// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 2000
// File: ctnotify.cpp
// Contents: Cert Type Change Notification APIS
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <winldap.h>
#include <ntldap.h>
#include <cainfop.h>
#include <ctnotify.h>
#include <certca.h>
#include "csldap.h"
static WCHAR * s_wszLocation = L"CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,";
// CertTypeQueryProc
// The thread to recieve change notification from DS
DWORD WINAPI CertTypeQueryProc(LPVOID lpParameter) { CERTTYPE_QUERY_INFO *pCertTypeQueryInfo=NULL; ULONG ldaperr=0;
LDAPMessage *results = NULL;
if(NULL==lpParameter) return FALSE;
pCertTypeQueryInfo = (CERTTYPE_QUERY_INFO *)lpParameter;
//we wait for the notifications
while(TRUE) { ldaperr = ldap_result( pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap, pCertTypeQueryInfo->msgID, // message identifier
LDAP_MSG_ONE, // retrieve one message at a time
NULL, // no timeout
&results); // receives the search results
if ((ldaperr == (ULONG) -1) || ((results) == NULL)) { //the result failed
break; }
//some change has happened.
//make sure that we will never return 0
if(0 == (pCertTypeQueryInfo->dwChangeSequence)) { (pCertTypeQueryInfo->dwChangeSequence)++; }
ldap_msgfree(results); results=NULL; }
return TRUE; }
// CACertTypeRegisterQuery
HRESULT CACertTypeRegisterQuery( IN DWORD dwFlag, IN LPVOID pvldap, OUT HCERTTYPEQUERY *phCertTypeQuery) {
HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; LDAPControl simpleControl; PLDAPControl controlArray[2]; LPWSTR rgwszAttribs[2]; ULONG ldaperr=0; DWORD dwThreadID=0; LDAP *pldap=NULL;
CERTSTR bstrConfig = NULL; CERTSTR bstrCertTemplatesContainer = NULL; //memory is freed via the thread proc
//assign the input parameter
pldap = (LDAP *)pvldap;
if(NULL==phCertTypeQuery) _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL param");
pCertTypeQueryInfo=(CERTTYPE_QUERY_INFO *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(CERTTYPE_QUERY_INFO));
if(NULL==pCertTypeQueryInfo) { hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); }
memset(pCertTypeQueryInfo, 0, sizeof(CERTTYPE_QUERY_INFO));
//we start the change sequence as 1
pCertTypeQueryInfo->dwChangeSequence = 1;
//bind to DS
if(pldap) { pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap=pldap; } else { //retrieve the ldap handle
if(S_OK != (hr = myDoesDSExist(TRUE))) _JumpError(hr , error, "myDoesDSExist");
hr = myRobustLdapBindEx( FALSE, // fGC
FALSE, // fRediscover
LDAP_VERSION3, // uVersion
NULL, // pwszDomainName
&pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap, NULL); // ppwszForestDNSName
_JumpIfError(hr , error, "myRobustLdapBindEx");
pCertTypeQueryInfo->fUnbind=TRUE; }
//retrieve the config string
hr = CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn(pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap, NULL, &bstrConfig); if(S_OK != hr) { _JumpError(hr , error, "CAGetAuthoritativeDomainDn"); }
//build the template container DN
bstrCertTemplatesContainer = CertAllocStringLen(NULL, wcslen(bstrConfig) + wcslen(s_wszLocation)); if(bstrCertTemplatesContainer == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "CertAllocStringLen"); } wcscpy(bstrCertTemplatesContainer, s_wszLocation); wcscat(bstrCertTemplatesContainer, bstrConfig);
// Set up the change notification control.
simpleControl.ldctl_oid = LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID_W; simpleControl.ldctl_iscritical = TRUE; simpleControl.ldctl_value.bv_len = 0; simpleControl.ldctl_value.bv_val = NULL; controlArray[0] = &simpleControl; controlArray[1] = NULL;
rgwszAttribs[0] = L"cn"; rgwszAttribs[1] = NULL;
// Start a persistent asynchronous search.
ldaperr = ldap_search_ext( pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap, (PWCHAR) bstrCertTemplatesContainer, // Template container DN
LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, L"ObjectClass=*", rgwszAttribs, // Attributes to retrieve
1, // Retrieve attributes only
(PLDAPControl *) &controlArray, // Server size controls
NULL, // Client controls
0, // Timeout
0, // Sizelimit
(PULONG)&(pCertTypeQueryInfo->msgID) // Receives identifier for results
if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ldaperr) { hr = myHLdapError(pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap, ldaperr, NULL); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_search_ext"); }
//start a thread to wait for the notification
pCertTypeQueryInfo->hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, CertTypeQueryProc, pCertTypeQueryInfo, 0, //execute immediately
if(NULL == pCertTypeQueryInfo->hThread) { hr=myHError(GetLastError()); _JumpError(hr, error, "CreateThread"); }
if(bstrConfig) CertFreeString(bstrConfig);
if(bstrCertTemplatesContainer) { CertFreeString(bstrCertTemplatesContainer); }
if(pCertTypeQueryInfo) { if(pCertTypeQueryInfo->fUnbind) { if(pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap) ldap_unbind(pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap); }
if(pCertTypeQueryInfo->hThread) CloseHandle(pCertTypeQueryInfo->hThread);
pCertTypeQueryInfo=NULL; }
return hr;
// CACertTypeQuery
HRESULT CACertTypeQuery( IN HCERTTYPEQUERY hCertTypeQuery, OUT DWORD *pdwChangeSequence) { CERTTYPE_QUERY_INFO *pCertTypeQueryInfo=NULL;
if((NULL==pdwChangeSequence) || (NULL==hCertTypeQuery)) return E_INVALIDARG;
pCertTypeQueryInfo = (CERTTYPE_QUERY_INFO *)hCertTypeQuery;
*pdwChangeSequence = pCertTypeQueryInfo->dwChangeSequence;
return S_OK; }
// CACertTypeUnregisterQuery
HRESULT CACertTypeUnregisterQuery( IN HCERTTYPEQUERY hCertTypeQuery) { CERTTYPE_QUERY_INFO *pCertTypeQueryInfo=NULL; ULONG ldaperr=0; HRESULT hr=E_INVALIDARG; DWORD dwWait=0;
if(NULL==hCertTypeQuery) _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL param");
pCertTypeQueryInfo = (CERTTYPE_QUERY_INFO *)hCertTypeQuery;
if(NULL == (pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap)) _JumpError(hr, error, "NULL pldap");
//abandom the in-progress asynchronous ldap_result call
ldaperr=ldap_abandon(pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap, pCertTypeQueryInfo->msgID);
if(LDAP_SUCCESS != ldaperr) { hr = myHLdapError(pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap, ldaperr, NULL); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_abandon"); }
//wait for the thread to finish
dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(pCertTypeQueryInfo->hThread, INFINITE);
if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwWait) { hr = myHError(GetLastError()); _JumpError(hr, error, "WaitForSingleObject"); }
//free the memory
if(pCertTypeQueryInfo) { if(pCertTypeQueryInfo->fUnbind) { if(pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap) ldap_unbind(pCertTypeQueryInfo->pldap); }
if(pCertTypeQueryInfo->hThread) CloseHandle(pCertTypeQueryInfo->hThread);
pCertTypeQueryInfo=NULL; }
return hr; }