@perl -x -w %0 %* @goto :eof #!perl # Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation ################################################################################ # # Script begins here. Above is overhead to make a happy batch file. # # Revision history: # 5/18/00 - Use binplace instead of copy for all 'COPY*' ops. except when # renaming the file. # 11/10/00 - CopyLIB no longer uses lib[fre|chk]. Now just goes to lib in # order to match razzle more closely ################################################################################
use strict; my($WarnLevel);
#if (@ARGV != 3 ) { # print(STDERR "Usage: $0 <ini_file> <kit_name> [ProjectRoot value]\n"); # exit(0); #}
die ("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR_FATAL: ProjectRoot is not defined. Aborting DDK scripts.\n") unless defined($ARGV[2]); die ("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR_FATAL: Kit is not defined. Aborting DDK scripts.\n") unless defined($ARGV[1]);
# --------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure our dependent variables are defined. # --------------------------------------------------------- if (! defined $ENV{_NTTREE}) { print(STDERR "$0 \%_NTTREE\% not defined - assuming a 'no_binaries' build. Script aborted.\n"); exit(0); }
# --------------------------------------------------------- # The default is to build samples on X86Fre machines only. # Set _DDK_SAMPLES = FALSE to disable # --------------------------------------------------------- if (defined $ENV{_NO_DDK}) { print("BUILDMSG: $0: Not building the DDK because \%_NO_DDK\% is set.\n"); exit(0); }
# # Setting the warning level based on %_DDK_WARN_LEVEL%, else default to # 0. Valid values are 0-4 with increasingly restrictive checking. # # All level 0 errors and warnings are DDK requirements. # if (defined($ENV{_DDK_WARN_LEVEL})) { if ($ENV{_DDK_WARN_LEVEL} =~ /^\d*$/) { if (($ENV{_DDK_WARN_LEVEL} >= 0) && ($ENV{_DDK_WARN_LEVEL} <= 4)) { $WarnLevel = $ENV{_DDK_WARN_LEVEL}; } else { warn("\%_DDK_WARN_LEVEL\% out of range. (Expected 0-4). Using default value.\n"); } } else { warn("\%_DDK_WARN_LEVEL\% is not numeric. Using default value.\n"); } } else { $WarnLevel = 0; }
$0 =~ /.*\\(.*)$/; $0=$1 if (defined($1)); sub FALSE {return(0);} # BOOLEAN FALSE sub TRUE {return(1);} # BOOLEAN TRUE
# # Global variables # my($Version) = "2000.02.29.1"; # Version of this file (YYYY.MM.DD.#) my($DEBUG) = FALSE; # Set to TRUE for testing my($ini_file)=$ARGV[0]; # File we're processing my($hFILE, $hDIR); # File handle, Directory handle my($kit) =$ARGV[1]; # Kit file is for my(@lines_to_process); # Array to hold file contents my($current_line); # Hold ini line to be processed my($cur_line_num)=0; # Count which line we're on my($token,@dirs); # Temp Var my($dest_root); # Root to base destination on my($cd_root); # Root to CD image of kit my($hsplit); my(@files); # Array for directory-level ops my($ProjectRoot)=$ARGV[2]; # Root of the project use
$dest_root="$ENV{_NTTREE}\\${kit}_flat"; $cd_root ="$ENV{_NTTREE}\\${kit}_cd";
my($source_dir, $source_file); # Contents of the current line my($dest_dir, $dest_file, $operation);
# Make sure our tree exists system("mkdir $dest_root 2> NUL"); system("mkdir $cd_root 2> NUL");
# # Open the ini, slurp the contents to an array, close the ini # open(hFILE, $ini_file) || die("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR_FATAL: $ini_file could not be opened!\n"); print("Processing $ini_file...\n"); @lines_to_process = <hFILE>; close(hFILE);
# # Loop through the contents # foreach $current_line (@lines_to_process) { chomp $current_line;
$cur_line_num++; # If the first character on the line is a ';' or is blank, skip it next if ($current_line =~ /^[\s\t]*\;/); next if (($current_line =~ /^[\s\t]*$/) or ($current_line =~ /^$/));
# Swap out environment variables while ($current_line =~ /\%(.+?)\%/) { $token=$1; $current_line =~ s/\%$token\%/$ENV{$token}/; }
if ($current_line =~ /\%PROJECT_ROOT\%/i) { warn("BUILDMSG: Warning $0: DDK_WARNING: Correct reference to \%_DDK_CONTENT\% ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"); next; } ($source_dir, $source_file, $dest_dir, $dest_file, $operation) = split(/,/,$current_line); # # Break on undefined op! # if (not defined $operation) { warn("BUILDMSG: Warning $0: DDK_WARNING: Line is malformed ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"); next; }
$source_dir =~ s/^[\s\t]*//; # Kill leading and trailing spaces $source_dir =~ s/[\s\t]*$//; $source_dir =~ s/^/$ProjectRoot\\/; $source_file=~ s/^[\s\t]*//; # Kill leading and trailing spaces $source_file=~ s/[\s\t]*$//; $dest_dir =~ s/^[\s\t]*//; # Kill leading and trailing spaces $dest_dir =~ s/[\s\t]*$//; $dest_file =~ s/^[\s\t]*//; # Kill leading and trailing spaces $dest_file =~ s/[\s\t]*$//; $operation =~ s/^[\s\t]*//; # Kill leading and trailing spaces $operation =~ s/[\s\t]*$//;
############################################### #+-------------------------------------------+# #| DDK ERROR REPORTING RULES SHOULD GO HERE! |# #+-------------------------------------------+# ###############################################
# This variable was only valid during porting/testing. if ($current_line =~ /\%_DDK_CONTENT\%/i) { warn("BUILDMSG: Warning $0: DDK_WARNING: Correct reference to \%_DDK_CONTENT\% ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"); next; }
# Don't allow files that have 'internal' in the source path
if ($source_dir =~ /internal/i) {
# except termsrv. if ($kit eq "termsrv") { # termsrv ddk is exception to above rule, this ddk goes only to citrix. } else { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: Attempting to copy a file from path with 'internal' ($ini_file: $cur_line_num)\n"); next; } }
# Watch what gets copied to %NTDDK%\inc if (($dest_dir =~ /^inc$/i) and (($source_dir !~ /public.*inc?/) and ($source_dir !~ /legacy_files/i) and ($source_dir !~ /sdktools\\ddk\\inc$/i))) { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: Only files from the public depot can be copied into the \%DDK_ROOT\%\\incs directory. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num)\n"); next; }
# Look for files marked with MS Confidential (CheckForMSConfidential("${source_dir}","${source_file}")||next) unless ($operation =~ /^COPYLIB/i);
##################################################################### #+-----------------------------------------------------------------+# #| |# #| Remainder of script 'does the right thing' based on $operation. |# #| |# #+-----------------------------------------------------------------+# #####################################################################
# # COPYX86CHK - Use COPYX86 if platform is CHK # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYX86CHK") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDTYPE}) eq "CHK") { $operation = "COPYX86"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYX86FRE - Use COPYX86 if platform is FRE # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYX86FRE") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDTYPE}) eq "FRE") { $operation = "COPYX86"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYAMD64CHK - Use COPYAMD64 if platform is CHK # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYAMD64CHK") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDTYPE}) eq "CHK") { $operation = "COPYAMD64"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYAMD64FRE - Use COPYAMD64 if platform is FRE # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYAMD64FRE") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDTYPE}) eq "FRE") { $operation = "COPYAMD64"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYIA64CHK - Use COPYIA64 if platform is CHK # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYIA64CHK") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDTYPE}) eq "CHK") { $operation = "COPYIA64"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYIA64FRE - Use COPYIA64 if platform is FRE # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYIA64FRE") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDTYPE}) eq "FRE") { $operation = "COPYIA64"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYX86 - Use COPY if platform is x86 # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYX86") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "X86") { $operation = "COPY"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYAMD64 - Use COPY if platform is AMD64 # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYAMD64") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "AMD64") { $operation = "COPY"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYIA64 - Use COPY if platform is IA64 # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYIA64") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "IA64") { $operation = "COPY"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYLIB32 - Do the right thing with libs on 32-bit platforms # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYLIB32") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "X86") { $operation = "COPYLIB"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYLIB64 - Do the right thing with libs on 64-bit platforms # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYLIB64") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "IA64") { $operation = "COPYLIB"; } elsif (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "AMD64") { $operation = "COPYLIB"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYLIBAMD64 - Do the right thing with libs on AMD64 64-bit platforms # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYLIBAMD64") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "AMD64") { $operation = "COPYLIB"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYLIBIA64 - Do the right thing with libs on IA64 64-bit platforms # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYLIBIA64") { if (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "IA64") { $operation = "COPYLIB"; } else { next; } }
# # COPYLIB - Do the right thing with libs # if (uc($operation) eq "COPYLIB") { # Determine base dest_dir $dest_dir = "lib\\wxp";
# Determine subdir for both dest and source if (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "X86") { $source_dir .= "\\i386"; $dest_dir .= "\\i386"; } elsif (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "AMD64") { $source_dir .= "\\amd64"; $dest_dir .= "\\amd64"; } elsif (uc($ENV{_BUILDARCH}) eq "IA64") { $source_dir .= "\\ia64"; $dest_dir .= "\\ia64"; } $operation = "COPY";
## Uncomment the following line to turn off HSPLITting ##$operation = "COPY" if (uc($operation) eq "HSPLIT");
# Always make sure the destination dir exists. A little wastefull, but worthwhile if (uc($operation) eq "COPYCDFILE") { $token="$cd_root"; } else { $token="$dest_root"; } @dirs=split(/\\/,$dest_dir);
foreach (@dirs) { next if (/.:/); $token.="\\$_"; system("md $token 2>NUL") unless -e($token); }
# # COPY # if (uc($operation) eq "COPY") { if ($dest_file eq "*") { if ($source_file =~ "[\*|\?]+") { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: ${source_dir} not found. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"), next unless (-e("${source_dir}")); system("binplace -e -:DEST $dest_dir -r ${dest_root} ${source_dir}\\${source_file}"); } else { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: ${source_file} not found. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"), next unless (-e("${source_dir}\\${source_file}")); system("binplace -e -:DEST $dest_dir -r ${dest_root} ${source_dir}\\${source_file}"); } } else { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: ${source_file} not found. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"), next unless (-e("${source_dir}\\${source_file}")); system("copy /y ${source_dir}\\${source_file} ${dest_root}\\${dest_dir}\\${dest_file} > NUL"); }
# # COPYCDFILE # use binplace -f to force the updates. } elsif (uc($operation) eq "COPYCDFILE") { if ($dest_file eq "*") { if ($source_file =~ "[\*|\?]+") { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: ${source_dir} not found. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"), next unless (-e("${source_dir}")); system("binplace -f -e -:DEST ${dest_dir} -r ${cd_root} ${source_dir}\\${source_file}"); } else { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: ${source_file} not found. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"), next unless (-e("${source_dir}\\${source_file}")); system("binplace -f -e -:DEST ${dest_dir} -r ${cd_root} ${source_dir}\\${source_file}"); } } else { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: ${source_file} not found. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"), next unless (-e("${source_dir}\\${source_file}")); system("copy /y ${source_dir}\\${source_file} ${cd_root}\\${dest_dir}\\${dest_file} >NUL"); }
# # APPENDCDFILE # ugly hack, but should only be used for cabs.ini. If it gets more use, this should be # made more efficent. } elsif (uc($operation) eq "APPENDCDFILE") { if ($dest_file eq "*") { if ($source_file =~ "[\*|\?]+") { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: APPENDCDFILE cannot be used on wildcards."); next; } else { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: ${source_file} not found. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"), next unless (-e("${source_dir}\\${source_file}")); system("cat -o ${source_dir}\\${source_file} >> ${cd_root}\\${dest_dir}\\${dest_file} 2>NUL"); } } else { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: ${source_file} not found. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"), next unless (-e("${source_dir}\\${source_file}")); system("cat -o ${source_dir}\\${source_file} >> ${cd_root}\\${dest_dir}\\${dest_file} 2>NUL"); } # # HSPLIT # } elsif (uc($operation) eq "HSPLIT") { # Look to see if we're using a wildcard
if (($source_file =~ /\*/) || ($source_file =~ /\?/)) { # CMD Wildcard to RegExp Wildcard $source_file =~ s/\./\\\./g; $source_file =~ s/\?/\./g; $source_file =~ s/\*/\.\*/g; opendir(hDIR, ${source_dir}); @files=readdir(hDIR); closedir(hDIR); foreach $token (@files) { next unless -e("${source_dir}\\${token}"); next if -d("${source_dir}\\${token}"); if ($token =~ /$source_file/i) { # Don't try to HSPLIT not text files # GIF files not correctly detected as binary. if (( -B "${source_dir}\\${token}") || ($token =~ /\.gif$/i)) { if ($WarnLevel > 1) { # This is an info message, require a higher warning level warn("BUILDMSG: $0: DDK_INFO: Not HSPLITTING ${token} - Detected as binary. ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"); } system("copy ${source_dir}\\${token} ${dest_root}\\${dest_dir} > NUL ");
} else { system("hsplit -o ${dest_root}\\${dest_dir}\\${token} nul -bt2 BEGIN_DDKSPLIT END_DDKSPLIT -c \@\@ -i ${source_dir}\\${token} "); ## This was a bad mistake- we need to split to a temp file, then split the temp file again to get cumlative hsplits. Pulling thi ## extra split for a quick fix so we can RI. A proper fix that uses both hsplits will be test and checked in for the next RI. ##system("hsplit -o ${dest_root}\\${dest_dir}\\${token} nul -bt2 BEGIN_MSINTERNAL END_MSINTERNAL -c \@\@ -i ${source_dir}\\${token} "); } } }
} else { # No wildcard- just do the split $dest_file=$source_file if ($dest_file eq "*"); warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: ${source_file} not found ($ini_file: $cur_line_num) \n"), next unless (-e("${source_dir}\\${source_file}")); # Don't try to HSPLIT not text files. # GIF files not correctly detected as binary. if (( -B "${source_dir}\\${source_file}") || ($token =~ /\.gif$/i)){ if ($WarnLevel > 0) { # This is an explicit HSPLIT of a binary file. Warn at a low warning level. warn("BUILDMSG: Warning $0: DDK_WARNING: Binary files cannot be HSPLIT- ${source_file} ($ini_file: $cur_line_num)\n"); } system("copy ${source_dir}\\${source_file} ${dest_root}\\${dest_dir} > NUL ");
} else { system("hsplit -o ${dest_root}\\${dest_dir}\\${dest_file} nul -bt2 BEGIN_DDKSPLIT END_DDKSPLIT -c \@\@ -i ${source_dir}\\${source_file} "); ## This was a bad mistake- we need to split to a temp file, then split the temp file again to get cumlative hsplits. Pulling thi ## extra split for a quick fix so we can RI. A proper fix that uses both hsplits will be test and checked in for the next RI. ##system("hsplit -o ${dest_root}\\${dest_dir}\\${dest_file} nul -bt2 BEGIN_MSINTERNAL END_MSINTERNAL -c \@\@ -i ${source_dir}\\${source_file} "); } }
} else { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: Unknown operation ($operation) ($ini_file: $cur_line_num)\n"); } }
# # Check file or glob for " Confidential" # sub CheckForMSConfidential { my($dir) = shift; my($source) = shift; my($return) = 1; my($file, @files); my($hDIR, $hFILE); my(@lines); # Files that have the string 'Confidential' but are shippable my(%exclusions) = ( "LICENSE.RTF" => TRUE, "NTLMSP.H" => TRUE, "MMREG.H" => TRUE );
if (($source =~ /\*/) || ($source =~ /\?/)) { # CMD Wildcard to RegExp Wildcard $source =~ s/\?/\./g; $source =~ s/\*/\.\*/g; opendir(hDIR, ${dir}); @files=readdir(hDIR); closedir(hDIR); foreach $file (@files) { next unless -e("${dir}\\${file}"); next if -d("${dir}\\${file}"); next if (( -B "${dir}\\${file}") || ($file =~ /\.gif$/)); if ($file =~ /$source/i) { return(11) unless (-e "$dir\\$file"); return(12) if (( -B "${dir}\\${file}") || ($file =~ /\.gif$/i)); open(hFILE, "${dir}\\${file}") || die("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR_FATAL: $dir\\$file could not be opened!\n"); @lines=<hFILE>; close(hFILE); if (grep(/\ Confidential/i,@lines) > 0) { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: $file contains \"Confidential\". ($ini_file: $cur_line_num)\n"), $return=0 unless(defined($exclusions{uc($file)})); } } } } else { # No wildcard return(21) unless (-e "$dir\\$source"); return(22) if (( -B "${dir}\\${source}") || ($source =~ /\.gif$/i)); open(hFILE, "$dir\\$source") || die("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR_FATAL: $dir\\$source could not be opened!\n"); @lines=<hFILE>; close(hFILE); if (grep(/\ Confidential/i,@lines) > 0) { warn("nmake : $0: DDK_ERROR: $source contains \"Confidential\". ($ini_file: $cur_line_num)\n"), $return=0 unless(defined($exclusions{uc($source)})); } }
return($return); } __END__ :endofperl