Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains utilities function for the netware redirector.
Manny Weiser [MannyW] 07-Jan-1994
Revision History:
#include "Procs.h"
// The local debug trace level
#ifndef QFE_BUILD
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE1, CopyBufferToMdl )
#if 0 // Not pageable
// see ifndef QFE_BUILD above
VOID CopyBufferToMdl( PMDL DestinationMdl, ULONG DataOffset, PUCHAR SourceData, ULONG SourceByteCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine copies data from a buffer described by a pointer to a given offset in a buffer described by an MDL.
DestinationMdl - The MDL for the destination buffer.
DataOffset - The offset into the destination buffer to copy the data.
SourceData - A pointer to the source data buffer.
SourceByteCount - The number of bytes to copy.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG BufferOffset; ULONG PreviousBufferOffset; PMDL Mdl; ULONG BytesToCopy; ULONG MdlByteCount; PVOID pSystemVa;
DebugTrace( +1, Dbg, "MdlMoveMemory...\n", 0 ); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Desitination MDL = %X\n", DestinationMdl ); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "DataOffset = %d\n", DataOffset ); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "SourceData = %X\n", SourceData ); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "SourceByteCount = %d\n", SourceByteCount );
BufferOffset = 0;
Mdl = DestinationMdl;
// Truncate the response if it is too big.
MdlByteCount = MdlLength( Mdl ); if ( SourceByteCount + DataOffset > MdlByteCount ) { SourceByteCount = MdlByteCount - DataOffset; }
while ( Mdl != NULL && SourceByteCount != 0 ) {
PreviousBufferOffset = BufferOffset; BufferOffset += MmGetMdlByteCount( Mdl );
if ( DataOffset < BufferOffset ) {
// Copy the data to this buffer
while ( SourceByteCount > 0 ) {
BytesToCopy = MIN( SourceByteCount, BufferOffset - DataOffset );
pSystemVa = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe( Mdl, NormalPagePriority );
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Copy to %X\n", (PUCHAR) pSystemVa + DataOffset - PreviousBufferOffset ); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Copy from %X\n", SourceData ); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Copy bytes %d\n", BytesToCopy );
TdiCopyLookaheadData( (PUCHAR)pSystemVa + DataOffset - PreviousBufferOffset, SourceData, BytesToCopy, 0 );
SourceData += BytesToCopy; DataOffset += BytesToCopy; SourceByteCount -= BytesToCopy;
Mdl = Mdl->Next; if ( Mdl != NULL ) { PreviousBufferOffset = BufferOffset; BufferOffset += MmGetMdlByteCount( Mdl ); } else { ASSERT( SourceByteCount == 0 ); } }
} else {
Mdl = Mdl->Next;
} }
DebugTrace( -1, Dbg, "MdlMoveMemory -> VOID\n", 0 ); }
// These parsing routines are used to do multiple credential
// connects to a single server.
NTSTATUS GetCredentialFromServerName( IN PUNICODE_STRING puServerName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING puCredentialName ) /*+++
Description: Given a munged server(credential) name, this routine returns the credential. ---*/ {
DWORD NameLength = 0; BOOLEAN FoundFirstParen = FALSE; BOOLEAN FoundLastParen = FALSE;
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "GetCredentialFromServerName: %wZ\n", puServerName );
puCredentialName->Length = puServerName->Length; puCredentialName->Buffer = puServerName->Buffer;
// Find the first paren.
while ( ( puCredentialName->Length ) && !FoundFirstParen ) {
if ( puCredentialName->Buffer[0] == L'(' ) { FoundFirstParen = TRUE; }
puCredentialName->Buffer++; puCredentialName->Length -= sizeof( WCHAR ); }
if ( !FoundFirstParen ) { DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "No opening paren for server(credential) name.\n", 0 ); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
// Figure out the name length.
while ( ( puCredentialName->Length ) && !FoundLastParen ) {
if ( puCredentialName->Buffer[NameLength] == L')' ) { FoundLastParen = TRUE; }
NameLength++; puCredentialName->Length -= sizeof( WCHAR ); }
if ( !FoundLastParen ) { DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "No closing paren for server(credential) name.\n", 0 ); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
// Format the name and return. Don't count the closing paren.
if ( !NameLength ) { DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Null credential name.\n", 0 ); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
puCredentialName->Length = (USHORT) (NameLength * sizeof( WCHAR )); puCredentialName->MaximumLength = puCredentialName->Length;
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "GetCredentialFromServerName --> %wZ\n", puCredentialName );
NTSTATUS BuildExCredentialServerName( IN PUNICODE_STRING puServerName, IN PUNICODE_STRING puUserName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING puExCredServerName ) /*+++
Takes a server name and a user name and makes an ExCredServerName, which is simply: server(user)
This routine allocates memory for the credential server name and the caller is responsible for freeing the memory when it is no longer needed.
---*/ {
NTSTATUS Status; PBYTE pbCredNameBuffer;
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "BuildExCredentialServerName\n", 0 );
if ( ( !puExCredServerName ) || ( !puServerName ) || ( !puUserName ) ) {
DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_ALWAYS, "BuildExCredentialServerName -> STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER\n", 0 ); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
puExCredServerName->MaximumLength = puServerName->Length + puUserName->Length + ( 2 * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
pbCredNameBuffer = ALLOCATE_POOL( PagedPool, puExCredServerName->MaximumLength );
if ( pbCredNameBuffer == NULL ) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
puExCredServerName->Buffer = (PWCHAR) pbCredNameBuffer; puExCredServerName->Length = puExCredServerName->MaximumLength;
// Copy over the server name.
RtlCopyMemory( pbCredNameBuffer, puServerName->Buffer, puServerName->Length );
pbCredNameBuffer += puServerName->Length;
// Add the credential name in parenthesis.
*( (PWCHAR) pbCredNameBuffer ) = L'(';
pbCredNameBuffer += sizeof( WCHAR );
RtlCopyMemory( pbCredNameBuffer, puUserName->Buffer, puUserName->Length );
pbCredNameBuffer += puUserName->Length;
*( (PWCHAR) pbCredNameBuffer ) = L')';
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "BuildExCredentialServerName: %wZ\n", puExCredServerName ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
NTSTATUS UnmungeCredentialName( IN PUNICODE_STRING puCredName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING puServerName ) /*+++
Given server(username), return the server name portion.
---*/ {
USHORT Length = 0;
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "UnmungeCredentialName: %wZ\n", puCredName );
puServerName->Buffer = puCredName->Buffer; puServerName->MaximumLength = puCredName->MaximumLength;
while ( Length < ( puCredName->Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ) {
// Look for the opening paren.
if ( puCredName->Buffer[Length] == L'(' ) { break; }
Length++; }
puServerName->Length = Length * sizeof( WCHAR );
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, " -> %wZ\n", puServerName ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
BOOLEAN IsCredentialName( IN PUNICODE_STRING puObjectName ) /*+++
Description: This returns TRUE if the object is an extended credential munged name.
---*/ {
DWORD dwCurrent = 0;
if ( !puObjectName ) { return FALSE; }
while ( dwCurrent < ( puObjectName->Length ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) ) {
if ( puObjectName->Buffer[dwCurrent] == L'(' ) { return TRUE; }
dwCurrent++; }
return FALSE; }
NTSTATUS ExCreateReferenceCredentials( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PUNICODE_STRING puResource ) /*+++
On an extended create this checks for credentials and, if they exist, references them and resets the last used time. If the credentials do not exist then a credential shell is created and referenced. This function is responsible for determining the tree name from the resource. The resource may be a server in the tree, or the name of the tree. ---*/ {
NwAcquireExclusiveRcb( &NwRcb, TRUE ); pLogon = FindUser( &(pIrpContext->Specific.Create.UserUid), FALSE ); NwReleaseRcb( &NwRcb );
if ( !pLogon ) { DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Invalid client security context in ExCreateReferenceCredentials.\n", 0 ); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } //
// The resource name is either a server or a tree. We need the tree
// name to create the credential. The following should work even if
// there is a server and tree with the same name.
Status = CreateScb( &pScb, pIrpContext, puResource, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
// This is a server, dig out the tree name.
TreeName.Length = pScb->NdsTreeName.Length; TreeName.MaximumLength = pScb->NdsTreeName.MaximumLength; TreeName.Buffer = pScb->NdsTreeName.Buffer;
} else {
// This must already be the tree name.
TreeName.Length = puResource->Length; TreeName.MaximumLength = puResource->MaximumLength; TreeName.Buffer = puResource->Buffer; pScb = NULL; }
// Get/Create the credential shell and reference it.
if ( !IsCredentialName( &TreeName ) ) {
Status = BuildExCredentialServerName( &TreeName, pIrpContext->Specific.Create.puCredentialName, &ExName );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto ExitWithCleanup; } } else {
ExName = TreeName ; }
Status = NdsLookupCredentials( pIrpContext, &ExName, pLogon, &pCredentials, CREDENTIAL_WRITE, TRUE );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto ExitWithCleanup; }
// Adjust the reference counts.
ASSERT( IsCredentialName( &pCredentials->NdsTreeName ) ); pCredentials->SupplementalHandleCount += 1; KeQuerySystemTime( &pCredentials->LastUsedTime ); pIrpContext->Specific.Create.pExCredentials = pCredentials;
NwReleaseCredList( pLogon, pIrpContext );
if (ExName.Buffer != TreeName.Buffer) {
// only free if we allocated it via BuildExCredentialServerName
FREE_POOL( ExName.Buffer ); }
if ( pScb ) { NwDereferenceScb( pScb->pNpScb ); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS ExCreateDereferenceCredentials( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PNDS_SECURITY_CONTEXT pNdsCredentials ) /*+++
Dereferce extended credentials. ---*/ {
NwAcquireExclusiveCredList( pNdsCredentials->pOwningLogon, pIrpContext ); pNdsCredentials->SupplementalHandleCount -= 1; KeQuerySystemTime( &pNdsCredentials->LastUsedTime ); NwReleaseCredList( pNdsCredentials->pOwningLogon, pIrpContext ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }