// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Created by RogerJ, October 4th, 2000
// Implementation of MultiSZ smart Array
#include <windows.h>
#include "MultiSZArray.h"
// class CMultiSZString
// defatul constructor
CMultiSZString::CMultiSZString() { m_nSize = m_nStringCount = m_nIndex = 0; m_bFound = FALSE; m_szHardwareId = NULL; prev = next = NULL; }
// constructor
CMultiSZString::CMultiSZString(LPCTSTR pszHardwareId, int nSize) { prev = next = NULL; m_nSize = m_nStringCount = m_nIndex = 0; m_bFound = FALSE; m_szHardwareId = NULL; if (pszHardwareId) {
if (nSize >= 0) { // passed in a regular LPCTSTR
m_nSize = nSize; m_nStringCount = 1; } else { // passed in a multi-sz LPCTSTR
// get the size
LPTSTR pTemp = const_cast<LPTSTR>(pszHardwareId); while (*pTemp) { int nTempSize = lstrlen(pTemp) + 1; m_nSize += nTempSize; pTemp += nTempSize;
m_nStringCount++; } } // allocate memory
m_szHardwareId = new TCHAR [m_nSize+1];
if (!m_szHardwareId) // failed to allocate memory
// initialize allocated memory
ZeroMemory (m_szHardwareId, (m_nSize+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); // +1 for a possible trail NULL
CopyMemory ((PVOID)m_szHardwareId, (CONST VOID*)pszHardwareId, m_nSize*sizeof(TCHAR)); m_nSize ++; } }
// copy constructor
CMultiSZString::CMultiSZString(CMultiSZString& CopyInfo) { prev = next = NULL; m_nIndex = 0; m_nSize = CopyInfo.m_nSize; m_bFound = CopyInfo.m_bFound; // allocate memory
m_szHardwareId = new TCHAR [m_nSize]; if (!m_szHardwareId) // failed to allocate memory
throw ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; // initialize allocated memory
ZeroMemory (m_szHardwareId, m_nSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); CopyMemory ((PVOID)m_szHardwareId, (CONST VOID*)(CopyInfo.m_szHardwareId), m_nSize*sizeof(TCHAR)); } // destructor
CMultiSZString::~CMultiSZString() { if (m_szHardwareId) delete [] m_szHardwareId; m_szHardwareId = NULL; prev = next = NULL; m_nSize = m_nIndex = 0; }
BOOL CMultiSZString::ToString (LPTSTR pszBuffer, int* pnBufferLen) { if (!pszBuffer) { // query for output buffer length
if (m_nSize <= 0) *pnBufferLen = 1; else *pnBufferLen = m_nSize; return TRUE; }
if (*pnBufferLen < m_nSize) { *pnBufferLen = m_nSize; return FALSE; }
// duel with NULL string special case
if (m_nSize <= 0) { *pszBuffer = NULL; return TRUE; }
ZeroMemory(pszBuffer, *pnBufferLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); LPTSTR pTemp = m_szHardwareId; LPTSTR pTemp2 = pszBuffer; while (*pTemp) { lstrcpy(pTemp2,pTemp); // add space in the place of NULL character
pTemp2 += lstrlen(pTemp2); *pTemp2 = ' '; pTemp2++; // move to next string in Multi-SZ string
pTemp += lstrlen(pTemp) + 1; } return TRUE; }
// compare two multi-sz string
BOOL CMultiSZString::Compare (CMultiSZString& CompareSZ) { LPTSTR pThis = m_szHardwareId; LPTSTR pComp = CompareSZ.m_szHardwareId;
// compare size first
if (m_nSize != CompareSZ.m_nSize) return FALSE;
// size are same
while (*pThis && *pComp) { // compare one string in the list
if (0 != lstrcmp(pThis, pComp)) return FALSE;
// move to next string
int nIncrement = lstrlen(pThis); pThis += nIncrement + 1; pComp += nIncrement + 1; }
// one multi-sz terminates, check to see if both terminates
if (*pThis || *pComp) return FALSE; else return TRUE; }
// compare two multi-sz string case insensitively
BOOL CMultiSZString::CompareNoCase (CMultiSZString& CompareSZ) { LPTSTR pThis = m_szHardwareId; LPTSTR pComp = CompareSZ.m_szHardwareId;
// compare size first
if (m_nSize != CompareSZ.m_nSize) return FALSE;
// size are same
while (*pThis && *pComp) { // compare one string in the list
if (0 != lstrcmpi(pThis, pComp)) return FALSE;
// move to next string
int nIncrement = lstrlen(pThis) + 1; pThis += nIncrement; pComp += nIncrement; }
// one multi-sz terminates, check to see if both terminates
if (*pThis || *pComp) return FALSE; else return TRUE; }
LPCTSTR CMultiSZString::GetNextString(void) { // reached end of the multiSZ string
if (m_nIndex >= m_nSize) return NULL; // else
LPTSTR pTemp = m_szHardwareId + m_nIndex; m_nIndex += lstrlen(pTemp) + 1; return pTemp; }
// return TRUE if pszIn is in the Multi-SZ string
BOOL CMultiSZString::Contains(LPCTSTR pszIn) { LPTSTR pThis = m_szHardwareId;
while (*pThis) { if (!lstrcmp(pThis, pszIn)) // match found
return TRUE; pThis += (lstrlen(pThis) +1); }
// not found
return FALSE; }
// return TRUE if pszIn is in the Multi-SZ string
BOOL CMultiSZString::ContainsNoCase(LPCTSTR pszIn) { LPTSTR pThis = m_szHardwareId;
while (*pThis) { if (!lstrcmpi(pThis, pszIn)) // match found
return TRUE; pThis += (lstrlen(pThis) +1); }
// not found
return FALSE; }
BOOL CMultiSZString::PositionIndex(LPCTSTR pszIn, int* pPosition) { if (!pPosition) return FALSE; *pPosition = 0; LPTSTR pThis = m_szHardwareId;
while (*pThis) { if (!lstrcmpi(pThis, pszIn)) { // match found
return TRUE; } pThis += (lstrlen(pThis) +1); (*pPosition)++; }
// not found
*pPosition = -1; return FALSE; }
// Class CMultiSZArray
// default constructor
CMultiSZArray::CMultiSZArray() { m_nCount = 0; m_pHead = m_pTail = m_pIndex = NULL; }
// other constructors
CMultiSZArray::CMultiSZArray(LPCTSTR pszHardwareId, int nSize) { CMultiSZString *pNode = new CMultiSZString(pszHardwareId, nSize);
if (!pNode) throw ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
m_nCount = 1; m_pHead = m_pTail = m_pIndex = pNode; }
CMultiSZArray::CMultiSZArray(CMultiSZString* pNode) { if (!pNode) return;
m_nCount = 1; m_pHead = m_pTail = m_pIndex =pNode; }
// destructor
CMultiSZArray::~CMultiSZArray(void) { RemoveAll(); }
// member functions
// Function RemoveAll() delete all the memory allocated for the array and set the status back to initial state
BOOL CMultiSZArray::RemoveAll(void) { CMultiSZString* pTemp = NULL;
for (int i=0; i<m_nCount; i++) { pTemp = m_pHead; m_pHead = m_pHead->next;
delete pTemp; }
m_pHead = m_pTail = m_pIndex = NULL; m_nCount = 0; return TRUE; }
BOOL CMultiSZArray::Add(CMultiSZString* pInfo) { if (!pInfo) return TRUE;
if (!m_nCount) m_pHead = pInfo; else { // link
m_pTail->next = pInfo; pInfo->prev = m_pTail; pInfo->next = NULL; } // move tail
m_pTail = pInfo; m_nCount++; return TRUE; }
BOOL CMultiSZArray::Add(LPCSTR pszHardwareId, int nSize) { CMultiSZString* pNode = new CMultiSZString(pszHardwareId, nSize); return Add(pNode); }
BOOL CMultiSZArray::Remove(LPCSTR pszHardwareId) { CMultiSZString* pTemp = m_pHead; while (pTemp) { if (pTemp->m_szHardwareId == pszHardwareId) { // found match
if (pTemp->prev) // not the head node
pTemp->prev->next = pTemp->next; else { // head node, move the head node
m_pHead = pTemp->next; if (m_pHead) m_pHead->prev = NULL; }
if (pTemp->next) // not the tail node
pTemp->next->prev = pTemp->prev; else { // tail node, move the tail node
m_pTail = pTemp->prev; if (m_pTail) m_pTail->next = NULL; } delete pTemp; m_nCount--; return TRUE; } pTemp = pTemp->next; } // no match found or no node in the array
return FALSE; } BOOL CMultiSZArray::ToString(LPTSTR pszBuffer, int* pnBufferLen) { int nTempLen = 0; CMultiSZString* pTemp = m_pHead;
for (int i=0; i<m_nCount; i++) { nTempLen += pTemp->m_nSize; pTemp = pTemp->next; }
nTempLen++; // the trailing NULL character
if (!pszBuffer) { // request for length
*pnBufferLen = nTempLen; return TRUE; } else { if (*pnBufferLen < nTempLen) { // buffer too small
*pnBufferLen = nTempLen; return FALSE; } else { ZeroMemory(pszBuffer, *pnBufferLen * sizeof (TCHAR)); LPTSTR pszTemp = pszBuffer; int nSizeLeft = *pnBufferLen; pTemp = m_pHead;
for (int j=0; j<m_nCount; j++) { pTemp->ToString(pszTemp, &nSizeLeft); pszTemp += pTemp->m_nSize - 1; *pszTemp = '\n'; nSizeLeft -= pTemp->m_nSize;
pTemp = pTemp->next; }
return TRUE; } } }
int CMultiSZArray::GetTotalStringCount() { CMultiSZString* pTemp = m_pHead; int nTotalCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i<m_nCount; i++) { nTotalCount += pTemp->m_nStringCount;
pTemp = pTemp->next; }
return nTotalCount; }
CMultiSZString* CMultiSZArray::GetNextMultiSZString() { CMultiSZString* pTemp = m_pIndex;
if (m_pIndex) m_pIndex = m_pIndex->next;
return pTemp; } BOOL CMultiSZArray::Contains(LPCTSTR pszIn) { CMultiSZString* pTemp = m_pHead;
for (int i=0; i<m_nCount; i++) { if (pTemp->Contains(pszIn)) return TRUE; pTemp = pTemp->next; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CMultiSZArray::ContainsNoCase(LPCTSTR pszIn) { CMultiSZString* pTemp = m_pHead;
for (int i=0; i<m_nCount; i++) { if (pTemp->ContainsNoCase(pszIn)) return TRUE; pTemp = pTemp->next; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CMultiSZArray::PositionIndex(LPCTSTR pszIn, PosIndex* pPosition) { if (!pPosition) return FALSE; CMultiSZString* pTemp = m_pHead;
pPosition->y = 0; pPosition->x = 0; for (int i=0; i<m_nCount; i++) { if (pTemp->PositionIndex(pszIn, &(pPosition->y))) return TRUE; (pPosition->x)++; pTemp = pTemp->next; }
pPosition->x = pPosition->y = -1; return FALSE; }
BOOL CMultiSZArray::CheckFound(int nIndex) { if (nIndex > m_nCount) return FALSE; CMultiSZString* pTemp = NULL; ResetIndex();
for (int i=0; i<=nIndex; i++) { pTemp = GetNextMultiSZString(); }
pTemp->CheckFound(); return TRUE; }