// MemAlloc.cpp -- Implementations for the memory allocation routines used within Tome
#include "StdAfx.h"
static HANDLE hheap = NULL; static UINT cAllocs = 0; static UINT cbAllocated = 0; static UINT cFrees = 0; static UINT cbFreed = 0;
// static SYSTEM_INFO si;
static PVOID pvTrap= NULL;
#define HEAP_SIZE_LIMIT 500000
typedef struct _HeapHeader { struct _HeapHeader *phhNext; struct _HeapHeader *phhPrev;
PSZ pszFileWhereAllocated; UINT iLineWhereAllocated; UINT cbAllocated; PVOID pvAllocated;
} HeapHeader, *PHeapHeader;
void * __cdecl operator new(size_t nSize, PSZ pszWhichFile, UINT iWhichLine) { return AllocateMemory((UINT) nSize, FALSE, FALSE, pszWhichFile, iWhichLine); }
void * __cdecl operator new(size_t nSize) { RonM_ASSERT(FALSE); // This routine should not be called by the debugging version
// so long as everyone uses the New macro instead of the new
// operator.
return AllocateMemory((UINT) nSize, FALSE, FALSE); }
void __cdecl operator delete(void *pbData) { ReleaseMemory(pbData); }
#define BOOLEVAL(f) ((f) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")
static PHeapHeader phhAllocatedChain= NULL;
PVOID AllocateMemory(UINT cb, BOOL fZeroMemory, BOOL fExceptions, PSZ pszWhichFile, UINT iWhichLine) { if (hheap == NULL) { hheap = GetProcessHeap();
RonM_ASSERT(hheap != NULL);
if (hheap == NULL) return NULL; // GetSystemInfo(&si);
PVOID pv = NULL; PHeapHeader phh = NULL;
fZeroMemory= TRUE; // for now...
do { if (cb <= HEAP_SIZE_LIMIT) {
UINT fHeapOptions= 0;
if (fZeroMemory) fHeapOptions |= HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY;
RonM_ASSERT(HeapValidate(hheap, 0, NULL)); pv= (PVOID) HeapAlloc(hheap, fHeapOptions, cb + sizeof(HeapHeader));
} else pv= VirtualAlloc(NULL, cb + sizeof(HeapHeader), MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (pv) { phh= (PHeapHeader) pv;
pv= PVOID(phh + 1); } else { if (fExceptions) RaiseException(STATUS_NO_MEMORY, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL); else return NULL; } } while (pv == NULL); // Don't leave unhappy
#ifdef _DEBUG
phh->pszFileWhereAllocated = pszWhichFile; phh-> iLineWhereAllocated = iWhichLine; phh-> cbAllocated = cb; phh-> pvAllocated = pv; phh-> phhNext = phhAllocatedChain; phh-> phhPrev = NULL; if (phhAllocatedChain) phhAllocatedChain->phhPrev= phh; phhAllocatedChain= phh;
++cAllocs; cbAllocated += cb;
if (pvTrap) RonM_ASSERT(pv != pvTrap);
#else // _DEBUG
phh->cbAllocated= cb;
#endif // _DEBUG
return pv; }
PVOID AllocateMemory(UINT cb, BOOL fZeroMemory, BOOL fExceptions) { if (hheap == NULL) { hheap = GetProcessHeap();
RonM_ASSERT(hheap != NULL);
if (hheap == NULL) return NULL; }
PVOID pv = NULL; PHeapHeader phh = NULL;
fZeroMemory= TRUE; // for now...
do { if (cb <= HEAP_SIZE_LIMIT) {
UINT fHeapOptions= 0;
if (fZeroMemory) fHeapOptions |= HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY;
RonM_ASSERT(HeapValidate(hheap, 0, NULL)); pv= (PVOID) HeapAlloc(hheap, fHeapOptions, cb + sizeof(HeapHeader));
} else pv= VirtualAlloc(NULL, cb + sizeof(HeapHeader), MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (pv) { phh= (PHeapHeader) pv;
pv= PVOID(phh + 1); } else { if (fExceptions) RaiseException(STATUS_NO_MEMORY, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, NULL); else return NULL; } } while (pv == NULL); // Don't leave unhappy
phh->cbAllocated= cb;
return pv; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
void ValidateHeap() { RonM_ASSERT(HeapValidate(hheap, 0, NULL)); }
#endif // _DEBUG
void ReleaseMemory(PVOID pv) { RonM_ASSERT(HeapValidate(hheap, 0, NULL)); PHeapHeader phh= PHeapHeader(pv) - 1;
RonM_ASSERT(phh->pvAllocated == pv);
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (phh->phhNext) phh->phhNext->phhPrev = phh->phhPrev; if (phh->phhPrev) phh->phhPrev->phhNext = phh->phhNext; else phhAllocatedChain = phh->phhNext;
#endif // _DEBUG
pv= PVOID(phh);
UINT cb= phh->cbAllocated;
cbFreed+= cb; ++cFrees;
if (cb <= HEAP_SIZE_LIMIT) HeapFree(hheap, 0, pv); else VirtualFree(pv, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
RonM_ASSERT(HeapValidate(hheap, 0, NULL)); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
void DumpResidualAllocations() { char acDebugBuff[256];
wsprintf(acDebugBuff, "%u Orphan Allocations (%u byte total):\n", cAllocs - cFrees, cbAllocated - cbFreed); OutputDebugString(acDebugBuff); UINT iOrphan= 0; for (PHeapHeader phh= phhAllocatedChain; phh; phh= phh->phhNext) { wsprintf(acDebugBuff, " [%u]: %10u Bytes @ 0x%08x Allocated in %s[%u]\n", iOrphan++, phh->cbAllocated, UINT_PTR(phh->pvAllocated), phh->pszFileWhereAllocated, phh->iLineWhereAllocated ); OutputDebugString(acDebugBuff); } }
#endif _DEBUG
void LiberateHeap() { if (hheap == NULL) return; #ifdef _DEBUG
if (phhAllocatedChain) DumpResidualAllocations(); #endif // _DEBUG
// BOOL fDone= HeapDestroy(hheap);
#ifdef _DEBUG
UINT iReason= GetLastError();
#endif // _DEBUG
// RonM_ASSERT(fDone);
hheap = NULL; }