 0x20; }
// Start DMA.
Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController(mode) ;
// Calculate sample count for interrupts.
ULONG bufferSizeInFrames = DmaChannel->BufferSize(); if( Format16Bit ) { bufferSizeInFrames /= 2; } if( FormatStereo ) { bufferSizeInFrames /= 2; }
ULONG frameCount = ((Miniport->SamplingFrequency * Miniport->NotificationInterval) / 1000);
if (frameCount > bufferSizeInFrames) { frameCount = bufferSizeInFrames; }
_DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE, ("Run. Setting frame count to %X",frameCount)); Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController((BYTE) frameCount) ; Miniport->AdapterCommon->WriteController((BYTE) (frameCount >> 8)); } break;
case KSSTATE_STOP: break; }
State = NewState; }
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SetContentId ***************************************************************************** * This routine gets called by drmk.sys to pass the content to the driver. * The driver has to enforce the rights passed. */ STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SetContentId ( IN ULONG contentId, IN PCDRMRIGHTS drmRights ) { PAGED_CODE ();
// if (drmRights.CopyProtect==TRUE)
// Mute waveout capture.
// Sb16 does not have waveout capture path. Therefore
// the sample driver is not using this attribute.
// Also if the driver is writing data to other types of media (disk, etc), it
// should stop doing it.
// (MSVAD\simple stops writing to disk).
// (AC97 disables waveout capture)
// if (drmRights.DigitalOutputDisable == TRUE)
// Mute S/PDIF out.
// If the device cannot mute S/PDIF out properly, it should return an error
// code.
// Sb16 does not have S/PDIF out. Therefore the sample driver is not using
// this attribute.
// To learn more about enforcing rights, please look at AC97 sample.
// To learn more about managing multiple streams, please look at MSVAD.
#pragma code_seg()
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::GetPosition() ***************************************************************************** * Gets the current position. May be called at dispatch level. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16:: GetPosition ( OUT PULONG Position ) { ASSERT(Position);
ULONG transferCount = DmaChannel->TransferCount();
if (DmaChannel && transferCount) { *Position = DmaChannel->ReadCounter();
ASSERT(*Position <= transferCount);
if (*Position != 0) { *Position = transferCount - *Position; } } else { *Position = 0; }
STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::NormalizePhysicalPosition( IN OUT PLONGLONG PhysicalPosition )
Routine Description: Given a physical position based on the actual number of bytes transferred, this function converts the position to a time-based value of 100ns units.
Arguments: IN OUT PLONGLONG PhysicalPosition - value to convert.
Return: STATUS_SUCCESS or an appropriate error code.
{ *PhysicalPosition = (_100NS_UNITS_PER_SECOND / (1 << (FormatStereo + Format16Bit)) * *PhysicalPosition) / Miniport->SamplingFrequency; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::Silence() ***************************************************************************** * Fills a buffer with silence. */ STDMETHODIMP_(void) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16:: Silence ( IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG ByteCount ) { RtlFillMemory(Buffer,ByteCount,Format16Bit ? 0 : 0x80); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::ServiceWaveISR() ***************************************************************************** * Service the ISR - notify the port. */ STDMETHODIMP_(void) CMiniportWaveCyclicSB16::ServiceWaveISR (void) { if (Port && ServiceGroup) { Port->Notify (ServiceGroup); } }
#pragma code_seg("PAGE")
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::AllocateBuffer() ***************************************************************************** * Allocate a buffer for this DMA channel. */ STDMETHODIMP CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::AllocateBuffer ( IN ULONG BufferSize, IN PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddressConstraint OPTIONAL ) { PAGED_CODE();
return DmaChannel->AllocateBuffer(BufferSize,PhysicalAddressConstraint); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::FreeBuffer() ***************************************************************************** * Free the buffer for this DMA channel. */ STDMETHODIMP_(void) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::FreeBuffer(void) { PAGED_CODE();
DmaChannel->FreeBuffer(); }
#pragma code_seg()
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::TransferCount() ***************************************************************************** * Return the amount of data to be transfered via DMA. */ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::TransferCount(void) { return DmaChannel->TransferCount(); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::MaximumBufferSize() ***************************************************************************** * Return the maximum size that can be allocated to this DMA buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::MaximumBufferSize(void) { return DmaChannel->MaximumBufferSize(); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::AllocatedBufferSize() ***************************************************************************** * Return the original size allocated to this DMA buffer -- the maximum value * that can be sent to SetBufferSize(). */ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::AllocatedBufferSize(void) { return DmaChannel->AllocatedBufferSize(); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::BufferSize() ***************************************************************************** * Return the current size of the DMA buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::BufferSize(void) { return DmaChannel->BufferSize(); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SetBufferSize() ***************************************************************************** * Change the size of the DMA buffer. This cannot exceed the initial * buffer size returned by AllocatedBufferSize(). */ STDMETHODIMP_(void) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SetBufferSize(IN ULONG BufferSize) { DmaChannel->SetBufferSize(BufferSize); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SystemAddress() ***************************************************************************** * Return the virtual address of this DMA buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP_(PVOID) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::SystemAddress(void) { return DmaChannel->SystemAddress(); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::PhysicalAddress() ***************************************************************************** * Return the actual physical address of this DMA buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP_(PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::PhysicalAddress(void) { return DmaChannel->PhysicalAddress(); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::GetAdapterObject() ***************************************************************************** * Return the DMA adapter object (defined in wdm.h). */ STDMETHODIMP_(PADAPTER_OBJECT) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::GetAdapterObject(void) { return DmaChannel->GetAdapterObject(); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::CopyTo() ***************************************************************************** * Copy data into the DMA buffer. If you need to modify data on render * (playback), modify this routine to taste. */ STDMETHODIMP_(void) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::CopyTo ( IN PVOID Destination, IN PVOID Source, IN ULONG ByteCount ) { DmaChannel->CopyTo(Destination, Source, ByteCount); }
* CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::CopyFrom() ***************************************************************************** * Copy data out of the DMA buffer. If you need to modify data on capture * (recording), modify this routine to taste. */ STDMETHODIMP_(void) CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamSB16::CopyFrom ( IN PVOID Destination, IN PVOID Source, IN ULONG ByteCount ) { DmaChannel->CopyFrom(Destination, Source, ByteCount); }