<HTML> <!-- certnoca.hta - (CERT)srv web - (NO) (CA) cert-request management
This is an HTML application. We are assuming that we are running on IE 5 (or compatible), stand alone from any CA.
--> <Head> <Title>No-CA Certificate Request Manager</Title> </Head> <Body BgColor=#FFFFFF OnLoad="postLoad();"><Font Face="Arial">
<Table border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=4 width=100% BgColor=#008080> <TR> <TD><font color=#FFFFFF size=-1 Face="Arial"><B><I>Microsoft</I></B> Certificate Services</Font></TD> <TD Align=right><A href="" OnClick="goHome();return false;"><font color=#FFFFFF size=-1 Face="Arial"><B>Home</B></Font></A></TD> </TR> </Table>
<Form name=UIForm>
<!-- #################### PAGE 1 #################### --> <Span ID="spnPage1">
<P> <B> Welcome </B> <!-- Green HR --><Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=2 width=1></TD></TR></Table>
<P> You use this application to generate PKCS #10 certificate requests and install PKCS #7 certificates.
<Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <TR> <TD Colspan=3><Font Face="Arial"><B>Select a task:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR> <TD rowspan=2><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=1 width=20></TD> <TD><INPUT type="radio" id=rbGenReq name=rbgrpAction checked value=1></TD> <TD><Font Face="Arial"><Label for=rbGenReq>Generate a PKCS #10 certificate request</Label></Font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><INPUT type="radio" id=rbInstall name=rbgrpAction value=2></TD> <TD><Font Face="Arial"><Label for=rbInstall>Install an PKCS #7 certificate</Label></Font></TD> </TR> </Table>
<!-- Green HR --><Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=2 width=1></TD></TR></Table> <!-- White HR --><Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#FFFFFF><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=5 width=1></TD></TR></Table>
<Table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD align=right> <INPUT type=button value="Next >" Name=btnNext1 style="width:.75in" OnClick="goNext();"> </TD></TR></Table>
</Span> <!-- #################### PAGE 2 #################### --> <Span ID="spnPage2" Style="display:none">
<P> <B> Generate A PKCS #10 Certificate Request </B> <!-- Green HR --><Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=2 width=1></TD></TR></Table>
<Span ID="spnFixTxt" style="display:none"> <Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 Style="Color:#FF0000"><TR><TD> <I>Please correct the fields marked in <B><Font color=#FF0000>RED</Font></B>.</I> One or more fields are contain the characters (, ; " or +) that cannot be processed, or the e-mail or country fields contain non-English characters. </TD></TR></Table> </Span> <Span ID="spnErrorTxt" style="display:none"> <Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 Style="Color:#FF0000"> <TR><TD> <B>An error occurred</B> while creating the certificate request. Please verify that your CSP supports any settings you have made and that your input is valid. </TD></TR><TR><TD> <B>Suggested cause:</B><BR> <span ID="spnErrorMsg"></span> </TD></TR><TR> <TD><font size=-2>Error: <span ID="spnErrorNum"></span></font></TD> </TR> </Table> </Span>
<P> <Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0> <TR> <!-- establish column widths. --> <TD width=100></TD> <!-- label column, top border --> <TD rowspan=59 width=4></TD> <!-- label spacing column --> <TD></TD> <!-- field column --> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Size=-1><B>Identifying Information:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=2 BgColor=#008080></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=6></TD> </TR><TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1><Span ID="spnNameLabel">Name:</Span></Font></TD> <TD><Input Type="text" MaxLength="64" Size=42 Name="tbCommonName"></TD> </TR><TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1><Span ID="spnEmailLabel">E-Mail:</Span></Font></TD> <TD><Input Type="text" MaxLength="64" Size=42 Name="tbEmail"></TD> </TR><TR><TD height=8></TD> <TD></TD> </TR><TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1><Span ID="spnCompanyLabel">Company:</Span></Font></TD> <TD><Input Type="text" MaxLength="64" Size=42 Name="tbOrg"></TD> </TR><TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1><Span ID="spnDepartmentLabel">Department:</Span></Font></TD> <TD><Input Type="text" MaxLength="64" Size=42 Name="tbOrgUnit"></TD> </TR><TR><TD height=8></TD> <TD></TD> </TR><TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1><Span ID="spnCityLabel">City:</Span></Font></TD> <TD><Input Type="text" MaxLength="64" Size=42 Name="tbLocality"></TD> </TR><TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1><Span ID="spnStateLabel">State:</Span></Font></TD> <TD><Input Type="text" MaxLength="64" Size=42 Name="tbState"></TD> </TR><TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1><Span ID="spnCountryLabel">Country:</Span></Font></TD> <TD><Input Type="text" MaxLength="2" Size=2 Name="tbCountry"></TD> </TR> <!-- Stand-Alone Options -->
<TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Size=-1><B><BR>Extended Key Usage:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=2 BgColor=#008080></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=6></TD> </TR><TR><TD></TD> <TD><SELECT Name="lbUsageOID" OnChange="handleUsageOID();"> <OPTION SELECTED Value=""> IPSec <OPTION Value=""> Client Authentication <OPTION Value=""> E-Mail Protection <OPTION Value=""> Server Authentication <OPTION Value=""> Code Signing <OPTION Value=""> Time Stamp Signing <OPTION Value="other"> other... </SELECT></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD Align=Right><Span ID=spnEKUOther1 Style="display:none"><Font size=-1>Usage OID:</Font></Span></TD> <TD><Span ID=spnEKUOther2 Style="display:none"><Input Type="TEXT" Name="tbEKUOther" Value=""></Span></TD> </TR>
<!-- Enterprise Options --> <!-- <TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Size=-1><B><BR>Certificate Template:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=2 BgColor=#008080></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=6></TD> </TR><TR><TD></TD> <TD><SELECT Name="lbCertTemplate"> < % Dim nWriteTemplateResult nWriteTemplateResult=WriteTemplateList() % > </SELECT></TD> </TR> --> <!-- common -->
<TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Size=-1><B><BR>Cryptographic Service Provider Options:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=2 BgColor=#008080></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=6></TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1>CSP:</Font></TD> <TD><SELECT Name="lbCSP"> <option>Loading...</Option> </SELECT></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD colspan=3 height=4></TD></TR> <TR> <TD Align=right ><Font size=-1>Key Size:</Font></TD> <TD><Font size=-2><Input Type="TEXT" Name="tbKeySize" Value="512" MaxLength=4 size=4> (common key sizes: <A Href="" OnClick="document.UIForm.tbKeySize.value='512';return false;">512</a>, <A Href="" OnClick="document.UIForm.tbKeySize.value='1024';return false;">1024</a>, <A Href="" OnClick="document.UIForm.tbKeySize.value='2048';return false;">2048</a>, <A Href="" OnClick="document.UIForm.tbKeySize.value='4096';return false;">4096</a> )</Font></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD colspan=3 height=4></TD></TR> <TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1>Hash Algorithm:</Font></TD> <TD><Select Name="lbHashAlgorithm"> <Option Selected Value="SHA1"> SHA/RSA <Option Value=""> SHA/DSA <Option Value="MD2"> MD2 <Option Value="MD5"> MD5 </Select></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD colspan=3 height=4></TD></TR> <TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1>Key Spec:</Font></TD> <TD><Font size=-1><Input Type="Radio" ID=rbKS1 Name="rbKeySpec" Value="1" CHECKED><Label for=rbKS1>Exchange</Label> <Input Type="Radio" ID=rbKS2 Name="rbKeySpec" Value="2"><Label for=rbKS2>Signature</Label></Font></TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Size=-1><B><BR>Key Generation Options:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=2 BgColor=#008080></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=6></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD></TD> <TD><Font size=-1><Input Type="Radio" ID=rbKG1 Name="rbKeyGen" Value="0" OnClick="handleKeyGen();" Checked><Label for=rbKG1>Create new key set</Label> <Span Id="spnNewKeys"> <BR><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=1 width=25><Input type="checkbox" Id=cbSetContainer name=cbSetContainer OnClick="handleSetContainer();"><Label for=cbSetContainer>Set the container name</Label> <Span Id="spnNewContainer" Style="display:none"> <BR><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=1 width=25>Container name:<Input Type="text" Name="tbNewContainerName" Size=20> </Span> </Span> </Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD></TD> <TD><Font size=-1><Input Type="Radio" ID=rbKG2 Name="rbKeyGen" Value="1" OnClick="handleKeyGen();"><Label for=rbKG2>Use existing key set</Label> <Span Id="spnExistingKeys" Style="display:none"> <BR><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=1 width=25>Container name:<Input Type="text" Name="tbOldContainerName" Size=20> </Span> </Font></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD colspan=3 height=4></TD></TR> <TR> <TD></TD> <TD><Font size=-1><Input type="checkbox" Id=cbStrongKey name=cbStrongKey><Label for=cbStrongKey>Enable strong private key protection</Label></Font></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD colspan=3 height=4></TD></TR> <TR><TD></TD> <TD><Font size=-1><Input Type="CHECKBOX" Name="cbMarkKeyExportable" ID=cbMarkKeyExportable OnClick="handleMarkExport();"><Label for=cbMarkKeyExportable>Mark keys as exportable</Label> <Span Id="spnMarkKeyExportable" Style="display:none"> <BR><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=1 width=25><Input Type="CHECKBOX" Name="cbExportKeys" ID=cbExportKeys OnClick="handleExportKeys();"><Label for=cbExportKeys>Export keys to file</Label> <Span Id="spnExportKeys" Style="display:none"> <BR><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=1 width=25>File name: <Input Type="text" Name="tbExportKeyFile" Size=20> </Span> </Span> </Font></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD colspan=3 height=4></TD></TR> <TR><TD></TD> <TD><Font size=-1><Input Type="CHECKBOX" Name="cbLocalMachineStore" ID=cbLocalMachineStore><Label for=cbLocalMachineStore>Use local machine store</Label></Font></TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Size=-1><B><BR>Additional Options:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=2 BgColor=#008080></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=3></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD colspan=3 height=6></TD> </TR><TR> <TD Align=right><Font size=-1>Attributes:</Font></TD> <TD><TextArea Name="taAttrib" Wrap=off rows=4 cols=30></TextArea></TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Size=-1><B><BR>Output File Name:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=2 BgColor=#008080></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=6></TD> </TR><TR> <TD Align=right></TD> <TD><Input Type="text" MaxLength="64" Size=42 Name="tbFileName"></TD> </TR>
</Table> </P>
<!-- Green HR --><Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=2 width=1></TD></TR></Table> <!-- White HR --><Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#FFFFFF><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=5 width=1></TD></TR></Table>
<Table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD align=right> <INPUT type=button value="Generate and Save" OnClick="generateRequest();return false;"> </TD></TR></Table>
</Span> <!-- #################### PAGE 3 #################### --> <Span ID="spnPage3" Style="display:none">
<P> <B> Install An PKCS #7 Certificate </B> <!-- Green HR --><Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=2 width=1></TD></TR></Table>
<Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0> <TR> <!-- establish column widths. --> <TD><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=1 width=100></TD> <!-- label column, top border --> <TD rowspan=59><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=1 width=4></TD> <!-- label spacing column --> <TD></TD> <!-- field column --> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><B>Saved Certificate:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 BgColor=#008080><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=2 width=1></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=3 width=1></TD></TR> <TR> <TD Align=right><Font Face="Arial" size=-1><Span id=spPaste>Base64 Encoded <BR>PKCS #7 Certificate:</Span></Font></TD> <TD><TEXTAREA rows=6 cols=40 name=taInstallCert wrap=off></TEXTAREA></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 height=3></TD> </TR><TR><TD></TD> <TD> <Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><A Href="#" onclick="BeginRead();blur();return false;" OnMouseOver="window.status='Read a file';return true;" OnMouseOut="window.status='';return true;">Browse</A> for a file to insert.</Font> <Span id=spRead style="display:none"> <Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0> <TR><TD Height=5></TD> <TR> <TD Width=6></TD> <TD Width=3 BgColor=#008080></TD> <TD Width=4></TD> <TD> File name: <Input Type="file" size=40 name=flRequest><BR> <Input Type=Button Value="Read!" onClick="FinishRead();blur();" Style="font-weight:bold"> <Input Type=Button Value="Cancel" onClick="spRead.style.display='none';blur();">
</TD> </TR> </Table> </Span> </TD> </TR>
<!-- Enterprise <TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><BR><B>Certificate Template:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 BgColor=#008080><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=2 width=1></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=3 width=1></TD> </TR><TR><TD></TD> <TD><SELECT Name="lbCertTemplate"> < % Dim nWriteTemplateResult nWriteTemplateResult=WriteTemplateList() % > </SELECT></TD> </TR> -->
<TR> <TD colspan=3><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><BR><B>Additional Options:</B></Font></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3 BgColor=#008080><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=2 width=1></TD> </TR><TR><TD colspan=3><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=6 width=1></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD colspan=3 height=4></TD></TR> <TR><TD></TD> <TD><Font size=-1><Input Type="CHECKBOX" Name="cbInstLocalMachineStore" ID=cbInstLocalMachineStore><Label for=cbInstLocalMachineStore>Use local machine store</Label></Font></TD> </TR>
</Table> <P>
<!-- Green HR --><Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=2 width=1></TD></TR></Table> <!-- White HR --><Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#FFFFFF><IMG Src="certspc.gif" alt="" height=5 width=1></TD></TR></Table>
<Table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD align=right> <INPUT type=Button id=btnInstall value="Install" style="width:.75in" OnClick="doInstall();return false;"> </TD></TR></Table>
</Span> <!-- #################### SCRIPTS #################### --> </Form> </Font> <Span id="spnIControl" style="display:none"> <!-- XEnroll will be inserted here --> </Span>
<!-- A DHTML alert box --> <Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 ID="tblWorkingMsg" style="display:none; position:absolute;"> <TR> <TD BgColor=#000040 height=3 colspan=3></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD BgColor=#000040 width=3></TD> <TD BgColor=#008080><font Color=#FFFFFF><B><BR> <Span ID="spnWorkingMsg"></Span> <BR><BR></B></Font></TD> <TD BgColor=#000040 width=3></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD BgColor=#000040 height=3 colspan=3></TD> </TR> </Table>
<Script Language=JavaScript>
//================================================================ // GLOBAL VARIABLES
var g_bIControlReady=false; // true when XEnroll is loaded and ready to go
//================================================================ // SCRIPTS COMMON TO ALL PAGES //---------------------------------------------------------------- // reset the page to the begining function goHome() { spnPage1.style.display=""; spnPage2.style.display="none"; spnPage3.style.display="none"; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // XEnroll only allows us to set the CSP once. // So, if something goes wrong in certificate creation, // we need a new XEnroll before we can try again // Thus, we use a script to reincarnate it. function recreateIControl() { g_bIControlReady=false; spnIControl.innerHTML=""; spnIControl.innerHTML="<OBJECT" + " classid=\"clsid:43F8F289-7A20-11D0-8F06-00C04FC295E1\"" //+ " codebase=\"/CertControl/xenroll.cab#Version=5,131,1837,1\"" + " id=IControl" + "> </OBJECT>"; g_bIControlReady=true; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // This contains the functions we want executed immediately after load completes function postLoad() { var nResult;
// We're not ready to go yet g_bIControlReady=false;
// Load an XEnroll object into the page recreateIControl();
// get the CSP list showTransientMessage("Getting CSP list"); setTimeout("postLoadPhase2();",1); } function postLoadPhase2() {
nResult=GetCSPList(); hideTransientMessage(); if (0!=nResult) { handleLoadError(nResult, "CSP"); return; }
// enterprise stuff //< % If "StandAlone"<>sCSType And 0<>nWriteTemplateResult Then % > //handleLoadError(< % =nWriteTemplateResult % >, "certificate template"); //< % End If % >
// Now we're ready to go g_bIControlReady=true; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // handle errors from GetCSPList() function handleLoadError(nResult, sList) { if (-1==nResult) { alert("An unexpected error occurred while" +" getting the "+sList+" list:\nNo "+sList+"s could be found!"); } else { alert("An unexpected error (0x"+toHex(nResult)+") occurred while" +" getting the "+sList+" list."); } document.UIForm.btnNext1.disabled=true; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // show the message in the status bar and in the middle of the screen function showTransientMessage(sMessage) { window.status=sMessage; spnWorkingMsg.innerText=sMessage; tblWorkingMsg.style.display=''; tblWorkingMsg.style.pixelTop= (document.body.clientHeight/2)-(tblWorkingMsg.offsetHeight/2)+(document.body.scrollTop); //alert("w: d.b.cw:"+document.body.clientWidth+" m.ow:"+tblWorkingMsg.offsetWidth+" d.b.sl:"+document.body.scrollLeft); tblWorkingMsg.style.pixelLeft= (document.body.clientWidth/2)-(tblWorkingMsg.offsetWidth/2)+(document.body.scrollLeft); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // hide the message box function hideTransientMessage() { window.status=""; tblWorkingMsg.style.display='none'; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // throw up a confirmation dialog function myConfirm(sPrompt) { return confirm(sPrompt); }
//================================================================ // SCRIPTS FOR PAGE 1
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // this function is called from the first page to dispatch function goNext() {
// make sure XEnroll is ready before continuing if (false==g_bIControlReady) { alert("This page has not finished loading yet. Please wait a few seconds and try again."); return; }
// go to the page the user selected spnPage1.style.display="none"; if (document.UIForm.rbgrpAction[0].checked) { spnPage2.style.display=""; } else { spnPage3.style.display=""; } }
//================================================================ // SCRIPTS FOR PAGE 2
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Morph routine function handleUsageOID() { if ("other"==document.UIForm.lbUsageOID.options[document.UIForm.lbUsageOID.selectedIndex].value) { spnEKUOther1.style.display=''; spnEKUOther2.style.display=''; document.UIForm.lbUsageOID.blur(); document.UIForm.tbEKUOther.select(); document.UIForm.tbEKUOther.focus(); } else { spnEKUOther1.style.display='none'; spnEKUOther2.style.display='none'; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Morph routine function handleSaveReq() { if (document.UIForm.cbSaveRequest.checked) { spnSaveRequest.style.display=''; } else { spnSaveRequest.style.display='none'; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Morph routine function handleMarkExport() { if (document.UIForm.cbMarkKeyExportable.checked) { spnMarkKeyExportable.style.display=''; } else { spnMarkKeyExportable.style.display='none'; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Morph routine function handleExportKeys() { if (document.UIForm.cbExportKeys.checked) { spnExportKeys.style.display=''; } else { spnExportKeys.style.display='none'; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Morph routine function handleKeyGen() { if (document.UIForm.rbKeyGen[0].checked) { spnNewKeys.style.display=''; spnExistingKeys.style.display='none'; } else { spnNewKeys.style.display='none'; spnExistingKeys.style.display=''; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Morph routine function handleSetContainer() { if (document.UIForm.cbSetContainer.checked) { spnNewContainer.style.display=''; } else { spnNewContainer.style.display='none'; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // make sure the given string is valid function isValidX500String(sSource) { if (//""==sSource || //On advanced page, we allow blank entries -1!=sSource.indexOf(",",0) || -1!=sSource.indexOf("\"",0) || -1!=sSource.indexOf("+",0) || -1!=sSource.indexOf(";",0)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // check for invalid characters and empty strings function isValidIA5String(sSource) { var nIndex; for (nIndex=sSource.length-1; nIndex>=0; nIndex--) { if (sSource.charCodeAt(nIndex)>127) { // NOTE: this is better, but not compatible with old browsers. return false; } }; return true; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // check for invalid characters function isValidCountryField(tbCountry) { tbCountry.value=tbCountry.value.toUpperCase(); var sSource=tbCountry.value; var nIndex, ch; if (sSource.length!=2 && sSource.length!=0) { return false; } for (nIndex=sSource.length-1; nIndex>=0; nIndex--) { ch=sSource.charAt(nIndex) if (ch<"A" || ch>"Z") { return false; } }; return true; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // set a label to normal style function markLabelNormal(spn) { spn.style.color="#000000"; spn.style.fontWeight='normal'; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // set a label to error state function markLabelError(spn) { spn.style.color='#FF0000'; spn.style.fontWeight='bold'; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // check that the form has data in it function validateRequest() { markLabelNormal(spnNameLabel); markLabelNormal(spnEmailLabel); markLabelNormal(spnCompanyLabel); markLabelNormal(spnDepartmentLabel); markLabelNormal(spnCityLabel); markLabelNormal(spnStateLabel); markLabelNormal(spnCountryLabel); var bOK=true; var fldFocusMe=null;
// check in 'reverse' order so that focus gets set to last item // don't set focus immediately because we'd get funny scrolling effects.
if (false==isValidCountryField(document.UIForm.tbCountry)) { bOK=false; fldFocusMe=document.UIForm.tbCountry; markLabelError(spnCountryLabel); } if (false==isValidX500String(document.UIForm.tbState.value)) { bOK=false; fldFocusMe=document.UIForm.tbState; markLabelError(spnStateLabel); } if (false==isValidX500String(document.UIForm.tbLocality.value)) { bOK=false; fldFocusMe=document.UIForm.tbLocality; markLabelError(spnCityLabel); } if (false==isValidX500String(document.UIForm.tbOrgUnit.value)) { bOK=false; fldFocusMe=document.UIForm.tbOrgUnit; markLabelError(spnDepartmentLabel); } if (false==isValidX500String(document.UIForm.tbOrg.value)) { bOK=false; fldFocusMe=document.UIForm.tbOrg; markLabelError(spnCompanyLabel); } if (false==isValidX500String(document.UIForm.tbEmail.value) || false==isValidIA5String(document.UIForm.tbEmail.value)) { bOK=false; fldFocusMe=document.UIForm.tbEmail; markLabelError(spnEmailLabel); } if (false==isValidX500String(document.UIForm.tbCommonName.value)) { bOK=false; fldFocusMe=document.UIForm.tbCommonName; markLabelError(spnNameLabel); } if (false==bOK) { spnFixTxt.style.display=''; window.scrollTo(0,0); fldFocusMe.focus(); }
// validity check on the key size if (true==bOK) { var nKeySize=parseInt(document.UIForm.tbKeySize.value); var sMessage; if (isNaN(nKeySize)) { sMessage="Please enter a number for the key size."; bOK=false; } else if (nKeySize<512 || nKeySize>4096) { sMessage="Please enter a valid number for the key size. The key size must be between 512 and 4096."; bOK=false; } if (false==bOK) { alert (sMessage); document.UIForm.tbKeySize.focus(); } }
// Check the container name if (true==bOK) { if (document.UIForm.rbKeyGen[0].checked) { // new keyset if (document.UIForm.cbSetContainer.checked) { if (""==document.UIForm.tbNewContainerName.value) { bOK=false; } } } else { // existing keyset if (""==document.UIForm.tbOldContainerName.value) { bOK=false; } } if (false==bOK) { alert ("Please enter a key container name."); if (document.UIForm.rbKeyGen[0].checked) { document.UIForm.tbNewContainerName.focus(); } else { document.UIForm.tbOldContainerName.focus(); } } }
// validity check on the file name if (true==bOK) { if (""==document.UIForm.tbFileName.value) { alert ("Please enter a file name."); document.UIForm.tbFileName.focus(); bOK=false; } }
return bOK; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- function generateRequest() {
// check that the form is filled in spnErrorTxt.style.display='none'; spnFixTxt.style.display='none'; if (false==validateRequest()) { return; }
// show a nice message since request creation can take a while showTransientMessage("Generating Request...");
// Make the message show up on the screen, // then continue with 'generateRequest': // Pause 1 mS before executing phase 2, // so screen will have time to repaint. setTimeout("generateRequestPhase2();",1); } function generateRequestPhase2() {
// set the identifying info var sDistinguishedName="" + "C="+document.UIForm.tbCountry.value +";" + "S="+document.UIForm.tbState.value +";" + "L="+document.UIForm.tbLocality.value +";" + "O="+document.UIForm.tbOrg.value +";" +"OU="+document.UIForm.tbOrgUnit.value +";" + "E="+document.UIForm.tbEmail.value +";" +"CN="+document.UIForm.tbCommonName.value+";";
// // Stand-Alone Options // // set the extended key usage and certificate request 'friendly type' var nUsageIndex=document.UIForm.lbUsageOID.selectedIndex; var sCertUsage; if ("other"==document.UIForm.lbUsageOID.options[nUsageIndex].value) { sCertUsage=document.UIForm.tbEKUOther.value; } else { sCertUsage=document.UIForm.lbUsageOID.options[nUsageIndex].value; }
// // Enterprise Options //
// get the selected template //var nTemplateIndex=document.UIForm.lbCertTemplate.selectedIndex; //var sTemplate=document.UIForm.lbCertTemplate.options[nTemplateIndex].value;
// extract the template type (the first char) // X-bad, U-user, M-machine //var sTemplateType=sTemplate.substring(0,1); //sTemplate=sTemplate.slice(1);
// set the cert template //IControl.addCertTypeToRequest(sTemplate);
//var sCertUsage=""; // ignored
// // CSP Options subheading: //
// set the CSP var nCSPIndex=document.UIForm.lbCSP.selectedIndex; IControl.ProviderName=document.UIForm.lbCSP.options[nCSPIndex].text; IControl.ProviderType=document.UIForm.lbCSP.options[nCSPIndex].value;
// set the key size (the upper 16 bits of GenKeyFlags) // note: this value has already been validated var nKeySize=parseInt(document.UIForm.tbKeySize.value); IControl.GenKeyFlags=nKeySize<<16;
// set the KeySpec if (document.UIForm.rbKeySpec[0].checked) { IControl.KeySpec=AT_KEYEXCHANGE; } else { IControl.KeySpec=AT_SIGNATURE; }
// set the hash algorithm var nHashIndex=document.UIForm.lbHashAlgorithm.selectedIndex; IControl.HashAlgorithm=document.UIForm.lbHashAlgorithm.options[nHashIndex].value;
// // Key Generation Options subheading: //
// set the 'use existing key set' flag if (document.UIForm.rbKeyGen[0].checked) { IControl.UseExistingKeySet=false; if (document.UIForm.cbSetContainer.checked) { IControl.ContainerName=document.UIForm.tbNewContainerName.value; } } else { IControl.UseExistingKeySet=true; IControl.ContainerName=document.UIForm.tbOldContainerName.value; }
// set 'Strong private key protection' // note: upper 16 bits already set as key size if (document.UIForm.cbStrongKey.checked) { IControl.GenKeyFlags|=CRYPT_USER_PROTECTED; }
// mark the keys as exportable if (document.UIForm.cbMarkKeyExportable.checked) { IControl.GenKeyFlags|=CRYPT_EXPORTABLE;
// set the key export file (.pvk) if (document.UIForm.cbExportKeys.checked) { IControl.PVKFileName=document.UIForm.tbExportKeyFile.value; } }
// place the keys in the local machine store if (document.UIForm.cbLocalMachineStore.checked) {
// the keys attached to the dummy request cert go in the local machine store IControl.RequestStoreFlags=CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE;
// used in CryptAcquireContext IControl.ProviderFlags=CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET; }
// // Additional Options subheading: // File Name subheading: //
// get any extra attributes var sAttrib=document.UIForm.taAttrib.value;
// get the file name var sFileName=document.UIForm.tbFileName.value;
// // Build and save the certificate request //
// build and save the certificate request // ask VB to do it, since it can handle errors nResult=CreateAndSaveRequest(sDistinguishedName, sCertUsage, sAttrib, sFileName);
// hide the message box hideTransientMessage();
// deal with an error if there was one if (0!=nResult) { handleError(nResult); } else { alert("The request was generated and saved."); goHome(); }
// reincarnate XEnroll recreateIControl();
//---------------------------------------------------------------- function handleError(nResult) { var sSugCause="No suggestion."; var sErrorName="(unknown)"; // analyze the error - funny use of XOR ('^') because obvious choice '==' doesn't work if (0==(0x80090008^nResult)) { sErrorName="NTE_BAD_ALGID"; sSugCause="The CSP you chose was unable to process the request. Try a different CSP."; } else if (0==(0x80090016^nResult)) { sErrorName="NTE_BAD_KEYSET"; if (document.UIForm.rbKeyGen[0].checked) { sSugCause="The CSP you chose was unable to process the request. Try a different CSP."; } else { sSugCause="Either the key container you specified does not exist, or the CSP you chose was unable to process the request. Enter the name of an existing key container; choose 'Create new keyset'; or try a different CSP."; } } else if (0==(0x80090019^nResult)) { sErrorName="NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF"; sSugCause="The CSP you chose was unable to process the request. Try a different CSP."; } else if (0==(0x80090020^nResult)) { sErrorName="NTE_FAIL"; sSugCause="The CSP you chose was unable to process the request. Try a different CSP."; } else if (0==(0x80090009^nResult)) { sErrorName="NTE_BAD_FLAGS"; sSugCause="The CSP you chose does not support one or more of the settings" + " you have made, such as key size, key spec, hash algorithm, etc." + " Try using different settings or a different CSP."; } else if (0==(0x8009000F^nResult)) { sErrorName="NTE_EXISTS"; sSugCause="The container you named already exists. When creating a new key," + " you must use a new container name."; } else if (0==(0x80092002^nResult)) { sErrorName="CRYPT_E_BAD_ENCODE"; //sSugCause=""; } else if (0==(0x80092022^nResult)) { sErrorName="CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING"; sSugCause="You entered an invalid character. Report a bug, because this" + " should have been caught in validation."; } else if (0==(0x80092023^nResult)) { sErrorName="CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING"; sSugCause="You entered an invalid character. Report a bug, because this" + " should have been caught in validation."; } else if (0==(0x80070003^nResult)) { sErrorName="ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND"; sSugCause="The file name you entered is invalid."; } else if (0==(0x8000FFFF^nResult)) { sErrorName="E_UNEXPECTED"; } else if (58==nResult) { sErrorName="File already exists"; sSugCause="The file already exists and you chose not to overwrite it. The certificate was not saved."; } // modify the document text and appearance to show the error message spnErrorNum.innerText="0x"+toHex(nResult)+" - "+sErrorName; spnErrorMsg.innerText=sSugCause; spnErrorTxt.style.display='';
// back to the top so the messages show window.scrollTo(0,0);
//================================================================ // SCRIPTS FOR PAGE 3
//---------------------------------------------------------------- function BeginRead() { spRead.style.display=''; document.UIForm.flRequest.focus() }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- function FinishRead() { if (""==document.UIForm.flRequest.value) { handleReadError(5); return; } var nResult=GetFileData(); // use VBScript to read the file, since it can handle errors if (0!=nResult) { handleReadError(nResult); return; } spRead.style.display='none'; document.UIForm.btnInstall.focus() }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- function handleReadError(nResult) { var sMessage="An unexpected error occured."; var sErrorName="(unknown)"; var elemFocusMe=null; if (429==nResult) { sMessage="Your web browser security settings prohibit this page" + "from accessing your disk. The file cannot be read.\n" + "Possible solutions:\n" + " - Paste the data in yourself.\n" + " - Add this page to your browser's list of trusted sites."; sErrorName="ActiveX component can't create object" elemFocusMe=document.UIForm.flRequest; } else if (53==nResult) { sMessage="The file you specified was not found. Please enter a valid file name."; sErrorName="File not found" elemFocusMe=document.UIForm.flRequest; } else if (5==nResult) { sMessage="Please enter a file name."; sErrorName="Invalid argument" elemFocusMe=document.UIForm.flRequest; } else if (0!=nResult) { sMessage="An unexpected error occurred while trying to read the file.\n\nError: "+nResult; } alert(sMessage);
// place focus on offending control if (null!=elemFocusMe) { elemFocusMe.focus(); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- function doInstall() {
// get the cert, and make sure it's not empty var sPKCS7=document.UIForm.taInstallCert.value; if (""==sPKCS7) { alert("Please place a base64-encoded certificate in the field."); return; }
// check for the begin/end tags if (-1==sPKCS7.indexOf("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") || -1==sPKCS7.indexOf("-----END CERTIFICATE-----")) { if (false==confirm("The PKCS #7 certificate should contain\na 'BEGIN' and" +" an 'END' tag, but it does not.\n\n" +"Are you sure you want to install this certificate?")) { return; } }
// place the keys in the local machine store? if (document.UIForm.cbInstLocalMachineStore.checked) {
// the keys attached to the final cert also go in the local machine store IControl.MyStoreFlags=CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE; IControl.RequestStoreFlags=CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE; }
// install the cert var nResult=InstallCert(sPKCS7);
// check for errors if(0==nResult) { alert("Your new certificate has been successfully installed."); goHome(); } else { var sMessage="Unable to install the certificate:\n" +"Please verify that your CSP supports any settings you have made " +"and that your input is valid.\n\n" +"Error: 0x"+toHex(nResult);
// funny use of XOR ('^') because obvious choice '==' doesn't work if (0==(0x80092004^nResult)) { sMessage="Unable to install the certificate:\n" +"The system could not find the keyset associated with this certificate." +" This cert may have already been installed," +" or the keyset may be in a different store from the one you selected.\n\n" +"Error: 0x80092004 - CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND"; }
alert(sMessage); }
// reincarnate XEnroll recreateIControl();
</Script> <Script Language=VBScript> Option Explicit
'/================================================================ '/ SCRIPTS COMMON TO ALL PAGES
'/---------------------------------------------------------------- '/ Get the list of CSPs from XEnroll '/ returns error number '/ assumes XEnroll is named 'IControl' and the list box is 'document.UIForm.lbCSP' Function GetCSPList() On Error Resume Next Dim nProvType, nOrigProvType, nTotCSPs, nDefaultCSP Const nMaxProvType=25 ' should be >= the number of providers defined in wincrypt.h (~line 431) nTotCSPs=0 nDefaultCSP=-1
' save the original provider type nOrigProvType=IControl.ProviderType If 0<>Err.number Then ' something wrong with IControl GetCSPList=Err.Number Exit Function End If ' enumerate through each of the provider types For nProvType=0 To nMaxProvType Dim nCSPIndex nCSPIndex=0 IControl.ProviderType=nProvType ' enumerate through each of the providers for this type Do Dim sProviderName
'get the name sProviderName=IControl.enumProviders(nCSPIndex, 0) If &H80070103=Err.number Then ' no more providers Err.Clear Exit Do End If ' For each provider, add an element to the list box. Dim oOption Set oOption=document.createElement("OPTION") oOption.text=sProviderName oOption.Value=nProvType document.UIForm.lbCSP.add(oOption) If InStr(sProviderName, "Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider") <> 0 Then oOption.selected=True nDefaultCSP=nTotCSPs End If nTotCSPs=nTotCSPs+1 ' get the next provider nCSPIndex=nCSPIndex+1 Loop Next ' if there are no CSPs, we're kinda stuck If 0=nTotCSPs Then Set oElement=document.createElement("OPTION") oElement.text="(no CSPs found)" document.UIForm.lbCSP.Options.Add oElement End If
' remove the 'loading' text document.UIForm.lbCSP.remove(0)
' select the default provider If -1<>nDefaultCSP Then document.UIForm.lbCSP.selectedIndex=nDefaultCSP End If
' restore the original provider type IControl.ProviderType=nOrigProvType
' set the return value and exit If 0<>Err.Number Then GetCSPList=Err.Number ElseIf 0=nTotCSPs Then ' signal no elements with -1 GetCSPList=-1 Else GetCSPList=0 End If
End Function
'/---------------------------------------------------------------- '/ Convert a number to a hex string (JavaScript doesn't have this) Function toHex(number) toHex=Hex(number) End Function
'/================================================================ '/ SCRIPTS FOR PAGE 2
'/---------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateRequest(sDistinguishedName, sCertUsage) On Error Resume Next document.SubmittedData.CertRequest.value = _ IControl.CreatePKCS10(sDistinguishedName, sCertUsage) CreateRequest=Err.number End Function
'/---------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateAndSaveRequest(sDistinguishedName, sCertUsage, sAttrib, sFileName) On Error Resume Next Dim sPKCS10
' first, create the PKCS10 sPKCS10=IControl.CreatePKCS10(sDistinguishedName, sCertUsage) If 0<>Err.Number Then CreateAndSaveRequest=Err.number Exit Function End If
' prepend the attribs and wrap in begin/end tags sPKCS10=sAttrib & vbNewLine & "-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" & vbNewLine & _ sPKCS10 & "-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" & vbNewLine
showTransientMessage("Saving request...")
' save the file CreateAndSaveRequest=WriteFileData(sFileName, sPKCS10) If 0<>Err.Number Then CreateAndSaveRequest=Err.number End If
End Function
'/---------------------------------------------------------------- '/ Write the give strign to the given file, '/ prompting to overwrite if necessary Function WriteFileData(sFileName, sData) Dim filesystem, file On Error Resume Next ' First, create the FileSystem object Set filesystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Security may not allow this If Err.number<>0 Then WriteFileData=Err.number Exit Function End If ' check for existing file Dim bExists bExists=filesystem.FileExists(sFileName) If 0<>Err.Number Then WriteFileData=Err.number Exit Function End If If True=bExists Then 'file exists. Overwrite? If False=myConfirm("The file '" & sFileName & "' already exists. Overwrite?") Then WriteFileData=58 'File Already Exists Exit Function End If End If
' open the specified file Set file=filesystem.OpenTextFile(sFileName, 2, true) '2->ForWriting, true->create If Err.Number<>0 Then WriteFileData=Err.number Exit Function End If ' read the data and stash it into the form file.Write sData ' catch any read errors If Err.Number<>0 Then WriteFileData=Err.number Exit Function End If ' clean up file.Close Set file=Nothing Set filesystem=Nothing WriteFileData=0 End Function
'/================================================================ '/ SCRIPTS FOR PAGE 3
'/---------------------------------------------------------------- '/ Read the data from the file listed in UIForm.flRequest and place '/ it in UIForm.taInstallCert Function GetFileData() Dim filesystem, file On Error Resume Next ' First, create the FileSystem object Set filesystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Security may not allow this If Err.number<>0 Then GetFileData=Err.number Exit Function End If ' open the specified file Set file=filesystem.OpenTextFile(document.UIForm.flRequest.value, 1 , false) '1->ForReading, false->don't create ' file may not exist If Err.number<>0 Then GetFileData=Err.number Exit Function End If ' read the data and stash it into the form document.UIForm.taInstallCert.value=file.ReadAll ' catch any read errors If Err.number<>0 Then GetFileData=Err.number Exit Function End If ' clean up file.Close Set file=Nothing Set filesystem=Nothing GetFileData=0 End Function
'/---------------------------------------------------------------- '/ Call XEnroll to install the given cert Function InstallCert(sPKCS7) On Error Resume Next IControl.AcceptPKCS7(sPKCS7) InstallCert=Err.Number End Function
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</Body> </HTML>