#include "dspch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define _USERENV_
#include <userenv.h>
#include <userenvp.h>
static BOOL WINAPI AddItemW ( LPCWSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup, LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, LPCWSTR lpIconPath, int iIconIndex, LPCWSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, int iShowCmd ) { return FALSE; }
static BOOL WINAPI DeleteItemW( IN LPCWSTR lpGroupName, IN BOOL bCommonGroup, IN LPCWSTR lpFileName, IN BOOL bDeleteGroup) { return FALSE; }
static BOOL WINAPI CreateEnvironmentBlock( OUT LPVOID *lpEnvironment, IN HANDLE hToken, IN BOOL bInherit) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI CreateGroupW( IN LPCWSTR lpGroupName, IN BOOL bCommonGroup) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI CreateGroupEx(LPCWSTR lpGroupName, BOOL bCommonGroup, LPCWSTR lpResourceModuleName, UINT uResourceID) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI CreateLinkFileW( IN INT csidl, IN LPCWSTR lpSubDirectory, IN LPCWSTR lpFileName, IN LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, IN LPCWSTR lpIconPath, IN INT iIconIndex, IN LPCWSTR lpWorkingDirectory, IN WORD wHotKey, IN INT iShowCmd, IN LPCWSTR lpDescription) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI CreateLinkFileEx(INT csidl, LPCTSTR lpSubDirectory, LPCTSTR lpFileName, LPCTSTR lpCommandLine, LPCTSTR lpIconPath, int iIconIndex, LPCTSTR lpWorkingDirectory, WORD wHotKey, int iShowCmd, LPCTSTR lpDescription, LPCWSTR lpResourceModuleName, UINT uResourceID) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI DeleteGroupW( IN LPCWSTR lpGroupName, IN BOOL bCommonGroup) { return FALSE; }
static BOOL WINAPI ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW( IN HANDLE hToken, IN LPCWSTR lpSrc, OUT LPWSTR lpDest, IN DWORD dwSize) { return FALSE; }
static BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryW( IN LPWSTR lpProfileDir, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcchSize) { return FALSE; }
static BOOL WINAPI GetProfileType( OUT DWORD *dwFlags) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI InitializeProfiles( IN BOOL bGuiModeSetup) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI GetUserProfileDirectoryW( IN HANDLE hToken, OUT LPWSTR lpProfileDir, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcchSize) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryW( OUT LPWSTR lpProfileDir, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcchSize) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI GetProfilesDirectoryW( OUT LPWSTR lpProfilesDir, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcchSize) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI DestroyEnvironmentBlock( IN LPVOID lpEnvironment) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI LoadUserProfileW (HANDLE hToken, LPPROFILEINFOW lpProfileInfoW) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI UnloadUserProfile (HANDLE hToken, HANDLE hProfile) { return FALSE; }
static BOOL WINAPI RegisterGPNotification( IN HANDLE hEvent, IN BOOL bMachine ) { return FALSE; }
static BOOL WINAPI UnregisterGPNotification( IN HANDLE hEvent)
{ return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI DeleteLinkFile(INT csidl, LPCTSTR lpSubDirectory, LPCTSTR lpFileName, BOOL bDeleteSubDirectory) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI BOOL WINAPI DeleteProfileW ( IN LPCWSTR lpSidString, IN LPCWSTR lpProfilePath, IN LPCWSTR lpComputerName) { return FALSE; }
static USERENVAPI DWORD WINAPI GetGroupPolicyNetworkName( LPWSTR szNetworkName, LPDWORD pdwByteCount ) { return 0; }
static DWORD WINAPI GetUserAppDataPathW( HANDLE hToken, LPWSTR lpFolderPath) { return E_FAIL; }
// !! WARNING !! The entries below must be in order by ORDINAL
DEFINE_ORDINAL_ENTRIES(userenv) { DLOENTRY(100, InitializeProfiles) DLOENTRY(102, CreateGroupW) DLOENTRY(104, DeleteGroupW) DLOENTRY(106, AddItemW) DLOENTRY(108, DeleteItemW) DLOENTRY(120, CreateLinkFileW) DLOENTRY(122, DeleteLinkFileW) DLOENTRY(132, CreateEnvironmentBlock) DLOENTRY(136, ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW) DLOENTRY(137, CreateGroupExW) DLOENTRY(139, CreateLinkFileExW) DLOENTRY(147, GetGroupPolicyNetworkName) DLOENTRY(149, GetUserAppDataPathW)
// !! WARNING !! The entries below must be in alphabetical order, and are CASE SENSITIVE (eg lower case comes last!)
DEFINE_PROCNAME_ENTRIES(userenv) { DLPENTRY(CreateEnvironmentBlock) DLPENTRY(DeleteProfileW) DLPENTRY(DestroyEnvironmentBlock) DLPENTRY(ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW) DLPENTRY(GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryW) DLPENTRY(GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryW) DLPENTRY(GetProfileType) DLPENTRY(GetProfilesDirectoryW) DLPENTRY(GetUserProfileDirectoryW) DLPENTRY(LoadUserProfileW) DLPENTRY(RegisterGPNotification) DLPENTRY(UnloadUserProfile) DLPENTRY(UnregisterGPNotification) };