// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999
// File: gttran.h
// Contents: Generic Transport APIs
// APIs:
// GTOpen
// GTSend
// GTFree
// GTReceive
// GTClose
// GTRecSend
// GTInitSrv
// GTUnInitSrv
// Created KeithV
#ifndef _HGTTRAN_H_
#define _HGTTRAN_H_
#include <tchar.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// Encoding types
// Because the Composit type for ASN is 0x30, we will define this to
// be the encoding type for it.
#define ASCII_ENCODING 0x0
#define TLV_ENCODING 0x1
#define IDL_ENCODING 0x2
#define OCTET_ENCODING 0x3
#define ASN_ENCODING 0x30
// Functions will allow you to read, write or both
// To do both, OR (|) them together.
#define GTREAD 0x00000001
#define GTWRITE 0x00000002
typedef ULONG_PTR HGT;
// Any receiving (listening) DLL must export these functions
typedef DWORD (__stdcall * PFNGTRecSend) (DWORD dwEncoding, DWORD cb, const BYTE * pbIn, DWORD * pcbOut, BYTE ** ppbOut); typedef DWORD (__stdcall * PFNGTFree) (BYTE * pb);
// Functions used by and application that wants to send a message
// Just like File IO
DWORD __stdcall GTOpen(HGT * phTran, const TCHAR * szLibrary, const TCHAR * tszBinding, DWORD fOpen); DWORD __stdcall GTSend(HGT hTran, DWORD dwEncoding, DWORD cbSendBuff, const BYTE * pbSendBuff); DWORD __stdcall GTFree(HGT hTran, BYTE * pb); DWORD __stdcall GTReceive(HGT hTran, DWORD * pdwEncoding, DWORD * pcbReceiveBuff, BYTE ** ppbReceiveBuff); DWORD __stdcall GTClose(HGT hTran);
// Listening functions for a listening application.
// The GTFree prototype is also used as specified above
DWORD __stdcall GTRecSend(DWORD dwEncoding, DWORD cb, const BYTE * pbIn, DWORD * pcbOut, BYTE ** ppbOut);
// Additonal private listening functions for a listening application.
// Not generally implemented.
DWORD __stdcall GTRecSendNoEncrypt(DWORD dwEncoding, DWORD cb, const BYTE * pbIn, DWORD * pcbOut, BYTE ** ppbOut);
// Used to init a receiving DLL, particularly useful for HTTP BGI, CGI application
DWORD __stdcall GTInitSrv(TCHAR * tszLibrary); DWORD __stdcall GTUnInitSrv(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif