// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Active Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Active Template Library product.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "AtlTraceModuleManager.h"
namespace ATL { static bool ShouldTraceOutput(DWORD_PTR dwModule, DWORD_PTR dwCategory, UINT nLevel, const CAtlTraceCategory **ppCategory, CAtlTraceModule::fnCrtDbgReport_t *pfnCrtDbgReport);
void NotifyTool() { HANDLE hEvent; hEvent = OpenEventA(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, g_pszUpdateEventName);
if(hEvent) { SetEvent(hEvent); CloseHandle(hEvent); } }
// API
DWORD_PTR __stdcall AtlTraceRegister(HINSTANCE hInst, int (__cdecl *fnCrtDbgReport)(int,const char *,int,const char *,const char *,...)) { int iModule = g_Allocator.AddModule(hInst); CAtlTraceModule* pModule = g_Allocator.GetModule(iModule); ATLASSERT(pModule != NULL); if(pModule != NULL) { pModule->CrtDbgReport(fnCrtDbgReport); NotifyTool(); }
return( DWORD_PTR( iModule )+1 ); }
BOOL __stdcall AtlTraceUnregister(DWORD_PTR dwModule) { int iModule = int( dwModule-1 ); g_Allocator.RemoveModule( iModule );
return TRUE; }
DWORD_PTR __stdcall AtlTraceRegisterCategoryA(DWORD_PTR dwModule, const CHAR szCategoryName[ATL_TRACE_MAX_NAME_SIZE]) { USES_CONVERSION; return AtlTraceRegisterCategoryU(dwModule, A2W(szCategoryName)); }
DWORD_PTR __stdcall AtlTraceRegisterCategoryU(DWORD_PTR dwModule, const WCHAR szCategoryName[ATL_TRACE_MAX_NAME_SIZE]) { int iModule = int( dwModule-1 );
int iCategory = g_Allocator.AddCategory(iModule, szCategoryName); NotifyTool();
return( DWORD_PTR( iCategory )+1 ); }
BOOL __stdcall AtlTraceModifyProcess(DWORD_PTR dwProcess, UINT nLevel, BOOL bEnabled, BOOL bFuncAndCategoryNames, BOOL bFileNameAndLineNo) { CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); #ifdef _DEBUG
if( pAllocator == NULL ) { pAllocator = &g_Allocator; } #endif // _DEBUG
CAtlTraceProcess* pProcess = pAllocator->GetProcess(); ATLASSERT(pProcess != NULL); if(pProcess != NULL) { pProcess->m_nLevel = nLevel; pProcess->m_bEnabled = 0 != bEnabled; pProcess->m_bFuncAndCategoryNames = 0 != bFuncAndCategoryNames; pProcess->m_bFileNameAndLineNo = 0 != bFileNameAndLineNo; }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL __stdcall AtlTraceModifyModule(DWORD_PTR dwProcess, DWORD_PTR dwModule, UINT nLevel, ATLTRACESTATUS eStatus) { CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); #ifdef _DEBUG
if( pAllocator == NULL ) { pAllocator = &g_Allocator; } #endif // _DEBUG
int iModule = int( dwModule-1 );
CAtlTraceModule* pModule = pAllocator->GetModule(iModule); ATLASSERT(pModule != NULL); if(pModule != NULL) { switch(eStatus) { case ATLTRACESTATUS_INHERIT: pModule->m_eStatus = CAtlTraceSettings::Inherit; break; case ATLTRACESTATUS_ENABLED: pModule->m_eStatus = CAtlTraceSettings::Enabled; break; case ATLTRACESTATUS_DISABLED: pModule->m_eStatus = CAtlTraceSettings::Disabled; break; default: ATLASSERT( false ); break; } pModule->m_nLevel = nLevel; }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL __stdcall AtlTraceModifyCategory(DWORD_PTR dwProcess, DWORD_PTR dwCategory, UINT nLevel, ATLTRACESTATUS eStatus) { CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); #ifdef _DEBUG
if( pAllocator == NULL ) { pAllocator = &g_Allocator; } #endif // _DEBUG
int iCategory = int( dwCategory-1 ); CAtlTraceCategory *pCategory = pAllocator->GetCategory( iCategory ); if(pCategory != NULL) { switch(eStatus) { case ATLTRACESTATUS_INHERIT: pCategory->m_eStatus = CAtlTraceSettings::Inherit; break; case ATLTRACESTATUS_ENABLED: pCategory->m_eStatus = CAtlTraceSettings::Enabled; break; case ATLTRACESTATUS_DISABLED: pCategory->m_eStatus = CAtlTraceSettings::Disabled; break; default: ATLASSERT(false); break; } pCategory->m_nLevel = nLevel; } return TRUE; }
BOOL __stdcall AtlTraceGetProcess(DWORD_PTR dwProcess, UINT *pnLevel, BOOL *pbEnabled, BOOL *pbFuncAndCategoryNames, BOOL *pbFileNameAndLineNo) { CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); #ifdef _DEBUG
if( pAllocator == NULL ) { pAllocator = &g_Allocator; } #endif // _DEBUG
CAtlTraceProcess* pProcess = pAllocator->GetProcess(); ATLASSERT(pProcess != NULL); if(pProcess != NULL) { if(pnLevel) *pnLevel = pProcess->m_nLevel; if(pbEnabled) *pbEnabled = pProcess->m_bEnabled; if(pbFuncAndCategoryNames) *pbFuncAndCategoryNames = pProcess->m_bFuncAndCategoryNames; if(pbFileNameAndLineNo) *pbFileNameAndLineNo = pProcess->m_bFileNameAndLineNo; }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL __stdcall AtlTraceGetModule(DWORD_PTR dwProcess, DWORD_PTR dwModule, UINT *pnLevel, ATLTRACESTATUS *peStatus) { CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); #ifdef _DEBUG
if( pAllocator == NULL ) { pAllocator = &g_Allocator; } #endif // _DEBUG
int iModule = int( dwModule-1 ); CAtlTraceModule *pModule = pAllocator->GetModule(iModule); ATLASSERT(pModule != NULL); if(pModule != NULL) { if(pnLevel != NULL) { *pnLevel = pModule->m_nLevel; }
if(peStatus != NULL) { switch(pModule->m_eStatus) { case CAtlTraceSettings::Inherit: *peStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_INHERIT; break; case CAtlTraceSettings::Enabled: *peStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_ENABLED; break; case CAtlTraceSettings::Disabled: *peStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_DISABLED; break; default: ATLASSERT(false); break; } } } return TRUE; }
BOOL __stdcall AtlTraceGetCategory(DWORD_PTR dwProcess, DWORD_PTR dwCategory, UINT *pnLevel, ATLTRACESTATUS *peStatus) { CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); #ifdef _DEBUG
if( pAllocator == NULL ) { pAllocator = &g_Allocator; } #endif // _DEBUG
int iCategory = int( dwCategory-1 ); CAtlTraceCategory* pCategory = pAllocator->GetCategory( iCategory ); ATLASSERT(pCategory != NULL); if(pCategory != NULL) { if(pnLevel != NULL) { *pnLevel = pCategory->m_nLevel; }
if(peStatus != NULL) { switch(pCategory->m_eStatus) { case CAtlTraceSettings::Inherit: *peStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_INHERIT; break; case CAtlTraceSettings::Enabled: *peStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_ENABLED; break; case CAtlTraceSettings::Disabled: *peStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_DISABLED; break; } } }
return( TRUE ); }
void __stdcall AtlTraceGetUpdateEventNameA(CHAR *pszEventName) { lstrcpyA(pszEventName, g_pszUpdateEventName); }
void __stdcall AtlTraceGetUpdateEventNameU(WCHAR *pszEventName) { USES_CONVERSION; lstrcpyW(pszEventName, A2W(g_pszUpdateEventName)); }
void __cdecl AtlTraceVA(DWORD_PTR dwModule, const char *pszFileName, int nLine, DWORD_PTR dwCategory, UINT nLevel, const CHAR *pszFormat, va_list ptr) { const CAtlTraceCategory *pCategory; CAtlTraceModule::fnCrtDbgReport_t pfnCrtDbgReport = NULL; static const int nCount = 1024; CHAR szBuf[nCount] = {'\0'}; int nLen = 0;
if(ShouldTraceOutput(dwModule, dwCategory, nLevel, &pCategory, &pfnCrtDbgReport)) { if(g_Allocator.GetProcess()->m_bFileNameAndLineNo) nLen += _snprintf(szBuf + nLen, nCount - nLen, "%s(%d) : ", pszFileName, nLine);
if(pCategory && g_Allocator.GetProcess()->m_bFuncAndCategoryNames) nLen += _snprintf(szBuf + nLen, nCount - nLen, "%S: ", pCategory->Name());
_vsnprintf(szBuf + nLen, nCount - nLen, pszFormat, ptr);
if(pfnCrtDbgReport != NULL) pfnCrtDbgReport(_CRT_WARN, NULL, 0, NULL, "%s", szBuf); else OutputDebugStringA(szBuf); } }
void __cdecl AtlTraceVU(DWORD_PTR dwModule, const char *pszFileName, int nLine, DWORD_PTR dwCategory, UINT nLevel, const WCHAR *pszFormat, va_list ptr) { const CAtlTraceCategory *pCategory; CAtlTraceModule::fnCrtDbgReport_t pfnCrtDbgReport = NULL; const int nCount = 1024; WCHAR szBuf[nCount] = {L'\0'}; int nLen = 0;
if(ShouldTraceOutput(dwModule, dwCategory, nLevel, &pCategory, &pfnCrtDbgReport)) { if(g_Allocator.GetProcess()->m_bFileNameAndLineNo) nLen += _snwprintf(szBuf + nLen, nCount - nLen, L"%S(%d) : ", pszFileName, nLine);
if(pCategory && g_Allocator.GetProcess()->m_bFuncAndCategoryNames) nLen += _snwprintf(szBuf + nLen, nCount - nLen, L"%s: ", pCategory->Name());
_vsnwprintf(szBuf + nLen, nCount - nLen, pszFormat, ptr);
if(pfnCrtDbgReport) pfnCrtDbgReport(_CRT_WARN, NULL, 0, NULL, "%S", szBuf); else OutputDebugStringW(szBuf); }
// REVIEW: Necessary?
/*void __cdecl AtlTraceU(HINSTANCE hInst, UINT nCategory, UINT nLevel, const WCHAR *szFormat, ...)
{ va_list ptr; va_start(ptr, szFormat); AtlTraceVU(hInst, nCategory, nLevel, szFormat, ptr); va_end(ptr); }
void __cdecl AtlTraceA(HINSTANCE hInst, UINT nCategory, UINT nLevel, const CHAR *szFormat, ...) { va_list ptr; va_start(ptr, szFormat); AtlTraceVA(hInst, nCategory, nLevel, szFormat, ptr); va_end(ptr); }*/
DWORD_PTR __stdcall AtlTraceOpenProcess(DWORD idProcess) { CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = new CAtlAllocator;
char szBuf[64]; sprintf(szBuf, g_pszKernelObjFmt, g_pszAllocFileMapName, idProcess);
if( !pAllocator->Open(szBuf) ) { delete pAllocator; return( 0 ); }
return( reinterpret_cast< DWORD_PTR >( pAllocator ) ); }
void __stdcall AtlTraceCloseProcess( DWORD_PTR dwProcess ) { CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); pAllocator->Close( true ); delete pAllocator; }
void __stdcall AtlTraceSnapshotProcess( DWORD_PTR dwProcess ) { CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); pAllocator->TakeSnapshot(); }
BOOL __stdcall AtlTraceGetProcessInfo(DWORD_PTR dwProcess, ATLTRACEPROCESSINFO* pProcessInfo) { ATLASSERT(pProcessInfo != NULL);
CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); ATLASSERT(pAllocator->m_bSnapshot); CAtlTraceProcess *pProcess = pAllocator->GetProcess(); ATLASSERT(pProcess != NULL);
if(pProcess) { lstrcpyW(pProcessInfo->szName, pProcess->Name()); lstrcpyW(pProcessInfo->szPath, pProcess->Path()); pProcessInfo->dwId = pProcess->Id(); pProcessInfo->settings.nLevel = pProcess->m_nLevel; pProcessInfo->settings.bEnabled = pProcess->m_bEnabled; pProcessInfo->settings.bFuncAndCategoryNames = pProcess->m_bFuncAndCategoryNames; pProcessInfo->settings.bFileNameAndLineNo = pProcess->m_bFileNameAndLineNo; pProcessInfo->nModules = pAllocator->m_snapshot.m_aModules.GetSize(); } return( TRUE ); }
void __stdcall AtlTraceGetModuleInfo(DWORD_PTR dwProcess, int iModule, ATLTRACEMODULEINFO* pModuleInfo) { ATLASSERT(pModuleInfo != NULL);
CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); ATLASSERT(pAllocator->m_bSnapshot); DWORD_PTR dwModule = pAllocator->m_snapshot.m_aModules[iModule].m_dwModule; CAtlTraceModule* pModule = pAllocator->GetModule(int(dwModule-1)); lstrcpyW(pModuleInfo->szName, pModule->Name()); lstrcpyW(pModuleInfo->szPath, pModule->Path()); pModuleInfo->nCategories = pModule->m_nCategories; pModuleInfo->settings.nLevel = pModule->m_nLevel; pModuleInfo->dwModule = dwModule; switch(pModule->m_eStatus) { default: case CAtlTraceSettings::Inherit: pModuleInfo->settings.eStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_INHERIT; break; case CAtlTraceSettings::Enabled: pModuleInfo->settings.eStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_ENABLED; break; case CAtlTraceSettings::Disabled: pModuleInfo->settings.eStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_DISABLED; break; } }
void __stdcall AtlTraceGetCategoryInfo(DWORD_PTR dwProcess, DWORD_PTR dwModule, int iCategory, ATLTRACECATEGORYINFO* pCategoryInfo) { ATLASSERT(pCategoryInfo != NULL);
CAtlAllocator* pAllocator = reinterpret_cast< CAtlAllocator* >( dwProcess ); ATLASSERT(pAllocator->m_bSnapshot); int iModule = int( dwModule-1 ); CAtlTraceModule* pModule = pAllocator->GetModule( iModule ); CAtlTraceCategory* pCategory = pAllocator->GetCategory( pModule->m_iFirstCategory ); for( int iCategoryIndex = 0; iCategoryIndex < iCategory; iCategoryIndex++ ) { pCategory = pAllocator->GetCategory( pCategory->m_iNextCategory ); }
lstrcpyW(pCategoryInfo->szName, pCategory->Name()); pCategoryInfo->settings.nLevel = pCategory->m_nLevel; pCategoryInfo->dwCategory = DWORD_PTR( iCategory )+1; switch(pCategory->m_eStatus) { case CAtlTraceSettings::Inherit: pCategoryInfo->settings.eStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_INHERIT; break; case CAtlTraceSettings::Enabled: pCategoryInfo->settings.eStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_ENABLED; break; case CAtlTraceSettings::Disabled: pCategoryInfo->settings.eStatus = ATLTRACESTATUS_DISABLED; break; default: ATLASSERT( false ); break; } }
static bool ShouldTraceOutput(DWORD_PTR dwModule, DWORD_PTR dwCategory, UINT nLevel, const CAtlTraceCategory **ppCategory, CAtlTraceModule::fnCrtDbgReport_t *pfnCrtDbgReport) { bool bFound = false;
ATLASSERT(ppCategory && pfnCrtDbgReport); *ppCategory = NULL; *pfnCrtDbgReport = NULL;
CAtlTraceProcess *pProcess = g_Allocator.GetProcess(); ATLASSERT(pProcess); CAtlTraceModule *pModule = g_Allocator.GetModule( int( dwModule-1 ) );
ATLASSERT(pModule != NULL); if(pModule != NULL) { *pfnCrtDbgReport = pModule->CrtDbgReport();
CAtlTraceCategory *pCategory = g_Allocator.GetCategory( int( dwCategory ) ); if( pCategory != NULL ) { bFound = true; bool bOut = false;
if(pProcess->m_bEnabled && pModule->m_eStatus == CAtlTraceSettings::Inherit && pCategory->m_eStatus == CAtlTraceSettings::Inherit && nLevel <= pProcess->m_nLevel) { bOut = true; } else if(pModule->m_eStatus == CAtlTraceSettings::Enabled && pCategory->m_eStatus == CAtlTraceSettings::Inherit && nLevel <= pModule->m_nLevel) { bOut = true; } else if(pCategory->m_eStatus == CAtlTraceSettings::Enabled && nLevel <= pCategory->m_nLevel) { bOut = true; }
if(bOut) { *ppCategory = pProcess->m_bFuncAndCategoryNames ? pCategory : NULL; return true; } } }
return false; }
}; // namespace ATL