Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Command line test tool for adding an object to a NDS tree.
Glenn Curtis [glennc] 05-Jan-96
#include <utils.c>
#include <string.h>
int _cdecl main( int argc, char **argv ) { DWORD status = NO_ERROR; LPBYTE lpTemp = NULL, lpValue = NULL; DWORD dwValue;
HANDLE hParentObject = NULL; HANDLE hOperationData = NULL;
UNICODE_STRING ParentObjectName; WCHAR lpParentObjectName[256];
UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; WCHAR lpObjectName[256];
UNICODE_STRING ClassName; WCHAR lpClassName[256];
ASN1_TYPE_3 asn1Type3;
ParentObjectName.Length = 0; ParentObjectName.MaximumLength = sizeof( lpParentObjectName ); ParentObjectName.Buffer = lpParentObjectName;
// Check the arguments.
if ( argc != 4 ) { printf( "\nUsage: addobj <parent object DN> <object name> <object class>\n" ); printf( "\n where:\n" ); printf( " parent object DN = \\\\tree\\xxx.yyy.zzz\n" ); printf( " object name = Fred\n" ); printf( " object class = User\n" ); printf( "\nFor Example:\n" ); printf( " addobj \\\\MARSDEV\\OU=DEV.O=MARS Fred User\n\n" );
return -1; }
OemArg.Length = strlen( argv[1] ); OemArg.MaximumLength = OemArg.Length; OemArg.Buffer = argv[1];
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ParentObjectName, &OemArg, FALSE );
status = NwNdsOpenObject( ParentObjectName.Buffer, NULL, NULL, &hParentObject, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if ( status ) { printf( "\nError: NwNdsOpenObject returned status 0x%.8X\n\n", status );
return -1; }
// Give the new object some initial attributes
status = NwNdsCreateBuffer( NDS_OBJECT_ADD, &hOperationData );
if ( status ) { printf( "\nError: NwNdsCreateBuffer returned status 0x%.8X\n\n", status );
return -1; }
// Get the new object's name
OemArg.Length = strlen( argv[2] ); OemArg.MaximumLength = OemArg.Length; OemArg.Buffer = argv[2];
ObjectName.Length = 0; ObjectName.MaximumLength = sizeof( lpObjectName ); ObjectName.Buffer = lpObjectName;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ObjectName, &OemArg, FALSE );
asn1Type3.CaseIgnoreString = ObjectName.Buffer;
OemArg.Length = strlen( argv[3] ); OemArg.MaximumLength = OemArg.Length; OemArg.Buffer = argv[3];
ClassName.Length = 0; ClassName.MaximumLength = sizeof( lpClassName ); ClassName.Buffer = lpClassName;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ClassName, &OemArg, FALSE );
if ( !_wcsicmp( ClassName.Buffer, L"User" ) ) { status = NwNdsPutInBuffer( NDS_SURNAME, &asn1Type3, 1, 0, hOperationData );
if ( status ) { printf( "\nError: NwNdsPutInBuffer returned status 0x%.8X\n\n", status );
return -1; } }
asn1Type3.CaseIgnoreString = ClassName.Buffer;
status = NwNdsPutInBuffer( NDS_OBJECT_CLASS, &asn1Type3, 1, 0, hOperationData );
if ( status ) { printf( "\nError: NwNdsPutInBuffer returned status 0x%.8X\n\n", status );
return -1; }
printf( "Adding the new object to tree\n" );
status = NwNdsAddObject( hParentObject, ObjectName.Buffer, hOperationData );
if ( status ) { printf( "\nError: NwNdsAddObject returned status 0x%.8X\n\n", status );
return -1; }
status = NwNdsCloseObject( hParentObject );
if ( status ) { printf( "\nError: NwNdsCloseObject returned status 0x%.8X\n\n", status );
return -1; }
(void) LocalFree( lpValue );
status = NwNdsFreeBuffer( hOperationData );
if ( status ) { printf( "\nError: NwNdsFreeBuffer returned status 0x%.8X\n\n", status );
return -1; }
printf( "\nSuccess!\n\n" );
return status; }