Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993 - 1999
Module Name:
This module contains code for the host to utilize BoundedECP if it has been detected and successfully enabled.
Robbie Harris (Hewlett-Packard) 27-May-1998
Kernel mode
Revision History :
#include "pch.h"
#include "readwrit.h"
#include "hwecp.h"
// The following error codes were added to reflect errors that are unique to
// Bounded ECP
#define VE_FRAME_NO_DATA -74 // attempt to enter FrameRev w/o nPerReq
#define VE_FRAME_CANT_EXIT_REVERSE -75 // attempt to exit FrameRev w/ nPerReq
// BECP::ExitReversePhase
// Description : Get out of BECP Reverse Phase to the common state
// Input Parameters : Controller, pPortInfoStruct
// Modifies :
// Pre-conditions :
// Post-conditions :
// Returns :
NTSTATUS ParBecpExitReversePhase( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION Extension ) { // When using BECP, test nPeriphRequest prior to negotiation
// from reverse phase to forward phase. Do not negotiate unless the
// peripheral indicates it is finished sending. If using any other
// mode, negotiate immediately.
if ( Extension->ModeSafety == SAFE_MODE ) { if (Extension->CurrentPhase == PHASE_REVERSE_IDLE) { if (!CHECK_DSR( Extension->Controller, DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE, ACTIVE, IEEE_MAXTIME_TL) ) { ParDump2(PARERRORS, ("ParBecpExitReversePhase: Periph Stuck. Can't Flip Bus\n")); return STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT; } } } return ParEcpHwExitReversePhase(Extension); }
// NAME: ECPFrame::Read()
// LAC FRAME 12Dec97
// This function is used for two different kinds of reads:
// 1) continuing read - where we don't expect to exit reverse mode afterwards
// 2) non-continuing read - where we expect to exit reverse mode afterwards
// The problem is that we have no way of knowing which is which. I can
// either wait after each read for nPeriphRequest to drop, or I can
// check to see if it has dropped when I enter and handle it then.
// The other problem is that we have no way of communicating the fact that
// we have done this to the PortTuple. It uses the last_direction member
// to decide whether it should even look at entering or exiting some phase.
// Lets face it, we are on our own with this. It is safer to leave it
// connected and then try to straighten things out when we come back. I
// know that this wastes some time, but so does waiting at the end of
// every read when only half of them are going to drop the nPeriphRequest.
// This routine performs a 1284 ECP mode read into the given
// buffer for no more than 'BufferSize' bytes.
// This routine runs at DISPATCH_LEVEL.
// Controller - Supplies the base address of the parallel port.
// pPortInfoStruct - Supplies port information as defined in p1284.h
// Buffer - Supplies the buffer to read into.
// BufferSize - Supplies the number of bytes in the buffer.
// BytesTransferred - Returns the number of bytes transferred.
// The number of bytes successfully read from the port is
// returned via one of the arguments passed into this method.
// - Called ECP_PatchReverseTransfer in the original 16 bit code.
ParDump2(PARENTRY,("ParBecpRead: Enter BufferSize[%d]\n", BufferSize)); status = ParEcpHwRead( Extension, Buffer, BufferSize, BytesTransferred );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
PUCHAR Controller;
Controller = Extension->Controller; if ( CHECK_DSR_WITH_FIFO( Controller, DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE, INACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE, ECR_FIFO_EMPTY, ECR_FIFO_SOME_DATA, DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT) ) { ParDump2(PARINFO,("ParBecpRead: No more data. Flipping to Fwd.\n")); //
// Bounded ECP rule - no more data from periph - flip bus to forward
status = ParReverseToForward( Extension ); ParDump2(PARINFO,("ParBecpRead: We have flipped to Fwd.\n"));
} else { UCHAR bDSR = READ_PORT_UCHAR( Controller + OFFSET_DSR ); //
// Periph still has data, check for valid state
ParDump2(PARINFO,("ParBecpRead: Periph says there is more data. Checking for stall.\n")); // It's OK for the device to continue asserting nPeriphReq,
// it may have more data to send. However, nAckReverse and
// XFlag should be in a known state, so double check them.
BusReset(Controller + OFFSET_DCR); // Pass in the dcr address
status = STATUS_LINK_FAILED; ParDump2(PARERRORS,("ParBecpRead: nAckReverse and XFlag are bad.\n")); } else { //
// Periph has correctly acknowledged that it has data (state valid)
if ( (TRUE == Extension->P12843DL.bEventActive) ) { //
// Signal transport (e.g., dot4) that data is avail
KeSetEvent(Extension->P12843DL.Event, 0, FALSE); } }
} } ParDump2(PAREXIT, ("ParBecpRead: Exit[%d] BytesTransferred[%d]\r\n", NT_SUCCESS(status), *BytesTransferred)); return status; }
NTSTATUS ParEnterBecpMode( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION Extension, IN BOOLEAN DeviceIdRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine performs 1284 negotiation with the peripheral to the BECP mode protocol.
Controller - Supplies the port address.
DeviceIdRequest - Supplies whether or not this is a request for a device id.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - Successful negotiation.
otherwise - Unsuccessful negotiation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if ( Extension->ModeSafety == SAFE_MODE ) { if (DeviceIdRequest) { Status = IeeeEnter1284Mode (Extension, BECP_EXTENSIBILITY | DEVICE_ID_REQ); } else { Status = IeeeEnter1284Mode (Extension, BECP_EXTENSIBILITY); } } else { Extension->Connected = TRUE; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = ParEcpHwSetupPhase(Extension); Extension->bSynchWrites = TRUE; // NOTE this is a temp hack!!! dvrh
if (!Extension->bShadowBuffer) { Queue_Create(&(Extension->ShadowBuffer), Extension->FifoDepth * 2); Extension->bShadowBuffer = TRUE; } Extension->IsIeeeTerminateOk = TRUE; }
ParDump2(PARENTRY,("ParEnterBecpMode: End [%d]\n", NT_SUCCESS(Status))); return Status; }
BOOLEAN ParIsBecpSupported( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION Extension ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine determines whether or not ECP mode is suported in the write direction by trying to negotiate when asked.
Extension - The device extension.
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status;
if (Extension->BadProtocolModes & BOUNDED_ECP) { ParDump2(PARINFO, ("ParIsBecpSupported: FAILED: BOUNDED_ECP has been marked as BadProtocolModes\n")); return FALSE; }
if (Extension->ProtocolModesSupported & BOUNDED_ECP) { ParDump2(PARINFO, ("ParIsBecpSupported: PASSED: BOUNDED_ECP has already been cheacked\n")); return TRUE; }
if (!(Extension->HardwareCapabilities & PPT_ECP_PRESENT)) { ParDump2(PARINFO, ("ParIsBecpSupported: FAILED: No HWECP\n")); return FALSE; }
if (0 == Extension->FifoWidth) { ParDump2(PARINFO, ("ParIsBecpSupported: FAILED: No FifoWidth\n")); return FALSE; } // Must use BECP Enter and Terminate for this test.
// Internel state machines will fail otherwise. --dvrh
Status = ParEnterBecpMode (Extension, FALSE); ParTerminateBecpMode (Extension);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Extension->ProtocolModesSupported |= BOUNDED_ECP; ParDump2(PARINFO, ("ParIsBecpSupported: PASSED:\n")); return TRUE; } ParDump2(PARINFO, ("ParIsBecpSupported: FAILED: BOUNDED_ECP didn't negotiate\n")); return FALSE; }
VOID ParTerminateBecpMode( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION Extension ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine terminates the interface back to compatibility mode.
Controller - Supplies the parallel port's controller address.
Return Value:
--*/ { ParDump2( PARENTRY, ("ParTerminateBecpMode: Entry CurrentPhase %d\r\n", Extension->CurrentPhase));
// Need to check current phase -- if its reverse, need to flip bus
// If its not forward -- its an incorrect phase and termination will fail.
switch (Extension->CurrentPhase) { case PHASE_FORWARD_IDLE: // Legal state to terminate
{ break; } case PHASE_REVERSE_IDLE: // Flip the bus so we can terminate
{ NTSTATUS status = ParEcpHwExitReversePhase( Extension );
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS == status ) { status = ParEcpEnterForwardPhase(Extension ); } else { ParDump2( PARERRORS, ("ParTerminateBecpMode: Couldn't flip the bus\n")); } break; } case PHASE_FORWARD_XFER: case PHASE_REVERSE_XFER: { ParDump2( PARERRORS, ("ParTerminateBecpMode: invalid wCurrentPhase (XFer in progress) \r\n")); //status = VE_BUSY;
// Dunno what to do here. We probably will confuse the peripheral.
break; } // LAC TERMINATED 13Jan98
// Included PHASE_TERMINATE in the switch so we won't return an
// error if we are already terminated.
case PHASE_TERMINATE: { // We are already terminated, nothing to do
break; } default: { ParDump2( PARERRORS, ("ParTerminateBecpMode: VE_CORRUPT: invalid CurrentPhase %d\r\n", Extension->CurrentPhase)); //status = VE_CORRUPT;
// Dunno what to do here. We're lost and don't have a map to figure
// out where we are!
break; } }
ParEcpHwWaitForEmptyFIFO(Extension); ParCleanupHwEcpPort(Extension); if ( Extension->ModeSafety == SAFE_MODE ) { IeeeTerminate1284Mode (Extension); } else { ParDump2(PARINFO, ("ParTerminateBecpMode: In UNSAFE_MODE.\n")); Extension->Connected = FALSE; } return; }