#include "private.h"
#include "strlist.h"
// CWCStringList
CWCStringList::CWCStringList() { // We may be able to remove this Clear() call if we guarantee that
// 1) the new operator zero inits
// 2) we don't use this class on the stack
Clear(); }
CWCStringList::~CWCStringList() { #ifdef DEBUG
if (m_iNumStrings > 100) SpewHashStats(TRUE); #endif
CleanUp(); }
// Clean up any allocated memory
void CWCStringList::CleanUp() { // Must free buffers even if not m_fValid, because we may have
// gotten only partway through Init() before running into a problem.
if (m_pBuffer) { MemFree(m_pBuffer); m_pBuffer = NULL; }
if (m_psiStrings) { MemFree(m_psiStrings); m_psiStrings = NULL; }
m_fValid = FALSE; }
// Clear our internal structures to prepare to be initialized. Assumes we
// have no allocated memory (call CleanUp())
void CWCStringList::Clear() { m_fValid = FALSE; m_iBufEnd = m_iBufSize = m_iNumStrings = m_iMaxStrings = 0; m_pBuffer = NULL; m_psiStrings = NULL; ZeroMemory(m_Hash, sizeof(m_Hash)); }
void CWCStringList::Reset() { if (m_fValid || m_pBuffer || m_psiStrings) { CleanUp(); Clear(); } }
BOOL CWCStringList::Init(int iInitBufSize) { if (m_fValid) { DBG("WCStringList::Init called when already initialized"); Reset(); }
if (iInitBufSize <= 0) { iInitBufSize = DEFAULT_INIT_BUF_SIZE; }
m_iMaxStrings = iInitBufSize >> 5; // this is relatively arbitrary but doesn't matter much
m_pBuffer = (LPSTR)MemAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, iInitBufSize); m_psiStrings = (LPSTRING_INDEX)MemAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, m_iMaxStrings * sizeof(STRING_INDEX));
if ((NULL == m_psiStrings) || (NULL == m_pBuffer)) { DBG_WARN("Init() memory allocation failed");
CleanUp(); return FALSE; }
*m_pBuffer = 0;
m_iBufSize = iInitBufSize; m_iBufEnd = 0; m_fValid = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
// Sets up our internal data structures (hash and string_index)
// Sets m_iBufEnd.
// We must already be Init()ialized and the data in m_pBuffer
BOOL CWCStringList::InitializeFromBuffer() { LPCWSTR pNext; int iLen;
if (!m_fValid) return FALSE;
pNext = (LPCWSTR)m_pBuffer;
while (((LPSTR)pNext-m_pBuffer) < m_iBufSize) { iLen = lstrlenW(pNext); InsertToHash(pNext, iLen, FALSE); pNext += iLen+1; }
m_iBufEnd = (int)((LPSTR)pNext - m_pBuffer);
return TRUE; }
// IPersistStream members
// We save
// DWORD containing total length in bytes that follows. Will be
// multiple of four; may have 0-4 extra pad bytes on the end.
// String data.
// Smallest data we store is 4 bytes of zeroes. We still end up taking
// memory when we get restored. Don't instantiate one of these objects
// until you're going to use it.
STDMETHODIMP CWCStringList::IsDirty(void) { DBG("CWCStringList::IsDirty returning S_OK (true) as always");
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CWCStringList::Load(IStream *pStm) { HRESULT hr; ULONG cbRead; DWORD dwDataSize;
if (NULL==pStm) return E_POINTER;
// Clean up our object
// Load our data
hr = pStm->Read(&dwDataSize, sizeof(DWORD), &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr) || cbRead != sizeof(DWORD)) return STG_E_READFAULT;
if (0 == dwDataSize) { if (!Init(512)) // Start with small buffer since we're empty
return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; }
if (!Init(dwDataSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
ASSERT(dwDataSize <= (DWORD)m_iBufSize);
// Read in the string data
hr = pStm->Read(m_pBuffer, dwDataSize, &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr) || cbRead != dwDataSize) return STG_E_READFAULT;
// Set up hash tables etc.
DBG("CWCStringList::Load success");
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CWCStringList::Save(IStream *pStm, BOOL fClearDirty) { HRESULT hr; ULONG cbWritten; DWORD dwDataSize, dwZero=0; DWORD dwZeroPad;
if (NULL==pStm) return E_POINTER;
// First write our data
dwDataSize = (m_iBufEnd+3) & 0xFFFFFFFC; // multiple of four
if ((0 == m_iBufSize) || (0 == m_iNumStrings)) { dwDataSize = 0; }
hr = pStm->Write(&dwDataSize, sizeof(DWORD), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr) || sizeof(DWORD) != cbWritten) return STG_E_WRITEFAULT;
if (dwDataSize > 0) { hr = pStm->Write(m_pBuffer, m_iBufSize, &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr) || sizeof(DWORD) != cbWritten) return STG_E_WRITEFAULT;
dwZeroPad = dwDataSize - m_iBufSize;
ASSERT(dwZeroPad<4); if (dwZeroPad && dwZeroPad<4) { hr = pStm->Write(&dwZero, dwZeroPad, &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr) || (dwZeroPad != cbWritten)) return STG_E_WRITEFAULT; } }
DBG("CWCStringList::Save success");
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CWCStringList::GetSizeMax(ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbSize) { DBG("CWCStringList::GetSizeMax");
if (NULL==pcbSize) return E_POINTER;
pcbSize->LowPart = 0; pcbSize->HighPart = 0;
pcbSize->LowPart = m_iBufEnd + 8;
return NOERROR; }
// Returns a BSTR
BSTR CWCStringList::GetBSTR(int iNum) { LPCWSTR lpStr = GetString(iNum);
return SysAllocStringLen(lpStr, GetStringLen(iNum)); }
// Returns FALSE if string is not found
// Places string index (for GetString()) in *piNum only if string is found.
BOOL CWCStringList::FindString(LPCWSTR lpwstr, int iLen, int *piNum/*=NULL*/) { int iHash; LPSTRING_INDEX psi;
if (!lpwstr) return FALSE;
if (iLen < 0) iLen = lstrlenW(lpwstr);
iHash = Hash(lpwstr, iLen); for (psi = m_Hash[iHash]; psi; psi = psi->psiNext) { if ((psi->iLen == iLen) && memcmp(psi->lpwstr, lpwstr, iLen * sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0) { if (piNum) *piNum = (int) (psi-m_psiStrings); return TRUE; // String is a duplicate
} }
return FALSE; }
// returns STRLST_FAIL on failure,
// STRLST_DUPLICATE if the string already existed, and
// STRLST_ADDED if it's new
int CWCStringList::AddString(LPCWSTR lpwstr, DWORD_PTR dwData /*=NULL*/, int *piNum /*=NULL*/) { int iSize, iLen;
if (!lpwstr) return STRLST_FAIL;
iLen = lstrlenW(lpwstr);
if (!m_fValid || !m_pBuffer) { DBG_WARN("WCStringList: AddString() called with invalid instance"); return STRLST_FAIL; }
if (dwData != 0) DBG_WARN("Value for dwData passed into CWCStringList::AddString");
if (FindString(lpwstr, iLen, piNum)) return STRLST_DUPLICATE; // String is a duplicate
// iSize will be size in bytes including null term
iSize = (iLen+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
// Append string to current buffer
if (iSize >= (m_iBufSize - m_iBufEnd)) { int iOldBufSize = m_iBufSize;
// Grow buffer.
m_iBufSize *= 2; // This way the number of reallocs drops off logarithmically
if (m_iBufEnd + iSize > m_iBufSize) { DBG("StringList special growing size"); m_iBufSize = m_iBufEnd + iSize; }
TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE,"StringList growing to size %d",m_iBufSize);
LPSTR pBuf = (LPSTR)MemReAlloc((HLOCAL)m_pBuffer, m_iBufSize, LMEM_MOVEABLE); if (!pBuf) { m_iBufSize = iOldBufSize; DBG_WARN("WCStringList: ReAlloc() failure"); // Realloc failure: our old memory is still present
return 0; } // Let's be clever and fix all our pointers instead of getting faults
if (m_pBuffer != pBuf) { int i; LPSTRING_INDEX psi; for (i=0, psi=&m_psiStrings[0]; i<m_iNumStrings; i++, psi++) { psi->lpwstr = (LPWSTR)(((LPSTR)psi->lpwstr - m_pBuffer) + pBuf); }
m_pBuffer = pBuf; } }
if (piNum) *piNum = m_iNumStrings;
LPWSTR pBufEnd = (LPWSTR)(m_pBuffer + m_iBufEnd);
StrCpyW(pBufEnd, lpwstr); if (!InsertToHash(pBufEnd, iLen, TRUE)) return 0; m_iBufEnd += iSize;
return STRLST_ADDED; // indicate we added a new string
BOOL CWCStringList::InsertToHash(LPCWSTR lpwstr, int iLen, BOOL fAlreadyHashed) { int iHash = fAlreadyHashed ? m_iLastHash : Hash(lpwstr, iLen);
// grow psiStrings if needed
ASSERT(m_iNumStrings <= m_iMaxStrings); if (m_iNumStrings >= m_iMaxStrings) { m_iMaxStrings *= 2; TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE, "StringList growing max strings to %d", m_iMaxStrings); LPSTRING_INDEX psiBuf = (LPSTRING_INDEX)MemReAlloc((HLOCAL)m_psiStrings, m_iMaxStrings * sizeof(STRING_INDEX), LMEM_MOVEABLE); if (!psiBuf) { // Realloc failure: Old memory still present
DBG_WARN("WCStringList::InsertToHash() ReAlloc failure"); m_iMaxStrings /= 2; return FALSE; } // More cleverness
if (m_psiStrings != psiBuf) { int i; LPSTRING_INDEX psi, *ppsi;
for (i=0, psi=psiBuf; i<m_iNumStrings; i++, psi++) { if (psi->psiNext) psi->psiNext = (psi->psiNext - m_psiStrings) + psiBuf; } for (i=0, ppsi=m_Hash; i<STRING_HASH_SIZE; i++, ppsi++) { if (*ppsi) *ppsi = (*ppsi - m_psiStrings) + psiBuf; }
m_psiStrings = psiBuf; } }
m_psiStrings[m_iNumStrings].lpwstr = lpwstr; m_psiStrings[m_iNumStrings].iLen = iLen; m_psiStrings[m_iNumStrings].psiNext = m_Hash[iHash]; m_Hash[iHash] = &m_psiStrings[m_iNumStrings]; m_iNumStrings++; return TRUE; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// WARNING: this clobbers the hash
void CWCStringList::SpewHashStats(BOOL fVerbose) { /*
int i; for (i = 0; i < STRING_HASH_SIZE; ++i) { int c = 0;
for (tagStringIndex *p = m_Hash[i]; p; p = p->psiNext) ++c;
if (c) TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE,"%10d%12d", i, c); } */
TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE,"### Hash size: %d Num. entries:%7d", STRING_HASH_SIZE, m_iNumStrings); int i,n; if (fVerbose) { TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE," # of entries # of keys with that many"); for (i=0,n=0; n<STRING_HASH_SIZE; i++) { int k=0; for (int j=0; j<STRING_HASH_SIZE; j++) { int c=0; for (tagStringIndex* p=m_Hash[j]; p; p=p->psiNext) c++; if (c == i) k++; } if (k) { TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE,"%10d%12d", i, k); n += k; } } }
int total=0; if (fVerbose) { TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE," length # of strings with that length",1); for (i=0,n=0; n<m_iNumStrings; i++) { int k=0; for (int j=0; j<m_iNumStrings; j++) { if (m_psiStrings[j].iLen == i) k++; } if (k) { if (fVerbose) TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE,"%5d%10d", i, k); n += k; total += k*(k+1)/2; } } } TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE,"### Average compares without hash * 100:%5d", total*100/m_iNumStrings);
total=0; for (i=0; i<STRING_HASH_SIZE; i++) { for (tagStringIndex* p=m_Hash[i]; p; p=p->psiNext) { if (p->iLen < 0) continue; int n=1; for (tagStringIndex* q=p->psiNext; q; q=q->psiNext) { if (p->iLen == q->iLen) { n++; q->iLen = -1; } } total += n*(n+1)/2; } } TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE,"### Average compares with hash * 100:%8d", total*100/m_iNumStrings); */ } #endif
// CWCDwordStringList
CWCDwordStringList::CWCDwordStringList() : CWCStringList() { }
CWCDwordStringList::~CWCDwordStringList() { if (m_pData) MemFree((HLOCAL)m_pData); }
BOOL CWCDwordStringList::Init(int iInitBufSize/*=-1*/) { if (!CWCStringList::Init(iInitBufSize)) return FALSE;
m_pData = (DWORD_PTR*)MemAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, m_iMaxStrings * sizeof(DWORD)); if (NULL == m_pData) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
int CWCDwordStringList::AddString(LPCWSTR psz, DWORD_PTR dwData/*=0*/, int* piNum/*=NULL*/) { int iOldMaxStrings = m_iMaxStrings; // track changes in m_iMaxStrings by this call:
int iNum; int iResult = CWCStringList::AddString(psz, 0, &iNum);
if (iResult == 0) return 0;
if (iOldMaxStrings != m_iMaxStrings) // make sure we have enough data space
{ DWORD_PTR *pData; // TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE, "DwordStringList expanding dwords to %d", m_iMaxStrings);
pData = (DWORD_PTR*)MemReAlloc((HLOCAL)m_pData, m_iMaxStrings * sizeof(DWORD), LMEM_MOVEABLE); ASSERT(pData); if (!pData) { DBG_WARN("Realloc failure in DwordStringList"); MemFree(m_pData); m_pData = NULL; // This is bad
return 0; }
m_pData = pData; }
if (iResult == 2) // only set data value if this is a new string
{ m_pData[iNum] = dwData; }
if (piNum) *piNum = iNum; return iResult; }