// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000
// File: propbag.cpp
// This property bag implementation supports the standard COM interface
// IPropertyBag as well as the specialized interface ITaskSheetPropertyBag.
// The following facilities are available through ITaskSheetPropertyBag.
// 1. Property change notifications.
// 2. Constants
// 3. Property groups (namespace scoping)
// 4. Use IDs or names for property identification
// Here's the general structure of the implementation.
// The implementation uses 8 C++ classes.
// CPropertyBag - The property bag.
// CPropertyGroup - A group of properties. All properties in a group
// exist in their own namespace. A default 'global' group is always
// present. A property bag can have an unlimited number of groups.
// Groups can be added and removed dynamically by the application.
// CPropertyBucket - A set of properties who's identifiers (ID or name)
// hash to the same value. It's just a simple container to manage
// hash table collisions. Each property group has HASH_TABLE_SIZE - 1
// buckets. Buckets are created on-demand so an unused hash value
// has a minimal cost.
// CProperty - A property in the property bag. A property has an
// identifier (ID or name), a value and a set of flags. Currently,
// only the "CONSTANT" flag is used. A property may be a read-write
// or a constant value. Each property bucket contains one or more
// CProperty objects. CProperty objects may not be removed individually.
// They are removed only through destruction of the property bag or
// removal of the parent property group.
// CPropertyName - The identifier of a property. Abstracts the use
// of both a property ID and property name from the rest of the
// implementation. Each CProperty object has one CPropertyName
// member. Handles identity comparison of two properties.
// CNotifyMap - A simple bit map used to represent notification clients
// interested in changes to one or more properties in the property
// bag. Each bit corresponds directly to an entry in the "notify
// client table" in the CNotifier object. The table is merely an
// array of pointers to ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink. Therefore, if
// bit 5 is set, that means the the client who's notify sink pointer
// is stored in element 5 of the notify table wants to be notified.
// Each of the following objects has a notify map:
// 1. CPropertyBag - This is the 'global' notify map. A bit set
// in this map indicates the corresponding client is
// interested in changes to ANY property in the bag.
// 2. CPropertyGroup - A bit set in a group's notify map indicates
// the corresponding client is interested in changes to
// any property in the group.
// 3. CProperty - A bit set in a property's notify map indicates
// the corresponding client is interested in changes
// to this property.
// 4. CNotifier - This is the 'active' notify map and is used
// to indicate which clients are to receive notification
// of the change to the property currently being changed
// by a 'set' operation. See below for a description of
// the CNotifier object.
// CNotifier - Handles registration of notification clients and performs
// client notifications when properties change. The property bag
// has a single CNotifier member. When a client registers for change
// notifications, the client's ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink pointer
// is stored in the notifier's client table (array of ptrs). The
// index of the pointer is the "cookie" returned to the client.
// When a "set" operation begins, the notifier is initialized and
// a reference to it is passed down the function call chain
// (bag->group->bucket->property). At the 'bag', 'group' and 'property'
// points in the call stack each respective object's "notify map" is
// merged into the notifier's 'active' notify map. Once the call reaches
// the point of setting the property value, the map contains bits set to
// represent each of the notification clients interested in changes to
// this property. The notifier is then called to notify all interested
// clients. Clients may be dynamically added or removed at any time.
// The implementation of IPropertyBag automatically uses the 'global'
// property group. Therefore, if you were to write some properties
// through IPropertyBag::Write, those properties would be avaialble through
// the 'global' property group (PROPGROUP_GLOBAL) when using
// ITaskSheetPropertyBag.
// [brianau - 06/20/00]
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "taskui.h"
#include "cdpa.h"
// Size of each property group hash table. This should be a prime
// number for best hashing distribution.
const int HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 13; //
// The type of data used by the change notify map.
// A ULONGLONG provides 64 bits which means we can have 64 registered
// notification clients. Use a DWORD and this drops to 32.
// The maximum number of unique change notify connections. It's just the
// number of bits available in a notify map.
const int MAX_NOTIFY_CNX = sizeof(NOTIFYMAPTYPE) * 8; //
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following macro controls the case sensitivity of the property bag.
// By default the macro is undefined and the property bag is case-insensitive
// with respect to property names. To make the bag case sensitive, uncomment
// this macro and recompile.
inline int ComparePropertyNames(LPCWSTR s1, LPCWSTR s2) { #ifdef TASKUI_PROPBAG_CASE_SENSITIVE
return lstrcmpW(s1, s2); #else
return lstrcmpiW(s1, s2); #endif
inline int CharValue(WCHAR c) { #ifdef TASKUI_PROPBAG_CASE_SENSITIVE
return c; #else
return towlower(c); #endif
// Validate the writeability of an "out" pointer. This just saves
// us from entering the sizeof() part, potentially reducing bugs.
template <typename T> inline bool IsValidWritePtr(T *p) { return (!IsBadWritePtr(p, sizeof(*p))); }
// CNotifyMap
// Represents a 64-bit bitmap for the purpose of representing notification
// registrations in the property bag. There are 3 levels of notify maps
// in the system.
// 1. Global - owned by the CPropertyBag object.
// 2. Group - one owned by each CPropertyGroup object.
// 3. Property - one owned by each CProperty object.
// Whenever a client registers for notification at one of these levels,
// the appropriate map is located and the bit corresponding to that client's
// connection cookie is set. When a property is set, the union of all three
// maps represents the clients requesting notification.
class CNotifyMap { public: CNotifyMap(void) : m_bits(0) { }
bool IsSet(int iBit) const; HRESULT Set(int iBit, bool bSet);
bool AnySet(void) const { return NOTIFYMAPTYPE(0) != m_bits; }
void Clear(void) { m_bits = NOTIFYMAPTYPE(0); }
void Union(const CNotifyMap& rhs) { m_bits |= rhs.m_bits; }
private: NOTIFYMAPTYPE m_bits;
bool _IsValidBitIndex(int iBit) const { return (iBit < (sizeof(m_bits) * 8)); }
NOTIFYMAPTYPE _MaskFromBit(int iBit) const { return NOTIFYMAPTYPE(1) << iBit; } };
// Set or clear a bit corresponding to a client
// Returns:
// S_OK - Bit was set or cleared.
// TSPB_E_NOTIFYCOOKIE - Passed an invalid bit index.
HRESULT CNotifyMap::Set( int iBit, bool bSet // true == set bit, false == clear
if (_IsValidBitIndex(iBit)) { if (bSet) { m_bits |= _MaskFromBit(iBit); } else { m_bits &= ~(_MaskFromBit(iBit)); } hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
// Determines if a given bit is set in the map.
// On 'free' builds, returns false if an invalid bit number
// is specified. Asserts on 'check' builds.
bool CNotifyMap::IsSet( int iBit ) const { ASSERT(_IsValidBitIndex(iBit));
return (_IsValidBitIndex(iBit) && (0 != (_MaskFromBit(iBit) & m_bits))); }
// CNotifier
// This class handles all of the duties of client notification including
// client registration, client unregistration and client notification.
// A property bag has a notifier as a member. When a client wishes to
// register for a change notification, the property bag calls CNotifier::Register
// to create an entry in the client table. The cookie returned is merely the
// index into the client table.
// When a "set prop" operation begins, the notifier's notification map is set
// equal to the bag's global notify map and the prop group handle is set to that
// of the group specified in the "set" operation. A reference to the
// notifier is then passed down the chain of "set" calls
// (bag -> group -> property). At each point the notify maps are merged
// (union) so that the map in the notifier represents all requested
// notifications. Finally, the CProperty::SetValue method sets the property
// then calls CNotifier::Notify. The notifier then scans it's current notify
// map and notifies each client corresponding to bits set.
// That sounds like a lot but it really is quite simple and happens very fast.
// The best thing is that is cleanly handles dynamic registration and
// unregstration of clients as well as addition and removal of properties
// and property categories.
class CNotifier { public: explicit CNotifier(ITaskSheetPropertyBag *pBag); ~CNotifier(void);
HRESULT Register(ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink *pClient, DWORD *pdwCookie);
HRESULT Unregister(DWORD dwCookie);
void Notify(LPCWSTR pszPropertyName);
void MergeWithActiveNotifyMap(const CNotifyMap& map) { m_NotifyMapActive.Union(map); }
void Reset(void) { m_NotifyMapActive.Clear(); m_hGroup = PROPGROUP_INVALID; }
void SetPropertyGroup(HPROPGROUP hGroup) { ASSERT(PROPGROUP_INVALID != hGroup); m_hGroup = hGroup; }
private: //
// A single entry in the connection table.
// Why use an array of structures rather than simply an array
// of client pointers? Good question! While developing this property
// bag I've twice stored something along with the client pointer in each
// client table slot. Once a ref count, the other time a private data
// ptr. As the final design solidified, neither were required. However,
// I've left the structure just in case we need to again store something
// with the client notification pointer. [brianau - 6/20/00].
struct Entry { ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink *pClient; // Client's notification interface ptr.
ITaskSheetPropertyBag *m_pBag; // Don't addref. Will create circular reference
Entry m_rgCnx[MAX_NOTIFY_CNX]; // The connection table.
CNotifyMap m_NotifyMapActive; // The "active" notify map.
HPROPGROUP m_hGroup; // Handle of group associated with prop.
// with the property bag.
HRESULT _FindEntry(ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink *pClient, Entry **ppEntry, DWORD *pdwIndex); HRESULT _FindFirstUnusedEntry(Entry **ppEntry, DWORD *pdwIndex); //
// Prevent copy.
CNotifier(const CNotifier& rhs); CNotifier& operator = (const CNotifier& rhs); };
// CNotifier
CNotifier::CNotifier( ITaskSheetPropertyBag *pBag ) : m_hGroup(PROPGROUP_INVALID), m_pBag(pBag) { ASSERT(NULL != m_pBag);
ZeroMemory(m_rgCnx, sizeof(m_rgCnx)); //
// Note that we DON'T addref the property bag interface.
// Since the CNotifier object is a member of CPropertyBag,
// that would create a circular reference with the property bag.
// We can be assured that the notifier's lifetime is contained
// within the property bag's lifetime.
CNotifier::~CNotifier( void ) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgCnx); i++) { if (NULL != m_rgCnx[i].pClient) { m_rgCnx[i].pClient->Release(); } } //
// DON'T Release m_pBag. See ctor above for details.
// Register a notifiation client. Returns Cookie in pdwCookie to be
// used in call to Unregister if unregistration is desired.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Registration successful.
// S_FALSE - Already registered.
HRESULT CNotifier::Register( ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink *pClient, DWORD *pdwCookie // Optional. May be NULL.
) { ASSERT(NULL != pClient);
Entry *pEntry = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = DWORD(-1); HRESULT hr = _FindEntry(pClient, &pEntry, &dwIndex); if (S_OK == hr) { //
// Found existing entry for this client.
hr = S_FALSE; } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { //
// Need to create a new entry for this client.
// Find a slot for it.
hr = _FindFirstUnusedEntry(&pEntry, &dwIndex); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(NULL == pEntry->pClient);
pClient->AddRef(); pEntry->pClient = pClient; hr = S_OK; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && NULL != pdwCookie) { ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(pdwCookie)); ASSERT(DWORD(-1) != dwIndex);
*pdwCookie = dwIndex; } return hr; }
// Unregister a client to cancel it's reception of all notifications.
// The dwCookie parameter is the one received via the Register method.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Connection unregistered.
// TSPB_E_NOTIFYCOOKIE - Cookie references an invalid connection.
HRESULT CNotifier::Unregister( DWORD dwCookie ) { HRESULT hr = TSPB_E_NOTIFYCOOKIE; if (int(dwCookie) >= 0 && int(dwCookie) < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgCnx)) { Entry& entry = m_rgCnx[dwCookie]; if (NULL != entry.pClient) { entry.pClient->Release(); entry.pClient = NULL;
hr = S_OK; } } return hr; }
// Called by CProperty::SetValue when a value has been altered.
// This function scans the active notify map and notifies each
// registered client specified by a bit set in the map.
void CNotifier::Notify( LPCWSTR pszPropertyName ) { ASSERT(NULL != m_pBag); ASSERT(NULL != pszPropertyName);
if (m_NotifyMapActive.AnySet()) { //
// We pass a pointer to the property bag in the notification
// so we AddRef it to ensure it remains alive across the
// notification.
m_pBag->AddRef(); //
// As we notify clients we'll clear the corresponding bit in
// notify map. This way we examine the map only as long as
// necessary.
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgCnx) && m_NotifyMapActive.AnySet(); i++) { if (m_NotifyMapActive.IsSet(i)) { ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink *pClient = m_rgCnx[i].pClient;
ASSERT(NULL != pClient); if (NULL != pClient) { pClient->OnPropChanged(m_pBag, m_hGroup, pszPropertyName); m_NotifyMapActive.Set(i, false); } } } m_pBag->Release(); } //
// Reset our internal state in preparation for the next
// property notify. The map should be clear at this point.
ASSERT(!m_NotifyMapActive.AnySet()); Reset(); }
// Locates an entry in the client table.
// The pClient argument is the key.
// Using COM identity rules, we QI for IUnknown on both the key
// interface and each of the table entries. If IUnknown ptrs
// match then we found the entry.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Entry found.
// S_FALSE - Entry not found.
HRESULT CNotifier::_FindEntry( ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink *pClient, // Looking for this client.
Entry **ppEntry, DWORD *pdwIndexOut // Optional. Can be NULL.
) { ASSERT(NULL != pClient); ASSERT(NULL != ppEntry); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(ppEntry));
Entry *pEntry = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = DWORD(-1); IUnknown *pUnkClient;
// Get the IUnknown interface pointer from both the key and
// each entry. When we find a match we've found the entry.
HRESULT hr = pClient->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pUnkClient); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgCnx) && NULL == pEntry; i++) { if (NULL != m_rgCnx[i].pClient) { IUnknown *pUnkEntry; hr = m_rgCnx[i].pClient->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pUnkEntry); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pUnkEntry == pUnkClient) { pEntry = &m_rgCnx[i]; dwIndex = i; } pUnkEntry->Release(); } } } pUnkClient->Release(); } *ppEntry = pEntry; if (NULL != pEntry) { //
// Entry found.
ASSERT(DWORD(-1) != dwIndex);
if (NULL != pdwIndexOut) { ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(pdwIndexOut)); *pdwIndexOut = dwIndex; } hr = S_OK; } else if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Entry not found.
ASSERT(NULL == pEntry); ASSERT(DWORD(-1) == dwIndex);
hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; }
// Search the table for the first unused entry.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Unused entry found.
// TSPB_E_MAXNOTIFYCNX - Notify client table is full.
HRESULT CNotifier::_FindFirstUnusedEntry( Entry **ppEntry, DWORD *pdwIndexOut // Optional. May be NULL.
) { ASSERT(NULL != ppEntry); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(ppEntry));
HRESULT hr = TSPB_E_MAXNOTIFYCNX; Entry *pEntry = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = DWORD(-1); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgCnx); i++) { if (NULL == m_rgCnx[i].pClient) { pEntry = &m_rgCnx[i]; dwIndex = i; hr = S_OK; break; } } *ppEntry = pEntry; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (NULL != pdwIndexOut) { ASSERT(DWORD(-1) != dwIndex); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(pdwIndexOut));
*pdwIndexOut = dwIndex; } } ASSERT(FAILED(hr) || DWORD(-1) != dwIndex); ASSERT(FAILED(hr) || NULL != pEntry); return hr; }
// CPropertyName
// This class handles the dual-nature of property names. A name can either be
// a text string or a property ID created wtih the MAKEPROPID macro. Prop
// IDs are used the same was as Windows Resource IDs thorugh the
class CPropertyName { public: CPropertyName(LPCWSTR pszName); ~CPropertyName(void);
bool IsValid(void) const { return NULL != m_pszName; }
bool CompareEqual(LPCWSTR pszName) const;
operator LPCWSTR() const { return m_pszName; }
private: LPWSTR m_pszName;
// Prevent copy.
CPropertyName(const CPropertyName& rhs); CPropertyName& operator = (const CPropertyName& rhs);
static bool IsPropID(LPCWSTR pszName) { return IS_PROPID(pszName); } };
CPropertyName::CPropertyName( LPCWSTR pszName ) : m_pszName(NULL) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName);
if (!IsPropID(pszName)) { m_pszName = StrDupW(pszName); } else { m_pszName = (LPWSTR)pszName; } }
CPropertyName::~CPropertyName( void ) { if (!IsPropID(m_pszName)) { if (NULL != m_pszName) { LocalFree(m_pszName); } } }
bool CPropertyName::CompareEqual ( LPCWSTR pszName ) const { bool bEqual = false; //
// The pszName (and m_pszName) values can be either a pointer to
// a name string or a property ID.
const bool bLhsIsID = IsPropID(m_pszName); const bool bRhsIsID = IsPropID(pszName); if (bLhsIsID == bRhsIsID) { if (bLhsIsID) { bEqual = (m_pszName == pszName); } else { bEqual = (0 == ComparePropertyNames(m_pszName, pszName)); } } return bEqual; }
// CProperty
// Represents a single property in the property bag.
class CProperty { public: static HRESULT CreateInstance(LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar, bool bConstant, CProperty **ppPropOut);
HRESULT SetValue(const VARIANT *pVar, CNotifier& notifier);
HRESULT GetValue(VARIANT *pVarOut) const;
LPCWSTR GetName(void) const { return m_Name; }
bool CompareNamesEqual(LPCWSTR pszName) const { return m_Name.CompareEqual(pszName); }
HRESULT Advise(int iClient) { m_NotifyMapProperty.Set(iClient, true); return S_OK; }
HRESULT Unadvise(int iClient) { m_NotifyMapProperty.Set(iClient, false); return S_OK; }
private: CProperty(LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar, bool bConstant);
enum { CONSTANT = 0x00000001 };
CPropertyName m_Name; // The property name or prop ID.
CComVariant m_Value; // The value.
DWORD m_dwFlags; // Flags like 'CONSTANT'.
CNotifyMap m_NotifyMapProperty; // Clients who want notification.
// Prevent copy.
CProperty(const CProperty& rhs); CProperty& operator = (const CProperty& rhs); };
// Create a property.
HRESULT CProperty::CreateInstance( // [static]
LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar, bool bConstant, CProperty **ppPropOut ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != ppPropOut); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(ppPropOut));
*ppPropOut = NULL; CProperty *pProp = new CProperty(pszName, pVar, bConstant); if (NULL != pProp) { if (pProp->m_Name.IsValid()) { *ppPropOut = pProp; hr = S_OK; } else { delete pProp; } } return hr; }
CProperty::CProperty( LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar, bool bConstant ) : m_dwFlags(0), m_Name(pszName) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVar);
if (bConstant) { m_dwFlags |= CONSTANT; } m_Value.Copy(pVar); }
CProperty::~CProperty( void ) {
// Set the property's value.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Value set.
// S_FALSE - New value same as old. Not changed.
// TSPB_E_MODIFYCONST - Attempt to modify a const property.
HRESULT CProperty::SetValue( const VARIANT *pVar, CNotifier& notifier ) { ASSERT(NULL != pVar);
HRESULT hr = TSPB_E_MODIFYCONST; if (0 == (CONSTANT & m_dwFlags)) { hr = S_FALSE; // Assume no change.
// Only set the value and notify clients if the value is
// going to change.
if (m_Value != *pVar) { //
// Copy the value. Must first clear the value to release
// any VARIANT memory we might be holding.
m_Value.Clear(); hr = m_Value.Copy(pVar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Merge the property's notify map with the 'active'
// notify map. The notifier's 'active' map is now the
// union of the 'global' map, the 'group' map and the
// 'property' map. It contains bits representing
// all of the clients interested in this property change.
notifier.MergeWithActiveNotifyMap(m_NotifyMapProperty); //
// Notify the clients whos bits are set in the 'active' notify
// map.
notifier.Notify(m_Name); } } } return hr; }
// Retrieve the property's value. The value is copied
// the output variant.
HRESULT CProperty::GetValue( VARIANT *pVarOut ) const { ASSERT(NULL != pVarOut); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(pVarOut));
// Must first initialize the output variant before copying.
::VariantInit(pVarOut); return ::VariantCopy(pVarOut, (VARIANT *)&m_Value); }
// CPropertyBucket
// This is a simple container representing the chain of collisions in
// a conventional 'linear-chaining' hash table. The bucket is just a
// DPA of CProperty object ptrs.
class CPropertyBucket { public: static HRESULT CreateInstance(CPropertyBucket **ppBucketOut);
HRESULT SetProperty(LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar, CNotifier& notifier); HRESULT SetConstProperty(LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVAr); HRESULT GetProperty(LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVarOut) const; HRESULT Advise(LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, int iClient); HRESULT Unadvise(int iClient);
private: CPropertyBucket(void);
CDpa<CProperty> m_dpaProp; // DPA of (CProperty *)
CProperty *_FindProperty(LPCWSTR pszName) const; HRESULT _InsertProperty(CProperty *pProp);
// Prevent copy.
CPropertyBucket(const CPropertyBucket& rhs); CPropertyBucket& operator = (const CPropertyBucket& rhs); };
// Create a bucket.
HRESULT CPropertyBucket::CreateInstance( // [static]
CPropertyBucket **ppBucketOut ) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CPropertyBucket *pBucket = new CPropertyBucket(); if (NULL != pBucket) { if (pBucket->m_dpaProp.IsValid()) { ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(ppBucketOut)); *ppBucketOut = pBucket; hr = S_OK; } else { delete pBucket; } } return hr; }
CPropertyBucket::CPropertyBucket( void ) : m_dpaProp(4) {
CPropertyBucket::~CPropertyBucket( void ) { //
// Note that the m_dpaProp member is self-destructive.
// Set a named property in the bucket to a new value.
// If the property doesn't exist it is created.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Property value set.
// S_FALSE - Property value unchanged (dup value).
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - Insuffient memory to add property.
HRESULT CPropertyBucket::SetProperty( LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar, CNotifier& notifier ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVar);
HRESULT hr; CProperty *pProp = _FindProperty(pszName); if (NULL != pProp) { //
// Found the property in the bucket. Set it's value.
hr = pProp->SetValue(pVar, notifier); } else { //
// Must be a new property. Create a property object and
// insert it into the bucket.
hr = CProperty::CreateInstance(pszName, pVar, false, &pProp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = _InsertProperty(pProp); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pProp; } } } return hr; }
// Create a named constant property in the bucket and intialize
// it with the specified value. Note that this property is now
// a constant and cannot be modified. It will however be deleted
// when it's parent property group is removed. If a property of the
// specified name already exists, this method fails.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Constant created.
// TSPB_E_MODIFYCONST - Property of this name already exists.
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - Insuffient memory to add property.
HRESULT CPropertyBucket::SetConstProperty( LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVar);
HRESULT hr = TSPB_E_MODIFYCONST; CProperty *pProp = _FindProperty(pszName); if (NULL == pProp) { hr = CProperty::CreateInstance(pszName, pVar, true, &pProp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = _InsertProperty(pProp); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pProp; } } } return hr; }
// Retrieve the value of a named property in the bucket.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Property retrieved.
// TSPB_E_PROPNOTFOUND - Property not found.
HRESULT CPropertyBucket::GetProperty( LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVarOut ) const { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVarOut); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(pVarOut));
HRESULT hr = TSPB_E_PROPNOTFOUND; CProperty *pProp = _FindProperty(pszName); if (NULL != pProp) { hr = pProp->GetValue(pVarOut); } return hr; }
// Register a client for a change notification on a property.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Change notify registered on the property.
// TSPB_E_PROPNOTFOUND - Property not found.
HRESULT CPropertyBucket::Advise( LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, int iClient ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszPropertyName);
HRESULT hr = TSPB_E_PROPNOTFOUND; CProperty *pProp = _FindProperty(pszPropertyName); if (NULL != pProp) { hr = pProp->Advise(iClient); } return hr; }
// Remove the change notification registration for a particular
// client. This cancels the registration on all properties in the
// bucket.
// Returns:
// Always returns S_OK.
HRESULT CPropertyBucket::Unadvise( int iClient ) { const int cProps = m_dpaProp.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < cProps; i++) { CProperty *pProp = m_dpaProp.Get(i); if (NULL != pProp) { pProp->Unadvise(iClient); } } return S_OK; }
// Find a property (by name) in a bucket. This is simply
// a linear search. We don't do any sorting of items in the
// bucket.
// REVIEW: Sorting items could yield a slight performance
// improvement if collision chains become long.
// Returns NULL if the property is not found.
// If found, the pointer returned is for reference only and
// is not to be deleted by the caller.
CProperty * CPropertyBucket::_FindProperty( LPCWSTR pszName ) const { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(m_dpaProp.IsValid());
const int cProps = m_dpaProp.Count(); for (int iProp = 0; iProp < cProps; iProp++) { const CProperty *pProp = m_dpaProp.Get(iProp); ASSERT(NULL != pProp); if (pProp->CompareNamesEqual(pszName)) { //
// This function is const because it doesn't modify
// the DPA. However, it returns a non-const ptr
// to a CProperty object because the caller may
// need to change the object.
return const_cast<CProperty *>(pProp); } } return NULL; }
// Insert a new property object into the bucket.
// This simply appends the pointer onto the DPA.
// It is assumed that the pProp argument is a heap address.
HRESULT CPropertyBucket::_InsertProperty( CProperty *pProp ) { ASSERT(NULL != pProp);
HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (-1 != m_dpaProp.Append(pProp)) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
// CPropertyGroup
// This class represents a group of properties in the property bag.
// The point is to simulate "scopes" of properties so that clients can create
// separate namespaces within the property bag. This should help greatly with
// reducing bugs related to 'unexpected' changes in property values resulting
// in name collisions. Each group is identified in the application
// namespace by a GUID. GUID_NULL always represents the 'global' namespace.
// When a group is first created, we hand back a 'handle' that is used in
// all other accesses. The handle is merely an index into our group table
// providing direct access to a group. Helper functions are provided to
// return a handle from a property group ID (guid) if necessary.
class CPropertyGroup { public: explicit CPropertyGroup(REFGUID id); ~CPropertyGroup(void);
REFGUID GetID(void) const { return m_id; }
HRESULT SetProperty(LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar, CNotifier& notifier); HRESULT SetConstProperty(LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar); HRESULT GetProperty(LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVarOut) const; HRESULT Advise(LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, int iClient); HRESULT Unadvise(int iClient);
private: const GUID m_id; // Property group ID.
CNotifyMap m_NotifyMapGroup; CPropertyBucket *m_rgpBuckets[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; // Hash table buckets.
DWORD _HashName(LPCWSTR pszName) const; CPropertyBucket *_GetBucket(LPCWSTR pszName) const;
// Prevent copy.
CPropertyGroup(const CPropertyGroup& rhs); CPropertyGroup& operator = (const CPropertyGroup& rhs); };
CPropertyGroup::CPropertyGroup( REFGUID id ) : m_id(id) { ZeroMemory(m_rgpBuckets, sizeof(m_rgpBuckets)); }
CPropertyGroup::~CPropertyGroup( void ) { for (int iBucket = 0; iBucket < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgpBuckets); iBucket++) { delete m_rgpBuckets[iBucket]; } }
// Set the value of a property in the group.
// Will fail if the named property is a constant.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Property value changed.
// S_FALSE - Property value unchanged (dup value).
// TSPB_E_PROPNOTFOUND - Property name not found.
// TSPB_E_MODIFYCONST - Attempt to modify a const property.
HRESULT CPropertyGroup::SetProperty( LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar, CNotifier& notifier ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVar);
HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CPropertyBucket *pBucket = _GetBucket(pszName); if (NULL != pBucket) { //
// Merging the group's notify map with the 'active'
// map adds those notifications registered at the
// group level for this group.
notifier.MergeWithActiveNotifyMap(m_NotifyMapGroup); hr = pBucket->SetProperty(pszName, pVar, notifier); } return hr; }
// Creates a new constant property and sets its value.
// Since constants are only initialized and cannot be changed,
// this operation does not generate a notification event.
// Returns:
// S_OK
// TSPB_E_PROPNOTFOUND - Property name not found.
// TSPB_E_MODIFYCONST - Attempt to modify a const property.
HRESULT CPropertyGroup::SetConstProperty( LPCWSTR pszName, const VARIANT *pVar ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVar);
HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CPropertyBucket *pBucket = _GetBucket(pszName); if (NULL != pBucket) { hr = pBucket->SetConstProperty(pszName, pVar); } return hr; }
// Retrieve the value of a property in the property group.
// Returns:
// S_OK
// TSPB_E_PROPNOTFOUND - Property name not found.
HRESULT CPropertyGroup::GetProperty( LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVarOut ) const { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVarOut); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(pVarOut));
HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CPropertyBucket *pBucket = _GetBucket(pszName); if (NULL != pBucket) { hr = pBucket->GetProperty(pszName, pVarOut); } return hr; }
// Register a client for change notifications on a single property
// or all properties in a group.
// Returns:
// S_OK
// TSPB_E_PROPNOTFOUND - Property name not found.
// TSPB_E_NOTIFYCOOKIE - iClient is invalid.
HRESULT CPropertyGroup::Advise( LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, // NULL == All properties in group.
int iClient ) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (NULL == pszPropertyName || L'\0' == *pszPropertyName) { //
// Register for a change on any property in this group.
hr = m_NotifyMapGroup.Set(iClient, true); } else { //
// Register for a change on a specific property.
CPropertyBucket *pBucket = _GetBucket(pszPropertyName); if (NULL != pBucket) { hr = pBucket->Advise(pszPropertyName, iClient); } } return hr; }
// Cancel change notifications for a given client on all the property
// group and all properties in the group.
// Always returns S_OK.
HRESULT CPropertyGroup::Unadvise( int iClient ) { m_NotifyMapGroup.Set(iClient, false);
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgpBuckets); i++) { CPropertyBucket *pBucket = m_rgpBuckets[i]; if (NULL != pBucket) { pBucket->Unadvise(iClient); } } return S_OK; }
// Retrieve the address of a bucket object containing a named property.
// The bucket number is calculated by a hash on the property name.
// If a bucket does not yet exist for the property, one is created.
// Returns NULL if a bucket doesn't exist and can't be created.
CPropertyBucket * CPropertyGroup::_GetBucket( LPCWSTR pszName ) const { ASSERT(NULL != pszName);
const DWORD iBucket = _HashName(pszName); if (NULL == m_rgpBuckets[iBucket]) { //
// Create a new bucket.
CPropertyBucket *pBucket; HRESULT hr = CPropertyBucket::CreateInstance(&pBucket); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CPropertyGroup *pNonConstThis = const_cast<CPropertyGroup *>(this); pNonConstThis->m_rgpBuckets[iBucket] = pBucket; } } return m_rgpBuckets[iBucket]; }
// Generate a hash value from a property name.
// The number generated will be between 0 and HASH_TABLE_SIZE.
DWORD CPropertyGroup::_HashName( LPCWSTR pszText ) const { LPCWSTR p = NULL; DWORD dwCode = 0; if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pszText)) { //
// Property name is really an ID. In that case just
// use the (ID % tablesize) as the hash code.
dwCode = (DWORD)((ULONG_PTR)(pszText)); } else { DWORD dwTemp = 0; for (p = pszText; TEXT('\0') != *p; p++) { dwCode = (dwCode << 4) + CharValue(*p); if (0 != (dwTemp = dwCode & 0xF0000000)) { dwCode = dwCode ^ (dwTemp >> 24); dwCode = dwCode ^ dwTemp; } } }
ASSERT(dwCode < HASH_TABLE_SIZE); return dwCode; }
// CPropertyBag
class CPropertyBag : public IPropertyBag, public ITaskSheetPropertyBag { public: ~CPropertyBag(void);
// IUnknown
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void **ppv); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(); //
// IPropertyBag
STDMETHOD(Read)(LPCOLESTR pszPropName, VARIANT *pVar, IErrorLog *pErrorLog); STDMETHOD(Write)(LPCOLESTR pszPropName, VARIANT *pVar); //
// ITaskSheetPropertyBag
STDMETHOD(CreatePropertyGroup)(REFGUID idGroup, HPROPGROUP *phGroupOut); STDMETHOD(RemovePropertyGroup)(HPROPGROUP hGroup); STDMETHOD(Set)(HPROPGROUP hGroup, LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVar); STDMETHOD(SetConst)(HPROPGROUP hGroup, LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVar); STDMETHOD(Get)(HPROPGROUP hGroup, LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVarOut); STDMETHOD(PropertyGroupIdToHandle)(REFGUID id, HPROPGROUP *phGroupOut); STDMETHOD(PropertyGroupHandleToId)(HPROPGROUP hGroup, GUID *pidCatOut); STDMETHOD(RegisterNotify)(ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink *pSink, DWORD *pdwCookie); STDMETHOD(UnregisterNotify)(DWORD dwCookie); STDMETHOD(Advise)(DWORD dwCookie, HPROPGROUP hGroup, LPCWSTR pszPropName);
private: CPropertyBag(void);
LONG m_cRef; CNotifyMap m_NotifyMapGlobal; // Global notify map.
CNotifier m_Notifier; // Handles notifying clients on chg.
CDpa<CPropertyGroup> m_dpaGroups; // DPA of (CPropertyGroup *)
// Prevent copy.
CPropertyBag(const CPropertyBag& rhs); CPropertyBag& operator = (const CPropertyBag& rhs);
HRESULT _FindPropertyGroupByID(REFGUID idGroup, HPROPGROUP *phGroup) const; HRESULT _GetPropertyGroup(HPROPGROUP hGroup, CPropertyGroup **ppGroup); bool _IsValidPropertyGroupHandle(HPROPGROUP hGroup) const;
// Friendship with instance generator is typical.
friend HRESULT TaskUiPropertyBag_CreateInstance(REFIID riid, void **ppv); };
// Create a property bag.
HRESULT TaskUiPropertyBag_CreateInstance( REFIID riid, void **ppv ) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CPropertyBag *pBag = new CPropertyBag(); if (NULL != pBag) { if (pBag->m_dpaGroups.IsValid()) { //
// Create the 'global' property group.
HPROPGROUP hGroup; hr = pBag->CreatePropertyGroup(PGID_GLOBAL, &hGroup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(PROPGROUP_GLOBAL == hGroup); hr = pBag->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); pBag->Release(); } } if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pBag; } } return hr; }
CPropertyBag::CPropertyBag( void ) : m_cRef(1), m_dpaGroups(4), m_Notifier(this) {
CPropertyBag::~CPropertyBag( void ) { //
// Note that the m_dpaGroups member is self-destructive.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppv ) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CPropertyBag, IPropertyBag), QITABENT(CPropertyBag, ITaskSheetPropertyBag), { 0 }, }; return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppv); }
STDMETHODIMP_ (ULONG) CPropertyBag::AddRef( void ) { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); }
STDMETHODIMP_ (ULONG) CPropertyBag::Release( void ) { if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef)) return m_cRef;
delete this; return 0; }
// Returns:
// S_OK - Group created.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::CreatePropertyGroup( REFGUID idGroup, HPROPGROUP *phGroupOut ) { ASSERT(NULL != phGroupOut); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(phGroupOut));
if (NULL == phGroupOut || !IsValidWritePtr(phGroupOut)) { //
// Parameter validation for public API.
return E_INVALIDARG; }
HRESULT hr = _FindPropertyGroupByID(idGroup, phGroupOut); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = TSPB_E_GROUPEXISTS; } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CPropertyGroup *pGroup = new CPropertyGroup(idGroup); if (NULL != pGroup) { //
// First try to find an empty slot in the DPA.
int cSlots = m_dpaGroups.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < cSlots; i++) { if (NULL == m_dpaGroups.Get(i)) { m_dpaGroups.Set(i, pGroup); *phGroupOut = i; pGroup = NULL; break; } } if (NULL != pGroup) { //
// DPA is full, extend it.
const int iGroup = m_dpaGroups.Append(pGroup); if (-1 != iGroup) { *phGroupOut = iGroup; hr = S_OK; } else { delete pGroup; } } } } return hr; }
// Removes a property group from the bag. This includes removing
// all of the properties associated with the group.
// Note that the 'global' group cannot be
// removed. It's scope is the lifetime of the property bag and
// is destroyed when the bag is destroyed.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::RemovePropertyGroup( HPROPGROUP hGroup ) { CPropertyGroup *pGroup; HRESULT hr = _GetPropertyGroup(hGroup, &pGroup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && PROPGROUP_GLOBAL != hGroup) { delete pGroup; m_dpaGroups.Set(hGroup, NULL); } return hr; }
// Converts a property group ID (guid) to a group handle.
// The handle returned is the same value that was returned
// in CreatePropertyGroup.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::PropertyGroupIdToHandle( REFGUID idGroup, HPROPGROUP *phGroupOut ) { ASSERT(NULL != phGroupOut); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(phGroupOut));
if (NULL == phGroupOut || !IsValidWritePtr(phGroupOut)) { //
// Parameter validation for public API.
return E_INVALIDARG; }
HRESULT hr = TSPB_E_GROUPNOTFOUND; const int cGroups = m_dpaGroups.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < cGroups; i++) { CPropertyGroup *pGroup = m_dpaGroups.Get(i); if (NULL != pGroup && IsEqualGUID(pGroup->GetID(), idGroup)) { *phGroupOut = i; hr = S_OK; } } return hr; }
// Converts a property group handle to a group ID (guid).
// Returns TSPB_E_GROUPNOTFOUND if the group handle is invalid.
// Cannot retrieve a handle to the pseudo-group handles
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::PropertyGroupHandleToId( HPROPGROUP hGroup, GUID *pidGroupOut ) { ASSERT(NULL != pidGroupOut); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(pidGroupOut));
if (NULL == pidGroupOut || !IsValidWritePtr(pidGroupOut)) { //
// Parameter validation for public API.
return E_INVALIDARG; }
CPropertyGroup *pGroup; HRESULT hr = _GetPropertyGroup(hGroup, &pGroup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(NULL != pGroup); *pidGroupOut = pGroup->GetID(); } return hr; }
// Set a property value in the bag.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Property value changed.
// S_FALSE - Property value unchanged (dup value).
// TSPB_E_GROUPNOTFOUND - Invalid group handle.
// TSPB_E_MODIFYCONST - Attempt to modify a const property.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::Set( HPROPGROUP hGroup, LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVar ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVar);
if (NULL == pszName || NULL == pVar) { //
// Parameter validation for public API.
return E_INVALIDARG; }
CPropertyGroup *pGroup; HRESULT hr = _GetPropertyGroup(hGroup, &pGroup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(NULL != pGroup); //
// Initialize the active notify map to the content of the
// global notify map.
m_Notifier.Reset(); m_Notifier.MergeWithActiveNotifyMap(m_NotifyMapGlobal); m_Notifier.SetPropertyGroup(hGroup); hr = pGroup->SetProperty(pszName, pVar, m_Notifier); } return hr; }
// Create a constant property value in the bag.
// Returns:
// S_OK
// TSPB_E_GROUPNOTFOUND - Invalid group handle.
// TSPB_E_MODIFYCONST - Attempt to modify a const property.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::SetConst( HPROPGROUP hGroup, LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVar ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVar);
if (NULL == pszName || NULL == pVar) { //
// Parameter validation for public API.
return E_INVALIDARG; }
CPropertyGroup *pGroup; HRESULT hr = _GetPropertyGroup(hGroup, &pGroup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(NULL != pGroup); hr = pGroup->SetConstProperty(pszName, pVar); } return hr; }
// Retrieve property value from the bag.
// Returns:
// S_OK
// TSPB_E_GROUPNOTFOUND - Invalid group handle.
// TSPB_E_MODIFYCONST - Attempt to modify a const property.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::Get( HPROPGROUP hGroup, LPCWSTR pszName, VARIANT *pVarOut ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pVarOut); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(pVarOut));
if (NULL == pszName || NULL == pVarOut || !IsValidWritePtr(pVarOut)) { //
// Parameter validation for public API.
return E_INVALIDARG; }
CPropertyGroup *pGroup; HRESULT hr = _GetPropertyGroup(hGroup, &pGroup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(NULL != pGroup); hr = pGroup->GetProperty(pszName, pVarOut); } return hr; }
// Register an interface pointer for property change notifications.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::RegisterNotify( ITaskSheetPropertyNotifySink *pSink, DWORD *pdwCookie ) { ASSERT(NULL != pSink); ASSERT(NULL != pdwCookie);
if (NULL == pSink || NULL == pdwCookie || !IsValidWritePtr(pdwCookie)) { //
// Parameter validation for public API.
return E_INVALIDARG; }
return m_Notifier.Register(pSink, pdwCookie); }
// Cancel all notifications associated with a given connection cookie.
// Returns:
// S_OK
// TSPB_E_GROUPNOTFOUND - Invalid group handle.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::UnregisterNotify( DWORD dwCookie ) { //
// Unegister the sink with the notifier.
HRESULT hr = m_Notifier.Unregister(dwCookie); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Unregister from the global notify map.
m_NotifyMapGlobal.Set(dwCookie, false); //
// Unregister each property group.
const cGroups = m_dpaGroups.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < cGroups; i++) { CPropertyGroup *pGroup = m_dpaGroups.Get(i); if (NULL != pGroup) { pGroup->Unadvise(dwCookie); } } } return hr; }
// Request that a notification interface be notified when certain
// properties change. The interface is identified by the 'cookie' that
// was returned in RegisterNotify.
// The property(s) of interested are identified through the hGroup
// and pszPropertyName arguments as follows:
// hGroup pszPropName(*) Notify triggered on change
// ------------ ---------------- ------------------------------------
// ANYPROPGROUP <ignored> Any property in the bag.
// PROPGROUP_GLOBAL NULL Any property in the global group
// PROPGROUP_GLOBAL Non-NULL Named property in the global group
// Other NULL Any property in the group
// Other Non-NULL Named property in the group
// (*) For the prop name, NULL and L"" are equivalent.
// Returns:
// S_OK
// TSPB_E_GROUPNOTFOUND - Invalid group handle.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::Advise( DWORD dwCookie, HPROPGROUP hGroup, LPCWSTR pszPropertyName ) { HRESULT hr; if (PROPGROUP_ANY == hGroup) { //
// Register for changes in any property.
hr = m_NotifyMapGlobal.Set(dwCookie, true); } else { CPropertyGroup *pGroup; hr = _GetPropertyGroup(hGroup, &pGroup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(NULL != pGroup); //
// Register for changes in either a group or a specific
// property.
hr = pGroup->Advise(pszPropertyName, dwCookie); } } return hr; }
// IPropertyBag implementation.
// Read a property from the 'global' namespace.
// BUGBUG: Do we need to do anything with pErrorLog?
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::Read( LPCOLESTR pszPropName, VARIANT *pVar, IErrorLog * /* unused */ ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszPropName); ASSERT(NULL != pVar); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(pVar));
if (NULL == pszPropName || NULL == pVar || !IsValidWritePtr(pVar)) { //
// Parameter validation for public API.
return E_INVALIDARG; } return Get(PROPGROUP_GLOBAL, pszPropName, pVar); }
// Write a property to the 'global' namespace.
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::Write( LPCOLESTR pszPropName, VARIANT *pVar ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszPropName); ASSERT(NULL != pVar);
if (NULL == pszPropName || NULL == pVar) { //
// Parameter validation for public API.
return E_INVALIDARG; } return Set(PROPGROUP_GLOBAL, pszPropName, pVar); }
// Locate a property group by it's ID (guid), returning it's handle.
// Returns:
// S_OK - Found group.
// S_FALSE - Didn't find group.
HRESULT CPropertyBag::_FindPropertyGroupByID( REFGUID idGroup, HPROPGROUP *phGroup ) const { ASSERT(NULL != phGroup); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(phGroup));
const int cCategories = m_dpaGroups.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < cCategories; i++) { const CPropertyGroup *pGroup = m_dpaGroups.Get(i); if (NULL != pGroup && IsEqualGUID(pGroup->GetID(), idGroup)) { *phGroup = i; return S_OK; } } return S_FALSE; }
// Determine if a group handle is valid.
// Note that the pseudo handle PROPGROUP_GLOBAL is valid.
bool CPropertyBag::_IsValidPropertyGroupHandle( HPROPGROUP hGroup ) const { return (PROPGROUP_ANY != hGroup && PROPGROUP_INVALID != hGroup && hGroup < m_dpaGroups.Count()); }
// Retrieve the address of the CPropertyGroup object associated
// with a particular group handle. The function performs handle
// validation.
HRESULT CPropertyBag::_GetPropertyGroup( HPROPGROUP hGroup, CPropertyGroup **ppGroup ) { ASSERT(NULL != ppGroup); ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(ppGroup));
HRESULT hr = TSPB_E_GROUPNOTFOUND; if (_IsValidPropertyGroupHandle(hGroup)) { *ppGroup = m_dpaGroups.Get(hGroup); hr = S_OK; } return hr; }