// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: par12843.c
// This file contains functions to select and deselect 1284.3 daisy chain devices
#include "pch.h"
Routine Description:
This routine acquires the ParPort and selects a 1284.3 device
Extension - Supplies the device extension.
HavePort - TRUE indicates that caller has already acquired port so we should only do a SELECT_DEVICE - FALSE indicates that caller has not already acquired port so we should do a combination ACQUIRE_PORT/SELECT_DEVICE
Return Value:
TRUE - success - the device was selected (and port acquired if needed) FALSE - failure
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_OBJECT pPortDeviceObject; PARALLEL_1284_COMMAND par1284Command; LARGE_INTEGER timeOut;
// ParDumpP( ("par12843::ParSelectDevice - Enter\n") );
// Initialize command structure and extract parameters from the DeviceExtension
par1284Command.ID = (UCHAR)Extension->Ieee1284_3DeviceId; par1284Command.Port = 0; // reserved - 0 for now
if( HavePort ) { par1284Command.CommandFlags = PAR_HAVE_PORT_KEEP_PORT; } else { par1284Command.CommandFlags = 0; }
if(Extension->EndOfChain) { // this is NOT a daisy chain device - flag ParPort that
// the ID field of the command should be ignored
par1284Command.CommandFlags |= PAR_END_OF_CHAIN_DEVICE; }
pPortDeviceObject = Extension->PortDeviceObject;
// Send the request
timeOut.QuadPart = -(10*1000*500); // 500ms ( 100ns units )
status = ParBuildSendInternalIoctl(IOCTL_INTERNAL_SELECT_DEVICE, pPortDeviceObject, &par1284Command, sizeof(PARALLEL_1284_COMMAND), NULL, 0, &timeOut);
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // SELECT succeeded
ParDump2(PARSELECTDESELECT, ("par12843::ParSelectDevice - SUCCESS\n") ); if( !HavePort ) { // note in the device extension that we have the port
Extension->bAllocated = TRUE; } return TRUE; } else { // SELECT failed
ParDump2(PARSELECTDESELECT, ("par12843::ParSelectDevice - FAIL\n") ); return FALSE; } }
BOOLEAN ParDeselectDevice( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION Extension, IN BOOLEAN KeepPort ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine deselects a 1284.3 device and releases the ParPort
Extension - Supplies the device extension.
KeepPort - TRUE indicates that we should keep the port acquired, so we should only do a DESELECT_DEVICE - FALSE indicates that we should not keep the port acquired, so we should do a combination DESELECT_DEVICE/FREE_PORT
Return Value:
TRUE - The device was deselected (and the port released if requested) FALSE - Failure
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_OBJECT pPortDeviceObject; PARALLEL_1284_COMMAND par1284Command;
// ParDumpP( ("par12843::ParDeselectDevice - Enter\n") );
// If we don't have the port, succeed and return
if( !Extension->bAllocated ) { ParDump2(PARSELECTDESELECT, ("par12843::ParDeselectDevice: we do not have the port, returning TRUE/SUCCESS\n") ); return TRUE; }
// Initialize command structure and extract parameters from the DeviceExtension
par1284Command.ID = (UCHAR)Extension->Ieee1284_3DeviceId; par1284Command.Port = 0; // reserved - 0 for now
if( KeepPort ) { par1284Command.CommandFlags = PAR_HAVE_PORT_KEEP_PORT; } else { par1284Command.CommandFlags = 0; }
if(Extension->EndOfChain) { // this is NOT a daisy chain device - flag ParPort that
// the ID field of the command should be ignored
par1284Command.CommandFlags |= PAR_END_OF_CHAIN_DEVICE; }
pPortDeviceObject = Extension->PortDeviceObject;
// Send the request
status = ParBuildSendInternalIoctl(IOCTL_INTERNAL_DESELECT_DEVICE, pPortDeviceObject, &par1284Command, sizeof(PARALLEL_1284_COMMAND), NULL, 0, NULL);
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // DESELECT succeeded
if( !KeepPort ) { // note in the device extension that we gave up the port
ParDump2(PARSELECTDESELECT, ("par12843::ParDeselectDevice - SUCCESS - giving up Port\n") ); Extension->bAllocated = FALSE; } else { ParDump2(PARSELECTDESELECT, ("par12843::ParDeselectDevice - SUCCESS - keeping Port\n") ); } return TRUE; } else { // DESELECT failed
ParDump2(PARSELECTDESELECT, ("par12843::ParDeselectDevice - FAILED - status=%x\n", status) ); ASSERTMSG("DESELECT FAILED??? - this should never happen", FALSE ); return FALSE; } }