Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: Helper functions for Job Object
Ram Viswanathan (ramv) 11-18-95
Revision History:
#include "winnt.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#define INITGUID
// mapping WinNT Status Codes to ADs Status Codes and vice versa
typedef struct _JobStatusList { DWORD dwWinNTJobStatus; DWORD dwADsJobStatus; } JOB_STATUS_LIST, *PJOB_STATUS_LIST;
BOOL JobStatusWinNTToADs( DWORD dwWinNTStatus, DWORD *pdwADsStatus) { BOOL found = FALSE; int i;
for (i=0;i<8;i++){
if(dwWinNTStatus == JobStatusList[i].dwWinNTJobStatus){ *pdwADsStatus = JobStatusList[i].dwADsJobStatus; found = TRUE; break; } } return (found); }
BOOL JobStatusADsToWinNT( DWORD dwADsStatus, DWORD *pdwWinNTStatus)
{ BOOL found = FALSE; int i;
for (i=0;i<8;i++){
if(dwADsStatus == JobStatusList[i].dwADsJobStatus){ *pdwWinNTStatus = JobStatusList[i].dwWinNTJobStatus; found = TRUE; break; } } return (found);
// Function: MarshallAndSet
// Synopsis: Marshalls information from a Print Job object to a
// JOB_INFO_2 structure and sets it
// Arguments: [lpJobInfo2] -- Pointer to a JOB_INFO_2 struct.
// Returns: HRESULT
// Modifies:
// History: 11/09/95 RamV Created
HRESULT CWinNTPrintJob::MarshallAndSet( LPJOB_INFO_2 lpJobInfo2, BSTR bstrPrinterName, LONG lJobId )
{ HRESULT hr =S_OK; LPTSTR pszUserName = NULL; LPTSTR pszDescription = NULL; LPTSTR pszNotify = NULL; LPTSTR pszDocument = NULL; DWORD dwPriority; DWORD dwPosition; DWORD dwStartTime; DWORD dwUntilTime; DWORD dwTotalPages; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwPagesPrinted; SYSTEMTIME stTimeSubmitted;
hr = GetLPTSTRPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("User"), &pszUserName );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->pUserName = pszUserName; }
hr = GetLPTSTRPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("Description"), &pszDocument ); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->pDocument = pszDocument; }
hr = GetLPTSTRPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("Notify"), &pszNotify );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->pNotifyName = pszNotify; }
hr = GetDWORDPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("Priority"), &dwPriority );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->Priority = dwPriority; }
hr = GetDWORDPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("Position"), &dwPosition );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->Position = dwPosition; }
hr = GetDWORDPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("TotalPages"), &dwTotalPages );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->TotalPages = dwTotalPages; }
hr = GetDWORDPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("Size"), &dwSize );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->Size = dwSize; }
hr = GetDWORDPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PagesPrinted"), &dwPagesPrinted );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->PagesPrinted = dwPagesPrinted; }
hr = GetDATEPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("StartTime"), &dwStartTime );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->StartTime = dwStartTime; }
hr = GetDATEPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("UntilTime"), &dwUntilTime );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->UntilTime = dwUntilTime; }
hr = GetSYSTEMTIMEPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("TimeSubmitted"), &stTimeSubmitted );
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ lpJobInfo2->Submitted = stTimeSubmitted; }
// set the relevant information
hr = Set(lpJobInfo2, bstrPrinterName, lJobId);
if(pszUserName){ FreeADsStr(pszUserName); } if(pszDescription){ FreeADsStr(pszDescription); } if(pszNotify){ FreeADsStr(pszNotify); } if(pszDocument){ FreeADsStr(pszDocument); }
RRETURN(hr); }
// Function: UnmarshallLevel2
// Synopsis: Unmarshalls information from a JOB_INFO_2 to a
// WinNT Print JOB object.
// Arguments: [lpJobInfo2] -- Pointer to a JOB_INFO_2 struct
// Returns: HRESULT
// Modifies: GeneralInfo and Operation Functional sets
// History: 11/08/95 RamV Created
HRESULT CWinNTPrintJob::UnMarshallLevel2( LPJOB_INFO_2 lpJobInfo2, BOOL fExplicit )
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("TimeElapsed"), lpJobInfo2->Time, fExplicit );
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("PagesPrinted"), lpJobInfo2->PagesPrinted, fExplicit );
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("Position"), lpJobInfo2->Position, fExplicit );
hr = SetLPTSTRPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("HostPrintQueue"), _pszPrinterPath, fExplicit );
hr = SetLPTSTRPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("User"), lpJobInfo2->pUserName, fExplicit );
hr = SetLPTSTRPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("Description"), lpJobInfo2->pDocument, fExplicit );
hr = SetLPTSTRPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("Notify"), lpJobInfo2->pNotifyName, fExplicit );
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("Priority"), lpJobInfo2->Priority, fExplicit );
hr = SetDATEPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("StartTime"), lpJobInfo2->StartTime, fExplicit );
hr = SetDATEPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("UntilTime"), lpJobInfo2-> UntilTime, fExplicit );
hr = SetSYSTEMTIMEPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("TimeSubmitted"), lpJobInfo2->Submitted, fExplicit );
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("TotalPages"), lpJobInfo2->TotalPages, fExplicit );
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("Size"), lpJobInfo2->Size, fExplicit );
hr = SetLPTSTRPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("Name"), _Name, fExplicit );
HRESULT CWinNTPrintJob::UnMarshallLevel1( LPJOB_INFO_1 lpJobInfo1, BOOL fExplicit )
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("PagesPrinted"), lpJobInfo1->PagesPrinted, fExplicit );
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("Position"), lpJobInfo1->Position, fExplicit );
hr = SetLPTSTRPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("User"), lpJobInfo1->pUserName, fExplicit );
hr = SetLPTSTRPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("Description"), lpJobInfo1->pDocument, fExplicit );
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("Priority"), lpJobInfo1->Priority, fExplicit );
hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("TotalPages"), lpJobInfo1->TotalPages, fExplicit );
hr = SetSYSTEMTIMEPropertyInCache(_pPropertyCache, TEXT("TimeSubmitted"), lpJobInfo1->Submitted, fExplicit );
// Function: Set
// Synopsis: Helper function called by CADsPrintJob:SetInfo
// Arguments:
// Returns: HRESULT.
// Modifies:
// History: 11-08-95 RamV Created
HRESULT Set( LPJOB_INFO_2 lpJobInfo2, BSTR bstrPrinterName, LONG lJobId ) {
BOOL fStatus = FALSE; PRINTER_DEFAULTS PrinterDefaults = {0, 0, PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS}; HANDLE hPrinter = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD LastError = 0;
fStatus = OpenPrinter((LPTSTR)bstrPrinterName, &hPrinter, &PrinterDefaults );
if (!fStatus) { goto error; }
fStatus = SetJob(hPrinter, lJobId, 2, (LPBYTE)lpJobInfo2, 0 );
if (!fStatus) { goto error; }
error: hr =HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); if(hPrinter) fStatus = ClosePrinter(hPrinter); RRETURN(hr);
HRESULT GetJobInfo( DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE *ppJobInfo, LPWSTR pszPrinterName, LONG lJobId)
{ PRINTER_DEFAULTS PrinterDefaults = {0, 0, PRINTER_ACCESS_USE | READ_CONTROL}; BOOL fStatus = FALSE; DWORD dwPassed = 0, dwNeeded = 0; DWORD LastError = 0; HANDLE hPrinter = NULL; LPBYTE pMem = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ADsAssert(dwLevel ==1 || dwLevel == 2);
fStatus = OpenPrinter(pszPrinterName, &hPrinter, &PrinterDefaults ); if (!fStatus) { LastError = GetLastError(); switch (LastError) {
case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: { PRINTER_DEFAULTS PrinterDefaults = {0, 0, PRINTER_ACCESS_USE}; fStatus = OpenPrinter(pszPrinterName, &hPrinter, &PrinterDefaults ); if (fStatus) { break; } } default: RRETURN(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } }
pMem = (LPBYTE)AllocADsMem(dwPassed);
if (!pMem) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
fStatus = GetJob(hPrinter, lJobId, dwLevel, (LPBYTE)pMem, dwPassed, &dwNeeded ); if (!fStatus) { LastError = GetLastError(); switch (LastError) { case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: if(pMem){ FreeADsMem(pMem); } dwPassed = dwNeeded; pMem = (LPBYTE)AllocADsMem(dwPassed);
if (!pMem) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
fStatus = GetJob(hPrinter, lJobId, dwLevel, (LPBYTE)pMem, dwPassed, &dwNeeded ); if (!fStatus) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } break;
default: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto cleanup;
} }
*ppJobInfo = pMem;
cleanup: if(hPrinter) ClosePrinter(hPrinter); RRETURN(hr); }