#include <mvopsys.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
static char s_aszModule[] = __FILE__; /* For error report */ #endif
#include <windows.h>
#include <itpropl.h>
#include <atlinc.h>
#include "wwumain.h"
// CompareKeys ****************************************************************
HRESULT PASCAL ScanTempFile(LPFBI lpfbi, LPB lpbOut, LPV lpv) { LPB lpbLimit = lpfbi->lrgbBuf + lpfbi->cbBuf; LPB lpbIn = lpfbi->lrgbBuf + lpfbi->ibBuf;
#define STATE_KEY 2
DWORD dwState = STATE_KEYSIZE; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwTemp = sizeof (DWORD);
LPB lpbSaved = lpbOut; *(LPW)lpbOut = 0; lpbOut += sizeof (WORD);
for (;; dwState++) { if (STATE_KEY == dwState || STATE_PROPLIST == dwState) dwTemp = dwSize;
if (lpbIn + dwTemp >= lpbLimit) { HRESULT hResult; lpfbi->ibBuf = (WORD)(lpbIn - lpfbi->lrgbBuf); if (FileBufFill (lpfbi, &hResult) == cbIO_ERROR) return hResult;
lpfbi->ibBuf = 0; lpbIn = lpfbi->lrgbBuf; lpbLimit = lpfbi->lrgbBuf + lpfbi->cbBuf;
/* EOF */ if (lpfbi->ibBuf == lpfbi->cbBuf) { break; } }
if (STATE_DATATYPE == dwState) { *lpbOut = *lpbIn; lpbIn++; lpbOut++; } else if (STATE_KEY != dwState && STATE_PROPLIST != dwState) { MEMCPY(lpbOut, lpbIn, sizeof (DWORD)); dwSize = *(DWORD UNALIGNED *)lpbIn; lpbIn += sizeof(DWORD); lpbOut += sizeof(DWORD); } else { MEMCPY(lpbOut, lpbIn, dwSize); lpbIn += dwSize; lpbOut += dwSize; if (STATE_PROPLIST == dwState) break; dwTemp = sizeof (DWORD); } }
*(LPW)lpbSaved = (WORD)(lpbOut - lpbSaved - sizeof(WORD)); lpfbi->ibBuf = (WORD)(lpbIn - lpfbi->lrgbBuf); return S_OK; }
// CompareKeys ****************************************************************
int PASCAL CompareKeys(LPSTR pWord1, LPSTR pWord2, LPV pSortInfo) { // Format:
// <dwSize><Key><Data Type><2nd Sort Order><prop size><prop list>
IITSortKey *piitsk = (IITSortKey *)pSortInfo; ITASSERT(piitsk);
// Compare keys
pWord1 += sizeof (WORD); pWord2 += sizeof (WORD);
CHAR cKey1[2084], cKey2[2048]; ITASSERT(*(DWORD UNALIGNED *)pWord1 <= 2048); ITASSERT(*(DWORD UNALIGNED *)pWord2 <= 2048); MEMCPY(cKey1, pWord1 + sizeof (DWORD), *(DWORD UNALIGNED *)pWord1); MEMCPY(cKey2, pWord2 + sizeof (DWORD), *(DWORD UNALIGNED *)pWord2);
LONG lResult; if (FAILED(piitsk->Compare(cKey1, cKey2, &lResult, NULL))) { ITASSERT(0); }
if (lResult) return lResult;
// Keys are equal - Compare data type
pWord1 += sizeof(DWORD) + *(DWORD UNALIGNED *)pWord1; pWord2 += sizeof(DWORD) + *(DWORD UNALIGNED *)pWord2;
if (lResult = *(BYTE UNALIGNED *)pWord1 - *(BYTE UNALIGNED *)pWord2) return lResult; pWord1++; pWord2++;
// Data types are equal - Compare secondary sort ordinal
lResult = *(DWORD UNALIGNED *)pWord1 - *(DWORD UNALIGNED *)pWord2; return lResult; } /* CompareKeys */
// PackBytes ******************************************************************
int PASCAL PackBytes(LPB lpbOut, DWORD dwIn) { LPB lpbOldOut;
/* Save the old offset */ lpbOldOut = lpbOut;
do { *lpbOut =(BYTE)(dwIn & 0x7F); /* Get 7 bits. */ dwIn >>= 7; if (dwIn) *lpbOut |= 0x80; /* To be continued... */ lpbOut++; } while (dwIn); return (int)(lpbOut - lpbOldOut); /* Return compressed width */ } /* PackBytes */
* * Name FWriteData * * Purpose * Writes the extra data to the keyword data file. * * Arguments * IStorage* pStream: Destination stream * PLKW pKW: Pointer to keyword info structure * LPDWORD pdwWritten: Pointer to return number of bytes written * * Returns * S_OK on success or * ERR_FAILED, indicating compilation should be aborted. * * Notes: * DWORD : Extra data byte count * n : Extra data * **************************************************************************/ HRESULT FWriteData(IStream *pStream, const PLKW pKW, LPDWORD pdwWritten, LPBYTE pTempBuffer) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwTemp; DWORD dwDataSize = pKW->cbPropData; // Encode data size byte count
if (FAILED(hr = pStream->Write(&dwDataSize, sizeof(DWORD), &dwTemp))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = pStream->Write(pKW->pPropData, dwDataSize, &dwTemp))) return hr;
*pdwWritten += sizeof (DWORD) + dwDataSize; return S_OK; }
/* ParseKeywordLine ***********************************************************
* @comm * Input file format: * DWORD : Key byte length * BINARY: Key * %c : PropDest ID * %08X : Entry order * %lu : Property List size %c : DELIMITER(\x0E) * %s : Property List %c : "\n" * ******************************************************************************/
LPSTR WINAPI ParseKeywordLine(LPSTR pBuffer, PLKW pKw) { // Extract the keyword size
DWORD dwKeySize = *(DWORD UNALIGNED *)pBuffer; pBuffer += sizeof(DWORD); *(DWORD UNALIGNED *UNALIGNED)pKw->szKeyword = dwKeySize;
// Extract the keyword string
ITASSERT(dwKeySize <= CBMAX_KWENTRY); MEMCPY(pKw->szKeyword + sizeof(DWORD), pBuffer, dwKeySize); pBuffer += dwKeySize;
// Extract the property destination
pKw->bPropDest= *pBuffer++; ITASSERT(pKw->bPropDest == C_PROPDEST_KEY || pKw->bPropDest == C_PROPDEST_OCC);
// Skip the Entry Order (it's only used to manipulate sorting)
pBuffer += sizeof(DWORD);
// Extract the property list size
pKw->cbPropData = *(DWORD UNALIGNED *UNALIGNED)pBuffer; pBuffer += sizeof(DWORD);
// Make sure we don't read past the end of buffer
ITASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(pBuffer, pKw->cbPropData));
pKw->pPropData = pBuffer; pBuffer += pKw->cbPropData;
return pBuffer; }