* wave.cpp * * * * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Microsoft Inc. * * * *************************************************/
// wave.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "wave.h"
#include "mem.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CWave
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CWave, CObject, 0 /* Schema number*/ )
// Create a simple waveform so there's something there.
CWave::CWave() { m_pSamples = NULL; m_pOutDev = NULL; m_bBusy = FALSE; Create(16); }
CWave::~CWave() { if (m_bBusy) { Stop(); } ASSERT(!m_bBusy); if (m_pSamples) FREE(m_pSamples); }
// CWave serialization
void CWave::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { ar.Flush(); CFile* fp = ar.GetFile();
if (ar.IsStoring()) { ASSERT(0); // Save(fp);
} else { Load(fp); } }
// CWave notification functions
void CWave::OnWaveOutDone() {
void CWave::OnWaveInData() {
// CWave commands
BOOL CWave::Create(int nsamples, int samprate, int sampsize) { // validate the args
if ((samprate != 11025) && (samprate != 22050) && (samprate != 44100)) { TRACE("Invalid sample rate: %d", samprate); return FALSE; } if ((sampsize != 8) && (sampsize != 16)) { TRACE("Invalid sample size: %d", sampsize); return FALSE; }
// Allocate memory for the samples.
int iBytes = nsamples * sampsize / 8; void* pSamples = ALLOC(iBytes); if (!pSamples) { TRACE("Out of memory for samples"); return FALSE; }
// Free existing memory and replace it.
if (m_pSamples) FREE(m_pSamples); m_pSamples = pSamples; m_iSize = iBytes; // Fill out the format info.
m_pcmfmt.wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; m_pcmfmt.wf.nChannels = 1; // We only do mono.
m_pcmfmt.wf.nSamplesPerSec = samprate; m_pcmfmt.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = samprate; m_pcmfmt.wf.nBlockAlign = (unsigned short) (sampsize / 8); // Number of bytes
m_pcmfmt.wBitsPerSample = (unsigned short) sampsize;
// Set the buffer to silence.
for (int i=0; i<nsamples; i++) { SetSample(i, 0); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CWave::Play(CWaveOutDevice* pWaveDevice) { if (pWaveDevice != NULL) { m_pOutDev = pWaveDevice; return pWaveDevice->Play(this); } else { m_pOutDev = &theDefaultWaveOutDevice; return theDefaultWaveOutDevice.Play(this); } }
void CWave::Stop() { if (!m_bBusy) return;
BOOL CWave::Load(char* pszFileName) { CString strFile;
if ((pszFileName == NULL) || (strlen(pszFileName) == 0)) {
// Show an open file dialog to get the name.
CFileDialog dlg (TRUE, // Open
NULL, // No default extension
NULL, // No initial file name
OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY, "Wave files (*.WAV)|*.WAV|All files (*.*)|*.*||"); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { strFile = dlg.GetPathName(); } else { return FALSE; } } else { // Copy the supplied file path.
strFile = pszFileName; }
// Try to open the file for read access.
CFile file; if (! file.Open(strFile, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite)) { AfxMessageBox("Failed to open file"); return FALSE; }
BOOL bResult = Load(&file); file.Close(); if (!bResult) AfxMessageBox("Failed to load file"); return bResult; }
BOOL CWave::Load(CFile *fp) { return Load(fp->m_hFile); }
BOOL CWave::Load(UINT_PTR hFile) { HMMIO hmmio; MMIOINFO info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.adwInfo[0] = (DWORD)hFile; hmmio = mmioOpen(NULL, &info, MMIO_READ | MMIO_ALLOCBUF); if (!hmmio) { TRACE("mmioOpen failed"); return FALSE; } BOOL bResult = Load(hmmio); mmioClose(hmmio, MMIO_FHOPEN); return bResult; }
BOOL CWave::Load(HMMIO hmmio) { // Check whether it's a RIFF WAVE file.
MMCKINFO ckFile; ckFile.fccType = mmioFOURCC('W','A','V','E'); if (mmioDescend(hmmio, &ckFile, NULL, MMIO_FINDRIFF) != 0) { TRACE("Not a RIFF or WAVE file"); return FALSE; } // Find the 'fmt ' chunk.
MMCKINFO ckChunk; ckChunk.ckid = mmioFOURCC('f','m','t',' '); if (mmioDescend(hmmio, &ckChunk, &ckFile, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) != 0) { TRACE("No fmt chunk in file"); return FALSE; } // Allocate some memory for the fmt chunk.
int iSize = ckChunk.cksize; WAVEFORMATEX* pfmt = (WAVEFORMATEX*) ALLOC(iSize); ASSERT(pfmt);
if ( pfmt == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
// Read the fmt chunk.
if (mmioRead(hmmio, (char*)pfmt, iSize) != iSize) { TRACE("Failed to read fmt chunk"); FREE(pfmt); return FALSE; } // Check whether it's in PCM format.
if (pfmt->wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { TRACE("Not a PCM file"); FREE(pfmt); return FALSE; } // Get out of the fmt chunk.
mmioAscend(hmmio, &ckChunk, 0); // Find the 'data' chunk.
ckChunk.ckid = mmioFOURCC('d','a','t','a'); if (mmioDescend(hmmio, &ckChunk, &ckFile, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) != 0) { TRACE("No data chunk in file"); FREE(pfmt); return FALSE; } // Allocate some memory for the data chunk.
iSize = ckChunk.cksize; void* pdata = ALLOC(iSize); if (!pdata) { TRACE("No mem for data"); FREE(pfmt); return FALSE; } // Read the data chunk.
if (mmioRead(hmmio, (char *)pdata, iSize) != iSize) { TRACE("Failed to read data chunk"); FREE(pfmt); FREE(pdata); return FALSE; } // Wrap the CWave object around what we have.
memcpy(&m_pcmfmt, pfmt, sizeof(m_pcmfmt)); // Replace the samples.
if (m_pSamples) FREE(m_pSamples); m_pSamples = pdata; m_iSize = iSize;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CWave::LoadResource(WORD wID) { ASSERT(wID); HINSTANCE hInst = AfxGetResourceHandle(); HRSRC hrsrc = ::FindResource(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(wID), "WAVE"); if (!hrsrc) { TRACE("WAVE resource not found"); return FALSE; } HGLOBAL hg = ::LoadResource(hInst, hrsrc); if (!hg) { TRACE("Failed to load WAVE resource"); return FALSE; } char* pRes = (char*) ::LockResource(hg); ASSERT(pRes);
if ( pRes == NULL ) { TRACE("Failed to lock WAVE resource"); return FALSE; }
// Mark the resource pages as read/write so the mmioOpen
// won't fail
int iSize = ::SizeofResource(hInst, hrsrc); DWORD dwOldProt; BOOL b = ::VirtualProtect(pRes, iSize, PAGE_READWRITE, &dwOldProt); ASSERT(b);
// Open the memory block as an HMMIO object
HMMIO hmmio; MMIOINFO info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.fccIOProc = FOURCC_MEM; info.pchBuffer = pRes; info.cchBuffer = iSize;
hmmio = mmioOpen(NULL, &info, MMIO_READ); if (!hmmio) { TRACE("mmioOpen failed. Error %d\n", info.wErrorRet); return FALSE; } BOOL bResult = Load(hmmio); mmioClose(hmmio, MMIO_FHOPEN);
// Note: not required to unlock or free the resource in Win32
return bResult; }
// Get the number of samples.
int CWave::GetNumSamples() { ASSERT(m_pcmfmt.wBitsPerSample); return m_iSize * 8 / m_pcmfmt.wBitsPerSample; }
// Get a sample value scaled as a 16 bit signed quantity.
int CWave::GetSample(int index) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= GetNumSamples())) { TRACE("Sample index out of range"); return 0; } switch (m_pcmfmt.wBitsPerSample) { case 8: { BYTE *p = (BYTE *) m_pSamples; int i = p[index]; // 0 - 255;
return (i - 128) * 256; } break;
case 16: { ASSERT(sizeof(short int) == 2); short int* p = (short int *) m_pSamples; return p[index]; } break; default: break; } ASSERT(1); // Invalid bits per sample
return 0; }
// Set a sample value from a 16 bit signed quantity.
void CWave::SetSample(int index, int iValue) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= GetNumSamples())) { TRACE("Sample index out of range"); return; } switch (m_pcmfmt.wBitsPerSample) { case 8: { BYTE* p = (BYTE*) m_pSamples; p[index] = (unsigned char) (iValue / 256 + 128); } break;
case 16: { ASSERT(sizeof(short int) == 16); short int* p = (short int*) m_pSamples; p[index] = (unsigned short) iValue; } break; default: ASSERT(1); // Invalid bits per sample
break; } }