#ifndef _KRDLG_H_
#define _KRDLG_H_
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
keyring dialog class definitions
johnhaw 991118 created georgema 000310 modified
Revision History:
#include "switches.h"
#include "Dlg.h"
#include <scuisupp.h>
#include <wincred.h>
#define MAX_STRING_SIZE 256
void CheckForCredentialExpiry( HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hWnd );
// C_ChangePasswordDlg
class C_ChangePasswordDlg : public C_Dlg { public: // operations
C_ChangePasswordDlg( HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE hInstance, LONG lIDD, DLGPROC pfnDlgProc = NULL );
~C_ChangePasswordDlg( ) { } // ~C_ChangePasswordDlg
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog( HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndFocus );
virtual BOOL OnCommand( WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wSenderId, HWND hwndSender );
virtual void AssertValid( ) const { C_Dlg::AssertValid( ); } // AssertValid
protected: // operations
public: // data
HINSTANCE m_hInst; HWND m_hDlg;
TCHAR m_szFullUsername[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; TCHAR m_szUsername[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; TCHAR m_szDomain[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; TCHAR m_szOldPassword[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; TCHAR m_szNewPassword[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; TCHAR m_szConfirmPassword[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
BOOL m_bIsDefault;
private: // operations
virtual void OnOK( );
// Explicitly disallow copy constructor and assignment operator.
C_ChangePasswordDlg( const C_ChangePasswordDlg& rhs );
C_ChangePasswordDlg& operator=( const C_ChangePasswordDlg& rhs );
private: // data
}; // C_ChangePasswordDlg
// C_KeyringDlg
class C_KeyringDlg : public C_Dlg { public: // operations
C_KeyringDlg( HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE hInstance, LONG lIDD, DLGPROC pfnDlgProc = NULL );
// Perform miscellaneous cleanups required as the dialog is
// destroyed
~C_KeyringDlg( ) { } // ~C_KeyringDlg
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog( HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndFocus );
virtual BOOL OnDestroyDialog(void); virtual BOOL OnCommand( WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wSenderId, HWND hwndSender );
// TOOL TIP functions
virtual BOOL InitTooltips(void);
// HELP functions
virtual BOOL OnHelpInfo( LPARAM lp );
virtual UINT MapID(UINT uid);
virtual void AssertValid( ) const { C_Dlg::AssertValid( ); } // AssertValid
virtual BOOL OnAppMessage( UINT uMessage, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam );
// Register the windows messages expected from the smartcard
// subsystem
BOOL RegisterMessages(void);
HINSTANCE m_hInst; HWND m_hDlg; BOOL fInit;
private: // operations
virtual void OnOK( );
BOOL DoEdit(void);
void BuildList(); void SetCurrentKey(LONG_PTR iKey); void DeleteKey(); void OnChangePassword(); LONG_PTR C_KeyringDlg::GetCredentialType(); BOOL OnHelpButton(void);
// Explicitly disallow copy constructor and assignment operator.
C_KeyringDlg( const C_KeyringDlg& rhs );
C_KeyringDlg& operator=( const C_KeyringDlg& rhs );
private: // data
}; // C_KeyringDlg
// C_AddKeyDlg
class C_AddKeyDlg : public C_Dlg { public: // operations
C_AddKeyDlg( HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE hInstance, LONG lIDD, DLGPROC pfnDlgProc = NULL );
~C_AddKeyDlg( ) { } // ~C_AddKeyDlg
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog( HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndFocus );
virtual BOOL OnDestroyDialog(void);
virtual BOOL OnCommand( WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wSenderId, HWND hwndSender );
virtual BOOL OnHelpInfo( LPARAM lp );
virtual UINT MapID( UINT uid ); virtual void AssertValid( ) const { C_Dlg::AssertValid( ); } // AssertValid
virtual BOOL OnAppMessage( UINT uMessage, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam );
void AdviseUser(void);
BOOL AddItem(TCHAR *psz,INT iImageIndex,INT *pIndexOut);
BOOL SetItemData(INT_PTR iIndex,LPARAM dwData);
BOOL GetItemData(INT_PTR iIndex,LPARAM *dwData);
BOOL SetItemIcon(INT iIndex,INT iWhich);
void UpdateSCard(INT,CERT_ENUM *pCE);
void SaveName(void);
void RestoreName(void);
void ShowDescriptionText(DWORD,DWORD); public: // Public data members
BOOL m_bEdit; // set outside the class
HWND m_hDlg; // used by C_KeyringDlg for g_wmUpdate
void EditFillDialog(void);
HWND m_hwndTName; HWND m_hwndCred; HWND m_hwndDomain; HWND m_hwndChgPsw; HWND m_hwndPswLbl; HWND m_hwndDescription;
INT m_iUNCount; TCHAR *pUNList;
private: // operations
void OnChangePassword();
DWORD SetPersistenceOptions(void); virtual void OnOK( );
// Explicitly disallow copy constructor and assignment operator.
C_AddKeyDlg( const C_AddKeyDlg& rhs );
C_AddKeyDlg& operator=( const C_AddKeyDlg& rhs );
}; // C_AddKeyDlg
#endif // _KRDLG_H_
///// End of file: KrDlg.h ///////////////////////////////////////