// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Active Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Active Template Library product.
#ifndef __ATLENC_H__
#define __ATLENC_H__
#pragma once
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace ATL {
//Not including CRLFs
//NOTE: For BASE64 and UUENCODE, this actually
//represents the amount of unencoded characters
//per line
// Base64Encode/Base64Decode
// compliant with RFC 2045
#define ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NONE 0
inline int Base64EncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen, DWORD dwFlags=ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NONE) throw() { int nRet = nSrcLen*4/3;
if ((dwFlags & ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOPAD) == 0) nRet += nSrcLen % 3;
int nCRLFs = nRet / 76; int nOnLastLine = nRet % 76; if (nOnLastLine) { nCRLFs++; if (nOnLastLine % 4) nRet += 4-(nOnLastLine % 4); } nCRLFs *= 2;
if ((dwFlags & ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF) == 0) nRet += nCRLFs;
return nRet+1; }
inline int Base64DecodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw() { return nSrcLen; }
inline BOOL Base64Encode( const BYTE *pbSrcData, int nSrcLen, LPSTR szDest, int *pnDestLen, DWORD dwFlags=ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NONE) throw() { static const char s_chBase64EncodingTable[64] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/' };
if (!pbSrcData || !szDest || !pnDestLen) { return FALSE; }
ATLASSERT(*pnDestLen >= Base64EncodeGetRequiredLength(nSrcLen, dwFlags));
int nWritten( 0 ); int nLen1( (nSrcLen/3)*4 ); int nLen2( nLen1/76 ); int nLen3( 19 );
for (int i=0; i<=nLen2; i++) { if (i==nLen2) nLen3 = (nLen1%76)/4;
for (int j=0; j<nLen3; j++) { DWORD dwCurr(0); for (int n=0; n<3; n++) { dwCurr |= *pbSrcData++; dwCurr <<= 8; } for (int k=0; k<4; k++) { BYTE b = (BYTE)(dwCurr>>26); *szDest++ = s_chBase64EncodingTable[b]; dwCurr <<= 6; } } nWritten+= nLen3*4;
if ((dwFlags & ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF)==0) { *szDest++ = '\r'; *szDest++ = '\n'; nWritten+= 2; } }
nLen2 = nSrcLen%3 ? nSrcLen%3 + 1 : 0; if (nLen2) { if ((dwFlags & ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF)==0) { szDest-= 2; nWritten-= 2; } DWORD dwCurr(0); for (int n=0; n<3; n++) { if (n<(nSrcLen%3)) dwCurr |= *pbSrcData++; dwCurr <<= 8; } for (int k=0; k<nLen2; k++) { BYTE b = (BYTE)(dwCurr>>26); *szDest++ = s_chBase64EncodingTable[b]; dwCurr <<= 6; } nWritten+= nLen2; if ((dwFlags & ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOPAD)==0) { nLen3 = nLen2 ? 4-nLen2 : 0; for (int j=0; j<nLen3; j++) { *szDest++ = '='; } nWritten+= nLen3; } if ((dwFlags & ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF)==0) { *szDest++ = '\r'; *szDest++ = '\n'; nWritten+= 2; } }
*pnDestLen = nWritten; return TRUE; }
inline int DecodeBase64Char(unsigned int ch) throw() { // returns -1 if the character is invalid
// or should be skipped
// otherwise, returns the 6-bit code for the character
// from the encoding table
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') return ch - 'A' + 0; // 0 range starts at 'A'
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') return ch - 'a' + 26; // 26 range starts at 'a'
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch - '0' + 52; // 52 range starts at '0'
if (ch == '+') return 62; if (ch == '/') return 63; return -1; }
inline BOOL Base64Decode(LPCSTR szSrc, int nSrcLen, BYTE *pbDest, int *pnDestLen) throw() { // walk the source buffer
// each four character sequence is converted to 3 bytes
// CRLFs and =, and any characters not in the encoding table
// are skiped
if (!szSrc || !pbDest || !pnDestLen) { return FALSE; }
LPCSTR szSrcEnd = szSrc + nSrcLen; int nWritten = 0; while (szSrc < szSrcEnd) { DWORD dwCurr = 0; int i; int nBits = 0; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { if (szSrc >= szSrcEnd) break; int nCh = DecodeBase64Char(*szSrc); szSrc++; if (nCh == -1) { // skip this char
i--; continue; } dwCurr <<= 6; dwCurr |= nCh; nBits += 6; } // dwCurr has the 3 bytes to write to the output buffer
// left to right
dwCurr <<= 24-nBits; for (i=0; i<nBits/8; i++) { *pbDest = (BYTE) ((dwCurr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); dwCurr <<= 8; pbDest++; nWritten++; } }
*pnDestLen = nWritten; return TRUE; }
// UUEncode/UUDecode
// compliant with POSIX P1003.2b/D11
//Flag to determine whether or not we should encode the header
//Flag to determine whether or not we should encode the end
//Flag to determine whether or not we should do data stuffing
//The the (rough) required length of the uuencoded stream based
//on input of length nSrcLen
inline int UUEncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw() { int nRet = nSrcLen*4/3; nRet += 3*(nSrcLen/ATLSMTP_MAX_UUENCODE_LINE_LENGTH); nRet += 12+_MAX_FNAME; nRet += 8; return nRet; }
//Get the decode required length
inline int UUDecodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw() { return nSrcLen; }
//encode a chunk of data
inline BOOL UUEncode( const BYTE* pbSrcData, int nSrcLen, LPSTR szDest, int* pnDestLen, LPCTSTR lpszFile = _T("file"), DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { //The UUencode character set
static const char s_chUUEncodeChars[64] = { '`','!','"','#','$','%','&','\'','(',')','*','+',',', '-','.','/','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9', ':',';','<','=','>','?','@','A','B','C','D','E','F', 'G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S', 'T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','[','\\',']','^','_' };
if (!pbSrcData || !szDest || !pnDestLen) { return FALSE; }
ATLASSERT(*pnDestLen >= UUEncodeGetRequiredLength(nSrcLen));
BYTE ch1 = 0, ch2 = 0, ch3 = 0; int nTotal = 0, nCurr = 0, nWritten = 0, nCnt = 0;
if (dwFlags & ATLSMTP_UUENCODE_HEADER) { //default permission is 666
nWritten = sprintf(szDest, "begin 666 %s\r\n", (LPCSTR)(CT2CAEX<MAX_PATH+1>( lpszFile ))); szDest += nWritten; }
//while we haven't reached the end of the data
while (nTotal < nSrcLen) { //If the amount of data is greater than MAX_UUENCODE_LINE_LENGTH
if (nSrcLen-nTotal >= ATLSMTP_MAX_UUENCODE_LINE_LENGTH) nCurr = ATLSMTP_MAX_UUENCODE_LINE_LENGTH; else nCurr = nSrcLen-nTotal+1;
nCnt = 1; if (nCurr < ATLSMTP_MAX_UUENCODE_LINE_LENGTH) *szDest = (char)(nCurr+31); else *szDest = (char)(nCurr+32); nWritten++; //if we need to stuff an extra dot (e.g. when we are sending via SMTP), do it
if ((dwFlags & ATLSMTP_UUENCODE_DOT) && *szDest == '.') { *(++szDest) = '.'; nWritten++; } szDest++; while (nCnt < nCurr) { //Set to 0 in the uuencoding alphabet
ch1 = ch2 = ch3 = ' '; ch1 = *pbSrcData++; nCnt++; nTotal++; if (nTotal < nSrcLen) { ch2 = *pbSrcData++; nCnt++; nTotal++; } if (nTotal < nSrcLen) { ch3 = *pbSrcData++; nCnt++; nTotal++; }
//encode the first 6 bits of ch1
*szDest++ = s_chUUEncodeChars[(ch1 >> 2) & 0x3F]; //encode the last 2 bits of ch1 and the first 4 bits of ch2
*szDest++ = s_chUUEncodeChars[((ch1 << 4) & 0x30) | ((ch2 >> 4) & 0x0F)]; //encode the last 4 bits of ch2 and the first 2 bits of ch3
*szDest++ = s_chUUEncodeChars[((ch2 << 2) & 0x3C) | ((ch3 >> 6) & 0x03)]; //encode the last 6 bits of ch3
*szDest++ = s_chUUEncodeChars[ch3 & 0x3F]; nWritten += 4; } //output a CRLF
*szDest++ = '\r'; *szDest++ = '\n'; nWritten += 2; }
//if we need to encode the end, do it
if (dwFlags & ATLSMTP_UUENCODE_END) { *szDest++ = '`'; *szDest++ = '\r'; *szDest++ = '\n'; nWritten += 3; nWritten += sprintf(szDest, "end\r\n"); } *pnDestLen = nWritten; return TRUE; }
inline BOOL UUDecode( BYTE* pbSrcData, int nSrcLen, BYTE* pbDest, int* pnDestLen, BYTE* szFileName, int* pnFileNameLength, int* pnPermissions, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { if (!pbSrcData || !pbDest || !szFileName || !pnFileNameLength || !pnPermissions || !pnDestLen) { return FALSE; }
int i = 0, j = 0; int nLineLen = 0; char ch; int nRead = 0, nWritten = 0;
char tmpBuf[256]; //get the file name
//eat the begin statement
while (*pbSrcData != 'b') { ATLASSERT( nRead < nSrcLen ); pbSrcData++; nRead++; }
pbSrcData--; while ((ch = *pbSrcData) != ' ') { ATLASSERT( nRead < nSrcLen ); ATLASSERT( i < 256 ); pbSrcData++; tmpBuf[i++] = ch; nRead++; } nRead++;
//uuencode block must start with a begin
if (strncmp(tmpBuf, "begin", 5)) { return FALSE; }
while((ch = *pbSrcData) == ' ') { ATLASSERT( nRead < nSrcLen );
pbSrcData++; nRead++; }
//get the permissions
i = 0; pbSrcData--; while ((ch = *pbSrcData++) != ' ') { ATLASSERT( nRead < nSrcLen );
ATLASSERT( i < 256 ); tmpBuf[i++] = ch; nRead++; } *pnPermissions = atoi(tmpBuf); nRead++;
//get the filename
i = 0; while (((ch = *pbSrcData++) != '\r') && ch != '\n' && i < *pnFileNameLength) { ATLASSERT( nRead < nSrcLen ); *szFileName = ch; szFileName++; nRead++; i++; } *pnFileNameLength = i; nRead++;
char chars[4];
while (nRead < nSrcLen) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (nRead < nSrcLen) { chars[j] = *pbSrcData++; nRead++; // if the character is a carriage return, skip the next '\n' and continue
if (chars[j] == '\r') { nLineLen = 0; pbSrcData++; nRead++; j--; continue; } //if the character is a line-feed, skip it
if (chars[j] == '\n') { nLineLen = 0; j--; continue; } //if we're at the beginning of a line, or it is an invalid character
if (nLineLen == 0 || chars[j] < 31 || chars[j] > 96) { //if we're at the 'end'
if (chars[j] == 'e') { //set the rest of the array to ' ' and break
for (int k = j; k < 4; k++) { chars[k] = ' '; nWritten--; } nWritten++; nRead = nSrcLen+1; break; } if ((dwFlags & ATLSMTP_UUENCODE_DOT) && nLineLen == 0 && chars[j] == '.') { if ((nRead+1) < nSrcLen) { pbSrcData++; chars[j] = *pbSrcData++; nRead++; } else { return FALSE; } } else { j--; } nLineLen++; continue; } } else { chars[j] = ' '; } } if (nWritten < (*pnDestLen-3)) { //decode the characters
*pbDest++ = (BYTE)((((chars[0] - ' ') & 0x3F) << 2) | (((chars[1] - ' ') & 0x3F) >> 4)); *pbDest++ = (BYTE)((((chars[1] - ' ') & 0x3F) << 4) | (((chars[2] - ' ') & 0x3F) >> 2)); *pbDest++ = (BYTE)((((chars[2] - ' ') & 0x3F) << 6) | ((chars[3] - ' ') & 0x3F));
nWritten += 3;
continue; } break; } *pnDestLen = nWritten; return TRUE; }
// Quoted Printable encode/decode
// compliant with RFC 2045
inline int QPEncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw() { int nRet = 3*((3*nSrcLen)/(ATLSMTP_MAX_QP_LINE_LENGTH-8)); nRet += 3*nSrcLen; nRet += 3; return nRet; }
inline int QPDecodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw() { return nSrcLen; }
inline BOOL QPEncode(BYTE* pbSrcData, int nSrcLen, LPSTR szDest, int* pnDestLen, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { //The hexadecimal character set
static const char s_chHexChars[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
if (!pbSrcData || !szDest || !pnDestLen) { return FALSE; }
ATLASSERT(*pnDestLen >= QPEncodeGetRequiredLength(nSrcLen)); int nRead = 0, nWritten = 0, nLineLen = 0; char ch; while (nRead < nSrcLen) { ch = *pbSrcData++; nRead++; if (nLineLen == 0 && ch == '.' && (dwFlags & ATLSMTP_QPENCODE_DOT)) { *szDest++ = '.'; nWritten++; nLineLen++; } if ((ch > 32 && ch < 61) || (ch > 61 && ch < 127)) { *szDest++ = ch; nWritten++; nLineLen++; } else if ((ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') && (nLineLen < (ATLSMTP_MAX_QP_LINE_LENGTH-12))) { *szDest++ = ch; nWritten++; nLineLen++; } else { *szDest++ = '='; *szDest++ = s_chHexChars[(ch >> 4) & 0x0F]; *szDest++ = s_chHexChars[ch & 0x0F]; nWritten += 3; nLineLen += 3; } if (nLineLen >= (ATLSMTP_MAX_QP_LINE_LENGTH-11)) { *szDest++ = '='; *szDest++ = '\r'; *szDest++ = '\n'; nLineLen = 0; nWritten += 3; } } if (dwFlags & ATLSMTP_QPENCODE_TRAILING_SOFT) { *szDest++ = '='; *szDest++ = '\r'; *szDest++ = '\n'; nWritten += 3; }
*pnDestLen = nWritten;
return TRUE; }
inline BOOL QPDecode(BYTE* pbSrcData, int nSrcLen, LPSTR szDest, int* pnDestLen, DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw() { if (!pbSrcData || !szDest || !pnDestLen) { return FALSE; }
int nRead = 0, nWritten = 0, nLineLen = -1; char ch; while (nRead <= nSrcLen) { ch = *pbSrcData++; nRead++; nLineLen++; if (ch == '=') { //if the next character is a digit or a character, convert
if (nRead < nSrcLen && (isdigit(*pbSrcData) || isalpha(*pbSrcData))) { char szBuf[5]; szBuf[0] = *pbSrcData++; szBuf[1] = *pbSrcData++; szBuf[2] = '\0'; char* tmp = '\0'; *szDest++ = (BYTE)strtoul(szBuf, &tmp, 16); nWritten++; nRead += 2; continue; } //if the next character is a carriage return or line break, eat it
if (nRead < nSrcLen && *pbSrcData == '\r' && (nRead+1 < nSrcLen) && *(pbSrcData+1)=='\n') { pbSrcData++; nRead++; nLineLen = -1; continue; } return FALSE; } if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { nLineLen = -1; continue; } if ((dwFlags & ATLSMTP_QPENCODE_DOT) && ch == '.' && nLineLen == 0) { continue; } *szDest++ = ch; nWritten++; }
*pnDestLen = nWritten-1; return TRUE; }
// Q and B encoding (for encoding MIME header information)
// compliant with RFC 2047
inline int IsExtendedChar(char ch) throw() { return ((ch > 126 || ch < 32) && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r'); }
inline int GetExtendedChars(LPCSTR szSrc, int nSrcLen) throw() { ATLASSERT( szSrc );
int nChars(0);
for (int i=0; i<nSrcLen; i++) { if (IsExtendedChar(*szSrc++)) nChars++; }
return nChars; }
//Get the required length to hold this encoding based on nSrcLen
inline int QEncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen, int nCharsetLen) throw() { return QPEncodeGetRequiredLength(nSrcLen)+7+nCharsetLen; }
//QEncode pbSrcData with the charset specified by pszCharSet
inline BOOL QEncode( BYTE* pbSrcData, int nSrcLen, LPSTR szDest, int* pnDestLen, LPCSTR pszCharSet, int* pnNumEncoded = NULL) throw() { //The hexadecimal character set
static const char s_chHexChars[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
if (!pbSrcData || !szDest || !pszCharSet || !pnDestLen) { return FALSE; }
ATLASSERT(*pnDestLen >= QEncodeGetRequiredLength(nSrcLen, ATL_MAX_ENC_CHARSET_LENGTH));
int nRead = 0, nWritten = 0, nEncCnt = 0; char ch; *szDest++ = '='; *szDest++ = '?'; nWritten = 2;
//output the charset
while (*pszCharSet != '\0') { *szDest++ = *pszCharSet++; nWritten++; } *szDest++ = '?'; *szDest++ = 'Q'; *szDest++ = '?'; nWritten += 3;
while (nRead < nSrcLen) { ch = *pbSrcData++; nRead++; if (((ch > 32 && ch < 61) || (ch > 61 && ch < 127)) && ch != '?' && ch != '_') { *szDest++ = ch; nWritten++; continue; } //otherwise it is an unprintable/unsafe character
*szDest++ = '='; *szDest++ = s_chHexChars[(ch >> 4) & 0x0F]; *szDest++ = s_chHexChars[ch & 0x0F]; if (ch < 32 || ch > 126) nEncCnt++; nWritten += 3; } *szDest++ = '?'; *szDest++ = '='; *szDest = 0; nWritten += 2;
*pnDestLen = nWritten;
if (pnNumEncoded) *pnNumEncoded = nEncCnt;
return TRUE; }
//Get the required length to hold this encoding based on nSrcLen
inline int BEncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen, int nCharsetLen) throw() { return Base64EncodeGetRequiredLength(nSrcLen)+7+nCharsetLen; }
//BEncode pbSrcData with the charset specified by pszCharSet
inline BOOL BEncode(BYTE* pbSrcData, int nSrcLen, LPSTR szDest, int* pnDestLen, LPCSTR pszCharSet) throw() { if (!pbSrcData || !szDest || !pszCharSet || !pnDestLen) { return FALSE; }
ATLASSERT(*pnDestLen >= BEncodeGetRequiredLength(nSrcLen, ATL_MAX_ENC_CHARSET_LENGTH));
int nWritten = 0; *szDest++ = '='; *szDest++ = '?'; nWritten = 2;
//output the charset
while (*pszCharSet != '\0') { *szDest++ = *pszCharSet++; nWritten++; } *szDest++ = '?'; *szDest++ = 'B'; *szDest++ = '?'; nWritten += 3;
BOOL bRet = Base64Encode(pbSrcData, nSrcLen, szDest, pnDestLen, ATL_BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF); if (!bRet) return FALSE;
szDest += *pnDestLen; *szDest++ = '?'; *szDest++ = '='; *szDest = 0; nWritten += 2; *pnDestLen += nWritten; return TRUE; }
// AtlUnicodeToUTF8
// Support for converting UNICODE strings to UTF8
// (WideCharToMultiByte does not support UTF8 in Win98)
// This function is from the SDK implementation of
// WideCharToMultiByte with the CP_UTF8 codepage
#define ATL_ASCII 0x007f
#define ATL_UTF8_2_MAX 0x07ff // max UTF8 2-byte sequence (32 * 64 = 2048)
#define ATL_UTF8_1ST_OF_2 0xc0 // 110x xxxx
#define ATL_UTF8_1ST_OF_3 0xe0 // 1110 xxxx
#define ATL_UTF8_1ST_OF_4 0xf0 // 1111 xxxx
#define ATL_UTF8_TRAIL 0x80 // 10xx xxxx
#define ATL_HIGHER_6_BIT(u) ((u) >> 12)
#define ATL_MIDDLE_6_BIT(u) (((u) & 0x0fc0) >> 6)
#define ATL_LOWER_6_BIT(u) ((u) & 0x003f)
#define ATL_LOW_SURROGATE_END 0xdfff
ATL_NOINLINE inline int AtlUnicodeToUTF8( LPCWSTR wszSrc, int nSrc, LPSTR szDest, int nDest) { LPCWSTR pwszSrc = wszSrc; int nU8 = 0; // # of UTF8 chars generated
DWORD dwSurrogateChar; WCHAR wchHighSurrogate = 0; BOOL bHandled;
while ((nSrc--) && ((nDest == 0) || (nU8 < nDest))) { bHandled = FALSE; // Check if high surrogate is available
if ((*pwszSrc >= ATL_HIGH_SURROGATE_START) && (*pwszSrc <= ATL_HIGH_SURROGATE_END)) { if (nDest) { // Another high surrogate, then treat the 1st as normal Unicode character.
if (wchHighSurrogate) { if ((nU8 + 2) < nDest) { szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | ATL_HIGHER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate)); szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | ATL_MIDDLE_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate)); szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | ATL_LOWER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate)); } else { // not enough buffer
nSrc++; break; } } } else { nU8 += 3; } wchHighSurrogate = *pwszSrc; bHandled = TRUE; }
if (!bHandled && wchHighSurrogate) { if ((*pwszSrc >= ATL_LOW_SURROGATE_START) && (*pwszSrc <= ATL_LOW_SURROGATE_END)) { // valid surrogate pairs
if (nDest) { if ((nU8 + 3) < nDest) { dwSurrogateChar = (((wchHighSurrogate-0xD800) << 10) + (*pwszSrc - 0xDC00) + 0x10000); szDest[nU8++] = (ATL_UTF8_1ST_OF_4 | (unsigned char)(dwSurrogateChar >> 18)); // 3 bits from 1st byte
szDest[nU8++] = (ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | (unsigned char)((dwSurrogateChar >> 12) & 0x3f)); // 6 bits from 2nd byte
szDest[nU8++] = (ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | (unsigned char)((dwSurrogateChar >> 6) & 0x3f)); // 6 bits from 3rd byte
szDest[nU8++] = (ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | (unsigned char)(0x3f & dwSurrogateChar)); // 6 bits from 4th byte
} else { // not enough buffer
nSrc++; break; } } else { // we already counted 3 previously (in high surrogate)
nU8 += 1; } bHandled = TRUE; } else { // Bad Surrogate pair : ERROR
// Just process wchHighSurrogate , and the code below will
// process the current code point
if (nDest) { if ((nU8 + 2) < nDest) { szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | ATL_HIGHER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate)); szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | ATL_MIDDLE_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate)); szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | ATL_LOWER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate)); } else { // not enough buffer
nSrc++; break; } } } wchHighSurrogate = 0; }
if (!bHandled) { if (*pwszSrc <= ATL_ASCII) { // Found ASCII.
if (nDest) { szDest[nU8] = (char)*pwszSrc; } nU8++; } else if (*pwszSrc <= ATL_UTF8_2_MAX) { // Found 2 byte sequence if < 0x07ff (11 bits).
if (nDest) { if ((nU8 + 1) < nDest) { // Use upper 5 bits in first byte.
// Use lower 6 bits in second byte.
szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_1ST_OF_2 | (*pwszSrc >> 6)); szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | ATL_LOWER_6_BIT(*pwszSrc)); } else { // Error - buffer too small.
nSrc++; break; } } else { nU8 += 2; } } else { // Found 3 byte sequence.
if (nDest) { if ((nU8 + 2) < nDest) { // Use upper 4 bits in first byte.
// Use middle 6 bits in second byte.
// Use lower 6 bits in third byte.
szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | ATL_HIGHER_6_BIT(*pwszSrc)); szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | ATL_MIDDLE_6_BIT(*pwszSrc)); szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | ATL_LOWER_6_BIT(*pwszSrc)); } else { // Error - buffer too small.
nSrc++; break; } } else { nU8 += 3; } } } pwszSrc++; }
// If the last character was a high surrogate, then handle it as a normal unicode character.
if ((nSrc < 0) && (wchHighSurrogate != 0)) { if (nDest) { if ((nU8 + 2) < nDest) { szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | ATL_HIGHER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate)); szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | ATL_MIDDLE_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate)); szDest[nU8++] = (char)(ATL_UTF8_TRAIL | ATL_LOWER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate)); } else { nSrc++; } } }
// Make sure the destination buffer was large enough.
if (nDest && (nSrc >= 0)) { return 0; }
// Return the number of UTF-8 characters written.
return nU8; }
// EscapeHTML, EscapeXML
// Support for escaping strings for use in HTML and XML documents
#define ATL_ESC_FLAG_ATTR 1 // escape for attribute values
#define ATL_ESC_FLAG_HTML 2 // escape for HTML -- special case of XML escaping
inline int EscapeXML(const char *szIn, int nSrcLen, char *szEsc, int nDestLen, DWORD dwFlags = ATL_ESC_FLAG_NONE) throw() { ATLASSERT( szIn != NULL );
int nCnt(0); int nCurrLen(nDestLen); int nInc(0);
while (nSrcLen--) { switch (*szIn) { case '<': case '>': if ((szEsc != NULL) && (3 < nCurrLen)) { *szEsc++ = '&'; *szEsc++ = (*szIn=='<' ? 'l' : 'g'); *szEsc++ = 't'; *szEsc++ = ';'; } nInc = 4; break;
case '&': if ((szEsc != NULL) && (4 < nCurrLen)) { memcpy(szEsc, "&", 5); szEsc+= 5; } nInc = 5; break;
case '\'': case '\"': // escaping for attribute values
if ((dwFlags & ATL_ESC_FLAG_ATTR) && (*szIn == '\"' || (dwFlags & ATL_ESC_FLAG_HTML)==0)) { if ((szEsc != NULL) && (5 < nCurrLen)) { memcpy(szEsc, (*szIn == '\'' ? "'" : """), 6); szEsc+= 6; } nInc = 6; break; } // fall through
default: if (((unsigned char)*szIn) > 31 || *szIn == '\r' || *szIn == '\n' || *szIn == '\t') { if (szEsc && 0 < nCurrLen) { *szEsc++ = *szIn; } nInc = 1; } else { if ((szEsc != NULL) && (5 < nCurrLen)) { char szHex[7]; sprintf(szHex, "&#x%2X;", (unsigned char)*szIn); memcpy(szEsc, szHex, 6); szEsc+= 6; } nInc = 6; } }
nCurrLen -= nInc; nCnt+= nInc;
szIn++; }
if ((szEsc != NULL) && (nCurrLen < 0)) { return 0; }
return nCnt; }
// wide-char version
inline int EscapeXML(const wchar_t *szIn, int nSrcLen, wchar_t *szEsc, int nDestLen, DWORD dwFlags = ATL_ESC_FLAG_NONE) throw() { ATLASSERT( szIn != NULL );
int nCnt(0); int nCurrLen(nDestLen); int nInc(0);
while (nSrcLen--) { switch (*szIn) { case L'<': case L'>': if ((szEsc != NULL) && (3 < nCurrLen)) { *szEsc++ = L'&'; *szEsc++ = (*szIn==L'<' ? L'l' : L'g'); *szEsc++ = L't'; *szEsc++ = L';'; } nInc = 4; break;
case L'&': if ((szEsc != NULL) && (4 < nCurrLen)) { memcpy(szEsc, L"&", 5*sizeof(wchar_t)); szEsc+= 5; } nInc = 5; break;
case L'\'': case L'\"': // escaping for attribute values
if ((dwFlags & ATL_ESC_FLAG_ATTR) && (*szIn == L'\"' || (dwFlags & ATL_ESC_FLAG_HTML)==0)) { if ((szEsc != NULL) && (5 < nCurrLen)) { memcpy(szEsc, (*szIn == L'\'' ? L"'" : L"""), 6*sizeof(wchar_t)); szEsc+= 6; } nInc = 6; break; } // fall through
default: if ((*szIn < 0x0020) || (*szIn > 0x007E)) { if ((szEsc != NULL) && (8 < nCurrLen)) { wchar_t szHex[9]; wsprintfW(szHex, L"&#x%04X;", *szIn); memcpy(szEsc, szHex, 8*sizeof(wchar_t)); szEsc+= 8; } nInc = 8; } else { if ((szEsc != NULL) && (0 < nCurrLen)) { *szEsc++ = *szIn; } nInc = 1; } }
nCurrLen -= nInc; nCnt+= nInc;
szIn++; }
if ((szEsc != NULL) && (nCurrLen < 0)) { return 0; }
return nCnt; }
inline int EscapeHTML(const char *szIn, int nSrcLen, char *szEsc, int nDestLen, DWORD dwFlags = ATL_ESC_FLAG_NONE) throw() { return EscapeXML(szIn, nSrcLen, szEsc, nDestLen, dwFlags | ATL_ESC_FLAG_HTML); }
} // namespace ATL
#endif // __ATLENC_H__