Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
Module Name:
Win32, C++ w/ Exceptions
// Includes
#if !defined(_X86_) && !defined(_AMD64_) && !defined(_IA64_)
#define _X86_ 1
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
extern "C" { #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntlsa.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winscard.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <softpub.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include "sclogon.h"
#include "sclogon2.h"
#include "unicodes.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "sclgnrpc.h"
// from secpkg.h
DWORD GetTSSessionID(void) {
bool fRet = false; PLIST_ENTRY Module; PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY Entry; BOOL fRunningInLsa = false; HMODULE hLsa = NULL; PLSA_IMPERSONATE_CLIENT pLsaImpersonateClient = NULL; bool bImpersonating = false; bool bRunningInLsa = false; HANDLE hThreadToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwTSSessionID = 0; DWORD dwSize;
// Make sure we are running in LSA
Module = NtCurrentPeb()->Ldr->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink; Entry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Module, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InLoadOrderLinks);
bRunningInLsa = (0 == _wcsicmp(Entry->BaseDllName.Buffer, L"lsass.exe"));
if (bRunningInLsa) { //
// If we running in Lsa, then we need to call the special LssImpersonateClient
hLsa = GetModuleHandleW(L"lsasrv.dll"); if (hLsa == NULL) { DbgPrint("failed to get lsa module handle\n"); goto Return; }
pLsaImpersonateClient = (PLSA_IMPERSONATE_CLIENT) GetProcAddress(hLsa, "LsaIImpersonateClient"); if (pLsaImpersonateClient == NULL) { DbgPrint("failed to get proc address\n"); goto Return; }
if (pLsaImpersonateClient() != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DbgPrint("failed to impersonate\n"); goto Return; } bImpersonating = true; } else { return (0); }
// see if the calling thread token has a TS session ID...
// if so, then we are being called on behalf of a process in a TS session
if (!OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &hThreadToken)) { DbgPrint("OpenThreadToken failed\n"); goto Return; }
if (!GetTokenInformation( hThreadToken, TokenSessionId, &dwTSSessionID, sizeof(dwTSSessionID), &dwSize)) { DbgPrint("GetTokenInformation failed\n"); goto Return; }
if (hThreadToken != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hThreadToken); }
if (bImpersonating) { RevertToSelf(); }
return (dwTSSessionID); }
void _TeardownRPCConnection( RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *phRPCBinding) { __try { RpcBindingFree(phRPCBinding); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RpcBindingFree - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } }
DWORD cbName = 64; WCHAR szDomainName[256]; // max domain is 255
DWORD cbDomainName = 256; SID_NAME_USE Use;
dwTSSessionID = GetTSSessionID();
if (dwTSSessionID != 0) { wsprintfW( wszLocalEndpoint, SZ_ENDPOINT_NAME_FORMAT, SCLOGONRPC_LOCAL_ENDPOINT, dwTSSessionID);
pwszLocalEndpoint = wszLocalEndpoint; } else { pwszLocalEndpoint = SCLOGONRPC_LOCAL_ENDPOINT; }
// get a binding handle
if (RPC_S_OK != (rpcStatus = RpcStringBindingComposeW( NULL, SCLOGONRPC_LOCAL_PROT_SEQ, NULL, //LPC - no machine name
pwszLocalEndpoint, 0, &pStringBinding))) { DbgPrint("RpcStringBindingComposeW failed\n");
status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(rpcStatus); //
// if I_RpcMapWin32Status() can't map the error code it returns
// the same error back, so check for that
if (status == rpcStatus) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; } goto Return; }
if (RPC_S_OK != (rpcStatus = RpcBindingFromStringBindingW( pStringBinding, phRPCBinding))) { DbgPrint("RpcBindingFromStringBindingW failed\n"); status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(rpcStatus); //
// if I_RpcMapWin32Status() can't map the error code it returns
// the same error back, so check for that
if (status == rpcStatus) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; } goto Return; }
if (RPC_S_OK != (rpcStatus = RpcEpResolveBinding( *phRPCBinding, IRPCSCLogon_v1_0_c_ifspec))) { DbgPrint("RpcEpResolveBinding failed\n"); status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(rpcStatus); //
// if I_RpcMapWin32Status() can't map the error code it returns
// the same error back, so check for that
if (status == rpcStatus) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; } _TeardownRPCConnection(phRPCBinding); goto Return; }
// Set the autorization so that we will only call a Local System process
memset(&RpcSecurityQOS, 0, sizeof(RpcSecurityQOS)); RpcSecurityQOS.Version = RPC_C_SECURITY_QOS_VERSION; RpcSecurityQOS.Capabilities = RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES_MUTUAL_AUTH; RpcSecurityQOS.IdentityTracking = RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY_DYNAMIC; RpcSecurityQOS.ImpersonationType = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE; //RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT; //RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE
if (AllocateAndInitializeSid(&SIDAuth, 1, SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSID) == 0) { DbgPrint("AllocateAndInitializeSid failed\n"); status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; goto Return; }
if (LookupAccountSid(NULL, pSID, szName, &cbName, szDomainName, &cbDomainName, &Use) == 0) { DbgPrint("LookupAccountSid failed\n"); status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; goto Return; }
if (RPC_S_OK != (rpcStatus = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx( *phRPCBinding, szName, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY, //RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT
RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, NULL, 0, &RpcSecurityQOS))) { DbgPrint("RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx failed\n"); status = I_RpcMapWin32Status(rpcStatus); goto Return; }
Return: if (pStringBinding != NULL) { RpcStringFreeW(&pStringBinding); }
if (pSID != NULL) { FreeSid( pSID ); }
return (status); }
// ScLogon APIs
// __ScHelperInitializeContext:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperInitializeContext( IN OUT PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN ULONG cbLogonInfo ) { SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOL fRPCBindingInitialized = FALSE; LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; if ((cbLogonInfo < sizeof(ULONG)) || (cbLogonInfo != pLI->dwLogonInfoLen)) { return(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } pLI->ContextInformation = malloc(sizeof(SCLOGON_PIPE)); if (pLI->ContextInformation == NULL) { return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); }
pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation;
status = _SetupRPCConnection(&(pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto ErrorReturn; } fRPCBindingInitialized = TRUE;
pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext = NULL;
__try { status = RPC_ScHelperInitializeContext( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, cbLogonInfo, pbLogonInfo, &(pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext)); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperInitializeContext - %lx\n", _exception_code()); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto ErrorReturn; } Return: return (status);
if (pSCLogonPipe != NULL) { if (fRPCBindingInitialized) { _TeardownRPCConnection(&(pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding)); } free(pSCLogonPipe); }
goto Return; }
// __ScHelperRelease:
VOID WINAPI __ScHelperRelease( IN OUT PBYTE pbLogonInfo ) { _ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo); LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE * pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; BOOL fReleaseFailed = TRUE;
if (pSCLogonPipe != NULL) { __try { RPC_ScHelperRelease( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, &(pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext));
fReleaseFailed = FALSE; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperRelease - %lx\n", _exception_code()); }
// RPC_ScHelperRelease will throw an exception if the winlogon process it is trying
// to talk to has gone away. If that is the case, then we need to manually free
// the BINDING_CONTEXT since it won't get free'd by RPC.
// NOTE: RPC will free the BINDING_CONTEXT when the server sets it to NULL, which
// does happen if the RPC_ScHelperRelease function executes
if (fReleaseFailed) { __try { RpcSsDestroyClientContext(&(pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext)); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RpcSsDestroyClientContext - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } } _TeardownRPCConnection(&(pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding)); free(pSCLogonPipe); pLI->ContextInformation = NULL; } }
// __ScHelperGetCertFromLogonInfo:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperGetCertFromLogonInfo( IN PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN PUNICODE_STRING pucPIN, OUT PCCERT_CONTEXT *CertificateContext ) { _ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo); LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertCtx = NULL; OUT_BUFFER1 CertBytes; CUnicodeString szPIN(pucPIN);
memset(&CertBytes, 0, sizeof(CertBytes));
// Make sure pin got initialized correctly in constructor
if (NULL != pucPIN) { if (!szPIN.Valid()) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Return; } }
// Make the call
__try { status = RPC_ScHelperGetCertFromLogonInfo( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, (LPCWSTR)szPIN, &CertBytes); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperGetCertFromLogonInfo - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Return; } //
// Create the return CertContext based on the bytes returned
pCertCtx = CertCreateCertificateContext( X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CertBytes.pb, CertBytes.cb); if (pCertCtx == NULL) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; }
if (CertBytes.pb != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(CertBytes.pb); } *CertificateContext = pCertCtx;
return (status); }
// __ScHelperGetProvParam:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperGetProvParam( IN PUNICODE_STRING pucPIN, IN PBYTE pbLogonInfo, DWORD dwParam, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags ) { _ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo); LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CUnicodeString szPIN(pucPIN); OUT_BUFFER1 Data;
memset(&Data, 0, sizeof(Data));
// Make sure pin got initialized correctly in constructor
if (NULL != pucPIN) { if (!szPIN.Valid()) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Return; } }
// Make the call
__try { status = RPC_ScHelperGetProvParam( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, (LPCWSTR)szPIN, dwParam, pdwDataLen, &Data, dwFlags); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { if ((_exception_code() == RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE) || (_exception_code() == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE)) { // Special case to trigger the balloon when the session
// went away (transfer of credentials case)
status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_CARD_NOT_AUTHENTICATED; } else { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; } DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperGetProvParam - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Return; }
// if Data.cb is not 0, then the called is getting back data
if (Data.cb != 0) { memcpy(pbData, Data.pb, Data.cb); } Return: if (Data.pb != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(Data.pb); }
return (status); }
// __ScHelperGenRandBits:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperGenRandBits( IN PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN OUT ScHelper_RandomCredBits* psc_rcb ) { _ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo);
NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; __try { status = RPC_ScHelperGenRandBits( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, psc_rcb->bR1, psc_rcb->bR2); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperGenRandBits - %lx\n", _exception_code()); }
return (status); }
// __ScHelperVerifyCardAndCreds:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperVerifyCardAndCreds( IN PUNICODE_STRING pucPIN, IN PCCERT_CONTEXT CertificateContext, IN PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN PBYTE EncryptedData, IN ULONG EncryptedDataSize, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE CleartextData, OUT PULONG CleartextDataSize ) { _ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo);
LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CUnicodeString szPIN(pucPIN); OUT_BUFFER2 CleartextDataBuffer;
memset(&CleartextDataBuffer, 0, sizeof(CleartextDataBuffer));
// Make sure pin got initialized correctly in constructor
if (NULL != pucPIN) { if (!szPIN.Valid()) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Return; } }
// Make the call
__try { status = RPC_ScHelperVerifyCardAndCreds( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, (LPCWSTR)szPIN, EncryptedDataSize, EncryptedData, CleartextDataSize, &CleartextDataBuffer); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperVerifyCardAndCreds - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Return; }
// if CleartextData.cb is not 0, then the called is getting back data
if (CleartextDataBuffer.cb != 0) { memcpy(CleartextData, CleartextDataBuffer.pb, CleartextDataBuffer.cb); }
Return: if (CleartextDataBuffer.pb != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(CleartextDataBuffer.pb); } return (status); }
// __ScHelperEncryptCredentials:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperEncryptCredentials( IN PUNICODE_STRING pucPIN, IN PCCERT_CONTEXT CertificateContext, IN ScHelper_RandomCredBits* psch_rcb, IN PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN PBYTE CleartextData, IN ULONG CleartextDataSize, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE EncryptedData, OUT PULONG EncryptedDataSize) { _ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo);
LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CUnicodeString szPIN(pucPIN); OUT_BUFFER2 EncryptedDataBuffer;
memset(&EncryptedDataBuffer, 0, sizeof(EncryptedDataBuffer));
// Make sure pin got initialized correctly in constructor
if (NULL != pucPIN) { if (!szPIN.Valid()) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Return; } }
// Make the call
__try { status = RPC_ScHelperEncryptCredentials( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, (LPCWSTR)szPIN, psch_rcb->bR1, psch_rcb->bR2, CleartextDataSize, CleartextData, EncryptedDataSize, &EncryptedDataBuffer); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperEncryptCredentials - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Return; }
// if EncryptedDataBuffer.cb is not 0, then the called is getting back data
if (EncryptedDataBuffer.cb != 0) { memcpy(EncryptedData, EncryptedDataBuffer.pb, EncryptedDataBuffer.cb); }
Return: if (EncryptedDataBuffer.pb != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(EncryptedDataBuffer.pb); } return (status); }
// __ScHelperSignMessage:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperSignMessage( IN PUNICODE_STRING pucPIN, IN OPTIONAL PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN OPTIONAL HCRYPTPROV Provider, IN ULONG Algorithm, IN PBYTE Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT PBYTE Signature, OUT PULONG SignatureLength ) { if (Provider != NULL) { return (ScHelperSignMessage( pucPIN, pbLogonInfo, Provider, Algorithm, Buffer, BufferLength, Signature, SignatureLength)); }
_ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo);
LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CUnicodeString szPIN(pucPIN); OUT_BUFFER2 SignatureBuffer;
memset(&SignatureBuffer, 0, sizeof(SignatureBuffer));
// Make sure pin got initialized correctly in constructor
if (NULL != pucPIN) { if (!szPIN.Valid()) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Return; } }
// Make the call
__try { status = RPC_ScHelperSignMessage( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, (LPCWSTR)szPIN, Algorithm, BufferLength, Buffer, SignatureLength, &SignatureBuffer); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperSignMessage - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Return; }
// if SignatureBuffer.cb is not 0, then the called is getting back data
if (SignatureBuffer.cb != 0) { memcpy(Signature, SignatureBuffer.pb, SignatureBuffer.cb); }
Return: if (SignatureBuffer.pb != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(SignatureBuffer.pb); }
return (status); }
// __ScHelperVerifyMessage:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperVerifyMessage( IN OPTIONAL PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN PCCERT_CONTEXT CertificateContext, IN ULONG Algorithm, IN PBYTE Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN PBYTE Signature, IN ULONG SignatureLength ) { _ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo);
LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; __try { status = RPC_ScHelperVerifyMessage( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, Algorithm, BufferLength, Buffer, SignatureLength, Signature); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperVerifyMessage - %lx\n", _exception_code()); }
return (status); }
// __ScHelperSignPkcsMessage:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperSignPkcsMessage( IN OPTIONAL PUNICODE_STRING pucPIN, IN OPTIONAL PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN OPTIONAL HCRYPTPROV Provider, IN PCCERT_CONTEXT Certificate, IN PCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER Algorithm, IN DWORD dwSignMessageFlags, IN PBYTE Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE SignedBuffer, OUT OPTIONAL PULONG SignedBufferLength ) { if (Provider != NULL) { return (ScHelperSignPkcsMessage( pucPIN, pbLogonInfo, Provider, Certificate, Algorithm, dwSignMessageFlags, Buffer, BufferLength, SignedBuffer, SignedBufferLength)); }
_ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo);
LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CUnicodeString szPIN(pucPIN); OUT_BUFFER2 SignedBufferBuffer;
memset(&SignedBufferBuffer, 0, sizeof(SignedBufferBuffer));
// Make sure pin got initialized correctly in constructor
if (NULL != pucPIN) { if (!szPIN.Valid()) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Return; } }
// Make the call
__try { status = RPC_ScHelperSignPkcsMessage( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, (LPCWSTR)szPIN, Algorithm->pszObjId, Algorithm->Parameters.cbData, Algorithm->Parameters.pbData, dwSignMessageFlags, BufferLength, Buffer, SignedBufferLength, &SignedBufferBuffer); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperSignPkcsMessage - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Return; }
// if SignedBufferBuffer.cb is not 0, then the called is getting back data
if (SignedBufferBuffer.cb != 0) { memcpy(SignedBuffer, SignedBufferBuffer.pb, SignedBufferBuffer.cb); }
Return: if (SignedBufferBuffer.pb != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(SignedBufferBuffer.pb); } return (status); }
// __ScHelperVerifyPkcsMessage:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperVerifyPkcsMessage( IN OPTIONAL PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN OPTIONAL HCRYPTPROV Provider, IN PBYTE Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE DecodedBuffer, OUT OPTIONAL PULONG DecodedBufferLength, OUT OPTIONAL PCCERT_CONTEXT * CertificateContext ) { if (Provider != NULL) { return (ScHelperVerifyPkcsMessage( pbLogonInfo, Provider, Buffer, BufferLength, DecodedBuffer, DecodedBufferLength, CertificateContext)); }
_ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo);
LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertCtx = NULL; OUT_BUFFER2 DecodedBufferBuffer; OUT_BUFFER1 CertBytes; BOOL fCertificateContextRequested = (CertificateContext != NULL); memset(&DecodedBufferBuffer, 0, sizeof(DecodedBufferBuffer)); memset(&CertBytes, 0, sizeof(CertBytes));
// Make the call
__try { status = RPC_ScHelperVerifyPkcsMessage( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, BufferLength, Buffer, DecodedBufferLength, &DecodedBufferBuffer, fCertificateContextRequested, &CertBytes); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperVerifyPkcsMessage - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Return; }
// Create the return CertContext based on the bytes returned
if (fCertificateContextRequested) { pCertCtx = CertCreateCertificateContext( X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CertBytes.pb, CertBytes.cb); if (pCertCtx == NULL) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; goto Return; } }
// if DecodedBufferBuffer.cb is not 0, then the called is getting back data
if (DecodedBufferBuffer.cb != 0) { memcpy(DecodedBuffer, DecodedBufferBuffer.pb, DecodedBufferBuffer.cb); }
Return: if (fCertificateContextRequested) { *CertificateContext = pCertCtx; }
if (DecodedBufferBuffer.pb != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(DecodedBufferBuffer.pb); }
if (CertBytes.pb != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(CertBytes.pb); } return (status); }
// __ScHelperDecryptMessage:
NTSTATUS WINAPI __ScHelperDecryptMessage( IN PUNICODE_STRING pucPIN, IN OPTIONAL PBYTE pbLogonInfo, IN OPTIONAL HCRYPTPROV Provider, IN PCCERT_CONTEXT CertificateContext, IN PBYTE CipherText, // Supplies formatted CipherText
IN ULONG CipherLength, // Supplies the length of the CiperText
OUT PBYTE ClearText, // Receives decrypted message
IN OUT PULONG pClearLength // Supplies length of buffer, receives actual length
) { if (Provider != NULL) { return (ScHelperDecryptMessage( pucPIN, pbLogonInfo, Provider, CertificateContext, CipherText, CipherLength, ClearText, pClearLength)); }
_ASSERTE(NULL != pbLogonInfo);
LogonInfo *pLI = (LogonInfo *)pbLogonInfo; SCLOGON_PIPE *pSCLogonPipe = (SCLOGON_PIPE *) pLI->ContextInformation; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CUnicodeString szPIN(pucPIN); OUT_BUFFER2 ClearTextBuffer; memset(&ClearTextBuffer, 0, sizeof(ClearTextBuffer));
// Make sure pin got initialized correctly in constructor
if (NULL != pucPIN) { if (!szPIN.Valid()) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Return; } }
// Make the call
__try { status = RPC_ScHelperDecryptMessage( pSCLogonPipe->hRPCBinding, pSCLogonPipe->BindingContext, (LPCWSTR)szPIN, CipherLength, CipherText, pClearLength, &ClearTextBuffer); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = STATUS_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE; DbgPrint("Exception occurred during RPC_ScHelperDecryptMessage - %lx\n", _exception_code()); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Return; }
// if ClearTextBuffer.cb is not 0, then the called is getting back data
if (ClearTextBuffer.cb != 0) { memcpy(ClearText, ClearTextBuffer.pb, ClearTextBuffer.cb); }
Return: if (ClearTextBuffer.pb != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(ClearTextBuffer.pb); } return (status); }