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  1. <%@ CODEPAGE=65001 'UTF-8%>
  2. <%' certrspn.asp - (CERT)srv web - (R)e(S)ult: (P)e(N)ding
  3. ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 %>
  4. <!-- #include -->
  5. <!-- #include -->
  6. <!-- #include -->
  7. <% ' came from certfnsh.asp
  8. Set ICertRequest=Session("ICertRequest")
  9. sMode=Request.Form("Mode")
  10. 'Stop
  11. ' If this is a new request, add it to the user's cookie
  12. If 0<>InStr(sMode,"newreq") Then
  13. AddRequest
  14. End If
  15. %>
  16. <HTML>
  17. <Head>
  18. <Meta HTTP-Equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  19. <Title>Microsoft Certificate Services</Title>
  20. </Head>
  21. <Body BgColor=#FFFFFF Link=#0000FF VLink=#0000FF ALink=#0000FF OnLoad="postLoad();"><Font ID=locPageFont Face="Arial">
  22. <Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=4 Width=100% BgColor=#008080>
  23. <TR>
  24. <TD><Font Color=#FFFFFF><LocID ID=locMSCertSrv><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><B><I>Microsoft</I></B> Certificate Services &nbsp;--&nbsp; <%=sServerDisplayName%> &nbsp;</Font></LocID></Font></TD>
  25. <TD ID=locHomeAlign Align=Right><A Href="/certsrv"><Font Color=#FFFFFF><LocID ID=locHomeLink><Font Face="Arial" Size=-1><B>Home</B></Font></LocID></Font></A></TD>
  26. </TR>
  27. </Table>
  28. <P ID=locPageTitle> <B> Certificate Pending </B>
  29. <!-- Green HR --><Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0 Width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=2 Width=1></TD></TR></Table>
  30. <%If 0<>InStr(sMode,"newreq") Then%>
  31. <P ID=locInfoNewReq> Your certificate request has been received. However, you must wait for an
  32. administrator to issue the certificate you requested. </P>
  33. <%ElseIf "chkpnd"=sMode Then%>
  34. <P ID=locInfoChkPnd> Your certificate request is still pending. You must wait for an
  35. administrator to issue the certificate you requested. </P>
  36. <%End If%>
  37. <P ID=locInstructions> Please return to this web site in a day or two to retrieve your certificate.</P>
  38. <P ID=locTimeoutWarning><Font Size=-1><B>Note:</B> You must return with <B>this</B> web browser within <%=nPendingTimeoutDays%> days to retrieve your
  39. certificate</Font></P>
  40. <%If "chkpnd"=sMode Then%>
  41. <Form Action="certrmpn.asp" Method=Post>
  42. <Input Type=Hidden Name=Action Value="rmpn">
  43. <Input Type=Hidden Name=ReqID Value="<%=Request.Form("ReqID")%>">
  44. <P><Input ID=locBtnRemove Type=Submit Value="Remove"> - Remove this request from your list of pending requests.
  45. </Form>
  46. <%End If%>
  47. <!-- Green HR --><Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0 Width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#008080><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=2 Width=1></TD></TR></Table>
  48. <!-- White HR --><Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=0 Width=100%><TR><TD BgColor=#FFFFFF><Img Src="certspc.gif" Alt="" Height=5 Width=1></TD></TR></Table>
  49. </Font>
  50. <!-- ############################################################ -->
  51. <!-- End of standard text. Scripts follow -->
  52. <Script Language="VBScript">
  53. Sub postLoad
  54. On Error Resume Next
  55. <%If 0<>InStr(sMode,"newreq") Then%>
  56. 'set pending info
  57. Dim n
  58. Dim sServerConfig
  59. Dim nReqId
  60. Dim sCADNS
  61. Dim sCAName
  62. Dim sThumbPrint
  63. Dim objXEnroll
  64. Dim sFriendlyName
  65. sThumbPrint="<%= Request.Form("ThumbPrint") %>"
  66. If ""=sThumbPrint Then
  67. Exit Sub
  68. End If
  69. Set objXEnroll = CreateObject("CEnroll.CEnroll.1")
  70. sServerConfig="<%=sServerConfig%>"
  71. nReqId = <%=nReqId%>
  72. n = InStr(sServerConfig, "\")
  73. sCADNS=Left(sServerConfig, n-1)
  74. sCAName=Mid(sServerConfig, n+1)
  75. sFriendlyName=""
  76. 'sFriendlyName="testName"
  77. 'Alert "requestId=" & nReqId & " CADNS=" & sCADNS & " CAName=" & sCAName & " ThumbPrint=" & sThumbPrint & " FriendlyName=" & sFriendlyName
  78. objXEnroll.ThumbPrint=sThumbPrint
  79. objXEnroll.setPendingRequestInfo nReqId, sCADNS, sCAName, sFriendlyName
  80. Set objXEnroll=Nothing
  81. <%End If%>
  82. End Sub
  83. </Script>
  84. </Body>
  85. </HTML>
  86. <%Session.Abandon()%>