// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: rescan.c
// rescan a parallel port for changes in the connected devices
#include "pch.h"
// typedef struct _PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT {
// PUCHAR Controller; // host controller address for devices in this structure
// PDEVICE_OBJECT LegacyPodo; // legacy or "raw" port device
// PDEVICE_OBJECT EndOfChainPdo; // End-Of-Chain PnP device
// PDEVICE_OBJECT Dot3Id0Pdo; // 1284.3 daisy chain device, 1284.3 deviceID == 0
// PDEVICE_OBJECT Dot3Id3Pdo; // 1284.3 daisy chain device, 1284.3 deviceID == 3
// PDEVICE_OBJECT LegacyZipPdo; // Legacy Zip Drive
// PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject; // Need an open handle to ParPort device to prevent it
// // from being removed out from under us
// struct _PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT *Next;
ULONG gsuc = 1;
ULONG ParTst() { return gsuc; }
DDPnP1(("## ParLockPortDeviceObjects - enter\n"));
while( currentNode ) {
currentDevObj = currentNode->LegacyPodo; currentDevExt = currentDevObj->DeviceExtension; portDevName = ¤tDevExt->PortSymbolicLinkName; status = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer(portDevName, STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL, &portFileObj, &portDevObj);
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) && portFileObj && portDevObj ) { //
// We have a FILE open against the ParPort Device to
// lock the device into memory until we're done with the rescan.
// Save the pointer to the file object so we can unlock when we're done.
currentNode->pFileObject = portFileObj; DDPnP1(("## ParLockPortDeviceObjects - opened FILE - PFILE= %x , %x\n",portFileObj,currentNode->Controller)); // advance pointers
prevNode = currentNode; currentNode = currentNode->Next;
} else { //
// we couldn't open a FILE open against the ParPort Device so the
// port must be gone. Remove this port from the list of ports to rescan.
DDPnP1(("## ParLockPortDeviceObjects - open FILE FAILED - %x\n",currentNode->Controller)); delNode = currentNode; // this is the node to delete
currentNode = currentNode->Next; if( head == delNode ) { // deleted node was list head - save updated current node as new list head
head = currentNode; } else { // link around node to be deleted
prevNode->Next = currentNode; } ExFreePool( delNode ); } }
DDPnP1(("## ParLockPortDeviceObjects - exit\n"));
return head; }
VOID ParUnlockPortDeviceObjects( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT DevObjStructHead ) { PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT currentNode = DevObjStructHead;
DDPnP1(("## ParUnlockPortDeviceObjects - enter\n")); while( currentNode ) { if( currentNode->pFileObject ) { ObDereferenceObject( currentNode->pFileObject ); DDPnP1(("## ParUnlockPortDeviceObjects - closed FILE - PFILE= %x , %x\n",currentNode->pFileObject,currentNode->Controller)); currentNode->pFileObject = NULL; } currentNode = currentNode->Next; } DDPnP1(("## ParUnlockPortDeviceObjects - exit\n")); }
PCHAR Par3Get1284InfString(PDEVICE_EXTENSION LegacyExt, UCHAR Dot3DeviceId) { NTSTATUS status; PCHAR devId = NULL; PCHAR infString = NULL; ULONG devIdSize; PDEVICE_OBJECT portDeviceObject = LegacyExt->PortDeviceObject; ULONG maxIdTries = 3; ULONG idTry = 1; BOOLEAN bBuildStlDeviceId = FALSE ;
bBuildStlDeviceId = ParStlCheckIfStl (LegacyExt, Dot3DeviceId) ; //
// Select the .3 daisy chain device, query for 1284 ID, and deselect device.
status = ParSelect1284_3Device(portDeviceObject, Dot3DeviceId); if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // unable to select device, bail out
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::Par3Get1284InfString - SELECT FAILED\n") ); goto targetExit; }
while( (NULL==devId) && (idTry <= maxIdTries) ) { devId = Par3QueryDeviceId(LegacyExt, NULL, 0, &devIdSize, FALSE, bBuildStlDeviceId); if( NULL == devId ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::Par3Get1284InfString - no 1284 ID on try %d\n", idTry) ); KeStallExecutionProcessor(1); ++idTry; } else { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::Par3Get1284InfString - <%s> on try %d\n", devId, idTry) ); } }
status = ParDeselect1284_3Device(portDeviceObject, Dot3DeviceId); if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { ASSERTMSG("Unable to Deselect? - ParPort probably blocked now - this should never happen \n", FALSE); goto targetExit; }
if( NULL == devId ) { // we didn't get a 1284 ID, bail out
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::Par3Get1284InfString - didn't get a 1284 ID, bail out\n") ); goto targetExit; }
// Massage the 1284 ID into the format used in the INF.
infString = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool, MAX_ID_SIZE + 1 ); if( NULL == infString ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::Par3Get1284InfString - no pool avail, bail out\n") ); // no pool available, bail out
goto targetExit; }
RtlZeroMemory( infString, MAX_ID_SIZE + 1 ); status = ParPnpGetId(devId, BusQueryDeviceID, infString, NULL);
if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { // massage failed, bail out
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::Par3Get1284InfString - ID massage failed, bail out\n") ); ExFreePool( infString ); infString = NULL; }
if( NULL != devId ) { ExFreePool( devId ); }
return infString; }
VOID dot3rescan( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT CurrentNode ) { NTSTATUS status; UCHAR oldDeviceCount; UCHAR newDeviceCount; UCHAR idx; PDEVICE_OBJECT *oldDevObj; DEVOBJ_ID_PAIR newDevObjIdPair[ IEEE_1284_3_DAISY_CHAIN_MAX_ID + 1 ]; BOOLEAN changeDetected = FALSE; PDEVICE_OBJECT legacyPodo = CurrentNode->LegacyPodo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION legacyExtension = legacyPodo->DeviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT portDeviceObject = legacyExtension->PortDeviceObject;
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - Enter\n") );
// Count the number of .3 daisy chain devices we had on last scan
// of this port
idx = 0; oldDevObj = &CurrentNode->Dot3Id0Pdo; while( NULL != oldDevObj[idx] ) { ++idx; } oldDeviceCount = idx; ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - Dot3 DeviceCount Before Rescan = %d\n", idx) );
// Reinitialize the 1284.3 daisy chain (reassign .3 IDs)
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - reinitializing Dot3 bus\n") ); status = ParInit1284_3Bus( portDeviceObject ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { ASSERT(FALSE); // this should never happen
return; }
// Ask ParPort how many .3 daisy chain devices were detected after
// the .3 reinitialize. Does the number differ from the number that
// we had prior to rescan?
newDeviceCount = ParGet1284_3DeviceCount( portDeviceObject );
// Did we detect a change in the .3 device daisy chain?
if( oldDeviceCount != newDeviceCount ) {
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - deviceCount changed - old=%d, new=%d\n", oldDeviceCount, newDeviceCount) ); changeDetected=TRUE;
} else {
// The number of .3 devices stayed the same. Compare 1284 IDs read from
// the device with those saved in the PDOs from the previous rescan.
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - deviceCount unchanged - old=new=%d - comparing IDs\n", newDeviceCount) ); for( idx=0 ; idx < oldDeviceCount ; ++idx ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - checking ID's - idx = %d\n", idx) ); if( NULL != oldDevObj[idx] ) { //
// We had a PDO, check if the device is still here
PDEVICE_EXTENSION ext = oldDevObj[idx]->DeviceExtension; PCHAR dot3InfString = Par3Get1284InfString( legacyExtension, idx );
if( NULL == dot3InfString ) {
// We had a PDO, but now we don't detect any device
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - DEVICE GONE - idx = %d\n", idx) ); changeDetected = TRUE; break;
} else {
// We had a PDO, but the device we detect differs from what we expected
if( 0 == strcmp( ext->DeviceIdString, dot3InfString ) ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - DEVICE STILL THERE - idx = %d\n", idx) ); } else { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - DEVICE CHANGED - idx = %d\n", idx) ); changeDetected = TRUE; }
ExFreePool( dot3InfString );
if( changeDetected ) { break; }
} // if( NULL != oldDevObj[idx] ...
} // for( idx=0 ; ...
} // if( oldDeviceCount != newDeviceCount ) {...} else {...}
if( changeDetected ) {
// Mark all existing .3 PDOs for devices connected to the port as "hardware gone"
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - CHANGE DETECTED\n") );
for( idx=0 ; idx <= IEEE_1284_3_DAISY_CHAIN_MAX_ID ; ++idx ) { if( NULL != oldDevObj[idx] ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - marking PDO %p as HARDWARE GONE\n", oldDevObj[idx]) ); ParMarkPdoHardwareGone( oldDevObj[idx]->DeviceExtension ); } }
// Create a new PDO for each .3 device.
for( idx = 0 ; idx < newDeviceCount ; ++idx ) {
PDEVICE_OBJECT newDevObj; BOOLEAN bBuildStlDeviceId;
bBuildStlDeviceId = ParStlCheckIfStl(legacyPodo->DeviceExtension, idx ) ;
// Select Device
status = ParSelect1284_3Device(portDeviceObject, idx); if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - creating of new PDO for idx=%d FAILED\n", idx) ); continue; }
// Create new PDO
newDevObj = ParDetectCreatePdo( legacyPodo, idx, bBuildStlDeviceId );
// Deselect Device
status = ParDeselect1284_3Device(portDeviceObject, idx); if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { ASSERTMSG("Unable to Deselect? - ParPort probably blocked now - this should never happen \n", FALSE); if( NULL != newDevObj ) { ParKillDeviceObject( newDevObj ); newDevObj = NULL; } }
// Add new PDO to FDO's list of children
if( NULL != newDevObj ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - adding new PDO %p - idx=%d to FDO list\n", newDevObj, idx) ); ParAddDevObjToFdoList(newDevObj); } else { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - creating of new PDO for idx=%d FAILED\n", idx) ); } }
return; }
VOID ParCreateDot3DeviceIdList( IN OUT PCHAR deviceIdArray[], IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION legacyExt, IN UCHAR dot3DeviceCount ) { PDEVICE_OBJECT portDeviceObject = legacyExt->PortDeviceObject; NTSTATUS status; UCHAR idx=0; ULONG deviceIdSize; BOOLEAN bBuildStlDeviceId;
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("ParCreateDot3DeviceIdList() - Enter\n") ); while( idx < dot3DeviceCount ) { bBuildStlDeviceId = ParStlCheckIfStl (legacyExt, idx) ; status = ParSelect1284_3Device(portDeviceObject, idx); if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParCreateDot3DeviceIdList: - select SUCCESS - idx=%d\n", idx) ); deviceIdArray[idx] = Par3QueryDeviceId(legacyExt, NULL, 0, &deviceIdSize, FALSE, bBuildStlDeviceId); if(deviceIdArray[idx]) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParCreateDot3DeviceIdList: - id=<%s>\n", deviceIdArray[idx]) ); } else { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParCreateDot3DeviceIdList: - Par3QueryDeviceId FAILED\n") ); } ParDeselect1284_3Device(portDeviceObject, idx); } else { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParCreateDot3DeviceIdList: - select FAILED - idx=%d\n", idx) ); deviceIdArray[idx] = NULL; } ++idx; } }
NTSTATUS ParPnpFdoQueryDeviceRelationsBusRelations( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT Fdo, IN PIRP Irp ) { NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_EXTENSION fdoExt = Fdo->DeviceExtension; PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT devObjStructHead = NULL; ULONG DeviceRelationsSize = 0; ULONG Idx = 0; PDEVICE_RELATIONS DeviceRelations = NULL; PDEVICE_OBJECT pNextDeviceObject; // used for walking the ParClass DO list
PDEVICE_EXTENSION pExtension; // used for walking the ParClass DO list
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("ParFdoQueryDeviceRelationsBusRelations - Enter\n") );
// Build a list of PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCTs, one per ParPort device,
// from the FDO's list of device objects that were found connected
// to the ports the last time we checked.
// Create FILE against each ParPort Device to prevent it from being
// deleted out from under us.
ExAcquireFastMutex(&fdoExt->DevObjListMutex); devObjStructHead = ParBuildDevObjStructList(Fdo); devObjStructHead = ParLockPortDeviceObjects( devObjStructHead ); ExReleaseFastMutex(&fdoExt->DevObjListMutex);
if( !devObjStructHead ) { // something went wrong, likely either no parallel ports, or unable to alloc pool
DDPnP1(("## ParPnpFdoQueryDeviceRelationsBusRelations - empty devObjStructHead - goto rescanComplete\n")); goto rescanComplete; }
// Dump the list of device objects that we have before rescan (debug only)
#if DBG
ParDumpDevObjStructList(devObjStructHead); #endif
// Rescan all ports for changes in attached devices and
// update the ParClass FDO's list of device objects accordingly.
// (side effects - big time!!!)
// Close FDO FILEs against ParPort Devices (release FDO locks)
// Delete the previous PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT list and create a
// new list from the FDO's list of devices after the rescan.
ExAcquireFastMutex(&fdoExt->DevObjListMutex); devObjStructHead = ParBuildDevObjStructList(Fdo); ExReleaseFastMutex(&fdoExt->DevObjListMutex);
if( !devObjStructHead ) { // something went wrong, likely either no parallel ports, or unable to alloc pool
goto rescanComplete; }
// Dump the list of device objects that we have after rescan (debug only)
#if DBG
ParDumpDevObjStructList(devObjStructHead); #endif
// Delete the PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT list, we no longer need it
// The rescan is now complete, report the current set of attached devices to PnP
// Lock list while we scan it twice
// Get list head
pNextDeviceObject = fdoExt->ParClassPdo; //
// Walk list and count number of PDOs
while( pNextDeviceObject ) { pExtension = pNextDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; if ( pExtension->DeviceIdString[0] != 0 ) { Idx++; ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("found PDO %wZ - Extension: %x\n", &pExtension->SymbolicLinkName, pExtension) ); ParDump2(PARPNP1, (" - %s\n", pExtension->DeviceIdString) ); } else if ( pExtension->DeviceStateFlags & PAR_DEVICE_HARDWARE_GONE ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("found PDO %wZ - marked HARDWARE_GONE - Extension: %x\n", &pExtension->SymbolicLinkName, pExtension) ); ParDump2(PARPNP1, (" - %s\n", pExtension->DeviceIdString) ); } else { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("found PODO %wZ - Extension: %x\n", &pExtension->SymbolicLinkName, pExtension) ); } pNextDeviceObject = pExtension->Next; } //
// allocate and initialize pool to hold DeviceRelations
DeviceRelationsSize = sizeof(DEVICE_RELATIONS) + (Idx * sizeof(PDEVICE_OBJECT)); DeviceRelations = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, DeviceRelationsSize); if( !DeviceRelations ) { Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ExReleaseFastMutex(&fdoExt->DevObjListMutex); IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); ParReleaseRemoveLock(&fdoExt->RemoveLock, Irp); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlZeroMemory(DeviceRelations, DeviceRelationsSize); //
// Walk the list again to construct DeviceRelations
Idx = 0; pNextDeviceObject = fdoExt->ParClassPdo; while( pNextDeviceObject ) { pExtension = pNextDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParPnpFdoQDR/BusRelations - Examining DO= %x , Ext= %x\n", pNextDeviceObject, pExtension)); if( (pExtension->DeviceIdString[0] != 0) && !(pExtension->DeviceStateFlags & PAR_DEVICE_HARDWARE_GONE) && (pExtension->SymbolicLinkName.Length > 0) ) { // If this is a PDO, that is not marked "hardware gone", and has a SymbolicLink
DeviceRelations->Objects[Idx++] = pNextDeviceObject; DeviceRelations->Count++; ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("adding PDO %x <%wZ> to DeviceRelations, new PDO count=%d\n", pNextDeviceObject, &pExtension->SymbolicLinkName,DeviceRelations->Count) ); ASSERT( ( pExtension->SymbolicLinkName.Length > 0 ) ); status = ObReferenceObjectByPointer(pNextDeviceObject, 0, NULL, KernelMode); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ParDumpP( ("Error Referencing PDO\n") ); ExFreePool(DeviceRelations); Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; ExReleaseFastMutex(&fdoExt->DevObjListMutex); // error - release Mutex
IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); ParReleaseRemoveLock(&fdoExt->RemoveLock, Irp); return status; } } else { ParDump2(PARPNP1, (" - skipping DO= %x\n", pNextDeviceObject)); if( pExtension->DeviceStateFlags & PAR_DEVICE_HARDWARE_GONE ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, (" - because PAR_DEVICE_HARDWARE_GONE\n")); } else if( pExtension->DeviceIdString[0] == 0 ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, (" - because DeviceIdString[0] == 0 - may be a PODO\n")); } else if( pExtension->SymbolicLinkName.Length == 0 ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, (" - because pExtension->SymbolicLinkName.Length == 0\n")); } else { ParDump2(PARPNP1, (" - WHY are we skipping this?\n")); ASSERT(FALSE); } } pNextDeviceObject = pExtension->Next; } ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParPnpFdoQDR/BusRelations - DeviceRelations->Count = %d\n", DeviceRelations->Count));
// SUCCESS - set IRP fields and pass the IRP down the stack
Irp->IoStatus.Information = (ULONG_PTR)DeviceRelations; Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ExReleaseFastMutex(&fdoExt->DevObjListMutex); // done - release Mutex
IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); ParReleaseRemoveLock(&fdoExt->RemoveLock, Irp); ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("ParFdoQueryDeviceRelationsBusRelations - Leave\n") ); return ParCallDriver(fdoExt->ParentDeviceObject, Irp); }
PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT ParBuildDevObjStructList( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT Fdo ) /*++dvdf - code complete
Routine Description:
This routine creates a list of PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT structures and returns a pointer to the first structure. Each PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT describes all ParClass devices associated with a single PortPort device.
Fdo - points to the ParClass FDO
Return Value:
PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT - on success, points to the first structure created.
NULL - otherwise
--*/ { PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT devObjStructHead = NULL; PDEVICE_EXTENSION fdoExt = Fdo->DeviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT currentDo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION currentExt;
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("Enter ParBuildDevObjStructList()\n") );
// do a quick exit if there are no ParClass Created PODOs or PDOs
currentDo = fdoExt->ParClassPdo; if( !currentDo ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("No ParClass PODOs or PDOs exist\n") ); return NULL; } //
// create an initial PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT
currentExt = currentDo->DeviceExtension; devObjStructHead = ParFindCreateDevObjStruct(NULL, currentExt->Controller); if( !devObjStructHead ) { return NULL; }
// walk linear list of ParClass created PODOs and PDOs and
// create structured list of PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCTs based on
// Controller address and DevObj type
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("walking FDO's list of created PODOs and PDOs\n") ); while( currentDo ) { currentExt = currentDo->DeviceExtension; if( currentExt->DeviceStateFlags & PAR_DEVICE_HARDWARE_GONE ) { // this is a PDO that is waiting for PnP to send it a REMOVE, skip it
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("found PDO waiting to be REMOVEd - skipping - DO= %x , Ext= %x\n", currentDo, currentExt) ); } else if( currentExt->DeviceIdString[0] == 0 ) { // this is a Legacy PODO
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("found PODO - DO= %x , Ext= %x , Controller=%x\n", currentDo, currentExt, currentExt->Controller) ); ParAddPodoToDevObjStruct(devObjStructHead, currentDo); } else if( currentExt->EndOfChain ) { // this is an End-Of-Chain PDO
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("found EOC PDO - DO= %x , Ext= %x , Controller=%x\n", currentDo, currentExt, currentExt->Controller) ); ParAddEndOfChainPdoToDevObjStruct(devObjStructHead, currentDo); } else if( currentExt->Ieee1284_3DeviceId == DOT3_LEGACY_ZIP_ID ) { // this is a Legacy Zip PDO
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("found LGZIP PDO - DO= %x , Ext= %x , Controller=%x\n", currentDo, currentExt, currentExt->Controller) ); ParAddLegacyZipPdoToDevObjStruct(devObjStructHead, currentDo); } else { // this is a 1284.3 Daisy Chain PDO
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("found Dot3 DC PDO - DO= %x , Ext= %x , Controller=%x , Dot3ID=%d\n", currentDo, currentExt, currentExt->Controller, currentExt->Ieee1284_3DeviceId) ); ParAddDot3PdoToDevObjStruct(devObjStructHead, currentDo); } currentDo = currentExt->Next; }
// It is possible for this function to construct a node with
// a NULL LegacyPodo if the parport goes away while we still have a PDO
// marked PAR_DEVICE_HARDWARE_GONE that is waiting to be cleaned up.
// Discard any such nodes that don't have a LegacyPodo since the lack of a
// LegacyPodo indicates that the parport device is gone, and attempting to
// communicate with the parport will likely bugcheck.
{ PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT currentNode = devObjStructHead; PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT prevNode = NULL;
while( currentNode ) {
if( currentNode->LegacyPodo ) {
// keep this node - advance pointers
prevNode = currentNode; currentNode = currentNode->Next;
} else {
// no PODO? - remove this node
PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT delNode = currentNode; currentNode = currentNode->Next;
if( prevNode ) { // node to be removed is not first node - link around node to be deleted
prevNode->Next = currentNode; } else { // node to be removed was head of list - update list head
devObjStructHead = currentNode; }
ExFreePool( delNode );
} // end if/else currentNode->LegacyPodo
} // end while currentNode
} // end localblock
return devObjStructHead; }
VOID ParAddPodoToDevObjStruct( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT DevObjStructHead, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT CurrentDo ) { PDEVICE_EXTENSION ext = CurrentDo->DeviceExtension; PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT node = ParFindCreateDevObjStruct(DevObjStructHead, ext->Controller); if( node ) { node->LegacyPodo = CurrentDo; } return; }
VOID ParAddEndOfChainPdoToDevObjStruct( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT DevObjStructHead, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT CurrentDo ) { PDEVICE_EXTENSION ext = CurrentDo->DeviceExtension; PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT node = ParFindCreateDevObjStruct(DevObjStructHead, ext->Controller); if( node ) { node->EndOfChainPdo = CurrentDo; } return; }
VOID ParAddLegacyZipPdoToDevObjStruct( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT DevObjStructHead, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT CurrentDo ) { PDEVICE_EXTENSION ext = CurrentDo->DeviceExtension; PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT node = ParFindCreateDevObjStruct(DevObjStructHead, ext->Controller); if( node ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParAddLegacyZipPdoToDevObjStruct - Controller=%x\n", ext->Controller) ); node->LegacyZipPdo = CurrentDo; } return; }
VOID ParAddDot3PdoToDevObjStruct( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT DevObjStructHead, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT CurrentDo ) { PDEVICE_EXTENSION ext = CurrentDo->DeviceExtension; PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT node = ParFindCreateDevObjStruct(DevObjStructHead, ext->Controller); if( node ) { *( (&node->Dot3Id0Pdo) + (ext->Ieee1284_3DeviceId) ) = CurrentDo; } return; }
PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT ParFindCreateDevObjStruct( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT DevObjStructHead, IN PUCHAR Controller ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function searches a list of PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCTs for a PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT whose Controller field matches the Controller parameter.
If no match is found, then a new PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT that matches is created, initialized (Controller field set, other fields initialized to NULL), and appended to the end of the list.
DevObjStructHead - points to the head of the list to be searched - NULL indicates that we should create an initial element for the list
Controller - specifies the Controller that we should try to match
Return Value:
PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT - on success, points to a PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT whose Controller field matches the Controller parameter
NULL - insufficient resources failure (ExAllocatePool failed)
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParFindCreateDevObjStruct - Enter\n"));
// If list is empty, create the initial element and return a pointer to it.
if( !DevObjStructHead ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParFindCreateDevObjStruct - Empty List - Creating Initial Element - %x\n", Controller)); current = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT)); if( !current ) { return NULL; // insufficient resources
} RtlZeroMemory(current, sizeof(PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT)); current->Controller = Controller; return current; }
// list is not empty - scan for a matching Controller
current = DevObjStructHead; while( current ) { if( current->Controller == Controller ) { break; // found match, break out of loop
} previous = current; // not found, advance pointers to next element
current = current->Next; }
// did we find a match?
if( current ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParFindCreateDevObjStruct - Found Match - %x\n", Controller)); return current; // we found a match, return pointer to it
// we didn't find a match, create a new list item, append it to the list,
// and return a pointer to it
current = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT)); if( !current ) { return NULL; // insufficient resources
} RtlZeroMemory(current, sizeof(PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT)); current->Controller = Controller; previous->Next = current; ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParFindCreateDevObjStruct - Match not found - Creating New - %x\n", Controller)); return current; }
VOID ParDestroyDevObjStructList( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT DevObjStructHead ) { PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT current = DevObjStructHead; PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT next;
while( current ) { next = current->Next; ExFreePool( current ); current = next; } }
VOID ParDoParallelBusRescan( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT DevObjStructHead ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine rescans the parallel port "buses" for changes in the PnP devices connected to each parallel port.
DevObjStructHead - points to a list of structures where each structure contains info about a single parallel port
Return Value:
--*/ { PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT currentNode = DevObjStructHead; PDEVICE_OBJECT legacyPodo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION legacyExt; NTSTATUS status; LARGE_INTEGER acquirePortTimeout;
// Process each parallel port (controller)
while( currentNode ) {
legacyPodo = currentNode->LegacyPodo; if( NULL == legacyPodo ) { //
// associated ParPort device object has been removed, so skip
// processing of this PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("ParDoParallelBusRescan - NULL legacyPodo for Controller=%x" " - skipping rescan of this port\n", currentNode->Controller) ); currentNode = currentNode->Next; continue; }
legacyExt = legacyPodo->DeviceExtension;
// Acquire the port from ParPort
// timeout is in 100 ns units
acquirePortTimeout.QuadPart = -(10 * 1000 * 1000 * 2); // 2 seconds
status = ParAcquirePort(legacyExt->PortDeviceObject, &acquirePortTimeout); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("ParDoParallelBusRescan - Unable to acquire port/" "Controller=%x - skipping rescan of this port\n", currentNode->Controller) ); currentNode = currentNode->Next; continue; }
// Port is acquired
// Rescan for change in End-Of-Chain Device
ParRescanEndOfChain( currentNode );
// Rescan for changes in 1284.3 Daisy Chain Devices
// ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain(currentNode);
dot3rescan( currentNode );
// Rescan for change in Legacy Zip Drive
{ ULONG OldParEnableLegacyZipFlag = ParEnableLegacyZip; ParCheckEnableLegacyZipFlag(); if( (OldParEnableLegacyZipFlag == 1) && (ParEnableLegacyZip == 0) ) { // We can handle enable ( 0 -> 1 ) without a reboot, but not disable ( 1 -> 0 )
ParEnableLegacyZip = OldParEnableLegacyZipFlag; } ParRescanLegacyZip( currentNode ); }
// Release the port back to ParPort
status = ParReleasePort( legacyExt->PortDeviceObject ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { ASSERTMSG("Unable to free port??? - this should never happen ", FALSE); }
// Advance pointer to next PAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT
currentNode = currentNode->Next;
} // end while
VOID ParRescanEndOfChain( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT CurrentNode ) { PDEVICE_OBJECT legacyPodo = CurrentNode->LegacyPodo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION legacyExt = legacyPodo->DeviceExtension; PUCHAR deviceId; ULONG deviceIdLength; UCHAR resultString[MAX_ID_SIZE]; NTSTATUS status; ULONG deviceIdTryCount = 1; ULONG maxIdTries = 3;
// Query for an End-Of-Chain 1284 device ID
deviceId = Par3QueryDeviceId(legacyExt, NULL, 0, &deviceIdLength, FALSE, FALSE);
if( ( deviceId == NULL ) && ( deviceIdTryCount < maxIdTries ) ) {
// we didn't find a device - give any device that might be connected
// another chance to tell us that it is there
ParDump2(PARRESCAN, ("rescan::ParRescanEndOfChain - no EOC detected on " "try %d - retrying 1284 id query\n", deviceIdTryCount) ); ++deviceIdTryCount; KeStallExecutionProcessor(1); // allow the signals on the wires to stabilize
goto retryDeviceIdQuery;
// Done with retries, we either found a device or we did not.
if( !deviceId ) {
// We didn't find an EOC device
if( CurrentNode->EndOfChainPdo ) { //
// we had a device but now it is gone - mark extension as "hardware gone"
ParDump2(PARRESCAN, ("rescan::ParRescanEndOfChain - EOC device went away\n")); ParMarkPdoHardwareGone(CurrentNode->EndOfChainPdo->DeviceExtension); } else { ParDump2(PARRESCAN, ("rescan::ParRescanEndOfChain - No end of chain device detected\n")); }
} else {
// we found an EOC device
ParDump2(PARRESCAN, ("rescan::ParRescanEndOfChain - EOC device detected - tries required == %d\n",deviceIdTryCount)); ParDump2(PARRESCAN, ("\"RAW\" ID string = <%s>\n", deviceId) ); //
// did we already have an EOC device?
if( CurrentNode->EndOfChainPdo ) { //
// we already had an EOC device - compare its ID from its extension
// with the ID we just read from the hardware
PDEVICE_EXTENSION endOfChainExt = CurrentNode->EndOfChainPdo->DeviceExtension; //
// massage the ID read from the hardware into the form needed for compare
RtlZeroMemory(resultString, MAX_ID_SIZE); status = ParPnpGetId(deviceId, BusQueryDeviceID, resultString, NULL); if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { //
// massage succeeded - do compare
if(0 == strcmp(endOfChainExt->DeviceIdString, resultString)) { //
// id matches - we found the same device we previously found
} else { //
// id differs - we have different device that we previously had
// mark previous device extension as "hardware gone"
ParMarkPdoHardwareGone(CurrentNode->EndOfChainPdo->DeviceExtension); //
// create device object for new device and add it to FDO's list
ParDetectCreateEndOfChainPdo(legacyPodo); } } else { // massage failed - unable to extract valid ID
// mark previous extension as "hardware gone"
ParMarkPdoHardwareGone(CurrentNode->EndOfChainPdo->DeviceExtension); } } else { // we didn't have an EOC device on previous scan, but ID detected on this scan
// create device object for new device and add it to FDO's list
ParDetectCreateEndOfChainPdo(legacyPodo); } ExFreePool( deviceId );
} // end if/else ( !deviceId ) - end of chain device rescan complete for this port
#if 0
VOID ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain( IN PPAR_DEVOBJ_STRUCT CurrentNode ) { PDEVICE_OBJECT legacyPodo = CurrentNode->LegacyPodo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION legacyExt = legacyPodo->DeviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT portDeviceObject = legacyExt->PortDeviceObject; PDEVICE_OBJECT currentDeviceObject; UCHAR newDot3DeviceCount; NTSTATUS status; UCHAR idx; UCHAR oldDot3DeviceCount; PUCHAR deviceId; ULONG deviceIdLength; UCHAR tempIdBuffer[MAX_ID_SIZE]; PCHAR deviceIdArray[IEEE_1284_3_DAISY_CHAIN_MAX_ID+1] = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}; BOOLEAN chainWasBroken; UCHAR firstDeviceGone; ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - Enter\n") );
// Count the number of .3 daisy chain devices we had on last scan
// of this port
idx = 0; while( NULL != *( (&CurrentNode->Dot3Id0Pdo) + idx ) ) { ++idx; } oldDot3DeviceCount = idx; ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - Dot3 DeviceCount Before Rescan = %d\n", idx) );
// Walk the daisy chain and verify that each device is still here
chainWasBroken = FALSE; idx=0; while( idx < oldDot3DeviceCount ) { PDEVICE_OBJECT curDevObj = *( (&CurrentNode->Dot3Id0Pdo) + idx ); PDEVICE_EXTENSION curDevExt = curDevObj->DeviceExtension; if( ParDeviceExists( curDevExt, HAVE_PORT_KEEP_PORT ) ) { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - Dot3 device %d still there\n", idx) ); ++idx; } else { ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - Dot3 device %d GONE - chain broken\n", idx) ); chainWasBroken=TRUE; firstDeviceGone = idx; break; } }
// If chain was broken, nuke PDO for missing device and for all
// .3 daisy chain devices connected beyond that device in
// the daisy chain.
if( chainWasBroken ) { for( idx = firstDeviceGone ; idx < oldDot3DeviceCount ; ++idx ) { PDEVICE_OBJECT curDevObj = *( (&CurrentNode->Dot3Id0Pdo) + idx ); PDEVICE_EXTENSION curDevExt = curDevObj->DeviceExtension; ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - Nuking DevObj= %x , idx=%d\n", curDevObj, idx) ); ParMarkPdoHardwareGone( curDevExt ); *( (&CurrentNode->Dot3Id0Pdo) + idx ) = NULL; --oldDot3DeviceCount; } ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - Dot3 DeviceCount - post-Nuking= %d\n", oldDot3DeviceCount) ); }
// Step through the list of Dot3 device objects associated with
// this port, read the device ID from the corresponding device and
// compare with the ID stored in the device extension. Mark any
// device extension whose device doesn't answer the query or
// answers the query with a different ID than the one in the
// extension as "hardware gone".
// Reinitialize 1284.3 daisy chain device IDs
ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - reinitializing Dot3 bus\n") ); status = ParInit1284_3Bus(portDeviceObject); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { ASSERT(FALSE); // this should never happen
return; }
// Get count of 1284.3 daisy chain devices connected to port
newDot3DeviceCount = ParGet1284_3DeviceCount(legacyExt->PortDeviceObject); ParDump2(PARPNP1, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - newDot3DeviceCount = %d\n", newDot3DeviceCount) );
// scan for 1284.3 daisy chain changes
for(idx = 0 ; idx <= IEEE_1284_3_DAISY_CHAIN_MAX_ID ; ++idx) { // get a pointer to the existing 1284.3 dc device object, if any
PDEVICE_OBJECT devObj = *( (&CurrentNode->Dot3Id0Pdo) + idx ); PDEVICE_EXTENSION devExt; if( (devObj == NULL) && ( idx >= newDot3DeviceCount ) ) {
// no device object, no device, done, exit loop early
ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - idx = %d, no DO - no device - exit loop early\n",idx) ); break;
} else if( (devObj == NULL) && ( idx < newDot3DeviceCount ) ) {
// no device object, but we have a device
// - create new device object
ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - idx = %d, no DO - have device - create device\n",idx) ); { PDEVICE_OBJECT newPdo;
ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - selecting idx = %d\n",idx) ); status = ParSelect1284_3Device(legacyExt->PortDeviceObject, idx);
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - select succeeded on idx=%d\n",idx) ); ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - creating PDO for idx=%d\n",idx) ); newPdo = ParDetectCreatePdo(legacyPodo, idx); // add to FDO list
if( newPdo ) { ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - PDO %x created for idx=%d\n", newPdo, idx) ); ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - adding new Dot3 PDO to FDO list\n") ); ParAddDevObjToFdoList(newPdo); } else { ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - create of PDO for idx=%d FAILED\n", idx) ); } ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - deselecting idx = %d\n",idx) ); status = ParDeselect1284_3Device(legacyExt->PortDeviceObject, idx); if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { ASSERTMSG("DESELECT FAILED??? - This should never happen ", FALSE); } } else { ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - select FAILED on idx=%d\n",idx) ); } }
} else if( (devObj != NULL) && ( idx >= newDot3DeviceCount ) ) {
// have a device object, but no device - this should not happen
// because we should have cleaned up in the code above
} else if( (devObj != NULL) && ( idx < newDot3DeviceCount ) ) {
// have a device object and a device
devExt = devObj->DeviceExtension;
// - compare ID's between device object and device
ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - idx = %d, have DO - have device - compare id's\n",idx) );
// do 1284.3 selection to select the device
status = ParSelect1284_3Device(portDeviceObject, idx); if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
// device selected
// query ID from device
deviceId = Par3QueryDeviceId(legacyExt, NULL, 0, &deviceIdLength, FALSE);
// deselect the 1284.3 dc device
status = ParDeselect1284_3Device(portDeviceObject, idx); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { // deselect should not fail, however not much we can do except complain if it does
ParDump2(PARERRORS, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - call to ParDeselect1284_3Device() FAILED\n") ); }
// did we get a device id from the hardware?
if( deviceId ) {
// massage deviceId into format saved in extension
RtlZeroMemory(tempIdBuffer, sizeof(tempIdBuffer)); status = ParPnpGetId(deviceId, BusQueryDeviceID, tempIdBuffer, NULL); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { // RMT - don't bother to compare
sprintf(tempIdBuffer, "rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - ParPnpGetId Failed - don't compare\0"); }
// got a device id from hardware - do compare
ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - device id = <%s>\n", tempIdBuffer) ); ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - ext id = <%s>\n", devExt->DeviceIdString) );
devExt = devObj->DeviceExtension; if( strcmp(tempIdBuffer, devExt->DeviceIdString) == 0 ) { // match - do nothing - device is same that was there before rescan
ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - MATCH - KEEP device, idx=%d\n", idx) ); } else { PDEVICE_OBJECT newPdo; // no match
ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - " "NO MATCH - mark hardware gone and create new device, idx = %d\n", idx) ); // - mark device object as hardware gone
devExt = devObj->DeviceExtension; ParMarkPdoHardwareGone( devExt ); // - create device object for new device
newPdo = ParDetectCreatePdo(legacyPodo, idx);
// add to FDO list
if( newPdo ) { ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - adding new Dot3 PDO to FDO list\n") ); ParAddDevObjToFdoList(newPdo); } } // done with temp ID string
ExFreePool( deviceId );
} else {
// unable to read device id
ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - didn't get device id, idx=%d\n", idx) );
// - mark device object as hardware gone
devExt = devObj->DeviceExtension; ParMarkPdoHardwareGone( devExt ); }
} else {
// unable to select device
ParDump2(PARPNP2, ("rescan::ParRescan1284_3DaisyChain - unable to select device, idx=%d\n", idx) );
// - mark device object as hardware gone
devExt = devObj->DeviceExtension; ParMarkPdoHardwareGone( devExt );
} // end if have a device object and a device
} // end for(idx = 0 ; ...)
} #endif // 0