Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements routines that do operations on entire trees
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 08-Mar-2000
Revision History:
<alias> <date> <comments>
#include "pch.h"
// Includes
// None
#define DBG_TREE "Tree"
// Strings
// None
// Constants
// None
// Macros
// None
// Types
// None
// Globals
// None
// Macro expansion list
// None
// Private function prototypes
// None
// Macro expansion definition
// None
// Code
BOOL FiRemoveAllFilesInDirA ( IN PCSTR Dir ) { FILETREE_ENUMA e; PCSTR pattern; BOOL result = TRUE;
pattern = ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExA (Dir, "*", FALSE);
if (EnumFirstFileInTreeExA (&e, pattern, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 1, FALSE, NULL)) { do { SetFileAttributesA (e.NativeFullName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
if (!DeleteFileA (e.NativeFullName)) { AbortEnumFileInTreeA (&e); result = FALSE; break; }
} while (EnumNextFileInTreeA (&e)); }
ObsFreeA (pattern);
return result; }
BOOL FiRemoveAllFilesInDirW ( IN PCWSTR Dir ) { FILETREE_ENUMW e; PCWSTR pattern; BOOL result = TRUE;
pattern = ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExW (Dir, L"*", FALSE);
if (EnumFirstFileInTreeExW (&e, pattern, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 1, FALSE, NULL)) { do { SetFileAttributesW (e.NativeFullName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
if (!DeleteFileW (e.NativeFullName)) { AbortEnumFileInTreeW (&e); result = FALSE; break; }
} while (EnumNextFileInTreeW (&e)); }
ObsFreeW (pattern);
return result; }
BOOL FiRemoveAllFilesInTreeExA ( IN PCSTR Dir, IN BOOL RemoveRoot ) { FILETREE_ENUMA e; PCSTR pattern; BOOL result = TRUE; PSTR encodedStr; PCSTR dirPattern;
encodedStr = DuplicatePathStringA (Dir, TcharCountA (Dir)); ObsEncodeStringExA (encodedStr, Dir, "^"); dirPattern = JoinPathsA (encodedStr, "*"); FreePathStringA (encodedStr); pattern = ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExA (dirPattern, "*", FALSE);
if (EnumFirstFileInTreeExA (&e, pattern, 0, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FILEENUM_ALL_SUBLEVELS, FALSE, NULL)) { do { if (e.Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { result = RemoveDirectoryA (e.NativeFullName); } else { SetFileAttributesA (e.NativeFullName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); result = DeleteFileA (e.NativeFullName); } if (!result) { AbortEnumFileInTreeA (&e); break; } } while (EnumNextFileInTreeA (&e)); }
if (result) { if (RemoveRoot) { result = RemoveDirectoryA (Dir); } }
ObsFreeA (pattern); FreePathStringA (dirPattern);
return result; }
BOOL FiRemoveAllFilesInTreeExW ( IN PCWSTR Dir, IN BOOL RemoveRoot ) { FILETREE_ENUMW e; PCWSTR pattern; BOOL result = TRUE; PWSTR encodedStr; PCWSTR dirPattern;
encodedStr = DuplicatePathStringW (Dir, TcharCountW (Dir)); ObsEncodeStringExW (encodedStr, Dir, L"^"); dirPattern = JoinPathsW (encodedStr, L"*"); FreePathStringW (encodedStr); pattern = ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExW (dirPattern, L"*", FALSE);
if (EnumFirstFileInTreeExW (&e, pattern, 0, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FILEENUM_ALL_SUBLEVELS, FALSE, NULL)) { do { if (e.Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { result = RemoveDirectoryW (e.NativeFullName); } else { SetFileAttributesW (e.NativeFullName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); result = DeleteFileW (e.NativeFullName); } if (!result) { AbortEnumFileInTreeW (&e); break; } } while (EnumNextFileInTreeW (&e)); }
if (result) { if (RemoveRoot) { result = RemoveDirectoryW (Dir); } }
ObsFreeW (pattern); FreePathStringW (dirPattern);
return result; }
BOOL FiCopyAllFilesInDirExA ( IN PCSTR Source, IN PCSTR Dest, IN BOOL SkipExisting ) { FILETREE_ENUMA e; PCSTR pattern; BOOL result = TRUE; PCSTR subPath; PCSTR destPath; BOOL fileResult;
pattern = ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExA (Source, "*", FALSE);
if (EnumFirstFileInTreeExA (&e, pattern, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 1, FALSE, NULL)) { do { subPath = e.NativeFullName; subPath = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) subPath + e.FileEnumInfo.PathPattern->ExactRootBytes);
destPath = JoinPathsA (Dest, subPath);
SetFileAttributesA (destPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); fileResult = CopyFileA (e.NativeFullName, destPath, SkipExisting); if (fileResult) { fileResult = SetFileAttributesA (destPath, e.Attributes); }
FreePathStringA (destPath);
if (!fileResult) { if ((!SkipExisting) || (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)) { result = FALSE; DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_WARNING, "Unable to copy %s", e.NativeFullName)); } }
} while (EnumNextFileInTreeA (&e)); }
ObsFreeA (pattern);
return result; }
BOOL FiCopyAllFilesInDirExW ( IN PCWSTR Source, IN PCWSTR Dest, IN BOOL SkipExisting ) { FILETREE_ENUMW e; PCWSTR pattern; BOOL result = TRUE; PCWSTR subPath; PCWSTR destPath; BOOL fileResult;
pattern = ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExW (Source, L"*", FALSE);
if (EnumFirstFileInTreeExW (&e, pattern, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 1, FALSE, NULL)) { do { subPath = e.NativeFullName; subPath = (PCWSTR) ((PBYTE) subPath + e.FileEnumInfo.PathPattern->ExactRootBytes);
destPath = JoinPathsW (Dest, subPath);
SetFileAttributesW (destPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); fileResult = CopyFileW (e.NativeFullName, destPath, SkipExisting); if (fileResult) { fileResult = SetFileAttributesW (destPath, e.Attributes); }
FreePathStringW (destPath);
if (!fileResult) { if ((!SkipExisting) || (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)) { result = FALSE; DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_WARNING, "Unable to copy %s", e.NativeFullName)); } }
} while (EnumNextFileInTreeW (&e)); }
ObsFreeW (pattern);
return result; }
BOOL FiCopyAllFilesInTreeExA ( IN PCSTR Source, IN PCSTR Dest, IN BOOL SkipExisting ) { FILETREE_ENUMA e; PCSTR pattern; BOOL result = TRUE; PCSTR dirPattern; PCSTR subPath; PCSTR destPath; BOOL fileResult;
dirPattern = JoinPathsA (Source, "*"); pattern = ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExA (dirPattern, "*", FALSE);
if (EnumFirstFileInTreeExA ( &e, pattern, 0, // drive enum types
TRUE, // enum containers
TRUE, // containers first
FALSE, // files first
FALSE, // depth first
FALSE, // use exclusions
NULL // callback on error
)) {
do {
subPath = e.NativeFullName; subPath = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) subPath + e.FileEnumInfo.PathPattern->ExactRootBytes);
destPath = JoinPathsA (Dest, subPath);
if (e.Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { fileResult = BfCreateDirectoryA (destPath); if (fileResult) { fileResult = SetFileAttributesA (destPath, e.Attributes); } } else { SetFileAttributesA (destPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); fileResult = CopyFileA (e.NativeFullName, destPath, SkipExisting); if (fileResult) { fileResult = SetFileAttributesA (destPath, e.Attributes); } }
FreePathStringA (destPath);
if (!fileResult) { if ((!SkipExisting) || (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)) { result = FALSE; DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_WARNING, "Unable to copy %s", e.NativeFullName)); } }
} while (EnumNextFileInTreeA (&e)); }
ObsFreeA (pattern); FreePathStringA (dirPattern);
return result; }
BOOL FiCopyAllFilesInTreeExW ( IN PCWSTR Source, IN PCWSTR Dest, IN BOOL SkipExisting ) { FILETREE_ENUMW e; PCWSTR pattern; BOOL result = TRUE; PCWSTR dirPattern; PCWSTR subPath; PCWSTR destPath; BOOL fileResult;
dirPattern = JoinPathsW (Source, L"*"); pattern = ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExW (dirPattern, L"*", FALSE);
if (EnumFirstFileInTreeExW ( &e, pattern, 0, // drive enum types
TRUE, // enum containers
TRUE, // containers first
FALSE, // files first
FALSE, // depth first
FALSE, // use exclusions
NULL // callback on error
)) {
do {
subPath = e.NativeFullName; subPath = (PCWSTR) ((PBYTE) subPath + e.FileEnumInfo.PathPattern->ExactRootBytes);
destPath = JoinPathsW (Dest, subPath);
if (e.Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { fileResult = BfCreateDirectoryW (destPath); if (fileResult) { fileResult = SetFileAttributesW (destPath, e.Attributes); } } else { SetFileAttributesW (destPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); fileResult = CopyFileW (e.NativeFullName, destPath, SkipExisting); if (fileResult) { fileResult = SetFileAttributesW (destPath, e.Attributes); } }
FreePathStringW (destPath);
if (!fileResult) { if ((!SkipExisting) || (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)) { result = FALSE; DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_WARNING, "Unable to copy %s", e.NativeFullName)); } }
} while (EnumNextFileInTreeW (&e)); }
ObsFreeW (pattern); FreePathStringW (dirPattern);
return result; }