// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Active Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Active Template Library product.
#ifndef __ATLCACHE_H__
#define __ATLCACHE_H__
#pragma once
#include <atltime.h>
#include <atlutil.h>
#include <atlcoll.h>
#include <atlperf.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <atlsrvres.h>
#include <atldbcli.h>
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4511) // copy constructor could not be generated
#pragma warning(disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated
#ifndef _CPPUNWIND
#pragma warning(disable: 4702) // unreachable code
namespace ATL {
//forward declarations;
class CStdStatClass; class CPerfStatClass;
typedef struct __CACHEITEM { } *HCACHEITEM;
//Implementation of a cache that stores pointers to void
extern "C" __declspec(selectany) IID IID_IMemoryCacheClient = {0xb721b49d, 0xbb57, 0x47bc, { 0xac, 0x43, 0xa8, 0xd4, 0xc0, 0x7d, 0x18, 0x3d } }; extern "C" __declspec(selectany) IID IID_IMemoryCache = { 0x9c6cfb46, 0xfbde, 0x4f8b, { 0xb9, 0x44, 0x2a, 0xa0, 0x5d, 0x96, 0xeb, 0x5c } }; extern "C" __declspec(selectany) IID IID_IMemoryCacheControl = { 0x7634b28b, 0xd819, 0x409d, { 0xb9, 0x6e, 0xfc, 0x9f, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x32, 0x9f } }; extern "C" __declspec(selectany) IID IID_IMemoryCacheStats = { 0xd4b6df2d, 0x4bc0, 0x4734, { 0x8a, 0xce, 0xb7, 0x3a, 0xb, 0x97, 0x59, 0x56 } };
__interface ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("b721b49d-bb57-47bc-ac43-a8d4c07d183d")) IMemoryCacheClient : public IUnknown { // IMemoryCacheClient methods
STDMETHOD( Free )(const void *pvData); };
__interface ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("9c6cfb46-fbde-4f8b-b944-2aa05d96eb5c")) IMemoryCache : public IUnknown { // IMemoryCache Methods
STDMETHOD(Add)(LPCSTR szKey, void *pvData, DWORD dwSize, FILETIME *pftExpireTime, HINSTANCE hInstClient, HCACHEITEM *phEntry, IMemoryCacheClient *pClient);
STDMETHOD(LookupEntry)(LPCSTR szKey, HCACHEITEM * phEntry); STDMETHOD(GetData)(const HCACHEITEM hEntry, void **ppvData, DWORD *pdwSize) const; STDMETHOD(ReleaseEntry)(const HCACHEITEM hEntry); STDMETHOD(RemoveEntry)(const HCACHEITEM hEntry); STDMETHOD(RemoveEntryByKey)(LPCSTR szKey);
STDMETHOD(Flush)(); };
__interface ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("7634b28b-d819-409d-b96e-fc9f3aba329f")) IMemoryCacheControl : public IUnknown { // IMemoryCacheControl Methods
STDMETHOD(SetMaxAllowedSize)(DWORD dwSize); STDMETHOD(GetMaxAllowedSize)(DWORD *pdwSize); STDMETHOD(SetMaxAllowedEntries)(DWORD dwSize); STDMETHOD(GetMaxAllowedEntries)(DWORD *pdwSize); STDMETHOD(ResetCache)(); };
__interface ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("d4b6df2d-4bc0-4734-8ace-b73a0b975956")) IMemoryCacheStats : public IUnknown { // IMemoryCacheStats Methods
STDMETHOD(ClearStats)(); STDMETHOD(GetHitCount)(DWORD *pdwSize); STDMETHOD(GetMissCount)(DWORD *pdwSize); STDMETHOD(GetCurrentAllocSize)(DWORD *pdwSize); STDMETHOD(GetMaxAllocSize)(DWORD *pdwSize); STDMETHOD(GetCurrentEntryCount)(DWORD *pdwSize); STDMETHOD(GetMaxEntryCount)(DWORD *pdwSize);
struct DLL_CACHE_ENTRY { HINSTANCE hInstDll; DWORD dwRefs; BOOL bAlive; CHAR szDllName[_MAX_PATH]; };
inline bool operator==(const DLL_CACHE_ENTRY& entry1, const DLL_CACHE_ENTRY& entry2) { return (entry1.hInstDll == entry2.hInstDll); }
// IDllCache
// An interface that is used to load and unload Dlls.
__interface ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("A12478AB-D261-42f9-B525-7589143C1C97")) IDllCache : public IUnknown { // IDllCache methods
virtual HINSTANCE Load(LPCSTR szFileName, void *pPeerInfo); virtual BOOL Free(HINSTANCE hInstance); virtual BOOL AddRefModule(HINSTANCE hInstance); virtual BOOL ReleaseModule(HINSTANCE hInstance); virtual HRESULT GetEntries(DWORD dwCount, DLL_CACHE_ENTRY *pEntries, DWORD *pdwCopied); virtual HRESULT Flush(); };
typedef CFixedStringT<CStringA, ATL_CACHE_KEY_LENGTH> CFixedStringKey;
// No flusher -- only expired entries will be removed from the cache
// Also gives the skeleton for all of the flushers
class CNoFlusher { public: struct CCacheData { }; void Add(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { } void Remove(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { } void Access(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { } CCacheData * GetStart() const { return NULL; } CCacheData * GetNext(CCacheData * /*pCur*/) const { return NULL; } };
// Old flusher -- oldest items are flushed first
class COldFlusher { public: struct CCacheData { CCacheData * pNext; CCacheData * pPrev; };
CCacheData * pHead; CCacheData * pTail;
COldFlusher() : pHead(NULL), pTail(NULL) { }
// Add it to the tail of the list
void Add(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem);
pItem->pNext = NULL; pItem->pPrev = pTail; if (pHead) { pTail->pNext = pItem; pTail = pItem; } else { pHead = pItem; pTail = pItem; } }
void Remove(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem);
CCacheData * pPrev = pItem->pPrev; CCacheData * pNext = pItem->pNext;
if (pPrev) pPrev->pNext = pNext; else pHead = pNext;
if (pNext) pNext->pPrev = pPrev; else pTail = pPrev;
void Access(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { }
void Release(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { }
CCacheData * GetStart() const { return pHead; }
CCacheData * GetNext(CCacheData * pCur) const { if (pCur != NULL) return pCur->pNext; else return NULL; } };
// Least recently used flusher -- the item that was accessed the longest time ago is flushed
class CLRUFlusher : public COldFlusher { public: // Move it to the tail of the list
void Access(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem);
Remove(pItem); Add(pItem); } };
// Least often used flusher
class CLOUFlusher : public COldFlusher { public: struct CCacheData : public COldFlusher::CCacheData { DWORD dwAccessed; };
CCacheData * pHead; CCacheData * pTail;
// Adds to the tail of the list
void Add(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); pItem->dwAccessed = 1; COldFlusher::Add(pItem); }
void Access(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); pItem->dwAccessed++;
CCacheData * pMark = static_cast<CCacheData *>(pItem->pPrev); if (!pMark) // The item is already at the head
if (pMark->dwAccessed >= pItem->dwAccessed) // The element before it has
return; // been accessed more times
while (pMark && (pItem->dwAccessed < pMark->dwAccessed)) pMark = static_cast<CCacheData *>(pMark->pPrev);
// pMark points to the first element that has been accessed more times,
// so add pItem after pMark
if (pMark) { CCacheData *pNext = static_cast<CCacheData *>(pMark->pNext); pMark->pNext = pItem; pItem->pPrev = pMark;
pItem->pNext = pNext; pNext->pPrev = pItem; } else // Ran out of items -- put it on the head
{ pItem->pNext = pHead; pItem->pPrev = NULL; if (pHead) pHead->pPrev = pItem; else // the list was empty
pTail = pItem; pHead = pItem; } }
// We start at the tail and move forward for this flusher
CCacheData * GetStart() const { return pTail; }
CCacheData * GetNext(CCacheData * pCur) const { if (pCur != NULL) return static_cast<CCacheData *>(pCur->pPrev); else return NULL; }
template <class CFirst, class CSecond> class COrFlushers : public CFirst, public CSecond { struct CCacheData : public CFirst::CCacheData, CSecond::CCacheData { };
BOOL m_bWhich; COrFlushers() : CFirst(), CSecond() { m_bWhich = FALSE; }
BOOL Switch() { m_bWhich = !m_bWhich; return m_bWhich; }
void Add(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); CFirst::Add(pItem); CSecond::Add(pItem); }
void Remove(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); CFirst::Remove(pItem); CSecond::Remove(pItem); }
void Access(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); CFirst::Access(pItem); CSecond::Access(pItem); } void Release(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); CFirst::Release(pItem); CSecond::Release(pItem); }
CCacheData * GetStart() const { if (bWhich) return static_cast<CCacheData *>(CFirst::GetStart()); else return static_cast<CCacheData *>(CSecond::GetStart()); }
CCacheData * GetNext(CCacheData * pCur) const { if (bWhich) return static_cast<CCacheData *>(CFirst::GetNext(pCur)); else return static_cast<CCacheData *>(CSecond::GetNext(pCur)); } };
class CNoExpire { public: struct CCacheData { };
void Add(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { } void Commit(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { } void Access(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { } void Remove(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { } void Start() { } BOOL IsExpired(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { return FALSE; } CCacheData * GetExpired() { return NULL; } };
class CExpireCuller { public: struct CCacheData { CFileTime cftExpireTime; CCacheData * pNext; CCacheData * pPrev; };
CFileTime m_cftCurrent; CCacheData *pHead; CCacheData *pTail;
CExpireCuller() { pHead = NULL; pTail = NULL; }
// Element is being added -- perform necessary initialization
void Add(CCacheData * pItem) { pItem; ATLASSERT(pItem); }
// Expiration data has been set -- add to main list
// Head is the first item to expire
// a FILETIME of 0 indicates that the item should never expire
void Commit(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); if (!pHead) { pHead = pItem; pTail = pItem; pItem->pNext = NULL; pItem->pPrev = NULL; return; }
if (CFileTime(pItem->cftExpireTime) == 0) { pTail->pNext = pItem; pItem->pPrev = pTail; pItem->pNext = NULL; pTail = pItem; return; }
CCacheData * pMark = pHead; while (pMark && (pMark->cftExpireTime < pItem->cftExpireTime)) pMark = pMark->pNext;
if (pMark) // An entry was found that expires after the added entry
{ CCacheData *pPrev = pMark->pPrev; if (pPrev) pPrev->pNext = pItem; else pHead = pItem;
pItem->pNext = pMark; pItem->pPrev = pPrev; pMark->pPrev = pItem; } else // Ran out of items -- put it on the tail
{ if (pTail) pTail->pNext = pItem; pItem->pPrev = pTail; pItem->pNext = NULL; pTail = pItem; } }
void Access(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { }
void Release(CCacheData * /*pItem*/) { }
void Remove(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); CCacheData *pPrev = pItem->pPrev; CCacheData *pNext = pItem->pNext; if (pPrev) pPrev->pNext = pNext; else pHead = pNext;
if (pNext) pNext->pPrev = pPrev; else pTail = pPrev;
// About to start culling
void Start() { m_cftCurrent = CFileTime::GetCurrentTime(); }
BOOL IsExpired(CCacheData *pItem) { if ((pItem->cftExpireTime != 0) && m_cftCurrent > pItem->cftExpireTime) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// Get the next expired entry
CCacheData * GetExpired() { if (!pHead) return NULL; if (IsExpired(pHead)) return pHead;
return NULL; } };
class CLifetimeCuller : public CExpireCuller { public: struct CCacheData : public CExpireCuller::CCacheData { ULONGLONG nLifespan; };
void Add(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); pItem->nLifespan = 0; CExpireCuller::Add(pItem); }
void Commit(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); if (pItem->nLifespan == 0) pItem->cftExpireTime = 0; else pItem->cftExpireTime = CFileTime(CFileTime::GetCurrentTime().GetTime() + pItem->nLifespan); CExpireCuller::Commit(pItem); }
void Access(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); CExpireCuller::Remove(pItem); Commit(pItem); }
CCacheData * GetExpired() { return static_cast<CCacheData *>(CExpireCuller::GetExpired()); } };
template <__int64 ftLifespan> class CFixedLifetimeCuller : public CExpireCuller { public: void Commit(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem);
if (ftLifespan == 0) pItem->cftExpireTime = 0; else pItem->cftExpireTime = CFileTime::GetCurrentTime() + CFileTimeSpan(ftLifespan);
CExpireCuller::Commit(pItem); }
void Access(CCacheData * pItem) { ATLASSERT(pItem); CExpireCuller::Remove(pItem); Commit(pItem); }
CCacheData * GetExpired() { return static_cast<CCacheData *>(CExpireCuller::GetExpired()); } };
template <class CFirst, class CSecond> class OrCullers : public CFirst, public CSecond { struct CCacheData : public CFirst::CCacheData, public CSecond::CCacheData { };
void Add(CCacheData * pItem) { CFirst::Add(pItem); CSecond::Add(pItem); }
void Access(CCacheData * pItem) { CFirst::Access(pItem); CSecond::Access(pItem); }
void Remove(CCacheData * pItem) { CFirst::Remove(pItem); CSecond::Remove(pItem); }
void Start(CCacheData * pItem) { CFirst::Start(pItem); CSecond::Start(pItem); }
CCacheData * GetExpired() { CCacheData *pItem = static_cast<CCacheData *>(CFirst::GetExpired()); if (!pItem) pItem = static_cast<CCacheData *>(CSecond::GetExpired());
return pItem; }
BOOL IsExpired(CCacheData * pItem) { return (CFirst::IsExpired(pItem) || CSecond::IsExpired(pItem)) } };
// Description:
// This class provides the implementation of a generic cache that stores
// elements in memory. CMemoryCacheBase uses the CCacheDataBase generic
// cache element structure to hold items in the cache. The cache is
// implemented using the CAtlMap map class. CMemoryCache uses a wide
// character string as it's Key type to identify entries. Entries must
// have unique key values. If you try to add an entry with a key that
// is exactly the same as an existing key, the existing entry will be
// overwritten.
// Template Parameters:
// T: The class that inherits from this class. This class must implement
// void OnDestroyEntry(NodeType *pEntry);
// DataType: Specifies the type of the element to be stored in the memory
// cache such as CString or void*
// NodeInfo: Specifies any additional data that should be stored in each item
// in the cache
// keyType, keyTrait : specifies the key type and traits (see CAtlMap)
// Flusher : the class responsible for determining which data should be flushed
// when the cache is at a configuration limit
// Culler : the class responsible for determining which data should be removed
// from the cache due to expiration
// SyncClass:Specifies the class that will be used for thread synchronization
// when accessing the cache. The class interface for SyncClass must
// be identical to that of CComCriticalSection (see atlbase.h)
// StatClass: Class used to contain statistics about this cache.
// REVIEW: modify interface to Flusher system
template <class T, class DataType, class NodeInfo=CCacheDataBase, class keyType=CFixedStringKey, class KeyTrait=CStringElementTraits<CFixedStringKey >, class Flusher=COldFlusher, class Culler=CExpireCuller, class SyncClass=CComCriticalSection, class StatClass=CStdStatClass > class CMemoryCacheBase { protected: typedef keyType keytype; struct NodeType : public __CACHEITEM, public NodeInfo, public Flusher::CCacheData, public Culler::CCacheData { NodeType() { pos = NULL; dwSize = 0; dwRef = 0; }
DataType Data; POSITION pos; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwRef; };
typedef CAtlMap<keyType, NodeType *, KeyTrait> mapType; SyncClass m_syncObj; StatClass m_statObj; Flusher m_flusher; Culler m_culler;
//memory cache configuration parameters
DWORD m_dwMaxAllocationSize; DWORD m_dwMaxEntries;
BOOL m_bInitialized; public:
mapType m_hashTable; CMemoryCacheBase() throw() : m_dwMaxAllocationSize(0xFFFFFFFF), m_dwMaxEntries(0xFFFFFFFF), m_bInitialized(FALSE) {
//Initializes the cache and the cache synchronization object
//Also the performance monitoring
HRESULT Initialize() throw() { if (m_bInitialized) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED); HRESULT hr; hr = m_syncObj.Init();
if (hr == S_OK) hr = m_statObj.Initialize();
m_bInitialized = TRUE;
return hr; }
//removes all entries whether or not they are initialized.
HRESULT Uninitialize() throw() { if (!m_bInitialized) return S_OK;
//clear out the hash table
RemoveAllEntries(); m_statObj.Uninitialize();
m_syncObj.Unlock(); m_syncObj.Term();
m_bInitialized = FALSE;
return S_OK; } //Adds an entry to the cache.
//Also, adds an initial reference on the entry if phEntry is not NULL
HRESULT AddEntry( const keyType &Key, //key for entry
const DataType &data, //See the DataType template parameter
DWORD dwSize, //Size of memory to be stored in the cache
HCACHEITEM *phEntry = NULL //out pointer that will contain a handle to the new
//cache entry on success.
) throw() { _ATLTRY { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized);
NodeType * pEntry = new NodeType; if (!pEntry) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
//fill entry
if (phEntry) { *phEntry = static_cast<HCACHEITEM>(pEntry); pEntry->dwRef++; } pEntry->Data = data; pEntry->dwSize = dwSize;
POSITION pos = (POSITION)m_hashTable.Lookup(Key);
if (pos != NULL) { RemoveAt(pos, FALSE); m_hashTable.GetValueAt(pos) = pEntry; } else pos = m_hashTable.SetAt(Key, pEntry);
pEntry->pos = pos; m_statObj.AddElement(dwSize); m_flusher.Add(pEntry); m_culler.Add(pEntry);
if (!phEntry) return CommitEntry(static_cast<HCACHEITEM>(pEntry));
return S_OK; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_FAIL; } }
// Commits the entry to the cache
HRESULT CommitEntry(const HCACHEITEM hEntry) { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); if (!hEntry || hEntry == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return E_INVALIDARG;
m_syncObj.Lock(); NodeType *pEntry = static_cast<NodeType *>(hEntry); m_culler.Commit(pEntry); m_syncObj.Unlock(); return S_OK; }
// Looks up an entry and returns a handle to it,
// also updates access count and reference count
HRESULT LookupEntry(const keyType &Key, HCACHEITEM * phEntry) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
m_syncObj.Lock(); POSITION pos = (POSITION)m_hashTable.Lookup(Key); if (pos != NULL) { NodeType * pEntry = m_hashTable.GetValueAt(pos); m_flusher.Access(pEntry); m_culler.Access(pEntry); if (phEntry) { pEntry->dwRef++; *phEntry = static_cast<HCACHEITEM>(pEntry); }
hr = S_OK; } else { *phEntry = NULL; m_statObj.Miss(); } m_syncObj.Unlock(); return hr; }
// Gets the data based on the handle. Is thread-safe as long as there is a
// reference on the data
HRESULT GetEntryData(const HCACHEITEM hEntry, DataType *pData, DWORD *pdwSize) const throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); ATLASSERT(pData != NULL || pdwSize != NULL); // At least one should not be NULL
if (!hEntry || hEntry == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return E_INVALIDARG;
NodeType * pEntry = static_cast<NodeType *>(hEntry); if (pData) *pData = pEntry->Data; if (pdwSize) *pdwSize = pEntry->dwSize;
return S_OK; }
// Unreferences the entry based on the handle
DWORD ReleaseEntry(const HCACHEITEM hEntry) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); if (!hEntry || hEntry == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return (DWORD)-1;
m_syncObj.Lock(); NodeType * pEntry = static_cast<NodeType *>(hEntry); m_flusher.Release(pEntry); m_culler.Release(pEntry); ATLASSERT(pEntry->dwRef > 0);
DWORD dwRef = --pEntry->dwRef; if ((pEntry->pos == NULL) && (pEntry->dwRef == 0)) InternalRemoveEntry(pEntry);
return dwRef; }
// Increments the entry's reference count
DWORD AddRefEntry(const HCACHEITEM hEntry) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); if (!hEntry || hEntry == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return (DWORD)-1;
m_syncObj.Lock(); NodeType * pEntry = static_cast<NodeType *>(hEntry); m_flusher.Access(pEntry); m_culler.Access(pEntry); DWORD dwRef = ++pEntry->dwRef; m_syncObj.Unlock();
return dwRef; }
// Removes an entry from the cache regardless of whether or
// not it has expired. If there are references, it detaches
// the entry so that future lookups will fail, and when
// the ref count drops to zero, it will be deleted
HRESULT RemoveEntryByKey(const keyType &Key) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); HCACHEITEM hEntry; HRESULT hr = LookupEntry(Key, &hEntry); if (hr == S_OK) hr = RemoveEntry(hEntry);
return hr; }
// Removes the element from the cache. If there are still
// references, then the entry is detached.
HRESULT RemoveEntry(const HCACHEITEM hEntry) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); if (!hEntry || hEntry == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return E_INVALIDARG;
m_syncObj.Lock(); NodeType * pEntry = static_cast<NodeType *>(hEntry); m_flusher.Release(pEntry); m_culler.Release(pEntry); ATLASSERT(pEntry->dwRef > 0); pEntry->dwRef--; RemoveAt(pEntry->pos, TRUE); m_syncObj.Unlock();
return S_OK; }
// CullEntries removes all expired items
HRESULT CullEntries() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); m_syncObj.Lock();
while (NodeType *pNode = static_cast<NodeType *>(m_culler.GetExpired())) RemoveAt(pNode->pos, TRUE);
return S_OK; }
// FlushEntries reduces the cache to meet the configuration requirements
HRESULT FlushEntries() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); CullEntries();
NodeType * pNode = static_cast<NodeType *>(m_flusher.GetStart());
while (pNode && (((m_statObj.GetCurrentEntryCount() > m_dwMaxEntries)) || ((m_statObj.GetCurrentAllocSize() > m_dwMaxAllocationSize)))) { NodeType *pNext = static_cast<NodeType *>(m_flusher.GetNext(pNode));
if (pNode->dwRef == 0) RemoveAt(pNode->pos, TRUE);
pNode = pNext; } m_syncObj.Unlock();
return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetMaxAllowedSize(DWORD dwSize) throw() { m_dwMaxAllocationSize = dwSize; return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxAllowedSize(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_dwMaxAllocationSize; return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetMaxAllowedEntries(DWORD dwSize) throw() { m_dwMaxEntries = dwSize; return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxAllowedEntries(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_dwMaxEntries; return S_OK; }
HRESULT ResetCache() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); m_syncObj.Lock(); ClearStats(); m_hashTable.RemoveAll(); m_syncObj.Unlock(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT ClearStats() throw() { m_statObj.ResetCounters(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT RemoveAllEntries() throw() { ATLASSERT(m_bInitialized); m_syncObj.Lock(); m_hashTable.DisableAutoRehash(); POSITION pos = m_hashTable.GetStartPosition(); POSITION oldpos; while (pos != NULL) { oldpos = pos; m_hashTable.GetNext(pos); RemoveAt(oldpos, TRUE); } m_hashTable.EnableAutoRehash(); m_syncObj.Unlock();
return S_OK; }
// Checks to see if the cache can accommodate any new entries within
// its allocation and entry count limits.
bool CanAddEntry(DWORD dwSizeToAdd) throw() { return CheckAlloc(dwSizeToAdd) && CheckEntryCount(1); }
// Checks to see if the cache can accommodate dwSizeToAdd additional
// allocation within its allocation limit.
bool CheckAlloc(DWORD dwSizeToAdd) throw() { if (m_dwMaxAllocationSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) return true; //max allocation size setting hasn't been set
DWORD dwNew = m_statObj.GetCurrentAllocSize() + dwSizeToAdd; return dwNew < m_dwMaxAllocationSize; }
// Checks to see if the cache can accommodate dwNumEntriesToAdd
// additional entries within its limits.
bool CheckEntryCount(DWORD dwNumEntriesToAdd) throw() { if (m_dwMaxEntries == 0xFFFFFFFF) return true; //max entry size hasn't been set
DWORD dwNew = m_statObj.GetCurrentEntryCount() + dwNumEntriesToAdd; return dwNew < m_dwMaxEntries;
protected: // Takes the element at pos in the hash table and removes it from
// the cache. If there are no references, then the entry is
// deleted, otherwise it is deleted by ReleaseEntry when the
// refcount goes to zero.
HRESULT RemoveAt(POSITION pos, BOOL bDelete) throw() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ATLASSERT(pos != NULL); NodeType * pEntry = m_hashTable.GetValueAt(pos); m_flusher.Remove(pEntry); m_culler.Remove(pEntry); if (bDelete) m_hashTable.RemoveAtPos(pos);
if ((long)pEntry->dwRef == 0) hr = InternalRemoveEntry(pEntry); else pEntry->pos = NULL;
return S_OK; } // Does the actual destruction of the node. Deletes the
// NodeType struct and calls the inherited class's
// OnDestroyEntry function, where other necessary destruction
// can take place. Also updates the cache statistics.
// Inherited classes should call RemoveAt unless the element's
// refcount is zero and it has been removed from the
// culler and flusher lists.
HRESULT InternalRemoveEntry(NodeType * pEntry) throw() { ATLASSERT(pEntry != NULL);
T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
ATLASSERT((long)pEntry->dwRef == 0);
pT->OnDestroyEntry(pEntry); m_statObj.ReleaseElement(pEntry->dwSize);
return S_OK; } }; // CMemoryCacheBase
class CCacheDataBase { };
struct CCacheDataEx : public CCacheDataBase { HINSTANCE hInstance; IMemoryCacheClient * pClient; };
template <typename DataType, class StatClass=CStdStatClass, class FlushClass=COldFlusher, class keyType=CFixedStringKey, class KeyTrait=CStringElementTraits<CFixedStringKey >, class SyncClass=CComCriticalSection, class CullClass=CExpireCuller > class CMemoryCache: public CMemoryCacheBase<CMemoryCache, DataType, CCacheDataEx, keyType, KeyTrait, FlushClass, CullClass, SyncClass, StatClass> { protected: CComPtr<IServiceProvider> m_spServiceProv; CComPtr<IDllCache> m_spDllCache; typedef CMemoryCacheBase<CMemoryCache, DataType, CCacheDataEx, keyType, KeyTrait, FlushClass, CullClass, SyncClass, StatClass> baseClass; public:
HRESULT Initialize(IServiceProvider * pProvider) { baseClass::Initialize(); m_spServiceProv = pProvider; if (pProvider) return m_spServiceProv->QueryService(__uuidof(IDllCache), __uuidof(IDllCache), (void**)&m_spDllCache); else return S_OK; }
HRESULT AddEntry( const keyType &Key, const DataType &data, DWORD dwSize, FILETIME * pftExpireTime = NULL, HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL, IMemoryCacheClient * pClient = NULL, HCACHEITEM *phEntry = NULL ) throw() { _ATLTRY { HRESULT hr; NodeType * pEntry = NULL; hr = baseClass::AddEntry(Key, data, dwSize, (HCACHEITEM *)&pEntry); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
pEntry->hInstance = hInstance; pEntry->pClient = pClient; if (pftExpireTime) pEntry->cftExpireTime = *pftExpireTime;
if (hInstance && m_spDllCache) m_spDllCache->AddRefModule(hInstance);
if (phEntry) *phEntry = static_cast<HCACHEITEM>(pEntry); else baseClass::ReleaseEntry(static_cast<HCACHEITEM>(pEntry));
return S_OK; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_FAIL; } }
virtual void OnDestroyEntry(const NodeType * pEntry) throw() { ATLASSERT(pEntry); if (!pEntry) return;
if (pEntry->pClient) pEntry->pClient->Free((void *)&pEntry->Data); if (pEntry->hInstance && m_spDllCache) m_spDllCache->ReleaseModule(pEntry->hInstance); } }; // CMemoryCache
// CStdStatData - contains the data that CStdStatClass keeps track of
DWORD m_nHitCount; DWORD m_nMissCount; DWORD m_nCurrentAllocations; DWORD m_nMaxAllocations; DWORD m_nCurrentEntries; DWORD m_nMaxEntries; };
// CCachePerfMon - the interface to CPerfMon, with associated definitions
class CCachePerfMon : public CPerfMon { public: BEGIN_PERF_MAP(_T("ATL Server:Cache")) CHAIN_PERF_OBJECT(CPerfStatObject) END_PERF_MAP() };
// Description
// This class provides the implementation of a standard cache statistics accounting class
class CStdStatClass { protected: CPerfStatObject* m_pStats; CPerfStatObject m_stats;
CStdStatClass() throw() { m_pStats = &m_stats; }
// This function is not thread safe by design
HRESULT Initialize(CPerfStatObject* pStats = NULL) throw() { if (pStats) m_pStats = pStats; else m_pStats = &m_stats;
ResetCounters(); return S_OK; }
// This function is not thread safe by design
HRESULT Uninitialize() throw() { m_pStats = &m_stats; return S_OK; }
void Hit() throw() { InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&m_pStats->m_nHitCount)); }
void Miss() throw() { InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&m_pStats->m_nMissCount)); }
void AddElement(DWORD dwBytes) throw() { InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&m_pStats->m_nCurrentEntries)); InterlockedExchangeAdd(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&m_pStats->m_nCurrentAllocations), dwBytes);
if (m_pStats->m_nCurrentEntries > m_pStats->m_nMaxEntries) InterlockedExchange(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&m_pStats->m_nMaxEntries), m_pStats->m_nCurrentEntries);
if (m_pStats->m_nCurrentAllocations > m_pStats->m_nMaxAllocations) InterlockedExchange(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&m_pStats->m_nMaxAllocations), m_pStats->m_nCurrentAllocations); }
void ReleaseElement(DWORD dwBytes) throw() { InterlockedDecrement(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&m_pStats->m_nCurrentEntries)); InterlockedExchangeAdd(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&m_pStats->m_nCurrentAllocations), -((long)dwBytes)); }
DWORD GetHitCount() throw() { return m_pStats->m_nHitCount; }
DWORD GetMissCount() throw() { return m_pStats->m_nMissCount; }
DWORD GetCurrentAllocSize() throw() { return m_pStats->m_nCurrentAllocations; }
DWORD GetMaxAllocSize() throw() { return m_pStats->m_nMaxAllocations; }
DWORD GetCurrentEntryCount() throw() { return m_pStats->m_nCurrentEntries; }
DWORD GetMaxEntryCount() throw() { return m_pStats->m_nMaxEntries; }
void ResetCounters() throw() { m_pStats->m_nHitCount = 0; m_pStats->m_nMissCount = 0; m_pStats->m_nCurrentAllocations = 0; m_pStats->m_nMaxAllocations = 0; m_pStats->m_nCurrentEntries = 0; m_pStats->m_nMaxEntries = 0; } }; // CStdStatClass
// CNoStatClass
// This is a noop stat class
class CNoStatClass { public: HRESULT Initialize() throw(){ return S_OK; } HRESULT Uninitialize() throw(){ return S_OK; } void Hit() throw(){ } void Miss() throw(){ } void AddElement(DWORD) throw(){ } void ReleaseElement(DWORD) throw(){ } DWORD GetHitCount() throw(){ return 0; } DWORD GetMissCount() throw(){ return 0; } DWORD GetCurrentAllocSize() throw(){ return 0; } DWORD GetMaxAllocSize() throw(){ return 0; } DWORD GetCurrentEntryCount() throw(){ return 0; } DWORD GetMaxEntryCount() throw(){ return 0; } void ResetCounters() throw(){ } }; // CNoStatClass
// Description
// This class provides the implementation of a cache statistics gathering class
// with PerfMon support
class CPerfStatClass : public CStdStatClass { CPerfStatObject * m_pPerfObject; CCachePerfMon m_PerfMon;
HRESULT Initialize(LPWSTR szName=NULL) throw() { HRESULT hr;
if (!szName) szName = L"Object 1";
m_pPerfObject = NULL; ATLTRACE(atlTraceCache, 2, _T("Initializing m_PerfMon\n")); hr = m_PerfMon.Initialize(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CPerfLock lock(&m_PerfMon); if (FAILED(hr = lock.GetStatus())) { return hr; }
hr = m_PerfMon.CreateInstance(ATL_PERF_CACHE_OBJECT, 0, szName, reinterpret_cast<CPerfObject**>(&m_pPerfObject)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
CStdStatClass::Initialize(m_pPerfObject); } else ATLASSERT(m_pPerfObject == NULL);
return hr; }
HRESULT Uninitialize() throw() { CStdStatClass::Uninitialize();
if (m_pPerfObject != NULL) // Initialized m_pPerfObject successfully above
{ HRESULT hr = m_PerfMon.ReleaseInstance(m_pPerfObject); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
m_PerfMon.UnInitialize(); }
return S_OK; } }; // CPerfStatClass
// Description:
// Implements a cache that stores pointers to void. Uses the generic CMemoryCacheBase class
// as the implementation.
template <class MonitorClass, class StatClass=CStdStatClass, class SyncObj=CComCriticalSection, class FlushClass=COldFlusher, class CullClass=CExpireCuller > class CBlobCache : public CMemoryCache<void*, StatClass, FlushClass, CFixedStringKey, CStringElementTraits<CFixedStringKey >, SyncObj, CullClass>, public IMemoryCache, public IMemoryCacheControl, public IMemoryCacheStats, public IWorkerThreadClient { typedef CMemoryCache<void*, StatClass, FlushClass, CFixedStringKey, CStringElementTraits<CFixedStringKey>, SyncObj, CullClass> cacheBase;
MonitorClass m_Monitor;
protected: HANDLE m_hTimer;
public: CBlobCache() : m_hTimer(NULL) { }
HRESULT Initialize(IServiceProvider *pProv) throw() { HRESULT hr = cacheBase::Initialize(pProv); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = m_Monitor.Initialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return m_Monitor.AddTimer(ATL_BLOB_CACHE_TIMEOUT, static_cast<IWorkerThreadClient*>(this), (DWORD_PTR) this, &m_hTimer); }
template <class ThreadTraits> HRESULT Initialize(IServiceProvider *pProv, CWorkerThread<ThreadTraits> *pWorkerThread) throw() { ATLASSERT(pWorkerThread);
if (S_OK == cacheBase::Initialize(pProv)) { hr = m_Monitor.Initialize(pWorkerThread); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return m_Monitor.AddTimer(ATL_BLOB_CACHE_TIMEOUT, static_cast<IWorkerThreadClient*>(this), (DWORD_PTR) this, &m_hTimer); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT Execute(DWORD_PTR dwParam, HANDLE /*hObject*/) throw() { CBlobCache* pCache = (CBlobCache*)dwParam; if (pCache) pCache->Flush(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CloseHandle(HANDLE hObject) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_hTimer == hObject); m_hTimer = NULL; ::CloseHandle(hObject); return S_OK; }
~CBlobCache() throw() { if (m_hTimer) m_Monitor.RemoveHandle(m_hTimer); }
HRESULT Uninitialize() throw() { if (m_hTimer) { m_Monitor.RemoveHandle(m_hTimer); m_hTimer = NULL; } m_Monitor.Shutdown(); return cacheBase::Uninitialize(); } // IUnknown methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) throw() { HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; if (!ppv) hr = E_POINTER; else { if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IUnknown)) || InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IMemoryCache))) { *ppv = (IUnknown *) (IMemoryCache *) this; AddRef(); hr = S_OK; } if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IMemoryCacheStats))) { *ppv = (IUnknown *) (IMemoryCacheStats*)this; AddRef(); hr = S_OK; } if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IMemoryCacheControl))) { *ppv = (IUnknown *) (IMemoryCacheControl*)this; AddRef(); hr = S_OK; }
} return hr; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() throw() { return 1; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() throw() { return 1; } // IMemoryCache Methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Add(LPCSTR szKey, void *pvData, DWORD dwSize, FILETIME *pftExpireTime, HINSTANCE hInstClient, HCACHEITEM *phEntry, IMemoryCacheClient *pClient) throw() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; //if it's a multithreaded cache monitor we'll let the monitor take care of
//cleaning up the cache so we don't overflow our configuration settings.
//if it's not a threaded cache monitor, we need to make sure we don't
//overflow the configuration settings by adding a new element
if (m_Monitor.GetThreadHandle()==NULL) { if (!cacheBase::CanAddEntry(dwSize)) { //flush the entries and check again to see if we can add
cacheBase::FlushEntries(); if (!cacheBase::CanAddEntry(dwSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } _ATLTRY { hr = cacheBase::AddEntry(szKey, pvData, dwSize, pftExpireTime, hInstClient, pClient, phEntry); return hr; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_FAIL; } } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE LookupEntry(LPCSTR szKey, HCACHEITEM * phEntry) throw() { return cacheBase::LookupEntry(szKey, phEntry); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetData(const HCACHEITEM hKey, void **ppvData, DWORD *pdwSize) const throw() { return cacheBase::GetEntryData(hKey, ppvData, pdwSize); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReleaseEntry(const HCACHEITEM hKey) throw() { return cacheBase::ReleaseEntry(hKey); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RemoveEntry(const HCACHEITEM hKey) throw() { return cacheBase::RemoveEntry(hKey); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RemoveEntryByKey(LPCSTR szKey) throw() { return cacheBase::RemoveEntryByKey(szKey); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Flush() throw() { return cacheBase::FlushEntries(); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetMaxAllowedSize(DWORD dwSize) throw() { return cacheBase::SetMaxAllowedSize(dwSize); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxAllowedSize(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return cacheBase::GetMaxAllowedSize(pdwSize); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetMaxAllowedEntries(DWORD dwSize) throw() { return cacheBase::SetMaxAllowedEntries(dwSize); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxAllowedEntries(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return cacheBase::GetMaxAllowedEntries(pdwSize); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ResetCache() throw() { return cacheBase::ResetCache(); }
// IMemoryCacheStats methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClearStats() throw() { m_statObj.ResetCounters(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetHitCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetHitCount(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMissCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetMissCount(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxAllocSize(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetMaxAllocSize(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCurrentAllocSize(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetCurrentAllocSize(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxEntryCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetMaxEntryCount(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCurrentEntryCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetCurrentEntryCount(); return S_OK; }
}; // CBlobCache
// CDllCache
// This class manages a cache to handle calls to LoadLibrary
// and FreeLibrary.
// It keeps dlls loaded even after the last call to free library
// a worker thread then calls FreeLibrary on unused dlls
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define ATL_DLL_CACHE_TIMEOUT 1000 // 1 sec default for debug builds
#define ATL_DLL_CACHE_TIMEOUT 10*60000 // 10 minute default for retail builds
class CNoDllCachePeer { public: struct DllInfo { };
BOOL Add(HINSTANCE /*hInst*/, DllInfo * /*pInfo*/) { return TRUE; }
void Remove(HINSTANCE /*hInst*/, DllInfo * /*pInfo*/) { } };
// CDllCache
// Implements IDllCache, an interface that is used to load and unload Dlls.
// To use it, construct an instance of a CDllCache and call Initialize.
// The Initialize call has to match with the type of monitor class you
// templatize on. The monitor thread will call IWorkerThreadClient::Execute
// after its timeout expires. Make sure to Uninitialize the object before
// it is destroyed by calling Uninitialize
template <class CMonitorClass, class Peer=CNoDllCachePeer> class CDllCache : public IDllCache, public IWorkerThreadClient { protected: CComCriticalSection m_critSec; CSimpleArray<DLL_CACHE_ENTRY> m_Dlls; CSimpleArray<Peer::DllInfo> m_DllInfos; CMonitorClass m_Monitor; HANDLE m_hTimer;
void RemoveDllEntry(DLL_CACHE_ENTRY& entry) { ::FreeLibrary(entry.hInstDll); entry.hInstDll = NULL; m_Dlls.RemoveAt(m_Dlls.GetSize()-1); }
public: Peer m_Peer;
CDllCache() : m_hTimer(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
HRESULT Initialize(DWORD dwTimeout=ATL_DLL_CACHE_TIMEOUT) throw() { HRESULT hr = m_critSec.Init(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = m_Monitor.Initialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return m_Monitor.AddTimer(dwTimeout, this, 0, &m_hTimer); }
template <class ThreadTraits> HRESULT Initialize(CWorkerThread<ThreadTraits> *pWorkerThread, DWORD dwTimeout=ATL_DLL_CACHE_TIMEOUT) throw() { HRESULT hr = m_critSec.Init(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = m_Monitor.Initialize(pWorkerThread); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return m_Monitor.AddTimer(dwTimeout, this, 0, &m_hTimer); }
HRESULT Uninitialize() throw() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_hTimer) { m_Monitor.RemoveHandle(m_hTimer); m_hTimer = NULL; } m_Monitor.Shutdown();
// free all the libraries we've cached
int nLen = m_Dlls.GetSize(); for (int i=0; i<nLen; i++) { DLL_CACHE_ENTRY& entry = m_Dlls[i]; ATLASSERT(entry.dwRefs == 0); BOOL bRet = ::FreeLibrary(entry.hInstDll);
if (!bRet) { hr = AtlHresultFromLastError(); ATLTRACE(atlTraceCache, 0, _T("Free library failed on shutdown of dll cache : hr = 0x%08x)"), hr); }
nLen--; } m_Dlls.RemoveAll(); m_critSec.Term(); return hr;
// IUnknown methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) throw() { if (!ppv) return E_POINTER; if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IUnknown)) || InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IDllCache))) { *ppv = (IUnknown *) this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() throw() { return 1; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() throw() { return 1; }
// IDllCache methods
HINSTANCE Load(LPCSTR szDllName, void *pPeerInfo) throw(...) { m_critSec.Lock(); int nLen = m_Dlls.GetSize(); for (int i=0; i<nLen; i++) { DLL_CACHE_ENTRY& entry = m_Dlls[i]; if (!_stricmp(entry.szDllName, szDllName)) { entry.dwRefs++; m_critSec.Unlock(); if (pPeerInfo) { Peer::DllInfo *pl = (Peer::DllInfo*)pPeerInfo; *pl = m_DllInfos[i]; } return entry.hInstDll; } } DLL_CACHE_ENTRY entry; entry.hInstDll = ::LoadLibraryA(szDllName); if (!entry.hInstDll) { m_critSec.Unlock(); return NULL; } strcpy(entry.szDllName, szDllName); entry.dwRefs = 1; entry.bAlive = TRUE; m_Dlls.Add(entry);
Peer::DllInfo *pdllInfo = (Peer::DllInfo*)pPeerInfo;
// m_Peer could throw an exception from user code. We
// pass that exception from here to a higher context (we
// won't deal with user exception here).
if (!m_Peer.Add(entry.hInstDll, pdllInfo)) { RemoveDllEntry(entry); }
if ((entry.hInstDll != NULL) && (!m_DllInfos.Add(*pdllInfo))) { RemoveDllEntry(entry); }
m_critSec.Unlock(); return entry.hInstDll; }
BOOL Free(HINSTANCE hInstDll) throw() { m_critSec.Lock(); int nLen = m_Dlls.GetSize(); for (int i=0; i<nLen; i++) { DLL_CACHE_ENTRY &entry = m_Dlls[i]; if (entry.hInstDll == hInstDll) { ATLASSERT(entry.dwRefs > 0); entry.bAlive = TRUE; entry.dwRefs--; m_critSec.Unlock(); return TRUE; } }
m_critSec.Unlock(); // the dll wasn't found
// in the cache, so just
// pass along to ::FreeLibrary
return ::FreeLibrary(hInstDll); }
BOOL AddRefModule(HINSTANCE hInstDll) throw() { m_critSec.Lock(); int nLen = m_Dlls.GetSize(); for (int i=0; i<nLen; i++) { DLL_CACHE_ENTRY &entry = m_Dlls[i]; if (entry.hInstDll == hInstDll) { ATLASSERT(entry.dwRefs > 0); entry.dwRefs++; m_critSec.Unlock(); return TRUE; } }
m_critSec.Unlock(); return FALSE; }
BOOL ReleaseModule(HINSTANCE hInstDll) throw() { m_critSec.Lock(); int nLen = m_Dlls.GetSize(); for (int i=0; i<nLen; i++) { DLL_CACHE_ENTRY &entry = m_Dlls[i]; if (entry.hInstDll == hInstDll) { ATLASSERT(entry.dwRefs > 0); entry.bAlive = TRUE; entry.dwRefs--; m_critSec.Unlock(); return TRUE; } } m_critSec.Unlock(); return FALSE; }
HRESULT GetEntries(DWORD dwCount, DLL_CACHE_ENTRY *pEntries, DWORD *pdwCopied) throw() { if (!pdwCopied) return E_POINTER;
m_critSec.Lock(); if (dwCount==0 || pEntries==NULL) { // just return the required size
*pdwCopied = m_Dlls.GetSize(); m_critSec.Unlock(); return S_OK; }
if (dwCount > (DWORD) m_Dlls.GetSize()) dwCount = m_Dlls.GetSize(); memcpy(pEntries, m_Dlls.GetData(), dwCount*sizeof(DLL_CACHE_ENTRY)); *pdwCopied = dwCount; m_critSec.Unlock(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT Flush() throw() { m_critSec.Lock(); int nLen = m_Dlls.GetSize(); for (int i=0; i<nLen; i++) { DLL_CACHE_ENTRY &entry = m_Dlls[i]; if (entry.dwRefs == 0 && !entry.bAlive) { _ATLTRY { m_Peer.Remove(entry.hInstDll, &m_DllInfos[i]); } _ATLCATCHALL() { ATLTRACE(atlTraceCache, 2, _T("Exception thrown from user code in CDllCache::Flush\n")); }
::FreeLibrary(entry.hInstDll); m_Dlls.RemoveAt(i); m_DllInfos.RemoveAt(i); i--; nLen--; } entry.bAlive = FALSE; }
m_critSec.Unlock(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT Execute(DWORD_PTR /*dwParam*/, HANDLE /*hObject*/) throw() { Flush(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CloseHandle(HANDLE hObject) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_hTimer == hObject); m_hTimer = NULL; ::CloseHandle(hObject); return S_OK; } }; // CDllCache
//IStencilCache is used by a stencil processor to cache pointers to CStencil
//derived objects.
// {8702269B-707D-49cc-AEF8-5FFCB3D6891B}
extern "C" __declspec(selectany) IID IID_IStencilCache = { 0x8702269b, 0x707d, 0x49cc, { 0xae, 0xf8, 0x5f, 0xfc, 0xb3, 0xd6, 0x89, 0x1b } };
__interface ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("8702269B-707D-49cc-AEF8-5FFCB3D6891B")) IStencilCache : public IUnknown { // IStencilCache methods
STDMETHOD(CacheStencil)(LPCSTR szName, //a name for this cache entry
void *pStencil, //a pointer to a CStencil derived object
DWORD dwSize, //sizeof pStencil
HCACHEITEM *pHandle, //out pointer to a handle to the this cache entry
HINSTANCE hInst, //HINSTANCE of the module putting this entry
//in the cache.
IMemoryCacheClient *pClient //Interface used to free this instance
); STDMETHOD(LookupStencil)(LPCSTR szName, HCACHEITEM * phStencil); STDMETHOD(GetStencil)(const HCACHEITEM hStencil, void ** ppStencil) const; STDMETHOD(AddRefStencil)(const HCACHEITEM hStencil); STDMETHOD(ReleaseStencil)(const HCACHEITEM hStencil); };
// {55DEF119-D7A7-4eb7-A876-33365E1C5E1A}
extern "C" __declspec(selectany) IID IID_IStencilCacheControl = { 0x55def119, 0xd7a7, 0x4eb7, { 0xa8, 0x76, 0x33, 0x36, 0x5e, 0x1c, 0x5e, 0x1a } }; __interface ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("55DEF119-D7A7-4eb7-A876-33365E1C5E1A")) IStencilCacheControl : public IUnknown { //IStencilCacheControl
STDMETHOD(RemoveStencil)(const HCACHEITEM hStencil); // Removes the stencil if there are no references,
// otherwise detaches it
STDMETHOD(RemoveStencilByName)(LPCSTR szStencil); //removes a stencil if there are no
//references to it
STDMETHOD(RemoveAllStencils)(); //removes all stencils that don't have references on them
STDMETHOD(SetDefaultLifespan)(unsigned __int64 dwdwLifespan); //sets the lifespan for all stencils
//in the cache (in 100 nanosecond units (10,000,000=1 second)).
STDMETHOD(GetDefaultLifespan)(unsigned __int64 *pdwdwLifespan); };
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define ATL_STENCIL_LIFESPAN CFileTime::Second
#define ATL_STENCIL_LIFESPAN CFileTime::Hour
// timeout before we check if the file
// has changed in m.s.
template <class MonitorClass, class StatClass=CStdStatClass, class SyncClass=CComCriticalSection, class FlushClass=COldFlusher, class CullClass=CLifetimeCuller > class CStencilCache : public CMemoryCacheBase<CStencilCache, void *, CCacheDataEx, CFixedStringKey, CStringElementTraitsI<CFixedStringKey >, FlushClass, CullClass, SyncClass, StatClass>, public IStencilCache, public IStencilCacheControl, public IWorkerThreadClient, public IMemoryCacheStats, public CComObjectRootEx<CComGlobalsThreadModel> { protected: typedef CMemoryCacheBase<CStencilCache, void *, CCacheDataEx, CFixedStringKey, CStringElementTraitsI<CFixedStringKey >, FlushClass, CullClass, SyncClass, StatClass> cacheBase; unsigned __int64 m_dwdwStencilLifespan;
MonitorClass m_Monitor; HANDLE m_hTimer; CComPtr<IDllCache> m_spDllCache;
CStencilCache() throw() : m_dwdwStencilLifespan(ATL_STENCIL_LIFESPAN) {
~CStencilCache() throw() { if (m_hTimer) m_Monitor.RemoveHandle(m_hTimer); }
HRESULT Execute(DWORD_PTR dwParam, HANDLE /*hObject*/) throw() { CStencilCache* pCache = (CStencilCache*)dwParam; if (pCache) pCache->FlushEntries(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CloseHandle(HANDLE hObject) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_hTimer == hObject); m_hTimer = NULL; ::CloseHandle(hObject); return S_OK; }
HRESULT Initialize(IServiceProvider *pProv, DWORD dwStencilCacheTimeout=ATL_STENCIL_CACHE_TIMEOUT, __int64 dwdwStencilLifespan=ATL_STENCIL_LIFESPAN) throw() { m_dwdwStencilLifespan = dwdwStencilLifespan; HRESULT hr = cacheBase::Initialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = E_FAIL; if (pProv) hr = pProv->QueryService(__uuidof(IDllCache), __uuidof(IDllCache), (void**)&m_spDllCache); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = m_Monitor.Initialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return m_Monitor.AddTimer(dwStencilCacheTimeout, this, (DWORD_PTR) this, &m_hTimer); }
template <class ThreadTraits> HRESULT Initialize(IServiceProvider *pProv, CWorkerThread<ThreadTraits> *pWorkerThread, DWORD dwStencilCacheTimeout=ATL_STENCIL_CACHE_TIMEOUT, __int64 dwdwStencilLifespan=ATL_STENCIL_LIFESPAN) throw() { m_dwdwStencilLifespan = dwdwStencilLifespan; HRESULT hr = cacheBase::Initialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = E_FAIL; if (pProv) hr = pProv->QueryService(__uuidof(IDllCache), __uuidof(IDllCache), (void**)&m_spDllCache); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = m_Monitor.Initialize(pWorkerThread); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return m_Monitor.AddTimer(dwStencilCacheTimeout, this, (DWORD_PTR) this, &m_hTimer); }
BEGIN_COM_MAP(CStencilCache) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IMemoryCacheStats) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IStencilCache) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IStencilCacheControl) END_COM_MAP() //IStencilCache methods
STDMETHOD(CacheStencil)(LPCSTR szName, void *pStencil, DWORD dwSize, HCACHEITEM *phEntry, HINSTANCE hInstance, IMemoryCacheClient *pClient) throw() { NodeType * pEntry = NULL; m_syncObj.Lock(); HRESULT hr; _ATLTRY { hr = cacheBase::AddEntry(szName, pStencil, dwSize, (HCACHEITEM *)&pEntry); } _ATLCATCHALL() { hr = E_FAIL; } if (hr != S_OK) { m_syncObj.Unlock(); return hr; }
pEntry->hInstance = hInstance; pEntry->pClient = pClient; pEntry->nLifespan = m_dwdwStencilLifespan; if (hInstance && m_spDllCache) m_spDllCache->AddRefModule(hInstance);
if (phEntry) *phEntry = static_cast<HCACHEITEM>(pEntry); else cacheBase::ReleaseEntry(static_cast<HCACHEITEM>(pEntry));
m_syncObj.Unlock(); return hr; }
STDMETHOD(LookupStencil)(LPCSTR szName, HCACHEITEM * phStencil) throw() { return cacheBase::LookupEntry(szName, phStencil); }
STDMETHOD(GetStencil)(const HCACHEITEM hStencil, void ** pStencil) const throw() { return cacheBase::GetEntryData(hStencil, pStencil, NULL); } STDMETHOD(AddRefStencil)(const HCACHEITEM hStencil) throw() { return cacheBase::AddRefEntry(hStencil); }
STDMETHOD(ReleaseStencil)(const HCACHEITEM hStencil) throw() { return cacheBase::ReleaseEntry(hStencil); }
STDMETHOD(RemoveStencil)(const HCACHEITEM hStencil) throw() { return cacheBase::RemoveEntry(hStencil); }
STDMETHOD(RemoveStencilByName)(LPCSTR szStencil) { return cacheBase::RemoveEntryByKey(szStencil); }
STDMETHOD(RemoveAllStencils)() throw() { return cacheBase::RemoveAllEntries(); }
STDMETHOD(SetDefaultLifespan)(unsigned __int64 dwdwLifespan) throw() { m_dwdwStencilLifespan = dwdwLifespan; return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(GetDefaultLifespan)(unsigned __int64 *pdwdwLifepsan) throw() { HRESULT hr = E_POINTER; if (pdwdwLifepsan) { *pdwdwLifepsan = m_dwdwStencilLifespan; hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
virtual void OnDestroyEntry(const NodeType * pEntry) throw() { ATLASSERT(pEntry); if (!pEntry) return;
if (pEntry->pClient) pEntry->pClient->Free((void *)&pEntry->Data); if (pEntry->hInstance && m_spDllCache) m_spDllCache->ReleaseModule(pEntry->hInstance); }
HRESULT Uninitialize() throw() { if (m_hTimer) { m_Monitor.RemoveHandle(m_hTimer); m_hTimer = NULL; } m_Monitor.Shutdown(); return cacheBase::Uninitialize(); } // IMemoryCacheStats methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClearStats() throw() { m_statObj.ResetCounters(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetHitCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetHitCount(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMissCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetMissCount(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxAllocSize(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetMaxAllocSize(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCurrentAllocSize(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetCurrentAllocSize(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxEntryCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetMaxEntryCount(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCurrentEntryCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetCurrentEntryCount(); return S_OK; } }; // CStencilCache
// {105A8866-4059-45fe-86AE-FA0EABBFBBB4}
extern "C" __declspec(selectany) IID IID_IFileCache = { 0x105a8866, 0x4059, 0x45fe, { 0x86, 0xae, 0xfa, 0xe, 0xab, 0xbf, 0xbb, 0xb4 } };
__interface ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("105A8866-4059-45fe-86AE-FA0EABBFBBB4")) IFileCache : public IUnknown { // IFileCache Methods
STDMETHOD(AddFile)( LPCSTR szFileName, LPCSTR szTempFileName, FILETIME *pftExpireTime, void *pPeerInfo, HCACHEITEM * phKey); STDMETHOD(LookupFile)(LPCSTR szFileName, HCACHEITEM * phKey); STDMETHOD(GetFile)(const HCACHEITEM hKey, LPSTR * pszFileName, void **ppPeerInfo); STDMETHOD(ReleaseFile)(const HCACHEITEM hKey); STDMETHOD(RemoveFile)(const HCACHEITEM hKey); STDMETHOD(RemoveFileByName)(LPCSTR szFileName); STDMETHOD(Flush)(); };
class CNoFileCachePeer { public: struct PeerInfo { };
static BOOL Add(PeerInfo* /*pDest*/, void * /*pSrc*/) { return TRUE; }
static BOOL Remove(const PeerInfo* /*pFileInfo*/) { return TRUE; } };
template <class Peer> struct CCacheDataPeer : public CCacheDataBase { Peer::PeerInfo PeerData; };
// A class to keep track of files, with maintenance -- maximum size of cache,
// maximum number of entries, expiration of entries, etc. -- inherits from
// CMemoryCacheBase
template < class MonitorClass, class StatClass=CStdStatClass, class FileCachePeer=CNoFileCachePeer, class FlushClass=COldFlusher, class SyncClass=CComCriticalSection, class CullClass=CExpireCuller > class CFileCache: public CMemoryCacheBase<CFileCache, LPSTR, CCacheDataPeer<FileCachePeer>, CFixedStringKey, CStringElementTraits<CFixedStringKey >, FlushClass, CullClass, SyncClass, StatClass>, public IWorkerThreadClient, public IFileCache, public IMemoryCacheControl, public IMemoryCacheStats { typedef CMemoryCacheBase<CFileCache, LPSTR, CCacheDataPeer<FileCachePeer>, CFixedStringKey, CStringElementTraits<CFixedStringKey >, FlushClass, CullClass, SyncClass, StatClass> cacheBase;
MonitorClass m_Monitor;
protected: HANDLE m_hTimer;
public: HRESULT Initialize() throw() { HRESULT hr = cacheBase::Initialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = m_Monitor.Initialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return m_Monitor.AddTimer(ATL_FILE_CACHE_TIMEOUT, static_cast<IWorkerThreadClient*>(this), (DWORD_PTR) this, &m_hTimer); }
template <class ThreadTraits> HRESULT Initialize(CWorkerThread<ThreadTraits> *pWorkerThread) throw() { ATLASSERT(pWorkerThread);
if (S_OK == cacheBase::Initialize()) { hr = m_Monitor.Initialize(pWorkerThread); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return m_Monitor.AddTimer(ATL_FILE_CACHE_TIMEOUT, static_cast<IWorkerThreadClient*>(this), (DWORD_PTR) this, &m_hTimer); } return S_OK; }
// Callback for CWorkerThread
HRESULT Execute(DWORD_PTR dwParam, HANDLE /*hObject*/) throw() { CFileCache* pCache = (CFileCache*)dwParam; if (pCache) pCache->Flush(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CloseHandle(HANDLE hObject) throw() { ATLASSERT(m_hTimer == hObject); m_hTimer = NULL; ::CloseHandle(hObject); return S_OK; }
~CFileCache() throw() { if (m_hTimer) { m_Monitor.RemoveHandle(m_hTimer); m_hTimer = NULL; } }
HRESULT Uninitialize() throw() { if (m_hTimer) { m_Monitor.RemoveHandle(m_hTimer); m_hTimer = NULL; } m_Monitor.Shutdown(); return cacheBase::Uninitialize(); }
// IUnknown methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) throw() { HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; if (!ppv) hr = E_POINTER; else { if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IUnknown)) || InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IFileCache))) { *ppv = (IUnknown *) (IFileCache *) this; AddRef(); hr = S_OK; } if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IMemoryCacheStats))) { *ppv = (IMemoryCacheStats*)this; AddRef(); hr = S_OK; } if (InlineIsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(IMemoryCacheControl))) { *ppv = (IMemoryCacheControl*)this; AddRef(); hr = S_OK; }
} return hr; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() throw() { return 1; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() throw() { return 1; }
// Adds a file to the cache. A file is created with a
// temporary name, and then Add is called with the temp
// file name and the final file name, along with expiration data,
// etc. A search on the file name will return the name of
// the file on disk (i.e. the temporary file)
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddFile( LPCSTR szFileName, LPCSTR szTempFileName, FILETIME *pftExpireTime, void *pPeerInfo, HCACHEITEM * phKey = NULL) throw() { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fadData; BOOL bRet = GetFileAttributesExA(szTempFileName, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fadData); if (!bRet) return AtlHresultFromLastError();
__int64 ddwFileSize = (fadData.nFileSizeHigh << 32) + fadData.nFileSizeLow;
DWORD dwRecordedFileSize = (DWORD) (ddwFileSize >> 10); // Round the file size up to 1K if it is < 1K
if (dwRecordedFileSize == 0) dwRecordedFileSize = 1;
if (m_Monitor.GetThreadHandle()==NULL) { if (!cacheBase::CanAddEntry(dwRecordedFileSize)) { cacheBase::FlushEntries(); if (!cacheBase::CanAddEntry(dwRecordedFileSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; NodeType *pEntry = NULL; m_syncObj.Lock();
// Make a private copy of the file name
CHeapPtr<char> szTempFileCopy; if (szTempFileCopy.Allocate(MAX_PATH)) { strcpy(szTempFileCopy, szTempFileName);
_ATLTRY { hr = cacheBase::AddEntry(szFileName, szTempFileCopy, dwRecordedFileSize, (HCACHEITEM*)&pEntry); szTempFileCopy.Detach(); } _ATLCATCHALL() { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if (hr != S_OK) { m_syncObj.Unlock(); return hr; }
if (pftExpireTime) pEntry->cftExpireTime = *pftExpireTime;
FileCachePeer::Add(&pEntry->PeerData, pPeerInfo); cacheBase::CommitEntry(static_cast<HCACHEITEM>(pEntry)); if (phKey) *phKey = static_cast<HCACHEITEM>(pEntry); else cacheBase::ReleaseEntry(pEntry);
m_syncObj.Unlock(); return hr; }
// Action to take when the entry is removed from the cache
virtual void OnDestroyEntry(const NodeType * pEntry) throw() { ATLASSERT(pEntry); if (!pEntry) return; FileCachePeer::Remove(&pEntry->PeerData); DeleteFileA(pEntry->Data); free(pEntry->Data); }
// Looks up a file by name. Must be released after use
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE LookupFile(LPCSTR szFileName, HCACHEITEM * phKey) throw() { return cacheBase::LookupEntry(szFileName, phKey); }
// Gets the name of the file on disk
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetFile(const HCACHEITEM hKey, LPSTR * pszFileName, void **ppPeerInfo) throw() { NodeType *pEntry = (NodeType *)hKey; if (ppPeerInfo) *ppPeerInfo = &pEntry->PeerData; return cacheBase::GetEntryData(hKey, pszFileName, NULL); }
// Releases a file
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReleaseFile(const HCACHEITEM hKey) throw() { return cacheBase::ReleaseEntry(hKey); }
// Releases a file and marks it for deletion
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RemoveFile(const HCACHEITEM hKey) throw() { return cacheBase::RemoveEntry(hKey); }
// Removes a file by name -- this calls IMemoryCacheClient->Free
// on the file name, which by default (for CFileCache) deletes the
// file.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RemoveFileByName(LPCSTR szFileName) throw() { return cacheBase::RemoveEntryByKey(szFileName); }
// Flushes the entries in the cache, eliminates expired entries,
// or if the cache exceeds the parameters (alloc size, num entries),
// culls items based on the sweep mode
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Flush() throw() { return cacheBase::FlushEntries(); }
// IMemoryCacheControl methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetMaxAllowedSize(DWORD dwSize) throw() { return cacheBase::SetMaxAllowedSize(dwSize); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxAllowedSize(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return cacheBase::GetMaxAllowedSize(pdwSize); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetMaxAllowedEntries(DWORD dwSize) throw() { return cacheBase::SetMaxAllowedEntries(dwSize); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxAllowedEntries(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { return cacheBase::GetMaxAllowedEntries(pdwSize); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ResetCache() throw() { return cacheBase::ResetCache(); }
// IMemoryCacheStats methods
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClearStats() throw() { m_statObj.ResetCounters(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetHitCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetHitCount(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMissCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetMissCount(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxAllocSize(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetMaxAllocSize(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCurrentAllocSize(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetCurrentAllocSize(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxEntryCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetMaxEntryCount(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCurrentEntryCount(DWORD *pdwSize) throw() { if (!pdwSize) return E_POINTER; *pdwSize = m_statObj.GetCurrentEntryCount(); return S_OK; } }; // CFileCache
class CDataConnection; // see atldbcli.h
__interface __declspec(uuid("52E7759B-D6CC-4a03-BDF3-80A6BDCA1F94")) IDataSourceCache : public IUnknown { // Method: Add
// Params:
// szConn: Connection string of data source to connect to
// ppDS: Out pointer to the newly added data source
// Comments:
// Attempts to open a connection to the specified data source
// using a CDataSource object. Once the connection is open, the
// CDatasource is cached.
STDMETHOD(Add)(LPCTSTR szID, LPCOLESTR szConn, CDataConnection *pDS);
// Method: Remove
// Params:
// szConn: Specifies the connection string of the connection to close
// Comments:
// Closes the specified connection and removes it's entry from the cache
// Method: Lookup
// Params:
// szConn: Specifies the connection string of the connection to look up
// ppDS: Out pointer to CDataSource object that is connected to the specified
// data source.
STDMETHOD(Lookup)(LPCTSTR szID, CDataConnection *pDS);
// Method: Uninitialize
// Params:
// None
// Comments:
// Closes removes all connections from the cache.
template <> class CElementTraits< CDataConnection > : public CElementTraitsBase< CDataConnection > { public: static ULONG Hash( INARGTYPE t ) { return( ULONG( ULONG_PTR( &t ) ) ); }
static bool CompareElements( INARGTYPE element1, INARGTYPE element2 ) { return( element1.m_session.m_spOpenRowset == element2.m_session.m_spOpenRowset); }
static int CompareElementsOrdered( INARGTYPE /*element1*/, INARGTYPE /*element2*/ ) { ATLASSERT(FALSE); return -1; }
typedef CFixedStringT<CString, ATL_DS_CONN_STRING_LEN> atlDataSourceKey; typedef CAtlMap<atlDataSourceKey, CDataConnection, CStringElementTraits<atlDataSourceKey>, CElementTraits<CDataConnection> > atlDataSourceCacheMap;
template <class TCritSec=CComFakeCriticalSection> class CDataSourceCache : public IDataSourceCache, public CComObjectRootEx<CComGlobalsThreadModel> { public: BEGIN_COM_MAP(CDataSourceCache) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDataSourceCache) END_COM_MAP()
CDataSourceCache() throw() { m_cs.Init(); }
virtual ~CDataSourceCache () throw() { Uninitialize(); }
STDMETHOD(Uninitialize)() throw() { m_cs.Lock(); m_ConnectionMap.RemoveAll(); m_cs.Unlock(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(Add)(LPCTSTR szID, LPCOLESTR szConn, CDataConnection *pSession) throw() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (pSession) *pSession = NULL;
if (!szID) return E_INVALIDARG; // must have session name
// Do a lookup to make sure we don't add multiple entries
// with the same name. Adding multiple entries with the same name
// could cause some entries to get orphaned.
m_cs.Lock(); const atlDataSourceCacheMap::CPair *pPair = m_ConnectionMap.Lookup(szID); if (!pPair) { // try to open connection
CDataConnection DS; hr = DS.Open(szConn); if (hr == S_OK) { _ATLTRY { if (m_ConnectionMap.SetAt(szID, DS)) { if (pSession) *pSession = DS; // copy connection to output.
hr = S_OK; } else hr = E_FAIL; // map add failed
} _ATLCATCHALL() { hr = E_FAIL; } } } else // lookup succeeded, entry is already in cache
{ // Instead of opening a new connection, just copy
// the one we already have in the cache.
if (pSession) *pSession = pPair->m_value; hr = S_OK; } m_cs.Unlock(); return hr; }
STDMETHOD(Remove)(LPCTSTR szID) throw() { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if (!szID) return hr; // must have session name
m_cs.Lock(); hr = m_ConnectionMap.RemoveKey(szID) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; m_cs.Unlock(); return hr; }
STDMETHOD(Lookup)(LPCTSTR szID, CDataConnection *pSession) throw() { if (!szID||!pSession) return E_POINTER; m_cs.Lock(); bool bRet = m_ConnectionMap.Lookup(szID, *pSession); m_cs.Unlock(); return (bRet && (bool)*pSession)? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
protected: atlDataSourceCacheMap m_ConnectionMap; TCritSec m_cs; };
// Some helpers for using the datasource cache.
// Function: GetDataSource
// Params:
// pProvider: Pointer to IServiceProvider that provides the
// data source cache service
// szID: The name of the connection (can be same as szDS)
// szDS: OLEDB connection string for data source
// ppDS: Out pointer to CDataSource. The CDataSource will be connected
// to the OLEDB provider specified by szDS on successful return.
// RetVal:
// Returns S_OK on success.
static HRESULT ATL_NOINLINE GetDataSource(IServiceProvider *pProvider, LPCTSTR szID, LPCOLESTR szConn, CDataConnection *pSession) throw() { if (!pProvider || !szID || !szConn || !pSession) return E_POINTER;
CComPtr<IDataSourceCache> spDSCache; HRESULT hr; hr = pProvider->QueryService(__uuidof(IDataSourceCache), __uuidof(IDataSourceCache), (void**)&spDSCache); if (hr == S_OK && spDSCache) { hr = spDSCache->Add(szID, szConn, pSession); } return hr; }
// Function: RemoveDataSource
// Params:
// pProvider: Pointer to IServiceProvider that provides the
// data source cache service
// szID: Name of the datasource connection to remove from the cache
// RetVal:
// none
// Comments:
// Removes the datasource entry from the datasource cache. Since entries are
// copied to the client on calls to lookup and add, removing an entry will not
// release the connections of existing clients.
static HRESULT ATL_NOINLINE RemoveDataSource(IServiceProvider *pProvider, LPCTSTR szID) throw() { if (!pProvider || !szID) return E_POINTER;
CComPtr<IDataSourceCache> spDSCache; HRESULT hr = pProvider->QueryService(__uuidof(IDataSourceCache), __uuidof(IDataSourceCache), (void**)&spDSCache); if (spDSCache) hr = spDSCache->Remove(szID); return hr; }
} // namespace ATL
#pragma warning (pop)
#endif // __ATLCACHE_H__