Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. /*************************************************
  2. * rc.h *
  3. * *
  4. * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Microsoft Inc. *
  5. * *
  6. *************************************************/
  8. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  9. // Used by Lctool.rc
  10. //
  11. // Change log : 1/15/1996
  12. //
  13. // @C004 - Add IDS_WILLBEACTIVATED
  14. //
  15. //
  16. #define IDM_NEW 101
  17. #define IDS_APPNAME 101
  18. #define IDM_OPEN 102
  19. #define IDS_DESCRIPTION 102
  20. #define IDM_SAVE 103
  21. #define IDS_MAIN_TITLE 103
  22. #define IDM_SAVEAS 104
  23. #define IDS_MAIN_WORD 104
  24. #define IDM_IMPORT 105
  25. #define IDS_MAIN_PHRASE 105
  26. #define IDM_EXPORT 106
  27. #define IDS_FILEMODIFIED 106
  28. #define IDM_PRINT 107
  29. #define IDS_FILTERSPEC 107
  30. #define IDM_SETUP 108
  31. #define IDS_DEFAULTFILEEXT 108
  32. #define IDM_EXIT 109
  33. #define IDS_FILTERSPEC_ALL 109
  34. #define IDM_APPEND 110
  35. #define IDS_ALLFILEEXT 110
  36. #define IDM_EXPORT2BIG5 111
  37. #define IDS_IMPORTTITLE 111
  38. #define IDS_EXPORTTITLE 112
  39. #define IDS_FONT_NAME 113
  40. #define IDS_APPENDTITLE 114
  41. #define IDS_ACTIVATED 115
  42. #define IDS_EXPORTBIG5TITLE 116
  43. #define IDS_DICTFILTERSPEC 117
  45. #define IDS_SAVETABLE 119
  46. #define IDS_WILLBEACTIVATED 120 // @C004
  47. #define IDS_ERR_MEMORY_QUIT 200
  48. #define IDM_UNDO 201
  49. #define IDS_ERR_MEMORY 201
  50. #define IDM_CUT 202
  51. #define IDS_ERR_NOT_FOUND 202
  52. #define IDM_COPY 203
  53. #define IDS_ERR_SBCS 203
  54. #define IDM_PASTE 204
  55. #define IDS_ERR_LCPTRFILE 204
  56. #define IDM_CLEAR 205
  57. #define IDS_ERR_SAMECODE 205
  58. #define IDM_DELETEL 206
  59. #define IDS_ERR_FILESAVE 206
  60. #define IDM_INSERTL 207
  61. #define IDS_ERR_OPENBOTH 207
  62. #define IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN 208
  63. #define IDS_ERR_FILEREAD 209
  64. #define IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE 210
  65. #define IDS_ERR_OVERMAX 211
  66. #define IDS_ERR_IMP_SEPRATOR 212
  67. #define IDS_ERR_IMP_NOPHRASE 213
  68. #define IDS_ERR_INPUTSAME 214
  69. #define IDS_ERR_OVER_MAXLEN 215
  70. #define IDS_ERR_SAVESYSTEMTBL 216
  71. #define IDS_ERR_PHRASE_NOT_FOUND 217
  72. #define IDM_SORT 301
  73. #define IDS_HELP 301
  74. #define IDM_GOTO 302
  75. #define IDM_SEARCH 303
  76. #define IDM_SNEXT 304
  77. #define IDM_HELP 401
  78. #define IDS_PTRCOMMDLGFAILED 401
  79. #define IDM_ABOUT 402
  80. #define IDS_CANCELDLGFAILED 402
  82. #define IDS_STARTDOCFAILED 404
  83. #define IDS_PRINTABORTED 405
  84. #define IDS_PTRCONFIGFAILED 406
  85. #define IDS_PRINTING 407
  86. #define IDS_PRINTINGTITLE 408
  87. #define IDS_OVERPHRASELEN 409
  88. #define IDS_CHANGEWORDORDER 410
  89. #define IDM_VSCROLL 501
  90. #define IDM_CHGSEQ 502
  91. #define IDE_WORD_START 1000
  92. #define IDE_PHRASE_START 1100
  93. #define IDB_OK 2001
  94. #define IDB_CANCEL 2002
  95. #define IDD_INDEX_NAME 3000
  96. #define IDD_EDIT_HELP 3001
  97. #define IDC_PRINTTITLE 4000
  98. #define IDC_PRINTDEVICE 4001
  99. #define IDC_PRINTPORT 4002
  100. #define IDC_PRINTLINE 4003
  101. #define IDD_FROM_LINE 5000
  102. #define IDD_TO_LINE 5001
  103. #define IDD_SOURCELIST 5002
  104. #define ID_HELP 3
  105. #define IDD_SEARCH_LINE 1000
  106. // Next default values for new objects
  107. //
  108. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  110. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 101
  111. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
  112. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1000
  113. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
  114. #endif
  115. #endif