// File: SecStr.hxx
// Contents: C++ wrapper classes for SECURITY_STRING structures.
// History: 24-Feb-93 WadeR Created
// Support classes
class CIntSecString { friend class CSecString;
inline CIntSecString(); };
inline CIntSecString::CIntSecString() { _ssString.Buffer = 0; _ssString.Length = _ssString.MaximumLength = 0; _cRefs = 1; }
// Name: CSecString
// Synopsis: Wrapper for a SECURITY_STRING.
// Methods: ~CSecString()
// CSecString()
// CSecString(PWCHAR)
// CSecString(PCHAR)
// CSecString(CSecString&)
// ulong GetSizeToMarshall()
// SCODE Marshall(PBYTE) - marshals into the buffer
// SCODE Unmarshall(PBYTE)
// assignment operator from PWCHAR, SECURITY_STRING&, CSecString&
// ==,>,< operators for above types.
// Notes: This class keeps a reference count to a security string, and
// assignment increments the ref count. When the last CSecString
// that refers to a particular SECURITY_STRING is destroyed, the
// SECURITY_STRING is freed.
// This class will implicity convert to either a SECURITY_STRING or
// to a PSECURITY_STRING. This means if you have a function:
// and two CSecStrings, SecStr1, SecStr2, you call it foo like:
// Foo1 ( SecStr1, SecStr2 );
// (ie. you don't use "&SecStr2" like you would for a SECURITY_STRING.)
class CSecString { private: struct MarshalledData { USHORT cbLength; BYTE abData[1]; };
CIntSecString *_iss;
void Destructor(); void Constructor( CHAR * ); void Constructor( WCHAR * ); void Constructor( CSecString& ); void Constructor( SECURITY_STRING& );
// Destructor
inline ~CSecString();
// Constructors
inline CSecString(); inline CSecString( PCHAR ); inline CSecString( PWCHAR ); inline CSecString( CSecString& ); inline CSecString( SECURITY_STRING& );
// Marshalling and unmarshalling code.
SECURITY_STATUS Unmarshall( PBYTE pb ); SECURITY_STATUS Marshall( PBYTE pb ); ULONG GetSizeToMarshall();
// Some useful conversions
inline operator PWCHAR (); inline operator SECURITY_STRING (); inline operator PSECURITY_STRING ();
// Access to elements
inline USHORT GetLength(); inline USHORT GetMaximumLength(); inline PWCHAR GetBuffer();
// Finally, some operators
// &
//inline PSECURITY_STRING operator&();
// =
inline CSecString& operator=( PWCHAR r ); inline CSecString& operator=( CSecString& r ); inline CSecString& operator=( SECURITY_STRING& r );
// ==
inline int operator==( SECURITY_STRING& r ); inline int operator==( CSecString& r ); //inline int operator==( PWCHAR r );
inline int operator==( PVOID pv ); // used to compare to NULL
inline int IsEqual( PWCHAR r );
// <
inline int operator<( SECURITY_STRING& r ); inline int operator<( CSecString& r ); inline int operator<( PWCHAR r );
// >
inline int operator>( SECURITY_STRING& r ); inline int operator>( CSecString& r ); inline int operator>( PWCHAR r ); };
// Destructor
inline CSecString::~CSecString() { Destructor(); }
// Constructors
inline CSecString::CSecString() { _iss = new CIntSecString; }
inline CSecString::CSecString( CHAR *pc) { Constructor( pc ); }
inline CSecString::CSecString( WCHAR *pwc ) { Constructor( pwc ); }
inline CSecString::CSecString( CSecString& css ) { Constructor( css ); }
inline CSecString::CSecString( SECURITY_STRING& ss ) { Constructor( ss ); }
// Some useful conversions
inline CSecString::operator PWCHAR () { return(_iss->_ssString.Buffer); }
inline CSecString::operator SECURITY_STRING () { return(_iss->_ssString); }
inline CSecString::operator PSECURITY_STRING () { return(&_iss->_ssString); }
// Access to elements
inline USHORT CSecString::GetLength() { return(_iss->_ssString.Length); }
inline USHORT CSecString::GetMaximumLength() { return(_iss->_ssString.MaximumLength); }
inline PWCHAR CSecString::GetBuffer() { return(_iss->_ssString.Buffer); }
// Finally, some operators
// &
// This is a neat idea, but it's too strange for the '&' operator to return
// anything but "pointer to CSecString".
//inline PSECURITY_STRING operator&()
// return(&_iss->_ssString);
// =
inline CSecString& CSecString::operator=( PWCHAR r ) { Destructor(); // destroy this.
Constructor( r ); return(*this); }
inline CSecString& CSecString::operator=( CSecString& r ) { Destructor(); // destroy this.
Constructor( r ); return(*this); }
inline CSecString& CSecString::operator=( SECURITY_STRING& r ) { Destructor(); // destroy this.
Constructor( r ); return(*this); }
// ==
inline int CSecString::operator==( SECURITY_STRING& r ) { return( SRtlCompareString( &_iss->_ssString, &r, SRTL_CASE_INSENSITIVE) == 0 ); }
inline int CSecString::operator==( CSecString& r ) { return( SRtlCompareString( &_iss->_ssString, &r._iss->_ssString, SRTL_CASE_INSENSITIVE) == 0 ); }
inline int CSecString::IsEqual( PWCHAR r ) { return( wcsnicmp(_iss->_ssString.Buffer, r, _iss->_ssString.Length ) == 0 ); }
inline int CSecString::operator==( PVOID pv ) { return((PVOID)_iss == pv); }
// <
inline int CSecString::operator<( SECURITY_STRING& r ) { return( SRtlCompareString( &_iss->_ssString, &r, SRTL_CASE_INSENSITIVE) < 0 ); }
inline int CSecString::operator<( CSecString& r ) { return( SRtlCompareString( &_iss->_ssString, &r._iss->_ssString, SRTL_CASE_INSENSITIVE) < 0 ); }
inline int CSecString::operator<( PWCHAR r ) { return( wcsnicmp(_iss->_ssString.Buffer, r, _iss->_ssString.Length ) < 0 ); }
// >
inline int CSecString::operator>( SECURITY_STRING& r ) { return( SRtlCompareString( &_iss->_ssString, &r, SRTL_CASE_INSENSITIVE) > 0 ); }
inline int CSecString::operator>( CSecString& r ) { return( SRtlCompareString( &_iss->_ssString, &r._iss->_ssString, SRTL_CASE_INSENSITIVE) > 0 ); }
inline int CSecString::operator>( PWCHAR r ) { return( wcsnicmp(_iss->_ssString.Buffer, r, _iss->_ssString.Length ) > 0 ); }
#endif // _INC_SECSTR_HXX