// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: cumiconn.cxx
// Contents: Contains the UMI connection object implementation
// History: 03-02-00 SivaramR Created.
#include "winnt.hxx"
// Function: CreateConnection
// Synopsis: Creates a connection object. Called by class factory.
// Arguments:
// iid Interface requested. Only interface supported is IUmiConnection.
// ppInterface Returns pointer to interface requested
// Returns: S_OK on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *ppInterface to return a pointer to the interface requested
HRESULT CUmiConnection::CreateConnection( REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppInterface ) { CUmiConnection *pConn = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
pConn = new CUmiConnection(); if(NULL == pConn) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// initialize connection object
hr = pConn->FInit(); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = pConn->QueryInterface(iid, ppInterface); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if(pConn != NULL) delete pConn;
RRETURN(hr); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CUmiConnection
// Synopsis: Constructor. Initializes all member variables
// Arguments:
// None
// Returns: Nothing.
// Modifies: Nothing.
CUmiConnection::CUmiConnection(void) { m_pIUmiPropList = NULL; m_pCUmiPropList = NULL; m_ulErrorStatus = 0; m_pIADsOpenDSObj = NULL; m_fAlreadyOpened = FALSE; m_pszComputerName = NULL; m_pszDomainName = NULL; }
// Function: ~CUmiConnection
// Synopsis: Destructor. Frees member variables
// Arguments:
// None
// Returns: Nothing.
// Modifies: Nothing.
CUmiConnection::~CUmiConnection(void) { if(m_pIUmiPropList != NULL) m_pIUmiPropList->Release();
if(m_pszComputerName != NULL) FreeADsStr(m_pszComputerName);
if(m_pszDomainName != NULL) FreeADsStr(m_pszDomainName);
if(m_pIADsOpenDSObj != NULL) m_pIADsOpenDSObj->Release();
// m_pCUmiPropList does not have to be deleted since the Release() above
// has already done it.
// Function: FInit
// Synopsis: Initializes connection object.
// Arguments:
// None
// Returns: S_OK on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: Nothing.
HRESULT CUmiConnection::FInit(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CUmiPropList *pPropList = NULL;
pPropList = new CUmiPropList(ConnectionClass, g_dwConnectionTableSize); if(NULL == pPropList) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY);
hr = pPropList->FInit(NULL, g_UmiConUnImplProps); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = pPropList->QueryInterface( IID_IUmiPropList, (void **) &m_pIUmiPropList ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// DECLARE_STD_REFCOUNTING initializes the refcount to 1. Call Release()
// on the created object, so that releasing the interface pointer will
// free the object.
m_pCUmiPropList = pPropList;
hr = m_pCUmiPropList->SetDefaultConnProps(); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if(m_pIUmiPropList != NULL) { m_pIUmiPropList->Release(); m_pIUmiPropList = NULL; m_pCUmiPropList = NULL; } else if(pPropList != NULL) delete pPropList;
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Queries connection object for supported interfaces. Only
// IUmiConnection is supported.
// Arguments:
// iid interface requested
// ppInterface Returns pointer to interface requested. NULL if interface
// is not supported.
// Returns: S_OK on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *ppInterface to return interface pointer
STDMETHODIMP CUmiConnection::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppInterface ) { if(NULL == ppInterface) RRETURN(E_INVALIDARG);
*ppInterface = NULL;
if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown)) *ppInterface = (IUmiConnection *) this; else if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUmiConnection)) *ppInterface = (IUmiConnection *) this; else if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUmiBaseObject)) *ppInterface = (IUmiBaseObject *) this; else if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUmiPropList)) *ppInterface = (IUmiPropList *) this; else RRETURN(E_NOINTERFACE);
AddRef(); RRETURN(S_OK); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: GetLastStatus
// Synopsis: Returns status or error code from the last operation. Currently
// only numeric status is returned i.e, no error objects are
// returned. Implements IUmiBaseObject::GetLastStatus().
// Arguments:
// uFlags Reserved. Must be 0 for now.
// puSpecificStatus Returns status code
// riid IID requested. Ignored currently.
// pStatusObj Returns interface requested. Always returns NULL currently.
// Returns: UMI_S_NO_ERROR on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *puSpecificStatus to return status code.
STDMETHODIMP CUmiConnection::GetLastStatus( ULONG uFlags, ULONG *puSpecificStatus, REFIID riid, LPVOID *pStatusObj ) { if(pStatusObj != NULL) *pStatusObj = NULL;
if(puSpecificStatus != NULL) *puSpecificStatus = 0;
if(NULL == puSpecificStatus) RRETURN(UMI_E_INVALIDARG);
*puSpecificStatus = m_ulErrorStatus;
// Function: GetInterfacePropList
// Synopsis: Returns a pointer to the interface property list implementation
// for the connection object. Implements
// IUmiBaseObject::GetInterfacePropList().
// Arguments:
// uFlags Reserved. Must be 0 for now.
// pPropList Returns pointer to IUmiPropertyList interface
// Returns: UMI_S_NO_ERROR on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *pPropList to return interface pointer
STDMETHODIMP CUmiConnection::GetInterfacePropList( ULONG uFlags, IUmiPropList **pPropList ) { HRESULT hr = UMI_S_NO_ERROR;
ADsAssert(m_pIUmiPropList != NULL);
hr = m_pIUmiPropList->QueryInterface(IID_IUmiPropList, (void **)pPropList);
if(FAILED(hr)) SetLastStatus(hr);
RRETURN(MapHrToUmiError(hr)); }
// Function: SetLastStatus
// Synopsis: Sets the status of the last operation.
// Arguments:
// ulStatus Status to be set
// Returns: Nothing
// Modifies: Nothing
void CUmiConnection::SetLastStatus(ULONG ulStatus) { m_ulErrorStatus = ulStatus;
return; }
// Function: Open
// Synopsis: Opens the object specified by a URL and gets the interface
// requested on this object. Implements IUmiConnection::Open().
// Arguments:
// pURL Pointer to an IUmiURL interface
// uFlags Reserved. Must be 0 for now.
// TargetIID Interface requested
// ppInterface Returns pointer to interface requested
// Returns: UMI_S_NO_ERROR on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *ppInterface to return interface pointer
STDMETHODIMP CUmiConnection::Open( IUmiURL *pURL, ULONG uFlags, REFIID TargetIID, LPVOID *ppInterface ) { HRESULT hr = UMI_S_NO_ERROR; LPWSTR pszUserName = NULL, pszPassword = NULL; DWORD dwBindFlags = 0, dwNumComponents = 0, dwIndex = 0; LPWSTR *ppszClasses = NULL; WCHAR pszUrl[MAX_URL+1]; WCHAR *pszLongUrl = pszUrl; ULONG ulUrlLen = MAX_URL; IUnknown *pIUnknown = NULL; CWinNTNamespaceCF tmpNamCF; ULONGLONG PathType = 0; BOOL fPrevAlreadyOpened = FALSE; LPWSTR pszPrevComputer = NULL, pszPrevDomain = NULL;
if(uFlags != 0) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_INVALID_FLAGS); if( (NULL == pURL) || (NULL == ppInterface) ) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_INVALIDARG);
*ppInterface = NULL;
// Check if the user specified any interface properties for authentication
hr = GetUserName(&pszUserName); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = GetPassword(&pszPassword); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = GetBindFlags(&dwBindFlags); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// check if this is a native path or UMI path
hr = pURL->GetPathInfo(0, &PathType); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if(PathType & UMIPATH_INFO_NATIVE_STRING) { // Get the native path from the URL
hr = pURL->Get(0, &ulUrlLen, pszUrl);
if(WBEM_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == hr) { // need to allocate more memory for URL
pszLongUrl = (WCHAR *) AllocADsMem(ulUrlLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(NULL == pszLongUrl) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
hr = pURL->Get(0, &ulUrlLen, pszLongUrl); } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } else { // assume UMI path if not native
hr = UmiToWinNTPath( pURL, &pszLongUrl, &dwNumComponents, &ppszClasses ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); }
hr = tmpNamCF.CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IADsOpenDSObject, (void **) &m_pIADsOpenDSObj ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// we need a way to distinguish between calls to OpenDSObject from UMI
// vs ADSI. We use the bind flags for this purpose. If ADS_AUTH_RESERVED
// is set, then the call is from UMI. ADSI clients are not allowed to use
// this flag - OLEDB relies on this.
hr = m_pIADsOpenDSObj->OpenDSObject( pszLongUrl, pszUserName, pszPassword, dwBindFlags | ADS_AUTH_RESERVED, (IDispatch **) &pIUnknown ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// save off state in case we need to restore it later
fPrevAlreadyOpened = m_fAlreadyOpened; pszPrevComputer = m_pszComputerName; pszPrevDomain = m_pszDomainName;
// ensure that the returned object is what the user requested and that the
// object is on the same domain/server that this connection is for
hr = CheckObject( pIUnknown, dwNumComponents, ppszClasses ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface( TargetIID, ppInterface ); if(FAILED(hr)) { // restore state of connection
m_fAlreadyOpened = fPrevAlreadyOpened;
if(m_pszComputerName != pszPrevComputer) { if(m_pszComputerName != NULL) FreeADsStr(m_pszComputerName); m_pszComputerName = pszPrevComputer; } if(m_pszDomainName != pszPrevDomain) { if(m_pszDomainName != NULL) FreeADsStr(m_pszDomainName); m_pszDomainName = pszPrevDomain; }
goto error; }
// make interface properties read-only
if(pszUserName != NULL) FreeADsMem(pszUserName);
if(pszPassword != NULL) FreeADsMem(pszPassword);
if(pIUnknown != NULL) pIUnknown->Release();
if( (pszLongUrl != NULL) && (pszLongUrl != pszUrl) ) FreeADsMem(pszLongUrl);
if(ppszClasses != NULL) { for(dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwNumComponents; dwIndex++) { if(ppszClasses[dwIndex] != NULL) FreeADsStr(ppszClasses[dwIndex]); } FreeADsMem(ppszClasses); }
if(FAILED(hr)) { SetLastStatus(hr); if(m_pIADsOpenDSObj != NULL) { m_pIADsOpenDSObj->Release(); m_pIADsOpenDSObj = NULL; } } RRETURN(MapHrToUmiError(hr)); }
// Function: GetUserName
// Synopsis: Gets the username from the interface property cache. If the
// interface property was not set, the default username is
// returned.
// Arguments:
// ppszUserName Returns pointer to the username
// Returns: UMI_S_NO_ERROR on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *ppszUserName to return the username.
HRESULT CUmiConnection::GetUserName(LPWSTR *ppszUserName) { HRESULT hr = UMI_S_NO_ERROR; UMI_PROPERTY_VALUES *pUmiProp = NULL; LPWSTR pszUserName = NULL;
ADsAssert(ppszUserName != NULL);
*ppszUserName = NULL;
hr = m_pIUmiPropList->Get( TEXT(CONN_INTF_PROP_USERNAME), 0, &pUmiProp );
if(FAILED(hr)) { // shouldn't happen
ADsAssert(UMI_TYPE_LPWSTR == pUmiProp->pPropArray->uType); ADsAssert(pUmiProp->pPropArray->pUmiValue != NULL);
pszUserName = pUmiProp->pPropArray->pUmiValue->pszStrValue[0];
if(pszUserName != NULL) { *ppszUserName = AllocADsStr(pszUserName); if(NULL == *ppszUserName) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } else *ppszUserName = NULL;
if(pUmiProp != NULL) m_pIUmiPropList->FreeMemory(0, pUmiProp); // ignore error return
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: GetPassword
// Synopsis: Gets the password from the interface property cache. If the
// interface property was not set, the default password is
// returned.
// Arguments:
// ppszPassword Returns pointer to the password
// Returns: UMI_S_NO_ERROR on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *ppszPassword to return the password.
HRESULT CUmiConnection::GetPassword(LPWSTR *ppszPassword) { HRESULT hr = UMI_S_NO_ERROR; UMI_PROPERTY_VALUES *pUmiProp = NULL; LPWSTR pszPassword = NULL;
ADsAssert(ppszPassword != NULL);
*ppszPassword = NULL;
hr = m_pCUmiPropList->GetHelper( TEXT(CONN_INTF_PROP_PASSWORD), 0, &pUmiProp, UMI_TYPE_NULL, // no-op
TRUE // this is an internal call to GetHelper
if(FAILED(hr)) { // shouldn't happen
ADsAssert(UMI_TYPE_LPWSTR == pUmiProp->pPropArray->uType); ADsAssert(pUmiProp->pPropArray->pUmiValue != NULL);
pszPassword = pUmiProp->pPropArray->pUmiValue->pszStrValue[0];
if(pszPassword != NULL) { *ppszPassword = AllocADsStr(pszPassword); if(NULL == *ppszPassword) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } else *ppszPassword = NULL;
if(pUmiProp != NULL) m_pCUmiPropList->FreeMemory(0, pUmiProp); // ignore error return
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: GetBindFlags
// Synopsis: Gets the bind flags from the interface property cache. If the
// interface properties were not set, the default bind flags are
// returned.
// Arguments:
// pdwBindFlags Returns the bind flags.
// Returns: UMI_S_NO_ERROR on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: *pdwBindFlags to return the bind flags.
HRESULT CUmiConnection::GetBindFlags(DWORD *pdwBindFlags) { HRESULT hr = UMI_S_NO_ERROR; UMI_PROPERTY_VALUES *pUmiProp = NULL; DWORD dwUmiBindFlags = 0;
ADsAssert(pdwBindFlags != NULL);
hr = m_pIUmiPropList->Get( TEXT(CONN_INTF_PROP_SECURE_AUTH), 0, &pUmiProp );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ADsAssert(UMI_TYPE_BOOL == pUmiProp->pPropArray->uType); ADsAssert(pUmiProp->pPropArray->pUmiValue != NULL);
if(TRUE == pUmiProp->pPropArray->pUmiValue->bValue[0]) dwUmiBindFlags |= ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION;
m_pIUmiPropList->FreeMemory(0, pUmiProp); // ignore error return
pUmiProp = NULL; } else // shouldn't happen
hr = m_pIUmiPropList->Get( TEXT(CONN_INTF_PROP_READONLY_SERVER), 0, &pUmiProp );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ADsAssert(UMI_TYPE_BOOL == pUmiProp->pPropArray->uType); ADsAssert(pUmiProp->pPropArray->pUmiValue != NULL);
if(TRUE == pUmiProp->pPropArray->pUmiValue->bValue[0]) dwUmiBindFlags |= ADS_READONLY_SERVER;
m_pIUmiPropList->FreeMemory(0, pUmiProp); // ignore error return
pUmiProp = NULL; } else // shouldn't happen
*pdwBindFlags = dwUmiBindFlags;
if(pUmiProp != NULL) m_pIUmiPropList->FreeMemory(0, pUmiProp); // ignore error return
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: CheckObject
// Synopsis: Checks that the returned object is the same as what the user
// requested, if the user passed in a UMI path i.e the classes
// of the components in the UMI path to the object retrieved
// should be the same as what the user requested.
// This function also checks to make sure that subsequent calls to
// Open(), after the first call, specify the same server/domain
// as the first call. If the path used in the first call to Open()
// specifies only a domain name, then all subsequent Open() calls
// should also specify only a domain name and no computer name.
// If the first call to Open() specified only a computer name, then
// all subsequent calls should specify the same computer name. If
// the first call to Open specified the WinNT namespace path
// (umi:///winnt or WinNT:), then subsequent Open() calls can
// connect to any domain/computer. Also, the namespace object can
// be opened successfully even if we already connected to a
// computer/domain.
// Arguments:
// pUnknown Pointer to the IUnknown of object retrieved
// dwNumComps Number of components if the path is a UMI path. 0 otherwise.
// ppszClasses Array containing the class of each component, if the path is
// a UMI path to an object other than the namespace obejct.
// NULL otherwise.
// Returns: S_OK on success. Error code otherwise.
// Modifies: Nothing
HRESULT CUmiConnection::CheckObject( IUnknown *pUnknown, DWORD dwNumComps, LPWSTR *ppszClasses ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUmiADSIPrivate *pUmiPrivate = NULL; CCoreADsObject *pCoreObj = NULL; LPWSTR pszComputerName = NULL, pszDomainName = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = 0, dwCoreIndex = 0;
ADsAssert(pUnknown != NULL);
hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IUmiADSIPrivate, (LPVOID *) &pUmiPrivate ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = pUmiPrivate->GetCoreObject((void **) &pCoreObj); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if(ppszClasses != NULL) { // user specified a UMI path and it was not umi:///winnt. Make sure the
// classes are the same, as mentioned above.
// walk the list of classes in reverse order. Reason for reverse order
// is that the WinNT provider may tack on an additional component to
// the ADsPath stored in the core object. For example,
// Open("WinNT://ntdsdc1") would return an ADsPath of
// "WinNT://ntdev/ntdsdc1".
dwCoreIndex = pCoreObj->_dwNumComponents - 1; for(dwIndex = dwNumComps - 1; ((long) dwIndex) >= 0; dwIndex--) { if( _wcsicmp( ppszClasses[dwIndex], pCoreObj->_CompClasses[dwCoreIndex]) ) { if( (0 == dwIndex) && (dwNumComps > 1) ) {
if(0 == _wcsicmp(pCoreObj->_CompClasses[1], SCHEMA_CLASS_NAME)) { // if the first component of a schema path doesn't match,
// make sure it is "Domain". Need this special case because
// of a bug in the WinNT provider. First component of a
// schema path is ignored and hence the UMI path always
// returns "Computer" as the class for this component. This
// special case allows binding using a path like
// umi://winnt/domain=ntdev/schema=schema.
if(0 == _wcsicmp(ppszClasses[dwIndex], DOMAIN_CLASS_NAME)) { dwCoreIndex--; continue; } } }
dwCoreIndex--; } } // if(ppszClasses...)
// get the domain/computer name specified in the path
if(pCoreObj->_dwNumComponents > 0) { for(dwIndex = pCoreObj->_dwNumComponents - 1; ((long) dwIndex) >= 0; dwIndex--) { if(0 == (_wcsicmp( pCoreObj->_CompClasses[dwIndex], SCHEMA_CLASS_NAME)) ) { // schema container is a special case. We can connect to the
// schema on any computer/domain irrespective of where we are
// connected currently. This is to allow for CIMOM to connect to
// the schema container for a computer. Currently, the WinNT
// provider returns WinNT://ntdev/schema as the schema path on the
// object WinNT://ntdsdc1. Hence we need to allow CIMOM to connect
// to ntdev even after connecting to ntdsdc1.
break; // pszComputerName and pszDomainName are both NULL
if(0 == (_wcsicmp( pCoreObj->_CompClasses[dwIndex], COMPUTER_CLASS_NAME)) ) { pszComputerName = pCoreObj->_ObjectInfo.DisplayComponentArray[dwIndex]; break; } else if(0 == (_wcsicmp( pCoreObj->_CompClasses[dwIndex], DOMAIN_CLASS_NAME)) ) { pszDomainName = pCoreObj->_ObjectInfo.DisplayComponentArray[dwIndex]; break; } } // for(..)
} // if(pCoreObj...)
if(FALSE == m_fAlreadyOpened) { // first call to Open()
if(pszComputerName != NULL) { m_pszComputerName = AllocADsStr(pszComputerName); if(NULL == m_pszComputerName) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } } else if(pszDomainName != NULL) { m_pszDomainName = AllocADsStr(pszDomainName); if(NULL == m_pszDomainName) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } }
m_fAlreadyOpened = TRUE; } else if( (pszComputerName != NULL) || (pszDomainName != NULL) ) { // Already opened connection and this is not the namespace object.
// Make sure that the domain/computer is same as before.
if(m_pszComputerName != NULL) { if( (NULL == pszComputerName) || (_wcsicmp(m_pszComputerName, pszComputerName)) ) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_MISMATCHED_SERVER); } } else if(m_pszDomainName != NULL) { if( (NULL == pszDomainName) || (_wcsicmp(m_pszDomainName, pszDomainName)) ) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_MISMATCHED_DOMAIN); } } else { // both m_pszComputerName and m_pszDomainName are NULL. Previous
// open() must have been for a namespace object.
if(pszComputerName != NULL) { m_pszComputerName = AllocADsStr(pszComputerName); if(NULL == m_pszComputerName) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } } else if(pszDomainName != NULL) { m_pszDomainName = AllocADsStr(pszDomainName); if(NULL == m_pszDomainName) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = UMI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } } } // else {
} // else if(pszComputer...)
if(pUmiPrivate != NULL) pUmiPrivate->Release();
RRETURN(hr); }