// File: kdcsvr.hxx
// Contents: KDC Private definitions
// History: <whenever> RichardW Created
// 16-Jan-93 WadeR Converted to C++
#ifndef _INC_KDCSVR_HXX_
#define _INC_KDCSVR_HXX_
#include <secpch2.hxx>
extern "C" { #include <lsarpc.h>
#include <samrpc.h>
#include <lmsname.h>
#include <samisrv.h> // SamIFree_XXX
#include <logonmsv.h>
#include <lsaisrv.h> // LsaIFree_XXX
#include <config.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <netlibnt.h>
#include <lsaitf.h>
#include <msaudite.h>
#include <wintrust.h> // for WinVerifyTrust and wincrypt.h
} #include <kerbcomm.h>
#include <kerberr.h>
#include <kdcevent.h>
#include <exterr.h> // whack this soon
#include <events.hxx>
#include <authen.hxx>
#include <fileno.h>
// Global typedefs
typedef struct _KDC_TICKET_INFO { UNICODE_STRING AccountName; UNICODE_STRING TrustedForest; LARGE_INTEGER PasswordExpires; ULONG fTicketOpts; ULONG UserAccountControl; ULONG UserId; ULONG TrustAttributes; PKERB_STORED_CREDENTIAL Passwords; PKERB_STORED_CREDENTIAL OldPasswords; PSID TrustSid; } KDC_TICKET_INFO, *PKDC_TICKET_INFO;
typedef enum { Unknown, Inbound, Outbound } KDC_DOMAIN_INFO_DIRECTION, *PKDC_DOMAIN_INFO_DIRECTION;
#include "debug.hxx"
#include "secdata.hxx"
#include "tktutil.hxx"
#include "pkserv.h"
#define KdcLsaIAuditKdcEvent(_a_, _b_, _c_, _d_, _e_, _f_, _g_, _h_, _i_, _j_, _k_, _l_ ) \
LsaIAuditKdcEvent(_a_, _b_, _c_, _d_, _e_, _f_, _g_, _h_, _i_, _j_, _k_, _l_ )
// Global prototypes:
void ServiceMain( ULONG ArgC, LPSTR * ArgV );
NTSTATUS ShutDown( LPTSTR String );
BOOLEAN UpdateStatus( ULONG Status );
extern "C" BOOLEAN InitializeChangeNotify( VOID );
// Global data defn's
typedef enum { Stopped, Starting, Running } KDC_STATE;
extern TimeStamp tsInfinity; extern KDC_STATE KdcState; extern LARGE_INTEGER SkewTime; extern BOOLEAN fStopKDC; extern HANDLE hKdcHandles[]; extern CRITICAL_SECTION ApiCriticalSection; extern ULONG CurrentApiCallers; extern UNICODE_STRING GlobalDomainName; extern UNICODE_STRING GlobalKerberosName; extern UNICODE_STRING GlobalKdcName; extern BOOL KdcGlobalAvoidPdcOnWan; extern UNICODE_STRING KdcForestRootDomainName; extern BOOLEAN KdcIsGc; extern BOOLEAN KdcForestRoot; extern BOOLEAN KdcCrossForestEnabled; extern LIST_ENTRY KdcReferralCache; extern PKERB_INTERNAL_NAME GlobalKpasswdName; extern PSID GlobalDomainSid; extern SAMPR_HANDLE GlobalAccountDomainHandle; extern LSAPR_HANDLE GlobalPolicyHandle; extern BYTE GlobalLocalhostAddress[4];
#define GET_CLIENT_ADDRESS(_x_) \
(((_x_) != NULL ) ? \ ((PBYTE) (&((struct sockaddr_in *)(_x_))->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr)) : \ GlobalLocalhostAddress)
// KDC handle definitions
#define hKdcShutdownEvent hKdcHandles[0]
#define MAX_KDC_HANDLE 1
// class CAuthenticatorList;
extern CAuthenticatorList * Authenticators; extern CAuthenticatorList * FailedRequests;
class CSecurityData; extern CSecurityData SecData;
// Global constants
const ULONG ulInfinity = 0xFFFFFFFF; const ULONG ulTsPerSecond = 10000000L;
// Number of creds supplied in DS for LM_OWF but no NT_OWF support
#define CRED_ONLY_LM_OWF 1
// Global macros
#define _str_(a) #a
#define _xstr_(a) _str_(a)
#define DIAGNOSTIC(num, txt) message(__FILE__ "(" _xstr_(__LINE__) \
") : diagnostic V" _xstr_(num) " : "#txt)
#define MEMO(txt) message( __FILE__ "(" _xstr_(__LINE__) ") : Memo : " #txt )
#define KdcGetTime(_x_) ((_x_).QuadPart)
#define MAX_EXPR_LEN 50
#define MAX_SID_LEN (sizeof(SID) + sizeof(ULONG) * SID_MAX_SUB_AUTHORITIES)
#define KdcMakeAccountSid( _buffer_, _rid_) \
{ \ PSID TempSid = (PSID) _buffer_; \ RtlCopyMemory( _buffer_, GlobalDomainSid, RtlLengthSid(GlobalDomainSid)); \ *RtlSubAuthoritySid(TempSid, *RtlSubAuthorityCountSid(TempSid)) = _rid_; \ *RtlSubAuthorityCountSid(TempSid) += 1; \ }
#define KdcFreeEncodedData(_x_) MIDL_user_free(_x_)
// Global inline functions.
#endif // _INC_KDCSVR_HXX_