/* Copyright (C) Boris Nikolaus, Germany, 1996-1997. All rights reserved. */ /* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-1998. All rights reserved. */
// Module Name: ms_per.c
// Brief Description:
// This module contains the routines for the Microsoft
// ASN.1 encoder and decoder.
// History:
// 10/15/97 Lon-Chan Chu (lonchanc)
// Created.
// Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
int ASN1PEREncInteger(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1int32_t val) { ASN1uint32_t l = ASN1int32_octets(val); ASN1PEREncAlignment(enc); if (ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, 8, l)) { return ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, l * 8, val); } return 0; }
int ASN1PERDecInteger(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1int32_t *val) { ASN1uint32_t l; ASN1PERDecAlignment(dec); if (ASN1PERDecFragmentedLength(dec, &l)) { return ASN1PERDecS32Val(dec, l * 8, val); } return 0; }
int ASN1PEREncUnsignedInteger(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t val) { ASN1uint32_t l = ASN1uint32_uoctets(val); ASN1PEREncAlignment(enc); if (ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, 8, l)) { return ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, l * 8, val); } return 0; }
int ASN1PERDecUnsignedInteger(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t *val) { ASN1uint32_t l; ASN1PERDecAlignment(dec); if (ASN1PERDecFragmentedLength(dec, &l)) { return ASN1PERDecU32Val(dec, l * 8, val); } return 0; }
int ASN1PEREncUnsignedShort(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t val) { ASN1PEREncAlignment(enc); return ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, 16, val); }
int ASN1PERDecUnsignedShort(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint16_t *val) { ASN1PERDecAlignment(dec); return ASN1PERDecU16Val(dec, 16, val); }
int ASN1PEREncBoolean(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1bool_t val) { return ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, 1, val ? 1 : 0); }
int ASN1PERDecBoolean(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1bool_t *val) { DecAssert(dec, sizeof(ASN1bool_t) == sizeof(ASN1uint8_t)); *val = 0; // in case we change the boolean type
return ASN1PERDecU8Val(dec, 1, val); }
__inline int _EncExtensionBitClear(ASN1encoding_t enc) { return ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, 1, 0); }
int ASN1PEREncExtensionBitClear(ASN1encoding_t enc) { return _EncExtensionBitClear(enc); }
__inline int _EncExtensionBitSet(ASN1encoding_t enc) { return ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, 1, 1); }
int ASN1PEREncExtensionBitSet(ASN1encoding_t enc) { return _EncExtensionBitSet(enc); }
int ASN1PERDecSkipNormallySmallExtensionFragmented(ASN1decoding_t dec) { ASN1uint32_t e, i; if (ASN1PERDecSkipNormallySmallExtension(dec, &e)) { for (i = 0; i < e; i++) { if (ASN1PERDecSkipFragmented(dec, 8)) { continue; } return 0; } return 1; } return 0; }
int ASN1PEREncSimpleChoice(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1choice_t ChoiceVal, ASN1int32_t cChoiceBits) { if (ChoiceVal >= ASN1_CHOICE_BASE) { ChoiceVal -= ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; return (cChoiceBits ? ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, cChoiceBits, ChoiceVal) : 1); } EncAssert(enc, FALSE); return 0; }
int ASN1PERDecSimpleChoice(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1choice_t *pChoiceVal, ASN1int32_t cChoiceBits) { DecAssert(dec, cChoiceBits <= sizeof(ASN1choice_t) * 8); *pChoiceVal = ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; // default choice
if (cChoiceBits) { if (ASN1PERDecU16Val(dec, cChoiceBits, pChoiceVal)) { *pChoiceVal += ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; } else { return 0; } } return 1; }
int ASN1PEREncSimpleChoiceEx(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1choice_t ChoiceVal, ASN1int32_t cChoiceBits) { if (ChoiceVal >= ASN1_CHOICE_BASE) { ChoiceVal -= ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; if (_EncExtensionBitClear(enc)) { return (cChoiceBits ? ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, cChoiceBits, ChoiceVal) : 1); } } else { EncAssert(enc, 0); } return 0; }
int ASN1PERDecSimpleChoiceEx(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1choice_t *pChoiceVal, ASN1int32_t cChoiceBits) { ASN1uint32_t x; DecAssert(dec, cChoiceBits <= sizeof(ASN1choice_t) * 8); if (ASN1PERDecExtensionBit(dec, &x)) { if (!x) { *pChoiceVal = ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; // default choice
if (cChoiceBits) { if (ASN1PERDecU16Val(dec, cChoiceBits, pChoiceVal)) { *pChoiceVal += ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; return 1; } return 0; } return 1; }
*pChoiceVal = ASN1_CHOICE_EXTENSION; // extension choice
return ASN1PERDecSkipNormallySmall(dec); } return 0; }
int ASN1PEREncComplexChoice(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1choice_t ChoiceVal, ASN1int32_t cChoiceBits, ASN1choice_t ExtensionChoice) { if (ChoiceVal >= ASN1_CHOICE_BASE) { ChoiceVal -= ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; if (ChoiceVal < ExtensionChoice) // lonchanc: no equal sign
{ if (_EncExtensionBitClear(enc)) { if (cChoiceBits) { return ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, cChoiceBits, ChoiceVal); } return 1; } } else { if (_EncExtensionBitSet(enc)) { return ASN1PEREncNormallySmall(enc, ChoiceVal - ExtensionChoice); } } } else { EncAssert(enc, 0); } return 0; }
int ASN1PERDecComplexChoice(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1choice_t *pChoiceVal, ASN1int32_t cChoiceBits, ASN1choice_t ExtensionChoice) { ASN1uint32_t x; DecAssert(dec, cChoiceBits <= sizeof(ASN1choice_t) * 8); if (ASN1PERDecExtensionBit(dec, &x)) { if (!x) { *pChoiceVal = ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; // default choice
if (cChoiceBits) { if (ASN1PERDecU16Val(dec, cChoiceBits, pChoiceVal)) { *pChoiceVal += ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; return 1; } return 0; } return 1; }
if (ASN1PERDecN16Val(dec, pChoiceVal)) { *pChoiceVal += ExtensionChoice + ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; return 1; } } return 0; }
int ASN1PEREncOctetString_NoSize(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1octetstring_t *pOctetStr) { return ASN1PEREncFragmented(enc, pOctetStr->length, pOctetStr->value, 8); }
int ASN1PERDecOctetString_NoSize(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1octetstring_t *pOctetStr) { return ASN1PERDecFragmented(dec, &(pOctetStr->length), &(pOctetStr->value), 8); }
int _PEREncOctetString2 ( ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t length, ASN1octet_t *value, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLowerBound, ASN1uint32_t nSizeUpperBound, ASN1uint32_t cSizeBits ) { // fixed size array?
if (nSizeLowerBound == nSizeUpperBound) { ASN1uint32_t nSizeLimit = nSizeLowerBound; EncAssert(enc, cSizeBits == 0); EncAssert(enc, nSizeLimit < 64 * 1024); if (length == nSizeLimit) { if (nSizeLimit > 2) { ASN1PEREncAlignment(enc); } return ASN1PEREncBits(enc, nSizeLimit * 8, value); } EncAssert(enc, 0); return 0; }
// ranged size array
EncAssert(enc, cSizeBits); EncAssert(enc, nSizeLowerBound < nSizeUpperBound); if (nSizeLowerBound <= length && length <= nSizeUpperBound) { if (nSizeUpperBound - nSizeLowerBound < 255) // lonchanc: inherited from TELES
{ if (ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, cSizeBits, length - nSizeLowerBound)) { ASN1PEREncAlignment(enc); } else { return 0; } } else { EncAssert(enc, cSizeBits % 8 == 0); ASN1PEREncAlignment(enc); if (!ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, cSizeBits, length - nSizeLowerBound)) return 0; } return ASN1PEREncBits(enc, length * 8, value); } EncAssert(enc, 0); return 0; }
int ASN1PEREncOctetString_FixedSize(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1octetstring2_t *pOctetStr, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLimit) { return _PEREncOctetString2(enc, pOctetStr->length, &(pOctetStr->value[0]), nSizeLimit, nSizeLimit, 0); }
int ASN1PEREncOctetString_FixedSizeEx(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1octetstring_t *pOctetStr, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLimit) { return _PEREncOctetString2(enc, pOctetStr->length, pOctetStr->value, nSizeLimit, nSizeLimit, 0); }
int ASN1PEREncOctetString_VarSize(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1octetstring2_t *pOctetStr, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLowerBound, ASN1uint32_t nSizeUpperBound, ASN1uint32_t cSizeBits) { return _PEREncOctetString2(enc, pOctetStr->length, &(pOctetStr->value[0]), nSizeLowerBound, nSizeUpperBound, cSizeBits); }
int ASN1PEREncOctetString_VarSizeEx(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1octetstring_t *pOctetStr, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLowerBound, ASN1uint32_t nSizeUpperBound, ASN1uint32_t cSizeBits) { return _PEREncOctetString2(enc, pOctetStr->length, pOctetStr->value, nSizeLowerBound, nSizeUpperBound, cSizeBits); }
int _PERDecOctetString2 ( ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t *length, ASN1octet_t **value, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLowerBound, ASN1uint32_t nSizeUpperBound, ASN1uint32_t cSizeBits ) { // fixed size array?
if (nSizeLowerBound == nSizeUpperBound) { ASN1uint32_t nSizeLimit = nSizeLowerBound; DecAssert(dec, cSizeBits == 0); DecAssert(dec, nSizeLimit < 64 * 1024); *length = nSizeLimit; if (nSizeLimit > 2) { ASN1PERDecAlignment(dec); } if (NULL == *value) { // must be unbounded
*value = (ASN1octet_t *) DecMemAlloc(dec, nSizeLimit + 1); if (NULL == *value) { return 0; } } return ASN1PERDecExtension(dec, nSizeLimit * 8, *value); }
// ranged size array
DecAssert(dec, cSizeBits); DecAssert(dec, nSizeLowerBound < nSizeUpperBound); if (nSizeUpperBound - nSizeLowerBound < 255) // lonchanc: inherited from TELES
{ if (ASN1PERDecU32Val(dec, cSizeBits, length)) { *length += nSizeLowerBound; ASN1PERDecAlignment(dec); } else { return 0; } } else { DecAssert(dec, cSizeBits % 8 == 0); ASN1PERDecAlignment(dec); if (ASN1PERDecU32Val(dec, cSizeBits, length)) { *length += nSizeLowerBound; } else { return 0; } } if (*length <= nSizeUpperBound) { if (NULL == *value) { *value = (ASN1octet_t *) DecMemAlloc(dec, *length + 1); if (NULL == *value) { return 0; } } return ASN1PERDecExtension(dec, *length * 8, *value); } DecAssert(dec, 0); return 0;
int ASN1PERDecOctetString_FixedSize(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1octetstring2_t *pOctetStr, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLimit) { ASN1octet_t *pData = &(pOctetStr->value[0]); return _PERDecOctetString2(dec, &(pOctetStr->length), &pData, nSizeLimit, nSizeLimit, 0); }
int ASN1PERDecOctetString_FixedSizeEx(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1octetstring_t *pOctetStr, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLimit) { pOctetStr->value = NULL; return _PERDecOctetString2(dec, &(pOctetStr->length), &(pOctetStr->value), nSizeLimit, nSizeLimit, 0); }
int ASN1PERDecOctetString_VarSize(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1octetstring2_t *pOctetStr, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLowerBound, ASN1uint32_t nSizeUpperBound, ASN1uint32_t cSizeBits) { ASN1octet_t *pData = &(pOctetStr->value[0]); return _PERDecOctetString2(dec, &(pOctetStr->length), &pData, nSizeLowerBound, nSizeUpperBound, cSizeBits); }
int ASN1PERDecOctetString_VarSizeEx(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1octetstring_t *pOctetStr, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLowerBound, ASN1uint32_t nSizeUpperBound, ASN1uint32_t cSizeBits) { pOctetStr->value = NULL; return _PERDecOctetString2(dec, &(pOctetStr->length), &(pOctetStr->value), nSizeLowerBound, nSizeUpperBound, cSizeBits); }
int ASN1PEREncSeqOf_NoSize(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1iterator_t **val, ASN1iterator_encfn pfnIterator) { ASN1uint32_t t; ASN1iterator_t *f; ASN1uint32_t i; ASN1uint32_t j, n = 0x4000; EncAssert(enc, NULL != pfnIterator); for (t = 0, f = *val; f; f = f->next) t++; f = *val; for (i = 0; i < t;) { if (ASN1PEREncFragmentedLength(&n, enc, t - i)) { for (j = 0; j < n; i++, j++) { if (((*pfnIterator)(enc, f))) { f = f->next; continue; } return 0; } } else { return 0; } }
return ((n < 0x4000) ? 1 : ASN1PEREncFragmentedLength(&n, enc, 0)); }
int ASN1PERDecSeqOf_NoSize(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1iterator_t **val, ASN1iterator_decfn pfnIterator, ASN1uint32_t cbElementSize) { ASN1iterator_t **f; ASN1uint32_t l; ASN1uint32_t i; ASN1uint32_t n; DecAssert(dec, NULL != pfnIterator); f = val; do { if (ASN1PERDecFragmentedLength(dec, &n)) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (NULL != (*f = (ASN1iterator_t *)DecMemAlloc(dec, cbElementSize))) { if ((*pfnIterator)(dec, *f)) { f = &(*f)->next; continue; } } return 0; } } else { return 0; } } while (n >= 0x4000); *f = NULL; return 1; }
int ASN1PEREncSeqOf_VarSize(ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1iterator_t **val, ASN1iterator_encfn pfnIterator, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLowerBound, ASN1uint32_t nSizeUpperBound, ASN1uint32_t cSizeBits) { ASN1uint32_t t; ASN1iterator_t *f; for (t = 0, f = *val; f; f = f->next) t++; if (nSizeLowerBound <= t && t <= nSizeUpperBound) { if (nSizeUpperBound - nSizeLowerBound + 1 >= 256) { ASN1PEREncAlignment(enc); } if (ASN1PEREncBitVal(enc, cSizeBits, t - nSizeLowerBound)) { for (f = *val; f; f = f->next) { if (((*pfnIterator)(enc, f))) { continue; } return 0; } return 1; } } else { EncAssert(enc, 0); } return 0; }
int ASN1PERDecSeqOf_VarSize(ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1iterator_t **val, ASN1iterator_decfn pfnIterator, ASN1uint32_t cbElementSize, ASN1uint32_t nSizeLowerBound, ASN1uint32_t nSizeUpperBound, ASN1uint32_t cSizeBits) { ASN1iterator_t **f; ASN1uint32_t l, i;
if (nSizeUpperBound - nSizeLowerBound + 1 >= 256) { ASN1PERDecAlignment(dec); } if (ASN1PERDecU32Val(dec, cSizeBits, &l)) { l += nSizeLowerBound; DecAssert(dec, l <= nSizeUpperBound); f = val; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (NULL != (*f = (ASN1iterator_t *)DecMemAlloc(dec, cbElementSize))) { if ((*pfnIterator)(dec, *f)) { f = &(*f)->next; continue; } } return 0; } *f = NULL; return 1; } return 0; }
void ASN1PERFreeSeqOf(ASN1iterator_t **val, ASN1iterator_freefn pfnIterator) { if (val) { ASN1iterator_t *f, *ff; for (f = *val; f; f = ff) { ff = f->next; if (pfnIterator) { (*pfnIterator)(f); } MemFree(f); } } }