// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: debug.cpp
// Contents: Debug sub system APIs implementation
// 03/20/96 kevinr wrote it
// 04/17/96 kevinr added OSS init
// 05-Sep-1997 pberkman added sub-system debug.
#include <windows.h>
#include <asn1code.h>
#if DBG
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include "pkicrit.h"
#include "dbgdef.h"
// set DEBUG_MASK=0x26
#define DEBUG_MASK_MEM \
// from asn1code.h:
// #define DEBUGPDU 0x02 /* produce tracing output */
// #define DEBUG_ERRORS 0x10 /* print decoder errors to output */
// set OSS_DEBUG_MASK=0x02
// set OSS_DEBUG_MASK=0x10 - only print decoder errors
// receives trace output
static char *pszDEBUG_PRINT_MASK = "DEBUG_PRINT_MASK"; static char *pszDefualtSSTag = "ISPU";
static DBG_SS_TAG sSSTags[] = __DBG_SS_TAGS;
static CRITICAL_SECTION DbgCriticalSection;
#define OSS_PROC_CNT 3
static LPSTR rgpszOssProc[OSS_PROC_CNT] = { "ossSetDecodingFlags", "ossSetEncodingFlags", "ossOpenTraceFile" };
static void *rgpvOssProc[OSS_PROC_CNT]; static HMODULE hmsossDll = NULL; static BOOL fLoadedOss = FALSE;
static void OssUnload() { if (hmsossDll) { FreeLibrary(hmsossDll); hmsossDll = NULL; } }
static void OssLoad() { DWORD i;
if (fLoadedOss) return;
if (fLoadedOss) goto LeaveReturn;
if (NULL == (hmsossDll = LoadLibraryA("msoss.dll"))) goto msossLoadLibraryError;
for (i = 0; i < OSS_PROC_CNT; i++) { if (NULL == (rgpvOssProc[i] = GetProcAddress( hmsossDll, rgpszOssProc[i]))) goto msossGetProcAddressError; }
LeaveReturn: LeaveCriticalSection(&DbgCriticalSection); CommonReturn: fLoadedOss = TRUE; return;
ErrorReturn: LeaveCriticalSection(&DbgCriticalSection); OssUnload(); goto CommonReturn; TRACE_ERROR(msossLoadLibraryError) TRACE_ERROR(msossGetProcAddressError) }
typedef int (DLL_ENTRY* pfnossSetDecodingFlags)(struct ossGlobal *world, unsigned long flags);
static int DLL_ENTRY ossSetDecodingFlags(struct ossGlobal *world, unsigned long flags) { if (hmsossDll) return ((pfnossSetDecodingFlags) rgpvOssProc[OSS_SET_DECODING_FLAGS_PROC_IDX])( world, flags); else return API_DLL_NOT_LINKED; }
typedef int (DLL_ENTRY* pfnossSetEncodingFlags)(struct ossGlobal *world, unsigned long flags);
static int DLL_ENTRY ossSetEncodingFlags(struct ossGlobal *world, unsigned long flags) { if (hmsossDll) return ((pfnossSetEncodingFlags) rgpvOssProc[OSS_SET_ENCODING_FLAGS_PROC_IDX])( world, flags); else return API_DLL_NOT_LINKED; }
typedef int (DLL_ENTRY* pfnossOpenTraceFile)(struct ossGlobal *world, char *fileName);
static int DLL_ENTRY ossOpenTraceFile(struct ossGlobal *world, char *fileName) { if (hmsossDll) return ((pfnossOpenTraceFile) rgpvOssProc[OSS_OPEN_TRACE_FILE_PROC_IDX])( world, fileName); else return API_DLL_NOT_LINKED; }
// Pithy stubs to create stdcall proc from cdecl
void* _stdcall scMalloc( size_t size) { return malloc(size); }
void* _stdcall scRealloc( void *memblock, size_t size) { return realloc(memblock, size); }
void _stdcall scFree( void *memblock) { free(memblock); }
// Function: DbgGetDebugFlags
// Synopsis: Get the debug flags.
// Returns: the debug flags
int WINAPI DbgGetDebugFlags() { char *pszEnvVar; char *p; int iDebugFlags = 0;
if (pszEnvVar = getenv( pszDEBUG_MASK)) iDebugFlags = strtol( pszEnvVar, &p, 16);
return iDebugFlags; }
// Function: DbgProcessAttach
// Synopsis: Handle process attach.
// Returns: TRUE
BOOL WINAPI DbgProcessAttach() { int tmpFlag;
#ifdef _DEBUG
tmpFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG ); // get current
tmpFlag |= DbgGetDebugFlags(); // enable flags
tmpFlag &= ~_CRTDBG_CHECK_CRT_DF; // disable CRT block checking
_CrtSetDbgFlag( tmpFlag); // set new value
return TRUE; }
// Function: DbgProcessDetach
// Synopsis: Handle process detach.
// Returns: TRUE
BOOL WINAPI DbgProcessDetach() { return TRUE; }
// Function: DbgInitOSS
// Synopsis: Do OSS init for debug.
// Returns: TRUE
// Note: Always FRONT_ALIGN encoding
BOOL WINAPI DbgInitOSS( OssGlobal *pog) { char *pszEnvVar; char *p;
__try { // Attempt to do delay, demand loading of msoss.dll
// from asn1code.h:
// #define DEBUGPDU 0x02 /* produce tracing output */
// #define DEBUG_ERRORS 0x10 /* print decoder errors to output */
// set OSS_DEBUG_MASK=0x02
// set OSS_DEBUG_MASK=0x10 - only print decoder errors
if (pszEnvVar = getenv( pszOSS_DEBUG_MASK)) { unsigned long ulEnvVar; ulEnvVar = strtoul( pszEnvVar, &p, 16) & (DEBUGPDU | DEBUG_ERRORS); if ( ulEnvVar) ossSetDecodingFlags( pog, ulEnvVar | RELAXBER); if ( DEBUGPDU & ulEnvVar) ossSetEncodingFlags( pog, DEBUGPDU | FRONT_ALIGN); else ossSetEncodingFlags( pog, FRONT_ALIGN); } else { ossSetDecodingFlags( pog, DEBUG_ERRORS | RELAXBER); ossSetEncodingFlags( pog, FRONT_ALIGN); }
if (pszEnvVar = getenv( pszOSS_DEBUG_TRACEFILE)) ossOpenTraceFile( pog, pszEnvVar);
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (DbgGetDebugFlags() & DEBUG_MASK_MEM) { pog->mallocp = scMalloc; pog->reallocp = scRealloc; pog->freep = scFree; } #else
pog->mallocp = scMalloc; pog->reallocp = scRealloc; pog->freep = scFree; #endif
return TRUE;
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return FALSE; } }
// Function: DebugDllMain
// Synopsis: Initialize the debug DLL
// Returns: TRUE
BOOL WINAPI DebugDllMain( HMODULE hInst, ULONG ulReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
switch (ulReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: fRet = DbgProcessAttach(); if (fRet) { fRet = Pki_InitializeCriticalSection(&DbgCriticalSection); if (!fRet) DbgProcessDetach(); } break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: fRet = DbgProcessDetach(); OssUnload(); DeleteCriticalSection(&DbgCriticalSection); break;
default: break; }
return fRet; }
const char *DbgGetSSString(DWORD dwSubSystemId) { DBG_SS_TAG *psSS;
psSS = &sSSTags[0];
while (psSS->dwSS > 0) { if ((psSS->dwSS & dwSubSystemId) > 0) { if (psSS->pszTag) { return(psSS->pszTag); }
return(pszDefualtSSTag); }
psSS++; }
return(pszDefualtSSTag); }
static BOOL DbgIsSSActive(DWORD dwSSIn) { char *pszEnvVar; DWORD dwEnv;
dwEnv = 0;
if (pszEnvVar = getenv(pszDEBUG_PRINT_MASK)) { dwEnv = (DWORD)strtol(pszEnvVar, NULL, 16); }
return((dwEnv & dwSSIn) > 0); }
// Function: DbgPrintf
// Synopsis: outputs debug info to stdout and debugger
// Returns: number of chars output
int WINAPIV DbgPrintf(DWORD dwSubSystemId, LPCSTR lpFmt, ...) { va_list arglist; CHAR ach1[1024]; CHAR ach2[1080]; int cch; HANDLE hStdOut; DWORD cb; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = GetLastError();
if (!(DbgIsSSActive(dwSubSystemId))) { SetLastError(dwErr); return(0); }
_try { va_start(arglist, lpFmt);
_vsnprintf( ach1, sizeof(ach1), lpFmt, arglist);
cch = wsprintf(ach2,"%s: %s", DbgGetSSString(dwSubSystemId), ach1);
hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
if (hStdOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WriteConsole( hStdOut, ach2, strlen(ach2), &cb, NULL); }
} _except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // return failure
cch = 0; } SetLastError(dwErr); return cch; }
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
BOOL WINAPI DbgInitOSS( OssGlobal *pog);
int WINAPIV DbgPrintf(DWORD dwSubSystemId, LPCSTR lpFmt, ...);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // balance of extern "C"
// Function: DbgInitOSS
// Synopsis: Do OSS init for debug. Do nothing in retail builds
// Returns: TRUE
// Note: Always FRONT_ALIGN encoding
BOOL WINAPI DbgInitOSS( OssGlobal *pog) { return(TRUE); }
// Function: DbgPrintf
// Synopsis: outputs debug info to stdout and debugger
// Nothing in retail builds
// Returns: number of chars output
int WINAPIV DbgPrintf(DWORD dwSubSystemId, LPCSTR lpFmt, ...) {
return(0); }
#endif // DBG