// Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation.
// File: SysMem.CXX
// Contents: System Memory Management routines
// Functions: MemAlloc, MemFree, MemAllocLinked
// History: 10-Feb-92 AlexT Created
// 07-May-92 MikeSe Converted to using Win32 Heap functions.
// 14-Jul-92 randyd Added MemSwitchRoot, see memmgmt.doc.
// 5-Oct-93 isaache Slight reorganization, conversion to 'new'
// 13-Jul-94 doncl stole from ole32, put in ADs proj, deleted
// MemSwitchRoot, switched to naked
// Notes: For additional information, see win4adm\standrds\memmgmt.doc.
// This memory management package is multithread capable - the
// only place it makes a difference is in MemAllocLinked and
// MemSwitchRoot, where we use a critical section t
// protect adding link blocks to the list. We rely on the fact
// that LocalAlloc is multi-thread safe.
#include "dswarn.h"
#include <ADs.hxx>
#if 0
#include <excpt.h>
#include <except.hxx>
#include <dllsem.hxx>
// Memory block prefix (for signature and link)
typedef struct _smheader { unsigned long ulSignature; struct _smheader *psmNext; } SMHEADER, *PSMHEADER;
// Memory block signatures (for strict checks)
const ULONG ROOT_BLOCK = 0x726f6f74; // 'root'
const ULONG LINKED_BLOCK = 0x6c696e6b; // 'link'
static BOOL VerifySignature(PSMHEADER psm, ULONG ulSig ) { BOOL fReturn;
__try { fReturn = (ulSig == psm->ulSignature ); } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { fReturn = FALSE; }
return fReturn; }
// This module acts as the declarer of debug support symbols for COMMNOT
// Function: MemAlloc
// Synopsis: allocates memory block
// Arguments: [ulSize] -- size of block in bytes
// [ppv] -- output pointer
// Returns: status code
// Algorithm: call new, adding space for header
// History: 10-Feb-92 AlexT Created
HRESULT MemAlloc ( unsigned long ulSize, void ** ppv ) { PSMHEADER psm;
*ppv = NULL;
psm = (PSMHEADER) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, ulSize + sizeof(SMHEADER)); if ( psm != NULL ) { psm->ulSignature = ROOT_BLOCK; psm->psmNext = NULL;
*ppv = psm + 1; return S_OK; } return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Function: MemFree
// Synopsis: release system memory block
// Arguments: [pvBlockToFree] -- memory block to release
// Algorithm: Walk list of linked blocks, deleting each one
// History: 10-Feb-92 AlexT Created
HRESULT MemFree( void *pvBlockToFree ) { PSMHEADER psm = ((PSMHEADER) pvBlockToFree) - 1;
if( pvBlockToFree == NULL || psm == NULL ) return S_OK;
if( !VerifySignature( psm, ROOT_BLOCK ) ) { Win4Assert( !"MemFree -- not a root block!\n" ); return MEM_E_INVALID_ROOT; }
do { PSMHEADER psmNext = psm->psmNext;
psm->ulSignature = 0; LocalFree(psm); psm = psmNext; if( psm && !VerifySignature( psm, LINKED_BLOCK ) ) { Win4Assert( !"MemFree -- invalid linked block!\n" ); return MEM_E_INVALID_LINK; } } while( psm != NULL );
return S_OK; }
// Function: MemAllocLinked
// Synopsis: allocates linked memory block
// Arguments: [pvRootBlock] -- root memory block
// [ulSize] -- size of new memory block
// [ppv] -- output pointer
// Returns: status code
// History: 10-Feb-92 AlexT Created
// Notes: pvRootBlock can specify either a root block, or another
// linked block.
HRESULT MemAllocLinked ( void *pvRootBlock, unsigned long ulSize, void ** ppv ) { PSMHEADER psm = NULL; PSMHEADER psmRoot = ((PSMHEADER) pvRootBlock) - 1;
*ppv = NULL;
if ( pvRootBlock == NULL || psmRoot == NULL ) { Win4Assert( !"MemAllocLinked - null root block\n" ); return MEM_E_INVALID_ROOT; }
if ( !VerifySignature(psmRoot, ROOT_BLOCK) && !VerifySignature(psmRoot,LINKED_BLOCK) ) { Win4Assert( !"MemAllocLinked - invalid root block\n" ); return MEM_E_INVALID_ROOT; }
psm = (PSMHEADER) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, ulSize + sizeof(SMHEADER)); if ( psm == NULL ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
psm->ulSignature = LINKED_BLOCK;
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csMem); psm->psmNext = psmRoot->psmNext; psmRoot->psmNext = psm; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csMem);
// move psm past header
*ppv = psm+1; return S_OK; }