Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Domain Name System (DNS) Server
Test Code for adding a Zone
Ram Viswanathan (ramv) 14th March 1997
Revision History:
Ram Viswanathan (ramv) 14th March 1997 Created
5th May 1997 Added Callback function testing --*/
#include <windows.h>
// ********* CRunTime Includes
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dns.h"
#include "dnsapi.h"
#include "dnslib.h"
INT __cdecl main (int argc, char *argv[]) { DWORD dwRes;
LPSTR pszMapFile = NULL; INT i; BOOL fDownLevel =FALSE; DWORD dwOperation = DYNDNS_ADD_ENTRY; LPSTR lpTemp = NULL; DWORD Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4; FILE *fp = NULL; CHAR szInputString[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szAddr[20]; LPSTR pszAddr = NULL; CHAR szName[50]; CHAR c; DWORD dwFlags = 0; char seps[]=" ,\t\n"; CHAR AdapterName[50]; CHAR HostName[50]; CHAR DomainName[50]; INT ipAddrCount; REGISTER_HOST_ENTRY HostAddrs[5]; char *token;
// 1st argument is a/d (for add or delete)
// 2nd argument is f/n (register forwards/not register forwards)
// 3rd argument is filename
// Note that no optional parameters are set
if (argc != 2){ printf("Usage is %s filename \n", argv[0]); exit(-1); }
pszMapFile = argv[1];
// set up stuff for registration
dwRes = DnsAsyncRegisterInit(NULL);
if (dwRes){ printf("Init failed with %x\n", dwRes); }
if (!(fp = fopen (pszMapFile, "r+"))){ printf(" Could not open map file %s \n", pszMapFile); }
while (fgets (szInputString, MAX_PATH, fp) != NULL){ //
// parse the input string
token = strtok(szInputString, seps);
strcpy (AdapterName, token);
token =strtok(NULL, seps); strcpy (HostName, token); token =strtok(NULL, seps); strcpy (DomainName, token);
ipAddrCount = 0;
token =strtok(NULL, seps); while ( token != NULL){ strcpy (szAddr, token);
lpTemp = strtok( szAddr, "." ); Part1 = atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part2 = atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part3 = atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part4 = atoi( lpTemp );
printf( "\nRegistering DNS record for:\n" ); printf("AdapterName = %s\n", AdapterName); printf("HostName = %s\n", HostName); printf("DomainName = %s\n", DomainName); printf( "Address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4 );
HostAddrs[ipAddrCount].dwOptions = REGISTER_HOST_PTR;
HostAddrs[ipAddrCount].Addr.ipAddr = (DWORD)(Part1) + (DWORD)(Part2 << 8) + (DWORD)(Part3 << 16) + (DWORD)(Part4 << 24);
ipAddrCount++; token =strtok(NULL, seps);
dwRes = DnsAsyncRegisterHostAddrs_A ( AdapterName, HostName, HostAddrs, ipAddrCount, NULL, 0, DomainName, NULL, 40, 0 );
if (dwRes){ printf("Host Name registration failed with %x\n", dwRes); } }
fclose(fp); printf("Hit Enter to do the ipconfig /release now! \n"); c = getchar();
// do the releases now
if (!(fp = fopen (pszMapFile, "r+"))){ printf(" Could not open map file %s \n", pszMapFile); }
while (fgets (szInputString, MAX_PATH, fp) != NULL){ //
// parse the input string
token = strtok(szInputString, seps);
strcpy (AdapterName, token);
token =strtok(NULL, seps); strcpy (HostName, token); token =strtok(NULL, seps); strcpy (DomainName, token);
ipAddrCount = 0;
token =strtok(NULL, seps); while ( token != NULL){ strcpy (szAddr, token);
lpTemp = strtok( szAddr, "." ); Part1 = atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part2 = atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part3 = atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part4 = atoi( lpTemp );
printf( "\nRegistering DNS record for:\n" ); printf("AdapterName = %s\n", AdapterName); printf("HostName = %s\n", HostName); printf("DomainName = %s\n", DomainName); printf( "Address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4 );
HostAddrs[ipAddrCount].dwOptions = REGISTER_HOST_PTR;
HostAddrs[ipAddrCount].Addr.ipAddr = (DWORD)(Part1) + (DWORD)(Part2 << 8) + (DWORD)(Part3 << 16) + (DWORD)(Part4 << 24);
ipAddrCount++; token =strtok(NULL, seps);
dwRes = DnsAsyncRegisterHostAddrs_A ( AdapterName, HostName, HostAddrs, ipAddrCount, NULL, 0, DomainName, NULL, 40, DYNDNS_DEL_ENTRY );
if (dwRes){ printf("Host Name registration failed with %x\n", dwRes); } }
printf("Hit Enter to do the ipconfig /renew now! \n"); c = getchar();
if (!(fp = fopen (pszMapFile, "r+"))){ printf(" Could not open map file %s \n", pszMapFile); }
while (fgets (szInputString, MAX_PATH, fp) != NULL){ //
// parse the input string
token = strtok(szInputString, seps);
strcpy (AdapterName, token);
token =strtok(NULL, seps); strcpy (HostName, token); token =strtok(NULL, seps); strcpy (DomainName, token);
ipAddrCount = 0;
token =strtok(NULL, seps); while ( token != NULL){ strcpy (szAddr, token);
lpTemp = strtok( szAddr, "." ); Part1 = atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part2 = atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part3 = atoi( lpTemp ); lpTemp = strtok( NULL, "." ); Part4 = atoi( lpTemp );
printf( "\nRegistering DNS record for:\n" ); printf("AdapterName = %s\n", AdapterName); printf("HostName = %s\n", HostName); printf("DomainName = %s\n", DomainName); printf( "Address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4 );
HostAddrs[ipAddrCount].dwOptions = REGISTER_HOST_PTR;
HostAddrs[ipAddrCount].Addr.ipAddr = (DWORD)(Part1) + (DWORD)(Part2 << 8) + (DWORD)(Part3 << 16) + (DWORD)(Part4 << 24);
ipAddrCount++; token =strtok(NULL, seps);
dwRes = DnsAsyncRegisterHostAddrs_A ( AdapterName, HostName, HostAddrs, ipAddrCount, NULL, 0, DomainName, NULL, 40, 0 );
if (dwRes){ printf("Host Name registration failed with %x\n", dwRes); } }
fclose(fp); c = getchar(); dwRes = DnsAsyncRegisterTerm();
if (dwRes){ printf("Termination failed with %x\n", dwRes); }
c = getchar(); error: return(1);