#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "common.h"
#pragma pack(push, USERDIC, 1 )
// Cht/Chs EUDC IME table Header Format
typedef struct tagUSRDICIMHDR { WORD uHeaderSize; // 0x00
BYTE idUserCharInfoSign[8]; // 0x02
BYTE idMajor; // 0x0A
BYTE idMinor; // 0x0B
DWORD ulTableCount; // 0x0C
WORD cMethodKeySize; // 0x10
BYTE uchBankID; // 0x12
WORD idInternalBankID; // 0x13
BYTE achCMEXReserved1[43]; // 0x15
WORD uInfoSize; // 0x40
BYTE chCmdKey; // 0x42
BYTE idStlnUpd; // 0x43
BYTE cbField; // 0x44
WORD idCP; // 0x45
BYTE achMethodName[6]; // 0x47
BYTE achCSIReserved2[51]; // 0x4D
BYTE achCopyRightMsg[128]; // 0x80
typedef struct tagWinAR30EUDC95 { WORD ID; WORD Code; BYTE Seq[4]; } WinAR30EUDC95;
typedef struct tagWinAR30EUDCNT { WORD ID; WORD Code; BYTE Seq[5]; } WinAR30EUDCNT;
#pragma pack(pop, USERDIC)
BYTE WinAR30MapTable[] = {0x00, 0x00 , 0x3F, 0x3F , 0x1E, 0x01 , 0x1B, 0x02 , 0x1C, 0x03 , 0x1D, 0x04 , 0x3E, 0x3E , 0x01, 0x05 , 0x02, 0x06 , 0x03, 0x07 , 0x04, 0x08 , 0x05, 0x09 , 0x06, 0x0a , 0x07, 0x0b , 0x08, 0x0c , 0x09, 0x0d , 0x0A, 0x0e , 0x0B, 0x0f , 0x0C, 0x10 , 0x0D, 0x11 , 0x0E, 0x12 , 0x0F, 0x13 , 0x10, 0x14 , 0x11, 0x15 , 0x12, 0x16 , 0x13, 0x17 , 0x14, 0x18 , 0x15, 0x19 , 0x16, 0x1a , 0x17, 0x1b , 0x18, 0x1c , 0x19, 0x1d , 0x1A, 0x1e };
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// An EUDC IME table comprises a Header and lots of records, the number of
// records is ulTableCount, and every record has following format:
// <WORD1>: Identical between Win95 and NT.
// WORD2 stands for internal code, Win95 is ANSI code, NT is Unicode code.
// Seqcodes: bytes number is cMethodKeySize. identical between Win95 and NT
// Following fields in CHTUSRDICIMHDR need to convert from Win95 to NT 5.0
// idCp: from CHT 950 to 1200. ( stands for Unicode )
// CHS 936 to 1200.
// achMethodName[6]: converted from DBCS to Unicode.
// Every IME EUDC table file names can be got from following registry Key/Value
// Key:Registry\Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\<IMEName>
// Value: User Dictionary: REG_SZ:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ImeEudcConvert * * Convert CHT/CHS Win95 EUDC IME table to NT 5.0 * * Arguments: * * UCHAR * EudcTblFile - IME Eudc tbl file name. * * Return Value: * * BOOL: Success -TRUE. Fail - FALSE; * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL ImeEudcConvert( LPCSTR EudcTblFile) {
HANDLE hTblFile, hTblMap; LPBYTE lpTblFile, lpStart, lpTmp; DWORD dwCharNums, i; USRDICIMHDR *lpEudcHeader; BYTE DBCSChar[2]; WORD wUnicodeChar, wImeName[3]; UINT uCodePage;
DebugMsg(("ImeEudcConvert,EudcTblFile = %s !\r\n",EudcTblFile));
hTblFile = CreateFile(EudcTblFile, // ptr to name of file
GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // access(read-write)mode
NULL, // ptr to security attr
OPEN_EXISTING, // how to create
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes
if (hTblFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DebugMsg(("ImeEudcConvert,hTblFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE !\r\n")); return FALSE; }
hTblMap = CreateFileMapping(hTblFile, // handle to file to map
NULL, // optional security attributes
PAGE_READWRITE,// protection for mapping object
0, // high-order 32 bits of object size
0, // low-order 32 bits of object size
NULL); // name of file-mapping object);
if ( !hTblMap ) { DebugMsg(("ImeEudcConvert,CreateFileMapping failed !\r\n")); CloseHandle(hTblFile); return FALSE; }
lpTblFile = (LPBYTE) MapViewOfFile(hTblMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0);
if ( !lpTblFile ) { DebugMsg(("ImeEudcConvert,MapViewOfFile failed !\r\n")); CloseHandle(hTblMap); CloseHandle(hTblFile); return FALSE; }
lpEudcHeader = (USRDICIMHDR *)lpTblFile;
// get the current Code Page.
uCodePage = lpEudcHeader->idCP;
// if CodePage == 1200, it means this table has already been
// unicode format
if (uCodePage == 1200) { DebugMsg(("ImeEudcConvert,[%s] Codepage is already 1200 !\r\n",EudcTblFile)); CloseHandle(hTblMap); CloseHandle(hTblFile); return FALSE; }
// change the codepage from 950 (CHT) or 936 (CHS) to 1200
lpEudcHeader->idCP = 1200; // Unicode Native Code Page.
// change the IME name from DBCS to Unicode.
MultiByteToWideChar(uCodePage, // code page
0, // character-type options
lpEudcHeader->achMethodName, // address of string to map
6, // number of bytes in string
wImeName, // addr of wide-char buf
3); // size of buffer
lpTmp = (LPBYTE)wImeName;
for (i=0; i<6; i++) lpEudcHeader->achMethodName[i] = lpTmp[i];
// Now we will convert every record for EUDC char.
lpStart = lpTblFile + lpEudcHeader->uHeaderSize;
dwCharNums = lpEudcHeader->ulTableCount; for (i=0; i<dwCharNums; i++) {
lpTmp = lpStart + sizeof(WORD);
// swap the leader Byte and tail Byte of the DBCS Code.
DBCSChar[0] = *(lpTmp+1); DBCSChar[1] = *lpTmp;
MultiByteToWideChar(uCodePage, // code page
0, // character-type options
DBCSChar, // address of string to map
2, // number of bytes in string
&wUnicodeChar, // addr of wide-char buf
1); // size of buffer
*lpTmp = (BYTE)(wUnicodeChar & 0x00ff); *(lpTmp+1) = (BYTE)((wUnicodeChar >> 8) & 0x00ff);
lpStart += sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(WORD) + lpEudcHeader->cMethodKeySize;
return TRUE;
BOOL GetEUDCHeader( LPCTSTR EudcFileName, USRDICIMHDR *EudcHeader) { BOOL Result = FALSE;
HANDLE EudcFileHandle, EudcMappingHandle; LPBYTE EudcPtr; EudcFileHandle = CreateFile(EudcFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (EudcFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
DebugMsg(("GetEUDCHeader, EudcFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE !\r\n"));
goto Exit1; } EudcMappingHandle = CreateFileMapping(EudcFileHandle, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if ( !EudcMappingHandle ) {
DebugMsg(("GetEUDCHeader, EudcMappingHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE !\r\n"));
goto Exit2; } EudcPtr = (LPBYTE) MapViewOfFile(EudcMappingHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
if ( ! EudcPtr ) {
DebugMsg(("GetEUDCHeader, ! EudcPtr !\r\n"));
goto Exit3; } CopyMemory(EudcHeader,EudcPtr,sizeof(USRDICIMHDR)); Result = TRUE;
Exit3: CloseHandle(EudcMappingHandle);
Exit2: CloseHandle(EudcFileHandle);
Exit1: return Result; }
BYTE WinAR30SeqMapTable(BYTE SeqCode) { INT i; INT NumOfKey = sizeof(WinAR30MapTable) / (sizeof (BYTE) * 2);
for (i = 0; i < NumOfKey; i++) {
if (WinAR30MapTable[i * 2] == SeqCode) {
return WinAR30MapTable[i * 2+1];
} } return 0; }
BOOL WinAR30ConvertWorker( LPBYTE EudcPtr) { USRDICIMHDR *EudcHeader;
WinAR30EUDC95 *EudcDataPtr95; WinAR30EUDCNT *EudcDataPtrNT;
INT i;
DebugMsg(("WinAR30ConvertWorker, ! Start !\r\n"));
if (! EudcPtr) {
DebugMsg(("WinAR30ConvertWorker, ! EudcPtr !\r\n"));
return FALSE; }
EudcHeader = (USRDICIMHDR *) EudcPtr;
EudcHeader->cMethodKeySize = 5;
EudcDataPtr95 = (WinAR30EUDC95 *) (EudcPtr + EudcHeader->uHeaderSize); EudcDataPtrNT = (WinAR30EUDCNT *) (EudcPtr + EudcHeader->uHeaderSize);
DebugMsg(("Sizeof WinAR30EUDC95 = %d WinAR30EUDCNT = %d ! \r\n",sizeof(WinAR30EUDC95),sizeof(WinAR30EUDCNT)));
for (i=(INT)(EudcHeader->ulTableCount -1) ; i >= 0 ; i--) { EudcDataPtrNT[i].Seq[4] = 0; EudcDataPtrNT[i].Seq[3] = WinAR30SeqMapTable(EudcDataPtr95[i].Seq[3]); EudcDataPtrNT[i].Seq[2] = WinAR30SeqMapTable(EudcDataPtr95[i].Seq[2]); EudcDataPtrNT[i].Seq[1] = WinAR30SeqMapTable(EudcDataPtr95[i].Seq[1]); EudcDataPtrNT[i].Seq[0] = WinAR30SeqMapTable(EudcDataPtr95[i].Seq[0]); EudcDataPtrNT[i].Code = EudcDataPtr95[i].Code; EudcDataPtrNT[i].ID = EudcDataPtr95[i].ID; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WinAR30Convert( LPCTSTR EudcFileName, USRDICIMHDR *EudcHeader) { INT NewFileSize;
HANDLE EudcFileHandle, EudcMappingHandle; LPBYTE EudcPtr; BOOL Result = FALSE;
if (! EudcHeader) { goto Exit1; }
NewFileSize = EudcHeader->uHeaderSize + EudcHeader->ulTableCount * sizeof(WinAR30EUDCNT);
DebugMsg(("WinAR30Convert, EudcFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE !\r\n"));
goto Exit1; } EudcMappingHandle = CreateFileMapping(EudcFileHandle, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, NewFileSize, NULL); if ( !EudcMappingHandle ) {
DebugMsg(("WinAR30Convert, EudcMappingHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE !\r\n"));
goto Exit2; } EudcPtr = (LPBYTE) MapViewOfFile(EudcMappingHandle, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0);
if ( !EudcPtr ) {
DebugMsg(("GetEUDCHeader, ! EudcPtr !\r\n"));
goto Exit3; }
Result = WinAR30ConvertWorker(EudcPtr);
Exit3: CloseHandle(EudcMappingHandle);
Exit2: CloseHandle(EudcFileHandle);
Exit1: return Result; }
BOOL FixWinAR30EUDCTable( LPCTSTR EudcFileName) /*
Main function to fix WinAR30 EUDC table Input : Eudc File Name (include path) */ { USRDICIMHDR EudcHeader;
BOOL Result = FALSE;
if (! GetEUDCHeader(EudcFileName,&EudcHeader)) {
DebugMsg(("FixWinAR30EUDCTable,GetEUDCHeader(%s,..) failed!\r\n",EudcFileName));
goto Exit1;
} else {
DebugMsg(("FixWinAR30EUDCTable,GetEUDCHeader(%s,..) OK!\r\n",EudcFileName)); }
DebugMsg(("FixWinAR30EUDCTable,EudcHeader.cMethodKeySize = (%d)!\r\n",EudcHeader.cMethodKeySize));
if (EudcHeader.cMethodKeySize != 4) {
goto Exit1; }
DebugMsg(("FixWinAR30EUDCTable,EudcHeader.ulTableCount = (%d) !\r\n",EudcHeader.ulTableCount));
if (EudcHeader.ulTableCount == 0) {
goto Exit1; }
Result = WinAR30Convert(EudcFileName, &EudcHeader);
Exit1: return Result; }
TCHAR IMERegPath[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\"); LONG RetVal; LONG SizeOfFileName;
if (! EUDCName || ! EUDCFileName) { return FALSE; }
RetVal = RegOpenKey(UserRegKey, IMERegPath, &hKey);
if (RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// it's ok, not every IME has created eudc table
DebugMsg(("ImeEudcConvert::GetEUDCPathInRegistry,No table in %s !\r\n",EUDCName)); return FALSE; }
SizeOfFileName = MAX_PATH; RetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, EUDCPathValueName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) EUDCFileName, &SizeOfFileName);
if (RetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugMsg(("ImeEudcConvert::GetEUDCPathInRegistry,IME Table path = %s !\r\n",EUDCFileName)); } else { DebugMsg(("ImeEudcConvert::GetEUDCPathInRegistry,No IME table path %s !\r\n",EUDCName)); } return (RetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
UINT CreateNestedDirectory(LPCTSTR lpDirectory, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes) { TCHAR szDirectory[2*MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR lpEnd;
// Check for NULL pointer
if (!lpDirectory || !(*lpDirectory)) { return 0; }
// First, see if we can create the directory without having
// to build parent directories.
if (CreateDirectory (lpDirectory, lpSecurityAttributes)) { return 1; }
// If this directory exists already, this is OK too.
// No luck, copy the string to a buffer we can munge
lstrcpy (szDirectory, lpDirectory);
// Find the first subdirectory name
lpEnd = szDirectory;
if (szDirectory[1] == TEXT(':')) { lpEnd += 3; } else if (szDirectory[1] == TEXT('\\')) {
lpEnd += 2;
while (*lpEnd && *lpEnd != TEXT('\\')) { lpEnd++; }
if (!(*lpEnd)) { return 0; }
while (*lpEnd && *lpEnd != TEXT('\\')) { lpEnd++; }
if (!(*lpEnd)) { return 0; }
} else if (szDirectory[0] == TEXT('\\')) { lpEnd++; }
while (*lpEnd) {
while (*lpEnd && *lpEnd != TEXT('\\')) { lpEnd++; }
if (*lpEnd == TEXT('\\')) { *lpEnd = TEXT('\0');
if (!CreateDirectory (szDirectory, NULL)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { DebugMsg((TEXT("CreateNestedDirectory: CreateDirectory failed with %d."), GetLastError())); return 0; } }
*lpEnd = TEXT('\\'); lpEnd++; } }
if (CreateDirectory (szDirectory, lpSecurityAttributes)) { return 1; }
DebugMsg((TEXT("CreateNestedDirectory: Failed to create the directory with error %d."), GetLastError()));
return 0;
BOOL ConcatenatePaths( LPTSTR Target, LPCTSTR Path, UINT TargetBufferSize )
{ UINT TargetLength,PathLength; BOOL TrailingBackslash,LeadingBackslash; UINT EndingLength;
TargetLength = lstrlen(Target); PathLength = lstrlen(Path);
// See whether the target has a trailing backslash.
if(TargetLength && (Target[TargetLength-1] == TEXT('\\'))) { TrailingBackslash = TRUE; TargetLength--; } else { TrailingBackslash = FALSE; }
// See whether the path has a leading backshash.
if(Path[0] == TEXT('\\')) { LeadingBackslash = TRUE; PathLength--; } else { LeadingBackslash = FALSE; }
// Calculate the ending length, which is equal to the sum of
// the length of the two strings modulo leading/trailing
// backslashes, plus one path separator, plus a nul.
EndingLength = TargetLength + PathLength + 2;
if(!LeadingBackslash && (TargetLength < TargetBufferSize)) { Target[TargetLength++] = TEXT('\\'); }
if(TargetBufferSize > TargetLength) { lstrcpyn(Target+TargetLength,Path,TargetBufferSize-TargetLength); }
// Make sure the buffer is nul terminated in all cases.
if (TargetBufferSize) { Target[TargetBufferSize-1] = 0; }
return(EndingLength <= TargetBufferSize); }
#define CSIDL_APPDATA 0x001a
BOOL (* MYSHGetSpecialFolderPathA) (HWND , LPTSTR , int , BOOL );
BOOL GetApplicationFolderPath(LPTSTR lpszFolder,UINT nLen) { HINSTANCE hDll; BOOL bGotPath = FALSE;
hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("shell32.dll")); if (hDll) { (FARPROC) MYSHGetSpecialFolderPathA = GetProcAddress(hDll,"SHGetSpecialFolderPathA"); if (MYSHGetSpecialFolderPathA) { if (MYSHGetSpecialFolderPathA(NULL, lpszFolder, CSIDL_APPDATA , FALSE)){ DebugMsg((TEXT("[GetApplicationFolder] SHGetSpecialFolderPath %s !\n"),lpszFolder)); bGotPath = TRUE; } else { DebugMsg((TEXT("[GetApplicationFolder] SHGetSpecialFolderPath failed !\n"))); } } else { DebugMsg((TEXT("[GetApplicationFolder] GetProc of SHGetSpecialFolderPath failed !\n"))); } FreeLibrary(hDll); } else { DebugMsg((TEXT("[GetApplicationFolder] Load shell32.dll failed ! %d\n"),GetLastError())); }
if (! bGotPath) { ExpandEnvironmentStrings(TEXT("%userprofile%"),lpszFolder,nLen); lstrcat(lpszFolder,TEXT("\\Application data")); } return TRUE; }
BOOL GetNewPath( LPTSTR lpszNewPath, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCTSTR lpszClass) /*
OUT lpszNewPath : e.q. \winnt\profiles\administrator\application data\Micorsoft\ime\chajei IN lpszFileName : e.q. \winnt\chajei.tbl IN lpszClass : e.q. Micorsoft\ime\chajei\chajei.tbl lpszFileName (e.q. \winnt\phon.tbl) -> get base name (e.q. phon.tbl) -> get Application folder (e.q. \winnt\profiles\administrator\application data) -> create directory -> concat lpszClass (e.q. Micorsoft\ime\chajei) Then we get lpszNewPath = \winnt\profiles\administrator\application data\Micorsoft\ime\chajei */ { BOOL bRet = FALSE; LPTSTR lpszBaseName;
DebugMsg((TEXT("[GetNewPath>>>] Param lpszFileName = %s !\n"),lpszFileName)); DebugMsg((TEXT("[GetNewPath>>>] Param lpszClass = %s !\n"),lpszClass));
ConcatenatePaths(lpszNewPath, lpszClass,MAX_PATH);
if (! CreateNestedDirectory(lpszNewPath,NULL)) { DebugMsg((TEXT("[GetNewPath] CreateDirectory %s ! %X\n"),lpszNewPath,GetLastError())); } if ((lpszBaseName = _tcsrchr(lpszFileName,TEXT('\\'))) != NULL) { ConcatenatePaths(lpszNewPath,lpszBaseName,MAX_PATH); } else { ConcatenatePaths(lpszNewPath,lpszFileName,MAX_PATH); DebugMsg((TEXT("[GetNewPath] can't find \\ in %s !\n"),lpszFileName)); }
DebugMsg((TEXT("[GetNewPath] return %s !\n"),lpszNewPath));
bRet = TRUE;
return bRet;
BOOL MigrateImeEUDCTables(HKEY UserRegKey) { LONG returnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
UINT uACP; UINT uNumOfTables; UINT i; LPTABLELIST lpTableList; TCHAR szIMERegPath[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\");
LPTSTR lpszEnd; TCHAR szPathBuf[MAX_PATH]; LONG lPathBuf; TCHAR szEudcRegValName[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; LONG lRetVal;
if (!UserRegKey) { return FALSE; } //
// 1. Decide which language and prepare IME table list
uACP = GetACP(); switch(uACP) { case CP_CHINESE_GB: // Simplied Chinese
lpTableList = IMETableListCHS; uNumOfTables = sizeof(IMETableListCHS) / sizeof(TABLELIST);
break; case CP_CHINESE_BIG5: // Traditional Chinese
lpTableList = IMETableListCHT; uNumOfTables = sizeof(IMETableListCHT) / sizeof(TABLELIST);
lstrcpy(szEudcRegValName,TEXT("User Dictionary"));
break; default: DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables::MigrateImeEUDCTables failed, wrong system code page !\r\n")); return FALSE; } //
// 2. load IME name from resource
for (i=0; i<uNumOfTables; i++) { if (!LoadString(g_hInstance,lpTableList[i].nResID,lpTableList[i].szIMEName,MAX_PATH)) { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables failed, MigrateImeEUDCTables, load string failed !\r\n")); return FALSE; } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables , MigrateImeEUDCTables, load string [%s] !\r\n",lpTableList[i].szIMEName)); } } //
// 3. Read eudc table locaion from registry
lpszEnd = &szIMERegPath[lstrlen(szIMERegPath)]; for (i=0; i<uNumOfTables; i++) { *lpszEnd = TEXT('\0'); lstrcat(szIMERegPath,lpTableList[i].szIMEName); DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables , Open registry, szIMERegPath [%s] !\r\n",szIMERegPath)); lRetVal = RegOpenKey(UserRegKey, szIMERegPath, &hKey); if (lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// it's ok, not every IME has created eudc table
DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,No table in %s ! But it's fine\r\n",szIMERegPath)); continue; } lPathBuf = sizeof(szPathBuf); lRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szEudcRegValName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szPathBuf, &lPathBuf); if (lRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (! ImeEudcConvert(szPathBuf)) { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,call ImeEudcConvert(%s) failed !\r\n",szPathBuf)); } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,call ImeEudcConvert(%s) OK !\r\n",szPathBuf)); } } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,RegQueryValue for %s failed !\r\n",szEudcRegValName)); }
if (uACP == CP_CHINESE_BIG5) {
DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,Test WINAR30 WINAR30 == %s !\r\n",lpTableList[i].szIMEName));
if (lstrcmpi(lpTableList[i].szIMEName,TEXT("WINAR30")) == 0) { if (FixWinAR30EUDCTable(szPathBuf)) { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,FixWinAR30EUDCTable OK !\r\n")); } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,FixWinAR30EUDCTable Failed !\r\n")); } } } //
// CHS's memory map file use "\" which cause bug
// replace "\" with "_"
if (uACP == CP_CHINESE_GB) { lRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("EUDCMapFileName"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szPathBuf, &lPathBuf); if (lRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,Org MemMap = %s !\r\n",szPathBuf));
for (i=0; i<(UINT) lPathBuf; i++) { if (szPathBuf[i] == '\\') { szPathBuf[i] = '-'; } }
DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,fixed MemMap = %s !\r\n",szPathBuf));
lRetVal = RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT("EUDCMapFileName"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) szPathBuf, (lstrlen(szPathBuf)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
if (lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,fix CHS MemMap [%s]reg,SetReg failed [%d]!\r\n",szPathBuf,lRetVal)); } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,fix CHS MemMap [%s] reg,SetReg OK !\r\n",szPathBuf)); }
} else { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables,MemMap, QuwryValue EUDCMapFileName failed [%d]!\r\n",lRetVal));
} }
RegCloseKey(hKey); } DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables , Finished !\r\n")); return TRUE; } LPPATHPAIR g_RememberedPath = NULL; UINT g_NumofRememberedPath = 0;
BOOL RememberPath(LPCTSTR szDstFile,LPCTSTR szSrcFile) { //
// only single thread executes this function, skip synchronization protection
if (g_NumofRememberedPath == 0) { g_RememberedPath = (LPPATHPAIR) malloc(sizeof(PATHPAIR)); if (! g_RememberedPath) { DebugMsg(("RememberPath , alloc memory failed !\r\n")); goto Exit1; } } else { g_RememberedPath = (LPPATHPAIR) realloc(g_RememberedPath,(g_NumofRememberedPath + 1) * sizeof(PATHPAIR)); if (! g_RememberedPath) { DebugMsg(("RememberPath , alloc memory failed !\r\n")); goto Exit1; } }
lstrcpy(g_RememberedPath[g_NumofRememberedPath].szSrcFile,szSrcFile); lstrcpy(g_RememberedPath[g_NumofRememberedPath].szDstFile,szDstFile); g_NumofRememberedPath++;
bRet = TRUE; Exit1: return bRet; }
BOOL MigrateImeEUDCTables2(HKEY UserRegKey) /*++
CHS : if xxx.emb exist, it needs to be duplicated to each user's AP directory CHT : only move emb files that specified in user's "User Dictionary" Reg value --*/ { LONG returnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
UINT uACP; UINT uNumOfTables; UINT i; LPTABLELIST lpTableList;
TCHAR szIMERegPath[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\"); LPTSTR lpszEnd; TCHAR szOldDataFile[MAX_PATH]; LONG lPathBuf; TCHAR szEudcRegValName[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; LONG lRetVal;
if (!UserRegKey) { return FALSE; } //
// 1. Decide which language and prepare IME table list
uACP = GetACP(); switch(uACP) { case CP_CHINESE_GB: // Simplied Chinese
lpTableList = IMETableListCHS; uNumOfTables = sizeof(IMETableListCHS) / sizeof(TABLELIST);
break; case CP_CHINESE_BIG5: // Traditional Chinese
lpTableList = IMETableListCHT; uNumOfTables = sizeof(IMETableListCHT) / sizeof(TABLELIST);
lstrcpy(szEudcRegValName,TEXT("User Dictionary"));
break; default: DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2 failed, wrong system code page !\r\n")); return FALSE; } //
// 2. load IME name from resource
for (i=0; i<uNumOfTables; i++) { if (!LoadString(g_hInstance,lpTableList[i].nResID,lpTableList[i].szIMEName,MAX_PATH)) { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2 failed, MigrateImeEUDCTables, load string failed !\r\n")); return FALSE; } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2 , MigrateImeEUDCTables, load string [%s] !\r\n",lpTableList[i].szIMEName)); } if (uACP == CP_CHINESE_GB) { if (!LoadString(g_hInstance,IMETableListCHSENG[i].nResID,IMETableListCHSENG[i].szIMEName,MAX_PATH)) { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2 failed, MigrateImeEUDCTables, load string failed !\r\n")); return FALSE; } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2 , MigrateImeEUDCTables, load string [%s] !\r\n",lpTableList[i].szIMEName)); }
} } //
// 3. Read eudc table locaion from registry
lpszEnd = &szIMERegPath[lstrlen(szIMERegPath)];
for (i=0; i<uNumOfTables; i++) {
if (uACP == CP_CHINESE_GB) { TCHAR szEMBName[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpy(szEMBName,IMETableListCHSENG[i].szIMEName); lstrcat(szEMBName,TEXT(".emb")); lstrcpy(szOldDataFile,ImeDataDirectory);
if (GetFileAttributes(szOldDataFile) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2 , No %s EMB, continue next !\r\n",szOldDataFile)); continue; }
lstrcpy(szClassPath,TEXT("Microsoft\\IME\\")); lstrcat(szClassPath,IMETableListCHSENG[i].szIMEName); GetSystemDirectory(szOldDataFile, sizeof(szOldDataFile)); ConcatenatePaths(szOldDataFile,szEMBName,sizeof(szOldDataFile));
if (GetNewPath(szNewDataFile, szOldDataFile, szClassPath)) { RememberPath(szNewDataFile,szOldDataFile); } }
*lpszEnd = TEXT('\0'); lstrcat(szIMERegPath,lpTableList[i].szIMEName); DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2 , Open registry, szIMERegPath [%s] !\r\n",szIMERegPath)); lRetVal = RegOpenKey(UserRegKey, szIMERegPath, &hKey); if (lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// it's ok, not every IME has created eudc table
DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2,No table in %s ! But it's fine\r\n",szIMERegPath)); continue; } lPathBuf = sizeof(szOldDataFile); lRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szEudcRegValName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szOldDataFile, &lPathBuf); if (lRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (uACP == CP_CHINESE_BIG5) {
lstrcpy(szClassPath,TEXT("Microsoft\\IME\\")); lstrcat(szClassPath,lpTableList[i].szIMEName);
if (GetNewPath(szNewDataFile, szOldDataFile, szClassPath)) { RememberPath(szNewDataFile,szOldDataFile); } }
// at this step, both CHT's and CHS's szNewDataFile is ready
lRetVal = RegSetValueEx(hKey, szEudcRegValName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) szNewDataFile, (lstrlen(szNewDataFile)+1) * sizeof (TCHAR));
if (lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2,RegSetValueEx %s,%x ! \r\n",szNewDataFile,GetLastError())); } } else { DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2,RegQueryValue for %s failed !\r\n",szEudcRegValName)); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
DebugMsg(("MigrateImeEUDCTables2 , Finished !\r\n")); return TRUE; } BOOL MovePerUserIMEData() { UINT i;
for (i=0; i< g_NumofRememberedPath; i++) { if (CopyFile(g_RememberedPath[i].szSrcFile,g_RememberedPath[i].szDstFile,FALSE)) { DebugMsg(("MovePerUserIMEData , Copy %s to %s OK !\r\n",g_RememberedPath[i].szSrcFile,g_RememberedPath[i].szDstFile)); } else { DebugMsg(("MovePerUserIMEData , Copy %s to %s failed !\r\n",g_RememberedPath[i].szSrcFile,g_RememberedPath[i].szDstFile)); } }
if (g_RememberedPath) { free (g_RememberedPath); g_RememberedPath = NULL; g_NumofRememberedPath = 0; } return TRUE; }