#include <stdio.h>
#include "wudetect.h"
// a small utility to convert hexadecimal digits to numeric values in dec
static inline int hexa( TCHAR c ) { if( c >= '0' && c <='9' ) { return (c - '0'); } else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) { return (10 + (c - 'a') ); } else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) { return (10 + (c - 'A') ); }
return -1; }
static void StringToBin( LPTSTR lpData, DWORD& nSize ) { nSize = 0; // we will reassign the value on size of binary buffer
BYTE * lpBinaryData = (BYTE*)lpData;
//_strlwr( lpData );
while( *lpData != '\0' ) { while( ' ' == *lpData ) lpData++;
*lpBinaryData++ = (hexa( *lpData++ ) * 16) + hexa( *lpData++ ); nSize++; } }
// CExpressionParser::fDetectRegBinary
// Detect a substring in registry datum.
// Form: E=RegSubstr,<SubStr>,<RootKey>,<KeyPath>,<RegValue>,<RegData>
// Comments :
bool CExpressionParser::fDetectRegBinary(TCHAR * pszBuf) { const int MAX_DATA_SIZE = 2000;
bool fSuccess = false; HKEY hKeyRoot; HKEY hKey; DWORD type; TCHAR szTargetKeyName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTargetKeyValue[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; TCHAR szKeyMissingStatus[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; TCHAR szData[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; TCHAR szSubStr[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; DWORD iToken = 0;
// Get reg root type (HKLM, etc)
if ( fMapRegRoot(pszBuf, ++iToken, &hKeyRoot) && (GetStringField2(pszBuf, ++iToken, szTargetKeyName, sizeof(szTargetKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0) ) { if ( RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyRoot, szTargetKeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( (GetStringField2(pszBuf, ++iToken, szTargetKeyValue, sizeof(szTargetKeyValue)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0) && (GetStringField2(pszBuf, ++iToken, szSubStr, sizeof(szSubStr)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0) ) { DWORD size = sizeof(szData);
if ( RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szTargetKeyValue, 0, &type, (BYTE *)szData, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( type == REG_SZ ) { _tcslwr(szData);
// iterate thru the substrings looking for a match.
//while ( GetStringField2(pszBuf, ++iToken, szSubStr, sizeof(szSubStr)) != 0 )
{ _tcslwr(szSubStr);
if ( _tcsstr(szData, szSubStr) != NULL ) { fSuccess = true; goto quit_while; } } } else if( REG_BINARY== type ) { StringToBin( szSubStr, size );
int nRes = memcmp( szData, szSubStr, size );
//printf( "", nRes );
if( (int)0 == nRes ) { fSuccess = true; //goto quit_while;
} //printf( "", nRes );
} quit_while:; } else { // if we get an error, assume the key does not exist. Note that if
// the status is DETFIELD_NOT_INSTALLED then we don't have to do
// anything since that is the default status.
if ( lstrcmpi(DETFIELD_INSTALLED, szKeyMissingStatus) == 0 ) { fSuccess = true; } } } RegCloseKey(hKey); } }
return fSuccess; }