Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993 - 1999
Module Name:
This is the main module for Extended Parallel Port (ECP) and Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) detection. This module will detect for invalid chipshets and do ECR detection for ECP and EPP hardware support if the invalid chipset is not found.
Don Redford (v-donred) 4-Mar-1998
Kernel mode
Revision History :
#include "pch.h"
Routine Description:
This routine is called once per DeviceObject to see if the filter driver for detecting parallel chip capabilities is there and to get the chip capabilities if there of the port in question. Arguments:
Fdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if we were able detect the chip and modes possible. !STATUS_SUCCESS - otherwise.
{ NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; PIRP Irp; KEVENT Event; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus; UCHAR ecrLast; PUCHAR Controller, EcpController; Controller = Fdx->PortInfo.Controller; EcpController = Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController; // Setting variable to FALSE to make sure we do not acidentally succeed
Fdx->ChipInfo.success = FALSE;
// Setting the Address to send to the filter driver to check the chips
Fdx->ChipInfo.Controller = Controller;
// Setting the Address to send to the filter driver to check the chips
Fdx->ChipInfo.EcrController = EcpController;
// if there is not value in the ECR controller then PARCHIP and PARPORT
// will conflict and PARCHIP will not work with PARPORT unless we
// use the ECR controller found by PARCHIP.
if ( !EcpController ) { return Status; } #endif
// Initialize
KeInitializeEvent(&Event, NotificationEvent, FALSE);
// Send a Pointer to the ChipInfo structure to and from the filter
Irp = IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest( IOCTL_INTERNAL_PARCHIP_CONNECT, Fdx->ParentDeviceObject, &Fdx->ChipInfo, sizeof(PARALLEL_PARCHIP_INFO), &Fdx->ChipInfo, sizeof(PARALLEL_PARCHIP_INFO), TRUE, &Event, &IoStatus);
if (!Irp) { // couldn't create an IRP
// Call down to our parent and see if Filter is present
Status = IoCallDriver(Fdx->ParentDeviceObject, Irp); if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) { KeWaitForSingleObject(&Event, Suspended, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); Status = Irp->IoStatus.Status; } //
// If successful then we have a filter driver and we need to get the modes supported
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
// check to see if the filter driver was able to determine the I/O chip
if ( Fdx->ChipInfo.success ) { Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities = Fdx->ChipInfo.HardwareModes; #ifdef USE_PARCHIP_ECRCONTROLLER
// only replace it if defined
if ( Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController != Fdx->ChipInfo.EcrController ) { Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController = Fdx->ChipInfo.EcrController; EcpController = Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController; } #endif
// Set variable to say we have a filter driver
Fdx->FilterMode = TRUE; } }
// if there is a filter and ECP capable we need to get the Fifo Size
if ( Fdx->FilterMode && Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & PPT_ECP_PRESENT ) {
Status = Fdx->ChipInfo.ParChipSetMode ( Fdx->ChipInfo.Context, ECR_ECP_MODE );
// if able to set ECP mode
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { PUCHAR wPortECR;
wPortECR = EcpController + ECR_OFFSET;
// get value from ECR reg & save it
ecrLast = P5ReadPortUchar( wPortECR );
// Determining Fifo Size
PptDetermineFifoWidth(Fdx); PptDetermineFifoDepth(Fdx);
// return ecr to original
P5WritePortUchar( wPortECR, ecrLast);
Status = Fdx->ChipInfo.ParChipClearMode ( Fdx->ChipInfo.Context, ECR_ECP_MODE ); } }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This routine is called once per DeviceObject to detect the type of parallel chip capabilities of the port in question. Arguments:
Fdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if we were able detect the chip and modes possible. !STATUS_SUCCESS - otherwise.
{ NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING ParportPath; RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE RegTable[2]; ULONG IdentifierHex = 12169; ULONG zero = 0;
// -- May want to get detection order from Registry.
// -- May also want to store/retrieve last known good configuration in/from registry.
// -- Finally we should set a registry flag during dection so that we'll know
// if we crashed while attempting to detect and not try it again.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ParportPath, (PWSTR)L"Parport");
// Setting up to get the Parport info
RtlZeroMemory( RegTable, sizeof(RegTable) );
RegTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT | RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_REQUIRED; RegTable[0].Name = (PWSTR)L"ModeCheckedStalled"; RegTable[0].EntryContext = &IdentifierHex; RegTable[0].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; RegTable[0].DefaultData = &zero; RegTable[0].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
// Querying the registry for Parport to see if we tried to go check mode and we crashed
// the registry key would still be there
Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues( RTL_REGISTRY_SERVICES, ParportPath.Buffer, RegTable, NULL, NULL );
// if registry key is there then we will just check ECP and Byte
if ( !(NT_SUCCESS( Status ) && IdentifierHex == 0) && (Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) ) {
// dvtw, Check for ECP anyway! We just won't turn it on
PptDetectEcpPort(Fdx); PptDetectBytePort(Fdx);
if( Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & (PPT_ECP_PRESENT | PPT_BYTE_PRESENT) ) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } } IdentifierHex = 12169; // Write the registry key out there just in case we crash
Status = RtlWriteRegistryValue( RTL_REGISTRY_SERVICES, ParportPath.Buffer, (PWSTR)L"ModeCheckedStalled", REG_DWORD, &IdentifierHex, sizeof(ULONG) ); //
// Now we can start detecting the parallel port chip capabilities
Status = PptDetectPortCapabilities( Fdx );
// Delete the registry key out there since we finished
Status = RtlDeleteRegistryValue( RTL_REGISTRY_SERVICES, ParportPath.Buffer, (PWSTR)L"ModeCheckedStalled" ); return Status; }
NTSTATUS PptDetectPortCapabilities( IN PFDO_EXTENSION Fdx )
Routine Description:
This is the "default" detection code, which looks for an ECR. If the ECR is present it tries to set mode 100b in <7:5>. If it sticks we'll call it EPP.
Fdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if the port type was detected. !STATUS_SUCCESS - otherwise.
{ NTSTATUS Status;
PptDetectEcpPort( Fdx ); // dvdr
// if we did not detect an ECR for ECP mode and ECP mode failed
// EPP mode would fail also
// Also cannot have EPP mode at an address that ends with a "C"
if ( (Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & PPT_ECP_PRESENT) && (((ULONG_PTR)Fdx->PortInfo.Controller & 0x0F) != 0x0C) ) {
// Need to check for National chipsets before trying EPP mode
// dvdr - need to add detection for old Winbond
Status = PptFindNatChip( Fdx );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if ( !Fdx->NationalChipFound ) { // National chipset was NOT found so we can see if generic EPP is supported
PptDetectEppPortIfDot3DevicePresent( Fdx );
if( !Fdx->CheckedForGenericEpp ) { // we didn't have a dot3 device to use for screening, do check anyway
// if user has explicitly requested EPP detection
PptDetectEppPortIfUserRequested( Fdx ); } } else { // National chipset was found so can't do generic EPP
Fdx->CheckedForGenericEpp = TRUE; // check is complete - generic EPP is unsafe
} } } else { // ECP failed no check for Generic EPP
Fdx->CheckedForGenericEpp = TRUE; // check is complete - generic EPP is unsafe
PptDetectBytePort( Fdx ); if (Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & (PPT_ECP_PRESENT | PPT_EPP_PRESENT | PPT_BYTE_PRESENT) ) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
VOID PptDetectEcpPort( IN PFDO_EXTENSION Fdx ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine looks for the presence of an ECR register to determine that it has ECP. Arguments: Fdx - Supplies the device extension of the device we are reporting resources for. Return Value: None. --*/ { PUCHAR Controller; PUCHAR wPortDCR; // IO address of Device Control Register (DCR)
PUCHAR wPortECR; // IO address of Extended Control Register (ECR)
UCHAR ecrLast, ecr, dcr; Controller = Fdx->PortInfo.Controller; wPortDCR = Controller + DCR_OFFSET;
if( 0 == Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController ) { // PnP didn't give us an ECP Register set - we're done here
return; } wPortECR = Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController + ECR_OFFSET;
ecrLast = ecr = P5ReadPortUchar(wPortECR);
// Initialize the DCR's nAutoFeed and nStrobe to a harmless combination
// that could be returned by the ECR, but is not likely to be returned if
// the ECR isn't present. Depending on the host's address decode logic,
// reading a non-existant ECR could have one of two results: the ECR address
// could decode on top of the DCR, so we'll read the value we are about to set.
// Alternately, we might just read a floating bus and get a random value.
ecrLast = ecr = P5ReadPortUchar(wPortECR); // Attempt to read the ECR. If ECP hardware is present, the ECR register's
// bit 1 and bit 0 should read a 00 (some data in the FIFO), 01 (FIFO empty),
// or 10 (FIFO full). If we read a 11 (illegal combination) then we know for
// sure that no ECP hardware is present. Also, a valid ECR should never return
// 0xFF (but a nonexistant register probably would), so we'll test for that
// specific value also.
if ( ( TEST_ECR_FIFO( ecr, ECR_FIFO_MASK ) ) || ( ecrLast == 0xFF ) ) { // ECR[1:0] returned a value of 11, so this can't be hardware ECP.
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetectEcpPort: illegal FIFO status\n");
// Restore the DCR so that all lines are inactive.
dcr = SET_DCR( DIR_WRITE, IRQEN_DISABLE, INACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE ); P5WritePortUchar( wPortDCR, dcr ); return; }
// OK, so we got either a 00, 01, or 10 for ECR[1:0]. If it was 10, the
if( TEST_ECR_FIFO( ecr, ECR_FIFO_FULL ) ) { // Looking for ECR[1:0] of 10...
// The ECR[1:0] returned 10. This is a legal value, but possibly the
// hardware might have just decoded the DCR and we merely read back the
// DCR value we set earlier. Or, we might have just read back a value
// that was hanging on the bus due to bus capacitance. So, we'll change
// the DCR, read the ECR again, and see if the two registers continue to
// track each other. If they do track, we'll conclude that there is no
// ECP hardware.
// Put the DCR's nAutoFeed and nStrobe register bits back to zero.
// Read the ECR again
ecr = P5ReadPortUchar( wPortECR );
if ( TEST_ECR_FIFO( ecr, ECR_FIFO_SOME_DATA ) ) { // ECR[1:0] is tracking DCR[1:0], so this can't be hardware ECP.
// Restore the DCR so that all lines are inactive.
dcr = SET_DCR( DIR_WRITE, IRQEN_DISABLE, INACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE ); P5WritePortUchar( wPortDCR, dcr ); return; } } // If we get this far, then the ECR appears to be returning something valid that
// doesn't track the DCR. It is beginning to look promising. We're going
// to take a chance, and write the ECR to put the chip in compatiblity
// mode. Doing so will reset the FIFO, so when we read FIFO status it should
// come back empty. However, if we're wrong and this isn't ECP hardware, the
// value we're about to write will turn on 1284Active (nSelectIn) and this might
// cause headaches for the peripheral.
// Read the ECR again
ecr = P5ReadPortUchar( wPortECR );
// Now test the ECR snapshot to see if the FIFO status is correct. The FIFO
// should test empty.
if (!TEST_ECR_FIFO( ecr, ECR_FIFO_EMPTY ) ) { // Restore the DCR so that all lines are inactive.
dcr = SET_DCR( DIR_WRITE, IRQEN_DISABLE, INACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE ); P5WritePortUchar( wPortDCR, dcr ); return; }
// OK, it looks very promising. Perform a couple of additional tests that
// will give us a lot of confidence, as well as providing some information
// we need about the ECP chip.
// return ecr to original
P5WritePortUchar(wPortECR, ecrLast);
// Test here for ECP capable
// get value from ECR reg & save it
ecrLast = P5ReadPortUchar( wPortECR ); ecr = (UCHAR)(ecrLast & ECR_MODE_MASK);
// Put the chip into test mode; the FIFO should start out empty
P5WritePortUchar(wPortECR, (UCHAR)(ecr | ECR_TEST_MODE) );
PptDetermineFifoWidth(Fdx); if( 0 != Fdx->PnpInfo.FifoWidth) { Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities |= PPT_ECP_PRESENT; PptDetermineFifoDepth( Fdx );
if( 0 == Fdx->PnpInfo.FifoDepth ) { // Probe for FIFO depth failed - mark ECP as bad chip mode
Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities &= ~(PPT_ECP_PRESENT); } } // return ecr to original
P5WritePortUchar( wPortECR, ecrLast );
return; }
VOID PptDetectEppPortIfDot3DevicePresent( IN PFDO_EXTENSION Fdx ) /*++
Routine Description: If a 1284.3 daisy chain device is present, use the dot3 device to screen any printer from signal leakage while doing EPP detection. Otherwise abort detection. Arguments: Fdx - Supplies the device extension of the device we are reporting resources for. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PUCHAR Controller = Fdx->PortInfo.Controller; PARALLEL_1284_COMMAND Command;
if( 0 == Fdx->PnpInfo.Ieee1284_3DeviceCount ) { // No dot3 DC device present - aborting - unsafe for some printers if we check for EPP here
return; } //
// 1284.3 daisy chain device is present. Use device to screen printer from
// possible signal leakage.
// Select 1284.3 daisy chain device
Command.ID = 0; Command.Port = 0; Command.CommandFlags = PAR_HAVE_PORT_KEEP_PORT; status = PptTrySelectDevice( Fdx, &Command ); if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // unable to select device - something is wrong - just bail out
return; }
// do the detection for chipset EPP capability
// DOT3 Device Present and selected
PptDetectEppPort( Fdx );
// Deselect 1284.3 daisy chain device
Command.ID = 0; Command.Port = 0; Command.CommandFlags = PAR_HAVE_PORT_KEEP_PORT; status = PptDeselectDevice( Fdx, &Command ); if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // deselect failed??? - this shouldn't happen - our daisy chain interface is likely hung
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDE,"PptDetectEppPort - deselect of 1284.3 device FAILED - Controller=%x\n", Controller); } return; }
VOID PptDetectEppPortIfUserRequested( IN PFDO_EXTENSION Fdx ) /*++
Routine Description: If user explicitly requested Generic EPP detection then do the check. Arguments: Fdx - Supplies the device extension of the device we are reporting resources for. Return Value: None. --*/ { ULONG RequestEppTest = 0; PptRegGetDeviceParameterDword( Fdx->PhysicalDeviceObject, (PWSTR)L"RequestEppTest", &RequestEppTest ); if( RequestEppTest ) { DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"-- User Requested EPP detection - %x\n", RequestEppTest); PptDetectEppPort( Fdx ); } else { DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"-- User did not request EPP detection\n"); } return; }
VOID PptDetectEppPort( IN PFDO_EXTENSION Fdx ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine checks for EPP capable port after ECP was found. Arguments: Fdx - Supplies the device extension of the device we are reporting resources for. Return Value: None. --*/ { PUCHAR Controller; UCHAR dcr, i; UCHAR Reverse = (UCHAR)(DCR_DIRECTION | DCR_NOT_INIT | DCR_AUTOFEED | DCR_DSTRB); UCHAR Forward = (UCHAR)(DCR_NOT_INIT | DCR_AUTOFEED | DCR_DSTRB);
ASSERTMSG(FALSE, "PptDetectEppPort shouldn't be called in current driver version");
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"-- PptDetectEppPort - Enter\n"); DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetectEppPort: Enter\n");
Controller = Fdx->PortInfo.Controller; // Get current DCR
dcr = P5ReadPortUchar( Controller + DCR_OFFSET );
// Temporarily set capability to true to bypass PptEcrSetMode validity
// check. We'll clear the flag before we return if EPP test fails.
Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities |= PPT_EPP_PRESENT;
// Setting EPP mode
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetectEppPort: Setting EPP Mode\n"); PptEcrSetMode( Fdx, ECR_EPP_PIO_MODE );
// Testing the hardware for EPP capable
for ( i = 0x01; i <= 0x02; i++ ) { // Put it into reverse phase so it doesn't talk to a device
P5WritePortUchar( Controller + DCR_OFFSET, Reverse ); KeStallExecutionProcessor( 5 ); P5WritePortUchar( Controller + EPP_OFFSET, (UCHAR)i );
// put it back into forward phase to read the byte we put out there
P5WritePortUchar( Controller + DCR_OFFSET, Forward ); KeStallExecutionProcessor( 5 ); if ( P5ReadPortUchar( Controller ) != i ) { // failure so clear EPP flag
Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities &= ~PPT_EPP_PRESENT; break; } }
// Clearing EPP Mode
PptEcrClearMode( Fdx ); // Restore DCR
P5WritePortUchar( Controller + DCR_OFFSET, dcr );
Fdx->CheckedForGenericEpp = TRUE; // check is complete
if( Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & PPT_EPP_PRESENT ) { DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetectEppPort: EPP present - Controller=%x\n", Controller); DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"-- PptDetectEppPort - HAVE Generic EPP\n"); } else { DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetectEppPort: EPP NOT present - Controller=%x\n", Controller); DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"-- PptDetectEppPort - DON'T HAVE Generic EPP\n"); }
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"-- PptDetectEppPort - Exit\n"); return; }
VOID PptDetectBytePort( IN PFDO_EXTENSION Fdx ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine check to see if the port is Byte capable. Arguments: Fdx - Supplies the device extension of the device we are reporting resources for. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetectBytePort Enter.\n" );
Status = PptSetByteMode( Fdx, ECR_BYTE_PIO_MODE );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { // Byte Mode found
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetectBytePort: Byte Found\n"); Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities |= PPT_BYTE_PRESENT; } else { // Byte Mode Not Found
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetectBytePort: Byte Not Found\n"); } (VOID)PptClearByteMode( Fdx );
VOID PptDetermineFifoDepth( IN PFDO_EXTENSION Fdx ) { PUCHAR Controller; PUCHAR wPortECR; // IO address of Extended Control Register (ECR)
PUCHAR wPortDFIFO; UCHAR ecr, ecrLast; ULONG wFifoDepth; UCHAR writeFifoDepth; // Depth calculated while writing FIFO
UCHAR readFifoDepth; // Depth calculated while reading FIFO
ULONG limitCount; // Prevents infinite looping on FIFO status
UCHAR testData; Controller = Fdx->PortInfo.Controller; wPortECR = Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController+ ECR_OFFSET; wPortDFIFO = Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController; wFifoDepth = 0;
ecrLast = P5ReadPortUchar(wPortECR );
P5WritePortUchar(wPortECR, DEFAULT_ECR_TEST );
ecr = P5ReadPortUchar(wPortECR ); if ( TEST_ECR_FIFO( ecr, ECR_FIFO_EMPTY ) ) { // Write bytes into the FIFO until it indicates full.
writeFifoDepth = 0; limitCount = 0; while (((P5ReadPortUchar (wPortECR) & ECR_FIFO_MASK) != ECR_FIFO_FULL ) && (limitCount <= ECP_MAX_FIFO_DEPTH)) { P5WritePortUchar( wPortDFIFO, (UCHAR)(writeFifoDepth & 0xFF) ); writeFifoDepth++; limitCount++; } DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetermineFifoDepth:: write fifo depth = %d\r\n", writeFifoDepth);
// Now read the bytes back, comparing what comes back.
readFifoDepth = 0; limitCount = 0; while (((P5ReadPortUchar( wPortECR ) & ECR_FIFO_MASK ) != ECR_FIFO_EMPTY ) && (limitCount <= ECP_MAX_FIFO_DEPTH)) { testData = P5ReadPortUchar( wPortDFIFO ); if ( testData != (readFifoDepth & (UCHAR)0xFF )) { // Data mismatch indicates problems...
// FIFO status didn't pan out, may not be an ECP chip after all
P5WritePortUchar( wPortECR, ecrLast); DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetermineFifoDepth::: data mismatch\n"); return; } readFifoDepth++; limitCount++; }
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetermineFifoDepth::: read fifo depth = %d\r\n", readFifoDepth);
// The write depth should match the read depth...
if ( writeFifoDepth == readFifoDepth ) { wFifoDepth = readFifoDepth; } else { // Assume no FIFO
P5WritePortUchar( wPortECR, ecrLast); DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetermineFifoDepth::: No Fifo\n"); return; } } else { // FIFO status didn't pan out, may not be an ECP chip after all
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetermineFifoDepth:: Bad Fifo\n"); P5WritePortUchar(wPortECR, ecrLast); return; }
// put chip into spp mode
P5WritePortUchar( wPortECR, ecrLast ); Fdx->PnpInfo.FifoDepth = wFifoDepth; }
VOID PptDetermineFifoWidth( IN PFDO_EXTENSION Fdx ) { PUCHAR Controller; UCHAR bConfigA; PUCHAR wPortECR;
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDT,"ParMode::PptDetermineFifoWidth: Start\n"); Controller = Fdx->PortInfo.Controller;
wPortECR = Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController + ECR_OFFSET;
// Put chip into configuration mode so we can access the ConfigA register
// The FIFO width is bits <6:4> of the ConfigA register.
bConfigA = P5ReadPortUchar( Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController ); Fdx->PnpInfo.FifoWidth = (ULONG)(( bConfigA & CNFGA_IMPID_MASK ) >> CNFGA_IMPID_SHIFT);
// Put the chip back in compatibility mode.
P5WritePortUchar(wPortECR, DEFAULT_ECR_COMPATIBILITY ); return; }
Routine Description:
This function will put the current parallel chip into the given mode if supported. The determination of supported mode was in the PptDetectPortType function.
Fdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if the port type was detected. !STATUS_SUCCESS - otherwise.
// Also allow PptSetChipMode from PS/2 mode - we need this for HWECP
// bus flip from Forward to Reverse in order to meet the required
// sequence specified in the Microsoft ECP Port Spec version 1.06,
// July 14, 1993, to switch directly from PS/2 mode with output
// drivers disabled (direction bit set to "read") to HWECP via
// the ECR. Changed 2000-02-11.
if ( Fdx->PnpInfo.CurrentMode != INITIAL_MODE && Fdx->PnpInfo.CurrentMode != ECR_BYTE_MODE ) {
DD((PCE)Fdx,DDW,"PptSetChipMode - CurrentMode invalid\n");
// Current mode is not valid to put in EPP or ECP mode
goto ExitSetChipModeNoChange; }
// need to find out what mode it was and try to take it out of it
// Check to see if we need to use the filter to set the mode
if ( Fdx->FilterMode ) { Status = Fdx->ChipInfo.ParChipSetMode ( Fdx->ChipInfo.Context, ChipMode ); } else {
// If asked for ECP check to see if we can do it
if ( EcrMode == ECR_ECP_MODE ) { if ((Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & PPT_ECP_PRESENT) ^ PPT_ECP_PRESENT) { // ECP Not Present
return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } Status = PptEcrSetMode ( Fdx, ChipMode ); goto ExitSetChipModeWithChanges; } // If asked for EPP check to see if we can do it
if ( EcrMode == ECR_EPP_MODE ) { if ((Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & PPT_EPP_PRESENT) ^ PPT_EPP_PRESENT) { // EPP Not Present
return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } Status = PptEcrSetMode ( Fdx, ChipMode ); goto ExitSetChipModeWithChanges; }
// If asked for Byte Mode check to see if it is still enabled
if ( EcrMode == ECR_BYTE_MODE ) { if ((Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & PPT_BYTE_PRESENT) ^ PPT_BYTE_PRESENT) { // BYTE Not Present
return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } Status = PptSetByteMode ( Fdx, ChipMode ); goto ExitSetChipModeWithChanges; } } ExitSetChipModeWithChanges:
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { Fdx->PnpInfo.CurrentMode = EcrMode; } else { DD((PCE)Fdx,DDW,"PptSetChipMode - failed w/status = %x\n",Status); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS PptClearChipMode ( IN PFDO_EXTENSION Fdx, IN UCHAR ChipMode ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine Clears the Given chip mode.
Fdx - Supplies the device extension. ChipMode - The given mode to clear from the Chip
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if the port type was detected. !STATUS_SUCCESS - otherwise.
// make sure we have a mode to clear
if ( EcrMode != Fdx->PnpInfo.CurrentMode ) { DD((PCE)Fdx,DDW,"ParMode::PptClearChipMode: Mode to Clear != CurrentModen");
// Current mode is not the same as requested to take it out of
goto ExitClearChipModeNoChange; }
// need to find out what mode it was and try to take it out of it
// check to see if we used the filter to set the mode
if ( Fdx->FilterMode ) { Status = Fdx->ChipInfo.ParChipClearMode ( Fdx->ChipInfo.Context, ChipMode ); } else {
// If ECP mode check to see if we can clear it
if ( EcrMode == ECR_ECP_MODE ) { Status = PptEcrClearMode( Fdx ); goto ExitClearChipModeWithChanges; } // If EPP mode check to see if we can clear it
if ( EcrMode == ECR_EPP_MODE ) { Status = PptEcrClearMode( Fdx ); goto ExitClearChipModeWithChanges; }
// If BYTE mode clear it if use ECR register
if ( EcrMode == ECR_BYTE_MODE ) { Status = PptClearByteMode( Fdx ); goto ExitClearChipModeWithChanges; } } ExitClearChipModeWithChanges:
if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { Fdx->PnpInfo.CurrentMode = INITIAL_MODE; }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This routine enables EPP mode through the ECR register.
Fdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if the port type was detected. !STATUS_SUCCESS - otherwise.
UCHAR ecr; PUCHAR Controller; PUCHAR wPortECR; Controller = Fdx->PortInfo.Controller; //
// Store the prior mode.
wPortECR = Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController + ECR_OFFSET;
ecr = P5ReadPortUchar( wPortECR ); Fdx->EcrPortData = ecr; // get rid of prior mode which is the top three bits
// Write out SPP mode first to the chip
P5WritePortUchar( wPortECR, (UCHAR)(ecr | ECR_BYTE_MODE) );
// Write new mode to ECR register
P5WritePortUchar( wPortECR, ChipMode ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
Routine Description:
This routine enables Byte mode either through the ECR register (if available). Or just checks it to see if it works
Fdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if the port type was detected. !STATUS_SUCCESS - otherwise.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; // Checking to see if ECR register is there and if there use it
if ( Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & PPT_ECP_PRESENT ) { Status = PptEcrSetMode( Fdx, ChipMode ); } Status = PptCheckByteMode( Fdx );
return Status;
Routine Description:
This routine Clears Byte mode through the ECR register if there otherwise just returns success because nothing needs to be done.
Fdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if the port type was detected. !STATUS_SUCCESS - otherwise.
{ NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Put ECR register back to original if it was there
if ( Fdx->PnpInfo.HardwareCapabilities & PPT_ECP_PRESENT ) { Status = PptEcrClearMode( Fdx ); } return Status; }
Routine Description: This routine checks to make sure we are still Byte capable before doing any transfering of data. Arguments: Fdx - Supplies the device extension of the device we are reporting resources for. Return Value: None. --*/ { PUCHAR Controller; UCHAR dcr; Controller = Fdx->PortInfo.Controller;
// run the test again to make sure somebody didn't take us out of a
// bi-directional capable port.
// 1. put in extended read mode.
// 2. write data pattern
// 3. read data pattern
// 4. if bi-directional capable, then data patterns will be different.
// 5. if patterns are the same, then check one more pattern.
// 6. if patterns are still the same, then port is NOT bi-directional.
// get the current control port value for later restoration
dcr = P5ReadPortUchar( Controller + DCR_OFFSET );
// put port into extended read mode
P5WritePortUchar( Controller + DCR_OFFSET, (UCHAR)(dcr | DCR_DIRECTION) );
// write the first pattern to the port
P5WritePortUchar( Controller, (UCHAR)0x55 ); if ( P5ReadPortUchar( Controller ) == (UCHAR)0x55 ) { // same pattern, try the second pattern
P5WritePortUchar( Controller, (UCHAR)0xaa ); if ( P5ReadPortUchar( Controller ) == (UCHAR)0xaa ) { // the port is NOT bi-directional capable
// restore the control port to its original value
P5WritePortUchar( Controller + DCR_OFFSET, (UCHAR)dcr );
Routine Description:
This routine disables EPP or ECP mode whichever one the chip was in through the ECR register.
Fdx - Supplies the device extension.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if it was successful. !STATUS_SUCCESS - otherwise.
UCHAR ecr; PUCHAR Controller; PUCHAR wPortECR; Controller = Fdx->PortInfo.Controller; //
// Restore the prior mode.
// Get original ECR register
ecr = Fdx->EcrPortData; Fdx->EcrPortData = 0;
// some chips require to change modes only after
// you put it into spp mode
wPortECR = Fdx->PnpInfo.EcpController + ECR_OFFSET;
P5WritePortUchar( wPortECR, (UCHAR)(ecr & ECR_MODE_MASK) );
// Back to original mode
P5WritePortUchar( wPortECR, ecr ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
Routine Description:
This routine Builds a CM_RESOURCE_LIST with 1 Full Resource Descriptor and as many Partial resource descriptors as you want with the same parameters for the Full. No Interrupts or anything else just IO addresses.
Fdx - Supplies the device extension. Partial - Number (array size) of partial descriptors in Addresses[] Addresses - Pointer to an Array of addresses of the partial descriptors Resources - The returned CM_RESOURCE_LIST
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - if the building of the list was successful. STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL - otherwise.
// Number of Full Resource descriptors
Resources->Count = 1; Resources->List[0].InterfaceType = Fdx->InterfaceType; Resources->List[0].BusNumber = Fdx->BusNumber; Resources->List[0].PartialResourceList.Version = 0; Resources->List[0].PartialResourceList.Revision = 0; Resources->List[0].PartialResourceList.Count = Partial;
// Going through the loop for each partial descriptor
for ( i = 0; i < Partial ; i++ ) {
// Setup port
Resources->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].Type = CmResourceTypePort; Resources->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDriverExclusive; Resources->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].Flags = CM_RESOURCE_PORT_IO; Resources->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].u.Port.Start.QuadPart = (ULONG_PTR)Addresses[i]; Resources->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].u.Port.Length = (ULONG)2;
return ( STATUS_SUCCESS );