// This is a part of the Active Template Library. // Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Active Template Library Reference and related // electronic documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Active Template Library product.
#ifndef __ATLPERF_INL__ #define __ATLPERF_INL__
#pragma once
#ifndef __ATLPERF_H__ #error atlperf.inl requires atlperf.h to be included first #endif
#include <atlsecurity.h>
#pragma warning(push)
#ifndef _CPPUNWIND #pragma warning(disable: 4702) // unreachable code #endif
namespace ATL {
__declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfCounter = _T("Counter"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfFirstCounter = _T("First Counter"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfLastCounter = _T("Last Counter"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfHelp = _T("Help"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfFirstHelp = _T("First Help"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfLastHelp = _T("Last Help");
__declspec(selectany) LPCWSTR c_szAtlPerfGlobal = L"Global"; __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfLibrary = _T("Library"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfOpen = _T("Open"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfCollect = _T("Collect"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfClose = _T("Close"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfLanguages = _T("Languages"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfMap = _T("Map"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfServicesKey = _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfPerformanceKey = _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s\\Performance"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfPerfLibKey = _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib"); __declspec(selectany) LPCTSTR c_szAtlPerfPerfLibLangKey = _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib\\%3.3x");
inline CPerfMon::~CPerfMon() throw() { UnInitialize(); }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::CreateMap(LANGID language, HINSTANCE hResInstance, UINT* pSampleRes) throw() { language; // unused hResInstance; // unused pSampleRes; // unused return S_OK; }
inline CPerfMapEntry& CPerfMon::_GetMapEntry(UINT nIndex) throw() { ATLASSERT(nIndex < _GetNumMapEntries()); return m_map[nIndex]; }
inline UINT CPerfMon::_GetNumMapEntries() throw() { return (UINT) m_map.GetCount(); }
inline CPerfObject* CPerfMon::_GetFirstObject(CAtlFileMappingBase* pBlock) throw() { ATLASSERT(pBlock != NULL);
// should never happen if Initialize succeeded // are you checking return codes? ATLASSERT(pBlock->GetData() != NULL);
return reinterpret_cast<CPerfObject*>(LPBYTE(pBlock->GetData()) + m_nHeaderSize); }
inline CPerfObject* CPerfMon::_GetNextObject(CPerfObject* pInstance) throw() { ATLASSERT(pInstance != NULL);
return reinterpret_cast<CPerfObject*>(LPBYTE(pInstance) + pInstance->m_nAllocSize); }
inline CAtlFileMappingBase* CPerfMon::_GetNextBlock(CAtlFileMappingBase* pBlock) throw() { // calling _GetNextBlock(NULL) will return the first block DWORD dwNextBlockIndex = 0; if (pBlock) { dwNextBlockIndex= _GetBlockId(pBlock) +1; if (DWORD(m_aMem.GetCount()) == dwNextBlockIndex) return NULL; } return m_aMem[dwNextBlockIndex]; }
inline CAtlFileMappingBase* CPerfMon::_AllocNewBlock(CAtlFileMappingBase* pPrev, BOOL* pbExisted /* == NULL */) throw() { // initialize a security descriptor to give everyone access to objects we create CSecurityDescriptor sd; sd.InitializeFromThreadToken(); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = { sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES), sd, FALSE };
CAutoPtr<CAtlFileMappingBase> spMem; CAtlFileMappingBase* pMem = NULL; ATLTRY(spMem.Attach(new CAtlFileMappingBase)); if (spMem == NULL) return NULL;
// create a unique name for the shared mem segment based on the index DWORD dwNextBlockIndex; if (pPrev != NULL) dwNextBlockIndex = _GetBlockId(pPrev) +1; else { // use the system allocation granularity (65536 currently. may be different in the future) SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); m_nAllocSize = si.dwAllocationGranularity;
dwNextBlockIndex = 0; }
BOOL bExisted = FALSE; _ATLTRY { CString strName; strName.Format(_T("ATLPERF_%s_%3.3d"), GetAppName(), dwNextBlockIndex);
HRESULT hr = spMem->MapSharedMem(m_nAllocSize, strName, &bExisted, &sa); if (FAILED(hr)) return NULL;
// save the index of this block // don't for first block since we don't know m_nSchemaSize yet if (dwNextBlockIndex) _GetBlockId(spMem) = dwNextBlockIndex;
if (!bExisted) memset(spMem->GetData(), 0, m_nAllocSize);
if (pbExisted) *pbExisted = bExisted;
pMem = spMem; m_aMem.Add(spMem);
OnBlockAlloc(pMem); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return NULL; }
return pMem; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_LoadMap() throw() { _ATLTRY { HRESULT hr;
DWORD* pData = LPDWORD(m_aMem[0]->GetData());
DWORD dwDataSize = *pData++; // blob size DWORD dwNumItems = *pData++; // number of items
// see if we have name data DWORD* pNameData = NULL; if (dwDataSize > (2+dwNumItems*9) * sizeof(DWORD)) pNameData = pData + dwNumItems*9; // blob size and item count already skipped. skip item data
for (DWORD i=0; i<dwNumItems; i++) { DWORD dwIsObject = *pData++; DWORD dwPerfId = *pData++; DWORD dwDetailLevel = *pData++;
CString strName; if (pNameData) { strName = CString(LPWSTR(pNameData+1), *pNameData); pNameData += AtlAlignUp(sizeof(WCHAR) * *pNameData, sizeof(DWORD))/sizeof(DWORD) + 1; }
if (dwIsObject) { DWORD dwDefaultCounter = *pData++; DWORD dwInstanceLess = *pData++; DWORD dwStructSize = *pData++; DWORD dwMaxInstanceNameLen = *pData++;
hr = AddObjectDefinition( dwPerfId, strName, NULL, dwDetailLevel, dwDefaultCounter, dwInstanceLess, dwStructSize, dwMaxInstanceNameLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { ClearMap(); return hr; } } else { DWORD dwCounterType = *pData++; DWORD dwMaxCounterSize = *pData++; DWORD dwDataOffset = *pData++; DWORD dwDefaultScale = *pData++;
hr = AddCounterDefinition( dwPerfId, strName, NULL, dwDetailLevel, dwCounterType, dwMaxCounterSize, dwDataOffset, dwDefaultScale); if (FAILED(hr)) { ClearMap(); return hr; } }
DWORD dwNameId = *pData++; DWORD dwHelpId = *pData++; CPerfMapEntry& entry = _GetMapEntry(_GetNumMapEntries()-1); entry.m_nNameId = dwNameId; entry.m_nHelpId = dwHelpId; }
return S_OK; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_SaveMap() throw() { _ATLTRY { // figure out how much memory we need size_t nSize = (2 + 9*_GetNumMapEntries()) * sizeof(DWORD); for (UINT i=0; i<_GetNumMapEntries(); i++) { // if any of the entries have names, they'd better all have names CPerfMapEntry& entry = _GetMapEntry(i); if (!entry.m_strName.IsEmpty()) nSize += sizeof(DWORD) + AtlAlignUp(sizeof(WCHAR) * entry.m_strName.GetLength(), sizeof(DWORD)); }
CHeapPtr<BYTE> blob; if (!blob.Allocate(nSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// start with blob size and number of items in the blob DWORD* pCurrent = reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(blob.m_pData); *pCurrent++ = (DWORD) nSize; // blob size *pCurrent++ = _GetNumMapEntries(); // number of items
for (UINT i=0; i<_GetNumMapEntries(); i++) { // add all the relevant runtime info to the blob for each item CPerfMapEntry& entry = _GetMapEntry(i); *pCurrent++ = entry.m_bIsObject; *pCurrent++ = entry.m_dwPerfId; *pCurrent++ = entry.m_dwDetailLevel; if (entry.m_bIsObject) { *pCurrent++ = entry.m_nDefaultCounter; *pCurrent++ = entry.m_nInstanceLess; *pCurrent++ = entry.m_nStructSize; *pCurrent++ = entry.m_nMaxInstanceNameLen; } else { *pCurrent++ = entry.m_dwCounterType; *pCurrent++ = entry.m_nMaxCounterSize; *pCurrent++ = entry.m_nDataOffset; *pCurrent++ = entry.m_nDefaultScale; } *pCurrent++ = entry.m_nNameId; *pCurrent++ = entry.m_nHelpId; }
// add names to the blob for (UINT i=0; i<_GetNumMapEntries(); i++) { // if any of the entries have names, they'd better all have names CPerfMapEntry& entry = _GetMapEntry(i); if (!entry.m_strName.IsEmpty()) { // copy the len of the string (in characters) then the wide-char version of the string // pad the string to a dword boundary int nLen = entry.m_strName.GetLength(); *pCurrent++ = nLen; memcpy(pCurrent, CT2CW(entry.m_strName), sizeof(WCHAR)*nLen); pCurrent += AtlAlignUp(sizeof(WCHAR) * nLen, sizeof(DWORD))/sizeof(DWORD); } }
CRegKey rkApp; CString str; DWORD dwErr;
str.Format(c_szAtlPerfPerformanceKey, GetAppName()); dwErr = rkApp.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, str); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
rkApp.SetBinaryValue(c_szAtlPerfMap, blob, *LPDWORD(blob.m_pData));
return S_OK; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
inline CPerfMapEntry* CPerfMon::_FindObjectInfo(DWORD dwObjectId) throw() { for (UINT i=0; i<_GetNumMapEntries(); i += _GetMapEntry(i).m_nNumCounters+1) { CPerfMapEntry& object = _GetMapEntry(i); if (object.m_dwPerfId == dwObjectId) return &object; }
return NULL; }
inline CPerfMapEntry* CPerfMon::_FindCounterInfo(CPerfMapEntry* pObjectEntry, DWORD dwCounterId) throw() { ATLASSERT(pObjectEntry != NULL);
for (DWORD i=0; i<pObjectEntry->m_nNumCounters; i++) { CPerfMapEntry* pCounter = pObjectEntry+i+1; if (pCounter->m_dwPerfId == dwCounterId) return pCounter; }
return NULL; }
inline CPerfMapEntry* CPerfMon::_FindCounterInfo(DWORD dwObjectId, DWORD dwCounterId) throw() { CPerfMapEntry* pObjectEntry = _FindObjectInfo(dwObjectId); if (pObjectEntry != NULL) return _FindCounterInfo(pObjectEntry, dwCounterId);
return NULL; }
inline BOOL CPerfMon::_WantObjectType(LPWSTR szValue, DWORD dwObjectId) throw(...) { ATLASSERT(szValue != NULL);
if (lstrcmpiW(c_szAtlPerfGlobal, szValue) == 0) return TRUE;
CString strList(szValue); int nStart = 0;
CString strNum = strList.Tokenize(_T(" "), nStart); while (!strNum.IsEmpty()) { if (_ttoi(strNum) == int(dwObjectId)) return TRUE;
strNum = strList.Tokenize(_T(" "), nStart); }
return FALSE; }
inline LPBYTE CPerfMon::_AllocData(LPBYTE& pData, ULONG nBytesAvail, ULONG* pnBytesUsed, size_t nBytesNeeded) throw() { ATLASSERT(pnBytesUsed != NULL);
if (nBytesAvail < *pnBytesUsed + (ULONG) nBytesNeeded) return NULL;
LPBYTE p = pData; pData += nBytesNeeded; *pnBytesUsed += (ULONG) nBytesNeeded;
return p; }
inline DWORD& CPerfMon::_GetBlockId(CAtlFileMappingBase* pBlock) throw() { ATLASSERT(pBlock != NULL);
return *LPDWORD(LPBYTE(pBlock->GetData()) + m_nSchemaSize); }
inline void CPerfMon::_FillObjectType(PERF_OBJECT_TYPE* pObjectType, CPerfMapEntry* pObjectEntry) throw() { ATLASSERT(pObjectType != NULL); ATLASSERT(pObjectEntry != NULL);
pObjectType->DefinitionLength = sizeof(PERF_OBJECT_TYPE) + sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION) * pObjectEntry->m_nNumCounters; pObjectType->TotalByteLength = pObjectType->DefinitionLength; // we will add the instance definitions/counter blocks as we go pObjectType->HeaderLength = sizeof(PERF_OBJECT_TYPE); pObjectType->ObjectNameTitleIndex = pObjectEntry->m_nNameId; pObjectType->ObjectNameTitle = NULL; pObjectType->ObjectHelpTitleIndex = pObjectEntry->m_nHelpId; pObjectType->ObjectHelpTitle = NULL; pObjectType->DetailLevel = pObjectEntry->m_dwDetailLevel; pObjectType->NumCounters = pObjectEntry->m_nNumCounters; pObjectType->DefaultCounter = pObjectEntry->m_nDefaultCounter; if (pObjectEntry->m_nInstanceLess == PERF_NO_INSTANCES) pObjectType->NumInstances = PERF_NO_INSTANCES; else pObjectType->NumInstances = 0; // this will be calculated as we go pObjectType->CodePage = 0; pObjectType->PerfTime.QuadPart = 0; pObjectType->PerfFreq.QuadPart = 0; }
inline void CPerfMon::_FillCounterDef( PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION* pCounterDef, CPerfMapEntry* pCounterEntry, ULONG& nCBSize ) throw() { ATLASSERT(pCounterDef != NULL); ATLASSERT(pCounterEntry != NULL);
pCounterDef->ByteLength = sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION); pCounterDef->CounterNameTitleIndex = pCounterEntry->m_nNameId; pCounterDef->CounterNameTitle = NULL; pCounterDef->CounterHelpTitleIndex = pCounterEntry->m_nHelpId; pCounterDef->CounterHelpTitle = NULL; pCounterDef->DefaultScale = pCounterEntry->m_nDefaultScale; pCounterDef->DetailLevel = pCounterEntry->m_dwDetailLevel; pCounterDef->CounterType = pCounterEntry->m_dwCounterType; switch (pCounterEntry->m_dwCounterType & ATLPERF_SIZE_MASK) { case PERF_SIZE_DWORD: pCounterDef->CounterSize = sizeof(DWORD); break; case PERF_SIZE_LARGE: pCounterDef->CounterSize = sizeof(__int64); break; case PERF_SIZE_ZERO: pCounterDef->CounterSize = 0; break; case PERF_SIZE_VARIABLE_LEN: ATLASSERT((pCounterEntry->m_dwCounterType & ATLPERF_TYPE_MASK) == PERF_TYPE_TEXT); if ((pCounterEntry->m_dwCounterType & ATLPERF_TEXT_MASK) == PERF_TEXT_UNICODE) pCounterDef->CounterSize = (DWORD) AtlAlignUp(pCounterEntry->m_nMaxCounterSize * sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(DWORD)); else pCounterDef->CounterSize = (DWORD) AtlAlignUp(pCounterEntry->m_nMaxCounterSize * sizeof(char), sizeof(DWORD)); break; } pCounterDef->CounterOffset = sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK) + nCBSize; nCBSize += pCounterDef->CounterSize; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_CollectObjectType( CPerfMapEntry* pObjectEntry, LPBYTE pData, ULONG nBytesAvail, ULONG* pnBytesUsed ) throw() { ATLASSERT(pObjectEntry != NULL); ATLASSERT(pnBytesUsed != NULL);
ATLASSERT(m_aMem.GetCount() != 0);
*pnBytesUsed = 0;
// write the object definition out PERF_OBJECT_TYPE* pObjectType = _AllocStruct(pData, nBytesAvail, pnBytesUsed, (PERF_OBJECT_TYPE*) NULL); if (pObjectType == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
_FillObjectType(pObjectType, pObjectEntry);
// save a pointer to the first counter entry and counter definition. // we'll need them when we create the PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK data CPerfMapEntry* pCounterEntries = pObjectEntry + 1; PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION* pCounterDefs = reinterpret_cast<PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION*>(pData); ULONG nCBSize = 0; // counter block size
// write the counter definitions out for (DWORD i=0; i<pObjectEntry->m_nNumCounters; i++) { CPerfMapEntry* pCounterEntry = pObjectEntry+i+1;
PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION* pCounterDef = _AllocStruct(pData, nBytesAvail, pnBytesUsed, (PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION*) NULL); if (pCounterDef == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
_FillCounterDef(pCounterDef, pCounterEntry, nCBSize); }
// search for objects of the appropriate type and write out their instance/counter data CAtlFileMappingBase* pCurrentBlock = m_aMem[0]; CPerfObject* pInstance = _GetFirstObject(pCurrentBlock); while (pInstance && pInstance->m_nAllocSize != 0) { if (pInstance->m_dwObjectId == pObjectEntry->m_dwPerfId) { PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION* pInstanceDef = NULL;
if (pObjectEntry->m_nInstanceLess == PERF_NO_INSTANCES) pObjectType->NumInstances = PERF_NO_INSTANCES; else { pObjectType->NumInstances++;
// create an instance definition pInstanceDef = _AllocStruct(pData, nBytesAvail, pnBytesUsed, (PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION*) NULL); if (pInstanceDef == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
pInstanceDef->ParentObjectTitleIndex = 0; pInstanceDef->ParentObjectInstance = 0; pInstanceDef->UniqueID = PERF_NO_UNIQUE_ID;
// handle the instance name LPCWSTR szInstNameSrc = LPCWSTR(LPBYTE(pInstance)+pInstance->m_nInstanceNameOffset); pInstanceDef->NameLength = (ULONG)(wcslen(szInstNameSrc)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR); LPWSTR szInstNameDest = (LPWSTR) _AllocData(pData, nBytesAvail, pnBytesUsed, AtlAlignUp(pInstanceDef->NameLength, sizeof(DWORD))); if (szInstNameDest == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
memcpy(szInstNameDest, szInstNameSrc, pInstanceDef->NameLength); pInstanceDef->NameOffset = ULONG(LPBYTE(szInstNameDest) - LPBYTE(pInstanceDef));
pInstanceDef->ByteLength = DWORD(sizeof(PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION) + AtlAlignUp(pInstanceDef->NameLength, sizeof(DWORD))); }
// create the counter block PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK* pCounterBlock = _AllocStruct(pData, nBytesAvail, pnBytesUsed, (PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK*) NULL); if (pCounterBlock == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
pCounterBlock->ByteLength = sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK) + nCBSize;
LPBYTE pCounterData = _AllocData(pData, nBytesAvail, pnBytesUsed, nCBSize); if (pCounterData == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
for (ULONG i=0; i<pObjectType->NumCounters; i++) { switch (pCounterEntries[i].m_dwCounterType & ATLPERF_SIZE_MASK) { case PERF_SIZE_DWORD: *LPDWORD(pCounterData+pCounterDefs[i].CounterOffset-sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK)) = *LPDWORD(LPBYTE(pInstance)+pCounterEntries[i].m_nDataOffset); break; case PERF_SIZE_LARGE: *PULONGLONG(pCounterData+pCounterDefs[i].CounterOffset-sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK)) = *PULONGLONG(LPBYTE(pInstance)+pCounterEntries[i].m_nDataOffset); break; case PERF_SIZE_VARIABLE_LEN: { LPBYTE pSrc = LPBYTE(pInstance)+pObjectEntry->m_nDataOffset; LPBYTE pDest = pCounterData+pCounterDefs[i].CounterOffset-sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK); if ((pCounterEntries[i].m_dwCounterType & ATLPERF_TEXT_MASK) == PERF_TEXT_UNICODE) { ULONG nLen = (ULONG)wcslen(LPCWSTR(pSrc)); nLen = min(nLen, pCounterEntries[i].m_nMaxCounterSize-1); wcsncpy(LPWSTR(pDest), LPCWSTR(pSrc), nLen); ((LPWSTR) pDest)[nLen] = 0; } else { ULONG nLen = (ULONG)strlen(LPCSTR(pSrc)); nLen = min(nLen, pCounterEntries[i].m_nMaxCounterSize-1); strncpy(LPSTR(pDest), LPCSTR(pSrc), nLen); ((LPSTR) pDest)[nLen] = 0; } } break; } }
if (pInstanceDef != NULL) pObjectType->TotalByteLength += pInstanceDef->ByteLength; pObjectType->TotalByteLength += sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK) + nCBSize; }
pInstance = _GetNextObject(pInstance); if (pInstance->m_nAllocSize == (ULONG) -1) { pCurrentBlock = _GetNextBlock(pCurrentBlock); if (pCurrentBlock == NULL) pInstance = NULL; else pInstance = _GetFirstObject(pCurrentBlock); } }
return S_OK; }
inline DWORD CPerfMon::Open(LPWSTR szDeviceNames) throw() { szDeviceNames; // unused return Initialize(); }
inline DWORD CPerfMon::Collect( LPWSTR szValue, LPVOID* ppData, LPDWORD pcbBytes, LPDWORD pcObjectTypes ) throw() { _ATLTRY { if (m_aMem.GetCount() == 0 || m_aMem[0]->GetData() == NULL || m_lock.m_h == NULL) { *pcbBytes = 0; *pcObjectTypes = 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// get a lock so that other threads don't corrupt the data we're collecting CPerfLock lock(this); if (FAILED(lock.GetStatus())) { *pcbBytes = 0; *pcObjectTypes = 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
LPBYTE pData = LPBYTE(*ppData); ULONG nBytesLeft = *pcbBytes; ULONG nBytesUsed; *pcbBytes = 0;
for (UINT i=0; i<_GetNumMapEntries(); i += _GetMapEntry(i).m_nNumCounters+1) { CPerfMapEntry* pObjectEntry = &_GetMapEntry(i); if (_WantObjectType(szValue, pObjectEntry->m_nNameId)) { if (FAILED(_CollectObjectType(pObjectEntry, pData, nBytesLeft, &nBytesUsed))) { *pcbBytes = 0; *pcObjectTypes = 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
(*pcObjectTypes)++; (*pcbBytes) += nBytesUsed; nBytesLeft -= nBytesUsed; pData += nBytesUsed; } }
*ppData = pData; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } _ATLCATCHALL() { *pcbBytes = 0; *pcObjectTypes = 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
inline DWORD CPerfMon::Close() throw() { UnInitialize(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
#ifdef _ATL_PERF_REGISTER inline void CPerfMon::_AppendStrings( LPTSTR& pszNew, CAtlArray<CString>& astrStrings, ULONG iFirstIndex ) throw() { for (UINT iString = 0; iString < astrStrings.GetCount(); iString++) { INT nFormatChars = _stprintf(pszNew, _T("%d"), iFirstIndex+2*iString); pszNew += nFormatChars + 1; _tcscpy(pszNew, astrStrings[iString]); pszNew += astrStrings[iString].GetLength() + 1; } }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_AppendRegStrings( CRegKey& rkLang, LPCTSTR szValue, CAtlArray<CString>& astrStrings, ULONG nNewStringSize, ULONG iFirstIndex, ULONG iLastIndex ) throw() { _ATLTRY { // load the existing strings, add the new data, and resave the strings ULONG nCharsOrig = 0; ULONG nCharsNew; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = rkLang.QueryMultiStringValue(szValue, NULL, &nCharsOrig); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
nCharsNew = nCharsOrig + nNewStringSize;
CString strOrig; dwErr = rkLang.QueryMultiStringValue(szValue, CStrBuf(strOrig, nCharsOrig, CStrBuf::SET_LENGTH), &nCharsOrig); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr); LPCTSTR pszOrig = strOrig;
CString strNew; CStrBuf szNew(strNew, nCharsNew, CStrBuf::SET_LENGTH); LPTSTR pszNew = szNew;
bool bNewStringsAdded = false;
while (*pszOrig != '\0') { ULONG iIndex = _ttoi(pszOrig); int nLen = (int) _tcslen(pszOrig) + 1; // get the length of the index and null nLen += (int) _tcslen(pszOrig+nLen) + 1; // add the length of the description and null
if (!bNewStringsAdded && iIndex >= iFirstIndex) { _AppendStrings(pszNew, astrStrings, iFirstIndex); bNewStringsAdded = true; }
if (iIndex < iFirstIndex || iIndex > iLastIndex) { memmove(pszNew, pszOrig, nLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); pszNew += nLen; } pszOrig += nLen; } if (!bNewStringsAdded) _AppendStrings(pszNew, astrStrings, iFirstIndex);
*pszNew++ = '\0'; // must have 2 null terminators at end of multi_sz
dwErr = rkLang.SetMultiStringValue(szValue, strNew); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
return S_OK; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_RemoveRegStrings( CRegKey& rkLang, LPCTSTR szValue, ULONG iFirstIndex, ULONG iLastIndex ) throw() { _ATLTRY { // load the existing strings, remove the data, and resave the strings DWORD nChars = 0; DWORD dwErr; dwErr = rkLang.QueryMultiStringValue(szValue, NULL, &nChars); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
CString str; CStrBuf szBuf(str, nChars, CStrBuf::SET_LENGTH);
dwErr = rkLang.QueryMultiStringValue(szValue, szBuf, &nChars); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
LPCTSTR pszRead = szBuf; LPTSTR pszWrite = szBuf; while (*pszRead != '\0') { ULONG iIndex = _ttoi(pszRead); int nLen = (int) _tcslen(pszRead) + 1; // get the length of the index and null nLen += (int) _tcslen(pszRead+nLen) + 1; // add the length of the description and null if (iIndex < iFirstIndex || iIndex > iLastIndex) { memmove(pszWrite, pszRead, nLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); pszWrite += nLen; } pszRead += nLen; } *pszWrite++ = '\0'; // must have 2 null terminators at end of multi_sz
dwErr = rkLang.SetMultiStringValue(szValue, szBuf); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
return S_OK; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_ReserveStringRange(DWORD& dwFirstCounter, DWORD& dwFirstHelp) throw() { CRegKey rkApp; CString strAppKey; DWORD dwErr;
_ATLTRY { strAppKey.Format(c_szAtlPerfPerformanceKey, GetAppName()); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
dwErr = rkApp.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strAppKey); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // see if we already have a sufficient range reserved DWORD dwFirstAppCounter; DWORD dwFirstAppHelp; DWORD dwLastAppCounter; DWORD dwLastAppHelp; if (rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstCounter, dwFirstAppCounter) == ERROR_SUCCESS && rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstHelp, dwFirstAppHelp) == ERROR_SUCCESS && rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastCounter, dwLastAppCounter) == ERROR_SUCCESS && rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastHelp, dwLastAppHelp) == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwLastAppCounter-dwFirstAppCounter+2 >= DWORD(2*_GetNumMapEntries()) && dwLastAppHelp-dwFirstAppHelp+2 >= DWORD(2*_GetNumMapEntries())) { dwFirstCounter = dwFirstAppCounter; dwFirstHelp = dwFirstAppHelp; return S_OK; } }
CRegKey rkPerfLib;
dwErr = rkPerfLib.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szAtlPerfPerfLibKey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
if (!rkApp) { dwErr = rkApp.Create(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strAppKey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr); }
// figure out the counter range DWORD dwLastCounter; DWORD dwLastHelp;
dwErr = rkPerfLib.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastCounter, dwLastCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkPerfLib.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastHelp, dwLastHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwFirstCounter = dwLastCounter + 2; dwFirstHelp = dwLastHelp + 2; dwLastCounter += 2*_GetNumMapEntries(); dwLastHelp += 2*_GetNumMapEntries();
dwErr = rkPerfLib.SetDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastCounter, dwLastCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkPerfLib.SetDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastHelp, dwLastHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
// register the used counter range dwErr = rkApp.SetDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstCounter, dwFirstCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.SetDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastCounter, dwLastCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.SetDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstHelp, dwFirstHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.SetDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastHelp, dwLastHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
return S_OK; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::Register( LPCTSTR szOpenFunc, LPCTSTR szCollectFunc, LPCTSTR szCloseFunc, HINSTANCE hDllInstance /* == _AtlBaseModule.GetModuleInstance() */ ) throw() { ATLASSERT(szOpenFunc != NULL); ATLASSERT(szCollectFunc != NULL); ATLASSERT(szCloseFunc != NULL);
CString str; DWORD dwErr; HRESULT hr;
hr = CreateMap(LANGIDFROMLCID(GetThreadLocale()), hDllInstance); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CString strAppKey; _ATLTRY { strAppKey.Format(c_szAtlPerfPerformanceKey, GetAppName()); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// if we're already registered, unregister so we can redo registration _UnregisterStrings(); // reserve a range for our counter and help strings DWORD dwFirstCounter = 0; DWORD dwFirstHelp = 0; _ReserveStringRange(dwFirstCounter, dwFirstHelp);
for (UINT i=0; i<_GetNumMapEntries(); i++) { CPerfMapEntry& entry = _GetMapEntry(i);
entry.m_nNameId = dwFirstCounter + i*2; entry.m_nHelpId = dwFirstHelp + i*2; }
// register the app entry points CRegKey rkApp;
dwErr = rkApp.Create(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strAppKey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
_ATLTRY { if (GetModuleFileName(hDllInstance, CStrBuf(str, MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH) == 0) return AtlHresultFromLastError(); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
dwErr = rkApp.SetStringValue(c_szAtlPerfLibrary, str); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.SetStringValue(c_szAtlPerfOpen, szOpenFunc); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.SetStringValue(c_szAtlPerfCollect, szCollectFunc); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.SetStringValue(c_szAtlPerfClose, szCloseFunc); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.SetStringValue(c_szAtlPerfLanguages, _T("")); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
hr = _SaveMap(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return S_OK; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::RegisterStrings( LANGID language /* = MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL) */, HINSTANCE hResInstance /* = _AtlBaseModule.GetResourceInstance() */ ) throw() { _ATLTRY { CString str; DWORD dwErr; HRESULT hr; CRegKey rkLang; CRegKey rkApp;
LANGID wPrimaryLanguage = (LANGID) PRIMARYLANGID(language);
if (language == MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL)) { language = LANGIDFROMLCID(GetThreadLocale()); wPrimaryLanguage = (LANGID) PRIMARYLANGID(language); }
hr = CreateMap(language, hResInstance); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
str.Format(c_szAtlPerfPerfLibLangKey, wPrimaryLanguage); dwErr = rkLang.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, str); if (dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) return S_FALSE; // the language isn't installed on the system if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
// load list of language strings already registered str.Format(c_szAtlPerfPerformanceKey, GetAppName()); dwErr = rkApp.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, str); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
DWORD dwLangsLen = 0; CString strLangs;
dwErr = rkApp.QueryStringValue(c_szAtlPerfLanguages, NULL, &dwLangsLen); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
CStrBuf szLangs(strLangs, dwLangsLen+4, CStrBuf::SET_LENGTH); // reserve room for adding new language dwErr = rkApp.QueryStringValue(c_szAtlPerfLanguages, szLangs, &dwLangsLen); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr); dwLangsLen--; // don't count '\0'
// see if this language has already been registered and if so, return TCHAR szNewLang[5]; _stprintf(szNewLang, _T("%3.3x "), wPrimaryLanguage); if (strLangs.Find(szNewLang) != -1) return S_OK;
// load the strings we want to append and figure out how much extra space is needed for them // (including up to 5-digit index values and 2 null separators) CAtlArray<CString> astrCounters; CAtlArray<CString> astrHelp; ULONG nNewCounterSize = 0; ULONG nNewHelpSize = 0;
for (UINT i=0; i<_GetNumMapEntries(); i++) { CPerfMapEntry& object = _GetMapEntry(i);
astrCounters.Add(object.m_strName); nNewCounterSize += object.m_strName.GetLength() + 7;
astrHelp.Add(object.m_strHelp); nNewHelpSize += object.m_strHelp.GetLength() + 7; }
DWORD dwFirstCounter; DWORD dwFirstHelp; DWORD dwLastCounter; DWORD dwLastHelp;
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstCounter, dwFirstCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstHelp, dwFirstHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastCounter, dwLastCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastHelp, dwLastHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
hr = _AppendRegStrings(rkLang, c_szAtlPerfCounter, astrCounters, nNewCounterSize, dwFirstCounter, dwLastCounter); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = _AppendRegStrings(rkLang, c_szAtlPerfHelp, astrHelp, nNewHelpSize, dwFirstHelp, dwLastHelp); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// add the language to the list of installed languages _tcscpy(szLangs+dwLangsLen, szNewLang);
dwErr = rkApp.SetStringValue(c_szAtlPerfLanguages, szLangs); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
return S_OK; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
inline BOOL CPerfMon::EnumResLangProc( HINSTANCE hModule, LPCTSTR szType, LPCTSTR szName, LANGID wIDLanguage, LPARAM lParam ) throw() { hModule; // unused szType; // unused szName; // unused
CAtlArray<LANGID>* pLangs = reinterpret_cast<CAtlArray<LANGID>*>(lParam); _ATLTRY { pLangs->Add(wIDLanguage); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return TRUE; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::RegisterAllStrings( HINSTANCE hResInstance /* = NULL */ ) throw() { HRESULT hrReturn = S_FALSE; HRESULT hr;
UINT nRes; hr = CreateMap(0, NULL, &nRes); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (nRes == 0) return RegisterStrings(0, hResInstance);
if (hResInstance != NULL) return _RegisterAllStrings(nRes, hResInstance);
for (int i = 0; hResInstance = _AtlBaseModule.GetHInstanceAt(i), hResInstance != NULL; i++) { hr = _RegisterAllStrings(nRes, hResInstance); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (hr == S_OK) hrReturn = S_OK; }
return hrReturn; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_RegisterAllStrings( UINT nRes, HINSTANCE hResInstance ) throw() { HRESULT hrReturn = S_FALSE; HRESULT hr;
CAtlArray<LANGID> langs; if (!EnumResourceLanguages(hResInstance, RT_STRING, MAKEINTRESOURCE((nRes>>4)+1), EnumResLangProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&langs))) return AtlHresultFromLastError();
for (UINT i=0; i<langs.GetCount(); i++) { hr = RegisterStrings(langs[i], hResInstance); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (hr == S_OK) hrReturn = S_OK; }
return hrReturn; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_UnregisterStrings() throw() { _ATLTRY { CString str; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwErr;
// unregister the PerfMon counter and help strings CRegKey rkApp;
str.Format(c_szAtlPerfPerformanceKey, GetAppName()); dwErr = rkApp.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, str); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
DWORD dwFirstAppCounter; DWORD dwFirstAppHelp; DWORD dwLastAppCounter; DWORD dwLastAppHelp;
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstCounter, dwFirstAppCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstHelp, dwFirstAppHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastCounter, dwLastAppCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastHelp, dwLastAppHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
// iterate through the installed languages and delete them all DWORD nChars = 0; dwErr = rkApp.QueryStringValue(c_szAtlPerfLanguages, NULL, &nChars); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
CString strLangs; dwErr = rkApp.QueryStringValue(c_szAtlPerfLanguages, CStrBuf(strLangs, nChars, CStrBuf::SET_LENGTH), &nChars); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
int nIndex = 0; CString strLang = strLangs.Tokenize(_T(" "), nIndex); while (!strLang.IsEmpty()) { CRegKey rkLang;
dwErr = rkLang.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, CString(c_szAtlPerfPerfLibKey) + _T("\\") + strLang); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
hr = _RemoveRegStrings(rkLang, c_szAtlPerfCounter, dwFirstAppCounter, dwLastAppCounter); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = _RemoveRegStrings(rkLang, c_szAtlPerfHelp, dwFirstAppHelp, dwLastAppHelp); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
strLang = strLangs.Tokenize(_T(" "), nIndex); }
dwErr = rkApp.SetStringValue(c_szAtlPerfLanguages, _T("")); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr); return S_OK; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::Unregister() throw() { CString str; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwErr;
CRegKey rkPerfLib; CRegKey rkApp;
hr = _UnregisterStrings(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
dwErr = rkPerfLib.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szAtlPerfPerfLibKey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
_ATLTRY { str.Format(c_szAtlPerfPerformanceKey, GetAppName()); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } dwErr = rkApp.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, str); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
DWORD dwLastCounter; DWORD dwLastHelp; DWORD dwFirstAppCounter; DWORD dwFirstAppHelp; DWORD dwLastAppCounter; DWORD dwLastAppHelp;
dwErr = rkPerfLib.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastCounter, dwLastCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkPerfLib.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastHelp, dwLastHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstCounter, dwFirstAppCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfFirstHelp, dwFirstAppHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastCounter, dwLastAppCounter); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkApp.QueryDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastHelp, dwLastAppHelp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
// rewind the Last Help/Last Counter values if possible if (dwLastCounter == dwLastAppCounter) { dwErr = rkPerfLib.SetDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastCounter, dwFirstAppCounter-2); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr); }
if (dwLastHelp == dwLastAppHelp) { dwErr = rkPerfLib.SetDWORDValue(c_szAtlPerfLastHelp, dwFirstAppHelp-2); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr); }
// delete the app key CRegKey rkServices;
rkApp.Close(); dwErr = rkServices.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szAtlPerfServicesKey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
dwErr = rkServices.RecurseDeleteKey(GetAppName()); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr);
return S_OK; } #endif
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::Initialize() throw() { CMutex tempLock; CString strAppName; HRESULT hr;
_ATLTRY { strAppName = GetAppName();
ATLASSERT(m_aMem.GetCount() == 0);
// initialize a security descriptor to give everyone access to objects we create CSecurityDescriptor sd; sd.InitializeFromThreadToken(); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = { sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES), sd, FALSE };
// create a mutex to handle syncronizing access to the shared memory area CString strMutexName; strMutexName.Format(_T("ATLPERF_%s_LOCK"), strAppName); tempLock.Create(&sa, FALSE, strMutexName); if (tempLock.m_h == NULL) return AtlHresultFromLastError();
// create a shared memory area to share data between the app being measured and the client doing the measuring { CMutexLock lock(tempLock);
BOOL bExisted = FALSE;
CAtlFileMappingBase* pMem; pMem = _AllocNewBlock(NULL, &bExisted); if (pMem == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (!bExisted) { // copy the map from the registry to the shared memory CRegKey rkApp; DWORD dwErr; CString strAppKey;
strAppKey.Format(c_szAtlPerfPerformanceKey, GetAppName());
dwErr = rkApp.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strAppKey, KEY_READ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_aMem.RemoveAll(); return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr); }
ULONG nBytes = m_nAllocSize; dwErr = rkApp.QueryBinaryValue(c_szAtlPerfMap, pMem->GetData(), &nBytes); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_aMem.RemoveAll(); return AtlHresultFromWin32(dwErr); } }
hr = _LoadMap(); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_aMem.RemoveAll(); return hr; }
m_nSchemaSize = *LPDWORD(pMem->GetData()); m_nHeaderSize = m_nSchemaSize + sizeof(DWORD); }
m_lock.Attach(tempLock.Detach()); } _ATLCATCHALL() { m_aMem.RemoveAll(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return S_OK; }
inline void CPerfMon::UnInitialize() throw() { if (m_lock.m_h != NULL) m_lock.Close(); m_aMem.RemoveAll(); ClearMap(); }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_CreateInstance( DWORD dwObjectId, DWORD dwInstance, LPCWSTR szInstanceName, CPerfObject** ppInstance, bool bByName ) throw() { CPerfObject* pEmptyBlock = NULL;
if (ppInstance == NULL) return E_POINTER; if (m_aMem.GetCount() == 0 || m_aMem[0]->GetData() == NULL || m_lock.m_h == NULL) return E_UNEXPECTED; // Initialize must succeed before calling CreateInstance
*ppInstance = NULL;
CPerfMapEntry* pObjectEntry = _FindObjectInfo(dwObjectId); if (pObjectEntry == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; if (szInstanceName == NULL && bByName) return E_INVALIDARG; if (pObjectEntry->m_nInstanceLess == PERF_NO_INSTANCES && (dwInstance != 0 || szInstanceName != NULL)) return E_INVALIDARG;
CPerfLock lock(this); if (FAILED(lock.GetStatus())) return lock.GetStatus();
CAtlFileMappingBase* pCurrentBlock = m_aMem[0]; CPerfObject* pInstance = _GetFirstObject(pCurrentBlock); ULONG nMaxInstance = 0; ULONG nUsedSpace = 0;
// walk all of the existing objects trying to find one that matches the request while (pInstance->m_nAllocSize != 0) { nUsedSpace += pInstance->m_nAllocSize;
if (pInstance->m_dwObjectId == dwObjectId) { nMaxInstance = max(nMaxInstance, pInstance->m_dwInstance);
// check to see if we've found the one the caller wants if (!bByName && pInstance->m_dwInstance == dwInstance && (pObjectEntry->m_nInstanceLess == PERF_NO_INSTANCES || dwInstance != 0)) { *ppInstance = pInstance; pInstance->m_nRefCount++; return S_OK; } if (bByName) { LPWSTR szInstName = (LPWSTR(LPBYTE(pInstance)+pInstance->m_nInstanceNameOffset)); if (wcsncmp(szInstName, szInstanceName, pObjectEntry->m_nMaxInstanceNameLen-1) == 0) { *ppInstance = pInstance; pInstance->m_nRefCount++; return S_OK; } } }
if (pInstance->m_nAllocSize == pObjectEntry->m_nAllocSize && pInstance->m_dwObjectId == 0) pEmptyBlock = pInstance;
pInstance = _GetNextObject(pInstance);
if (pInstance->m_nAllocSize == 0 && m_nHeaderSize + nUsedSpace + pObjectEntry->m_nAllocSize + sizeof(CPerfObject) > m_nAllocSize) { // we've reached the end of the block and have no room to allocate an object of this // type. cap the block with a sentinel pInstance->m_nAllocSize = (ULONG) -1; }
// check for an end-of-shared-mem sentinel if (pInstance->m_nAllocSize == (ULONG) -1) { nUsedSpace = 0; CAtlFileMappingBase* pNextBlock = _GetNextBlock(pCurrentBlock); if (pNextBlock == NULL) { // we've reached the last block of shared mem. // the instance hasn't been found, so either use a // previously freed instance block (pEmptyBlock) or allocate a new // shared mem block to hold the new instance if (pEmptyBlock == NULL) { pNextBlock = _AllocNewBlock(pCurrentBlock); if (pNextBlock == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else break; } pCurrentBlock = pNextBlock; pInstance = _GetFirstObject(pCurrentBlock); } }
// allocate a new object if (pEmptyBlock != NULL) pInstance = pEmptyBlock; else pInstance->m_nAllocSize = pObjectEntry->m_nAllocSize;
pInstance->m_dwObjectId = pObjectEntry->m_dwPerfId; if (dwInstance == 0 && pObjectEntry->m_nInstanceLess != PERF_NO_INSTANCES) pInstance->m_dwInstance = nMaxInstance + 1; else pInstance->m_dwInstance = dwInstance;
pInstance->m_nRefCount = 1;
// copy the instance name, truncate if necessary if (pObjectEntry->m_nInstanceLess != PERF_NO_INSTANCES) { ULONG nNameLen = (ULONG)min(wcslen(szInstanceName), pObjectEntry->m_nMaxInstanceNameLen-1); ULONG nNameBytes = (nNameLen+1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pInstance->m_nInstanceNameOffset = pInstance->m_nAllocSize-nNameBytes; memcpy(LPBYTE(pInstance)+pInstance->m_nInstanceNameOffset, szInstanceName, nNameBytes); LPWSTR(LPBYTE(pInstance)+pInstance->m_nInstanceNameOffset)[nNameLen] = 0; }
*ppInstance = pInstance;
return S_OK; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::CreateInstance( DWORD dwObjectId, DWORD dwInstance, LPCWSTR szInstanceName, CPerfObject** ppInstance ) throw() { return _CreateInstance(dwObjectId, dwInstance, szInstanceName, ppInstance, false); }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::CreateInstanceByName( DWORD dwObjectId, LPCWSTR szInstanceName, CPerfObject** ppInstance ) throw() { return _CreateInstance(dwObjectId, 0, szInstanceName, ppInstance, true); }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::ReleaseInstance(CPerfObject* pInstance) throw() { ATLASSERT(pInstance != NULL); if (pInstance == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
CPerfLock lock(this); if (FAILED(lock.GetStatus())) return lock.GetStatus();
if (--pInstance->m_nRefCount == 0) { pInstance->m_dwInstance = 0; pInstance->m_dwObjectId = 0; }
return S_OK; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::LockPerf(DWORD dwTimeout /* == INFINITE */) throw() { if (m_lock.m_h == NULL) return E_UNEXPECTED;
DWORD dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(m_lock.m_h, dwTimeout); if (dwRes == WAIT_ABANDONED || dwRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return S_OK; if (dwRes == WAIT_TIMEOUT) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_TIMEOUT); return AtlHresultFromLastError(); }
inline void CPerfMon::UnlockPerf() throw() { m_lock.Release(); }
// map building routines inline HRESULT CPerfMon::AddObjectDefinition( DWORD dwObjectId, LPCTSTR szObjectName, LPCTSTR szHelpString, DWORD dwDetailLevel, INT nDefaultCounter, BOOL bInstanceLess, UINT nStructSize, UINT nMaxInstanceNameLen) throw() { // must have one and only one of these ATLASSERT(!bInstanceLess ^ !nMaxInstanceNameLen);
CPerfMapEntry entry;
entry.m_dwPerfId = dwObjectId; _ATLTRY { entry.m_strName = szObjectName; entry.m_strHelp = szHelpString; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } entry.m_dwDetailLevel = dwDetailLevel; entry.m_bIsObject = TRUE;
// OBJECT INFO entry.m_nNumCounters = 0; entry.m_nDefaultCounter = nDefaultCounter; entry.m_nInstanceLess = bInstanceLess ? PERF_NO_INSTANCES : 0; entry.m_nStructSize = nStructSize; entry.m_nMaxInstanceNameLen = nMaxInstanceNameLen; entry.m_nAllocSize = nStructSize + nMaxInstanceNameLen*sizeof(WCHAR);
// COUNTER INFO entry.m_dwCounterType = 0; entry.m_nDefaultScale = 0; entry.m_nMaxCounterSize = 0; entry.m_nDataOffset = 0;
entry.m_nNameId = 0; entry.m_nHelpId = 0;
_ATLTRY { m_map.Add(entry); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (_GetNumMapEntries() == 1) m_nNumObjectTypes = 1; else m_nNumObjectTypes++;
return S_OK; }
inline HRESULT CPerfMon::AddCounterDefinition( DWORD dwCounterId, LPCTSTR szCounterName, LPCTSTR szHelpString, DWORD dwDetailLevel, DWORD dwCounterType, ULONG nMaxCounterSize, UINT nOffset, INT nDefaultScale) throw() { for (int i=_GetNumMapEntries()-1; i>=0; i--) { CPerfMapEntry& object = _GetMapEntry(i); if (object.m_bIsObject) { CPerfMapEntry counter;
counter.m_dwPerfId = dwCounterId; _ATLTRY { counter.m_strName = szCounterName; counter.m_strHelp = szHelpString; } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } counter.m_dwDetailLevel = dwDetailLevel; counter.m_bIsObject = FALSE;
// OBJECT INFO counter.m_nNumCounters = 0; counter.m_nDefaultCounter = 0; counter.m_nInstanceLess = 0; counter.m_nStructSize = 0; counter.m_nMaxInstanceNameLen = 0; counter.m_nAllocSize = 0;
// COUNTER INFO counter.m_dwCounterType = dwCounterType; counter.m_nDefaultScale = nDefaultScale; counter.m_nMaxCounterSize = nMaxCounterSize; counter.m_nDataOffset = nOffset;
object.m_nNumCounters++; if (counter.m_nMaxCounterSize > 0) { ATLASSERT(counter.m_dwCounterType & PERF_TYPE_TEXT); object.m_nAllocSize += counter.m_nMaxCounterSize * sizeof(WCHAR); }
counter.m_nNameId = 0; counter.m_nHelpId = 0;
_ATLTRY { m_map.Add(counter); } _ATLCATCHALL() { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return S_OK; } }
// found no object in map! must add object BEFORE adding counter! ATLASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
inline void CPerfMon::ClearMap() throw() { m_map.RemoveAll(); }
ATL_NOINLINE inline HRESULT CPerfMon::PersistToXML(IStream *pStream, BOOL bFirst/*=TRUE*/, BOOL bLast/*=TRUE*/) throw(...) { ATLASSERT(pStream != NULL); if (pStream == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
CPerfLock lock(this); if (FAILED(lock.GetStatus())) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
CStringA strXML; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG nLen = 0; if (bFirst) { strXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\r\n<perfPersist>\r\n"; hr = pStream->Write(strXML, strXML.GetLength(), &nLen); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; }
strXML.Format("\t<perfmon name=\"%s\">\r\n", CT2CA(GetAppName())); hr = pStream->Write(strXML, strXML.GetLength(), &nLen);
for (UINT i=0; i<_GetNumMapEntries(); i+= _GetMapEntry(i).m_nNumCounters+1) { CPerfMapEntry *pObjectEntry = &_GetMapEntry(i); CPerfMapEntry *pCounterEntries = pObjectEntry+1;
CAtlFileMappingBase *pCurrentBlock = _GetNextBlock(NULL); CPerfObject *pInstance = _GetFirstObject(pCurrentBlock);
strXML.Format("\t\t<perfObject perfid=\"%d\">\r\n", pObjectEntry->m_dwPerfId, pObjectEntry->m_nNameId, pObjectEntry->m_nHelpId);
hr = pStream->Write(strXML, strXML.GetLength(), &nLen); if (hr != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
while (pInstance && pInstance->m_nAllocSize) { if (pInstance->m_dwObjectId == pObjectEntry->m_dwPerfId) { if (pObjectEntry->m_nInstanceLess != PERF_NO_INSTANCES) { // handle the instance name LPCWSTR wszInstNameSrc = LPCWSTR(LPBYTE(pInstance)+pInstance->m_nInstanceNameOffset); int nInstLen = (int) wcslen(wszInstNameSrc);
// convert to UTF8 nLen = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(wszInstNameSrc, nInstLen, NULL, 0); CHeapPtr<CHAR> szUTF8; if (!szUTF8.Allocate(nLen+1)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; nLen = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(wszInstNameSrc, nInstLen, szUTF8, nLen); szUTF8[nLen] = '\0';
strXML.Format("\t\t\t<instance name=\"%s\">\r\n", szUTF8); hr = pStream->Write(strXML, strXML.GetLength(), &nLen); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; }
for (ULONG j=0; j<pObjectEntry->m_nNumCounters; j++) { CPerfMapEntry *pCounterEntry = pCounterEntries+j; switch (pCounterEntry->m_dwCounterType & ATLPERF_SIZE_MASK) { case PERF_SIZE_DWORD: { strXML.Format("\t\t\t\t<counter type=\"perf_size_dword\" value=\"%d\" offset=\"%d\"/>\r\n", *LPDWORD(LPBYTE(pInstance)+pCounterEntry->m_nDataOffset), pCounterEntry->m_nDataOffset); break; } case PERF_SIZE_LARGE: { strXML.Format("\t\t\t\t<counter type=\"perf_size_large\" value=\"%d\" offset=\"%d\"/>\r\n", *PULONGLONG(LPBYTE(pInstance)+pCounterEntry->m_nDataOffset), pCounterEntry->m_nDataOffset); break; } case PERF_SIZE_VARIABLE_LEN: { CHeapPtr<CHAR> szUTF8; LPBYTE pSrc = LPBYTE(pInstance)+pCounterEntry->m_nDataOffset; if ((pCounterEntry->m_dwCounterType & ATLPERF_TEXT_MASK) == PERF_TEXT_UNICODE) { ULONG nTextLen = (ULONG)wcslen(LPCWSTR(pSrc)); // convert to UTF8 nLen = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(LPCWSTR(pSrc), nTextLen, NULL, 0); if (!szUTF8.Allocate(nLen+1)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
nLen = AtlUnicodeToUTF8(LPCWSTR(pSrc), nTextLen, szUTF8, nLen); szUTF8[nLen] = '\0'; strXML.Format("\t\t\t\t<counter type=\"perf_size_variable_len_unicode\" value=\"%s\" offset=\"%d\"/>\r\n", szUTF8, pCounterEntry->m_nDataOffset); } else { ULONG nTextLen = (ULONG)strlen(LPCSTR(pSrc)); if (!szUTF8.Allocate(nTextLen+1)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; strcpy(szUTF8, LPCSTR(pSrc)); strXML.Format("\t\t\t\t<counter type=\"perf_size_variable_len_ansi\" value=\"%s\" offset=\"%d\"/>\r\n", szUTF8, pCounterEntry->m_nDataOffset); } break; } default: // error: return E_FAIL; } hr = pStream->Write(strXML, strXML.GetLength(), &nLen); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; } }
if (pObjectEntry->m_nInstanceLess != PERF_NO_INSTANCES) { hr = pStream->Write("\t\t\t</instance>\r\n", sizeof("\t\t\t</instance>\r\n")-1, &nLen); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; }
pInstance = _GetNextObject(pInstance); if (pInstance->m_nAllocSize == (ULONG)-1) { pCurrentBlock = _GetNextBlock(pCurrentBlock); if (pCurrentBlock == NULL) pInstance = NULL; else pInstance = _GetFirstObject(pCurrentBlock); } }
hr = pStream->Write("\t\t</perfObject>\r\n", sizeof("\t\t</perfObject>\r\n")-1, &nLen); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; }
hr = pStream->Write("\t</perfmon>\r\n", sizeof("\t</perfmon>\r\n")-1, &nLen); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
if (hr == S_OK && bLast) hr = pStream->Write("</perfPersist>", sizeof("</perfPersist>")-1, &nLen);
return hr; }
// This function is very lenient with inappropriate XML ATL_NOINLINE inline HRESULT CPerfMon::LoadFromXML(IStream *pStream) throw(...) { ATLASSERT(pStream != NULL); if (pStream == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Get a lock CPerfLock lock(this); if (FAILED(lock.GetStatus())) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> spdoc;
// load the xml HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, __uuidof(IXMLDOMDocument), (void **) &spdoc); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
CComPtr<IPersistStreamInit> spSI; hr = spdoc->QueryInterface(&spSI); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; hr = spSI->Load(pStream); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// validate that it is a perfPersist stream CComPtr<IXMLDOMElement> spRoot;
hr = spdoc->get_documentElement(&spRoot); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
CComBSTR bstrName; hr = spRoot->get_baseName(&bstrName); if (wcscmp(bstrName, L"perfPersist")) return S_FALSE;
USES_CONVERSION; // find the appropriate perfmon node
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spChild; hr = spRoot->get_firstChild(&spChild); while (hr == S_OK) { bstrName.Empty(); hr = spChild->get_baseName(&bstrName); if (hr == S_OK) { if (!wcscmp(bstrName, L"perfmon")) { bstrName.Empty(); hr = _GetAttribute(spChild, L"name", &bstrName); if (hr == S_OK) { if (!_tcscmp(W2CT(bstrName), GetAppName())) break; } } }
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spNext; hr = spChild->get_nextSibling(&spNext); spChild.Attach(spNext.Detach()); }
// there is no perfmon node in the XML for the current CPerfMon class if (hr != S_OK) return S_FALSE;
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spPerfRoot; spPerfRoot.Attach(spChild.Detach());
// iterate over the objects in the perfmon subtree // this is the loop that does the real work hr = spPerfRoot->get_firstChild(&spChild); DWORD dwInstance = 1; while (hr == S_OK) { // see if it's a perfObject bstrName.Empty(); hr = spChild->get_baseName(&bstrName); if (hr != S_OK || wcscmp(bstrName, L"perfObject")) return S_FALSE;
// get the perfid bstrName.Empty(); hr = _GetAttribute(spChild, L"perfid", &bstrName); DWORD dwPerfId = _wtoi(bstrName);
// iterate over children CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spInstChild; hr = spChild->get_firstChild(&spInstChild); while (hr == S_OK) { // see if it's a instance bstrName.Empty(); hr = spInstChild->get_baseName(&bstrName); if (hr != S_OK || wcscmp(bstrName, L"instance")) return S_FALSE;
// get the instance name bstrName.Empty(); hr = _GetAttribute(spInstChild, L"name", &bstrName); if (hr != S_OK) return S_FALSE;
// create the instance // REVIEW : take a loook at the dwInstance stuff--is it acceptable? CPerfObject *pInstance = NULL; hr = CreateInstance(dwPerfId, dwInstance++, bstrName, &pInstance); if (hr != S_OK) return S_FALSE;
// iterate over the counters and set the data CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spCntrChild; hr = spInstChild->get_firstChild(&spCntrChild); while (hr == S_OK) { // get the base name bstrName.Empty(); hr = spCntrChild->get_baseName(&bstrName); if (hr != S_OK || wcscmp(bstrName, L"counter")) return S_FALSE;
// get the type bstrName.Empty(); hr = _GetAttribute(spCntrChild, L"type", &bstrName); if (hr != S_OK) return S_FALSE;
DWORD dwType; if (!wcscmp(bstrName, L"perf_size_dword")) dwType = PERF_SIZE_DWORD; else if (!wcscmp(bstrName, L"perf_size_large")) dwType = PERF_SIZE_LARGE; else if (!wcscmp(bstrName, L"perf_size_variable_len_ansi")) dwType = PERF_SIZE_VARIABLE_LEN; else if (!wcscmp(bstrName, L"perf_size_variable_len_unicode")) dwType = PERF_SIZE_VARIABLE_LEN | PERF_TEXT_UNICODE; else return S_FALSE;
// get the value bstrName.Empty(); hr = _GetAttribute(spCntrChild, L"value", &bstrName); if (hr != S_OK) return S_FALSE;
CComBSTR bstrOffset; hr = _GetAttribute(spCntrChild, L"offset", &bstrOffset); if (hr != S_OK) return S_FALSE;
WCHAR *pStop = NULL; DWORD dwOffset = wcstoul(bstrOffset, &pStop, 10);
if (dwType == PERF_SIZE_DWORD) // add it as a DWORD { DWORD dwVal = wcstoul(bstrName, &pStop, 10); *LPDWORD(LPBYTE(pInstance)+dwOffset) = dwVal; } else if (dwType == PERF_SIZE_LARGE) // add it is a ULONGLONG { ULONGLONG qwVal = _wcstoui64(bstrName, &pStop, 10); *PULONGLONG(LPBYTE(pInstance)+dwOffset) = qwVal; } else if (dwType == PERF_SIZE_VARIABLE_LEN) // add it as an ansi string { AtlW2AHelper(LPSTR(LPBYTE(pInstance)+dwOffset), bstrName, bstrName.Length(), ATL::_AtlGetConversionACP()); } else // add it as a unicode string { memcpy(LPBYTE(pInstance)+dwOffset, bstrName, bstrName.Length()*sizeof(WCHAR)); }
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spCntrNext; hr = spCntrChild->get_nextSibling(&spCntrNext); spCntrChild.Attach(spCntrNext.Detach()); }
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spInstNext; hr = spInstChild->get_nextSibling(&spInstNext); spInstChild.Attach(spInstNext.Detach()); }
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spNext; hr = spChild->get_nextSibling(&spNext); spChild.Attach(spNext.Detach()); }
return S_OK; }
// a little utility function to retrieve a named attribute from a node ATL_NOINLINE inline HRESULT CPerfMon::_GetAttribute(IXMLDOMNode *pNode, LPCWSTR szAttrName, BSTR *pbstrVal) throw() { ATLASSERT(pNode != NULL); ATLASSERT(szAttrName != NULL); ATLASSERT(pbstrVal != NULL);
*pbstrVal = NULL; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> spAttrs;
HRESULT hr = pNode->get_attributes(&spAttrs); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spAttr; hr = spAttrs->getNamedItem((BSTR) szAttrName, &spAttr); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; CComVariant varVal; hr = spAttr->get_nodeValue(&varVal); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; hr = varVal.ChangeType(VT_BSTR); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
*pbstrVal = varVal.bstrVal; varVal.vt = VT_EMPTY;
return S_OK; }
#endif // _ATL_PERF_NOXML
} // namespace ATL
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // __ATLPERF_INL__