#include "precomp.h"
// Whiteboard Services
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
#include <wb.hpp>
// Constructor
BOOL WbClient::WbInit(PUT_CLIENT putTask, UTEVENT_PROC eventProc) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Fill in the fields
m_state = STATE_EMPTY; m_subState = STATE_EMPTY; m_hLoadFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Set the current state to the start of registration state.
// Store the UT handle - we will need this in any calls to the UT API.
// Set the ObMan handle to NULL to show that we have not registered.
m_state = STATE_STARTING; m_subState = STATE_START_START; m_putTask = putTask; m_pomClient = NULL; UT_RegisterEvent(putTask, eventProc, NULL, UT_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
TRACE_OUT(("Initialized state to STATE_STARTING"));
// Register an event handler to trap events from ObMan. The third
// parameter is data that will be passed to the event handler. We give
// the client data pointer so that we can access the correct data for
// each message.
UT_RegisterEvent(putTask, wbCoreEventHandler, this, UT_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
// Register as a Call Manager Secondary. This is required to query the
// Call Manager personID to insert into the WB_PERSON structure.
if (!CMS_Register(putTask, CMTASK_WB, &(m_pcmClient))) { ERROR_OUT(("CMS_Register failed")); DC_QUIT; }
// Update the state
// Register with ObMan as a client
if (OM_Register(putTask, OMCLI_WB, &(m_pomClient)) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_Register failed")); DC_QUIT; }
// Update the state
// Register an exit handler. This has to be done after registering with
// ObMan so that it gets called before the exit procedure registered by
// ObMan.
UT_RegisterExit(putTask, wbCoreExitHandler, this);
// Update the state
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(WbInit, rc); return(rc);
// CreateWBObject()
BOOL WINAPI CreateWBObject ( UTEVENT_PROC eventProc, IWbClient** ppwbClient ) { BOOL rc = FALSE; WbClient* pwbClient = NULL; PUT_CLIENT putTask = NULL;
// Initialize the WB task
if (!UT_InitTask(UTTASK_WB, &putTask)) { ERROR_OUT(("Can't register WB task")); DC_QUIT; }
// Allocate the WB client object
pwbClient = new WbClient(); if (!pwbClient) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't allocate WbClient object"));
UT_TermTask(&putTask); DC_QUIT; } else { rc = pwbClient->WbInit(putTask, eventProc); if (!rc) { pwbClient->WBP_Stop(eventProc); pwbClient = NULL; } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: *ppwbClient = (IWbClient *)pwbClient;
DebugExitBOOL(CreateWBObject, rc); return(rc); }
// WBP_Stop()
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_Stop(UTEVENT_PROC eventProc) { PUT_CLIENT putTask;
// UT_TermTask() will call our exit handler and cause cleanup.
putTask = m_putTask; UT_DeregisterEvent(putTask, eventProc, NULL);
// NOTE:
// UT_TermTask() will put NULL into the pointer you pass in after it
// has finished. But part of its job is to call your exit proc. Our
// exit handler will call 'delete this' to kill us off. So when it
// winds back to UT_TermTask(), the UT_CLIENT* pointer will be invalid.
// That's why we use a temp. variable.
DebugExitVOID(WBP_Stop); }
// WBP_PostEvent()
// Post an event back to the WB applet after a delay
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_PostEvent ( UINT delay, UINT event, UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { DebugEntry(WBP_PostEvent);
UT_PostEvent(m_putTask, m_putTask, delay, event, param1, param2);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_PostEvent); }
// WBP_JoinCall
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_JoinCall ( BOOL bContentsKeep, UINT callID ) { UINT result = 0;
TRACE_OUT(("Keep contents = %s", (bContentsKeep) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); TRACE_OUT(("Call ID = %d", callID));
// If we are to keep the existing contents, just move our workset group
// into the specified call.
if (bContentsKeep) { result = OM_WSGroupMoveReq(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, callID, &(m_wsgroupCorrelator)); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_WSGroupMoveReq failed")); DC_QUIT; }
// The move request was successful, change the state to show that we
// are waiting for a move request to complete.
// Leave the current call. This returns the client state to what it
// should be after a wbStart call.
// Register with the workset group
result = OM_WSGroupRegisterPReq(m_pomClient, callID, OMFP_WB, OMWSG_WB, &(m_wsgroupCorrelator)); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_WSGroupRegisterReq failed, result = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Update the state
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_JoinCall, result); return(result); }
// WBP_ContentsDelete
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_ContentsDelete(void) { UINT result = 0;
// Make sure that we have the Page Order Lock
// Request the lock
// Reset the flag indicating that the contents have changed
m_changed = FALSE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_ContentsDelete, result); return(result); }
// WBP_ContentsLoad
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_ContentsLoad(LPCSTR pFileName) { UINT result = 0; HANDLE hFile;
// Check that we have the lock
// Check the load state
if (m_loadState != LOAD_STATE_EMPTY) { result = WB_RC_ALREADY_LOADING; DC_QUIT; }
// Validate the file, and get a handle to it.
// If there is an error, then no file handle is returned.
result = WBP_ValidateFile(pFileName, &hFile); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Bad file header")); DC_QUIT; }
// Save the file handle for the rest of the load process
m_hLoadFile = hFile;
// We now need to make sure that the contents are deleted before we start
// adding the new objects.
// Update the load state to show that we are waiting for the contents
// delete to complete.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_ContentsLoad, result); return(result); }
// WBP_ContentsSave
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_ContentsSave(LPCSTR pFileName) { UINT result = 0; UINT index; HANDLE hFile; PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder = &(m_pageOrder); WB_FILE_HEADER fileHeader; WB_END_OF_FILE endOfFile;
// Open the file
hFile = CreateFile(pFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { result = WB_RC_CREATE_FAILED; ERROR_OUT(("Error creating file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); DC_QUIT; }
// Write the file header. This contains the name of the function profile
// that wrote the file and allows the file type to be tested when it is
// loaded.
ZeroMemory(&fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader)); fileHeader.length = sizeof(fileHeader); fileHeader.type = TYPE_FILE_HEADER;
lstrcpy(fileHeader.functionProfile, WB_FP_NAME);
result = wbObjectSave(hFile, (LPBYTE) &fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader)); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error writing end-of-page = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Loop through the pages, saving each as we go
for (index = 0; index < pPageOrder->countPages; index++) { //
// Save the page
result = wbPageSave((WB_PAGE_HANDLE)pPageOrder->pages[index], hFile); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error saving page = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; } }
// If we have successfully written the contents, we write an end-of-page
// marker to the file.
ZeroMemory(&endOfFile, sizeof(endOfFile)); endOfFile.length = sizeof(endOfFile); endOfFile.type = TYPE_END_OF_FILE;
// Write the end-of-file object
result = wbObjectSave(hFile, (LPBYTE) &endOfFile, sizeof(endOfFile)); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error writing end-of-page = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Success!
TRACE_OUT(("Resetting changed flag")); m_changed = FALSE;
// Close the file
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); }
// If an error occurred in saving the contents to file, and the file was
// opened, then delete it.
if (result != 0) { //
// If the file was opened successfully, close it
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DeleteFile(pFileName); } }
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_ContentsSave, result); return(result); }
// WBP_ContentsChanged
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) WbClient::WBP_ContentsChanged(void) { BOOL changed = FALSE; UINT result; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage; POM_OBJECT pObj;
TRACE_OUT(("changed %d", m_changed));
if (m_changed) { //
// The whiteboard may have been changed, but if the change was to
// empty it then don't bother. This is because we cannot detect that
// the New operation was a local New or a remote clear and so we would
// always prompt after New. Assuming that the user never needs to
// always prompt after New. Assuming that the user will manually save
// an workset he really wants to empty solves this problem.
// Scan all objects looking to see what is there - get handle to first
// page
result = wbPageHandle(WB_PAGE_HANDLE_NULL, PAGE_FIRST, &hPage); while (result == 0) { //
// Get the handle of the first object in the page workset.
result = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, 0, &pObj, FIRST); if (result != OM_RC_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { changed = TRUE; break; }
// Try the next page for an object
result = wbPageHandle(hPage, PAGE_AFTER, &hPage); } }
DebugExitBOOL(WBP_ContentsChanged, changed); return(changed); }
// WBP_ContentsLock
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_ContentsLock(void) { UINT result;
// Check that there is no lock currently
// Request the lock
result = wbLock(WB_LOCK_TYPE_CONTENTS); if (result != 0) { WBP_PostEvent(0, WBP_EVENT_LOCK_FAILED, result, 0); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(WBP_ContentsLock); }
// WBP_PageOrderLock
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_PageOrderLock(void) { UINT result = 0;
// Check that there is no lock currently
// Check that we are not in the process of cancelling a lock request
// Request the lock
result = wbLock(WB_LOCK_TYPE_PAGE_ORDER); if (result != 0) { WBP_PostEvent(0, WBP_EVENT_LOCK_FAILED, result, 0); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(WBP_PageOrderLock); }
// WBP_Unlock
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_Unlock(void) { UINT result = 0;
// If we are currently procesing a lock cancel request, leave the
// function - it should unlock soon anyway.
// Check that we are currently processing a lock - the lock need not
// necessarily have completed as we allow an application to call
// WBP_Unlock any time after it has called WBP_Lock, effectively
// cancelling a lock request.
// If we have completed the last lock request, simply do the unlock:
// The lock is not yet released, but will be when the
// OM_OBJECT_DELETE_IND is received.
if (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) { TRACE_OUT(("Unlock")); wbUnlock(); } else { //
// Otherwise we are part way through processing the last lock and need
// to cancel the lock on the next OM/lock event. e.g. when we receive
// the OM_WS_LOCK indication, we should abandon lock processing and
// unlock the WS.
TRACE_OUT(( "Part way through last lock set state to LOCK_STATE_CANCEL_LOCK")); m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_CANCEL_LOCK; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(WBP_Unlock); }
// WBP_LockStatus
STDMETHODIMP_(WB_LOCK_TYPE) WbClient::WBP_LockStatus(POM_OBJECT *ppObjPersonLock) { DebugEntry(WBP_LockStatus);
*ppObjPersonLock = m_pObjPersonLock;
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_LockStatus, m_lockType); return(m_lockType); }
// WBP_ContentsCountPages
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_ContentsCountPages(void) { UINT countPages;
countPages = (m_pageOrder).countPages;
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_ContentsCountPages, countPages); return(countPages); }
// WBP_PageClear
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PageClear ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage ) { UINT result = 0;
result = wbPageClear(hPage, RESET_CHANGED_FLAG);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PageClear, result); return(result); }
// WBP_PageClearConfirm
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_PageClearConfirm ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage ) { DebugEntry(WBP_PageClearConfirm);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_PageClearConfirm); }
// WBP_PageAddBefore - See wb.h
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PageAddBefore ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hRefPage, PWB_PAGE_HANDLE phPage ) { UINT result = 0;
// Make sure that we have the page order lock
// Add a new page before the specified page
result = wbPageAdd(hRefPage, PAGE_BEFORE, phPage, RESET_CHANGED_FLAG);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PageAddBefore, result); return(result); }
// WBP_PageAddAfter - See wb.h
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PageAddAfter ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hRefPage, PWB_PAGE_HANDLE phPage ) { UINT result = 0;
// Make sure that we have the Page Order Lock
// Add a new page before the specified page
result = wbPageAdd(hRefPage, PAGE_AFTER, phPage, RESET_CHANGED_FLAG);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PageAddAfter, result); return(result); }
// WBP_PageHandle - See wb.h
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PageHandle ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hRefPage, UINT where, PWB_PAGE_HANDLE phPage ) { UINT result;
result = wbPageHandle(hRefPage, where, phPage);
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PageHandle, result); return(result); }
// WBP_PageHandleFromNumber
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PageHandleFromNumber ( UINT pageNumber, PWB_PAGE_HANDLE phPage ) { UINT result;
result = wbPageHandleFromNumber(pageNumber, phPage);
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PageHandleFromNumber, result); return(result); }
// WBP_PageNumberFromHandle
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PageNumberFromHandle ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage ) { UINT pageNumber = 0;
if ((hPage < FIRST_PAGE_WORKSET) || (hPage > FIRST_PAGE_WORKSET + WB_MAX_PAGES - 1)) { WARNING_OUT(("WB: Invalid hPage=%u", (UINT) hPage)); DC_QUIT; }
// Validate the page handle given
if (GetPageState(hPage)->state != PAGE_IN_USE) { DC_QUIT; }
pageNumber = wbPageOrderPageNumber(&(m_pageOrder), hPage);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PageNumberFromHandle, pageNumber); return(pageNumber); }
// WBP_PageDelete - See wb.h
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PageDelete ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage ) { UINT result = 0; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState;
// Make sure that we have the Page Order Lock
// Delete the page
// Check whether the page is already being deleted
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); if ( (pPageState->state == PAGE_IN_USE) && (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EMPTY)) { //
// Set the page state to show that it is now in the delete process
pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_LOCAL_DELETE; TRACE_OUT(("Moved page %d substate to PAGE_STATE_LOCAL_DELETE", hPage));
// Update the page control object
if (wbWritePageControl(FALSE) != 0) { wbError(); DC_QUIT; } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PageDelete, result); return(result); }
// WBP_PageDeleteConfirm - See wb.h
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_PageDeleteConfirm ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage ) { UINT result = 0; PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState;
// Validate the specified page
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Delete the page
// Check that the page specified is waiting for a delete confirm
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); ASSERT(((pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_LOCAL_DELETE_CONFIRM) || (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE_CONFIRM)));
// Delete the page from the page order
pPageOrder = &(m_pageOrder);
wbPageOrderPageDelete(pPageOrder, hPage);
// Clear the page (to free memory)
if (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_LOCAL_DELETE_CONFIRM) { TRACE_OUT(("Local delete - clearing the page")); if (wbPageClear(hPage, RESET_CHANGED_FLAG) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Unable to clear page")); DC_QUIT; } }
// Update the page state to "not in use", with a substate of "ready" (we
// do not close the associated workset.
pPageState->state = PAGE_NOT_IN_USE; pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_READY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved page %d state to PAGE_NOT_IN_USE", hPage));
// Continue updating the Page Order
// Check the load state to see whether we are waiting to load the
// contents
if (m_loadState == LOAD_STATE_PENDING_DELETE) { //
// We are waiting to load. If there is now only one page available, we
// are ready to load, otherwise we wait for the further page deletes to
// happen.
if (m_pageOrder.countPages == 1) { //
// Start the load proper
wbStartContentsLoad(); } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(WBP_PageDeleteConfirm); }
// WBP_PageMoveAfter
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PageMove ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hRefPage, WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, UINT where ) { UINT result = 0;
// Make sure that we have the Page Order Lock
// Validate the specified page handles
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE); ASSERT(GetPageState(hRefPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Move the page
result = wbPageMove(hRefPage, hPage, where);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PageMove, result); return(result); }
// WBP_PageCountGraphics
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PageCountGraphics ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage ) { UINT count;
// Count the number of graphics on the page
OM_WorksetCountObjects(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, &count);
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PageCountGraphics, count); return(count); }
// WBP_GraphicAllocate
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_GraphicAllocate ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, UINT length, PPWB_GRAPHIC ppGraphic ) { UINT result = 0; POM_OBJECTDATA pData;
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Allocate a graphic object
result = OM_ObjectAlloc(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, length, &pData); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectAlloc = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Set the length of the object
pData->length = length;
// Convert the ObMan pointer to a core pointer
*ppGraphic = GraphicPtrFromObjectData(pData);
// Initialize the graphic header
ZeroMemory(*ppGraphic, sizeof(WB_GRAPHIC));
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GraphicAllocate, result); return(result); }
// WBP_GraphicAddLast
// Check whether another person has an active contents lock
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// If the Client is asking for the lock, copy the local person ID into
// the graphic object.
if (pGraphic->locked == WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_LOCAL) { pGraphic->lockPersonID = m_personID; }
// Check whether the page has been deleted but not yet confirmed: in this
// case return OK but do not add the object to the workset.
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); if ( (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE) || (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE_CONFIRM)) { TRACE_OUT(("Object add requested in externally deleted page - ignored")); *phGraphic = 0; DC_QUIT; }
// Add the graphic object to the page
pData = ObjectDataPtrFromGraphic(pGraphic);
result = OM_ObjectAdd(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, &pData, sizeof(WB_GRAPHIC), phGraphic, LAST); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectAdd = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GraphicAddLast, result); return(result); }
// WBP_GraphicUpdateRequest
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_GraphicUpdateRequest ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic, PWB_GRAPHIC pGraphic ) { UINT result = 0; POM_OBJECTDATA pData; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState;
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Check whether another person has an active contents lock
// Check whether another person has the graphic locked
QUIT_GRAPHIC_LOCKED(hPage, hGraphic, result);
// If the Client is asking for the lock, copy the local person ID into
// the graphic object.
if (pGraphic->locked == WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_LOCAL) { pGraphic->lockPersonID = m_personID; }
// Check whether the page has been deleted but not yet confirmed
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); if ( (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE) || (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE_CONFIRM)) { TRACE_OUT(("Object update requested in externally deleted page - ignored")); DC_QUIT; }
// Update the object
pData = ObjectDataPtrFromGraphic(pGraphic);
result = OM_ObjectUpdate(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic, &pData);
// Dont worry too much if the update fails because the object has been
// deleted, just trace an alert and return OK - the front end will be
// told that the object has gone later.
if (result != 0) { if (result == OM_RC_OBJECT_DELETED) { TRACE_OUT(("Update failed because object has been deleted")); result = 0; DC_QUIT; }
ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectUpdate = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Note that the object has not yet been updated. An
// OM_OBJECT_UPDATE_IND event will be generated.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GraphicUpdateRequest, result); return(result); }
// WBP_GraphicUpdateConfirm
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_GraphicUpdateConfirm ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic ) { DebugEntry(WBP_GraphicUpdateConfirm);
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Confirm the update to ObMan
OM_ObjectUpdateConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_GraphicUpdateConfirm); }
// WBP_GraphicReplaceRequest
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_GraphicReplaceRequest ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic, PWB_GRAPHIC pGraphic ) { UINT result = 0; POM_OBJECTDATA pData; POM_OBJECT pObjPersonLock; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState;
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// We allow the replace to go ahead if:
// - The object is locked by the local user
// - The object is not locked and the contents are not locked by
// a remote user
// Note that this allow the replace if the contents are locked by another
// user, but the local user has the object locked.
if (wbGraphicLocked(hPage, hGraphic, &pObjPersonLock)) { if (pObjPersonLock != m_pObjLocal) { TRACE_OUT(("Graphic is locked by remote client")); result = WB_RC_GRAPHIC_LOCKED; DC_QUIT; } } else { QUIT_CONTENTS_LOCKED(result); }
// If the Client is asking for the lock, copy the local person ID into
// the graphic object.
if (pGraphic->locked == WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_LOCAL) { pGraphic->lockPersonID = m_personID; }
// Check whether the page has been deleted but not yet confirmed
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); if ( (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE) || (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE_CONFIRM)) { TRACE_OUT(("Object replace requested in externally deleted page - ignored")); DC_QUIT; }
// Replace the object
pData = ObjectDataPtrFromGraphic(pGraphic);
result = OM_ObjectReplace(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic, &pData); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectReplace = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Note that the object has not yet been updated. An
// OM_OBJECT_REPLACE_IND event will be generated.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GraphicReplaceRequest, result); return(result); }
// WBP_GraphicUpdateConfirm
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_GraphicReplaceConfirm ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic ) { DebugEntry(WBP_GraphicReplaceConfirm);
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Confirm the update to ObMan
OM_ObjectReplaceConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_GraphicReplaceConfirm); }
// WBP_GraphicDeleteRequest
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_GraphicDeleteRequest ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic ) { UINT result = 0;
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Check whether another person has an active contents lock
// Check whether another person has the graphic locked
QUIT_GRAPHIC_LOCKED(hPage, hGraphic, result);
// Delete the object
result = OM_ObjectDelete(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectDelete = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Note that at this point the object is not yet deleted. An
// OM_OBJECT_DELETE_IND event is raised and processed by the Whiteboard
// Core event handler. A WB_EVENT_GRAPHIC_DELETED is then posted to the
// client. The client then calls WBP_GraphicDeleteConfirm to complete
// the deletion.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GraphicDeleteRequest, result); return(result); }
// WBP_GraphicDeleteConfirm
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_GraphicDeleteConfirm ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic ) { DebugEntry(WBP_GraphicDeleteConfirm);
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Confirm the delete
OM_ObjectDeleteConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_GraphicDeleteConfirm); }
// WBP_GraphicUnlock
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Check whether the page has been deleted but not yet confirmed
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); if ( (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE) || (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE_CONFIRM)) { TRACE_OUT(("Object update requested in externally deleted page - ignored")); DC_QUIT; }
// Read the object from ObMan
if (WBP_GraphicGet(hPage, hGraphic, &pGraphic) != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Could not get graphic - leaving function")); DC_QUIT; }
// Check the local client has the graphic locked
// Allocate a new graphic, copied from the existing one, and clear the
// lock field.
if (WBP_GraphicAllocate(hPage, sizeof(WB_GRAPHIC), &pNewGraphic) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Could not allocate memory for update object")); DC_QUIT; }
memcpy(pNewGraphic, pGraphic, sizeof(WB_GRAPHIC)); pNewGraphic->locked = WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_NONE;
// Unlock & update the object
pData = ObjectDataPtrFromGraphic(pNewGraphic); pData->length = sizeof(WB_GRAPHIC);
rc = OM_ObjectUpdate(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic, &pData);
// Dont worry too much if the update fails because the object has been
// deleted, just trace an alert and return OK - the front end will be
// told that the object has gone later.
if (rc != 0) { if (rc == OM_RC_OBJECT_DELETED) { TRACE_OUT(("Update failed because object has been deleted")); } else { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectUpdate = %d", rc)); } DC_QUIT; }
// Note that the object has not yet been updated. An
// OM_OBJECT_UPDATE_IND event will be generated.
// If we read the graphic successfully, release it now
if (pGraphic != NULL) { WBP_GraphicRelease(hPage, hGraphic, pGraphic); }
DebugExitVOID(WBP_GraphicUnlock); }
// WBP_GraphicMove
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_GraphicMove ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic, UINT where ) { UINT result = 0; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState;
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Check whether another person has an active contents lock
// Check whether the page has been deleted but not yet confirmed
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); if ( (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE) || (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_DELETE_CONFIRM)) { TRACE_OUT(("Object moved in externally deleted page - ignored")); DC_QUIT; }
// Do the move
result = OM_ObjectMove(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic, (OM_POSITION)where); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectMove = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GraphicMove, result); return(result); }
// WBP_GraphicSelectLast
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_GraphicSelect ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, POINT point, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hRefGraphic, UINT where, PWB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE phGraphic ) { UINT result = 0;
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Get the handle of the last object in the workset
result = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hRefGraphic, &hRefGraphic, (OM_POSITION)where);
if (result == OM_RC_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { result = WB_RC_NO_SUCH_GRAPHIC; DC_QUIT; }
if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectH = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Get the previous matching graphic - this function starts from the
// object in hRefGraphic and works back.
result = wbGraphicSelectPrevious(hPage, &point, hRefGraphic, phGraphic);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GraphicSelect, result); return(result); }
// WBP_GraphicGet
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_GraphicGet ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic, PPWB_GRAPHIC ppGraphic ) { UINT result = 0; UINT rc; POM_OBJECTDATA pData; PWB_GRAPHIC pGraphic; POM_OBJECT pObjPersonLock;
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Read the object.
result = OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic, &pData); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectRead = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Convert the ObMan pointer to a core pointer
pGraphic = GraphicPtrFromObjectData(pData);
// If the graphic object indicates that it is locked - verify that the
// locking person is still in the call.
if (pGraphic->locked != WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_NONE) { TRACE_OUT(("Graphic has lock flag set"));
// Convert the lock person ID in the graphic to a person handle
rc = OM_ObjectIDToPtr(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pGraphic->lockPersonID, &pObjPersonLock);
if (rc == OM_RC_BAD_OBJECT_ID) { //
// The locking person is no longer in the call - reset the lock flag
// in the graphic. This tells the client that the graphic can be
// changed.
TRACE_OUT(("Lock person has left call - resetting lock flag")); pGraphic->locked = WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_NONE; } else { if (rc == 0) { //
// The object is locked - check whether the lock belongs to the
// local person or a remote person.
if (pObjPersonLock == m_pObjLocal) { //
// Change the lock type to local to tell the client that they
// have the lock on this object.
TRACE_OUT(("Lock belongs to local person")); pGraphic->locked = WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_LOCAL; } else { //
// Change the lock type to remote to tell the client that another
// person has the lock on this object.
TRACE_OUT(("Lock belongs to remote person")); pGraphic->locked = WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_REMOTE; } } } }
// Return the pointer to the graphic data
*ppGraphic = pGraphic;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GraphicGet, result); return(result); }
// WBP_GraphicRelease
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_GraphicRelease ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic, PWB_GRAPHIC pGraphic ) { POM_OBJECTDATA pData;
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Release the object.
pData = ObjectDataPtrFromGraphic(pGraphic); OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hGraphic, &pData);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_GraphicRelease); }
// WBP_GraphicHandle
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_GraphicHandle ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hRefGraphic, UINT where, PWB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE phGraphic ) { UINT result;
// Check that the page handle is valid
ASSERT(GetPageState(hPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Get the handle of the first object in the page workset.
result = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, hRefGraphic, phGraphic, (OM_POSITION)where); if (result == OM_RC_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { TRACE_OUT(("No objects there")); result = WB_RC_NO_SUCH_GRAPHIC; }
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GraphicHandle, result); return(result); }
// WBP_PersonHandleFirst
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_PersonHandleFirst ( POM_OBJECT * ppObjPerson ) { DebugEntry(WBP_PersonHandleFirst);
OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, 0, ppObjPerson, FIRST);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_PersonHandleFirst); }
// WBP_PersonHandleNext
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PersonHandleNext ( POM_OBJECT pObjPerson, POM_OBJECT * ppObjPersonNext ) { UINT rc;
// Get the handle of the next object in the user information workset.
rc = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObjPerson, ppObjPersonNext, AFTER);
if (rc == OM_RC_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { rc = WB_RC_NO_SUCH_PERSON; } else if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectNextH = %d", rc)); }
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PersonHandleNext, rc); return(rc); }
// WBP_PersonHandleLocal
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_PersonHandleLocal ( POM_OBJECT * ppObjPerson ) { DebugEntry(WBP_PersonHandleLocal);
*ppObjPerson = m_pObjLocal;
DebugExitVOID(WBP_PersonHandleLocal); }
// WBP_PersonCountInCall
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_PersonCountInCall(void) { UINT count; POM_OBJECT pObj;
// Get the count:
pObj = NULL; WBP_PersonHandleFirst(&pObj); for (count = 1; ; count++) { if (WBP_PersonHandleNext(pObj, &pObj) == WB_RC_NO_SUCH_PERSON) { break; } }
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_PersonCountInCall, count); return(count); }
// WBP_GetPersonData
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_GetPersonData ( POM_OBJECT pObjPerson, PWB_PERSON pPerson ) { UINT rc;
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pPerson, sizeof(WB_PERSON)));
// Get the object.
rc = wbPersonGet(pObjPerson, pPerson);
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_GetPersonData, rc); return(rc); }
// WBP_SetLocalPersonData
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_SetLocalPersonData(PWB_PERSON pPerson) { UINT rc; POM_OBJECTDATA pUserObject;
ASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(pPerson, sizeof(WB_PERSON)));
// Allocate a user object
rc = OM_ObjectAlloc(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, sizeof(WB_PERSON), &pUserObject); if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectAlloc = %d", rc)); DC_QUIT; }
// Set the length of the object
pUserObject->length = sizeof(WB_PERSON);
// Copy the user information into the ObMan object
memcpy(pUserObject->data, pPerson, sizeof(WB_PERSON));
// Replace the user object
rc = OM_ObjectReplace(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, m_pObjLocal, &pUserObject); if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectReplace"));
// Discard the object
OM_ObjectDiscard(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, &pUserObject);
// Note that the object has not yet been updated. An
// OM_OBJECT_UPDATE_IND event will be generated.
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_SetPersonData, rc); return(rc); }
// WBP_PersonUpdateConfirm
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_PersonUpdateConfirm ( POM_OBJECT pObjPerson ) { DebugEntry(WBP_PersonUpdateConfirm);
// Confirm the update to ObMan
OM_ObjectUpdateConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObjPerson);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_PersonUpdateConfirm); }
// WBP_PersonReplaceConfirm
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_PersonReplaceConfirm ( POM_OBJECT pObjPerson ) { DebugEntry(WBP_PersonReplaceConfirm);
// Confirm the replace to ObMan
OM_ObjectReplaceConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObjPerson);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_PersonReplaceConfirm); }
// WBP_PersonLeftConfirm
STDMETHODIMP_(void) WbClient::WBP_PersonLeftConfirm ( POM_OBJECT pObjPerson ) { DebugEntry(WBP_PersonLeftConfirm);
// Confirm the update to ObMan
OM_ObjectDeleteConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObjPerson);
DebugExitVOID(WBP_PersonLeftConfirm); }
// WBP_SyncPositionGet
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_SyncPositionGet ( PWB_SYNC pSync ) { UINT result; POM_OBJECTDATA pSyncObject = NULL; PWB_SYNC_CONTROL pSyncControl = NULL;
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pSync, sizeof(WB_SYNC)));
// Read the Sync Control object
result = OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjSyncControl, &pSyncObject); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error reading Sync Control Object = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
pSyncControl = (PWB_SYNC_CONTROL) pSyncObject->data;
// Copy the Sync Person details to the result field
// NOTE:
// LiveLan sends a larger object, we need to ignore the stuff past the
// end.
if (pSyncControl->sync.length != sizeof(WB_SYNC)) { WARNING_OUT(("WBP_SyncPositionGet (interop): Remote created WB_SYNC of size %d, we expected size %d", pSyncControl->sync.length, sizeof(WB_SYNC))); } memcpy(pSync, &pSyncControl->sync, min(sizeof(WB_SYNC), pSyncControl->sync.length));
// Release the Sync Control Object
OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjSyncControl, &pSyncObject);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_SyncPositionGet, result); return(result); }
// WBP_SyncPositionUpdate
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_SyncPositionUpdate ( PWB_SYNC pSync ) { UINT result; POM_OBJECTDATA pSyncObject = NULL; PWB_SYNC_CONTROL pSyncControl = NULL;
ASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(pSync, sizeof(WB_SYNC)));
// Write the new sync control object (do not create it)
result = wbWriteSyncControl(pSync, FALSE);
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_SyncPositionUpdate, result); return(result); }
// WBP_CancelLoad
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_CancelLoad(void) { UINT result = 0;
// Check a load is in progress
if (m_loadState == LOAD_STATE_EMPTY) { TRACE_OUT(("request to cancel load, but there is no load in progress")); result = WB_RC_NOT_LOADING; DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("Cancelling load in progress"));
// Close the file
if (m_hLoadFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_hLoadFile); m_hLoadFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// reset the load state to show we're no longer loading.
m_loadState = LOAD_STATE_EMPTY;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(WBP_CancelLoad, result); return(result); }
// Name: WBP_ValidateFile
// Purpose: Validate that a passed filename holds a valid whiteboard file
// Returns: 0 if successful
// !0 if an error
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) WbClient::WBP_ValidateFile ( LPCSTR pFileName, HANDLE * phFile ) { UINT result = 0; HANDLE hFile; WB_FILE_HEADER fileHeader; UINT length; ULONG cbSizeRead; BOOL fileOpen = FALSE;
// Open the file
hFile = CreateFile(pFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WARNING_OUT(("Error opening file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); result = WB_RC_CREATE_FAILED; DC_QUIT; }
// Show that we have opened the file successfully
fileOpen = TRUE;
// Read the file header length
if (! ReadFile(hFile, (void *) &length, sizeof(length), &cbSizeRead, NULL)) { WARNING_OUT(("Error reading file header length, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); result = WB_RC_READ_FAILED; DC_QUIT; } ASSERT(cbSizeRead == sizeof(length));
if (length != sizeof(fileHeader)) { WARNING_OUT(("Bad file header")); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; DC_QUIT; }
// Read the file header
if (! ReadFile(hFile, (void *) &fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader), &cbSizeRead, NULL)) { WARNING_OUT(("Error reading file header, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); result = WB_RC_READ_FAILED; DC_QUIT; }
if (cbSizeRead != sizeof(fileHeader)) { WARNING_OUT(("Could not read file header")); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; DC_QUIT; }
// Validate the file header
if ( (fileHeader.type != TYPE_FILE_HEADER) || lstrcmp(fileHeader.functionProfile, WB_FP_NAME)) { WARNING_OUT(("Bad function profile in file header")); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; DC_QUIT; }
// Return the handle, if the user needs it.
if ( (result == 0) && (phFile != NULL)) { TRACE_OUT(("return file handle")); *phFile = hFile; }
// Close the file if there has been an error or the caller simply
// doesnt want the file handle.
if ( (fileOpen) && ((phFile == NULL) || (result != 0)) ) { CloseHandle(hFile); }
DebugExitDWORD(WBP_ValidateFile, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbGraphicLocked
// Purpose: Test whether a client has a lock on the specified graphic, and
// if so, return the person handle of the client holding the lock.
// Returns: TRUE if a client has a lock
// FALSE otherwise
BOOL WbClient::wbGraphicLocked ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic, POM_OBJECT * ppObjLock ) { BOOL result = FALSE; UINT rc; PWB_GRAPHIC pGraphic = NULL;
// Read the object
if (WBP_GraphicGet(hPage, hGraphic, &pGraphic) != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
// Look at its lock details
if (pGraphic->locked != WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_NONE) { //
// The lock flag in the graphic is set
// Convert the lock user ID in the graphic to a handle
rc = OM_ObjectIDToPtr(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pGraphic->lockPersonID, ppObjLock);
if (rc == 0) {
TRACE_OUT(("Graphic is locked")); result = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
if (rc != OM_RC_BAD_OBJECT_ID) { //
// An error occurred in converting the objectID
TRACE_OUT(("Error converting object ID to handle")); DC_QUIT; } }
// The object is not locked (or the lock user has left the call)
TRACE_OUT(("Graphic is not locked"));
// If the graphic is still held by us, release it
if (pGraphic != NULL) { WBP_GraphicRelease(hPage, hGraphic, pGraphic); }
DebugExitBOOL(wbGraphicLocked, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbAddLocalUserObject
// Purpose: Add an object to the user information workset for the local
// user.
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbAddLocalUserObject(void) { UINT rc; POM_OBJECTDATA pData; PWB_PERSON pUser; CM_STATUS cmStatus;
TRACE_OUT(("Adding the necessary control objects"));
// Build a user object for this user and write it to the User Information
// Workset.
rc = OM_ObjectAlloc(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, sizeof(WB_PERSON), &pData); if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error allocating object = %d", rc)); DC_QUIT; }
pData->length = sizeof(WB_PERSON); pUser = (PWB_PERSON) (pData->data);
// Initialize the contents of the user object for this user
TRACE_OUT(("Initialising user contents"));
ZeroMemory(pUser, sizeof(WB_PERSON));
pUser->currentPage = FIRST_PAGE_WORKSET; // lonchanc: it was 1.
pUser->synced = FALSE; pUser->pointerActive = FALSE; pUser->pointerPage = FIRST_PAGE_WORKSET; // lonchanc: it was 1.
pUser->colorId = (TSHR_UINT16)wbSelectPersonColor();
// Fill in the Call Manager personID if we are in a call.
if (CMS_GetStatus(&cmStatus)) { TRACE_OUT(("CMG personID %u", cmStatus.localHandle)); pUser->cmgPersonID = cmStatus.localHandle; } else { pUser->cmgPersonID = 0; }
// Copy the user name into the object:
lstrcpy(pUser->personName, cmStatus.localName);
// Copy the person's color into the client's data
m_colorId = pUser->colorId;
// Add the object to the User Information Workset, saving the handle of
// the user object in the client details.
rc = OM_ObjectAdd(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, &pData, WB_PERSON_OBJECT_UPDATE_SIZE, &m_pObjLocal, LAST); if (rc != 0) { //
// The add failed, we must discard the object
OM_ObjectDiscard(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, &pData);
ERROR_OUT(("Error adding user object = %d", rc)); DC_QUIT; }
// Save the ID of this user in the client details (for later use in the
// lock information).
OM_ObjectPtrToID(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, m_pObjLocal, &(m_personID));
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbAddLocalUserObject, rc); return(rc); }
// Name: wbGetEmptyPageHandle
// Purpose: Return a handle for a page that does not have its workset open.
// Returns: Handle of free page (or 0 if none exists)
WB_PAGE_HANDLE WbClient::wbGetEmptyPageHandle(void) { UINT index; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage = WB_PAGE_HANDLE_NULL; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState = m_pageStates;
// Search the page list for an empty entry
for (index = 0; index < WB_MAX_PAGES; index++, pPageState++) { if ( (pPageState->state == PAGE_NOT_IN_USE) && (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EMPTY)) { hPage = PAGE_INDEX_TO_HANDLE(index); break; } }
return(hPage); }
// Name: wbGetReadyPageHandle
// Purpose: Return a handle for a page that has its workset open but is not
// currently in use.
// Returns: Handle of free page (or 0 if none exists)
WB_PAGE_HANDLE WbClient::wbGetReadyPageHandle(void) { UINT index; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage = WB_PAGE_HANDLE_NULL; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState = m_pageStates;
// Search the page list for a ready entry
for (index = 0; index < WB_MAX_PAGES; index++, pPageState++) { if ( (pPageState->state == PAGE_NOT_IN_USE) && (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_READY)) { hPage = PAGE_INDEX_TO_HANDLE(index); break; } }
return(hPage); }
// Name: wbPageOrderPageNumber
// Purpose: Return the number of the specified page.
// This function performs no validation on its parameters.
// Returns: None
UINT WbClient::wbPageOrderPageNumber ( PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder, WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage ) { UINT index; POM_WORKSET_ID pPage = pPageOrder->pages;
// Search the page order list for the page handle (workset ID)
for (index = 0; index <= pPageOrder->countPages; index++) { if (pPage[index] == (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage) { DC_QUIT; } }
// The page was not found - this is an internal error
ERROR_OUT(("Page handle not found"));
// Return the page number starting from 1.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbPageOrderPageNumber, index + 1); return(index + 1); }
// Name: wbPageOrderPageAdd
// Purpose: Add a new page to a page order structure. This function expects
// the parameters to be valid - they must be checked before
// calling it. It also assumes that there is space in the page
// list for the new page.
// Params: pPageOrder - pointer to page list
// hRefPage - page used as a reference point for the new page
// hPage - handle of the page to be added
// where - relative position - before or after hRefPage
// Returns: None
void WbClient::wbPageOrderPageAdd ( PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder, WB_PAGE_HANDLE hRefPage, WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, UINT where ) { UINT index; POM_WORKSET_ID pPage = pPageOrder->pages;
// Process according to the add position
switch(where) { case PAGE_FIRST: index = 0; if (pPageOrder->countPages != 0) { UT_MoveMemory(&pPage[1], &pPage[0], pPageOrder->countPages*sizeof(pPage[0])); } break;
case PAGE_LAST: index = pPageOrder->countPages; break;
// Make an empty space in the page order list
index = wbPageOrderPageNumber(pPageOrder, hRefPage); if (where == PAGE_BEFORE) { index--; }
UT_MoveMemory(&pPage[index + 1], &pPage[index], (pPageOrder->countPages - index)*sizeof(pPage[0])); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad where parameter")); }
// Save the new page handle in the list
pPage[index] = hPage;
// Show that the extra page is now present
pPageOrder->countPages += 1;
DebugExitVOID(wbPageOrderPageAdd); }
// Name: wbPageOrderPageDelete
// Purpose: Remove the specified page from a page order structure. This
// function expects its the parameters to be valid - they must be
// checked before calling it.
// Returns: None
void WbClient::wbPageOrderPageDelete ( PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder, WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage ) { UINT index; POM_WORKSET_ID pPage = pPageOrder->pages;
index = wbPageOrderPageNumber(pPageOrder, hPage); UT_MoveMemory(&pPage[index - 1], &pPage[index], (pPageOrder->countPages - index)*sizeof(pPage[0]));
pPageOrder->countPages -= 1;
DebugExitVOID(wbPageOrderPageDelete); }
// Name: wbPagesPageAdd
// Purpose: Add a new page to the internal page list. This function expects
// the parameters to be valid - they must be checked before
// calling it. It also assumes that there is space in the page
// list for the new page.
// Returns: None
void WbClient::wbPagesPageAdd ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hRefPage, WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, UINT where ) { PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState;
// Add the page to the page order structure
wbPageOrderPageAdd(&(m_pageOrder), hRefPage, hPage, where);
// Update the page state information
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); pPageState->state = PAGE_IN_USE; pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_EMPTY;
DebugExitVOID(wbPagesPageAdd); }
// Name: wbClientReset
// Purpose: Reset the client data to a state where the client is not in a
// call, but is registered with ObMan and has event and exit
// handlers registered with utilities.
// Returns: None
void WbClient::wbClientReset(void) { UINT index; PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder = &(m_pageOrder); PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState = m_pageStates;
// Initialize object handles
m_pObjPageControl = NULL; m_pObjSyncControl = NULL; m_pObjLocal = NULL;
m_pObjLock = NULL; m_pObjPersonLock = NULL;
// Initialize the status variables
m_errorState = ERROR_STATE_EMPTY; m_changed = FALSE; m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_EMPTY; m_lockType = WB_LOCK_TYPE_NONE; m_lockRequestType = WB_LOCK_TYPE_NONE;
m_loadState = LOAD_STATE_EMPTY; if (m_hLoadFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_hLoadFile); m_hLoadFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
m_countReadyPages = 0;
// Zero the whole structure
ZeroMemory(pPageOrder, sizeof(*pPageOrder));
// Set the object type
pPageOrder->objectType = TYPE_CONTROL_PAGE_ORDER;
// Set up the page control elements
pPageOrder->generationLo = 1; pPageOrder->generationHi = 0; pPageOrder->countPages = 0;
// Initialize the page state structures
for (index = 0; index < WB_MAX_PAGES; index++, pPageState++) { pPageState->state = PAGE_NOT_IN_USE; pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_EMPTY; }
DebugExitVOID(wbClientReset); }
// Name: wbOnWsGroupRegisterCon
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_WSGROUP_REGISTER_CON events.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWsGroupRegisterCon ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; BOOL processed;
// Check that this is the event we are expecting
if (pEvent32->correlator != m_wsgroupCorrelator) { //
// We are not expecting this event, this means that it must be for a
// workset group which we wanted to deregister from (but had not yet
// received confirmation). So deregister immediately.
// Check that the return code for the registration is OK
if (pEvent32->result == 0) { OM_WSGroupDeregister(m_pomClient, &(pEvent16->hWSGroup)); }
processed = FALSE; DC_QUIT; }
// Show that we have processed the event
processed = TRUE;
// Test for the correct state
if (m_subState != STATE_REG_PENDING_WSGROUP_CON) { //
// We are not in the correct state for this event - this is an internal
// error.
ERROR_OUT(("Not in correct state for WSGroupRegisterCon")); DC_QUIT; }
// Check that the return code for the registration is OK
if (pEvent32->result != 0) { //
// Registration with the workset group failed - tidy up
// Registration with the workset group succeeded
m_hWSGroup = pEvent16->hWSGroup;
// Get the clients network ID, used in graphic objects to determine where
// they are loaded.
if (!wbGetNetUserID()) { //
// Tidy up (and post an error event to the client)
ERROR_OUT(("Failed to get user ID")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Start opening the worksets. We open them one at a time and wait for
// the response to avoid flooding the message queue.
// The user information workset is given high priority. This allows
// remote pointer movements to travel quickly.
if (OM_WorksetOpenPReq(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, NET_HIGH_PRIORITY, TRUE, &(m_worksetOpenCorrelator)) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("User Information Workset Open Failed")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Move to the next state
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWsGroupRegisterCon, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnWorksetOpenCon
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_WORKSET_OPEN_CON events.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWorksetOpenCon ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; BOOL processed = FALSE; OM_WORKSET_ID eventWorksetID;
// Process according to the workset ID
eventWorksetID = pEvent16->worksetID;
// If the event is for a page workset
if (eventWorksetID >= FIRST_PAGE_WORKSET) { //
// We are opening a page workset
processed = wbOnPageWorksetOpenCon(param1, param2); if (!processed) { DC_QUIT; } }
// We are done if this is a page workset other than the 1st page workset
if (eventWorksetID > FIRST_PAGE_WORKSET) { DC_QUIT; }
// Now check if it is one of the control worksets (the first page workset
// is both a control workset and a page workset).
if (eventWorksetID != FIRST_PAGE_WORKSET) { //
// Check the message correlator
if (pEvent32->correlator != m_worksetOpenCorrelator) { TRACE_OUT(("Correlators do not match - quitting")); DC_QUIT; } }
// We are opening a control workset - process the event
wbOnControlWorksetOpenCon(param1, param2); processed = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWorksetOpenCon, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnControlWorksetOpenCon
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_WORKSET_OPEN_CON events for control
// worksets.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnControlWorksetOpenCon ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; UINT rc; OM_WORKSET_ID eventId;
// Check the return code in the open
if (pEvent32->result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error reported on workset open = %d", pEvent32->result)); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// If we are in registration, we are opening the required worksets -
// continue the process.
if (m_state > STATE_REGISTERING) { ERROR_OUT(("Control workset open con after registration")); }
// Set up for opening the next workset
eventId = pEvent16->worksetID; switch(eventId) { case USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET: //
// The user information workset is given high priority. This allows
// remote pointer movements to travel quickly.
TRACE_OUT(("Opening Page Control workset")); rc = OM_WorksetOpenPReq(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, NET_HIGH_PRIORITY, FALSE, &(m_worksetOpenCorrelator));
// The sync control workset is given high priority to allow sync
// updates to travel quickly.
TRACE_OUT(("Opening Sync Control workset")); rc = OM_WorksetOpenPReq(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, NET_HIGH_PRIORITY, FALSE, &(m_worksetOpenCorrelator)); break;
// Open the first of the page worksets - we must do this to allow us
// to use it as the only page available if we are the first person in
// the call.
TRACE_OUT(("Opening first page workset")); rc = wbPageWorksetOpen((WB_PAGE_HANDLE)FIRST_PAGE_WORKSET, OPEN_LOCAL); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad workset ID")); break; }
// Check whether we have just opened another workset
if (eventId != FIRST_PAGE_WORKSET) { //
// Test the return code from the open
if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Workset open failed = %d", rc)); wbError(); }
// We have now opened all the control worksets. We now add the required
// control objects.
rc = wbAddLocalUserObject(); if (rc != 0) { //
// Stop the join call process, tidy up and send an error message to the
// client.
wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Check whether the Page Control objects are available yet (they could
// have been added by another user in the call).
TRACE_OUT(("%x PAGE WS object, %x SYNC WS object", m_pObjPageControl, m_pObjSyncControl)); if ( (m_pObjPageControl == 0) && (m_pObjSyncControl == 0)) { TRACE_OUT(("No control objects - WE MIGHT BE FIRST IN CALL - get lock"));
// We may be the first user to register - request the lock on the Page
// Control Workset.
rc = wbLock(WB_LOCK_TYPE_PAGE_ORDER); if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error from wbLock = %d", rc)); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Set the new registration state
m_subState = STATE_REG_PENDING_LOCK; TRACE_OUT(("Moved to substate STATE_REG_PENDING_LOCK")); DC_QUIT; } else { if (m_pObjSyncControl == 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Waiting for sync control")); m_subState = STATE_REG_PENDING_SYNC_CONTROL; DC_QUIT; }
if (m_pObjPageControl == 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Waiting for page control")); m_subState = STATE_REG_PENDING_PAGE_CONTROL; DC_QUIT; } }
// Complete registration
TRACE_OUT(("Page Control and Sync Control objects both there.")); TRACE_OUT(("Registration can be completed"));
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnControlWorksetOpenCon); }
// Name: wbPageWorksetOpen
// Purpose: Open a page workset
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbPageWorksetOpen ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, UINT localOrExternal ) { UINT result; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState;
// Get the page state
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); ASSERT((pPageState->state == PAGE_NOT_IN_USE)); ASSERT((pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EMPTY));
// Open the workset. We allow ObMan to choose the priority, this means
// that ObMan uses a variable priority scheme allowing small objects to
// overtake large ones.
result = OM_WorksetOpenPReq(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, OM_OBMAN_CHOOSES_PRIORITY, FALSE, &(pPageState->worksetOpenCorrelator)); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("WorksetOpen failed = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Update the page state
if (localOrExternal == OPEN_LOCAL) { pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_LOCAL_OPEN_CONFIRM; TRACE_OUT(("Moved page %d state to PAGE_STATE_PENDING_OPEN_CONFIRM", (UINT) hPage)); } else { pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_EXTERNAL_OPEN_CONFIRM; TRACE_OUT(("Moved page %d state to PAGE_STATE_PENDING_OPEN_CONFIRM", (UINT) hPage)); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbPageWorksetOpen, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbOnPageWorksetOpenCon
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_WORKSET_OPEN_CON events for page worksets
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnPageWorksetOpenCon ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; BOOL processed = FALSE; OM_WORKSET_ID eventId; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage; UINT oldState;
// Get the page state pointer
eventId = pEvent16->worksetID; hPage = (WB_PAGE_HANDLE)eventId; pPageState = GetPageState(hPage);
// Check the message correlator
if (pEvent32->correlator != pPageState->worksetOpenCorrelator) { TRACE_OUT(("Correlators do not match - quitting")); DC_QUIT; }
// Show that we have processed this event
processed = TRUE;
// Check the return code in the open
if (pEvent32->result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error reported on page workset open = %d", pEvent32->result));
pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved page %d substate to PAGE_STATE_EMPTY", (UINT)hPage)); DC_QUIT; }
// Update the page state to indicate that the page is now ready for use
oldState = pPageState->subState; pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_READY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved page %d to substate to PAGE_STATE_READY", (UINT)hPage));
switch (oldState) { case PAGE_STATE_LOCAL_OPEN_CONFIRM: //
// This workset was opened locally, therefore it is being opened as
// part of the workset cache. Nothing more to do.
// This workset was opened as a result of external updates to the
// Page Control object. We therefore need to add the page to the
// page list now that the workset is open. We no longer know where
// the page is to be added - so call the main Page Control update
// routine again to get all the information.
wbProcessPageControlChanges(); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad page state %d", pPageState->subState)); break; }
// Increment the number of pages in ready state. This count is never
// decremented - once a workset is open it stays open.
m_countReadyPages += 1;
// If we are in registration and are waiting for the cache of ready
// pages, we must complete registration now.
if ( (m_state == STATE_REGISTERING) && (m_subState == STATE_REG_PENDING_READY_PAGES) ) { //
// If there are enough pages in the cache
if (wbCheckReadyPages()) { //
// We have enough ready pages - complete registration
wbCompleteRegistration(); DC_QUIT; }
// There are not yet enough pages in the cache. CheckReadyPages will
// have made a new workset open request, so we will receive another
// workset open confirm soon.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnPageWorksetOpenCon, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnWorksetLockCon
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_WORKSET_LOCK_CON events.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWorksetLockCon ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; BOOL processed = FALSE; UINT rc;
// Check the message correlator
if (pEvent32->correlator != m_lockCorrelator) { DC_QUIT; }
// The message is for us - set the result to "processed"
processed = TRUE;
// Check that the event is for the Page Control Workset (this is the
// only expected workset).
if (pEvent16->worksetID != PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET) { ERROR_OUT(("Unexpected workset in LockCon = %d", pEvent16->worksetID)); }
// Process according to the current lock state
switch (m_lockState) { //
// We were waiting for lock confirmation
// Check the return code in the event
if (pEvent32->result != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_LOCK_FAILED, rc %d", pEvent32->result)); WBP_PostEvent(0, // No delay
WBP_EVENT_LOCK_FAILED, // Lock request failed
0, // No parameters
// The lock failed - update the state. This means that
// another user has acquired the lock. We expect to get a
// lock object add indication soon.
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Lock request failed - lock state is now EMPTY")); DC_QUIT; }
// Write the lock details to the Page Control Workset
rc = wbWriteLock(); if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Unable to write lock details = %d", rc));
// Tidy up by unlocking the Page Control Workset
OM_WorksetUnlock(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET);
// Tell the client of the failure
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_LOCK_FAILED")); WBP_PostEvent(0, // No delay
WBP_EVENT_LOCK_FAILED, // Lock request failed
0, // No parameters
// Update the lock state
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved lock state to LOCK_STATE_EMPTY")); DC_QUIT; }
// Once we get here the write of the lock object above will
// trigger an object add event that completes the lock
// processing.
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_PENDING_ADD; TRACE_OUT(("Moved lock state to LOCK_STATE_PENDING_ADD")); break;
// The application has cancelled the lock request before it has had
// time to complete - tidy up.
// If the request failed, just reset the state.
// The lock was cancelled - unlock the workset if necessary,
// and notify the front-end of the unlock.
if (pEvent32->result == 0) { //
// We have locked the workset successfully, but in the
// meantime the front-end has cancelled the lock, so unlock
// the workset now.
TRACE_OUT(( "Lock cancelled before workset locked, so unlock now")); OM_WorksetUnlock(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET); } m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_EMPTY;
// Tell the app that we have cancelled the lock.
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_UNLOCKED")); WBP_PostEvent(0, WBP_EVENT_UNLOCKED, 0, 0); break;
// Another has got in before us
// We have received a lock confirmation and should have been
// expecting the lock. But we are locked out. This means that
// another user has got in just before us, acquired the lock
// and added the lock object. We have processed the add and
// changed the lock state accordingly. This lock confirmation
// will therefore normally be a failure. If by some fluke it
// isn't, then we treat it as a failure for safety.
if (pEvent32->result == 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Lock violation"));
// Tidy up by unlocking the Page Control Workset - leave
// the state as LOCKED_OUT; we'll clear it on receipt of
// the unlock (either local, or from the locking user).
OM_WorksetUnlock(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET); } break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad lock state %d", m_lockState)); break; } // Switch on lock state
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWorksetLockCon, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnWorksetUnlockInd
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_WORKSET_UNLOCK_IND events.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWorksetUnlockInd ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; BOOL processed = TRUE;
// We are only interested if the workset id is that of the Page Control
// Workset.
if (pEvent16->worksetID != PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET) { TRACE_OUT(("Unexpected workset in unlock = %d", pEvent16->worksetID)); DC_QUIT; }
switch (m_lockState) { //
// We had the lock and are waiting to unlock or another user had
// the lock and has now removed it.
// We received the unlock of the workset before the removal of
// the lock object; we just ignore this, since the deletion of
// the lock object is our indication that the wb lock is removed.
TRACE_OUT(("Unlock of page control workset while locked out")); break;
// We are unlocking after an error acquiring the lock or after a
// user has cancelled alock before we had time to complete it.
// An error occurred in getting the lock - the client has
// already been informed so we just record the state change.
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved lock state to LOCK_STATE_EMPTY")); break;
// We are waiting for the lock - but have got an unlock instead.
// This could be from another user, or from previous aborted
// attempts by us to get the lock. We ignore the event and wait
// for our lock confirmation.
case LOCK_STATE_PENDING_LOCK: TRACE_OUT(( "Got unlock indication while waiting for lock confirmation")); break;
// We can get an unlock indication without ever having seen the
// lock object if the lock object was never added (failure at
// another user) or if ObMan has spoiled the add and delete.
case LOCK_STATE_EMPTY: TRACE_OUT(("Unlock received in LOCK_STATE_EMPTY - ignoring")); break;
// Unlock not expected in this state
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad lock state %d", m_lockState)); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWorksetUnlockInd, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnControlWorksetsReady
// Purpose: The control worksets have been opened and set up. Continue the
// registration process by updating the internal page order to
// ensure that in matches the external order.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnControlWorksetsReady(void) { DebugEntry(wbOnControlWorksetsReady);
// Read the Page Control object and compare its content to the internal
// Page Order.
// Update the state to show that we are waiting for the Page Order
// Updated event indicating that the internal page order now matches
// the external order.
DebugExitVOID(wbOnControlWorksetsReady); }
// Name: wbCompleteRegistration
// Purpose: Perform the final steps in registering a client. These are:
// post a WB_EVENT_REGISTERED event to the client; check if
// another user has a lock on the contents or page order, if so,
// to the client.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbCompleteRegistration(void) { DebugEntry(wbCompleteRegistration);
// Inform the client that we are fully registered
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_REGISTER_OK")); WBP_PostEvent(0, // No delay
WBP_EVENT_JOIN_CALL_OK, // Fully registered
0, // No parameters
// Notify the client of the lock status
// Record that we are now fully registered
m_state = STATE_IDLE; m_subState = STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved to state STATE_IDLE"));
DebugExitVOID(wbCompleteRegistration); }
// Name: wbLeaveCall
// Purpose: Remove a client from a call/workset group
// Returns: None
void WbClient::wbLeaveCall(void) { DebugEntry(wbLeaveCall);
// If we have not got far enough to have entered a call - leave now
// (there is nothing to tidy up).
if (m_state < STATE_REGISTERING) { DC_QUIT; }
// If we have the lock - delete the lock object (the workset will be
// unlocked by ObMan when we deregister).
if (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) { TRACE_OUT(("Still got lock - deleting lock object, handle %d", m_pObjLock)); if (OM_ObjectDelete(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjLock) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error deleting lock object")); }
// If all is well at this point the unlock process will be
// completed when the object delete ind is received.
// Fix up the sub state to indicate that all registration actions have
// been completed (to ensure that they are all undone).
if (m_state > STATE_REGISTERING) { m_subState = STATE_REG_END; TRACE_OUT(("Moved to substate STATE_REG_END")); }
// Delete the user object representing the local user from the User
// Information Workset (if it is present). Note that we are about to
// deregister from ObMan - this acts as automatic confirmation of the
// delete request so we do not need to wait for the
if (m_subState >= STATE_REG_USER_OBJECT_ADDED) { TRACE_OUT(("Deleting user object")); if (OM_ObjectDelete(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, m_pObjLocal) != 0) { //
// Trace the error but do not quit - we expect everything to be
// tidied up when we deregister from ObMan.
ERROR_OUT(("Error deleting local user object")); } }
// If we have already registered with the Workset Group, deregister
// now. we have not yet received the confirmation, and get it later we
// will deregister immediately.
if (m_subState > STATE_REG_PENDING_WSGROUP_CON) { OM_WSGroupDeregister(m_pomClient, &(m_hWSGroup)); } else { //
// We have not yet received the Workset Group Registration
// confirmation, change the value in the correlator field so that
// we recognize the fact that we have cancelled registration later.
m_wsgroupCorrelator--; }
// Reset the handles of objects added during registration
TRACE_OUT(("Resetting client data")); wbClientReset();
// Set the client state to the appropriate value
m_state = STATE_STARTED; m_subState = STATE_STARTED_START; TRACE_OUT(("Moved state to STATE_STARTED"));
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbLeaveCall); }
// Name: wbContentsDelete
// Purpose: Remove all the current graphics and pages, leaving a single
// blank page.
// Returns: None
void WbClient::wbContentsDelete ( UINT changedFlagAction ) { PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder = &(m_pageOrder); PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState; UINT index;
// Just clear the first page in the list
wbPageClear(pPageOrder->pages[0], changedFlagAction);
// If there is only one page left in the list - we're done.
if (pPageOrder->countPages == 1) { DC_QUIT; }
// There is more than one page
// Mark all of the active pages (except the first) as "delete pending"
for (index = 1; index < pPageOrder->countPages; index++) { pPageState = GetPageState((pPageOrder->pages)[index]);
if ((pPageState->state == PAGE_IN_USE) && (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EMPTY)) { pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_LOCAL_DELETE; } }
// Write the page control information. The replace event generated by
// the write will kick off the actual deletion of the pages marked.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbContentsDelete); }
// Name: wbStartContentsLoad
// Purpose: Start the loading of a file (after the contents have been
// cleared).
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbStartContentsLoad(void) { DebugEntry(wbStartContentsLoad);
// Specify the first (and only) page handle as the page to load to
wbPageHandleFromNumber(1, &m_loadPageHandle);
// Update the load state to show that we are now loading
m_loadState = LOAD_STATE_LOADING; TRACE_OUT(("Moved load state to LOAD_STATE_LOADING"));
// Load the first page - subsequent pages are chained from this first one
DebugExitVOID(wbStartContentsLoad); }
// Name: wbLock
// Purpose: Request the lock for the Whiteboard contents or the page order
// generating one of the following events:
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbLock(WB_LOCK_TYPE lockType) { UINT result = 0; OM_CORRELATOR correlator;
// If we already have the lock we can merely change its status
if (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) { TRACE_OUT(("Already got the lock"));
m_lockRequestType = lockType; result = wbWriteLock(); DC_QUIT; }
// Request the lock for the Page Control Workset
result = OM_WorksetLockReq(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, &correlator); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_WorksetLockReq failed, result = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("Requested lock for the Page Control Workset"));
// Save the lock details
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_PENDING_LOCK; m_lockCorrelator = correlator; m_lockRequestType = lockType;
TRACE_OUT(("Moved lock state to LOCK_STATE_PENDING_LOCK")); TRACE_OUT(("Lock type requested = %d", lockType));
// We return now, further processing is done when the OM_WORKSET_LOCK_CON
// event is received.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbLock, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbUnlock
// Purpose: Unlock the Contents or Page Order.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbUnlock(void) { DebugEntry(wbUnlock);
// Check that we have the lock
if (m_lockState != LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) { ERROR_OUT(("Local person doesn't have lock")); DC_QUIT; }
// Delete the lock object
TRACE_OUT(("Delete Lock handle %x", m_pObjLock)); if (OM_ObjectDelete(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjLock) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Could not delete lock object")); DC_QUIT; }
// If all is well at this point the unlock process will be completed when
// the object delete ind is received.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbUnlock); }
// Name: wbObjectSave
// Purpose: Save a structure to file
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbObjectSave ( HANDLE hFile, LPBYTE pData, UINT length ) { UINT result = 0; ULONG cbSizeWritten;
// Save the length
if (! WriteFile(hFile, (void *) &length, sizeof(length), &cbSizeWritten, NULL)) { result = WB_RC_WRITE_FAILED; ERROR_OUT(("Error writing length to file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); DC_QUIT; } ASSERT(cbSizeWritten == sizeof(length));
// Save the object data
if (! WriteFile(hFile, pData, length, &cbSizeWritten, NULL)) { result = WB_RC_WRITE_FAILED; ERROR_OUT(("Error writing data to file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); DC_QUIT; } ASSERT(cbSizeWritten == length);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbObjectSave, result); return result; }
// Name: wbPageSave
// Purpose: Save the contents of a single page to file.
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbPageSave ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, HANDLE hFile ) { UINT result = 0; UINT rc; OM_WORKSET_ID worksetID = (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage; POM_OBJECT pObj; POM_OBJECTDATA pData; WB_END_OF_PAGE endOfPage;
// Get the first object
result = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, 0, &pObj, FIRST); if (result == OM_RC_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { // This can happen on an empty page, not an error
TRACE_OUT(("No objects left, quitting with good return")); result = 0; DC_QUIT; }
if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error getting first object in page")); DC_QUIT; }
// Loop through the objects
for( ; ; ) { //
// Get a pointer to the object
result = OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, pObj, &pData); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error reading object = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Save the object data
rc = wbObjectSave(hFile, (LPBYTE) pData->data, pData->length);
// The return code is tested after we have released the object because
// we must always do the release.
// Release the object
OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, pObj, &pData);
// Now test the write return code
if (rc != 0) { result = rc; ERROR_OUT(("Error writing object data = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Get the next object
result = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, pObj, &pObj, AFTER); if (result == OM_RC_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { TRACE_OUT(("No objects left, quitting with good return")); result = 0; DC_QUIT; } }
// If we have successfully written the page contents, we write an end-of-
// page marker to the file.
if (result == 0) { //
// Set the end of page object details
ZeroMemory(&endOfPage, sizeof(endOfPage));
endOfPage.length = sizeof(endOfPage); endOfPage.type = TYPE_END_OF_PAGE;
// Write the end-of-page object
result = wbObjectSave(hFile, (LPBYTE) &endOfPage, sizeof(endOfPage)); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error writing end-of-page = %d", result)); } }
DebugExitDWORD(wbPageSave, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbPageLoad
// Purpose: Load the contents of a single page from file.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbPageLoad(void) { UINT result = 0; UINT type; POM_OBJECT pObj; POM_OBJECTDATA pData = NULL; PWB_GRAPHIC pGraphic = NULL; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage = m_loadPageHandle; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hNewPage; UINT postDelay = 0;
DebugEntry(wbPageLoad); TRACE_OUT(("Entered wbPageLoad for page %d", (UINT) hPage));
// Check the load state - if we're not loading, then quit (can happen if
// the load is cancelled).
if (m_loadState == LOAD_STATE_EMPTY) { TRACE_OUT(("Load has been cancelled - abandoning page load")); DC_QUIT; }
// Check that we have a full complement of ready pages before starting
// the load.
if (!wbCheckReadyPages()) { //
// There are not enough pages worksets ready to be used. We exit now
// to allow the page to be made ready before we continue. We set up a
// delay on the message that will be used to restart the process to
// allow the worksets to be opened before we get back in here.
postDelay = 200; DC_QUIT; }
// If we are waiting to add a new page, get the handle of the page we
// expect to add next here. (We have to do this as ObMan requires that
// we allocate memory for the object in the correct workset, but we do
// not want to actually add the page here because we may not need it.)
if (m_loadState == LOAD_STATE_PENDING_NEW_PAGE) { hNewPage = wbGetReadyPageHandle();
// If we cannot get a ready page - we must have run out of pages (we
// have already done a check on the availability of ready pages above).
// If we cannot get a new page we continue using the old.
if (hNewPage != WB_PAGE_HANDLE_NULL) { hPage = hNewPage; } }
// Read the next object
result = wbObjectLoad(m_hLoadFile, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, &pGraphic); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error reading object = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
pData = ObjectDataPtrFromGraphic(pGraphic); type = pGraphic->type;
// Process the object according to type
// End of file marker
if (type == TYPE_END_OF_FILE) { //
// Let the Front End know that the load has completed
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_LOAD_COMPLETE")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
WBP_EVENT_LOAD_COMPLETE, // Load completed
0, // No parameters
// Leave now - the file will be closed below
// It is not an end-of file object. So it must be either an end-of page
// or a graphic object. In either case we may already have flagged the
// need to add a new page.
// Add a new page (if necessary)
if (m_loadState == LOAD_STATE_PENDING_NEW_PAGE) { //
// If we could not get a new page handle above leave with an error
if (hPage == m_loadPageHandle) { ERROR_OUT(("Run out of pages for load")); result = WB_RC_TOO_MANY_PAGES; DC_QUIT; }
// Add a new page after the current page. The new page handle is saved
// in the client details.
result = wbPageAdd(m_loadPageHandle, PAGE_AFTER, &(m_loadPageHandle), DONT_RESET_CHANGED_FLAG); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to add page")); DC_QUIT; }
// Check that we got the page handle we expected
ASSERT((hPage == m_loadPageHandle));
// Show that we are no longer waiting for a new page
m_loadState = LOAD_STATE_LOADING; }
// End of page marker
if (type == TYPE_END_OF_PAGE) { TRACE_OUT(("End of page object"));
// Discard the object
OM_ObjectDiscard(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, &pData); pData = NULL;
// Set the load state to "pending new page" and leave the routine
// immediately. The process continues when we return to this routine.
// Exit (we post ourselves a message below to get us back into this
// routine later).
postDelay = 100; DC_QUIT; }
// The object is a standard graphic
TRACE_OUT(("Graphic object"));
// Add the object to the page
result = OM_ObjectAdd(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, &pData, sizeof(WB_GRAPHIC), &pObj, LAST); if (result != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
// Show that we have finished with the object
pGraphic = NULL; pData = NULL;
// If we still have the object - discard it
if (pData != NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Discarding object")); OM_ObjectDiscard(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage, &pData); }
// If an error occurred or we have reached the end-of-file - close the
// file.
if ((result != 0) || (type == TYPE_END_OF_FILE)) { CloseHandle(m_hLoadFile); m_hLoadFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// If the final result is an error - post an error message to ourselves
if (result != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_LOAD_FAILED")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
WBP_EVENT_LOAD_FAILED, // Load the next object
0, // No parameters
0); }
// Record that we are no longer in the load process
m_loadState = LOAD_STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved load state to LOAD_STATE_EMPTY")); }
// send a message to load the next page, unless the load has been
// cancelled
if (m_loadState != LOAD_STATE_EMPTY) { //
// We have not reached the end-of-file and there has been no error.
// Post a message to ourselves to continue the load process.
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBPI_EVENT_LOAD_NEXT")); WBP_PostEvent(postDelay, // With delay
WBPI_EVENT_LOAD_NEXT, // Load the next object
0, // No parameters
0); }
DebugExitVOID(wbPageLoad); }
// Name: wbObjectLoad
// Purpose: Load a single object from file.
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbObjectLoad ( HANDLE hFile, WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, PPWB_GRAPHIC ppGraphic ) { UINT result = 0; OM_WORKSET_ID worksetID = (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage; UINT length; ULONG cbSizeRead; POM_OBJECTDATA pData = NULL; PWB_GRAPHIC pGraphic = NULL;
TRACE_OUT(("Entered wbObjectLoad for page %d", (UINT) hPage));
// Read the next object's length
if ( (! ReadFile(hFile, (void *) &length, sizeof(length), &cbSizeRead, NULL)) || (cbSizeRead != sizeof(length)) || (length > OM_MAX_OBJECT_SIZE) || (length == 0) ) { //
// Make sure we return a sensible error.
ERROR_OUT(("reading object length, win32 err=%d, length=%d", GetLastError(), length)); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; DC_QUIT; }
// Allocate memory for the object
result = OM_ObjectAlloc(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, length, &pData); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error allocating object = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
pData->length = length; pGraphic = GraphicPtrFromObjectData(pData);
// Read the object into memory
if ( (! ReadFile(hFile, (void *) pGraphic, length, &cbSizeRead, NULL)) || (cbSizeRead != length)) { //
// Make sure we return a sensible error.
ERROR_OUT(( "Reading object from file: win32 err=%d, asked for %d got %d bytes", GetLastError(), length, cbSizeRead)); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; DC_QUIT; }
// Validate the object type
switch (pGraphic->type) { //
// Standard type, end-of-page or end-of-file
// Unrecognized object type - probably wrong version
default: result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; DC_QUIT; break; }
// For graphic objects, set the flag in the object header showing that it
// was loaded from file. Add our user ID so we know where it came from.
if ( (pGraphic->type != TYPE_END_OF_FILE) && (pGraphic->type != TYPE_END_OF_PAGE)) { pGraphic->loadedFromFile = TRUE; pGraphic->loadingClientID = m_clientNetID; }
*ppGraphic = pGraphic;
// If an error has occurred - discard the object (if we have it)
if ((result != 0) && (pData != NULL)) { OM_ObjectDiscard(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, &pData); }
DebugExitDWORD(wbObjectLoad, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbPageHandleFromNumber
// Purpose: Return the handle of a page specified by page number
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbPageHandleFromNumber ( UINT pageNumber, PWB_PAGE_HANDLE phPage ) { UINT result = 0; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage; PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder = &(m_pageOrder);
// Validate the requested page number
if ((pageNumber < 1)|| (pageNumber > WB_MAX_PAGES)) { result = WB_RC_BAD_PAGE_NUMBER; DC_QUIT; }
if (pageNumber > pPageOrder->countPages) { result = WB_RC_NO_SUCH_PAGE; DC_QUIT; }
// Get the page handle
hPage = (pPageOrder->pages)[pageNumber - 1];
// Check that this page is in use
if (GetPageState(hPage)->state != PAGE_IN_USE) { ERROR_OUT(("Page list is bad")); }
// Return the page handle
*phPage = hPage;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbPageHandleFromNumber, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbPageClear
// Purpose: Clear the specified page of all graphic objects
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbPageClear ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, UINT changedFlagAction ) { UINT result = 0;
// Show that the contents have changed, if required.
if (changedFlagAction == RESET_CHANGED_FLAG) { m_changed = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("Changed flag now TRUE")); }
// Request that the page be cleared
result = OM_WorksetClear(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage);
DebugExitDWORD(wbPageClear, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbPageClearConfirm
// Purpose: Complete the clearing of a page
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbPageClearConfirm(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage) { DebugEntry(wbPageClearConfirm);
// Request that the page be cleared
OM_WorksetClearConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage);
// Check the load state to see whether we are waiting to load the
// contents
if (m_loadState == LOAD_STATE_PENDING_CLEAR) { //
// We are waiting to load. If there is only one page available (ie the
// one that has just been cleared) we are ready to load, otherwise we
// wait for the page deletes to happen.
if ((m_pageOrder).countPages == 1) { //
// Start the load proper
wbStartContentsLoad(); } else { //
// Move the load state to show that we are waiting for all the pages
// to be deleted.
DebugExitVOID(wbPageClearConfirm); }
// Name: wbCheckReadyPages
// Purpose: Check that we have enough worksets open for the local user to
// use immediately (during page adds).
// Returns: None
BOOL WbClient::wbCheckReadyPages(void) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hNewPage; UINT countPages = m_pageOrder.countPages; UINT countReadyPages = m_countReadyPages;
// If we have opened all the worksets
if (countReadyPages == WB_MAX_PAGES) { //
// Quit there are no more worksets that we can open
// If the number of pages in use is getting close to the number of ready
// pages.
if ( (countReadyPages >= PREINITIALIZE_PAGES) && (countPages <= (countReadyPages - PREINITIALIZE_PAGES))) { DC_QUIT; }
// If the number of pages ready is less than the required cache size,
// open another one.
hNewPage = wbGetEmptyPageHandle(); if (hNewPage != WB_PAGE_HANDLE_NULL) { //
// Open the workset associated with the page
wbPageWorksetOpen(hNewPage, OPEN_LOCAL); }
bResult = FALSE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: return(bResult); }
// Name: wbPageAdd
// Purpose: Add a new (blank) page in a specified position
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbPageAdd ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hRefPage, UINT where, PWB_PAGE_HANDLE phPage, UINT changedFlagAction ) { UINT result = 0; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hNewPage;
// Check that there are not too many pages already
if (m_pageOrder.countPages == WB_MAX_PAGES) { result = WB_RC_TOO_MANY_PAGES; DC_QUIT; }
// Validate the specified reference page
ASSERT(GetPageState(hRefPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Get a handle for the new page
hNewPage = wbGetReadyPageHandle();
// If there are no handles ready we attempt to create one and return a
// busy indication.
if (hNewPage == WB_PAGE_HANDLE_NULL) { result = WB_RC_BUSY; DC_QUIT; }
// Make the internal update immediately - this allows the client to
// reference the new page as soon as this function has returned.
wbPagesPageAdd(hRefPage, hNewPage, where);
// Update the Page Control Object
result = wbWritePageControl(FALSE); if (result != 0) { wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Show that the contents have changed (if required).
if (changedFlagAction == RESET_CHANGED_FLAG) { m_changed = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("Changed flag now TRUE")); }
// Return the handle of the new page
*phPage = hNewPage;
// If we successfully added the page, or could not get a spare page
// handle, attempt to create a spare one for next time.
if ((result == 0) || (result == WB_RC_BUSY)) { wbCheckReadyPages(); }
DebugExitDWORD(wbPageAdd, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbPageMove
// Purpose: Move a page relative to another page
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbPageMove ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hRefPage, WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, UINT where ) { UINT result = 0; PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder = &(m_pageOrder);
// Extract the page to be moved
wbPageOrderPageDelete(pPageOrder, hPage);
// Add it back at its new position
wbPageOrderPageAdd(pPageOrder, hRefPage, hPage, where);
// Update the page control object
result = wbWritePageControl(FALSE); if (result != 0) { wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Show that the contents have changed
m_changed = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("Changed flag now TRUE"));
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbPageMove, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbPageHandle
// Purpose: Return a page handle. The page for which the handle is
// required can be specified relative to another page or as the
// first/last page.
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbPageHandle ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hRefPage, UINT where, PWB_PAGE_HANDLE phPage ) { UINT result = 0; UINT pageNumber; PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrder = &(m_pageOrder); POM_WORKSET_ID pPage = pPageOrder->pages; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage;
// Check the relative position
switch (where) { case PAGE_FIRST: hPage = pPage[0]; break;
case PAGE_LAST: hPage = pPage[pPageOrder->countPages - 1]; break;
// Validate the specified reference page
ASSERT(GetPageState(hRefPage)->state == PAGE_IN_USE);
// Get the page number of the reference page
pageNumber = wbPageOrderPageNumber(pPageOrder, hRefPage); TRACE_OUT(("Reference page number is %d", pageNumber));
// Get the page number of the required page
pageNumber = (UINT)(pageNumber + ((where == PAGE_AFTER) ? 1 : -1)); TRACE_OUT(("New page number is %d", pageNumber));
// Check that the new page is valid
TRACE_OUT(("Number of pages is %d", pPageOrder->countPages)); if ( (pageNumber < 1) || (pageNumber > pPageOrder->countPages)) { TRACE_OUT(("Returning WB_RC_NO_SUCH_PAGE")); result = WB_RC_NO_SUCH_PAGE; DC_QUIT; }
// Get the handle of the page
hPage = pPage[pageNumber - 1]; TRACE_OUT(("Returning handle %d", (UINT) hPage)); break; }
// Return the page handle
*phPage = hPage;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbPageHandle, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbGraphicSelectPrevious
// Purpose: Return the next graphic object in the specified page whose
// bounding rectangle contains the specified point. The function
// starts with the graphic whose handle is given as parameter and
// will return this graphic if it contains the point.
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbGraphicSelectPrevious ( WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, LPPOINT pPoint, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic, PWB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE phGraphic ) { UINT result = 0; OM_WORKSET_ID worksetID = (OM_WORKSET_ID)hPage; PWB_GRAPHIC pGraphic; POM_OBJECTDATA pData; RECT rect;
// Loop back through the objects starting at the reference point
do { //
// Get the object from ObMan
result = OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, hGraphic, &pData);
// Leave the loop if error on read - we do not need to do the release
if (result != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
pGraphic = GraphicPtrFromObjectData(pData);
// Extract the bounding rectangle of the object
RECT_FROM_TSHR_RECT16(&rect, pGraphic->rectBounds);
// Release the object
OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, hGraphic, &pData);
// Check whether the point lies in bounds
if (PtInRect(&rect, *pPoint)) { //
// Set the result handle
TRACE_OUT(("Returning graphic handle")); *phGraphic = hGraphic; DC_QUIT; }
// Get the next object to test
result = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, hGraphic, &hGraphic, BEFORE); } while (result == 0);
// Correct the return code (if necessary)
if (result == OM_RC_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { TRACE_OUT(("Returning WB_RC_NO_SUCH_GRAPHIC")); result = WB_RC_NO_SUCH_GRAPHIC; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbGraphicSelectPrevious, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbCoreExitHandler
// Purpose: Exit handler for the Whiteboard Core. This handler is
// registered with the Utilities by the WBP_Start call. It is
// deregistered by the client deregistration process, so it is
// only called when an abnormal termination occurs.
// Returns: None
void CALLBACK wbCoreExitHandler(LPVOID clientData) { WbClient* pwbClient = (WbClient *)clientData;
pwbClient->wbExitHandler(); }
void WbClient::wbExitHandler(void) { DebugEntry(wbExitHandler);
// Leave the current call if there is one, removing any locks etc.
// Dereg from call manager
if (m_pcmClient != NULL) { CMS_Deregister(&(m_pcmClient)); }
// Dereg exit handler
if (m_subState >= STATE_START_REGISTERED_EXIT) { UT_DeregisterExit(m_putTask, wbCoreExitHandler, this); }
// Dereg obman
if (m_subState >= STATE_START_REGISTERED_OM) { OM_Deregister(&m_pomClient); }
// Dereg event handler
if (m_subState >= STATE_START_REGISTERED_EVENT) { UT_DeregisterEvent(m_putTask, wbCoreEventHandler, this); }
// delete ourself!
delete this;
DebugExitVOID(wbExitHandler); }
// Name: wbCoreEventHandler
// Purpose: Event handler for the Whiteboard Core. This handler is
// registered with the Utilities by the WBP_Start call.
// Params: clientData - pointer to the data stored for a client
// event - event identifier
// param1 - word event parameter (content depends on event)
// param2 - long event parameter (content depends on event)
// Returns: Error code
BOOL CALLBACK wbCoreEventHandler ( LPVOID clientData, UINT event, UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { WbClient* pwbClient = (WbClient *)clientData;
return(pwbClient->wbEventHandler(event, param1, param2)); }
BOOL WbClient::wbEventHandler ( UINT event, UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; BOOL processed = FALSE;
TRACE_OUT(("event %d, param1 %d, param2 %d", event, param1, param2));
switch (event) { //
// Confirmation that we have registered with a workset group
case OM_WSGROUP_REGISTER_CON: TRACE_OUT(("OM_WSGROUP_REGISTER_CON %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnWsGroupRegisterCon(param1, param2); break;
// Confirmation that we have moved a workset group
case OM_WSGROUP_MOVE_CON: TRACE_OUT(("OM_WSGROUP_MOVE_CON %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnWsGroupMoveCon(param1, param2); break;
// Our workset group has been moved
case OM_WSGROUP_MOVE_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_WSGROUP_MOVE_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnWsGroupMoveInd(param1, param2); break;
// A workset has been created - we do nothing
case OM_WORKSET_NEW_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_WORKSET_NEW_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = TRUE; break;
// A workset has been opened
case OM_WORKSET_OPEN_CON: TRACE_OUT(("OM_WORKSET_OPEN_CON %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnWorksetOpenCon(param1, param2); break;
// A workset has been locked
case OM_WORKSET_LOCK_CON: TRACE_OUT(("OM_WORKSET_LOCK_CON %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnWorksetLockCon(param1, param2); break;
// A workset has been unlocked
case OM_WORKSET_UNLOCK_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_WORKSET_UNLOCK_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnWorksetUnlockInd(param1, param2); break;
// ObMan has run out of resources
case OM_OUT_OF_RESOURCES_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_OUT_OF_RESOURCES_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); wbError(); processed = TRUE; break;
// A workset has been cleared
case OM_WORKSET_CLEAR_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_WORKSET_CLEAR_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnWorksetClearInd(param1, param2); break;
// A new object has been added to a workset
case OM_OBJECT_ADD_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_OBJECT_ADD_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnObjectAddInd(param1, (POM_OBJECT)param2); break;
// An object has been moved
case OM_OBJECT_MOVE_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_OBJECT_MOVE_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnObjectMoveInd(param1, param2); break;
// An object has been deleted
case OM_OBJECT_DELETE_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_OBJECT_DELETE_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnObjectDeleteInd(param1, (POM_OBJECT)param2); break;
// An object has been updated
case OM_OBJECT_UPDATE_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_OBJECT_UPDATE_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnObjectUpdateInd(param1, (POM_OBJECT)param2); break;
// An object has been updated
case OM_OBJECT_REPLACE_IND: TRACE_OUT(("OM_OBJECT_REPLACE_IND %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnObjectReplaceInd(param1, (POM_OBJECT)param2); break;
// Load chaining event
case WBPI_EVENT_LOAD_NEXT: TRACE_OUT(("WBPI_EVENT_LOAD_NEXT")); wbPageLoad(); processed = TRUE; break;
// Whiteboard page clear indication
case WBP_EVENT_PAGE_CLEAR_IND: TRACE_OUT(("WBP_EVENT_PAGE_CLEAR_IND")); processed = wbOnWBPPageClearInd((WB_PAGE_HANDLE) param1); break;
// Whiteboard lock notification
case WBP_EVENT_PAGE_ORDER_LOCKED: case WBP_EVENT_CONTENTS_LOCKED: TRACE_OUT(("WBP_EVENT_xxx_LOCKED (%#hx) %#hx %#lx", event, param1, param2)); processed = wbOnWBPLock(); break;
// Whiteboard lock failure notification
case WBP_EVENT_LOCK_FAILED: TRACE_OUT(("WBP_EVENT_LOCK_FAILED %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnWBPLockFailed(); break;
// Whiteboard Unlock notification
case WBP_EVENT_UNLOCKED: TRACE_OUT(("WBP_EVENT_UNLOCKED %x %x",param1,param2)); processed = wbOnWBPUnlocked(); break;
// Whiteboard Page Order Updated notification
case WBP_EVENT_PAGE_ORDER_UPDATED: TRACE_OUT(("WBP_EVENT_PAGE_ORDER_UPDATED %x %x", param1, param2)); processed = wbOnWBPPageOrderUpdated(); break;
// We are not interested in this event - do nothing
default: TRACE_OUT(("Event ignored")); break; } // Switch on event type
DebugExitBOOL(wbEventHandler, processed); return(processed); }
// wbJoinCallError
// This function should be called in STATE_REGISTERING only.
void WbClient::wbJoinCallError(void) { DebugEntry(wbJoinCallError);
// Post a registration failed message to the client
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_REGISTER_FAILED")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
0, // No parameters
// Tidy up after the attempt to join the call
DebugExitVOID(wbJoinCallError); }
// wbError
void WbClient::wbError(void) { DebugEntry(wbError);
// An error has occurred during Core processing. We act according to the
// current state.
switch (m_state) { //
// If the error has occurred during registration, post a registration
// failure message to the client and cancel registration.
case STATE_REGISTERING: wbJoinCallError(); break;
// If the error occurred during normal running, we tell the client who
// must deregister.
case STATE_IDLE: //
// Only take action if we are not already in fatal error state
if (m_errorState == ERROR_STATE_EMPTY) { //
// Post an error message to the client
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_ERROR")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
0, // No parameters
// Record that an error has occurred
m_errorState = ERROR_STATE_FATAL; TRACE_OUT(("Moved error state to ERROR_STATE_FATAL")); } break;
// Client is in an unknown state
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad main state for call")); break; }
DebugExitVOID(wbError); }
// Name: wbOnWSGroupMoveCon
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_WSGROUP_MOVE_CON events.
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWsGroupMoveCon ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; BOOL processed = FALSE; UINT rc; BOOL failedToJoin = FALSE;
// Check that this is the event we are expecting
if (pEvent32->correlator != m_wsgroupCorrelator) { DC_QUIT; }
// Show that we have processed the event
processed = TRUE;
// Test for the correct state
if (m_subState != STATE_REG_PENDING_WSGROUP_MOVE) { //
// We are not in the correct state for this event - this is an internal
// error.
ERROR_OUT(("Wrong state for WSGroupMoveCon")); }
// Check that the return code for the move is OK
if (pEvent32->result != 0) { //
// Moving the workset group failed - post a "join call failed" message
// to the front-end.
TRACE_OUT(("WSGroup move failed, result = %d", pEvent32->result)); failedToJoin = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
// The WSGroupMove has completed successfully. Replace our local user
// object by deleting the current one (we must have one to get to this
// point) and adding a new one.
// The reason we do this is that our existing user object has been moved
// from the local domain into a call, but since it is in a non-persistent
// workset, the Obman behaviour for this object when the call ends is
// undefined. So we replace the object to get a defined behaviour.
TRACE_OUT(("Deleting local user object")); rc = OM_ObjectDelete(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, m_pObjLocal); if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error deleting local user object = %u", rc)); }
TRACE_OUT(("Adding new local user object")); rc = wbAddLocalUserObject(); if (rc != 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Failed to add local user object")); failedToJoin = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
// Get the clients network ID, used in graphic objects to determine where
// they are loaded.
if (!wbGetNetUserID()) { //
// Tidy up (and post an error event to the client)
ERROR_OUT(("Failed to get user ID, rc %u", rc)); failedToJoin = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
// We added our user object successfully, so now wait for the
// OBJECT_ADD_IND to arrive.
DC_EXIT_POINT: if (failedToJoin) { //
// We have failed to join the call, so clean up.
wbError(); }
DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWsGroupMoveCon, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnWSGroupMoveInd
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_WSGROUP_MOVE_IND events.
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWsGroupMoveInd ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR callID ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; BOOL processed = TRUE;
if (callID != OM_NO_CALL) { TRACE_OUT(("Moved into new call")); DC_QUIT; }
// If we are registering, treat it as a failure to join the call,
// otherwise let the client know about the network failure.
if (m_state == STATE_REGISTERING) { TRACE_OUT(("Call went down while registering")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
0, // No parameters
// Tidy up the User Information workset (the local client is now the
// only user). Note that since the user information workset it
// non-persistent, Obman will delete the remote user objects for us.
// - check we have opened the user workset
if ( (m_state > STATE_REGISTERING) || (m_subState > STATE_REG_PENDING_USER_WORKSET)) { //
// Delete the lock object.
if (m_pObjLock != NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Deleting lock object %d", m_pObjLock)); if (OM_ObjectDelete(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjLock) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error deleting lock object")); }
if (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) { //
// If all is well at this point the unlock process will be
// completed when the object delete ind is received.
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_PENDING_DELETE; TRACE_OUT(("Moved to state LOCK_STATE_PENDING_DELETE")); } else { m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved to state LOCK_STATE_EMPTY")); } } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWSGroupMoveInd, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnWorksetClearInd
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_WORKSET_CLEAR_IND events.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWorksetClearInd ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; BOOL processed = FALSE;
// Check that the workset group is ours
if (pEvent16->hWSGroup != m_hWSGroup) { ERROR_OUT(("Event for unknown workset group = %d", pEvent16->hWSGroup)); DC_QUIT; }
// We will process the event
processed = TRUE;
// Process the event according to the workset ID
switch(pEvent16->worksetID) { //
// Page Control Workset
case PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET: ERROR_OUT(("Unexpected clear for Page Control Workset")); break;
// Lock Workset
case SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET: ERROR_OUT(("Unexpected clear for Sync Control Workset")); break;
// User Information Workset
case USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET: ERROR_OUT(("Unexpected clear for User Information Workset")); break;
// Other (should be a Page Workset)
default: //
// Tell the client that the page has been cleared - the client must then
// confirm the clear.
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_PAGE_CLEAR_IND")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, WBP_EVENT_PAGE_CLEAR_IND, pEvent16->worksetID, 0); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWorksetClearInd, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnWBPPageClearInd
// Purpose: Routine processing WBP_PAGE_CLEAR_IND events.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWBPPageClearInd(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage) { BOOL processed;
// This routine catches WB_PAGE_CLEAR_IND events posted to the client.
// Because of the asynchronous nature of page order updates these can
// sometimes have been sent previously for pages that are now no longer
// in use. We trap these events here, confirm the clear to ObMan and
// discard the event.
if (GetPageState(hPage)->state != PAGE_IN_USE) { TRACE_OUT(("Page is not in use - confirming workset clear immediately"));
// Accept the page clear immediately
wbPageClearConfirm(hPage); processed = TRUE; } else { //
// If we get here the page is in use - so we must pass the event on to
// the client. Resetting the result code of this routine to "not
// processed" will ask the utilities to pass it on to the next event
// handler.
processed = FALSE; }
DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWBPPageClearInd, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnObjectAddInd
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_OBJECT_ADD_IND events.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnObjectAddInd ( UINT_PTR param1, POM_OBJECT pObj ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; BOOL processed = FALSE;
// Check that the workset group is ours
if (pEvent16->hWSGroup != m_hWSGroup) { ERROR_OUT(("Event for unknown workset group = %d", pEvent16->hWSGroup)); DC_QUIT; }
// We will process the event
processed = TRUE;
// Process the event according to the workset ID
switch(pEvent16->worksetID) { //
// Page Control Workset
case PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET: wbOnPageObjectAddInd(pObj); break;
// Sync Control Workset
case SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET: wbOnSyncObjectAddInd(pObj); break;
// User Information Workset
case USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET: wbOnUserObjectAddInd(pObj); break;
// Other (should be a Page Workset)
default: wbOnGraphicObjectAddInd(pEvent16->worksetID, pObj); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnObjectAddInd, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbGetPageObjectType
// Purpose: Get the type of an object in the Page Control Workset
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbGetPageObjectType ( POM_OBJECT pObj, UINT * pObjectType ) { UINT result; POM_OBJECTDATA pData;
// Read the object to get its type
result = OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, pObj, &pData); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error reading object = %d", result)); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// The first two bytes of the object data give its type
*pObjectType = *((TSHR_UINT16 *)pData->data);
// Release the object
OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, pObj, &pData);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbGetPageObjectType, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbOnPageObjectAddInd
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_OBJECT_ADD_IND events occurring on the
// Page Control Workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnPageObjectAddInd(POM_OBJECT pObj) { UINT objectType;
// Read the object to get its type
if (wbGetPageObjectType(pObj, &objectType) != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
// Act according to the type of object added
switch (objectType) { case TYPE_CONTROL_LOCK: TRACE_OUT(("It is a lock object")); wbReadLock(); break;
case TYPE_CONTROL_PAGE_ORDER: TRACE_OUT(("It is the Page Control object")); wbOnPageControlObjectAddInd(pObj); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Unknown object type added to Page Control Workset")); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnPageObjectAddInd); }
// Name: wbOnPageControlObjectAddInd
// Purpose: Routine processing add of page control object
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnPageControlObjectAddInd(POM_OBJECT pObj) { DebugEntry(wbOnPageControlObjectAddInd);
// We only ever expect to get one of these objects
if (m_pObjPageControl != 0) { //
// Check that this is the same object - the add has been triggered by
// the workset open but we have already read the contents.
ASSERT((m_pObjPageControl == pObj)); }
// Save the handle of the object
m_pObjPageControl = pObj; TRACE_OUT(("Got Page Control object"));
// Continue according to the current state
switch (m_state) { case STATE_REGISTERING: //
// We now have a Page Control Object - if we are waiting for the
// object we can now move to the next stage.
if (m_subState == STATE_REG_PENDING_PAGE_CONTROL) { //
// If we have the lock on the Page Control Workset then we are in
// control of the registration process. We must add the sync
// control object to the Sync Workset.
if (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) { //
// Create the Sync Control Object
if (wbCreateSyncControl() != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error adding Sync Control Object")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; } }
// If we do not have the sync control object then wait for it -
// otherwise we can complete initialisation.
if (m_pObjSyncControl == 0) { m_subState = STATE_REG_PENDING_SYNC_CONTROL; TRACE_OUT(("Moved substate to STATE_REG_PENDING_SYNC_CONTROL")); DC_QUIT; } else { //
// If it is us who has the Page Control Workset locked - release
// the lock.
if (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) { //
// Unlock the workset
// Wait for notification of the lock being released
TRACE_OUT(("Sub state change %d to %d", m_subState, STATE_REG_PENDING_UNLOCK));
m_subState = STATE_REG_PENDING_UNLOCK; } else { TRACE_OUT(("Page Control and Sync Control objects both there.")); TRACE_OUT(("Registration can be completed")); wbOnControlWorksetsReady(); } } }
// In other registration states we are not ready to process the
// event. It will be dealt with later.
case STATE_IDLE: //
// We must already have a Page COntrol Object since we are in idle
// state. So this is an error. It may have been caused by another
// client so we just trace it rather than asserting.
ERROR_OUT(("Unexpected add of Page Control Object in idle state")); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad main state")); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnPageControlObjectAddInd); }
// Name: wbOnSyncObjectAddInd
// Purpose: Routine processing OM_OBJECT_ADD_IND events occurring on the
// Sync Control Workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnSyncObjectAddInd(POM_OBJECT pObj) { DebugEntry(wbOnSyncObjectAddInd);
// We only expect this during registration
switch(m_state) { //
// We are waiting for registration to continue
case STATE_REGISTERING: switch(m_subState) { //
// We are waiting for a Sync Control Object
case STATE_REG_PENDING_SYNC_CONTROL: m_pObjSyncControl = pObj;
// The Sync Control object has been added. We do not need to do
// anything with it yet.
// If we already have the page control object then we can
// complete initilisation, otherwise we have to wait for it.
if (m_pObjPageControl == 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Sub state change %d to %d", m_subState, STATE_REG_PENDING_PAGE_CONTROL)); m_subState = STATE_REG_PENDING_PAGE_CONTROL; } else { //
// If it is us who has the Page Control Workset locked -
// release the lock.
if (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) { //
// Unlock the workset
// Wait for notification of the lock being released
TRACE_OUT(("Sub state change %d to %d", m_subState, STATE_REG_PENDING_UNLOCK)); m_subState = STATE_REG_PENDING_UNLOCK; } else { TRACE_OUT(("Page Control and Sync Control objects both there.")); TRACE_OUT(("Registration can be completed")); wbOnControlWorksetsReady(); } } break;
default: //
// Save the handle of the Sync Control Object
m_pObjSyncControl = pObj; break; } break;
// We are fully registered and are therefore not expecting an add event
// on this workset. However, since we are registered we must be
// satisfied that we have a Sync Control Object - so ignore the error.
case STATE_IDLE: ERROR_OUT(("Sync object add not expected in idle state")); break;
// The client is in an unknown state
default: ERROR_OUT(("Client in unknown state = %d", m_state)); break; }
DebugExitVOID(wbOnSyncObjectAddInd); }
// Name: wbOnUserObjectAddInd
// Purpose: A user object has been added to the User Information Workset.
// Inform the client that a new user has joined the call.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnUserObjectAddInd(POM_OBJECT pObj) { UINT countUsers;
OM_WorksetCountObjects(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, &countUsers); TRACE_OUT(("Number of users is now %d", countUsers));
// Ignore the add indication for our own user.
if (m_pObjLocal == pObj) { TRACE_OUT(("Got add of own user object")); //
// If we have the lock (temporarily, with NULL lock owner handle),
// then we need to update the lock object with our actual handle.
if ((m_pObjLock != NULL) && (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK)) { TRACE_OUT(("Got the lock - update lock object")); wbWriteLock(); }
if ((m_state == STATE_REGISTERING) && (m_subState == STATE_REG_PENDING_NEW_USER_OBJECT)) { //
// We have successfully joined the call.
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_JOIN_CALL_OK")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
0, // No parameters
// Update the state to show that we are ready for work again
m_state = STATE_IDLE; m_subState = STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved state back to STATE_IDLE")); }
// If we have created our user object we must check to see if the new
// user has usurped our color. If so we may need to change color.
if (m_pObjLocal != NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("We have added our user object - check colors")); wbCheckPersonColor(pObj); }
// Ignore these events unless we are fully registered
if (m_state != STATE_IDLE) { TRACE_OUT(("Ignoring user object add - not fully registered")); DC_QUIT; }
// Tell the client that a new user has joined
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_USER_JOINED")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
0, // No short parameter
(UINT_PTR) pObj); // User object handle
// Try to read the lock object - we may not have been able to do this
// yet.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnUserObjectAddInd); }
// Name: wbOnGraphicObjectAddInd
// Purpose: A graphic object has been added to a page workset.
// Inform the client that a new graphic has been added.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnGraphicObjectAddInd ( OM_WORKSET_ID worksetID, POM_OBJECT pObj ) { WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage = (WB_PAGE_HANDLE)worksetID; POM_OBJECTDATA pData; PWB_GRAPHIC pGraphic; UINT result;
// NFC, SFR 6450. If this object was loaded from file on this machine,
// then we dont need to set the "changed flag". Otherwise record that
// the contents have changed
// Read the object.
result = OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, pObj, &pData); if (result != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("OM_ObjectRead (%u) failed, set changed flag anyway ", result)); m_changed = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("changed flag now TRUE")); } else { //
// Convert the ObMan pointer to a core pointer
pGraphic = GraphicPtrFromObjectData(pData);
if ( ! ((pGraphic->loadedFromFile) && (pGraphic->loadingClientID == m_clientNetID))) { TRACE_OUT(("Not loaded from file locally - Set changed flag on")); m_changed = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("Changed flag now TRUE")); }
// Finished with the object, so release it.
OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, pObj, &pData); }
// These events are ignored unless we are fully registered (the client
// can do nothing about them if it is not registered correctly).
if (m_state != STATE_IDLE) { TRACE_OUT(("Ignoring add of graphic object - not registered")); DC_QUIT; }
// Check that this page is actually in use
if (GetPageState(hPage)->state != PAGE_IN_USE) { TRACE_OUT(("Ignoring add to page not in use")); DC_QUIT; }
// Inform the client of the object being added
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_GRAPHIC_ADDED")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
hPage, //
(UINT_PTR)pObj); // User object handle
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnGraphicObjectAddInd); }
// Name: wbOnObjectMoveInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever OM_OBJECT_MOVE_IND events are
// received.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnObjectMoveInd ( UINT_PTR param1, UINT_PTR param2 ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; POM_EVENT_DATA32 pEvent32 = (POM_EVENT_DATA32) ¶m2; BOOL processed = FALSE;
// Check that the workset group is ours
if (pEvent16->hWSGroup != m_hWSGroup) { ERROR_OUT(("Event for unknown workset group = %d", pEvent16->hWSGroup)); DC_QUIT; }
// We will process the event
processed = TRUE;
// Process the event according to the workset ID
switch(pEvent16->worksetID) { //
// Page Control Workset Lock Workset User Information Workset
// Event not expected for these worksets
ERROR_OUT(("Unexpected for workset %d", (UINT) pEvent16->worksetID)); break;
// Other (should be a Page Workset)
default: wbOnGraphicObjectMoveInd(pEvent16->worksetID, (POM_OBJECT) param2); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnObjectMoveInd, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnGraphicObjectMoveInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_MOVE_IND is
// received for a graphic object.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnGraphicObjectMoveInd ( OM_WORKSET_ID worksetID, POM_OBJECT pObj ) { WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage = (WB_PAGE_HANDLE)worksetID;
// Record that the contents have changed
m_changed = TRUE;
// These events are ignored unless we are fully registered (the client
// can do nothing about them).
if (m_state != STATE_IDLE) { TRACE_OUT(("Ignoring move of graphic object before registration")); DC_QUIT; }
// Check that this page is actually in use
if (GetPageState(hPage)->state != PAGE_IN_USE) { TRACE_OUT(("Ignoring move in page not in use")); DC_QUIT; }
// Inform the client of the object being added
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_GRAPHIC_MOVED")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
hPage, // Page handle
(UINT_PTR)pObj); // Object handle
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnGraphicObjectMoveInd); }
// Name: wbOnObjectDeleteInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_DELETE_IND is
// received.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnObjectDeleteInd ( UINT_PTR param1, POM_OBJECT pObj ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; BOOL processed = FALSE;
// Check that the workset group is ours
if (pEvent16->hWSGroup != m_hWSGroup) { ERROR_OUT(("Event for unknown workset group = %d", pEvent16->hWSGroup)); DC_QUIT; }
// We will process the event
processed = TRUE;
// Process the event according to the workset ID
switch(pEvent16->worksetID) { //
// Page Control Workset
case PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET: wbOnPageObjectDeleteInd(pObj); break;
// Sync Workset
case SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET: ERROR_OUT(("Illegal object delete on sync control workset - ignored"));
// We do not confirm the delete since we do not want to lose the Sync
// Control Object.
// User Information Workset
case USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET: wbOnUserObjectDeleteInd(pObj); break;
// Other (should be a Page Workset)
default: wbOnGraphicObjectDeleteInd(pEvent16->worksetID, pObj); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnObjectDeleteInd, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnPageObjectDeleteInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_DELETE_IND is
// received for an object in the Page Control Workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnPageObjectDeleteInd(POM_OBJECT pObj) { UINT objectType;
// Get the type of object that is being deleted
if (wbGetPageObjectType(pObj, &objectType) != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
switch(objectType) { case TYPE_CONTROL_PAGE_ORDER: //
// The object is the Page Control Object - something serious is wrong
// as this object should never be deleted.
ERROR_OUT(("Attempt to delete page control object")); break;
case TYPE_CONTROL_LOCK: TRACE_OUT(("Lock object being deleted")); wbOnLockControlObjectDeleteInd(pObj); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad object type")); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnPageObjectDeleteInd); }
// Name: wbOnLockControlObjectDeleteInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_DELETE_IND is
// received for a lock object in the Page Control Workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnLockControlObjectDeleteInd(POM_OBJECT pObj ) { DebugEntry(wbOnLockControlObjectDeleteInd);
// Confirm the delete to ObMan
TRACE_OUT(("Lock handle %x, expecting %x", pObj, m_pObjLock)); if (pObj != m_pObjLock) { WARNING_OUT(("Unexpected lock handle %x, expecting %x", pObj, m_pObjLock)); }
OM_ObjectDeleteConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, pObj); m_pObjLock = NULL;
// Process according to the current lock state
switch(m_lockState) { case LOCK_STATE_PENDING_DELETE: //
// We are deleting our lock object. We must unlock the
// workset.
TRACE_OUT(("Our lock object delete confirmed - unlocking the workset")); OM_WorksetUnlock(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET); break;
// The user with the lock has deleted the lock object. We treat
// this as a removal of the whiteboard lock - we reset the
// state at the end of this function.
TRACE_OUT(("Remote user's lock object deleted")); break;
// We have just deleted the object at the end of a call to tidy
// up. Carry on so we reset lockType / pObjPersonLock etc.
// We don't expect to get here. If by some chance we do, then
// just quit, since we should still get the workset lock con.
DC_QUIT; break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad lock state %d", m_lockState)); break; }
// The lock object has been deleted, so there is no lock active
m_lockType = WB_LOCK_TYPE_NONE; m_pObjPersonLock = NULL;
// Record that there is now no lock
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved lock state to LOCK_STATE_EMPTY"));
// Notify the client of the lock status change
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnLockControlObjectDeleteInd); }
// Name: wbOnGraphicObjectDeleteInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_DELETE_IND is
// received for an object in a page workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnGraphicObjectDeleteInd ( OM_WORKSET_ID worksetID, POM_OBJECT pObj ) { WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage = (WB_PAGE_HANDLE)worksetID; BOOL bConfirm = FALSE;
// Record that the contents have changed
m_changed = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("Changed flag now TRUE"));
// These events are handled within the core until the client is ready.
if (m_state != STATE_IDLE) { TRACE_OUT(("Delete of graphic object before registration")); bConfirm = TRUE; }
// Check that this page is actually in use
if (GetPageState(hPage)->state != PAGE_IN_USE) { TRACE_OUT(("Delete in page that is not in use")); bConfirm = TRUE; }
// Check whether we are to pass the event on to the client
if (bConfirm) { //
// Confirm the delete to ObMan
TRACE_OUT(("Confirming delete immediately")); OM_ObjectDeleteConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, pObj); } else { //
// Inform the client of the object being added
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_GRAPHIC_DELETE_IND")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
hPage, // Page handle
(UINT_PTR)pObj); // Object handle
DebugExitVOID(wbOnGraphicObjectDeleteInd); }
// Name: wbOnUserObjectDeleteInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_DELETE_IND is
// received for an object in the User Information Workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnUserObjectDeleteInd ( POM_OBJECT pObjPerson ) { DebugEntry(wbOnUserObjectDeleteInd);
// If the user which has been removed had a lock then remove its user
// handle from the client data. The lock is still there, and will be
// removed when we get the WORKSET_UNLOCK_IND for the lock workset. This
// arrives after the user-object delete, because the user workset is of
// higher priority.
if (m_pObjPersonLock == pObjPerson) { m_pObjPersonLock = NULL; }
// These events are ignored unless we are fully registered (the client
// can do nothing about them).
if (m_state != STATE_IDLE) { TRACE_OUT(("Delete of user object before registration - confirming"));
// Confirm the delete
OM_ObjectDeleteConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObjPerson);
// Nothing more to be done
// Inform the client of the user leaving
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_USER_LEFT_IND")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
0, // No short parameter
(UINT_PTR) pObjPerson); // User object handle
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnUserObjectDeleteInd); }
// Name: wbOnObjectUpdateInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_UPDATE_IND is
// received for an object in a page workset.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnObjectUpdateInd ( UINT_PTR param1, POM_OBJECT pObj ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent16 = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; BOOL processed = FALSE;
// Check that the workset group is ours
if (pEvent16->hWSGroup != m_hWSGroup) { ERROR_OUT(("Event for unknown workset group = %d", pEvent16->hWSGroup)); DC_QUIT; }
// We will process the event
processed = TRUE;
// Process the event according to the workset ID
switch(pEvent16->worksetID) { //
// Page Control Workset
case PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET: ERROR_OUT(("Illegal object update on page control workset - ignored"));
// Updates on the Page Control Object are not allowed - do not
// confirm it.
// Lock Workset
case SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET: ERROR_OUT(("Illegal object update on sync control workset"));
// Updates to the Sync Control Object itself are not allowed - do not
// confirm it.
// User Information Workset
case USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET: wbOnUserObjectUpdateInd(pObj); break;
// Other (should be a Page Workset)
default: wbOnGraphicObjectUpdateInd(pEvent16->worksetID, pObj); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnObjectUpdateInd, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnUserObjectUpdateInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_UPDATE_IND is
// received for an object in the User Information Workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnUserObjectUpdateInd(POM_OBJECT pObj) { DebugEntry(wbOnUserObjectUpdateInd);
// if the updated user object is not the local user's, and we have
// already added the local user's object, then check the color hasn't
// changed to clash with the local user's color.
if ( (m_pObjLocal != pObj) && (m_pObjLocal != NULL)) { TRACE_OUT(("Check color of updated user object")); wbCheckPersonColor(pObj); }
// Don't inform the front end if we aren't fully registered
if (m_state != STATE_IDLE) { TRACE_OUT(("User object updated before registration - confirming"));
// Confirm the update immediately
OM_ObjectUpdateConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObj);
// Nothing more to be done
// Tell the client that a user has been updated
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_PERSON_UPDATE_IND")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
0, // No short parameter
(UINT_PTR) pObj); // User object handle
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnUserObjectUpdateInd); }
// Name: wbOnUserObjectReplaceInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_REPLACE_IND is
// received for an object in the User Information Workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnUserObjectReplaceInd(POM_OBJECT pObj) { DebugEntry(wbOnUserObjectReplaceInd);
// if the updated user object is not the local user's, and we have
// already added the local user's object, then check the color hasn't
// changed to clash with the local user's color.
if ( (m_pObjLocal != pObj) && (m_pObjLocal != NULL)) { TRACE_OUT(("Check color of updated user object")); wbCheckPersonColor(pObj); }
// Don't inform the front end if we aren't fully registered
if (m_state != STATE_IDLE) { TRACE_OUT(("User object replaced before registration - confirming"));
// Confirm the replace immediately
OM_ObjectReplaceConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObj);
// Nothing more to be done
// Tell the client that a user has been updated
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_PERSON_UPDATE_IND")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
0, // No short parameter
(UINT_PTR) pObj); // User object handle
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnUserObjectReplaceInd); }
// Name: wbOnGraphicObjectUpdateInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_UPDATE_IND is
// received for an object in a page workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnGraphicObjectUpdateInd ( OM_WORKSET_ID worksetID, POM_OBJECT pObj ) { WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage = (WB_PAGE_HANDLE)worksetID; BOOL bConfirm = FALSE;
// Record that the contents have changed
m_changed = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("Changed flag now TRUE"));
// These events are handled within the core until the client is ready.
if (m_state != STATE_IDLE) { TRACE_OUT(("Update of graphic object before registration")); bConfirm = TRUE; }
// Check that this page is actually in use
if (GetPageState(hPage)->state != PAGE_IN_USE) { TRACE_OUT(("Update for page that is not in use")); bConfirm = TRUE; }
// Check whether we are to confirm the update now or ask the client
if (bConfirm) { //
// Confirm the update immediately
TRACE_OUT(("Confirming update immediately")); OM_ObjectUpdateConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, pObj); } else { //
// Inform the client of the object being added
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_GRAPHIC_UPDATE_IND")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
hPage, // Page handle
(UINT_PTR)pObj); // Object handle
DebugExitVOID(wbOnGraphicObjectUpdateInd); }
// Name: wbOnObjectReplaceInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_REPLACE_IND is
// received.
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnObjectReplaceInd ( UINT_PTR param1, POM_OBJECT pObj ) { POM_EVENT_DATA16 pEvent = (POM_EVENT_DATA16) ¶m1; BOOL processed = FALSE;
// Check that the workset group is ours
if (pEvent->hWSGroup != m_hWSGroup) { ERROR_OUT(("Event for unknown workset group = %d", pEvent->hWSGroup)); DC_QUIT; }
// We will process the event
processed = TRUE;
// Process the event according to the workset ID
switch (pEvent->worksetID) { //
// Page Control Workset
case PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET: wbOnPageObjectReplaceInd(pObj); break;
// Lock Workset
case SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET: wbOnSyncObjectReplaceInd(pObj); break;
// User Information Workset
case USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET: wbOnUserObjectReplaceInd(pObj); break;
// Other (should be a Page Workset)
default: wbOnGraphicObjectReplaceInd(pEvent->worksetID, pObj); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnObjectReplaceInd, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnPageObjectReplaceInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever the Page Control object is
// replaced.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnPageObjectReplaceInd(POM_OBJECT pObj) { UINT objectType;
// Confirm the change to ObMan (cannot fail)
OM_ObjectReplaceConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, pObj);
// Read the object to get its type
if (wbGetPageObjectType(pObj, &objectType) != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
// Act according to the type of object added
switch (objectType) { case TYPE_CONTROL_LOCK: wbReadLock(); break;
case TYPE_CONTROL_PAGE_ORDER: wbOnPageControlObjectReplaceInd(); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Unknown object type added to Page Control Workset")); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnPageObjectReplaceInd); }
// Name: wbOnPageControlObjectReplaceInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever the Page Control object is
// replaced.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnPageControlObjectReplaceInd(void) { DebugEntry(wbOnPageControlObjectReplaceInd);
// Process according to the current state
switch (m_state) { case STATE_REGISTERING: //
// During registration we do nothing - the Page Order is updated
// explicitly as one of the last registration actions.
case STATE_IDLE: //
// When we are fully registered we must send events to the front-end
// indicating what changes have been made to the page list.
wbProcessPageControlChanges(); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad client major state")); break; }
DebugExitVOID(wbOnPageControlObjectReplaceInd); }
// Name: wbProcessPageControlChanges
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever the Page Control object is
// replaced in idle state. It reads the new Page Control data
// and starts the process of informing the client of any changes.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbProcessPageControlChanges(void) { BYTE toBeMarked[WB_MAX_PAGES]; UINT indexExternal; UINT indexInternal; UINT lLengthExternal; BOOL addOutstanding = TRUE; PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrderExternal; PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrderInternal = &(m_pageOrder); PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState; POM_WORKSET_ID pPageExternal; UINT countPagesExternal; POM_OBJECTDATA pData = NULL;
// Read the new Page Control Object
if (OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjPageControl, &pData) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error reading Page Control Object")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Extract details from the external page order
lLengthExternal = pData->length; pPageOrderExternal = (PWB_PAGE_ORDER) pData->data; pPageExternal = pPageOrderExternal->pages; countPagesExternal = pPageOrderExternal->countPages;
// Process existing and newly added pages
for (indexExternal = 0; indexExternal < countPagesExternal; indexExternal++) { //
// Convert the index into the Page Control Object to an index into the
// internal Page List.
indexInternal = PAGE_WORKSET_ID_TO_INDEX(pPageExternal[indexExternal]);
// Test and update the internal page state as necessary
pPageState = &((m_pageStates)[indexInternal]);
// If the page is in use locally then we do not need to do anything
// (the external and internal page lists agree already).
if (pPageState->state != PAGE_IN_USE) { switch (pPageState->subState) { case PAGE_STATE_EMPTY: //
// The page does not yet have a workset open for it - open one
// now. (But only open one per call to this routine to prevent
// swamping the message queue. The other outstanding opens will
// be done when this routine is next called).
wbPageWorksetOpen(PAGE_INDEX_TO_HANDLE(indexInternal), OPEN_EXTERNAL);
// Leave now - this routine will be called again when the open
// confirm is received for the workset just opened.
DC_QUIT; break;
// Do nothing - the page is already in the add process
TRACE_OUT(("Page %d is already pending local add", PAGE_INDEX_TO_HANDLE(indexInternal))); break;
// The page workset has been opened previously - we can just mark
// the page as being in use immediately.
pPageState->state = PAGE_IN_USE; pPageState->subState = PAGE_STATE_EMPTY; TRACE_OUT(("Moved page %d state to PAGE_IN_USE", (UINT) PAGE_INDEX_TO_HANDLE(indexInternal) )); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad page substate %d", pPageState->subState)); break; } } }
// Mark any pages that no longer appear in the Page Control Object as
// "delete pending" (unless they are already marked).
FillMemory(toBeMarked, sizeof(toBeMarked), TRUE);
// Flag which pages should be marked
for (indexExternal = 0; indexExternal < countPagesExternal; indexExternal++) { toBeMarked[PAGE_WORKSET_ID_TO_INDEX(pPageExternal[indexExternal])] = 0; }
// Mark them
for (indexInternal = 0; indexInternal < WB_MAX_PAGES; indexInternal++) { pPageState = &((m_pageStates)[indexInternal]);
if ( (toBeMarked[indexInternal] == 1) && (pPageState->state == PAGE_IN_USE)) { switch (pPageState->subState) { case PAGE_STATE_EMPTY: //
// Ask the client for confirmation of the delete
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_PAGE_DELETE_IND")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
WBP_EVENT_PAGE_DELETE_IND, // Page being deleted
PAGE_INDEX_TO_HANDLE(indexInternal), // Page handle
// Update the page state
// Leave now - this routine will be called again when the delete
// confirm is received for this workset.
DC_QUIT; break;
// Ask the client for confirmation of the delete
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_PAGE_DELETE_IND")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
WBP_EVENT_PAGE_DELETE_IND, // Page being deleted
PAGE_INDEX_TO_HANDLE(indexInternal), // Page handle
// Update the page state
// Leave now - this routine will be called again when the delete
// confirm is received for this workset.
DC_QUIT; break;
// We are already expecting a delete for this page
TRACE_OUT(("Page %d is already pending local delete", PAGE_INDEX_TO_HANDLE(indexInternal))); DC_QUIT; break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad page substate %d", pPageState->subState)); break; } } }
// There are no deletes or adds outstanding now
// Copy the new page order to the internal page list
memcpy(pPageOrderInternal, pPageOrderExternal, lLengthExternal);
// Inform the client of the change
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_PAGE_ORDER_UPDATED")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
0, // No parameters
// Check the number of pages ready in the cache
// Release the Page Control Object
if (pData != NULL) { OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjPageControl, &pData); }
DebugExitVOID(wbProcessPageControlChanges); }
// Name: wbOnSyncObjectReplaceInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever the Sync Control object is
// replaced.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnSyncObjectReplaceInd(POM_OBJECT pObj) { POM_OBJECTDATA pSyncObject; PWB_SYNC_CONTROL pSyncControl; OM_OBJECT_ID syncPersonID;
// Confirm the replace of the object
OM_ObjectReplaceConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, pObj);
// Read the object and determine whether it was written by this client or
// another.
if (OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjSyncControl, &pSyncObject) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error reading Sync Control Object")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
pSyncControl = (PWB_SYNC_CONTROL) pSyncObject->data;
// Get the user ID from the object
syncPersonID = pSyncControl->personID;
// Release the Sync Control Object
OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjSyncControl, &pSyncObject); pSyncControl = NULL;
// If the user ID in the object is not the ID of the current client, we
// must post a message to the front-end.
if (memcmp(&syncPersonID, &(m_personID), sizeof(syncPersonID)) != 0) { //
// Post a "sync position updated" event to the front-end
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbOnSyncControlReplaced); }
// Name: wbOnGraphicObjectReplaceInd
// Purpose: This routine is called whenever an OM_OBJECT_REPLACE_IND is
// received for an object in a page workset.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbOnGraphicObjectReplaceInd ( OM_WORKSET_ID worksetID, POM_OBJECT pObj ) { WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage = (WB_PAGE_HANDLE)worksetID; BOOL bConfirm = FALSE;
// Record that the contents have changed
m_changed = TRUE; TRACE_OUT(("Changed flag now TRUE"));
// These events are handled within the core until the client is ready.
if (m_state != STATE_IDLE) { TRACE_OUT(("Replace of graphic object before registration")); bConfirm = TRUE; }
// Check that this page is actually in use
if (GetPageState(hPage)->state != PAGE_IN_USE) { TRACE_OUT(("Replace in page that is not in use")); bConfirm = TRUE; }
// Check whether we are to pass the replace on to the client
if (bConfirm) { //
// Confirm the change to ObMan (cannot fail)
TRACE_OUT(("Confirming replace immediately")); OM_ObjectReplaceConfirm(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, worksetID, pObj); } else { //
// Inform the client of the object being added
TRACE_OUT(("Posting WBP_EVENT_GRAPHIC_REPLACE_IND")); WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
hPage, // Page handle
(UINT_PTR)pObj); // Object handle
DebugExitVOID(wbOnGraphicObjectReplaceInd); }
// Name: wbWritePageControl
// Purpose: Write the page control information to the Page Control Workset
// from the copy held in client data. We write only those pages
// which are marked as being in use (and are not pending delete).
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbWritePageControl(BOOL create) { UINT result = 0; UINT rc; UINT index; UINT length; PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrderInternal = &(m_pageOrder); PWB_PAGE_ORDER pPageOrderExternal; WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage; PWB_PAGE_STATE pPageState; POM_OBJECT pObj; POM_OBJECTDATA pData = NULL; UINT generation;
// Allocate memory for the object.
length = sizeof(WB_PAGE_ORDER) - ( (WB_MAX_PAGES - pPageOrderInternal->countPages) * sizeof(OM_WORKSET_ID));
if (OM_ObjectAlloc(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, length, &pData) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error allocating object")); DC_QUIT; }
pData->length = length;
// Get a pointer to the page control object itself
pPageOrderExternal = (PWB_PAGE_ORDER) pData->data;
// Set the object type
pPageOrderExternal->objectType = TYPE_CONTROL_PAGE_ORDER;
// Increment the page list generation number indicating that we have
// written a new version of the page list.
generation = MAKELONG(pPageOrderInternal->generationLo, pPageOrderInternal->generationHi); generation++; pPageOrderInternal->generationLo = LOWORD(generation); pPageOrderInternal->generationHi = HIWORD(generation);
// Copy the page control data
pPageOrderExternal->objectType = TYPE_CONTROL_PAGE_ORDER; pPageOrderExternal->generationLo = pPageOrderInternal->generationLo; pPageOrderExternal->generationHi = pPageOrderInternal->generationHi; pPageOrderExternal->countPages = 0;
// Loop through the internal page order finding the pages that are in
// use.
for (index = 0; index < pPageOrderInternal->countPages; index++) { //
// Get the handle of the next page
hPage = (pPageOrderInternal->pages)[index];
// Check the page state
pPageState = GetPageState(hPage); if ( (pPageState->state == PAGE_IN_USE) && (pPageState->subState == PAGE_STATE_EMPTY)) { //
// Add the page to the external list
(pPageOrderExternal->pages)[pPageOrderExternal->countPages] = hPage; pPageOrderExternal->countPages++; } }
// We expect always to copy at least one page
ASSERT((pPageOrderExternal->countPages >= 1));
// Check whether we are creating or replacing the object
if (create) { //
// Add the object to the workset (we never update these objects, so the
// update length is set to 0).
rc = OM_ObjectAdd(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, &pData, 0, &pObj, LAST); } else { //
// Replace the existing object
TRACE_OUT(("Replacing Page Control Object")); rc = OM_ObjectReplace(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjPageControl, &pData); }
if (rc != 0) { //
// Discard the object - it was not used to replace the existing one
TRACE_OUT(("Adding Page Control Object")); OM_ObjectDiscard(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, &pData);
ERROR_OUT(("Error adding/replacing page control object")); DC_QUIT; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbWritePageControl, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbCreateSyncControl
// Purpose: Create the sync control object
// Returns: None
UINT WbClient::wbCreateSyncControl(void) { UINT result; WB_SYNC sync;
// Set the sync information to no page, empty rectangle
ZeroMemory(&sync, sizeof(WB_SYNC)); sync.length = WB_SYNC_SIZE; sync.currentPage = WB_PAGE_HANDLE_NULL;
// Write the object
result = wbWriteSyncControl(&sync, TRUE);
DebugExitDWORD(wbCreateSyncControl, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbWriteSyncControl
// Purpose: Write the Sync Control object to the Page Control Workset
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbWriteSyncControl ( PWB_SYNC pSync, BOOL create ) { UINT result = 0; UINT rc; POM_OBJECT pObj; POM_OBJECTDATA pData = NULL; PWB_SYNC_CONTROL pSyncControl;
// Allocate memory for the object.
rc = OM_ObjectAlloc(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, WB_SYNC_CONTROL_SIZE, &pData); if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error allocating object")); DC_QUIT; }
pData->length = WB_SYNC_CONTROL_SIZE;
// Copy the sync control data from the client information
pSyncControl = (PWB_SYNC_CONTROL) pData->data; pSyncControl->personID = m_personID; memcpy(&(pSyncControl->sync), pSync, WB_SYNC_SIZE);
// Check whether we are creating or replacing the object
if (create) { //
// Add the object to the workset
rc = OM_ObjectAdd(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, &pData, WB_SYNC_CONTROL_SIZE, &pObj, LAST);
// If successful
if (rc == 0) { //
// Save the handle of the sync control object
m_pObjSyncControl = pObj;
// Make sure we do not discard the object below
pData = NULL; } } else { //
// Replace the existing object
rc = OM_ObjectReplace(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjSyncControl, &pData);
// Make sure we do not discard the object below
pData = NULL; }
// If we still have the Sync Control object - discard it
if (pData != NULL) { //
// Discard the object - it was not used to replace the existing one
OM_ObjectDiscard(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, SYNC_CONTROL_WORKSET, &pData); }
// If an error occurred during processing - report it
if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error adding/replacing sync control object")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
DebugExitDWORD(wbWriteSyncControl, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbSelectPersonColor
// Purpose: Select a color identifier for the local user
// Returns: Selected color
UINT WbClient::wbSelectPersonColor(void) { UINT count = 0; UINT result; POM_OBJECT pObjUser;
// Select the color according to the order in the workset. See comments
// in wbCheckPersonColor for further details.
// start at the first object, search for the position of the local user's
// user object.
result = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, 0, &pObjUser, FIRST); while ((result == 0) && (pObjUser != m_pObjLocal)) { count++; result = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObjUser, &pObjUser, AFTER);
if ((result != 0) && (result != OM_RC_NO_SUCH_OBJECT)) { ERROR_OUT(("Unexpected return code from ObMan")); }
DebugExitDWORD(wbSelectPersonColor, count); return (count); }
// Name: wbCheckPersonColor
// Purpose: Check whether a new user has usurped our color. If so we must
// update our own color.
// Returns: None
void WbClient::wbCheckPersonColor ( POM_OBJECT hCheckObject ) { POM_OBJECTDATA pCheckObject = NULL; PWB_PERSON pUser; WB_PERSON user;
// Read the new user information
if (OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, hCheckObject, &pCheckObject) != 0) { wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
pUser = (PWB_PERSON) pCheckObject->data;
// Compare the color identifier in the new user with that of the local
// user, if they are different there is nothing to do.
if (pUser->colorId == m_colorId) { TRACE_OUT(("New user has same color as local user = %d", pUser->colorId));
// The user color is determined by the order in the workset group of
// the user objects. The first user has color 0, the second color 1
// etc.
// When a user leaves the workset, however, the colors do not change.
// When a new user joins, it sets its color to its new position, and
// the others will then be forced to change accordingly. Whenever an
// object add or update is received where the new remote user color
// clashes with the local one, it is always the local user's job to
// change color, since the remote user has selected his new color
// according to his current position in the workset. The local user
// can't have the same position (since two users have two distinct user
// objects, so therefore must have the wrong color.
// Get the user object for the local user
if (wbPersonGet(m_pObjLocal, &user) != 0) { DC_QUIT; }
// Update the color
TRACE_OUT(("Old color ID for local user is %d", user.colorId)); user.colorId = (TSHR_UINT16)wbSelectPersonColor(); TRACE_OUT(("New color ID for local user is %d", user.colorId));
// Copy the person's color into the client's data
m_colorId = user.colorId;
// Write the new user information back
if (wbPersonUpdate(&user) != 0) { DC_QUIT; } }
// If an object has been read, release it now
if (pCheckObject != NULL) { OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, hCheckObject, &pCheckObject); }
DebugExitVOID(wbCheckPersonColor); }
// Name: wbWriteLock
// Purpose: Add a lock object to the Page Control Workset
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbWriteLock(void) { UINT result; POM_OBJECTDATA pData; PWB_LOCK pLock; POM_OBJECT pObj;
// Create a lock object
result = OM_ObjectAlloc(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, sizeof(WB_LOCK), &pData); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Unable to allocate lock object = %d", result)); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
pData->length = sizeof(WB_LOCK);
// Set the lock object fields
pLock = (PWB_LOCK) pData->data; pLock->objectType = TYPE_CONTROL_LOCK; pLock->personID = m_personID; pLock->lockType = m_lockRequestType;
// If we already have the lock, then we can just replace the object
if (m_pObjLock == NULL) { //
// Add the lock object to the Workset. The Add indication received
// by the remote users signals the presence of the lock to them.
result = OM_ObjectAdd(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, &pData, sizeof(WB_LOCK), &pObj, LAST); } else { //
// Replace the existing object
result = OM_ObjectReplace(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, m_pObjLock, &pData); }
if (result != 0) { //
// The add or replace failed, we must discard the object
OM_ObjectDiscard(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, &pData);
ERROR_OUT(("Error adding user object")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Save the handle of the lock object
TRACE_OUT(("Lock handle was %x, now %x", m_pObjLock, pObj)); m_pObjLock = pObj;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbWriteLock, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbReadLock
// Purpose: Update the lock information stored in the client data after a
// change in the Lock Object.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbReadLock(void) { UINT count = 0;
// Before we read the lock information we need to ensure that the
// the objects we need. If either of the objects are missing, quit and
// wait until we are called again - this function will be called
// whenever new objects are added to these worksets.
OM_WorksetCountObjects(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, &count); TRACE_OUT(("%d objects in USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET", count)); if (count == 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Need to wait for USER_INFO object")); DC_QUIT; } OM_WorksetCountObjects(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, &count); TRACE_OUT(("%d objects in PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET", count)); if (count == 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Need to wait for PAGE_CONTROL object")); DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("Process lock")); wbProcessLockNotification();
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbReadLock); }
// Name: wbProcessLockNotification
// Purpose:
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbProcessLockNotification(void) { UINT rc = 0; POM_OBJECTDATA pData; PWB_LOCK pLock; WB_LOCK_TYPE lockType; POM_OBJECT pObjPersonLock; POM_OBJECT pObj; POM_OBJECT pObjLock; UINT objectType = 0;
// Get the handle of the lock object. We use the last object in the
// workset to protect against lock objects being left lying around.
rc = OM_ObjectH(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, 0, &pObj, LAST); if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error getting lock object handle = %d", rc)); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Check that this is the CONTROL_LOCK object. Quit if it isnt - we
// will be called again later when the object arrices.
rc = wbGetPageObjectType(pObj, &objectType); if (rc != 0) { DC_QUIT; } if (objectType != TYPE_CONTROL_LOCK) { TRACE_OUT(("not LOCK control object - quit")); DC_QUIT; }
// Save the handle of the lock object
pObjLock = pObj;
// Read the object
rc = OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, pObj, &pData); if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error reading lock object %d", rc)); wbError(); DC_QUIT; } pLock = (PWB_LOCK) &(pData->data);
// Save the lock details
lockType = (WB_LOCK_TYPE)pLock->lockType; TRACE_OUT(("Lock type %d", lockType));
// Convert the object ID held in the PAGE_CONTROL workset to an object
// handle.
rc = OM_ObjectIDToPtr(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pLock->personID, &pObjPersonLock);
// The return code is checked after the object release to ensure that
// the object is not held and read again.
// Release the lock object
OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, PAGE_CONTROL_WORKSET, pObj, &pData);
// Check the return code from the ID to Handle call
if (rc == OM_RC_BAD_OBJECT_ID) { WARNING_OUT(("Unknown ID - wait for next add of user object")); DC_QUIT; } else if (rc != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error (%d) converting lock user ID to handle", rc)); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Validate the lock state and details
switch (m_lockState) { //
// In this state we do not actually have the lock, but are waiting
// for confirmation of an earlier workset-lock request. In this
// case, we let the front end know that the lock request has failed
// before sending indication of the lock by the other user.
case LOCK_STATE_PENDING_LOCK: ASSERT((pObjPersonLock != m_pObjLocal));
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_LOCKED_OUT; TRACE_OUT(("Moved lock state to LOCK_STATE_LOCKED_OUT"));
WBP_PostEvent( 0, // No delay
WBP_EVENT_LOCK_FAILED, // Lock request failed
0, // No parameters
0); break;
// In these states we do not have a lock - this must be a new lock
// from remote user or an update to an old lock.
case LOCK_STATE_EMPTY: case LOCK_STATE_LOCKED_OUT: ASSERT((pObjPersonLock != m_pObjLocal));
// Update the lock state to show that we are now locked out
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_LOCKED_OUT; TRACE_OUT(("Moved lock state to LOCK_STATE_LOCKED_OUT")); break;
// In these states we have the lock (or are expecting to get it)
case LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK: case LOCK_STATE_PENDING_ADD: ASSERT((pObjPersonLock == m_pObjLocal));
// Update the lock state to show that we are now locked out
m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK; TRACE_OUT(("Moved lock state to LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK")); break;
// The lock request has been cancelled - unlock the WS.
// In any other state we are not expecting any lock
default: ERROR_OUT(("Not expecting lock object add")); break; }
// Save the lock details
TRACE_OUT(("Lock handle was %x, now %x", m_pObjLock, pObjLock)); m_pObjLock = pObjLock; m_lockType = lockType; m_pObjPersonLock = pObjPersonLock;
// If the lock has subsequently been cancelled, unlock the WS.
if (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_CANCEL_LOCK) { TRACE_OUT(("Cancel lock")); m_lockState = LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK; wbUnlock(); } else { //
// Inform the client of the lock. The notification will be trapped
// by the core if the client is not fully registered.
wbSendLockNotification(); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(wbProcessLockNotification); }
// Name: wbSendLockNotification
// Purpose: Post a lock notification to the client. The lock information
// held in the client memory must be up to date when this function
// is called.
// Returns: Error code
void WbClient::wbSendLockNotification(void) { UINT result = 0; UINT lockEvent;
// Check that we are in a valid state for sending a lock notification
if ( (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) || (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_LOCKED_OUT) || (m_lockState == LOCK_STATE_EMPTY)) { //
// Verify the lock type
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad lock type %d", (UINT) m_lockType)); break; }
// Tell the client that the lock has been acquired or released
WBP_PostEvent( 0, lockEvent, 0, (UINT_PTR)m_pObjPersonLock);
TRACE_OUT(("Sent lock notification")); }
DebugExitVOID(wbSendLockNotification); }
// Name: wbOnWBPLock
// Purpose: Process a successful lock acquisitoin
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWBPLock(void) { BOOL processed = TRUE;
// If we are registering and have just acquired the lock - we can now
// continue the registration process.
// Test the current state
switch (m_state) { //
// We are waiting for registration to continue
// Act on the registration substate
if (m_subState == STATE_REG_PENDING_LOCK) { //
// Check that it is us who now has the lock
if (m_lockState != LOCK_STATE_GOT_LOCK) { TRACE_OUT(("It is not us who has the lock"));
// Another client has acquired the lock - we must wait for them
// to add the Page Control Object.
// We now have the Page Control Workset locked - check for the
// existence of the Page Control and Sync Control objects. (We
// have to do this because another client could have locked the
// workset, added the objects and unlocked the workset just before
// we requested the lock. The Page Control Object may not have
// reached us before we requested the lock. Now that we have the
// lock we are guaranteed to have all objects in the workset so the
// object add events may have arrived just before the lock
// confirmation.
if ( (m_pObjPageControl != 0) && (m_pObjSyncControl != 0)) { //
// Unlock the workset
// Wait for the unlock to complete
// We are the first in the call - we must add the Page Control
// Object. (It is possible that another client added the Page
// Control object and then failed. To cover this we check
// separately for the Page Control and Sync objects.)
if (m_pObjPageControl == 0) { //
// Add a single page to the page control object using the first
// page workset (which we always open).
// Write the Page Control information
if (wbWritePageControl(TRUE) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error adding Page Control Object")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Update the state to "waiting for Page Control"
// The Page Control object is there, so the Sync Control object
// must not be (we checked above for both being there and would
// have exited by now if they were).
ASSERT((m_pObjSyncControl == 0));
// Create the Sync Control Object.
if (wbCreateSyncControl() != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Error adding Sync Control Object")); wbError(); DC_QUIT; }
// Wait for the Sync Control object to be added
case STATE_IDLE: //
// We are fully registered. The event must be passed on to the
// front-end
processed = FALSE; break;
// We are in an unknown state
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad client major state")); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWBPLock, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnWBPLockFailed
// Purpose: Process a failed lock acquisition
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWBPLockFailed(void) { BOOL processed = TRUE;
// Check the current state
switch (m_state) { case STATE_REGISTERING: //
// If we are registering and have just failed to acquire the lock -
// this is because another user has the lock. If both the page and
// sync objects have been added, finish registration, otherwise wait
// for them to be added.
if ( (m_pObjPageControl != 0) && (m_pObjSyncControl != 0)) { TRACE_OUT(("Page Control and Sync Control objects both there.")); TRACE_OUT(("Registration can be completed")); wbOnControlWorksetsReady(); DC_QUIT; }
if (m_pObjPageControl == 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Waiting for page control")); m_subState = STATE_REG_PENDING_PAGE_CONTROL; DC_QUIT; }
if (m_pObjSyncControl == 0) { TRACE_OUT(("Waiting for sync control")); m_subState = STATE_REG_PENDING_SYNC_CONTROL; DC_QUIT; } break;
case STATE_IDLE: //
// We are fully registered. The event must be passed on to the
// front-end
processed = FALSE; break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad main state")); break; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWBPLockFailed, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnWBPUnlocked
// Purpose: Process an unlock notification
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWBPUnlocked(void) { BOOL processed = TRUE;
// If we are registering and waiting to unlock the Page Control Workset
// we must complete registration here.
// Check the current state
switch (m_state) { case STATE_REGISTERING: //
// Check whether we are expecting his event
if(m_subState == STATE_REG_PENDING_UNLOCK) { //
// Continue the registration process
wbOnControlWorksetsReady(); DC_QUIT; }
// We were not expecting the unlock event
WARNING_OUT(("Unexpected unlock event")); break;
case STATE_IDLE: //
// We are fully registered. The event must be passed on to the
// front-end
processed = FALSE; break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Bad main state")); break; } // Switch on client state
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWBPUnlocked, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbOnWBPPageOrderUpdated
// Purpose: Process a page order updated notification
// Returns: Error code
BOOL WbClient::wbOnWBPPageOrderUpdated(void) { BOOL processed = FALSE;
// If we are registering and waiting for the Page Order to be brought
// up-to-date we can now continue registration.
if (m_state == STATE_REGISTERING) { //
// Show that we have processed the event (we do not want to pass it on
// to the client, they are not yet fully registered and will not be
// expecting it).
processed = TRUE;
// If we have enough pages ready in the cache, we have completed
// registration. (Otherwise the call to CheckReadyPages will open
// another page and will complete registration later.)
if (wbCheckReadyPages()) { wbCompleteRegistration(); DC_QUIT; }
// We must wait for sufficiently many pages to be ready
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(wbOnWBPPageOrderUpdated, processed); return(processed); }
// Name: wbPersonGet
// Purpose: Get user details
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbPersonGet ( POM_OBJECT pObjUser, PWB_PERSON pUser ) { UINT result = 0; POM_OBJECTDATA pUserObject;
if (pObjUser == m_pObjLocal) { TRACE_OUT(("Call is for local user details")); }
// Read the object.
result = OM_ObjectRead(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObjUser, &pUserObject); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectRead = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Copy the read user object into the buffer passed
memcpy(pUser, pUserObject->data, sizeof(WB_PERSON)); TRACE_OUT(("CMG personID %u", pUser->cmgPersonID));
// Release the object
OM_ObjectRelease(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, pObjUser, &pUserObject);
// If the call is for the local user, update the color field to ensure it
// doesn't get overwritten in a race condition with the front-end (i.e.
// the front end tries to update the user before the color-change event
// has been received). The core "knows better" than ObMan what the local
// user's color is. This is safe because the color field is only ever
// changed locally.
if (pObjUser == m_pObjLocal) { pUser->colorId = (TSHR_UINT16)m_colorId; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbPersonGet, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbPersonUpdate
// Purpose: Update the local user object - this is only used by the CORE -
// the front-end calls WBP_SetPersonData, which does a _replace_.
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbClient::wbPersonUpdate(PWB_PERSON pUser) { UINT result = 0; POM_OBJECTDATA pUserObject;
// Allocate a user object
result = OM_ObjectAlloc(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, sizeof(WB_PERSON), &pUserObject); if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectAlloc = %d", result)); DC_QUIT; }
// Set the length of the object
// Copy the user information into the ObMan object
memcpy(pUserObject->data, pUser, sizeof(WB_PERSON));
// Update the object
result = OM_ObjectUpdate(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, m_pObjLocal, &pUserObject);
if (result != 0) { ERROR_OUT(("OM_ObjectUpdate = %d", result));
// Discard the object
OM_ObjectDiscard(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, USER_INFORMATION_WORKSET, &pUserObject);
// Note that the object has not yet been updated. An
// OM_OBJECT_UPDATE_IND event will be generated.
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitDWORD(wbPersonUpdate, result); return(result); }
// Name: wbGetNetUserID().
// Purpose: Get the network user ID for this client
// Returns:
BOOL WbClient::wbGetNetUserID(void) { BOOL result = TRUE; UINT rc = 0;
rc = OM_GetNetworkUserID(m_pomClient, m_hWSGroup, &m_clientNetID); if (rc != 0) { if (rc == OM_RC_LOCAL_WSGROUP) { m_clientNetID = 0; } else { result = FALSE; } }
DebugExitBOOL(wbGetNetUserID, result); return(result); }